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Civil servants in Nay Pyi Taw Announcement on annulment of Nov 8
receive Covid-19 vaccines Multiparty General Election results

Vol. VIII, No. 100, 4 th Waning of Waso 1383 ME Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance
with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution,
and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Vaccines must be given to people as fast as

possible: Senior General

State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing chairs and addresses the fifth coordination meeting on the COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment in Nay
Pyi Taw on 26 July 2021.

RRIVING vaccines must General Min Aung Hlaing at the terday morning. 260,000 people in Myanmar up It is necessary to supervise
be injected to patients on fifth coordination meeting of the In his address, the Senior to 25 July. The Senior General sales of medicines for preven-
priority as quickly as pos- COVID-19 prevention, control General noted there are more urged all to strive for the soonest tion, control and treatment of
sible, said Chairman of the State and treatment at the hall of Bay- than 194 million infected peo- implementation of the COVID-19 the disease and other household
Administration Council Senior intnaung Villa, Nay Pyi Taw, yes- ple across the world and over vaccination at home.  SEE PAGE-3



Anti-COVID-19 200 companies struck Pulses trade grinds to 450 houses flooded
equipment imported off register due to AR a halt amid COVID-19 in Kyaikmaraw
during public holidays  absence in July: DICA surge Township



Request to volunteers to take part in COVID-19 prevention,

control and treatment activities
1. Health workers of the Ministry of Health and Sports are making their utmost efforts on the public health services as the numbers of COVID-19 suspected patients
and confirmed cases are on the rise in regions/states during the Third Wave of COVID-19.
2. However, some health workers are absent and so, due to the lack of manpower and for the highly contagious disease, the workload and manpower become un-
balanced and difficulties arise in prevention and control activities.
3. Therefore, those who want to volunteer in the under-mentioned sectors at the Public Hospitals, COVID-19 treatment centres and the places under travel restric-
tions are welcomed to participate: -
(a) COVID-19 treatment activities – doctors, nurses, experts;
(b) Medical equipment maintenance – Medical Engineering;
(c) Management of patient information – IT experts;
(d) Transfer of patients;
(e) COVID-19 vaccination – Computer experts and Data Assistants to register the data of persons who receive the vaccines;
4. The organizations or individuals who want to volunteer can contact the Call Centre (067-3411508, 067-3411509, 067-3411144) of the Ministry of Health and Sports.
The officials will then connect with the Nay Pyi Taw, regions/states Public Health and Medical Services Departments and Superintendents. The government
will provide accommodations, COVID-19 preventive activities and fuel used in transporting the patients for the volunteers.
5. Those who are providing medical services to families and friends are also requested here to participate in volunteer programmes.
Ministry of Health and Sports

Health and Sports Ministry opens Healthcare system for secondary COVID-19
COVID-19 call centre contacts, suspected COVID-19 patients
THE Ministry of Health and Sports opens the COVID-19 call centre at
its office in Nay Pyi Taw as of 8 am on 22 June for the reply to queries on - those who had close contact with COVID-19 patients (or)
health awareness about COVID-19 and facts for abiding by the restrictions - those who are supposed to have close contact
to the people on time. - those who are suffering from symptoms of COVID-19
The people can dial the following telephone numbers from 8 am to 9
pm on a daily basis for facts about the COVID-19 disease.
Contact numbers: Respective regional health department
(1) 067-3411508 (4) 09-882557991
(2) 067-3411509 (5) 09-882557992
(3) 067-3411144 (6) 09-882557993 Lab tests
- township regional (or) public hospitals
- laboratories
- private laboratories

Public Notification
COVID-19 confirmed patient
THE Ministry of Health and Sports is striving for the effective prevention,
control and treatment of COVID-19 and only with the participation of the
people can these activities be effective in the short term and the third wave Patients with severe COVID-19, committee on
of disease can be overcome with minimal damages. Therefore, the people are emergency patients hospital admissions
kindly requested to follow the following points and cooperate with us.
1. Stay indoors as much as possible; Staying at home protects your family
members from the risk of infection, breaking down the disease chain Relevant public
in a short matter of time and resulting in the immediate control of the hospitals
infection in the region. report of emergency
2. Do not accept any guest at home as well as do not be a guest at all. patients
3. If you have to go outside, please wear a mask, wash your hands thoroughly COVID-19 treatment
for at least 20 seconds, stay 6 feet away from others and avoid going to centres
poorly ventilated rooms.
Upon the symptoms of COVID-19 patients, decision will be made for treatment
4. Avoid the crowd.
at respective centres.
5. If possible, do shopping once a week and avoid buying from sellers who
do not wear masks properly. Healthcare system for secondary COVID-19
6. When you return home, be careful not to bring germs home. Dispose of
used masks and disposables properly outside the home and avoid close contacts, suspected COVID-19 patients
contact with others at home before changing clothes and washing hands. 1. Those who have had close contact ID-19 treatment centres under the
7. Please systematically participate in the disease prevention, control and or have been in contact with COV- arrangement of the management
treatment activities, as much as possible, and support with manpower,
ID-19 confirmed patients and those committee on hospital admissions.
financial assistance and skills.
with COVID-19 symptoms must 4. However, patients with severe COV-
Ministry of Health and Sports
first inform the respective township ID-19 and emergency patients can
health departments or hospitals.  directly go to the relevant public
2. Then, the swab tests will be con- hospitals and COVID-19 treatment
4,630 new cases of COVID-19 reported ducted at township regional (or) centres for medical treatment. 

on 26 July, total figure rises to 274,155

public laboratories and private 5. The public hospitals and COVID-19
laboratories.  treatment centres must report the
3. The confirmed COVID-19 patients emergency cases to the manage-
MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 274,155 after 4,630 new cases must report to their respective ment committee on hospital ad-
were reported on 26 July 2021 according to the Ministry of Health and Sports. township/region/state health com- missions.
Among these confirmed cases, 4,327 have been discharged from hospitals. mittees and they will be sent to the
Death toll reached 7,507 after 396 died. —MNA relevant public hospitals and COV- Ministry of Health and Sports
27 JULY 2021

We need cooperation
THE volunteers are also welcomed and some volunteers report. However, some do not dare to volunteer due to the threats. Some cannot do as they are away
from here. I have already been told that I welcome such volunteering and that shows we need cooperation.

(Excerpt from the speech to the 3rd coordination meeting on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment made by
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 18 July 2021)


Vaccines must be given to people as fast as possible ...

medicines in regions and states
because some shops sell the
stocks at higher prices and
close the sales with storage of
medicines to be shortages. The
government allows the import
of necessary medicines with-
out any restrictions. Medicines
must be distributed to the peo-
ple as quickly as possible.
It is necessary to decide
whether the patients who ar-
rive at the hospitals are needed
to be admitted depending on
their health conditions. Treat-
ment must be given to needy
persons without fail. System-
atic arrangements must be
made for oxygen production,
importation and supply.
With regard to vaccination,
easing tension and prepared-
ness for natural disasters, the
Senior General said: “Infection
rate is down but it is not to
rest assured. Vaccines must be made for natural disas- plans to transport patients to
be given to people as quickly
as possible. It is necessary to
ters. If natural disasters hap-
pened in a place in the past,
respective centres depending
on the medical tests, the exten- The Senior General stressed
help the assigned persons for
vaccination. Furthermore, as
preparatory tasks should be
undertaken to reduce loss
sion of confirmed patient cen-
tres, the start of vaccination,
the need to avoid interruption
the pharmacy shops close the
sales due to fear and the au-
and damage when the disas-
ter actually happens. In fact,
smooth import of medicines
and oxygen, issuance of pen-
of commodity flow and trading
thorities are to organize them disasters cannot be banned, sion and salaries, and soonest among the townships while tak-
to open the sales of medicines so we need to consider the taking out of medicines from
at fair prices under the man- best way to have the least loss the ports to distribute them to ing preventive measures of possi-
agement with a conscience. In and damage.” the people at fair prices.
addition, preparations must The participants discussed In his address, the Senior ble natural disasters.
General said it is necessary to
contact India to soonest get the
imported vaccines and continue all need to take more care of ately make decisions for the
It is necessary to decide wheth- further import of vaccines from the disease. As the density extension of centres and the
other countries. At present, is high, oxygen must be giv- assignment of staff.
er the patients who arrive at the officials are to supervise the en to the patients. So, peo- Regarding the import of

hospitals are needed to be admit- prevention of power outages for

continuously supplying oxygen
ple say the hospitals such as
Yangon General Hospital and
medicines, it is necessary to
produce the basic household
ted depending on their health to the patients.
In his additional speech,
Nay Pyi Taw General Hospital
are crowded. So, we open the
medicines at home. Encour-
agement must be given to the
conditions. Treatment must be the Senior General said, “I’d
like to emphasize Yangon
quarantine centres, positive
patient centres ad treatment
production of quality and high
potent medicines at industrial
given to needy persons without Region where the death rate centres where medical doc- zones and factories.
is the highest. Its popula- tors must be assigned. If nec- The Senior General
fail. Systematic arrangements tion density is the highest. essary, treatment centres mat stressed the need to avoid in-

must be made for oxygen pro- The statistics in our hand

showed the second-largest
be extended in Yangon and
Mandalay regions. On the oth-
terruption of commodity flow
and trading among the town-

duction, importation and supply. death rate was in Mandalay

Region. But you all do not
er hand, medical staff must be
assigned there in real-time.
ships while taking preventive
measures of possible natural
need to be worried but you It is necessary to immedi- disasters. — MNA

Civil servants in Nay Pyi Taw receive Covid-19 vaccines

UNION-LEVEL department need to be vaccinated. Once
staff and Nay Pyi Taw-level the disease is decreased, it will
staff in Nay Pyi Taw Council be able to improve the health,
Area yesterday received Cov- education and socio-econom-
id-19 vaccines named Sinop- ic life of people. We also hope
harm at No. (3) Basic Educa- that more Covid-19 vaccines
tion High School, Pobbathiri will arrive in Myanmar soon,”
Township in Nay Pyi Taw. said a staff member who came
The Covid-19 vaccination to inject the vaccination.
started in the morning and “We have been happy to
was carried out by healthcare hear that the Covid-19 vaccine
workers from 1000-bed Military will be given to us. I also re-
Hospital No. 2, Nay Pyi Taw and minded the staff around me
five groups of 500 Union-level to get vaccinated regularly.
staff and 1,000 Nay Pyi Taw-lev- When the vaccine started today,
el staff received vaccinations. everyone was brought in. I hope
“I’m just happy to be vac- my family will get vaccinated
cinated against the Covid-19 vi- soon. I hope the remaining peo- for my dream. We urge all peo- took body temperature meas- Next, staff from the ad-
rus at a time when the outbreak ple could get the vaccines as ple to be vaccinated as soon as urements and blood pressure ministration departments,
is on the rise. People who have soon as possible. I plan to travel possible,” said Daw Swe Win, a measurements. Vaccines were healthcare departments and
not been vaccinated are also with my family one day when staff member. given only when the blood and education departments carried
encouraged to get vaccinated. the world is free of epidemics. Before being administered body pressure plus health con- out cleaning works throughout
If we want to protect our- I think getting vaccinated today with the Covid-19 vaccines (Sin- dition is normal, healthcare of- the school compound. —Aung
selves and our families, we is a step in the right direction opharm), healthcare workers ficials said. Thant/GNLM 

Virtual coord meeting held to make voices of volunteers heard

A virtual coordination meet- taking care of the public health a network to be formed more Officials also focused on while the Control and Emer-
ing to discuss Covid-19 disease at the risk of their lives. effectively. We will take note the volunteering network and gency Response Committee is
prevention and control was “Mainly in the relevant of the submissions from the suggestions on how to work as headed by the Vice-Chairman
held yesterday to identify the townships, we would like to charitable representatives and a team on the ground to solve of the State Administration
requirements of volunteers in- know the current situation of submit them to the higher au- the human resources problem Council.
volved in the response process. the charitable organizations on thorities,” the Deputy Minister especially for healthcare work- “Medical reports are fo-
Union Minister for Social the ground as we want to know continued. ers. cal points for the Ministry of
Welfare, Relief and Resettle- what is going on in the commu- Next, requirements for After that the Union Minis- Health and Sports. To listen
ment Dr Thet Thet Khine, nities and what problems they the volunteers including the ter said that the presentations to the voices of volunteers and
Deputy Minister U Aung Tun are facing. Reporting to the rel- role of volunteers plus accom- were very similar to the discus- to present and integrate their
Khaing, Permanent Secretary evant authorities and providing modation and assistance for sions between the charitable needs is important.
and Director-General, Deputy immediate assistance is also healthcare workers were also organizations and volunteers “General Administration
Directors-General, volunteers crucial,” the Union Minister discussed. on 2 and 21 July. Departments are implement-
working on the frontlines amid added. Having identity cards for “We will cooperate with ing ground security, censorship
pandemic in Yangon Region The Deputy Minister also the volunteers, arranging PPE the relevant departments af- cards, foodstuffs, PPEs, health
and representatives from 14 called on the people to par- suits and food, solving trans- ter submitting guidance to the protection equipment, and mo-
charitable organizations at- ticipate in the upcoming vac- portation issues by having relevant committees regarding tor oil in each township.
tended the online meeting. cination programmes as the sufficient fuel for ambulances, the requirements. “Therefore, I wish the phil-
First, the Union Minister charitable organizations are in having oxygen tanks in ambu- “At the national level, the anthropic brothers and sisters
said that Yangon Region is contact with the people. lances and providing vehicles Central Committee for Protec- to cooperate closely with their
densely populated and difficult “We must work together for bringing liquid oxygen for tion, Control and Health Care is respective General Adminis-
to travel and thus thanked the to prevent and respond to the covid-19 centres were also dis- chaired by the Chairman of the tration Departments,” the Un-
charitable organizations for epidemics. In doing so, we want cussed. State Administration Council ion Minister added. —MNA
27 JULY 2021

Anti-COVID-19 equipment imported during public holidays 

THE government allows the import of liquid oxygen, gas
oxygen, home oxygen concentrators, medicine and medi-
cal equipment via Yangon International Airport, seaports
and border trade camps to ensure adequate medical
supplies for COVID-19 during the public holidays. 
The medical-related materials are prioritized to im-
port starting 21 July. The relevant departmental officials
are also working together to facilitate the importation
processes in line with the SOP. 
A total of 3,182 oxygen concentrators and 5,000 test
kits arrived at Yangon International Airport yesterday.
A bowser carrying 20 tonnes of liquid oxygen, 45 tonnes
of liquid oxygen (cylinders),4,205 home oxygen concen-
trators, 5,000 test kits, 28 tonnes of masks and 10,340
PPEs were also imported via Myawady, Chinshwehaw,
Kawthoung and Tachilek trade camps on the same
day. These materials were imported by 39 vehicles of
27 companies. 
From 12 to 16 July, 533 tonnes of liquid oxygen, 430
tonnes of the liquid oxygen tank, 104 tonnes of oxygen
gas, 35,087 home oxygen concentrators, 250,868 test kits,
694 tonnes of masks, four oxygen plants and 14 oxygen
generators were allowed to be imported by 464 vehicles,
while officials are now giving priority to disease control licences for three months starting 12 July, according The Ministry of Commerce is also cooperating with
of Covid-19. The Trade Department also operates as to Notification No 12/2021. Moreover, the government the ministry concerned to import the medical supplies.
usual for online registration for import licences during released Notification No 13/2021 for HS Code to facilitate It also releases contact persons of relevant departments
long public holidays from 26 July and 1 August.  importation processes according to the 2017 Customs and website address – for people to
The entrepreneurs do not need to apply for import Tariff of Myanmar on 26 July.  know updated news. — MNA 

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Union Election Commission Notification No (2/2021)
3rd Waning of Waso 1383 ME
26 July 2021

Announcement on annulment of Nov 8 Multiparty General Election results

1. The Union Election Commission assigned by Hluttaws Election Law including the checking sub-commissions, poll heads and members. 
the State Administration Council with order of voter lists in line with the future work plans 2. According to the findings on voter lists of re-
no 7/2021 according to Section 419 of the State of the State Administration Council. Moreover, spective townships, there were 11,305,390 voter
Constitution of the Republic of the Union of the UEC inspected the voter lists and the cast- lists irregularities across the nation. Although
Myanmar inspected the voter lists of 315 town- ing of votes in each polling station of respective the exact numbers of ballots were issued to the
ships where the Multiparty General Election townships together with the respective UEC poll stations, it found missing and illegal ballots
was held on 8 November 2021 in detail in order members, former township election sub-com- at every polling station during the inspection.
to conduct the needed measures in accord with mission, head of police force, Immigration and Therefore, the missing and extra ballots were
Section 402 of the Constitution, Section 11 of the Population, administrators and representatives found due to illegal activities. Findings were as
Union Election Law and Section 53 of respective of political parties, and interviewed the election follows: —
Voting frauds and ballots in each region or state
Finding on voter lists On-the-ground finding on ballot papers
Polling stations

Total Voting



Under 18
Thrice &



on the






1 Kachin 18 919 92,452 7,633 102,876 60,590 679 497 264727 1301094 761,324 539,770 536,889 9,449 6,568
2 Kayah 7 233 5,552 930 16,680 5,912 238 44 29356 238805 162,849 75,956 75,276 2,468 1,788
3 Kayin 7 852 241,953 15,258 128,230 15,294 917 822 402474 1366222 641,848 724,374 654,029 72,272 1,927
4 Chin 9 957 15,580 2,981 34,248 1,954 366 185 55,314 427,455 218,595 208,860 196,673 16,746 4,559
5 Sagaing 37 4,107 337,484 39,220 460,916 71,872 1,897 1,466 912,855 483,4052 3,358,659 1,475,393 1,410,220 129,545 64,372
6 Taninthayi 10 1,205 193,991 8,120 112,756 28,958 708 366 344,899 1,299,972 787,976 511,996 495,219 24,098 7,321
7 Bago 28 4,144 858,611 37,162 382,058 61,008 1,985 877 1,341,701 4,421,820 2,801,883 1,619,937 1,536,132 151,867 68,062
8 Magway 25 4,548 172,976 33,956 397,504 45,242 1,567 650 651,895 3,820,561 2,551,681 1,268,880 1,190,533 86,872 8,525
9 Mandalay 28 5447 388,282 38,090 516,776 217,668 3,151 1,239 1,165,206 5,467,884 3,792,347 1,675,537 1,507,778 221,546 53,787
10 Mon 10 973 305,987 13,002 174,268 26,828 902 485 521,472 2,023,776 1,039,295 984,481 950,625 45,568 11,712
11 Rakhine 8 784 77,573 4,101 47,712 3,598 341 223 133,548 857,321 328,918 528,403 522,502 9,738 3,837
12 Yangon 45 5,809 747,138 11,070 269,412 405,366 2,222 1,909 1,437,117 6,689,270 4,085,686 2,603,584 2,337,150 357,937 91,503
13 Shan 49 3,591 616,531 22,697 309,248 69,054 2,597 1,996 1,022,123 4,023,194 2,399,225 1,623,969 1,574,907 96,666 47,604

14 Ayeyawady 26 5,748 706,984 54,285 567,300 39,742 2707 3,339 1,374,357 5,238,205 3,479,869 1,758,336 1,641,341 182719 65,724
15 8 646 108,333 6,900 76,222 38,690 289 314 230,748 994,751 687,903 306,848 291,509 16,900 1,561
Total 315 39,963 4,869,427 295,405 3,596,206 1,091,776 20,566 14,412 9,887,792 43,004,382 27,098,058 15,906,324 14,920,783 1,424,391 438,850
country 1,417,598 1,417,598
Total 315 39,963 4869427 295,405 3,596,206 2,509,374 20,566 14,412 11,305,390 43,004,382 27,098,058 15,906,324 14,920,783 1,424,391 438,850

3. In addition, voter lists in each township, scrutiny and above since 29-10-2020 prior to the election (i) The NLD party also interfered in each elec-
of the ballot papers and the voting conditions were day, members of the NLD party victory team tion process including collecting voter lists,
as follows: - visited the houses during the advance voting. election campaigns, advance voting process
(a) The former Union Election Commission (UEC)  (e) Duplication of voter lists and mass inclusion of and voting processes on the election day with
appointed those who wish to be appointed by voters without a national identification card oc- their power. 
the region or state chief ministers as chairper- curred because the previous UEC announced (j) The NLD party misused administrative power
sons and members of the sub-commissions. the advancing of those who couldn’t return and the COVID-19 rules and regulations in
home due to the COVID-19 pandemic on 8-10- electoral activities, including the campaigning
(b) Under the directives of the Union Government 2020 and 11-10-2020.    of other political parties and Hluttaw Repre-
Office, a support group was formed and led by (f) Voters who do not have a citizenship card sentatives to grab the State Power.
the region or state chief ministers to complete were allowed to cast their ballots at the polling (k) As the Multiparty Democracy General Election
the voter lists and due to the group, there were stations with the voter IDs after the previous held on 8 November 2020 was not in compli-
two- or three-times duplication of voter lists. UEC issued a directive to enable voters who ance with the Constitution of the Republic of
  do not have a citizenship card to cast their bal- the Union of Myanmar, Union Election Com-
(c) There was mass inclusion of people without lots, which did not comply with the respective mission Law and respective Hluttaw Election
citizenship cards in the voter lists as well as Hluttaw Election Laws.  Law, in addition to the fact that it was found
there were voters in the voter lists two or three (g) With regard to the ballot papers used in that the election was not free and fair, the re-
times with the same national identification polling stations used on the election day, ballots sults of the 8 November election was annulled.
card. without the UEC logo were considered valid.  Thein Soe
(d) Following the directive issued by the former (h) A large number of voter list errors in polling Chairman
UEC to allow advance voting for voters aged 60 stations was not accidental but deliberate acts.  Union Election Commission
27 JULY 2021

200 companies struck off register due to AR

absence in July: DICA
A total of 200 companies has must submit annual returns
been struck off the register as and financial statements (G-5)
they fail to submit an annual re- simultaneously.
turn (AR) on the online registry All overseas corporations
system, MyCO, the Directorate must submit ARs in the pre-
of Investment and Company Ad- scribed format on MyCO within
ministration (DICA) stated.  28 days of the financial year end-
The DICA has notified any ing, as per Section 53 (A-1) of the
registered company which fails Myanmar Companies Law 2017.
to submit its AR on MyCO are As per DICA’s report, more
to be suspended. The DICA than 16,000 companies were sus-
found that in July, 200 compa- pended for failing to submit AR
nies failed to restore their status forms within the due date. New-
within six months of suspen- ly established companies are
sion under 430 (F) of Myanmar required to submit ARs within
Companies Law. The compa- two months of incorporation or
nies were struck off the regis- face a fine of K100,000 for filing
ter starting from 5 and 9 July late returns. 
respectively, according to the The DICA has notified that
DICA’s notification.   any company which fails to sub-
All registered companies mit its AR within 13 months will The registration and re-registration of companies on the MyCO website commenced on 1 August 2018 in
need to file AR on the MyCO reg- be notified of its suspension (I- keeping with the Myanmar Companies Law 2017. The number of companies registered on the online registry
system, MyCO, topped more than 2,000 in the first half of this year.
istry system within two months 9A). If it fails to submit the AR
of incorporation, and at least within 28 days of receiving the K100,000 for late filing of docu- istration of companies on the Earlier, MyCO received more
once every year (not later than notice, the system will show ments, totalling K250,000.  MyCO website commenced on 1 than 1,000 applications from new
one month after the anniversary the company’s status as sus- According to the DICA no- August 2018 in keeping with the companies every month. 
of the incorporation), according pended. Companies can restore tice, if a company fails to restore Myanmar Companies Law 2017. At present, 100 per cent of
to Section 97 of the law. their status only after shelling its status within six months of The number of companies regis- the applicants are using the
According to Section 266 out a fine of K50,000 for AR fee, suspension, the registrar will tered on the online registry sys- online registration platform,
(A) of the Myanmar Companies K100,000 for restoration of the strike its name off the register.   tem, MyCO, topped more than according to data provided by
Law 2017, public companies company on the register, and The registration and re-reg- 2,000 in the first half of this year. the DICA. – GNLM 

Pulses trade grinds to a halt amid Sino-Myanmar bilateral

COVID-19 surge trade exceeds US$6 bln
market is nearly halted in the in seven months
More than 1.66 million THE value of Myanmar’s trade with China through mar-
tonnes of various pulses and itime and sea trade channels amounted to over US$6.13
beans were exported to foreign billion in the seven months (October-April) of the 2020-2021
markets between 1 October and Financial Year, including $3.18 billion worth of exports and
9 July of the current financial $2.95 billion for import, according to data released by the
year 2020-2021, with the esti- Ministry of Commerce.
mated value of US$1.29 billion, Myanmar primarily exports agro products to China
the Commerce Ministry’s data through land borders. However, trading in agricultural prod-
indicated. ucts is frequently halted on account of China clamping down
Myanmar’s agriculture sec- on illegal trade in border crossings. Furthermore, China
tor is the backbone of the coun- has been stepping up border control measures to contain
try’s economy and it contributes the spread of the COVID-19 since April-end, hindering the
Myanmar’s agriculture sector is the backbone of the country’s economy to over 30 per cent of Gross Do- border trade. At present, China has banned all the border
and it contributes to over 30 per cent of Gross Domestic Products. mestic Products. The country posts in wake of the COVID surge in Myanmar.
FOLLOWING the closure of centres are temporarily closed. primarily cultivates paddy, corn, In a bid to lower trade barriers and offer relief to Myan-
warehouses and commodity Sometimes, they experience dif- cotton, sugarcane, various puls- mar traders through the border trade channel, the Ministry
depots in each township trig- ficulties, said a trader. es and beans. Its second-larg- of Commerce, the related departments and the stakeholders
gered by the COVID-19 threat, As the COVID-19 infections est production is the pulses and have been negotiating with China counterparts.
the pulses trade is on the verge are spiking in Myanmar, agricul- beans, counting for 33 per cent of The value of bilateral trade with China stood at $12
of suspension. tural exports to China through agricultural products and cover- billion in the 2019-2020FY, $11.36 billion in the 2018-2019
The domestic bean market border posts also came to an ing 20 per cent of growing acres. FY, $6 billion in the past mini-budget period, $11.78 billion
is positively related to the law of abrupt stop, resulting in the price Among them, black gram, pigeon in the 2017-2018 financial year and $10.8 billion in the 2016-
supply and demand. The price slip in green gram, sesame and peas and green grams consti- 2017 FY respectively.
depends on the buyers and sell- peanut. tute 72 per cent of bean acreage. Rice, various types of peas, sesame seeds, corn, fruits
ers. There is no official set price, Nonetheless, the prices of Other beans including peanut, and vegetables, dried tea leaves, fishery products, rubber,
the traders stressed. black beans and pigeon beans chickpea, soybean, black-eyed minerals and animal products are exported to China, where-
Some traders do price ne- remain high on the back of strong beans, butter bean and rice bean as machinery, plastic raw materials, consumer products and
gotiation over the call as the demand by India. However, the are also grown in the country. – electronic tools flow into Myanmar. – KH/GNLM
warehouses and the wholesale pulses trading in the domestic Mon Mon/GNLM
8 OPINION 27 JULY 2021
27 JULY 2021

Everybody lives AstraZeneca Scouring For Vaccines To Supply To SEA


in conscience Drugmaker AstraZeneca said Saturday it was searching its supply chain to find more doses of its Myanmar Daily Weather Report
(Issued at 7:00 pm Monday 26 July 2021)

in COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine for Southeast Asia, which is facing its most serious outbreak yet of the virus. FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 27 July
2021: Rain or thundershowers will be fairly widespread

infectious world T
HE statement from the a particularly virulent wave of Siam Bioscience has not in Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway Regions and Chin, Kayah States
Anglo-Swedish compa- COVID-19. commented on reports of insuffi- and widespread in the remaining Regions and States with
ny – which produces its “We are delivering in the cient production or late delivery. likelihood of regionally heavyfalls in Taninthayi Region and
vaccine in Thailand for use do- fastest possible timeframe, how- But Thailand has been Rakhine, Kayin, Mon States and isolated heavyfalls in Bago,

HE variant COVID-19 pandemic is still imposing threats on mestically and in neighbouring ever, given the gravity of the forced to change its vaccine Yangon, Ayeyawady Regions and Kachin and Chin States. De-
the global people while killing one after another. At present, countries – comes in the wake Delta variant, we are leaving strategy by importing millions gree of certainty is (100%).
some 200 million global people are infected by the disease, of a supply shortage which has no stone unturned to accelerate of doses of Chinese vaccines. 
and more than four million people lost their lives. The infection sparked heavy criticism of Thai supply further still,” Teague said Anger is mounting, with just STATE OF THE SEA: Occasional squalls with rough seas will
rate is ten more times than in the past, and the death rate, three Premier Prayut Chan-o-cha’s in an “open letter to the people five per cent of Thailand’s 70 mil- be experienced off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind
more per cent. Hence, all Myanmar people need to take special administration. of Thailand”. lion residents fully vaccinated. speed in squalls may reach (40)m.p.h. Wave height will be about
care of the infection. Under the terms of Astra- “We are also scouring the Most Thais avoid talking (9 -12)feet off and along Myanmar Coasts.
Among Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia is top with infec- Zeneca’s agreement with Thai 20+ supply chains in our world- about it openly because of harsh
tion rate. The remaining countries also face increasing infection authorities, 180 million doses wide manufacturing network lese majeste laws that make it OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Strong mon-
and death rates. In fact, the infection rate and death rate are still are due for production, one-third to find additional vaccines for illegal to criticize the monarch. soon.
high in developing countries because vaccination coverage reached destined for the Thai market and Southeast Asia, including Thai- Those that do face between
just one per cent. The countries with declining infection rates are the rest to be exported. land.” three and 15 years in prison. FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING
based on high vaccination coverage. Although vaccines can affect By the end of July Astra- But “a global supply Former opposition lead- AREA FOR 27 July 2021: One or two rain or thundershow-
disease prevention to some extent, primarily, individuals need to Zeneca will have delivered 11.3 crunch” for COVID-19 vaccines er and billionaire Thanathorn ers.  Degree of certainty is (100%).
have preventive measures million doses for Thailand, ac- and a shortage of the materials Juangroongruangkit has already
with a conscience. cording to James Teague, As- required to make them made People queue up for walk-in COVID-19 coronavirus vaccinations at Bang Sue Central Railway Station in Bangkok been accused under the law af- FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
That is why Vaccination in Myan- traZeneca’s representative in it difficult to provide a specific
on 22 July 2021, as Thailand struggles to inoculate its population due to nationwide shortages.   PHOTO: AFP
ter he said the vaccination pol- FOR 27 July 2021: Some rain or thundershowers. Degree of
mar is not yet to cover the the country. timeframe, he added.  Bioscience, a firm owned by vaccines.  ing Indonesia, the Philippines, icy was too dependent on Siam certainty is (100%).
everybody whole country. In Myanmar,
the healthcare system was
Exports have still not be-
gun, even as the region faces
The AstraZeneca contract
was awarded last year to Siam
King Maha Vajiralongkorn that
has no track record of producing
It set out to produce vac-
cines for nine countries includ-
Malaysia, as well as Thailand.
Mounting Anger

needs to protect weak based on the political

changes when the third wave
AREA FOR 27 July 2021: Isolated rain or thundershowers. De-
gree of certainty is (100%).

their mouths, of COVID-19 broke out. So,

those with COVID-19 dis-
ease missed a chance to
Do vaccinated people need to go back to masking? Flood Bulletin
noses and eyes,
With the Delta variant pushing US Covid cases back up, fully vaccinated people are wondering
seek reliable health staff. (Issued at: 15:00 hrs M.S.T on 26-7-2021)
Dutiful health staff are pro-
which are the viding healthcare services to
whether they need to start masking indoors again.
Flood condition of Thaungyin River
the people as much as they According to the (14:00) hrs M.T.S observation today,
entrance of the can. the water level of Thaungyin River at Myawady has exceeded

If someone is infected OVID vaccines remain ex- Crucially, however, the rise in General Vivek Murthy said last get exceptional protection from or 1.1 per cent. All were asymp- driving on a race car track. by about (½) foot above its danger level. It may continue rise
disease. They by COVID-19, they need to
live in isolation at home even
tremely effective against
the worst outcomes of the
cases has been largely decoupled
from hospitalizations and deaths.
Walensky defended the un-
the vaccines. But you have the
opportunity to make the personal
tomatic and detected through
routine screening.
“When you’re driving around
in your neighbourhood, a seatbelt
from the present water level by about (2½) feet during the next
(1) day and may above its clanger level.

all have to wash though they lose the smell. It

is necessary to set personal
disease -- hospitalization and
death -- and breakthrough infec-
With 80 per cent of seniors
fully vaccinated, average daily
changed mask guidance Thurs-
day, stressing the agency has
choice to add extra layers of pro-
tection if you so choose.”
Research shows that asymp-
tomatic people are less likely to
is enough,” she told AFP, with the
seatbelt representing a vaccine.
It is especially advised to the people who settle near
the river banks and low lying area in Myawady Township, to
their hands
goods and foods for the pa- tions remain uncommon. deaths remain in the 200s — much always said communities and transmit, while people who de- “But if you’re driving on a
tient separately. But experts told AFP that lower than the more than 3,500 individuals should consider local Why local conditions matter velop symptoms are supposed to NASCAR race track, in addition to take precaution measure
Everybody should take one size doesn’t fit all, and peo- deaths per day seen in the worst conditions. Joseph Allen, an associate self-isolate. seatbelts, those drivers also have
often. Take care of scentlessness, body ple should consider factors like wave over winter. “If you’re in an area that has professor at Harvard’s TH Chan Still, the greater the commu- helmets, they have airbags,” she
pain and headache, which community transmission, person- More than 97 per cent of a high case rate and low rates of School of Public Health, said he nity prevalence of the virus, the added, emphasizing that masks
an adequate are symptoms of COVID-19. al risk levels, and their own risk hospitalizations are among the vaccination where Delta cases supported the CDC’s view. more likely such breakthroughs add an additional layer of pro-
If so, not only patients but tolerance to help decide what’s unvaccinated, CDC director Ro- are rising, you should certainly While the World Health Or- become. tection.
distance among also family members need
to use protective equipment,
right for them. chelle Walensky said last week,
while 99.5 per cent of people dy-
be wearing a mask if you are un-
vaccinated,” she said.
ganization has urged fully vacci-
nated people to continue to wear
People’s personal risk levels
vary by their age and underly-
Even without the CDC, some
parts of the country, like Los An-

them. Take care wash hands several times,

fully eat meals, sleep soundly
Risk low for vaccinated
The Centres for Disease
ing were unvaccinated, Surgeon “If you are vaccinated, you masks, that is in light of the global
situation where just 13.4 per cent
ing conditions, some people may
have high risk people at home
geles County and Philadelphia,
have reinstituted mask guidance.

of your health and do breathing exercises

as part of health-supporting
Control and Prevention dropped
its mask guidance for vaccinated
of the world population is fully
they want to protect, while some
just have lower risk tolerance.
Monica Gandhi, an infec-
tious disease doctor at UC San
movements without fail. people in May. “I just don’t think we’re at the Francisco told AFP she has been
conditions, too.  Anyone suffering from At the time, cases were plum- phase in the US and other highly On and off ramps advocating for statistical bench-
scentlessness, weakness meting and the administration of vaccinated countries where this The divergence in case levels marks, “as the back and forth is
and diarrhoea need to re- President Joe Biden was keen to top-down blanket guidance makes across the country closely corre- very frustrating for people.”
ceive a medical checkup at nearby health units. As COVID-19 is a declare a return to normal on the sense anymore,” he told AFP. lates with vaccination rates, and She suggests tying mask
disease affecting the respiratory tracks, patients can suffer from back of a vaccination campaign “For me, the goal is and has parts of Missouri, Arkansas, Lou- mandates to the local hospital-
suffocation. Normally, everybody must have 92-95 points of oxygen. that was still going strong. always been with all the vaccines isiana and Florida are currently ization rate — a more reliable
If they face declining oxygen under 90 points, it is necessary to On Thursday the country reg- to prevent severe disease, and experiencing the worst spikes. measure of disease prevalence
take care of it specially. istered more than 50,000 cases, death, and that’s exactly what Celine Gounder, an infectious than cases — and, along with oth-
That is why everybody needs to protect their mouths, noses a surge driven by the now over- they do really well.” disease physician and epidemiolo- er experts, has proposed fewer
and eyes, which are the entrance of the disease. They all have to whelmingly dominant Delta vari- As far as breakthrough in- gist, compared the situation prior than five cases per 100,000 as the
wash their hands often. Take an adequate distance among them. ant, the most contagious strain to Vaccination rates are going up in the U.S. but until children and fections go, a recent study of a to Delta surges to driving your car threshold for resuming normal
Take care of your health conditions, too.  date, and centred in low-vaccina- adolescents can get vaccinated the U.S. has a ways to go until herd US prison found 27 positive cases in your own neighbourhood, while activity.
tion regions. immunity is reached.   PHOTO:  ISTOCKPHOTO/AFP from 2,380 vaccinated individuals, the current scenario is closer to SOURCE: AFP
10 LOCAL NEWS 27 JULY 2021

COVID-19: start ourselves to take preventive measures

ALL people are urged to abide by the following ways of prevention against COVID-19 without fail in line with the motto: “COVID-19: start ourselves to take preventive
measures” not to violently infect COVID-19 as next wave and not to be infected of variant COVID-19 virus.

(1) Systematically wear masks whenever go outside and also wear face shields whenever associate with many people.
(2) Take adequate distance from each other as much as they can.
(3) Avoid the crowds.
(4) Take 20 seconds in systematically washing hands many times.
(5) Avoid the visits to the closed chambers, air-conditioned rooms and the lesser ventilated rooms as much as possible.
(6) Those who need to go outside houses should avoid acts close to and eat meals together with older persons above 60 years and those with diabetes, hypertension,
and heart diseases.
(7) Fully cooperate in quarantine processes.
(8) Don’t buy something from the vendors who do not wear masks.
(9) Exchange information to each other.
(10) Cooperate in vaccination of COVID-19 pandemic. Continuously follow the preventive measures although they have received the vaccinations.
(11) Strictly follow the work guidelines for preventing the COVID-19 pandemic issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports.
(12) If somebody suffers from symptoms of higher body temperature, coughing, suffocation, tiredness and sudden loss of smell and flavour, they need to immediately
contact nearby health units to receive medical treatment.
(13) If those who do not wear the masks when they go outside, and if those who conduct mass gatherings will face legal actions under the existing laws.

Health Knowledge Awareness Promoting Department

Ministry of Health and Sports

450 houses flooded in Markets in NyaungU Tsp closes for seven

Kyaikmaraw Township days starting from 26 July
A total of 450 houses in low-lying places.
wards of Kyaikmaraw Township, The flood hazards occurred trol and emergency response
Mon State were submerged as and wreaked havoc on transport committee.
the water level of Attaran River in Mon State these days. The Myanmar sees spiking of
has risen due to the continuous communities join the safety the COVID-19 infections in the
heavy rainfall starting from the precaution measures for flood third wave. NyaungU Town-
second week of July. risks. The committee is raising ship is also battling against the
The elders, children and awareness of floods in the wards COVID-19 and daily COVID-19
animals were evacuated by the and ensuring the safety of the cases and death are rising. As
natural disaster management people. — Cho Myat Myat Htwe a result of this, the commit-
committee and moved to safer (IPRD)/GNLM tee set decisions that all the
markets including Manisithu
market, Bagan Myothit mar-
ket, Singyu market, Myinka-
bar market, Phonesing market,
and the flea markets are to
shut down for seven days.
During the closure of the
markets, sanitizing the market
The anti-COVID-19 campaign is held in NyaungU Township. will be effectively undertaken.
This move is aim to mitigate
IN a bid to contain the spread rarily closed down for seven the spread of COVID-19 among
of COVID-19 in NyaungU days starting from 26 July, the local residents, Nyaung U
The elders, children and animals were evacuated by the natural disaster Township, Mandalay Region, according to the meeting out- Township Administrator said.
management committee and moved to safer places. all the markets are tempo- come of the COVID-19 con- – KPD/GNLM

Shade perennials planted in Pan Khauk Woe Village

TO prevent water shortage in together with villagers planted rural drinking water supply and
spring and make the natural various kinds of perennial shade construction of rural roads are
environment green during the trees in Pan Khauk Woe village also being carried out, depart-
summer in Pan Khauk Woe vil- yesterday morning. ment officials said.
lage, Chief Officer and staff from The Department of Rural Aung Kyaw Hein, chief of-
the Township Rural Develop- Development in Loi Lim Town- ficer of the Rural Development
ment Department, together with ship is implementing the Mya Department in Loi Lim Town-
the villagers, planted perennial Sein Yaung Village Project, ship, said that the villagers are
trees at Pan Khauk Woe Village, Village Development Project, planting perennial trees in col-
Loi Lim Township, Southern and Green Rural Development laboration with department of-
Shan yesterday. Project to increase the family in- ficials to preserve the weather,
U Aung Kyaw Hein, chief come of the rural people and the prevent water shortage in spring The Department of Rural Development in Loi Lim Township is
implementing the Mya Sein Yaung Village Project, Village Development
technical officer of the Rural sustainable development of the wells and make the natural en-
Project, and Green Rural Development Project to increase the family
Development Department in rural socio-economic life. Rural vironment green.—Nyein Thu/ income of the rural people and the sustainable development of the rural
Loi Lim Township, and his staff development activities such as GNLM socio-economic life.
27 JULY 2021

Big protests mark global anger at Covid restrictions

MORE than 100,000 people pro- ployed teargas and water cannon and other public health agencies
tested in Australia, France, Italy against some protesters, an esti- and the need to earn a living -- or
and Greece on Saturday, sparking mated 160,000 took to the streets simply to return to a pre-pandem-
clashes with police as they railed in nationwide protests against ic lifestyle.
against Covid-19 measures and President Emmanuel Macron’s In Indonesia and the UK,
government sanctions against health pass that will drastically governments have pressed ahead
the unvaccinated aimed at prod- curtail access to restaurants and with easing of restrictions even in
ding more people into getting public spaces for unvaccinated the face of surging.
jabs. people. Meanwhile, around 5,000
Dozens of protesters were ‘Don’t touch our children’ people demonstrated in Athens,
arrested after an unauthorized “Freedom, freedom”, chant- carrying placards touting slo-
march in Sydney, with the city’s ed demonstrators in France, gans such as, “Don’t touch our
police minister branding those carrying placards denouncing children”, according to an AFP
who took part as “morons”. “Macron, Tyrant”, “Big Pharma journalist at the scene.
Organizers had dubbed the shackles freedom” or saying “No And in Italy protesters gath-
protest a “freedom” rally. Attend- to the pass of shame”. ered in Rome to demonstrate Police in Sydney detained some protesters.   PHOTO: AFP
ees carried signs and banners The demonstrations high- against a mandatory “green
reading “Wake up Australia” and light the conflict globally between pass” for indoor dining and en- with pot plants and bottles of after authorities suggested the
“Drain the Swamp”. people caught between the advice tertainment. Earlier in Sydney, water as they defied a month- restrictions could remain in place
In France, where police de- of the World Health Organization demonstrators pelted officers long stay-at-home order, a day until October.— AFP

Indian capital allows further relaxation of Donations seek to save Tunisia

COVID-19 restrictions from Covid catastrophe
on all days of the week without WITH Tunisia’s health system close to collapse after being
any distinction of essential and overwhelmed by a surge of Covid-19 cases, other countries and
non-essential goods and servic- even individuals have stepped in to stem the crisis.
es between 10:00 am and 8:00 European and Gulf nations, Tunisians abroad and ordinary
pm. citizens have organized equipment and vaccine donations that
The gathering limit at wed- are now helping to battle the pandemic.
ding ceremonies and funerals The small North African nation of 12 million people had
has also been increased from been struggling to come up with the necessary vaccine doses
50 to 100. even before Covid-19 really began to hit hard.
“It has been observed that Now more than three million doses, most of them donated,
the number of COVID-19 pa- have been sent, with the number set to reach five million by
tients and the positivity rate has mid-August, the health ministry says.
declined considerably and the China and the United Arab Emirates have each supplied
overall situation has improved,” 500,000 doses, while neighbouring Algeria gave 250,000.
the DDMA order said, adding Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne at the French ministry for Europe
that due caution, however, has to and foreign affairs told AFP that France this week alone sent
Police personnel stop vehicles at a checkpoint during a weekend be maintained for “consolidating more than one million AstraZeneca and Janssen doses, enough
lockdown imposed by the government amidst rising COVID-19
coronavirus cases, in New Delhi on 18 April, 2021.   PHOTO: AFP the whole process of COVID-19 to vaccinate “a tenth of the adult population”.
management”. But either because of sluggish diplomatic efforts by Tunisia
AUTHORITIES in Delhi Satur- The order issued by Delhi The relaxations in restric- or the global shortage of doses, vaccines have arrived late.
day allowed further relaxation Disaster Management Authority tions have come amid a dip in Tunisia has received just a sixth of the number of doses
of COVID-19 restrictions across (DDMA) said bars will also be the COVID-19 cases in the na- promised under the Covax programme, set up to ensure a fairer
the Indian capital region, say- allowed to reopen with 50 per tional capital. The city recorded distribution of Covid-19 vaccines to lower-income countries.
ing that from July 26 metro and cent of the seating capacity from 58 fresh COVID-19 cases and one It now has one of the world’s highest coronavirus death
buses will run at full capacity, noon to 10:00 pm. death due to the disease during rates.
while cinemas will reopen at half As per the order, all shops the past 24 hours, officials said According to an AFP count on Wednesday based on official
capacity. will be permitted to function Saturday morning. — Xinhua reports, Tunisia recorded 1.4 daily deaths per 100,000 population
over the previous seven days, placing it second-worst globally
on this metric after Namibia. — AFP
COVID-19 vaccination for children likely to
start by September
DIRECTOR of India’s premier done the trials in children and According to India’s federal
health institute All India Insti- they’re waiting for the emergen- health ministry, so far 427 mil-
tute of Medical Sciences in New cy authorization. The Bharat Bi- lion doses of COVID-19 vaccines
Delhi, Randeep Guleria, Satur- otech’s Covaxin trials should be have been administered across
day said the country is likely to over by August or September, the country.
start vaccinating children by and by that time we should get The ministry, however, does
September. the approval. Pfizer vaccine has not give the population-wise
Guleria made the remarks been already approved by the break up of how many have re-
during an interview with a local FDA. Hopefully, by September, ceived a single dose and how
television news channel NDTV, we should start vaccinating chil- many were given the required
saying it will be an important dren, and that will be a big boost two doses.
move to break the chain of trans- as far as breaking the chain of At present India is vaccinat- Tunisians wearing protective masks amid the COVID-19 pandemic
mission. transmission is concerned,” Gu- ing population above 18 years of walk by on a street in the Kram area of the capital Tunis on 8 May
“I think Zydus has already leria told the news channel. age. — AFP 2020.  PHOTO: AFP
12 ECON: WORLD 27 JULY 2021

IN BRIEF Portugal’s economic recovery must have
Means of
“an eye to the future”: PM
production prices done “with an eye to the future.” ernment referred to an expected
“For this reason, the two investment of 2.75 billion euros
rise in China great engines of this recovery are (3.24 billion US dollar) foreseen
to face two major challenges that in the Recovery and Resilience
MORE than half of capital lie ahead — the climate transition Plan (PRR) for the “immediate
goods monitored by the and the digital transition,” he said revival of the economy,” as well
government reported higher in a speech in the city of Coimbra, as “solving a structural problem
prices in mid-July compared central Portugal. in the country,” which is housing.
with early July, official data What’s more, he said, the “If we want to keep the new
showed Monday. country has an “ambitious generations among us, we have to
Of the 50 major goods programme” to ensure decent ensure conditions so that the new
monitored by the govern- housing for the poorest, as well generations can have autonomy
ment, including seamless as “affordable housing for the in life and live among us. We have
steel tubes, gasoline, coal, middle class, in particular the to create conditions for the new
People at Chiado area in Lisbon.   PHOTO: PATRICIA DE MELO
fertilizer and some chem- MOREIRA/AFP
new generations and students generations to become autono-
icals, 35 registered rising who need to move to attend uni- mous and to be able to build the
prices during the period, 14 Portuguese Prime Minister An- the country’s economic recovery versity”. family they want to build,” Costa
posted price declines and tonio Costa said on Sunday that after the pandemic crisis will be The Portuguese head of gov- said. — Xinhua
one saw its price remain
unchanged, according to the
National Bureau of Statis- Israel launches direct flights to Morocco after normalization
Hog prices went down THE first direct commercial Moroccan flag.
2.5 per cent in mid-July flights between Israel and Mo- “This is a historic moment,
compared with early July. rocco landed in Marrakesh this flight can only strengthen
The readings, released on Sunday, more than seven the bridge between Israel and
every 10 days, are based on months after the countries nor- Morocco,” said Benjamin Ron,
a survey of nearly 2,000 malized diplomatic relations in a tour guide hoping to bring in
wholesalers and distribu- a US-brokered deal. other Israelis in the future.
tors in 31 provincial-level Passengers from Tel Aviv Israir spokeswoman Tali
regions. — Xinhua arrived on an Israir flight early Leibovitz told AFP that two
on Sunday afternoon to be met to three flights per week were
with dates, cakes and mint tea planned on the route.
Israel freezes at a welcoming ceremony or- A second flight, by the
UAE oil deal over ganized in their honour. Israeli national carrier El Al,
“I am originally from Mar- landed in Marrakesh later in
rakesh. I’ve come back here the day.
concerns around 30 times but this time, El Al said it plans five Israeli tourists arrive in Marrakesh; Morocco was one of four regional
the trip has a special flavour — flights per week to Marrakesh states to agree to normalize ties with Israel last year.   PHOTO: AFP
ISRAEL’S environmental it’s as if it were the first time!” and Casablanca.
protection ministry has an emotional Pinhas Moyal told At a ceremony sending Beyyoudh, Israel’s Tourism Min- and economic cooperation be-
announced its decision to AFP from the tarmac, his mask off the El Al flight attended by ister Yoel Razvozov said the ser- tween the countries”, according
delay implementation of a and bag in the colours of the Moroccan envoy Abderrahim vice would boost “trade, tourism to an El Al statement. — AFP
draft oil transport deal with
the United Arab Emirates,
freezing a project that has
angered environmentalists.
Iceland, home to world’s most expensive feather treasure
The deal, which fol- ON a remote island in Breidafjor- stripes — similar to that of a
lowed the establishment dur Bay off the west coast of mallard but slightly larger — re-
of diplomatic ties between Iceland, a thousand-year-old leases the down from her breast
the UAE and Israel last year, harvest takes place -- the hunt and lines her nest with it to insu-
would see Gulf oil shipped for elusive eiderdown, used to late it during incubation.
by tanker to the Red Sea make some of the world’s best Meticulous cleaning
port of Eilat, then piped duvets and quilts. About 60 nests are needed
through Israel. mainland The handpicked down sells to produce one kilo of down —
to the Mediterranean port for thousands of euros (dollars) a quilt needs between 600 and
of Ashkelon, from where a kilo, catering to those looking 1,600 grams, depending on the
it would be shipped. in for exclusive products. quality chosen.
Europe. Every summer, nearly 400 Worldwide, the annual har-
The oil deal, involving Icelandic farmers comb through vest of eiderdown is no more
the Israeli state-owned Eu- hollow surfaces in the rock, on than four tonnes, three quarters
rope-Asia Pipeline Company the sand or in the tall grass to of which comes from Iceland, by
(EAPC) and an Israeli-UAE unearth a few handfuls of the Once harvested, the down is dried in the open air.  PHOTO: AFP far the world’s largest producer,
company called MED-RED grey feathers of this polar duck. ahead of Canada and other coun-
Land Bridge Ltd, has not From May onwards, the ei- only take a part of the down. And the subarctic oceans, leaves a tries bordering the Arctic. There
been launched. der comes to nest in sparsely when the eider has already left trail behind consisting of a natu- are five Icelandic companies ex-
But activists have populated marine landscapes the nest, we take everything,” ral treasure: one of the warmest porting eiderdown, according to
sounded the alarm on around much of Iceland’s coast Erla Fridriksdottir, head of King natural fibres on the planet, both the Eider Farming Association,
potential threats to corals in where there is seaweed to feed Eider, one of the country’s main light and highly insulating. but around 15 companies in total
the northern Red Sea off the its ducklings. exporters, told AFP. The female, with her dark involved in some capacity in its
coast of Eilat. — AFP “When there are eggs, we The eider, a sea duck from brown plumage with black production. — AFP
27 JULY 2021

Yuan becomes No.3 global currency: report

THE internationalization making it No.3 among in-
of Chinese yuan acceler- ternational currencies. The make inroads into China,
ated in 2020 despite the rate exceeded the interna- seeking potentially higher
ravaging global pandemic tionalization levels of the returns, experts say. After
and the US government’s yen and pound, according scrapping quota restric-
containment of China’s to the 2021 RMB Interna- tions on investment via
growth. Experts predict tionalization Report re- the Qualified Foreign In-
there exists great room leased by the International stitutional Investor and
for the currency’s further Monetary Institute (IMI) the yuan-denominat-
internationalization, call- under Renmin University ed Renminbi Qualified
ing for convenient flows of of China on Saturday. Foreign Institutional
the yuan and expansion of The growth was main- Investor programmes,
cross border investment ly driven by the steady Chinese financial regu-
avenues. recovery of the Chinese lators further lowered
The yuan internation- economy, opening-up of entry requirements and
alization index reached 5.02 the financial sector, sta- Photo taken on 13 March 2018 shows the headquarters of the People’s Bank of China in broadened the invest-
at the end of 2020, a sharp ble monetary policy and Beijing, capital of China.   PHOTO: XINHUA/CAI YANG ment scope of these pro-
increase of 54.2 per cent stepped-up international the report. thorities allowed yuan ac- cial institutions, overseas grammes to facilitate for-
from the previous year, currency cooperation, said Since the Chinese au- cess to more foreign finan- investors are rushing to eign investment.—AFP

Gaza suffers from stagnation in car trading News I N BRIEF

amid Israel’s import ban Tokyo stocks rise sharply in morning on
record-high Dow
such bad conditions during since imported cars were
his 30 years in the business. not allowed to enter the TOKYO stocks rose sharply Monday morning after the
“I used to import at least 20 coastal enclave, which Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed to a record high late
or 30 cars per day through makes demand far exceed last week on the back of positive U.S. earnings reports.
the Erez crossing (like oth- supply. The price of mod- The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average rose 383.78
er auto traders), and most ern type cars in Gaza has points, or 1.39 per cent, from Wednesday to 27,931.78.
of them have been sold to on average hiked between Japanese markets were closed Thursday and Friday for
customers before arriving,” 3,000 to 15,000 dollars, national holidays.
the 54-year-old father of five according to the traders. The broader Topix index of all First Section issues on
said. Alaa Badwan, an owner of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was up 26.63 points, or 1.40 per
“As you can see, my another car import and ex- cent, at 1,931.04. — Kyodo News
showroom now contains port company in Gaza, told
only 10 cars. I have failed Xinhua that the COVID-19
A Palestinian man looks at a new car at a car show to sell any of them for pandemic was another rea- China releases negative list for cross-
place in Gaza City, on July 25, 2021.   PHOTO: RIZEK months,” he added. What’s son for the rapid rise in car border services trade in Hainan
ABDELJAWAD/XINHUA worse, he has been forced prices in Gaza. “Many car
PALESTINIAN traders imported cars into the strip to pay storage fees to the manufacturers, especially CHINA’S commerce ministry has released a negative list
and citizens of the besieged for nearly three months Israeli authorities for 40 the Korean ones, stopped for cross-border trade in services in its southern island
Gaza Strip complain of a and show no prospect of cars, with approximately the production for more province of Hainan, the first negative list for services trade
“fatal stagnation” in the lifting the ban. Munib Abu 5 U.S. dollars for each of than a year because of the in the country.
car trading amid an im- Sido, an owner of a car im- them per day. COVID-19 pandemic,” he The list outlined 70 special management measures in
port ban. port and export company in Meanwhile, vehicle said, adding that the cost 11 categories for overseas services providers, according to
The Israeli authorities Gaza City, told Xinhua that prices have been witness- of transportation has also a statement on the website of the Ministry of Commerce.
have prevented the entry of he has never experienced ing a significant increase gone up.— Xinhua For areas not included in the list, domestic and over-
seas services providers shall have a level playing field and
enjoy equal market access in Hainan free trade port, the
Most Asian markets fall as traders Amendment to the Open Tender No 3/2021 statement said. — Xinhua
struggle to track Wall St record
1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
MARKETS in Asia mostly downs or other contain- Conservation; Department of Mines announced the
fell Monday morning, led ment measures. The sell- invitation for open tender regarding the sale of (5008.574) CLAIMS DAY NOTICE
Metric Tons; (21) Lots of Cathode Copper was advertised M.V OSLO TRADER VOY.NO. (127S)
by Hong Kong after Bei- ing extended from Friday, in state-owned newspapers with the announcement that
jing at the weekend further despite a strong lead from it would be sold in US dollars and an open tender would Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OSLO
cracked down on China’s Wall Street, where all three be opened on 21.7.2021. However, the open tender will TRADER VOY.NO. (127S) are hereby notified that the
tech firms, while educa- main indexes ended at re- be postponed to 30.7.2021 as the tender opening date is vessel will be arriving on 27-7-2021 and cargo will be
tion companies were ham- cord highs with the Dow part of the government holidays. The announcement was discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will
made in the state-owned newspapers from 16.7.2021 lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
mered as the government ending above 35,000 for the
to 18.7.2021. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
unveiled sweeping reforms first time. 2. The tender has been rescheduled to open on 30.7.2021, Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
of the sector. Investors have a which is now included in the extended public holidays, so to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
The broad losses packed agenda of possible the tender opening date will be reschedules as follows: declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
across the region came as market-moving events this (A) Closing date and time: 20.8.2021 (14:00) from the Vessel.
(B) opening date and time: 20.8.2021 (15:00) No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
traders continued to fret week including the Feder-
3. For any further detailed information, it is requested the Claims Day.
over the fast spread of the al Reserve’s latest policy to contact the telephone numbers: 067-3409378 and Phone No: 2301185
Delta coronavirus variant, meeting, US economic 067-3409372, Mineral Development Division, Department Shipping Agency Department
which has sent infections growth data, and earnings of Mines, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Myanma Port Authority
spiking and forced some from some of the world’s Conservation. Agent For:
governments to reimpose Tender Committee
biggest firms such as Apple
Department of Mines M/S SEALAND MAERSK ASIA PTE., LTD.
economically painful lock- and Amazon. — AFP
14 SOCIETY 27 JULY 2021

IN BRIEF Five cultural sites in Saudi Arabia, Europe
Moldova’s lavender inscribed on UNESCO’s world heritage list
flourishes after post-
Committee’s 44th session held
Soviet decline online and chaired from Fuzhou,
YOUNG couples and families China.
pose for glamour shots as the Hima Cultural Area in an
sun lowers over Alexei Cazac’s arid, mountainous area of south-
sprawling field of lavender west Saudi Arabia won the status
outside the capital of Moldo- as it contains a substantial col-
va. lection of rock art images de-
“Once, in the first year the picting hunting, fauna, flora and
lavender was blooming, we lifestyles in a cultural continuity
came and the entire field was of 7,000 years, said UNESCO in
just filled with people,” the a press release.
40-year-old farmer tells AFP Travellers and armies
on a recent visit. camping on the site left a
“It’s like the set of a photo wealth of rock inscriptions and
shoot. We didn’t plan it this petroglyphs through the ages
way,” he says. and until the late 20th century,
Cazac, who planted his most of which are preserved in
first bushels in 2015, is among pristine condition. The trans-
a growing cohort of farmers in national site, “The Great Spa
Moldova fuelling a resurgence Aerial photo taken on 16 July 2021 shows the Fuzhou Strait International Conference & Exhibition Centre, the Towns of Europe,” comprises
in the aromatic herb, whose main venue for the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO, in Fuzhou, capital of southeast 11 towns located in seven Eu-
China’s Fujian Province.   PHOTO: XINHUA/SONG WEIWEI
cultivation collapsed along ropean countries — Austria,
with the Soviet Union. FIVE cultural sites in Saudi Ara- the United Nations Educational, on Saturday. Belgium, the Czech Republic,
The comeback in the bia and Europe have been in- Scientific and Cultural Organ- The decision was made dur- France, Germany, Italy and the
small country bordering Ro- scribed on the world heritage list, ization (UNESCO) announced ing the UNESCO World Heritage United Kingdom. — Xinhua
mania has garnered attention
not just from locals hungry for
likes on social media, but also
from global cosmetic firms
Greece’s first underwater museum opens ancient
headquartered in western
Europe. — AFP world to dive tourists
EMERGING from the crys- the 48-year-old psychiatrist after tourism industry, the site offers “It was just amazing,” said
A month after tal-clear turquoise waters of pulling himself onto the deck of an example of a new and more Fredelund. “I was just, while we
Florida Surfside the Aegean Sea, Hans-Juergen the Triton dive boat. sustainable source of revenue. were down there, trying to im-
Fercher has just returned from “It makes it special and Divers like Fercher and agine what it had been like being
building collapse, his fourth dive to where mounds unique.” Danish wine-cellar maker, Li- on a vessel transporting wine.”
recovery mission of 2,500-year-old wine pots mark The museum beneath the sette Fredelund, are willing to More to come
nears end the site of an ancient shipwreck waves at Peristera, a rocky out- pay 95 euros ($110) a dive — More wrecks have been dis-
— and Greece’s first underwater crop off the island of Alonissos, about 50 per cent more than the covered in the area — the middle
THE search for victims of the museum. opened in 2020, though the site cost of a regular recreational of the country’s largest marine
Florida apartment building “This is a combination of has been largely mothballed until scuba outing — for a guided tour reserve — holding out the pros-
collapse a month ago Saturday diving and archaeological div- now due to Covid-19 restrictions. of a site once the preserve of pect that more such museums
is drawing to a close, as rescue ing. It’s diving into history,” says As Greece opens up its vital professional archaeologists. will open. — AFP
teams halted work at the site
of the disaster that killed at
least 97 people. Frenchman’s Tokyo hunger strike over ‘abducted’ kids in third week
“It’s hard to believe that a
month has now passed since
perhaps the greatest tragedy A Frenchman on hunger strike poned Tokyo Games was held
in our community’s history,” in Tokyo seeking access to his on Friday.
Miami-Dade County Mayor children said an appeal from Macron, who attended the
Daniella Levine Cava said on President Emmanuel Macron ceremony with Paris set to host
Twitter on Saturday. to Japan’s leader had “changed the next Olympics in 2024, held
“While the site of the nothing”, as his protest entered talks Saturday with Japanese
collapse was confined to the its third week. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
size of just one block in a Vincent Fichot, 39, says his During their meeting,
close-knit city, its reverbera- two children were abducted by Macron brought up Fichot’s
tion has been felt far beyond their Japanese mother, and he “extremely tragic situation”,
our county, touching lives all has been on hunger strike since according to the French pres-
over the world,” she added in a July 10 in a bid to be reunited ident’s office, which called the
video posted on social media. with his family. issue a “priority”.
Rescue workers ended For two weeks, the former Joint custody of children in
their search on Friday for vic- finance worker — who has lived cases of divorce or separation
Vincent Fichot, 39, says his two children were abducted by their
tims at the site of the Champ- in Japan for 15 years — has does not exist legally in Japan,
Japanese mother.   PHOTO: AFP
lain Towers South, a 12-stoery sat night and day outside a where parental abductions are
beachfront building that train station near the Olympic common and often tolerated by in court of domestic violence fused to comment to AFP, but
partially collapsed overnight Stadium, where the opening local authorities. but later retracted the claim, denounced “biased” media re-
on June 24. — AFP ceremony for the virus-post- Fichot’s wife accused him he said. His wife’s lawyer re- ports. — AFP
27 JULY 2021

Beijing urges Washington to stop NEWS

‘demonizing’ China as US official visits Democrats tap
Republican Trump
BEIJING urged Washington Hong Kong and Xinjiang.
to stop “demonizing” China on “The hope may be that by
critic for US Capitol
Monday as rancour marked the demonizing China, the US could riot probe
start of talks with the highest-lev- somehow... blame China for its
el US envoy to visit under Presi- own structural problems,” Chi- US House Speaker Nancy
dent Joe Biden’s administration. nese Vice -Foreign Minister Xie Pelosi on Sunday named an
Deputy Secretary of State Feng told Sherman, in a readout outspoken Republican critic
Wendy Sherman’s visit to the issued by China’s foreign minis- of former president Donald
northern city of Tianjin is the try early Monday. Trump to join the committee
first major meeting between the “We urge the United States probing the January 6 US
world’s leading economies since to change its highly misguided Capitol insurrection, two days
March discussions in Anchorage mindset and dangerous policy,” ahead of its first hearings.
between the countries’ top diplo- the statement quoted Xie as The top Democrat in
mats collapsed into mudslinging. saying, adding that Washington Congress announced the ap-
Sherman’s trip aims to seek views China as an “imagined pointment of Representative
“guardrails” as ties continue to enemy”. Adam Kinzinger, who voted
deteriorate on a range of issues A screenshot of Wendy Sherman during her Senate confirmation Xie also described relations to impeach Trump over the
from cybersecurity and tech hearing for deputy US secretary of state on 3 March 2021.   PHOTO: as at a “stalemate” and facing riot, in a statement hailing the
supremacy to human rights in AFP/FILE “serious difficulties”. — AFP “great patriotism” he would
bring to the panel’s mission “to
find the facts and protect our
French parliament adopts vaccine passports law despite protests democracy”.
Hundreds of Trump’s
lower houses. plemented by decree, but par- supporters, many associated
The breakthrough in talks liament has been engaged in a with ultra-nationalist and
came a day after France was marathon session since Tues- white supremacist groups,
again shaken by protests against day debating whether to extend stormed the US legislature six
the rules that saw over 160,000 them. months ago to halt President
rally and dozens arrested. Vaccine passports have en- Joe Biden’s confirmation. 
President Emmanuel Ma- countered fierce opposition from They had been egged on
cron last week ordered that the some, who believe they erode by Trump, whose fiery speech
health pass -- proof of full vacci- civil liberties. earlier that day falsely claiming
nation or a negative test -- would The ruling party has faced election fraud was the culmi-
be required for the French to a tough task pushing the leg- nation of months of baseless
visit venues such as cinemas or islation through parliament. claims about a contest he lost
nightclubs. Pro-Macron MPs control the Na- fairly to Biden.— AFP
The announcement was a tional Assembly, but the Senate
move by Macron to make vacci- -- the upper house -- is dominated
Over 160,000 people protested on Saturday against the health pass,
with demonstrators brandishing slogans including “vaccines: fake
nations the top weapon against by the opposition right. Man accused of
freedom”.   PHOTO: AFP Covid-19 as new variants emerge, The Senate had approved trying to kill Mali
essentially requiring people to the legislation but added numer-
FRANCE’S parliament voted tle against Covid-19 on Sunday, become vaccinated if they want ous amendments that the gov-
president dies in
to make vaccine passports a after a compromise between to continue daily routines. ernment feared risked limiting custody
key part of daily life in the bat- lawmakers from the upper and Those changes were im- its impact. — AFP
A man accused of trying to
kill Mali’s military strong-
Tunisian president suspends parliament, dismisses PM man Assimi Goita, the figure
behind two coups in less than
a year, has died in custody, the
TUNISIAN President Kais Saied In Tunis, hundreds defied a government said on Sunday.
announced Sunday the suspen- coronavirus curfew to congregate The suspect, whose iden-
sion of parliament and dismissal on the capital’s roads. tity has not been revealed,
of Prime Minister Hichem Mechi- “Finally some good deci- had been taken into custody
chi following a day of protests sions!” Maher, celebrating in the following the assassination
against the ruling party, which city’s northwest, told AFP. attempt at Bamako’s Grand
condemned the move as a “coup Thirty-something Nahla, Mosque on Tuesday.
d’etat”. brandishing a Tunisian flag, was “During investigations...
Earlier Sunday, thousands of jubilant. “These are courageous his health deteriorated” and
Tunisians had marched in several decisions — Saied is unblocking he was then hospitalised, but
cities protesting against the Isla- Tunisia,” she told AFP. “This is “unfortunately, he has died,”
mist-inspired Ennahdha party, the president we love!” the government said in a
criticizing what they said were Since Saied was elected pres- statement.
government failures in the North ident in 2019, he has been locked A Tunisian protester waves the national flag at an anti-government rally
It added that an autopsy
African nation and a crippling in a showdown with Mechichi in front of parliament in Tunis on Sunday.   PHOTO: AFP had been immediately or-
coronavirus surge. and parliament speaker Rached dered to determine the cause
After Saied announced par- Ghannouchi, a rivalry that has ‘Imminent danger’ allow for the dissolution of par- of death. A man armed with
liament’s suspension following an blocked ministerial appointments “We are navigating the most liament, but did allow him to sus- a knife lunged at Goita after
emergency meeting at his palace, and diverted resources from tack- delicate moments in the history pend it, citing Article 80 which prayers for Eid al-Adha on
the sounds of car horns and fire- ling Tunisia’s many economic and of Tunisia,” Saied said Sunday. permits it in case of “imminent Tuesday, according to an AFP
works filled the streets. social problems. He said the constitution did not danger”. — AFP reporter at the scene.— AFP
16 SPORT 27 JULY 2021

Myanmar team to take training

Republic of the Union
depending on Suzuki Cup’s fixtures
of Myanmar
State Administration
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and fed-
eralism, through a disciplined and genuine mul-
tiparty democratic system that is fair and just.
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace
for the entire nation in line with the Nationwide
Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful
co-existence among countries through an inde-
pendent, active and non-aligned foreign policy.
2. Economic affairs
(a) To enhance production based on agriculture
and livestock through modern techniques and
strengthen all-round development in other sectors
of the economy.
Myanmar national men’s football team formed in the middle of this year.   PHOTO: MFF
(b) To develop a stable market economy and promote
MYANMAR squad will make in Southeast Asia. it’s trying to host the ASEAN international investment in order to enhance the
preparations depending on the The ASEAN Football Con- Suzuki Cup. economic development of the entire National
fixtures of the ASEAN Suzuki federation (AFC) has recently The Myanmar national people.
Cup scheduled for later this year. announced that the 2018 format team has paused training after (c) To promote and support local businesses to create
The ASEAN Football Feder- of the tournament will be played the remnants of the 2022 World employment opportunities and increase domestic
ation will hold the 2020 ASEAN in four groups of two teams each. Cup and 2023 Asian Cup Second production.
Suzuki Cup, which was post- Group matches, semi-finals and Round qualifiers in the middle of
3. Social affairs
poned last year due to its inabil- finals will be played at home the year and will be able to set
(a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the
ity to host it, from 5 December and abroad. The tourney will be the training date only after the
genuine spirit of patriotism.
2021 to 1 January 2022. held in the form of Centralized match date for the Suzuki Cup
The group stage draw cer- Venues, with one or two host is confirmed, according to the (b) To respect and promote the customs and tradi-
emony for the tournament is countries selected amidst the football officials. tions of all National peoples and preserve and
scheduled for 10 August, but the pandemic situation, officials said. Head coach Antoine Hey, a safeguard their cultural heritage and national
ASEAN Football Federation is The ASEAN Football Federation German national, will handle the characteristics.
renegotiating with its members is planning to cancel most of the Myanmar men’s national football (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education
to postpone the event as the Cov- competitions scheduled for this team ahead of the Suzuki Cup. — quality of the entire nation.
id-19 epidemic continues to rise year due to the pandemic but Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM

‘Immortal’ Peaty makes British history by defending Olympic swimming crown

ADAM Peaty labelled his achieve- heats and then again in the final.
ment in becoming the first British “It doesn’t matter what hap-
swimmer to defend an Olympic pens, these moments are immor-
title an “immortal moment” after tal,” Peaty said after his latest
claiming gold in the 100m breast- Olympic triumph. “I will take
stroke on Monday. these moments for the rest of my
Peaty lived up to his billing life.” Peaty has broken the world
as the overwhelming favourite record five times in total and also
by powering to the line in 57.37 won the 100m breaststroke at the
seconds, ahead of Dutchman past three world championships.
Arno Kamminga (58.00), the only “I believe I’ve been given a
other swimmer besides Peaty to gift and that’s why in the last 25
ever go under 58 seconds. Italy’s metres I can find something no
Nicolo Martinenghi took bronze one else has got,” he said. “I don’t
in 58.33. want this gift to be wasted.”
It is now seven years since The unstoppable Peaty
Peaty was last beaten in the turned at the halfway mark in
event, a run that includes his 26.73 and was never threatened,
gold medal in Rio in 2016, when finishing 0.63 second clear of Adam Peaty labelled his achievement in becoming the first British swimmer to defend an Olympic title an
he broke the world record in the Kamminga. — AFP “immortal moment” after claiming gold in the 100m breaststroke on Monday.   PHOTO: AFP

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