The Farm: Fill in Each Blank With ONE Suitable Word To Complete This Passage

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Reading comprehension of the 8th form

1. The Farm
* Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete this passage
Long wanted to visit a farm. He asked his parents to take him to a (1)...... His teacher
told him (2)....... the animals on a farm. There are (3)...... of animals on a farm. Long
wanted to see the (4)........ He wanted to see the cows. He (5)....... to see the chickens.
He wanted to see the pigs. He wanted to pet the animals. He wanted to feed the
animals. (6)..... loved animals. He wanted to (7)....... on a farm. He wanted to live
(8)......... cows and chickens and pigs. They would be his friends. He didn't have any
friends in school.
1. farm 2. about 3. lots 4. animals
5. wanted 6. He 7. live 8. with
* Answer the following questions
1. Where did Long ask his parents to take him to?
2. What did Long want to see?
3. Are there lots of animals on a farm ?
4. Did he have many friends in school?
1. He asked his parents to take him to a farm.
2. He wanted to see the animals.
3. Yes. There are.
4. No, he didn't.
2. Health
* Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete this passage
Carol felt tired. She felt tired all the time. She didn't use to feel tired. She (1)..... to
have a lot of energy. Why was she so (2)....... all the time? You should eat more
sugar (3).........friend told her. Sugar will give you (4)......... But Carol didn't want to
eat more sugar. More sugar would give her more (5)...... She didn't want to put (6)......
weight. She wanted to have energy again. She finally decided to (7)...... a doctor. Her
doctor told her that she had a thyroid problem. What is a thyroid? She asked her
doctor. "It can make you feel very tired. But don't (8)........, I can fix it," he told her.
Thyroid (adj) thuộc tuyến giáp
Reading comprehension of the 8th form
1. used 2. tired 3. her 4. energy
5. weight 6. on 7. see 8. worry
* Answer the following questions
1. What did Carol feel all the time?
2. Did she use to have a lot of energy?
3. What did her friend advise her?
4. What did the doctor tell her?
1. She felt tired all the time.
2. Yes, she did.
3. Her friend advise her to eat more sugar.
4. Her doctor told her that she had a thyroid problem.
3. Clean the Apartment
* Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete this passage
Kien cleaned his apartment. He emptied the trash. He (1)......... the dirty dishes. He
looked in his bathroom. The sink and bathtub (2)........ dirty. He scrubbed the sink and
bathtub. He (3)....... in his bedroom. Clothes were on the floor. He picked (4)...... the
clothes. He (5).......the shirts on hangers. He folded the pants. He put the pants in the
dresser. He washed the (6)........ clothes. He looked in his living room. Papers were on
the floor. Books and newspapers and magazines were on the floor. He picked them
(7)....... up. He put them on the book (8)........ Then he vacuumed his whole
1. washed 2. were 3. looked 4.up
5. put 6. dirty 7. all 8.shelves
4. A paper clip
* Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete this passage
Jim had two separate sheets of (1)...... He wanted to put the two sheets of paper
together. He did not want to glue them (2)....... He did not want to use glue. He did
not want to staple (3)...... together. He did not want to use a staple. (4)...... did Jim
want to use? He wanted to use a paper clip. He wanted to (5)...... the two sheets of
paper together (6)....... a paper clip. He picked up a paper clip. It was a metal paper
Reading comprehension of the 8th form
clip. It was a silver paper clip. Jim put the (7)..... metal paper clip on both sheets of
paper. Now the sheets of paper were together. They were not (8)........
1. paper 2. together 3. them 4. What
5. put 6. with 7. silver 8. separate

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