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The Constructions of Wind Turbines

Using Scrap Materials

Mapute, Felmar B.
Buan, Bernardo Justo
Pereira, Christel Louise B.
Soriano, Alleah Jean
Piad, Sophia Lauren
A. Background of the study
Electricity is unavailable to one-fifth of the world's population. Furthermore,
approximately 84 percent of this figure represents
people who live in rural areas. Lack of access to reliable electricity can have
serious consequences for education, economics, and health.

and gender equality. There is a global need for greater access to electricity, but
financial constraints are a significant barrier impediment. As a result, it is
necessary to provide as much reliable access to electricity as possible at the
lowest possible cost.

Wind turbines are classified as horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) or vertical
axis wind turbines (VAWTs). Although HAWTs have higher theoretical
efficiencies than vertical counterparts, their performance is affected by wind
direction. Yaw control can help to alleviate this problem, but it also adds to the
design's complexity. Based on these distinctions, the guidelines take into account
and detail both designs.

This research involved the construction of the Savonius wind turbine. Because
the electric power output is limited to 1.5 W, this wind turbine cannot be used to
replace large-scale wind turbines. The size of wind turbines has grown in
response to the desire for a lower price per kilowatt hour and, as a result, greater
efficiency. Wind power plants will create a massive waste problem in the future.

The goal of a circular economy is to eliminate waste by design. In this

experiment, we created a Savonius wind turbine out of waste mAterial. A
significant portion of the rotor blades are made of balsa wood, which could be
recycled but requires a complicated process to separate it from the other
composite parts. There are methods for shredding rotor blades and using them
as concrete filler.

Wind energy sources have a large potential in Indonesia, with a potential of 60

GW. Indonesia had a power plant with a capacity of 64.5GW in 2018. Only 14
percent of total capacity was renewed, with hydro-energy accounting for 50
percent, biomass accounting for 20 percent, and other renewable energy
accounting for 30 percent. Wind energy has the potential to become Indonesia's
primary energy source.
Wind turbines convert wind energy into electrical energy, with wind energy being
the kinetic energy of the airflow. The value of kinetic energy is determined by air
density and velocity. Equation 1 depicts the available wind energy. 𝑤available =
𝑑(𝑚𝑉2⁄2) 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑉𝑉3 2.
Indonesia is a tropical region with a wind energy potential of 113 GW, with wind
speeds averaging 4-6m/s. The potential distribution of wind speed and the
situation of Indonesia, an archipelago country, must be accompanied by the use
of local materials as raw material for wind turbine blade manufacture. F. To
determine the performance of a blade rotor, Mahmuddin uses computational
computations based on the theory of blade element momentum (BEM). The
woods tested in this study were Sengon (Albizia).
chinensis), Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba), and Balsa (Ochroma Rowlee
Indonesian fast-growing wood
However, as a consequence of literature research and informal discussions with
wind turbine industry professionals, certain broad process phases have been
A literature review and analysis of a turbine manufacturer's bill of material were
used to obtain data on materials required for wind turbine manufacturing.
Furthermore, a literature review was conducted to determine the energy demand
and CO2 equivalent emissions of various material groups (both virgin and
secondary). The objective was to look at "as much fresh literature as possible."
Several qualitative interviews with experts in the field were conducted to better
understand the decommissioning phase.
A wind turbine is a revolving machine that converts wind energy into thermal,
mechanical, or electrical energy. Wind turbines are classed according to their
use, capacity, number of blades, relative location of the rotor shaft to the ground,
kind of aerodynamic forces created by the blade, and so on. The most common
form of wind turbine is the propeller-type wind turbine (HAWT). The SB-historical
VAWT's evolution will be explored in this chapter. Aerodynamic models for
turbine design and performance study will be presented.

Despite their simplistic design, these sorts of wind turbines need a lot of material,
can't resist strong wind loads, and hence aren't cost effective. The Darrieus
VAWT is essentially a lift-type wind turbine.

B. Statement of the Problem

Even though degradation of material properties limited possibilities of processing

hazardous materials are used during the process problems with scalability of
most methods chemical recycling is the least eco-friendly method compared to
mechanical and thermal recycling, scrap materials have important role on
constructing our wind turbine because these include the need for more precise
data on the effect of lca calculations, as well as a better understanding of the
markets for recycled-materials-based goods second, designing for recyclability is
high on the priority list in a variety of sectors, including wind power sixth, the
current rapid increase in wind power projects is generating new business in the
long run prospects for repaired second-hand turbines components, turbine
dismantling services, and material recycling and there are now several disposal
solutions for the gfrp present in wind turbine blades each strategy, however, has
significant environmental and economic consequences so far, the most often
used wind turbine blade disposal method has been landfilling recycling is a more
energy-intensive process that involves sorting, processing, and remanufacturing
materials another technique of disposal that has the potential for energy and
material recovery is the incineration of blades because of the high organic
material concentration, several nations have prohibited or limited the landfilling of
frps despite these obvious benefits, there are significant environmental concerns
with this disposal strategy in light of that, because fiber is incombustible, the
calorific value of gfrps is determined by the quantity of polymer used other types
of wind turbine blade processing include pyrolysis and fluidized bed combustion.

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Are wind turbine blades bad for the environment?
2. What are the wind turbine losses and how can they be minimized?
3. Why can't wind turbine blades be recycled?
C. Hypothesis

If, unlike coal, wind turbines do not emit greenhouse gasses and are a completely renewable
source, many people believe that wind energy will soon be our primary source of energy.

Slow cutting or crushers lowering the material size from 50 mm to 100 mm must be utilized if
the material includes metal. High-speed mills are used to crush the material to sizes ranging from
50 m to 10 mm if it is solid and contains no metal.

Slow cutting or crushers that reduce the material size from 50 mm to 100 mm must be used if the
material contains metal. High-speed mills are used to crush solid materials with no metal content
to sizes of 50 m to 10 mm.

Significance of the Study:

Wind turbines are put in each onshore and offshore everywhere the planet. The bulk of the new
capability is balanced by coal generation. However, the study targets wind turbines and tips as
scrap material constructions. Also, in contrast to power plants that place confidence in the
combustion of fossil fuels, like coal or fossil fuel, that produce stuff, atomic number 7 oxides,
and gas, inflicting human medical conditions and economic damages, wind energy may be a
clean fuel supply. Wind turbines shouldn't exhaust any pollutants into the atmosphere that cause
air pollution, smog, or greenhouse gasses. Wind may be a sort of alternative energy, so it's
renewable and environmentally friendly. Wind squared is caused by the sun's heating of the
atmosphere and also the rotation of the planet.

Scope and Delimitations:

This study focuses entirely on making a wind-powered generator that's enough to come up with
electricity. The researchers were ready to realize the mandatory materials and construct the
equipment. This study may facilitate global climate change and also the farms, farmers and
ranchers will still work the land as a result of the wind turbines use solely a fraction of the land.
Wind generation plant homeowners build rent payments to the farmer or husbandman for the
employment of the land, providing landowners with further financial gain.

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