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Name: James Vincent E. Dauz.

Subject: GECW (Cm2)

Course/Year: BSEd-Social Studies 3 Aristotle. Teacher: Mr. Joshua L. Comeros
Assessment Task 1: Identification
1. Henry Kissinger
2. Americanization
3. Colonialism
4. Imperialism
5. Harvey
6. Lenin
7. Liberalism
8. Imperialism
9. Post-Colonialism
10. Creative destruction

Assessment Task 2: Concept Mapping

 Anti-aggression
 Colonialism  Ruling vast lands  Anti-Imperialism
 Empire across countries.  Pacifism
 International  Political,  Liberal
domination economical, social  Conservatism
 Fascism controlled by the  Democracy
 Dominion emperor
 Expansionism  Strict
 Totalitarianism implementation
on its rules.
 Display of
influence in terms
of military power

Assessment Task 3: Global economic institution
Instructions: Critique the global position (role) of the Philippines in the map of interconnections of a particular
business through writing the key information needed in the table.

Research the origins and The DTI had its beginnings on  23 June 1898  when President Emilio F.
history of the institution you Aguinaldo formed four government agencies, namely the
have chosen Departments of Navy, Commerce, Agriculture, and
Map the international The DTI does have a branch called Foreign trade service corps (FTSC)
connections it has created composed of representatives or commercial attaches representing
the commercial posts of the department of trade and Industry (DTI)
around the world.
FTSC Works internationally To connect Philippine companies investors with
their counterparts abroad. FTSC Do trade promotion, Investment
promotion, Commercial Intelligence, and Trade Negotiations
Between foreign countries.
Identify the major country leadersPhilippines,
of China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Thailand , Indonesia,
this institution Malaysia, India , Singapore , Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
Germany, Belgium , France, Switzerland, United kingdom, Sweden,
USA, Mexico, and Canada.
Locate the Philippines in this mapPhilippines
of is the one who created the DTI and FTSC which promotes and
interconnections focuses on making the economic development of countries more
inclusive , this allows different trades, investments, commercial, and
etc. It is a Philippine Government’s Institution created to encourage
business partners outside the country to invest and start their
business in the Philippines.
thesis: Critique the global position (role) of the Philippines in the map of interconnections of a
particular business.
Philippines is considered by foreign countries as one of the country that promotes global market, and allows the
entry and out of products within countries, this allows the business owners from outside the Philippines
to start their business in the Philippines; likewise the Business owners in the Philippines could also start
their business in a particular country that is a member of the partnership, just for example the Jollibee is
a food Giant company that is founded by a Filipino citizen are now can be seen in Europe, in united
States of America, and etc. On the other hand the starbucks an Mcdonalds are from the foreign country
but now it is accessible also in the Philippines. All in all the Philippines becomes a member of a Global
Market, which benefits the relations among nations and the economic earnings.

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