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Region I

Reading Assessment (1)

START HERE. Ask student to choose one paragraph to read.

Paragraph 1
Light is the power to dispel darkness. You have this power to move back the darkness in

yourself and in others– with the birth of light created when one mind illuminates another,

when one heart kindles another, when one man strengthens another. And its flame also

enlarges within you as you pass on!

Paragraph 2
He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when

they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always

said as though she was a woman. Some of the younger fisherman, those who used buoys

as floats for their lines and had motor-boats, bought when the shark livers had brought

much money, spoke of her as el mar which is masculine. They spoke of her as a contestant

or a place or even an enemy. But the old man ALWAYS thought of her as feminine and as

something that gave or withheld great favors, and if she did wild or wicked things it was

because she could not help them. The moon affects her as it does a woman, he thought.

If the student CAN read either paragraph with less than 3 mistakes, then ask the student to read
the story


The brain is the center of the nervous system. It interprets stimuli and tells the body

how to react.

The brain has three major parts. The part that controls balance, coordination and

muscle movement is called the cerebellum. It makes sure that the muscles work well

together. For example, a gymnast is able to balance on a beam because of the cerebellum.
The medulla is a long stem that connects the brain to the spinal cord. It tells one’s body

to do things without thinking about them. Digesting food or breathing even while asleep are

examples of these involuntary actions.

On the other hand, there are actions that one decides to do. It is the largest part of

the brain—the cerebrum—that is responsible for these voluntary movements. Without it,

one will not be able to kick a ball or dance at all.

The brain might seem small but it is so powerful as it controls one’s entire body.

If the student can read the STORY with less than 3 mistakes, then read the story
comprehension questions out loud to the student and ask the student to answer.

Story comprehension questions:

1. Which is the best description of the brain?

a. It makes people intelligent.

b. It keeps one’s body healthy.

c. It helps everyone think well.

d. It dictates how the body will react to stimuli.

2. Which part of the brain connects to the spinal cord?

a. the nerves

b. the medulla

c. the cerebrum

d. the cerebellum

3. In the sentence, “The brain interprets stimuli,” the meaning of interpret is_______.

a. assign roles

b. recall facts

c. discuss ideas

d. make sense of

4. Which is an example of involuntary action?

a. circulating blood all over the body

b. punching one’s classmate

c. clapping your hands

d. tickling your friend

5. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. The brain controls the senses.

b. The brain interprets all actions.

c. The brain has three main parts.

d. The brain controls one’s entire body.

Reading Assessment (2)

If the student CANNOT read either of the paragraphs, reads the text haltingly,
stops very often like a string of words or reads the text fluently but commits
more than 3 mistakes, then ask the student to read any 5 words.

brain stimuli

responsible nervous breathing balance

muscles dance

If the student CANNOT read at least 4 out of 5 words, then ask the
student to recognize any 5 letters

b s e m d v a p n i

Reading Assessment (3)

If the student can answer at least two of the three story comprehension questions
correctly, then ask the student to read the next selection out loud and answer the
comprehension questions.


Humans do not have the capacity to breathe underwater unaided by external devices. A

diver who wants to stay underwater for more than a few minutes must breathe air on a
special mixture of gases. He can wear diving suits and have air pumped to him from above

or he can carry tanks of air on his back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece.

Early divers discovered that it is not enough to supply air to breathe comfortably

underwater. The diver’s body is under great pressure in deep water because water weighs

800 times as much as air. Tons of water push against the diver deep in the sea. When this

happens, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes.

When the diver rises to the surface, the water pressure becomes less. If he rises too

quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles that make breathing difficult. He suffers from

bends, causing him to double up in pain.

1. What is the purpose of the diving suit?

a. to track the diver’s location

b. to make the diver stay afloat

c. to dive to the bottom of the sea faster

d. to pump air from the surface of the sea

2. The hose and the mouthpiece of the diver are used _______________.

a. for breathing

b. for finding direction

c. for lighting the way

d. for communicating

3. The second paragraph informs the reader that ___________________.

a. water is heavier than air

b. it is easy to float on the water

c. it is exciting to stay under water

d. it is difficult to breathe while diving

4. From the phrase ‘a diver suffers from bends,’ the reader can guess that a bend is


a. a reverse turn

b. an intense pain

c. a wrong direction

d. an incorrect information

5. Which statement is true in the selection?

Water pressure ___________________________________.

a. is heavier on the sea surface

b. is greater in the deep part of the sea

c. feels more while one is going up the surface

d. is the same on the surface and in the deep part of the sea

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