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The Heart of the Matter

Practice and Theology
of Church Music
Dr. Mark Harbold
Professor of Music
Elmhurst University
Chicago, USA

Dr. Paul Westermeyer Credit where credit is due

•  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Rev. Dr. •  This talk relies heavily on his 1988 book,
Paul Westermeyer, the HOD who hired me The Church Musician (Augsburg Press).
at Elmhurst & became a significant mentor. •  Most of what I am presenting here derives
•  After Elmhurst, Dr. Paul created a new from Dr. Paul’s ideas on church music.
Masters program in Church Music at •  Any unidentified quotes come directly from
Luther-Northwestern Seminary in St. Paul his book.
MN, in cooperation with my alma mater, St.
Olaf College.

So you’re a church musician? High aspirations!

•  Do you dread waking up early on Sunday •  You started with high hopes and aspirations
morning? •  But you’ve settled into a routine
•  Do you feel you’re just going through the •  It’s the same people every week
motions, grinding out the music for another –  The out-of-tune soprano, the alto with her snide
Sunday service? comments, the always too-loud tenor, the bass
•  Why are you there in the first place? who’s always a half-beat late
•  Why do you do it?


Why keep at it? Money & Time?

•  Society doesn’t value what you do •  Budget for new music, innovation? Ha!
–  Music is just an entertainment •  Choir of volunteers making sacrifices to be
–  Professional musicians look down their noses there, and you are also a volunteer!
•  Your church may not value what you do –  Working another job to pay bills, raise a family
–  Pastors who ask too much of you but don’t •  Church job squeezed in between other
appreciate what you’re going through things, when you’re already tired
–  Church members all want the music they like! •  Little time for study, practice, planning

Obstacles to training? Training options?

•  Availability? You have to find it •  Workshops, lessons, classes (?)
•  Fear? I’m not good enough? Not worthy? •  In U.S., a college music major with courses
–  All are worthy! Possibilities for growth are in church music
crucial for you and your church! –  These are becoming harder to find in U.S.!
•  Time & Money?
–  Scarce commodities
–  Sacrifice and dedication are necessary

Questions of faith? Faith qualifications?

•  Other musicians may also have a sense of •  Music leaders from the congregation only?
calling, of vocation –  Many advantages, but qualified musicians are
–  But they don’t have to believe in what they do not always there
–  This makes church musicians unique •  You can serve another church if you:
•  You are always dealing with a community –  Are secure in your faith, know what the church
of faith believes, and can honor their faith experience
–  The song you lead is the song of their faith •  Matters of faith are precious treasures!


Moving beyond the “grind” Modern terms?

•  What is your calling? •  Modern terms obscure the role of cantor
–  Paul Westermeyer uses the word cantor to –  Choir director, organist, soloist, Director of
define the church musician’s role Music – all suggest concert performance
–  The chief “singer,” leads the people in singing –  Pastoral musician, Minister of Music – better at
–  Long tradition, from synagogue to early church highlighting pastoral role of church musician’s
to Lutherans & Anglicans to Puritans & beyond job, but still doesn’t define the role
–  Bach was a cantor!

Cantor solves the dilemma Who is a cantor?

•  Points to practices of early church •  Cantor is a person who leads the people in
–  Helps avoid differences that separate song, whether as:
denominations –  Organist leading hymns and liturgy
•  Many historic precedent’s for cantor’s role –  Song leader or choir director conducting the
–  Part of a long, revered tradition congregation
•  Places the people’s song front & center –  Singer in the choir that leads the congregation
–  Guitar player leading the singing

Cantor’s Task? Bring all your creativity

•  Simple & complex; marvelously varied! •  The most creative musicians will never
•  The simplest amateur expression cease to be challenged
–  Small congregation singing hymns in unison •  Can be done by men, women, & youth
•  The most perfect professional performance •  For the part-time amateur or the full-time
–  Large complex assembly with choir, band, J.S. Bach
orchestra doing richly complex music •  One of the most rewarding things you will
ever do!


Two broad needs Cantors must know the story

•  Knowing the story •  Beliefs separate denominations, but behind
–  Story of God who acts throughout human beliefs is a story
history •  What is the fundamental story, the central
–  How music helps tell the story story behind the beliefs?
•  Making music with the people
–  Whether as singer, choir director, organist,
pianist, instrumentalist

What is the story? What is the story? (2)

–  Creation & human rebellion against God’s love •  The Word made flesh
–  Deliverance from bondage in Egypt –  God among us as teacher, servant, crucified and
–  Covenant risen Lord
–  Prophets who spoke God’s searing word of love •  The Church as Christ’s body
and judgment –  Redeemed, filled with Christ’s spirit, striving to
–  Just and wise yet rebellious kings be what Christ was, but failing … and forgiven

What is the story? (3) Awesome story!

•  A broken, hungry, warring yet celebrative •  Preachers, theologians, & everyday
world in need of the love the Creator so Christians still ask what every detail means
graciously offers •  Each generation, each denomination
•  A human history enveloped in and emphasizes a different part of the story
surrounded by the love of God in Christ •  Easy to get lost in the details
–  Despite all appearances to the contrary •  Cantors cannot lose sight of the plot!


Perspective Context
•  Need not know every theological detail •  Psalms make sense if you know the history
•  Avoid latest fads & narrow perspectives of the Israelites
•  Need to know the story’s broad outlines and •  Bach’s Cantata 140 (Wake, Awake)
main themes –  Written for end of church year
•  Songs must be placed in their context within –  Anticipates Advent AND Second Coming
the story •  O Mary, don’t you weep, don’t you mourn
–  Refers to victory over Egyptians AND Christ’s
victory over Death

The key Other stories

“The key to every canticle, hymn, anthem, •  What music does your congregation listen
passion, motet, cantata, and spiritual is finding to outside of church?
its place in the story.” •  What is the ethnic makeup of your church?
•  What are the individual stories of the people
in your church? Struggles, joys?
•  What is the story of the congregation?
–  Founding, history, etc.

Importance of trust It’s all important

•  Minister to the needs of the people •  Must know both the big story of God’s
•  Psalms can play a critical role! mighty acts and the other stories of your
–  Something for every human experience congregation
–  My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? •  Without the big story, it’s hopeless!
(Psalm 22:1) •  Without the other stories, you work in a
–  You have turned my wailing into dancing, you vacuum and cannot minister effectively
have … and clothed me with joy! (Psalm


Making music with the people Continuous skill development

•  Need native ability, technical training, and •  Anything less than excellence is disruptive
practice ... in that order! •  Both amateurs & professionals must
•  No need to be a genius! practice to develop skills!
–  You need only the skills the situation demands •  Every cantor can do an excellent job ... if
–  People’s song is the central focus skills are matched to the situation
•  If that includes songs beyond the cantor’s •  Job is same for skilled musician & amateur
skill set, cantor must develop their skills! –  Serve the people & practice to accomplish that

Life-long projects Sound frustrating?

•  Knowing the story & developing skills •  Actually it is the delight of the position!
–  “The story is so rich in meaning that it can –  “There is always something new to learn, something
never be fully understood, and its implications new to do, a new hymn, a new anthem, a new
harmonization, a new skill, a new insight, a new tone
are new every morning.”
color or tempo, something stimulating that suggests
–  “The skills can never be fully developed, for another way to understand and express the song. Life-
with each skill you learn, a whole new set is long learning is built into the cantor’s responsibility—
suggested and needs to be worked out.” learning as varied as the designs of a kaleidoscope.”

How to start? Anticipate problems

•  Since cantor’s learning is life long: •  Church traditions, practices, & schedules
–  Why not start now? All you need is enough are not yours to change unilaterally
understanding of the story and enough skill to •  You’re working with volunteers & amateurs
serve a given congregation
–  Be kind and affirming wherever appropriate
–  Learn by doing, but find a teacher or mentor
•  Economic issues are unavoidable
–  Take lessons, courses, workshops
–  Do your job! “All you really need are [good]
–  Attend mentor’s worship services
people, your creativity, and the Spirit of God.”


Perfectionism? God demands our best!

•  Stop thinking like an individual artist –  Choral standards same as for best choirs!
–  Artistic ideals are important, but the goal is not –  Organist & instrumentalists must prepare every
perfection. hymn carefully!
–  The people’s song is for participating, not for –  Must choose worthy & durable music
listening only. •  God is present when Christ’s body gathers!
–  “Even God did not hold his perfect divinity –  Tension between God’s perfection & imperfect
from us, but compromised to take on our humanity
imperfect humanity.”

What is the people’s song? Song of praise

•  Song of praise •  At the works of your hands I sing for joy.
•  Song of prayer (Psalm 92)
•  Song of proclamation •  O sing to the Lord a new song. (Psalm 98)
•  Story •  Come into His presence with singing.
•  A Gift of God (Psalm 100)
•  Let everything that has breath praise the
Lord. (Psalm 150)

Martin Luther & Song of praise Karl Barth & Song of praise
“God has made our hearts and spirits happy “The praise of God which constitutes the
through His dear Son, whom He has delivered community seeks ... to be expressed, to well up
up that we might be redeemed from sin, death, and be sung [together]. It is not a choral
and the devil. He who believes this sincerely society. Its singing is not a concert. But from
and earnestly cannot help but be happy; he inner, material necessity it sings ... What we
must cheerfully sing.” can and must say quite confidently is that the
community which does not sing is not the


Song of prayer Song of proclamation

•  Solesmes school calls Gregorian chant a •  “But be filled with the Spirit, addressing one
“way of reaching up to God” another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs” (Ephesians 5:18b-19a)
•  John Calvin discusses church song in the
•  “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
section on prayer in his Institutes teaching and admonishing one another in all
•  Many Protestant hymns are prayers wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual
–  Breathe on me, breath of God; Take my life and songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to
let it be; I need thee ev’ry hour; Come, holy God.” (Colossians 3:16)
spirit, come

Luther & Song of proclamation Story

“St. Paul ... in his Epistle to the Colossians ... •  When the people of God recount recount the
insists that Christians appear before God with history of God’s mighty acts, they sing!
psalms and spiritual songs which emanate –  Even the morning stars “sang together” at
from the heart, in order that through these the Creation!
Word of God and Christian doctrine may be –  “Who laid its cornerstone, when the morning
preached, taught, and put into practice.” stars sang together and all the sons of God
shouted for joy?” (Job 38:6b-7)

Deliverance from Egypt God has done marvelous things

Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this •  Reason for the psalmists’ songs of praise?
song to the Lord, saying,“I will sing to the –  Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has
Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; the done marvelous things! (Psalms 98:1)
horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea. •  David's Song of Thanks
The Lord is my strength and my song, and he –  Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;
has become my salvation; this is my God, and make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing
I will praise him, my father's God, and I will to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his
exalt him. (Exodus 15:1-2) wondrous works! (1st Chronicles 16:8-9)


Magnificat Zechariah’s prophecy

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited
rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of
on the humble estate of his servant. For salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as
he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of
behold, from now on all generations will call old, that we should be saved from our enemies and
me blessed; for he who is mighty has done from the hand of all who hate us; to show the mercy
great things for me, and holy is his promised to our fathers and to remember his holy
name.” (Luke 1:46-49) covenant, the oath that he swore to our father
Abraham. (Luke 1:68-72)

Why the Story? Why sing it? A gift of God

–  “For the Christian the event of Jesus stands at •  Church’s song, like music, is a gift of God
the center of the story and is its key. It radically
•  A joy and delight with which God graces
alters and fulfills all personal laments,
thanksgivings, struggles, and visions, and … creation
gives meaning to past and present.” –  “We do not deserve it. It is simply freely given,
–  “A group who sings together becomes one and there for the hearing, a joyous overflow of
remembers its story, and therefore who it is, in creation’s goodness.”
a particularly potent way.”

Luther on God’s gift Calvin on God’s gift

•  “Luther was forever amazed that music, this •  Calvin asserts “music’s power to uplift,
‘unique gift of God’s creation,’ comes from transform, refresh, and recreate the heart
‘the sphere of miraculous audible things,’ and soul” when he calls music a “gift of
just like the word of God.” God deputed” for “recreating man and
giving him pleasure.”


Gelineau on God’s gift

•  “Music is ‘God’s daughter,’ given to
humanity to signify the love of Christ.”
•  Eastern Orthodox Church
–  Music can “reflect the harmony of heaven” and
“can provide us with a foretaste of the splendor
of the Age to come.” The End


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