(English (Auto-Generated) ) A320 CBT AIRBUS 320 - 319 COURSE - AIRCRAFT GENERAL (DownSub - Com)

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the a320 is a short to medium range


jet the a320 family of aircraft consists

of the a318

a319 a320 and the a321

minor differences exist between the


the aircraft requires a flight crew of

two pilots

the required in-flight staff is

determined by your airline

and is shown on this frame

this frame shows the series of aircraft

in the cabin configuration in your fleet

actual layout of the cabin and operation

of the doors will be described in other


notice the location of the service

equipment when the aircraft is at the


now here we show some operating

limitations of the aircraft

notice the maximum flight altitude and

the takeoff and landing weight limits

always refer to your fcom for up-to-date

detailed information

for the remainder of this module will

provide an overview of the aircraft

the ac external power receptacle is

located as shown

it is equipped with a flight inner phone

jack that allows the ground crew to

communicate with the pilots during

pushback or tow

on this frame we show the electrical

system diagram as it appears when

powered by external power

notice the other available sources of ac


are the engine driven generators and the

apu generator

pdot probes static ports and angle of

airflow sensors are installed

a total air temperature probe is

installed as well

these items provide air data and angle

of attack information to the adaro

separate alternate static ports provide

static pressure to the standby airspeed


and altimeter

the adarus provide air data and inertial

reference data to the aircraft's systems

much of this information is constantly

displayed on the flight instruments

the weather radar antenna is located

behind the radome in the nose section of

the aircraft

the antenna is a flat dish type typical

for a color radar display

this frame shows the location of various

antenna on the aircraft

control of the landing gear is provided

by the landing gear lever

the landing gear normally retract and

extend hydraulically

but can also extend by free fall when

the landing gear are retracted

they are completely enclosed by doors

nose wheel steering is hydraulically

operated and can be controlled by the


hand wheel or the rudder pedals the

steering hand wheel provides a maximum

steering angle of 75 degrees

while the rudder pedal steering provides

a maximum steering angle of 6


each of the main landing gear has two

wheels the main gear wheels have

hydraulically operated brakes

with any skid protection also

an auto brake system is installed and is

used both for rejected takeoff and


light crew oxygen is provided by a

gaseous bottle
the oxygen blowout disc is located as


if this disc is missing the crew oxygen

bottle requires servicing before


cabin oxygen is provided by oxygen

generating canisters

additionally the cabin is equipped with

portable oxygen bottles or pobs

the aircraft is equipped with a

pressurized forward

aft and bulk cargo compartment the


and aft cargo doors are normally

operated with hydraulic pressure

the cargo compartments are not

ventilated and will not normally support

a fire

however the compartments have smoke

detection and

fire extinguishing systems

two air conditioning packs are installed

to provide environmental control

on the ground the packs can receive

compressed air from a ground source

the apu or the engines during flight

operations the pneumatic air is normally

supplied by the engines

the engine operates at stage 3 noise


allowing the aircraft to meet or exceed

the noise requirements that were set for

the year 2000

the auto thrust system is normally used

to set the power in flight

auto thrust is normally engaged after

takeoff by moving the thrust levers back

to climb power

with auto thrust active the auto thrust

levers do not move

but the thrust is automatically set

according to the phase of flight

at any time the pilot can manually move

the thrust levers to control the power

setting manually

the engine is equipped with a thrust

reverse system which is hydraulically


the fan airflow provides reverse thrust

and the primary thrust

continues to flow normally now note

the a320 does not perform power backs

the engine fire detection system detects

fire conditions

engine fire protection is controlled

from the flight deck

and is provided by two agent bottles for

each engine

wing anti-ice is applied to the three

outboard slats of each wing

wing anti-ice is operated in flight when

required by icing conditions

but can also be operated for 30 seconds

on the ground for testing purposes

engine anti-ice is applied to the engine


engine anti-ice may be operated on the

ground or in flight when required by

icing conditions

electrical anti-ice is applied to some

of the flight deck windows

electrical anti-ice is operated for all

flight operations to inhibit

ice buildup

electrical anti-ice is applied to the

air sensing probes

electrical anti-ice is operated for all

flight operations to inhibit

ice buildup

the standard fuel system consists of

three fuel tanks

with fuel capacity shown on this frame

fuel pressure is normally delivered to

the engines and apu

by the use of electrically powered boost


each wing tank directly feeds its own

however either wing tank can feed any


or the apu by opening the fuel cross

feed valve

the center tank can feed both engines

and the apu

however the apu is normally supplied

fuel from the left wing tank

pressurized refueling is accomplished at

the right wing

note the location of the fueling

manifold and the refueling panel

the aircraft is equipped with three

hydraulic systems

they are green blue and yellow systems

the green and yellow hydraulic systems

are normally pressurized by an engine

driven pump

the power transfer unit or ptu can

provide pressure from the green

system to the yellow system or vice

versa when necessary

the yellow system also has an electric

motor driven pump which is normally used

during ground operations

the blue system is normally pressurized

by an electric motor driven pump

but can also be pressurized by the ram

air turbine

or rat the blue system can operate an

emergency generator to provide

electrical power when no other source of


power is available in flight

all primary flight controls are

hydraulically operated

control is provided by two elevator

aileron computers or elax

three spoiler elevator computers or secs

and two flight augmentation computers or


the flight control systems operate under

laws which provide

different levels of automated protection

against overspeed

bank wing loading stall and other

adverse conditions

the normal law alternate law and direct

law operating modes

are available and are described in the

flight control modules

in general the flight controls require

hydraulic operation

and require computer signals we'll now

provide a brief overview

of all flight controls

the ailerons and elevator are normally

controlled by the elax

movement of these flight controls are a

computerized response to a side stick or

autopilot request

the rudder is normally controlled by the

facts to provide turn coordination and

yaw damping

the direct rudder pedal inputs to the

rudder are mechanical

and require no computer operation

the secondary flight controls require

hydraulic pressure to operate

these controls include the spoilers high

lift devices

and trimmable horizontal stabilizer or


the spoilers are controlled by the secs

and the secs also provide a backup

control for the elevators

four of the spoilers automatically

augment the aileron lateral commands

spoilers two three and four can be

extended in flight as speed breaks by

use of the speed brake lever

as speed brakes they'll destroy lift and

induce drag to decelerate the aircraft


increase descent rates

spoilers one to five operate as ground

spoilers and are normally armed for

automatic deployment during an rto

or during landing the ground spoilers

aid in deceleration during rejected

takeoffs and landings

the ground spoilers can only extend when

there is weight

on the main gear

the trimmable horizontal stabilizer or


is normally controlled by one of three

electrical motors

which are signaled by the elacs or secs

the actual drive operation to the ths is

provided by the green

or yellow hydraulic system the ths

is manually moved with the green or

yellow hydraulic operating system

if they both fail the ths will not move

the slat flap control computers or


provide control for the hydraulically

operated slats and flaps

there are five slat segments on the

leading edge and the trailing edge has

outer and inner flaps

the flat lever on the pedestal has five

detent positions to control the position

of the slats and flaps

this frame displays the normal flap

settings for takeoff and landing

the outflow valve provides control over

cabin pressurization

pressurization system operates in either

the auto or manual modes

over pressure relief and negative

pressure relief are provided by the

safety valves

the apu is located in the tail section

of the aircraft and provides electrical

power and bleed air

inlet air for the apu combustion enters

through an automatic flap on the lower

side of the fuselage

apu exhaust is delivered straight out of

the aft end of the aircraft

with an inoperative engine driven

generator the aircraft can dispatch with

the apu as the second source of

electrical power

certain restrictions apply and are noted

in the mel

the apu can provide electrical power to

the maximum flight altitude

the apu can operate two packs up to

fifteen thousand

but operates only one pack from fifteen

thousand to twenty thousand feet

apu fire protection is provided from one

agent bottle

controls for this bottle are provided on

the overhead panel

and on the external apu control panel

the aircraft is equipped with a high

level auto flight system

inputs to the auto flight are made

through the flight control unit

fcu or the multifunction control display



the fcu provides a means to select

vertical and lateral modes

and speed control when the fcu is used

to control the auto flight

the system is said to be operating in a

selected mode the mcdus provide a means

to control the flight management system

to fly an automated route

when an mcdu is used to control the auto


the system is said to be operating in a

managed mode

as you can imagine we'll learn much more

of the autoflight system

in this course

well this completes our overview of the

a320 systems

you'll receive detailed information on

all systems later in this course

for now let's answer some questions on

what you've learned


this module describes the a320 principal

dimensions and required ground

maneuvering distances

additionally we'll identify the location

of compartments

ground servicing panels and connections

and the location of various antennas

will provide the a320 information as


and also provide information for the


differences let's begin with the


the overall width of the fuselage is


meters the cabin is designed to be wide

and comfortable compared to other

aircraft this size

therefore this cabin is described as a

single aisle cabin

that is not a narrow body

the overall length of the a320 is 37.57


the height of the vertical stabilizer is

11.755 meters

the distance from the nose to the nose

gear is 5.07 meters

the nose gear is located approximately

at the location of the cabin entrance


keep this in mind when making tight taxi


the distance from the nose gear to the

main gear is 12.64 meters

the distance from the aircraft nose to

the main gear is

17.71 meters take a look at the

differences for the a319

the distance from the ground to the eye

level of the pilots is

4.56 meters also we show the distance

from the ground to the bottom of the

cabin doors

okay we've covered all the dimensions

for the side view

here they are again for your review

the wingspan is 34.1 meters

and the span of the horizontal

stabilizer is 12.45 meters

the distance from the hub of one main

gear to the other

is 7.59 meters

the bottom of the engines is only 0.56

meters from the ground

the distance from the nose cone of one

engine to the other is

11.51 meters

the ground maneuvering diagram is shown

on this frame

the minimum theoretical pavement width

for 180 degree turn

is listed on the chart as 22.80 meters

now you should note that this width

assumes the turn is started with the

outboard main gear on the edge of the


and a maximum effort turn is


the maximum steering angle is 75 degrees

but the effective turn is a maximum of

70 degrees

take a look at the differences for the


become familiar with the dimensions

including the turning arc for the wing

and tail

which is larger than the arc required

for the aircraft nose

take a look at the differences for the


this frame shows the unpressurized


starting at the front is the radome that

holds the weather radar antenna

next is the nose gear bay then the air

conditioning compartment and the main

gear bay

followed last by the tail cone area

which holds the apu

all other areas of the fuselage are

pressurized areas

this frame shows the location of the

various antenna for communications

navigation and other guidance receivers

some of the antenna locations may not

apply to all aircraft as certain radios

like hf

are optional

to complete this module we show the

various service panels and connection

areas for ground operations

now many of these are for maintenance

but you should know where the panels are

located so that you can check

that they're closed during your

pre-flight inspection

now let's answer some questions

this frame shows the flight deck layout

and seating arrangement

the pilot seats are electrically

operated controls are provided for the


of forward aft outboard inboard up

down and recline with an adjustable

lumbar support

there are two forward facing foldable

jump seats
one fixed jump seat on the bulkhead to

the left of the cabin door

and one moveable jump seat that is

stowed away from the cockpit

entrance while not in use

the outboard armrest of each pilot seat

is enlarged

and has enhanced position controls to

enable specific positioning of the


for use of the side stick note the

controls for this arm rest

a sliding table can be pulled out for

use by the pilot

the primary flight instruments are

provided on four

display units the primary flight display

pfd and navigation display nd

normally appear as shown here while the

pfd displays

all primary attitude and flight


the nd has various display modes that

may be selected by the pilot

the electronic centralized aircraft


ecam displays on the upper and lower

display unit

and is controlled by the ecam control

the upper du shows the engine warning

display ewd

which provides a display of engine


and also provides abnormal and emergency


and warnings the lower du shows various

system displays as selected on the ecam

control panel

to the left of the ecam are the standby

flight instruments

or integrated standby instrument system


to the right of the ecam are the

controls for landing gear and brakes

the glare shield holds the master

caution warning lights ethis control


and the flight control unit fcu the

master caution warning lights are called

attention getters as they along with the

oral sounds

alert the crew to situations that

require immediate crew awareness or

immediate crew action

the efus control panels allow the pilot

to select various display modes on the


and to control the altimeter setting

that is displayed on the pfd

the flight control unit fcu is used to

provide selected inputs to the auto

flight system

the overhead panel holds system panels

to control and monitor

the aircraft systems on this frame click

the hot words

to identify the system's panels

the pedestal holds various items to

include the ecam control panel

a multi-function control display units

mcd use

engine controls communication controls


lever and of speed brake lever click the

hot words to identify the items

on the pedestal

loudspeakers are installed in the flight

deck to provide crew alerts and to hear

atc communication

we'll now describe the operating

philosophy of the flight deck switches

and lights

the flight deck is designed with the

lights out concept

therefore for normal operation the white

lights in the overhead panel push button


should be extinguished
the illumination of a white light

normally indicates the push button is

not in the normal position

the illumination of the fault light

indicates there is an abnormal condition

some switches illuminate a blue light

when they are selected on

to advise the crew that they are

selected on and


additionally a green light may be used

to advise the crew of a normal

operation such as when the apu is


green lights indicate a normal condition

system information is provided to the

crew only when there is a need to know

the need to know situation is based upon

the particular phase of flight

this frame shows the phases of flight

that are considered

while some indications are available in

one phase of flight

you will find they are inhibited in

other phases

we will discuss the flight phases as we

train the particular systems

to finish this module note the locations

of emergency equipment in the flight


click the hot words as desired to

identify all items on this frame

when you are ready to continue click

next to answer some questions


wastewater system and toilet system the

portable water system provides fresh

water to the galleys and lavatory sinks

this water is also delivered to toilets

as a rinse during toilet flushing

the water is stored in a 201 liter tank

that is located just behind the forward

cargo compartment

water pressure is provided when bleed

air is applied to pressurize the tank

the bleed air may be applied from the

operating apu

and operating engine or when a ground

source of compressed air is applied to

the pneumatic system

an alternate method of pressurizing the

water tank on the ground

is to directly connect an air pressure


to the service panel pressure port on

the water service panel

there is an electrically powered water

heater for each basin

there is a manual shutoff valve for each

wash basin and galley area

the valve is marked with an open and

shut legend to identify the two

positions of the valve

while flight crews will not normally

operate these valves

it may be necessary to close a valve in

the event of a leak during flight

the tank may be refilled or drained from

the service panel located on the bottom

of the fuselage

the water quantity indications are

displayed on the service panel

and on the forward attendance panel

wastewater the wastewater from the

lavatory sinks and galley areas

is strained overboard through

electrically heated drain masts

the wastewater drain force is provided

by cabin differential pressure

when the aircraft is in flight or by

gravity when the aircraft is on the


an air stop valve is used to inhibit the

overflow of air

unless the sink is intentionally drained

the forward lavatory sink and galley

areas drain through the forward drain

the act laboratory sink and galley areas

drain through the aft drain nest

toilet flushing the aircraft is equipped

with a single 45-gallon waste

storage tank the tank is maintained at a

negative pressure

in order to forcibly draw waste from the

toilet when the toilet flush valve is


waste tank negative pressure is provided

by cabin differential air

when the aircraft is above 16 000 feet

when the aircraft is below sixteen

thousand feet a vacuum generator

provides the negative


the flush sequence activates both a

rinse valve and a flush valve

the valves are electrically operated the

rinse valve applies fresh water from the

potable water system to the toilet bowl

and a flush valve opens to evacuate the

contents of the bowl

if a flush valve fails to operate a

manual operated flush control handle is


under the toilet bowl a flush valve that

remains open will allow cabin air to be

continuously discharged overboard

and produces a loud

ground noise can rinse and flush this

system through a service panel

under the fuselage

the waste level of the tank is displayed

on the forward

attendance panel now let's answer some

questions about this system


this module describes the location and

operation of the exterior lighting


the controls for the exterior lighting

are located on the exterior lighting

overhead panel

notice the layout of the switches and

their position on this panel

there are three synchronized strobe

lights installed one on each wing tip

and one below the tail cone

these lights are controlled by the three

position strobe switch

on and off positions manually turn on or

off the strobe lights

the auto position will cause the strobe

lights to operate

automatically when the main gear strut

is not compressed

thus auto operates the strobes when the

aircraft is in flight
if the strobe lights are off in flight

the green strobe light off memo message


on the engine warning display or ewd

there are two flashing red beacon lights

one on top and one on the bottom of the


they are controlled by the two position

beacon switch

the beacon lights are turned on before

aircraft movement

or before engines start

there are two wing lights on each side

of the fuselage

the lights are turned on to illuminate

the leading edge of the wing

and the engine air intake when a visual

inspection of vising

is desired the two wing lights are

controlled by the two position

wing switch

there are two sets of navigation lights

on each wing tip

and in the apu tail cone this provides a

full backup set of navigation lights to

be selected by the crew when necessary

both sets of navigation lights are

controlled by the three position

nav and logo switch

the off position turns all navigation

and logo lights off

position one turns on the logo lights

and the first set of navigation lights

while position 2 turns on the logo

lights and the second set of navigation


logo lights are installed in the upper

surface of each horizontal stabilizer to

illuminate the logo on the vertical


the logo lights are controlled by the

nav and logo switch

in addition to some automatic sensors

logo lights can operate only when the

main gear strut is compressed

or when the slats are extended thus

local lights only operate on the ground

or after takeoff and before landing

the taxi and takeoff lights are

installed on the nose landing gear

as shown they are normally controlled by

the three position nose switch

and can be turned on only when the

landing gear is extended

the off position turns off both the taxi

and takeoff lights

the taxi position turns on only the taxi


the takeoff position turns on both the

taxi and

takeoff lights note the taxi and takeoff


automatically extinguish when the

landing gear is retracted

regardless of the switch position

the turn off lights are located just

below the taxi and take

off lights on the nose landing gear

the turn off lights are normally

controlled by the two position

runway turn off switch the on position

turns on both lights when the landing

gear is extended

and the off position turns them off just

like the taxi and takeoff lights

the turn off lights will automatically

extinguish when the landing gear is


regardless of the switch position

there is one retractable landing light

located under each wing

there is a three position control switch

for each landing light

the retract position is selected to turn

off and retract the associated landing


the on position extends the associated

landing light

the light illuminates when fully


the off position turns off the

associated landing light

but leaves the light assembly extended

when the landing lights are extended

the green landing light memo message

displays on the ewd

let's answer those questions


this module identifies the flight deck

lighting and associated controls

the switches and knobs on the integral

light panel from left

to right

on the left side of the integral light

panel is the variable

intensity control knob for the overhead



to the right of the overhead integral

light switch is the ice

indicators and standby compass light


next is the three position control

switch for both dome lights

on the flight deck ceiling two dome

lights are installed

to provide shadow free flood lighting

when on battery power

only the right hand dome light can


to the right of the dome light switch is

the switch for the enunciator lights

this switch allows the crew to select

the enunciator lights to dim

right or test when the switch is moved

to test

all flight decadence theater lights

illuminate a display of eights appears

in all liquid crystal displays lcds

all flags are displayed on the

electronic instrument system

eis and standby instruments and the

cruise page will appear

on the system display sd

further aft on the overhead panel we

find the flood light for the pedestal

this light is controlled by the

floodlight pedestal knob on the right

side of the pedestal

flood lights for the main panel and

integral lights for the main panel and


are controlled by the flood light main

panel and

integral light main panel and pedestal


on a panel on the left side of the

on each side of the aft overhead panel

there is a reading light knob for the

pilot's reading lights

outboard of each pilot seat on the

pillar of the lateral window

there is another reading light the

reading light has an on off switch and a

brightness knob installed

on the light housing

there are two knobs located just under

the flight control unit

fcu the knob on the left controls the

intensity of the integral lighting on

the glare shield

and also the intensity of the leds on

the fcu

the knob on the right controls the

brightness of the fcu displays

there is a light under each side of the

glare shield that illuminates the

sliding table

and map holder the knob that controls

the brightness of this light is located


outboard the light itself

console floor lighting is controlled by

a three position switch

on each pilot's instrument panel let's

answer those questions


the electronic centralized aircraft

monitor ecam

provides a display of engine and system


and also provides various levels of

alerts and memos to the flight crew

the ecam components used by the flight

crew consist of an

upper and lower display unit and the

ecam control panel

the upper ecam display is referred to as

the engine warning display or ewd

the lower ecam display is referred to as

the systems display

or sd

the ewd is divided into four parts two

on the top and two on the bottom

the left part of the top section

displays the primary engine parameters

the right part of the top section

displays the current thrust mode

fuel indications and the position of the

slots and flaps

the bottom sections of the ewd display

various messages throughout the flight

these messages are generated by the

flight warning system

fws that include warnings or cautions

when a failure occurs

memos for normal operations special

lines for special conditions and


for advisory information the left part

can display

primary or independent failures memos or

config memos

the right part can display the special

lines left part overflow summary

secondary failures and memos

as soon as the fws detects a failure and

if the flight phase is not inhibited

the ewd displays the title of the

failure and

actions to be taken in most cases

the blue action line is automatically

cleared when the crew performs the


the fws divides its functions according

to these 10

flight phases electrical power on

first engine started first engine at

takeoff power

80 knots liftoff 1500 feet or two

minutes after liftoff

800 feet on descent touchdown

80 knots second engine shut down

and five minutes after shutdown

the fws is designed to not display

certain alerts during some phases of


this is to ensure that non-critical

items do not become distracting during

high workload periods

such as during takeoff or landing when

the takeoff and landing inhibits are in


you will see magenta memos on the right


these appear as takeoff inhibit during

phases 3 4 and 5

or landing inhibit during phases seven

and eight

other specific inhibits are in effect

during certain phases according to each

aircraft system

at the end of each section of each

chapter of the f-com

a list of the related systems warnings

and cautions is provided

along with a list of the phases when

they are inhibited

there are two conditions for a failure

to occur as it relates to ecam

inhibit one a failure can occur before

an inhibited phase

and continue into and through that phase

two a failure can occur during an

inhibited phase
and continue after that phase

if a failure occurs prior to an

inhibited phase

shown here as phase 3 the ewd

displays the warning immediately and

will also continue to display it during

the inhibited phase

and until it is corrected or the crew

has cleared it from ecamm

if a failure occurs during an inhibited

phase the ewd will not display the


until the aircraft enters the phase

where the warning is not inhibited

shown here is phase six after the

warning is displayed

it remains until it is corrected or the

crew has cleared it from ecam

ecam color conventions indicate the

importance of the failure or

indication in general red indicates a

configuration or failure that requires

immediate action amber indicates that

the crew should be aware of the

configuration or failure

but needs not take immediate action

green indicates an item that is

operating normally

white is used for titles and remarks

that guide the crew to execute various

procedures blue is used to display

actions to be carried out by the crew

or limitations magenta indicates

messages that apply to particular pieces

of equipment or

situations like the aforementioned

inhibition messages

there are three priority levels for

warnings and cautions that are detected

by the flight warning system

these levels determine the priority of

appearance on the ewd

and are labeled levels one two and three

a level three warning has priority over

a level two caution

which has priority over a level one

caution and will appear in that order if

occurring simultaneously

additionally there is a hierarchy of

priority within the level 3 warnings

oral warnings also have a hierarchy of


synthetic voice has priority over all

other rl warnings

rl warnings temporarily interrupt kettle

buzzer etc

plus or minus one second single chimes

are limited to one every two seconds

a level 1 caution is the lowest priority

and has no oral alert or master caution

it appears as an amber caution on the

ewd without displaying a system page on

the sd

this level requires crew monitoring only

and indicates a loss of redundancy or

system degradation

a level 2 caution is the next priority

and is normally accompanied

by a single chime the master caution

lights illuminate steady

and m precaution appears on the ewd and

the associated system page appears on

the sd

this level requires the crew to be aware

of the configuration or failure

but may not necessarily require

immediate action

a level 3 warning is the highest

priority warning and it is normally

accompanied by a repetitive chime

crc or a specific oral alert

additionally the level 3 warnings cause

the master warning light to flash a red

warning appears on the ewd

and the associated system page appears

on the sd

this level requires immediate action by

the crew as the aircraft is either in a

dangerous flight condition or has a

system failure that affects

flight safety

there are three types of echem failures


primary and secondary

an independent failure affects the

component of a system that causes the

component to fail

or operate at a degraded level without

affecting other components or systems

an independent failure appears in amber

on the left memo page

on the same line as the item title of

the system

a primary failure affects a system or a

component of a system that causes

other components or systems to fail or

operate at a degraded level

a primary failure appears on the left

memo page in red or amber

on the same line as the item title of

the system

and has a box around the failure

secondary failures are the loss of a

system or a degraded level of operation

of a component in that system

that is a result of a primary failure a

secondary failure appears on the right

memo page in amber

preceded by an asterisk and lists only

the systems affected

and not the component usually more than

one secondary failure is caused by a

single primary failure

shown here is an example of an advisory

advisories are provided when systems

parameters should be monitored

an advisory is indicated by an automatic

display of the related system page on

the sd

with the item title pulsing normal white

to bright white

and the affected parameter pulsing green

to bright green

shown here is an example of a memo memos

are green for temporary normal

operations but can be amber for abnormal


during normal cruise there should be no


the takeoff and landing memos display

the key items for takeoff and landing

the takeoff memo appears two minutes

after engine start

or when the takeoff config push button

is pressed provided at least one

engine is running

each takeoff memo item is displayed in

green with the action item

in cyan until the correct configuration

for that item is selected

and when the correct configuration is

selected the action item appears green

the takeoff config line is the last line

of the takeoff memo

the takeoff config test cyan will change

to take off config

normal green when a configuration test

is performed

if the correct responses for all items

are set for takeoff


if the configuration of an item on the

list subsequently becomes abnormal both

the takeoff config

and item green response indications will

revert to cyan

the function of the takeoff memo is only

to ensure that the listed items are

properly set for a normal takeoff

it does not ensure a safe takeoff

configuration for the aircraft

however the function of the takeoff

config test is to ensure that the

aircraft is

safely configured for takeoff

none of the items on the takeoff memo

will cause a config warning if

incorrectly set

except the flux configuration if the

flaps are positioned at a position

other than takeoff one two or three the

response will be a cyan blue response

and a config warning will sound if the

takeoff config

push button is pressed

the takeoff config test simulates take

off power

and checks a number of parameters see

examples above

the takeoff memo remains in view until

takeoff power is applied

the landing memo appears during approach

at two thousand feet agl

it will not appear until seven hundred

fifty feet agl

if two thousand feet agl is not exceeded

after takeoff

such as during an immediate return

the landing memo flaps full action item

will display as flaps config 3

if the aircraft flight controls are

operating in alternate or direct

law modes or if the gpws landing flat 3

push button is on

this completes our discussion of the

takeoff and landing memos

system display and status the system

display and status appear on the lower


there are 11 system display pages


and certain pages appear automatically

depending on the phase of flight

the system display page can be

automatically called up as a result of

an abnormal condition

regardless of which page is displayed

the crew can manually select a system

display at any time

by pressing a push button on the ecam

control panel

on the bottom of the sd there are

permanent display items as shown here

they are the t a t s a t u t c

and gross weight additionally if the g

load is less than point seven

or greater than plus one point four the

g load will be displayed

we'll now sequence through a normal

flight and describe the normal systems

pages that automatically appear

according to this diagram this diagram

shows the 10 phases of flight

for example when electrical power is

applied to the aircraft

electrical power phase 1 the doors page

is displayed to allow the crew to

monitor the aircraft doors

and the flight crew oxygen system

when the apu master switch is selected

on the apu page appears and remains


until 10 seconds after the apu rpm has


above 95 for 10 seconds

or until the master switch is selected


when the apu page blanks the doors page

will reappear

when the pilot initiates the engine

start the engine page

appears it remains displayed until 10

seconds after the end of the start


when the engine mode selector is set to


after start when the engine displays

blanks the wheel page

automatically appears to allow the crew

to monitor these items

during taxi

when either pilot moves the side stick

more than three degrees

in pitch or roll or when rudder petal

deflection is more than 22 degrees

the flight control page temporarily

replaces the wheel page

this automatic display change allows

viewing of the flight control page for

the flight control test

and the wheel page then reappears after

20 seconds

when the first engine reaches takeoff

power the engine page

is displayed if there are no ecamp

failures it remains displayed until

climbing through

1500 feet when it is replaced by the

cruise page

the cruise page shows a combination of

engine air

vibe and cab pressurization items to

make it easy for the crew to monitor

these items during the flight

the cruise page is displayed until the

landing gear is extended

at which time it is replaced by the

wheel page

normally the apu is started after

landing and the apu page displays until

the ap

start cycle is completed then the wheel

page reappears

the wheel page displays until it is

replaced by the door page when the last

engine is shut down

the pilot can manually select any other

page by pressing

a sd push button when a sd is called

up that is not the normal system page

for the phase of flight

the selected sd push button light


this light is a reminder that a page has

been manually selected

to return to the normal page for the

phase of flight

in this case doors the pilot can press

the illuminated push button

or press a clear push button

regardless of the system displayed at

any time an

automatic call up of an sd page occurs

when a fault or malfunction

triggers a caution or warning message at

the same time

the appropriate warning or caution

message appears

if appropriate and oral alert sounds and

the master warning or caution lights

come on

additionally the clear push buttons

illuminate and a local light on a system

may illuminate

after completing each procedure the crew

will push the clear push button

until all actions and procedures are


at this time the memo displays return to

normal the phase of flight page is


and the clear push button light goes out

a system page may also display

automatically when an

advisory appears because a parameter is

out of range

in this case the parameter will pulse in

green while it is

outside limits additionally the sd title

will display flashing intensity from

normal to bright

advisories are inhibited during some

phases of flight

status page the status page displays an

operational summary of the aircraft


after the engine warning display has

displayed a failure

and the crew has completed all pages

associated with that failure

assume this display is the last in a

series of pages for a failure

push the clear push button one more time

and the status page will automatically


the status page displays the messages of

the effects of an fws

detected fault or reduced capability

limitations are in cyan approach

procedures in white red or amber

corrections to apply for landing in cyan

other information in green cancelled


in white inopsis in amber

and the class 2 maintenance items in


if more messages are applicable than can

be displayed

the overflow arrow appears and the crew

can view those messages by pressing a

clear key

the status page also appears

automatically during flight

when the flight handle is positioned at

one if the status page holds messages

other than canceled caution or the

maintenance part

in this case the engine warning display

screen displays the boxed

sts reminder

if the status page holds class 2

messages in the maintenance part

after engine shutdown the sts reminder

flashes on the engine warning display


the screen displays the maintenance part

only when on the ground before engines


or after engine shutdown phases 1 and


we will now show the sequence of

displays that appear when the blue

hydraulic reservoir overheats

we begin with the normal display the

aircraft is climbing with the center

tank feeding

and the wing anti-ice is on notice the

crew system page is displayed

and notice other normal parameters

ecam automatically calls up the

hydraulic systems page to display

a synoptic of the hydraulic system

notice that overheat is displayed in

amber for the blue system

the action on the engine morning display

instructs the crew to turn

off the blue electric pump

the crew has selected the blue electric

pump off and the blue system now has low


when the blue hydraulic system loses

pressure when the pump is turned off

hydraulic blue cis low press appears as

a primary failure

the master caution lights remain on as

does the push button fog light

on the overhead panel on the right side

of the engine warning display

you see the secondary failure result is

a loss of some flight control items

the clear push button remains lighted so

one of the crew

will push it when the clear push button

has been pushed the hydraulic messages

disappear from the engine warning


and the flight control systems page

the flight control surface actuators

that are depressurized as a result of

our action

are shown in amber the clear push button

is still lighted and the overhead light

is still on

the clear push button remains lighted so

one of the crew

will push it when the clear push button

has been pushed the hydraulic messages

disappear from the engine warning


and the flight control systems page is

the flight control surface actuators

that are depressurized as a result of

our action

are shown in amber the clear push button

is still lighted and the overhead light

is still on

so one of the crew will push it

the memo area on the engine warning

display returns to normal and the status

page appears on the sd

to display the procedures for completing

the flight with the faulty blue

hydraulic system

the clear and sts push buttons are now


so one of the crew pushes the clear

button a third time

the clear push button light now goes off

the appropriate

sd page is displayed in this case cruise

an sts reminder appears on the engine

morning display to remind the crew of

the available status page information

the overhead light remains on until the

condition is corrected

this sequence has provided an example of

the ecam operation

during an abnormal condition

du failures if the upper du fails or

switched off
the engine warning display has priority

and automatically moves down to the

lower du

during the single display operation if

the flight crew desires to display the


or status pages the desired sd or status

page push button can be selected to

temporarily display it

on the lower du for a maximum of three


when the push button is released the

engine warning display is again


we're now back to normal when a failure

of the lower du occurs or the lower du

switched off as before the crew can push

and hold the desired systems page push


to temporarily display the sd or status

page on the upper du

for a maximum of three minutes when the

push button is released

the engine warning display is displayed

another way to display the sd or status


when the lower du has failed or is off

is to select the ecam

nd transfer switch on the switching

panel to display it on the mdu

we're now back to normal when a failure

of both dues occurs

the crew can use the ecam nd transfer on

the switching panel to display the

engine warning display

on a navigation display and if necessary

can push and hold

a system page push button to temporarily

display the system status page

on an nd for a maximum of three minutes

let's answer those questions

the emergency lighting system provides

lighting for an emergency

evacuation lights controlled by the

emergency exit light selector in the


or by the emergency push button on the

purse or panel are provided

in three basic groups exit signs aisle

escape patch lights

and overhead lighting

electrical power for these emergency

lights is provided

either by the dc shed essential bus or

by internal batteries in the light


the expected time of operation from

battery power is 12 minutes

the emergency exit light selector is a

three position switch

with on arm and off positions

when the selector is not in the on

position and the emergency push button

at the forward attendance panel

has not been pressed the dc shed

essential bus will charge the internal


the on and off positions are used to

manually control the lights

when the switch is in off the emergency

exit light off light

illuminates amber

the arm position is normal for flight


with the selector in the arm position

the aisle escape path lights and exit

lights come on if normal electrical

power has failed or the dc

shed essential bus fails the overhead

emergency lights will come on for the

same conditions

and will also come on if only ac bus 1


pressing the emergency push button on

the forward attendant panel

will cause all of these lights to come


the emergency lighting system also

provides lavatory auxiliary lights

that are constantly illuminated and are

powered by the 28 volt

dc essential bus

the over wing escape route lighting and

escape slide lighting illuminates

when the door slide is armed and the

door or emergency exit

is opened these lights are supplied by

internal batteries


the a320 has four cabin doors the left

forward door is normally used by

passengers and the other doors are for

aircraft service all four doors can be

used as emergency exits and are equipped

with inflatable

escape slides

over wing emergency exits are located on

each side of the aircraft

there is one over wing escape slide on

each side

the over-wing escape slide is stowed

inside a compartment in the fuselage

close to the wing root

there is one over wing exit on each side

of the a319

there are two over wing exits on each

side of the a320

the operation of the overwing exits is

the same for all aircraft

the a319s have two cargo compartments

and two cargo doors forward and app

the a320s have three cargo compartments

and three cargo doors forward aft

and bulk the bulk and abs compartments

are two portions of the same area but

each portion has a separate door

all cargo doors are located on the right

side of the aircraft

there are four small doors in the bottom

of the fuselage close to the aircraft's

nose that provide

access to the avionics compartment

the status of the aircraft doors is

shown on the ecam door oxygen page

this page is the default systems display

when the aircraft is parked

a generic symbol for each door and

escape slide is displayed

a door that is not closed and locked

displays in amber and is labeled

a door that is closed and locked

displays in green with no label

there is a sliding window on each side

of the flight deck that can be used

for emergency exit escape ropes normally

stowed in compartments

after the window can be tossed out of

the window and used to lower oneself to

the ground

during emergency exit ensure the rope is

firmly attached before you exit through

the window

on this frame you can click all doors

and watch the symbols

indicate their open or closed status

the over-wing escapes are equipped with

slides the slides are always

armed unless disarmed by maintenance

therefore a white label normally appears

beside the associated door

each cabin door is equipped with a slide

that must be armed after the door is

closed and locked

this frame shows all doors closed and

locked but none of the door slides are

armed when a door slide is armed a white

label appears beside the associated door

all slides are now armed okay we

finished with the description of the

door indications

now let's learn how to operate the doors

before we describe the door operation

notice the height of these doors from

the ground

assist handles are located close to the

door frame and there is also an assist

handle on the door

hold on to the appropriate handle when

operating a door to protect yourself

from a wind gust or other condition that

could pull you off balance

the four cabin doors are manually

operated and are locked and unlocked by

use of a control handle

an indicator displays the locked or

unlocked condition of the door

the doors can be opened in the normal

disarm or emergency

armed mode opening the door in the

normal mode will not cause the slide to


but opening the door in the emergency

mode will cause the slide to

automatically deploy and inflate

to close the door the gust lock on top

of the support

arm must be pressed to unlock the door

from the open position

swing the door until it is closed then

move the control lever to lock the door

the control lever arms the slide and a

small window displays the arming status

of the slide

the slide must be disarmed before the

door is opened so as not to activate the

emergency mode
each door has an observation window

equipped with a sun shield

near the window there are two electrical

indicators which can be viewed

through the window or from outside one

indicator illuminates white when the

slide is armed and the door handle is

moved up

one indicator flashes red if the cabin


pressurized when both engines are off

and the door is disarmed

a door is normally opened by moving the

control lever to disarm the slide and

unlock the door

the door is then moved full open until

the gust lock is engaged

before we leave this frame notice the

door support arm holds the emergency

opening cylinder

and the slide pressure gauge

we'll now describe opening the door in

the emergency mode

when the door is opened with a slide

armed the door emergency opening

cylinder provides the pressure for fast

opening of the door

with a slide armed the slide will deploy

and inflate

automatically when the cabin door is


in the event that the escape slide does

not automatically inflate

a red manual inflation handle can be


each slide is equipped with emergency

lights that automatically illuminate

when the slide is deployed

the lights are electrically powered by a

battery in the slide

pack itself

the cabin doors can also be closed and

open from the outside

however the arming of the slide can only

be performed

from inside this completes our

description of the operation of the

cabin doors

the over wing emergency exits can be

opened from outside

and inside inside opening instructions

are placarded on the exit frame

and on the passenger seat backs a cover

flat protects the control handle

a slide armed indication illuminates

white and a handle light comes on when

the cover flap is removed

over wing slides are stowed in a stowage

compartment on either side of the


this respective overwing escape slide is

automatically deployed when an over

wing emergency exit is opened two

emergency lights underneath the wing

exits illuminate the escape way

leading to the escape slide if the

automatic sequence fails

a red handle in each exit frame can be


to manually inflate the slide

the forward and aft cargo compartments

are capable of holding containerized

cargo the doors on the forward and aft


open outward and upward they are

operated with yellow hydraulic system


the doors are manually locked and

unlocked but hydraulic pressure is

required to open or close them

the yellow system electric pump normally

provides the pressure

but a hand pump is installed at the

hydraulic maintenance panel when the

electric pump is not operative

note when the electric pump is operating

the forward or apt cargo doors

the only other yellow system items that

can operate are the braking and engine 2


the bolt compartment door is manually

operated and can be opened from inside

or outside it is a plug type door that


inward and upward

this frame shows the ecam door oxygen


display for the lcd type and for the crt

type these pages have similar displays

but our pop-up shows the differences

this completes our description of door

operation and

indications now let's answer some






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