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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics (Activities)

Ramos, Aeron B. 11-HE Watermelon

Direction: Complete the graphic organizer by writing the required information in the spaces provided.
Anthropology The study of what The ability to research Franz Boaz
makes humans, human every facet of human
is known as life.
anthropology. Holism is
a comprehensive
method that
anthropologists use to
examine the many
distinct facets of the
human experience.
Sociology The study of social life, Provides critical insight Karl Marx
social change, and the and perspective on
social causes and social challenges.
consequences of
human conduct is
referred to as
Political Science Politics and power are Outstanding Niccolò Machiavelli
studied from domestic, preparation for active
international, and citizenship
perspectives in political
Direction: Complete the graphic organizer by writing the required information in the appropriate spaces.
Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism" is a term that is when you pass judgment on
commonly used in circles other countries' eating habits
concerned with ethnicity, inter- without having a moral
ethnic relations, and other justification
inter-group issues. It is defined
as "thinking one's own group's
ways are superior to others" or
"judging other groups as
inferior to one's own."
Xenocentrism Xenocentrism refers to a The notion among Americans
preference for other cultures' that Europeans manufacture
and civilizations' cultural superior automobiles.
practices, such as how they live
and eat, above one's own social
way of life.
Cultural Relativism Cultural relativism is the belief In India, it is customary for
that people's values, same-sex friends to walk in
knowledge, and conduct must public while holding hands.
be understood in the context of
their own culture. This is an
important idea in sociology
since it acknowledges and
reinforces the linkages between
larger societal structures and
trends and individual people's
daily lives.

Directions: Describe how your community has changed over the years. Write the characteristics of your
community ten years ago in the “past” column and do the same to describe your present community in
the “present” column.
Filipino youth were reverent and devout during Today's Filipino youth are vocally hostile and
the time. As a result, Filipino kids back then had a delinquent. Another example is that Filipino
better moral outlook than they do now. We've teenagers are increasingly imitating characters
lost sight of our goal, which was to safeguard and from various foreign films, believing that being
fight for what was good for our country. Filipino violent and aggressive is "cool."
kids had a better moral outlook back then than
they do now. Our Filipino culture has always
included the use of the words "po" and "opo."

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