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A. Content Standard:
The learners have an understanding of the basic fairness,
personnel and customer relations distribution dilemmas, fraud,
Republic of the Philippines unfair competition, unfair communication, no respect of agree-
ments, environmental degradation etc.
Department of Education B. Performance Standard:
REGION III The learners shall be able to discuss the major ethical issues in
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN entrepreneurship; Formulate a morally defensible position on ethi-
SCHOOL cal issues in entrepreneurship;

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)

The learners shall be to formulate a morally defensible position
BUSINESS ETHICS and on ethical issues in entrepreneurship like basic fairness, personal
customer relations distribution dilemmas, fraud, unfair competi-

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY tion, unfair communication, no respect of agreements, environmen-

tal degradation, etc.
D. Specific Objectives:
( ETHICS AND SOCIAL RE- 1. Discuss the major ethical issues in entrepreneurship;

SPONBILITY IN BUSINESS) 2. Enumerate some business doing the right business

ACTIVITY SHEET Lesson 3.2: Discuss the major ethical issues in entrepreneurship;
3.3: Formulate a morally defensible position on ethical is-
(Quarter 2, Week 2) sues in entrepreneurship;
NAME: ____________________________________________________

STRAND/GRADE/SECTION:_____________________________________ III. PROCEDURES:

DATE OF SUBMISSION: ________________________________________
Before you start studying this learning activity sheet, take this simple
MM / DD / YY test to find out what you already know about the topic.

1 2
A.Preliminary Activities B. Presenting the New Lesson
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provide : Pfizer uses the term corporate citizenship to coin their CSR initiatives
____1. The company should have attractive compensation packages to at- and believes it is a core part of their company and 'simply how they do
tract more potential talents to join the organization who can be of business'. Across the globe, the company drives initiatives that raise
help in the achievement of the long-term goals of the company.
awareness for non-infectious diseases as well as providing healthcare for
A. Sensible and Attractive Salary
women and children who otherwise would not have the care they need.
B. Humane Behavior towards employees
One example of this is the reduction in the price of their Prevenar
C. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time
13 vaccines (for pneumonia, ear and blood infections) for those in need
D. Give Guarantee of Minimum Price
____2. Employees should be treated compassionately by allowing them to and in situations such as refugees and emergency settings. Do you know a
practice their rights and enjoy being workers of the company. business that also has a social responsibility to its society or environment?
A. Give Guarantee of Minimum Price
B. Sensible and Attractive Salary
C. Humane Behavior towards employees III. LESSON 1: Ethical Issues in Entrepreneurship
D. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time Ethical issues - is a problem or situation that requires a person or or-
____3. Entrepreneurs have the responsibility to pay for the agreed prices ganization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right
with the suppliers. (ethical) or wrong (unethical).
A. Give Guarantee of Minimum Price What is Ethical issues in entrepreneurship?
B. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time
Ethical issues occur when a given decision, scenario or activity creates a
C. Sensible and Attractive Salary
conflict with a society's moral principles. Both individuals and businesses
D. Humane Behavior towards employees can be involved in these conflicts, since any of their activities might be
____4. The entrepreneurs should give the assurance of lowest prices to the put to question from an ethical standpoint.
suppliers so that the certainty of the price will be sustained.
A. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time Integrity and Trust- the most fundamental ethical issues that business-
B. Humane Behavior towards employees es face nowadays.
C. Give Guarantee of Minimum Price
Ethical Dilemma- situation/s concerning right or wrong when values are
D. Sensible and Attractive Salary
in conflict.
____5. Entrepreneurs are also responsible in the well-being of their employ-
ees. It is their responsibility to deliver financial sustenance during Basic Fairness- Ethical decision-making processes should center on pro-
sickness, old age, accidents and even death. tecting employee and customer rights, making sure all business opera-
tions are fair and just, protecting the common good and making sure in-
A. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time
dividual values and beliefs of workers are protected.
B. Give Guarantee of Minimum Price
C. Sensible and Attractive Salary Successful entrepreneurs operate on sound business ethics which are
D. Assumption of Welfare Arrangements approved and accepted in any society.
Entrepreneurial Ethics are those codes of conduct, employed by entre-
preneurs which impact society positively, thereby increasing the entre-

3 4
The following are the most common ethical issues encountered by 8. Hiring someone to write fake reviews
entrepreneurs: Hiring people to write fake reviews about the company is unethical.
There also companies being paid just create fake survey results just
1. Favoritism/Partiality like TV ratings. This action is not ethical because these businessmen
Entrepreneurs should not be biased when it comes to hiring employees are giving fake information about their company just to appear posi-
and in making decisions in other aspects. You don’t hire a less qualified tive online.
job candidate because he is related to you or because he is your favor- 9, Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
ite. It is not only unethical but you are also hiring someone who is not Harassment and discrimination are arguably the largest ethical is-
best for the position. sues that impact business owners today. Should harassment or dis-
2. Copyright Violation crimination take place in the workplace, the result could be cata-
The mistake of infringing copyrights of other businesses is an abuse of strophic for your organization both financially and reputationally.
the law. It is important that you should ask permission from the right- 10. . Whistleblowing or Social Media Rants
ful owner before you use their own creations for business. The widespread nature of social media has made employees conduct
online a factor in their employment status. The question of the ethics
3. Overworking Your Staff of firing or punishing employees for their online posts is complicated.
Entrepreneurs asking too much work from their employees without However, the line is usually drawn when an employee’s online behav-
even understanding their situations is unethical. Entrepreneurs ior is considered to be disloyal to their employer. This means that a
should know their limit in assigning workloads to their employees. Facebook post complaining about work is not punishable on its own
4. Tax Accounting and Dishonesty of Expenses but can be punishable if it does something to reduce business.
Dishonesty in declaration of assets and income just to get lower tax is 11. Ethics in Accounting Practices
unethical. It is important that the entrepreneur should not mix person- Any organization must maintain accurate bookkeeping practices.
al and business expenses. Not doing it right mind end up in trouble “Cooking the books”, and otherwise conducting unethical accounting
with the law. practices, is a serious concern for organizations, especially in publicly
traded companies.
5. Claiming Income
12. Nondisclosure and Corporate Espionage
Hiding income generated and not declaring it may hamper the business Many employers are at risk of current and former employees stealing
because it will deprive the government from collecting from these entre- information, including client data used by organizations in direct
preneurs. This qualifies as unethical because there is dishonesty in this competition with the company. When intellectual property is stolen,
situation. or private client information is illegally distributed, this constitutes
6. Hiding Blemishes During Fundraising corporate espionage. Companies may put in place mandatory nondis-
It can be very tempting to slightly exaggerate things while on the hunt closure agreements, stipulating strict financial penalties in case of
for investment and it is a very slippery slope with no real upside. You violation, in order to discourage these types of ethics violations.
either lose credibility/trust later on or commit yourself to an unrealistic 13. Technology and Privacy Practices
timeline that will only frustrate those who have bought into your Under the same umbrella as nondisclosure agreements, the develop-
dream. Be optimistic but realistic with where challenges might occur. ments in technological security capability pose privacy concerns for
Openness and honesty help ensure a good fit. clients and employees alike. Employers now have the ability to moni-
tor employee activity on their computers and other company-provided
7. Merging Personal and Business Accounts
devices, and while electronic surveillance is meant to ensure efficien-
Never merge personal income with business income. Entrepreneurs cy and productivity, it often comes dangerously close to privacy viola-
should be sensible with their expenses. Proper payroll or paying quar- tion.
terly taxes should be observed.

5 6
Brands Doing it Right IV. ACTIVITIES

1. An excellent example of CSR is global giant Johnson & Johnson. They INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 1:
have focused on reducing their impact on the planet for three decades. Directions: Write A if you agree on the statement and write D if you dis-
Their initiatives range from leveraging the power of the wind to providing agree in the statement.
safe water to communities around the world. Its purchase of a privately-
owned energy supplier in the Texas Panhandle allowed the company to _____1. The manager has a monitor connected with the company's’
reduce pollution while providing a renewable, economical alternative to CCTV, and a speaker in every corner of the building, to monitor
electricity. all of the activity happening in his business.
2. Google is trusted not only for its environmentally friendly initiatives _____2. Your company's’ CPA has two sets of Financial Statement, one
but also due to their outspoken CEO Sundar Pichai. He stands up with a lower income for the BIR, and another one for the real in-
against social issues including President Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim come of the company.
comments. Google also earned RI’s highest CSR score much in part due
to their data center using 50% less energy than others in the world. They _____3. The Partially disabled persons are the priority of your company in
also have committed over $1 billion to renewable energy projects and en- hiring additional production worker.
able other businesses to reduce their environmental impact through ser- _____4. Mr. Tobias has paid a news agency to inform the public that
vices such as Gmail there was a bird flu outbreak in their province. Mr. Tobias don’t
3. Coca-Cola’s massive fleet of delivery trucks contributed 3.7 million have a poultry.
metric tons of greenhouse gases to the world. They have made major
_____5. You post on your FB account the incident that happen in your
changes to their supply chain practices including investing in new alter-
natively fueled trucks. Their initiatives are intended to create a 25% re- company. A died cockroach was found in the drums of milk.
duction in their carbon footprint by 2020 You were working n a milk tea store.

4. Ford Motor Company. Ford plans to reduce their greenhouse gas

emissions using their EcoBoost engine to increase fuel efficiency. It also INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT 1:
plans to introduce 40 electrified vehicles (electric and hybrid) by 2022, in
an investment of $11 billion. According to Ford: “We’re all in on this and Application: Case analysis
we’re taking our mainstream vehicles, our most iconic vehicles, and we’re
electrifying them. If we want to be successful with electrification, we have You have gathered all the necessary document to start up your
to do it with vehicles that are already popular.” “Milk Thea” Shop. As a young entrepreneur, you don’t’ have any
5. Netflix & Spotify. From a social perspective, companies such as Net- background in the payment of your monthly, quarterly and annual
flix and Spotify offer benefits to support their employees and families. taxes. To learn everything about it you visit the government office
Netflix offers 52 weeks of paid parental leave. This compares to 18 weeks near you. While you were asking about the taxes due for your busi-
at other tech companies. Spotify offers a similar program, although for a
shorter duration of 24 weeks of paid leave. ness, the government employee offers you, an irresistible amount,
you are going to pay, but there will be no receipts, only a certification
6. Starbucks. With an eye to hiring, Starbucks is looking to diversify
their workforce and provide opportunities for certain cohorts. By 2025 it that you pay your taxes will be given to you. Will you accept the offer
has pledged to hire 25,000 veterans by 2025. This hiring initiative will or not? Explain your reasons.
also look to hire more younger people with the aim of "helping jump-start
careers by giving them their first job'. While globally the company has
joined with the UN Refugee Agency to scale up the company’s support
and efforts to reach refugee candidates to hire 10,000 refugees by 2022.

7 8
Matching Type: Match the word on column A with the description DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
on column B. write the letter of your chosen answer on separate the space provided.
sheet of paper. 1. They offers 52 weeks of paid parental leave.
A. Ford b. google c. Netflix d. Starbucks
Column A Column B
2. They have committed over $1 billion to renewable energy projects.
1. Entrepre- A. Situation/s concerning right or wrong when values are in
A. Coca-Cola b. google c. Netflix d. Starbucks
neurial Ethics conflict.
3. They help to reduce pollution while providing a renewable, economical alter-
2. Technology B. Widespread nature of social media has made employees native to electricity.
and Privacy conduct online a factor in their employment status.
A. Ford b. Johnson c. Netflix d. Starbucks
4. They aim of "helping jump-start careers by giving them their first job'.
3. Integrity and C. Employer was monitoring the employees activity on their
Trust computer and CCTV. A. Ford b. Coca-Cola c. Netflix d. Starbucks

4. Basic Fair- D. Manager want a one night stand with his employee, 5. The company are intended to create a 25% reduction in their carbon foot-
ness which she knew was recently separated from her partner. print by 2020

5. Whistle E. Employees has to work 12 hours a day without receiving A. Ford b. Coca-Cola c. Netflix d. Starbucks
blowing overtime pay. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 3:
6. Favoritism/ F. Ask permission from the rightful owner before you use Directions: look for the word or words on the puzzle. Hint: they are the
company’s doing it right.
Partiality their own creations for business.
7. Harassment G. Preparing two sets of financial statements, the lower in- J O H N S O N & P
8. Tax ac- G. Entrepreneurs should be sensible with their expenses. Y D U G I D P O T
counting O I J E L N G H I
9. Ethical di- H. Decision-making processes should center on protecting E R T Y U E I N F
lemma employee and customer rights,. C O C A D T C S Y
10. Overwork- I. Manager hire a less qualified job candidate because they A W E C R F T O B
ing Your Staff are first degree related to each other. R A Y O R L D N E
J. The most fundamental ethical issues that businesses face
K. Those codes of conduct, employed by entrepreneurs which
impact society positively
L. When intellectual property is stolen, or private client infor-
mation is illegally distributed. A S E N Y O M R E

9 10
Directions: Choose among the list of employee and employer, ac- Directions: assuming that you have your own business. Answer the ques-
countability and responsibility during the time of pandemic. tion below.
Write E if it is for employee and write R if it is for employer, use
the space provided: What is your idea of unfair competition? How essential is the respect of
____1. Provide the necessary PPE’s. agreements or contracts?

____2. Prepare the alternative work from home schedule.

____3. Follow the new schedule.
____4. Report to the proper authorities the condition of the employees. _____________________________________________
____5. File to the government agency concern the status of the busi-
____6. Wear the prescribe PPE’s. _____________________________________________
____7. Follow-up to the government agency the needed help for the em- _____________________________________________
ployees. _____________________________________________
____8. Donate to the most affected areas a portion of the company’s _____________________________________________
income. _____________________________________________
____9. Follow guidelines implemented by the different government _____________________________________________
agency, in and out of the premises. _____________________________________________
____10. Inform the company’s real Finsncial situation.

11 12
Post Test :
RUBRICS Direction. Answer the 5-item Simple Recall Test and write your answers
on the blank provided before the number.
_____1. Caroll’s Pyramid model of Social Responsibility includes the fol-
lowing except:
A, Economic C. Philanthropic
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 B. Ethical D. Subliminal
_____2. Entrepreneurs should identify just process for the goods and
Includes sig- Includes many Includes few Missing or services so that customers will develop trust on the product and in
nificant rele- details to sup- details to sup- weak facts or the long run, they also develop loyalty to the business as well as to
Content vant, and port infor- port infor- details
the product.
compelling mation or po- mation or po- A. Determination of Fair Prices
details or facts sition though sition many B. Not to Seek Political Patronage by Unfair Means
to support few are not all are not rele- C. Formation of Small Business Relations
information relevant vant D. Right and True Advertising
Evidence of Evidence of Few evidence New learning _____3. It is the responsibility of the entrepreneur not to seek for any
Knowledge / genuine learn- learning of learning is not evident. political support through provision of unnecessary economic help
ing not just a though some most of the Not developed
to any political party or politicians especially during elections.
repeat of infor- information information or tied into A. Formation of Small Business Relations
mation found appears to appears to past B. Right and True Advertising
just be given just be given knowledge C. Not to Seek Political Patronage by Unfair Means
Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many D. A and B are correct
Grammar grammatical and grammati- spelling and spelling and _____4. Establishment of good relationship with the employees to pro-
errors cal errors grammatical grammatical tect the interests of everyone
errors errors A. Formation of Small Business Relations
B. Right and True Advertising
C. Not to Seek Political Patronage by Unfair Means
D. Assumption of Welfare Arrangements
_____5. Making sure that the physical environment of the workers is
well taken-cared of by providing good lighting, proper temperature
and workable space for the employees is a responsibility by the en-
A. Sensible and Attractive Salary
B. Pay Fair Prices of Goods at a reasonable time
C. Provide Best Working Environments
D. Assumption of Welfare Arrangements

13 14
Enrichment Activities References:
Formulate your own ethical principles regarding customer service as a
future entrepreneur. models-corporate-social-responsibility--economic-model--profit-based-

15 16

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