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<summary>Click to view System Check</summary>

### Mandatory checks

#### PHP version >= 7.2.5:

✔ 8.1.2

#### PDO extension:

#### PDO\MYSQL extension:

#### MYSQLI extension:

#### Other required extensions:

✔ zlib ✔ json ✔ filter ✔ hash ✔ session

#### Required functions:

✔ debug_backtrace ✔ eval ✔ hash ✔ gzcompress ✔ gzuncompress ✔ pack

#### Required PHP configuration (php.ini):

✔ session.auto_start = 0 ✔ max_execution_time = 0 OR = -1 OR >= 30

#### Directories with write access:

✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/assets ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/cache ✔
$DOC_ROOT/tmp/climulti ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/latest ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/logs ✔
$DOC_ROOT/tmp/sessions ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/tcpdf ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/templates_c ✔

### Optional checks

#### File integrity:

#### 64-bit PHP Binary:

#### Tracker status:

#### Memory limit:

✔ 128M

#### Time zone:

#### Open URL:

✔ curl

#### PageSpeed is turned off:

#### GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics):

#### Other extensions:
✔ json ✔ libxml ✔ dom ✔ SimpleXML ✔ openssl

#### Other functions:

✔ shell_exec ✔ set_time_limit ✔ mail ✔ parse_ini_file ✔ glob ✔ gzopen ✔ md5_file

#### Filesystem:

#### Set up Cron - Managing processes via CLI:

✔ Ok

#### Forced SSL Connection:

⚠ Warning: We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please
click here continue the installation process over SSL.

#### Update over HTTPS:

#### Writable JavaScript Tracker ("/matomo.js"):

### Informational results

#### Matomo Version:


#### PHP_OS:

#### PHP SAPI:


#### PHP Timezone:


#### PHP Time:


#### PHP Datetime:

2022-06-10 18:15:30

#### PHP INI max_execution_time:


#### PHP INI post_max_size:


#### PHP INI max_input_vars:


#### PHP INI zlib.output_compression:

#### Curl Version:

7.81.0, OpenSSL/3.0.2

#### Suhosin Installed:


#### Server Info:

Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)

#### User Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0

#### Browser Language:



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