Article - Ed-Tech Is Essential For A Successful Corporate L & D Strategy

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Ed-Tech is Essential for a Successful

Corporate L & D Strategy

You recognized what needed to be done as a manager,
and you taught others how to accomplish it while also
evaluating their performance.
The name of the game was command and control, and
your goal was to direct and nurture personnel so that
they knew how the business functioned and could
replicate your tried and tested strategies.
Today this is no longer valid. Rapid, continuous, and
disruptive change is now the norm, and what worked in
the past is no longer a predictor of future success.
Managers in the twenty-first century simply do not
(and cannot!) have all the answers.
Companies are shifting away from traditional command-
and-control practices and toward something very
different: a model in which managers provide support
and guidance rather than directives, and employees
learn how to adapt to constantly changing
environments in ways that unleash new energy,
innovation, and commitment.
In short, the manager's function is evolving into
that of a coach.
Coaching requires, close observation , constant
evaluation of individual competencies and continuous
feedback. As you rise up the management ladder, your
span of control increases and you have a larger pool
of team members to coach.
You will certainly require a greater level of
involvement in coaching your immediate report-ees and
lesser for those down the line. Nevertheless, some
level your involvement and time commitment is
required. You can be a skilled coach, and also have a
professional coaching expert to guide and mentor you.
However, in-order to do your job effectively you need
minute observations and deep insights on your teams

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performance and evolving competencies. This is where
the real challenge arises.
It's important to highlight that when we refer to
coaching, we're referring to more than just the
efforts of consultants engaged to assist CEOs in
developing their personal and professional abilities.
That labour is necessary and sometimes life-saving,
but it is only temporary and carried out by
strangers. The kind of coaching we're talking about—
the kind that turns a company into a true learning
machine—is continual and carried out by employees.
It's work that all managers should do with all of
their employees on a regular basis, in ways that
contribute to the organization's culture and mission.
It is physically impossible for you to be present
everywhere and observe, interpret and draw inferences
on your team’s performance.
This is where Ed-tech becomes an essential
requirement in your corporate L & D setup. With a
wide array of AI enabled Ed-Tech tools and a robust
LTI complaint Learning Management System (LMS) at the
center you can have access to all the observations
and insights on your teams performance easily
accessible at a click.
With these tools and data points at your disposable
you are now equipped to play the role of an effective
coach to your team.
Exploring A Tech Enabled and Development Learning
To understand how a learning ecosystem is enhanced
significantly and how you can fulfill the role of a
coach for your team, let us walkthrough the
implementation of a solution in a Corporate L & D
We look at a technology enhanced learning ecosystem
using Brightspace LMS from D2L as the core.

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