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Pronouns – I and Me – Worksheet 8

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1.  You'll have to drive (I, me) home from my eye doctor because I won't be able to see very
2.  My mom has a quirk that drives (I, me) crazy. She always picks up my glass to wash it
before I have finished drinking.
3.  Mrs. Harris thinks that Matthew is the culprit in the fire alarm prank, but since he was
with (I, me), I will intercede on his behalf.
4.  You'll have to drive me home from my eye doctor because (I, me) won't be able to see
very well.
5.  (I, Me) always get the doldrums when it's rainy and muggy outside. That type of weather
tends to make me lazy.
6.  If I'm going to be the leader, (I, me) would like to plan the meetings.
7.  My claustrophobia doesn't seem to bother (I, me) as much if I know that I can leave the
tight place.
8.  Since my two best friends were arguing, (I, me) offered to intercede for them so they
could get along again.
9.  Will you oblige (I, me) by keeping that rumor to yourself?
10.  I wish that (I, me) could be omnipresent so that I could get more things done at one time.
11.  My mom told (I, me) not to antagonize my brother.
12.  Although (I, me) enjoyed the theme of your research, your paper was poorly written.
13.  Although I was only a few minutes late getting home, my mom began to rebuke (I, me) for
being tardy.
14.  Although I believed his lies this time, he will not delude (I, me) again.
15.  "Don't follow (I, me)," he said to his dog. "Go home."
16.  The precarious railing made me uneasy and (I, me) was not willing to climb any higher.
17.  (I, Me) did not mean to infer that you had neglected your responsibilities.
18.  I wanted to broach the subject, but (I, me) didn't have the nerve since Caleb was in such
a gloomy mood.
19.  The mechanic performed an exhaustive test on my car to see why it kept dying on (I, me).
20.  (I, Me) need to dispatch this report as soon as possible.

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