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NATIONAL SECURITY - The defense against any form of political oppression.

It is
concerned with whether people live in a society that honors
National Security - a state or condition wherein the people's welfare, their basic human rights.
well-being, ways of life; government and its institutions; territorial 5. Military Security
integrity; sovereignty; and core values are enhanced and protected. - It implies the capability of a nation-state to defend itself,
Coverage of National Security and/or deter military aggression. Alternatively, military
security implies the capability of a nation-state to enforce
1. Economic Security its policy choices by use of military force.
- financial security is the condition of having a stable income - The term "military security" is considered synonymous with
or other resources to support a standard of living now and "security" in much of its usage.
in the foreseeable future.
- As the ability of individuals, households or communities to Threats in Military Security
cover their essential needs sustainably and with dignity.  New People’s Army - The military wing of the Communist
- Food, basic shelter, clothing and hygiene qualify as essential Party of the Philippines (CCP). The NPA primarily targets
needs, as does the related expenditure; the essential assets Philippines security forces, politicians, judges, government
needed to earn a living, and the costs associated with health informers, former rebels who wish to the NPA, rival
care and education also qualify. splinter groups, and alleged criminals.
- Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human  Abu Sayyaf Group - It is an Islamic separatist groups
to control his or her own labor and property. In an operating in the southern Philippines and claims to
economically free society, individuals are free to work, promote an independent Islamic state in western
produce, consume, and invest in any way they please. Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago.
Poverty  Organized Crime - It is a conspiratorial enterprise engaged
in illicit activities as a means of generating income.
- a serious threat to national security, especially to the extent Organized crime is a national security concern.
that it breeds and abets rebellion, crime and dissidence  Notable criminally-active gangs in the Philippines: Aludig-
- Poverty incidence affects about one-third of Filipino families Boys, Akyat-Bahay Gang, Bahala Na Gang, Budol-Budol
nationwide. Gang, Dugo-Dugo Gang, Kuratong Baleleng, Martilyo Gang,
- 9% of Filipinos Aged 6 to 24 years are Out of School (Results Salisi Gang
from the 2017 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey)  Smuggling - The smuggling of firearms and contraband,
illegal migration and the occasional movement of foreign
Threats in Economic Security
terrorists through the porous borders of our southwestern
o Currency crisis - typically develops over several years, and frontier have elicited transnational concern. Philippine law
can, for example, be caused by excessive deficits on the enforcement agencies work closely with international
trade of balance or the balance of payments, inflation police organizations, bilaterally and multilaterally, to check
spinning out of control, or borrowing abroad by either the these activities.
public or private sector becoming too excessive, etc.
o Inflation - It was the first time that inflation accelerated DISASTER AWARENESS, PREPAREDNESS AND
since last September, as both cost of food and housing & MANAGEMENT
utilities increased faster. Disasters
o Unemployment
o Economic Disparity - The unequal distribution of income - serious disruptions to the functioning of a community that
and opportunity between different groups in society. It is a exceed its capacity to cope using its own resources.
concern in almost all countries around the world and often - Disasters can be caused by natural, man-made and
people are trapped in poverty with little chance to climb technological hazards, as well as various factors that
up the social ladder. influence the exposure and vulnerability of a community.


2. Energy Security and Natural Resources Security - any phenomena that has the potential to cause destruction
- Threats: Oil security, natural gas security, electricity security to life and property.
- The ability of a nation to secure sufficient, affordable and - A hazard become a disaster when the potential to cause
consistent energy supplies for its domestic, industrial, destruction is fulfilled. When there is harm to life and
transport and military requirements is termed Energy property of humans, the hazard is termed a disaster.
Security. - All disasters are hazards, but all hazards are not disasters
- It means that current and future energy needs have a high
probability of being met, irrespective of economic or
political instability. - Disasters therefore can and should be prevented. We can
- It is the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an prevent hazards from leading to disasters by helping
affordable price while respecting the environment communities to be prepared, reduce their risks and become
- The availability of natural resources for energy more resilient.
consumption. - "Disasters happen when a community is “not appropriately
- Access to cheap energy has become essential to functioning resourced or organized to withstand the impact, and whose
of modern economics. population is vulnerable because of poverty, exclusion or
socially disadvantaged in some way”
3. Environmental Security
- Threat: Severe calamities Four Phases of Disaster Management
- The relative public safety from environmental dangers
caused by natural or human processes due to ignorance,  Mitigation - To prevent future emergencies and take steps
accident, mismanagement or design and originating within to minimize their effects
or across national borders  Preparedness - To take action ahead of time to be ready
4. Political Security for an emergency
- Threat: Graft and corruption  Response - To protect people and property in the wake of
an emergency, disaster or crisis
 Recovery - To rebuild after a disaster in an effort to return - When you get to your home, proceed with caution. You
operations back to normal might want to inspect the outside of the house first, walking
around the perimeter to assess any damage. When you do
DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN go back into your home, keep an eye out for the following:
- A preventative plan designed to reduce harmful effects of a o Cracks in the walls, ceiling and along the
disaster like hurricane or extreme storms foundation
o Damage to water pipes
Creating Disaster Management Plan o A rotten egg smell, which is the sign of a gas leak
o The state of the electrical system- if possible, turn
1. Identify Hazard – it’s important to plan for the type of hazards
the electricity off.
your household could potentially experience based on your
location. A few possible hazards to include in your planning are:
 Flood, typhoon, fire, volcanic eruption,
earthquake, landslide, tsunami BASIC LIFE SUPPORT
2. Create a Preparedness Plan – Everyone in your household
First Aid
should be on the same page when it comes to emergency
situations and how you’ll handle them. Part of the process of - the care a sick or injured person gets before they get full
developing an emergency response plan should include holding medical treatment. In some cases, it may be the only care
a family meeting. During the meeting, focus on creating a someone needs, while in others, it may keep them safe until
disaster preparedness plan. paramedics arrive or someone else gets them to the
 The types of disasters likely to occur in your area hospital.
 How you can get information in the event of an - Can include everything from bandaging a minor wound to
emergency preventing shock to keeping someone’s heart beating
 How you’ll evacuate if needed during a cardiac event. Ideally, it should be performed by
 Where you’ll meet if you need to leave and get someone who’s taken a class and is certified in first aid, but
separated if no one is available, anyone with some basic knowledge
 How you’ll communicate with one another can pitch in.
 What you’ll do about household pets
 The safe spot in your home When Someone is unconscious or unresponsive, a basic tenet of
3. Gather Supplies and Prepare – stock up on supplies to keep first aid is ABC:
your family fed, hydrated, comfortable and warm in the event Airway: If someone’s not breathing, clear their airway
of an emergency. The centers for Disease Control and Breathing: If the airway is clear and they’re still not breathing,
Prevention (CDC) recommend having a three-day supply of food provide rescue breathing
on hand in case you are unable to leave your home or in case of Circulation: chest compression to keep blood circulation should be
supply chain disruption. The food you keep on hand should performed along with rescue breathing. If the person is breathing
 Not required refrigeration or cooking but unresponsive, check their pulse to see of their heart has stopped
 Have a long shelf life and, if so, provide chest compression.
 Be low in salt
 Be appropriate for babies and any adults who follow a
special diet An Alternate and Simpler version of the ABCS is:
- GO BAG: Foods, first aid kit, tools, hygiene kit, money id
important documents, powerbank, flashlight and radio Awake? If not, try to wake them. If they don’t wake up, make sure
4. Practice your plan someone is calling 911 and move on to B
- Practice makes perfect, including a family emergency plan. Breathing? If not, start rescue breathing and chest compression. If
Doing test runs or drills of your plan can help you smooth so, move on to C
out any wrinkles or find solutions to any problems that Continue Care: Follow instructions from 911 or continue treatment
come up before a real emergency occurs. until an ambulance arrives.
- Since situations can change from year to year, practicing
your plan once or twice a year allows you to make Someone courses also include D and possibly E, as well:
adjustments as needed. During the covid-19 pandemic, your - D can stand for disability assessment, which is fairly
evacuation plan should include a plan for protecting your complicated for someone without medical training. It also
household members from the virus, particularly if you end sometimes stands for deadly bleeding, which needs to be
up having to go to public shelter. stopped, or defibrillator if someone's heart has stopped and
5. Protect your Home and Family – In addition to having a plan in an automated external defibrillator (AED) device is
place in the event of an emergency, there are steps you can available.
take to protect your family and house from the damage caused - E stands for examination- evaluating the person for signs of
by disasters. injury, bleeding, allergies, or other problems once you know
o Install the right equipment they're breathing and their heart is beating.
o Keep the area around your home clutter free People often don’t consider the importance of basic firstaid
o Care for trees and shrubs education, there are numerous reasons why people put it off:
o Clean your gutters
o Barricade your windows 1. They don't have the time
o Maintain your home’s systems 2. They don't know where to begin
o Purchase the right amount of insurance 3. They don't believe that accidents will ever happen to them
or those close to them
4. They think they already have enough knowledge should
the need arise
What to do after a disaster occurs?
5 reasons why basic first aid knowledge is important:
- Largely depend on whether you had to evacuate your home
or not. If you did have to leave your home, its best to wait 1. Helps to save lives.
until local officials give you the all-clear that it is safe to 2. It allows the rescuer to provide the victim comfort.
3. It gives you tools to prevent the situation from becoming
4. It creates the confidence to care.
5. It encourages healthy and safe living.


- Covering a break in the skin helps to control bleeding and

protect against infection. Dressings are pads of gauze or
doth that can be placed directly against the wound to
absorb blood and other fluids. Cloth bandages cover
dressings and hold them in place.


Step 1: Dress the wound

 Put on gloves or use other protection to avoid contact

with the victim's blood,
 Clean the wound with mild soap and water,
 Apply a small layer of topical antibiotic if desired.
 Place a clean dressing over the entire wound, Gauze
dressings let in all for faster healing, Nonstick dressings
lave a special surface that won't ding to the wound,
 If blood soaks through the dressing, place another
dressing over the first one.

Step 2: Cover the bandage

1. Wrap roller gauze or cloth strips over the dressing and

around the wound several times
2. Extend the bandage at least an inch beyond both sides of
the dressing,
3. Don't wrap the bandage so tight that it interferes with
blood Now to healthy tissue.

Step 3: Secure the bandage

o Tie or tape the bandage in place.

o Don't secure the bandage so tight that lingers or toes
become pale or blue

Step 4: Check circulation

 Check circulation in the area below the bandage after

several minutes and again after several hours. If
circulation is poor, the skin may look pale or blue or feel
cold. Signs of poor Circulation also include numbness and
 If circulation is reduced, loosen the bandage immediately.
If symptoms continue, seek medical attention,

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