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Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000


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Energy Procedia 00

Climamed 2017 – Mediterranean Conference of HVAC; Historical buildings retrofit in the

Mediterranean area, 12-13 May 2017, Matera, Italy

HeritageTheand15thClimate Changes
International SymposiuminonRomania: The
District Heating andSt. Nicholas
Church of Densus, from Degradation to Restoration
Assessing the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor
temperature functiona*,for
Mihaela Stela Georgescu a long-term
Cristina district
Victoria Ochinciuc
Emil demand forecast
Sever Georgescu c
Iolanda Colda
I. Andrić
a *, A. Pina , P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, 18-20 Academiei Street, 010014 Bucharest, Romania
University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, 18-20 Academiei Street, 010014 Bucharest, Romania
IN+ Center
c for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
National Researchb and Development Institute URBAN-INCERC, Sos. Pantelimon No. 266, 021652 Bucharest, Romania
d Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
c Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bd. Pache Protopopescu, No. 66, 021414 Bucharest, Romania
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France

The paper present the restoration of Densus Church, Hunedoara County, Romania, initiated more than a decade ago, in view of
actual situation
District heatingand researchare
networks needs. The investigation
commonly addressed with
in theinfrared (I-R)
literature as thermography
one of the mostwaseffective
associated with measurements
solutions for decreasingof air
greenhouse and relative humidity.
gas emissions from theThe high sector.
building humidity inside
These the church
systems requirewas theinvestments
high main risk factor
which for
are degradation of frescoes,
returned through the heat
Due to was coming from
the changed climatecapillary rise and
conditions of water.
natural ventilation was improved
policies, heat demand inafter
the restoration,
future couldwhile the
insertion of a floor heating and the
prolonging the investment return period. perimeter drainage in building and surrounding area prevented humidity increase.
2017 The Authors.
main Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2017 Thescope of this
Authors. paper isby
Published to Elsevier
assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
forecast. Theunder responsibility
district of Alvalade,of thelocated
scientific committee
in Lisbon of the Climamed2017
(Portugal), was used2017as a–– Mediterranean
case study. TheConference
district isof HVAC; of 665
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Climamed Mediterranean Conference ofconsisted
Historical that varyretrofit
buildings in bothin
retrofit inconstruction
the Mediterranean
the Mediterranean area.
and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
Keywords: building structures; natural ventilation; infrared thermography; humidity; restoration.
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
The St.inNicholas
decrease the numberChurch of Densus,
of heating Hunedoara
hours of County,
22-139h during the in the historical
heating RomanianonProvince
season (depending of Transylvania,
the combination of weatherisand
particularly interesting
renovation scenarios historicalOnmonument
considered). and function
the other hand, architectural heritage
intercept in Romania.
increased Since
for 7.8-12.7% 1991, the
per decade church on
(depending was the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

* Corresponding
Peer-review author.
under Tel.: +0040-745-058-815;
responsibility fax:Committee
of the Scientific +0040-213-077-105.
of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and

Keywords: Heat2017demand;
The Authors. Published
Forecast; bychange
Climate Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Climamed2017 – Mediterranean Conference of HVAC; Historical buildings
retrofit in the Mediterranean area.

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Climamed 2017 – Mediterranean Conference of HVAC; Historical
buildings retrofit in the Mediterranean area
Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85 77
2 Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al / Energy Procedia00 (2017) 000–000

proposed to be included on UNESCO list of heritage. The construction period is most likely the thirteenth century;
the church was modified successively during the XIVth and XVth centuries. The building passed through many
patterns of use and decay under changing interior / exterior climates. Since the relationship with the local
environment factors was addressed only when some restoration was done, we consider appropriate to evaluate the
past and future exposure of this monument.
The CLIMAMED 2017 is focused on a series of correlated heritage issues that cannot be treated separately.
Indeed, the retrofit of historical and existing buildings and energy retrofit seems to be not compatible, but there are
so many monuments in daily use that need such solutions, at lest partially. In reality the users need heating and air-
conditioning installations, need a better indoor air quality, for thermal comfort, accept passive heating and cooling
elements and try to use energy from renewable sources. The choices in the analysis are clearly different, while the
management and monitoring, as well as the development and endorsement of regulatory standards are difficult. As
heritage, the need of non-invasive techniques is a must.
Such issues can be better related in order to have an integrated view on climate change consequences, from
macro-scale (global-regional) to national or zonal – urban and micro-scale (building), with emphasis on heritage
buildings. By chance, some areas located in the West of Romania (Banat) have climatic conditions with patterns that
are closer to Mediterranean conditions. Therefore, the approaches of the professionals concerned with
Mediterranean culture and civilizations can be of interest for Romanian researchers too.
It is significant that EU has funded the project “Climate for Culture”, from 2009 to 2014, with 27 partners from
all over Europe (+ Egypt) to investigate the impact of climate change on UNESCO World Heritage Sites in a project,
coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) [1]. Besides the risk of damage to historical sites
and to the collections they contain, the issue is to develop strategies for long-term preservation and evaluate
economic consequences.
The context of the global climate changes represent also a historical approach challenge for this monument-
church of Romania, since its materials come from a period of late Roman antiquity, being taken from Ulpia Traiana
Sarmizegetusa - former capital of the Roman Province of Dacia.
The climate during the Roman Empire and after its fall, represent an object of study with other purposes [2], yet
of interest for this case study. The authors used a very complex bulk of approaches, direct and proxy data, to derive
a synthetic view of climatic conditions during nine centuries across Western Eurasia.
They identified signs of hydroclimatic difficulties multiplied in the Eastern Empire during the sixth and seventh
centuries. As an assumption, authors claim that such climate conditions coincide with, and probably help to explain,
the initial early expansion of the Roman Empire and the later success of the eastern Roman Empire while its western
counterpart declined. Thus, the climate change was directly influential on civilizations evolution, as it is re-
discovered nowadays.
It is a common knowledge that the Roman settlements in this part of Dacia Felix, the core of present Romania,
where Densus Church is located were built since the II-nd century AD, and left in situ after retreat of Roman
Imperial administration in the and III-rd century AD. The Roman type temples and buildings were gradually
destroyed by invaders, earthquakes, decay, looting and dismantling. After a period of quite a millennium of laying in
the environment conditions of the post-Roman Dacia, they were used in this new building in an unusual manner.
After being built in XIIIth century, the Densus Church was likely to endure the climate of the “Little Ice Age”
[3,4], the period of cooling, that was conventionally defined as a period extending from the 14th to the 19th
centuries. Although there are any local data on climate changes until the XXth century around the Densus Church, it
was resistant enough to withstand and be used for religious service.
What concerns the contemporary climate changes on Romanian territory, as well as the occurrence of local peaks
of temperature (urban heat islands), they represent an object of recent public policies and research projects [5]. The
National Strategy for Climate Change in Romania was approved in July 2013, as it is cited in the Romanian
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Report, and refers to the effects of climate change on all natural and
built environment [6]. Heritage is not mentioned but it is likely to undergo the same impact, yet with more strict
coping requirements. The cited Report includes significant warnings on the following facts and trends:
• Romanian meteorological data from 1961 to 2012 highlighted significant changes in the temperature regimes in
all seasons. Thus, upward trends in temperature are statistically significant over almost all territory in spring
78 Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85
Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al / Energy Procedia00 (2017) 000–000 3

and summer; in winter, temperatures are increasing in parts of Southern, central and North Eastern regions of
• Specific features in precipitation data had shown downward trends in the seasonal amount over mountain areas
and over Southern and Eastern parts of country, in summer, spring and winter. Sunshine duration is
significantly increasing over a large part of territory in winter, spring and summer.
Under specific scenarios, the climate in Romania over the next decades is going to be subjected to significant
changes. In near future period (2011-2040), hotter summers with more frequent and persistent heat waves are
expected over all country (more pronounced over Southern and Eastern regions) and to reduction in mean
precipitation in Southern part of Romania. Projections on the longer terms (2041-2070 and 2071-2100) show that
the temperature increase will continue to grow and the reduction in mean precipitation will extend in warm season.
The rainfall reduction seems to be more obvious the Southern regions of Romania.
Concerning the local conditions in Hunedoara - Densus zone, the Report [6] depicted a map with multiannual
mean changes (2011-2040 vs. 1916-1990) in air temperature as well as a map with multiannual mean changes
(2011-2040 vs. 1916-1990) in precipitation (in %) and the situation is going to be as such:.
• the temperature change is expected to be in the lowest range (increase with less than 1.14 ºC), as compared with
the Southern and Eastern regions (increase with more than 1.20 ºC);
• the precipitations change is expected to be in the highest range, to increase (with more than 2%), as compared
with the Southern and Eastern regions (decrease with 7.9 %, up to more than 10%);
Therefore the climate problems to occur in Densus zone can be mostly related to humidity from outdoor sources.

2. Architecture, Structure and Materials of Densus Church

The historical significance and basic architectural patterns were studied quite in detail [7,8,9,10]. The church has
a length of 30 meters, a width of 8 meters and a height of 18 meters (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. The St. Nicholas Church Densus Church: view of North-West (left) and South-West. (Photo Georgescu, E. S., 2006)

The walls are of raw stone and bricks with Roman inscriptions, capitals, tombstones, sewerage pipes, blocks,
marble columns and statues taken from Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - former capital of the Roman Province of
Dacia. The central structure includes the nave / naos - in the middle there are four pillars, each built from two
superposed Roman votive altars. The dimensions of the nave are 6 x 6 m. These columns sustain through a prismatic
frustum, a tower with square arches in the center and approximately cylindrical vaults between the walls and the
base of the tower – similar to a belfry, divided in interior in four sections. The tower had some windows at its upper
part and initially was open to the nave / naos. Somewhere in the area near the altar the roof had a hidden and closed
space for emergency situations in connection with the tower and nave upper space.
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The nave / naos receives light by seven windows, four of them are made of sewage tubes and located in the upper
part of walls. The altar has two narrow windows. On the Eastern side there is the apse of the altar, on the Southern
side there is a low room, a deaconicon, added in the XIV-XVth century; along the southern façade there is another
room and a narthex in front of the entrance. The initial roofing was done of stone tiles. An overall restoration was
done in 1962, when the roof regained these stone tiles. The roof of the room in front of the present entrance door
collapsed, while a gable wall remained to the West and a wall to the North.
The mural inside, showing a ultramarine blue background, was dated in the XVth century. Along of centuries, a
complex action of physical, chemical and biological factors led to visible degradation of stone, as well as of the

3. Methodology of Research

A detailed study on the history and state of construction, as well as interior climate conditions, these being the
causes that can generate degradation, was done. Some early functional restorations were documented in the XVIIIth
and XIXth centuries, as well as in the 1920’s, in the 1960’s and in the 1990’s. After the last restoration works of
1960’s, a more detailed research started in the late 1990’s, as a Ministry of Culture project, and a part of authors of
present paper were involved in this study. A part of results were published [11,12], but this church deserves a
continuous monitoring, since it is a valuable and unique heritage. Therefore, from time to time, follow-up surveys of
the climate impact on this church were done.
In case of heritage buildings, the infrared (I-R) thermography allowed to reveal “thermal anomalies”, as warm or
cold areas. When the edges are clear and well defined, the respective piece plays the role of thermal bridge and
further evaluation may add information on consequences of this situation. When some members are wet, the IR
Image is blurred. The air circulation by widows and other members can be also recorded by IR techniques. All IR
recordings are associated with local measurements of air temperature and humidity, as well as air speed, in order to
calibrate the thermograms. Although there was any temperature gradient and heat source inside, the IR recordings
allowed to see some inclusions, hidden cracks etc.
As advanced engineering tool, the basic method of investigation was infrared (I-R) thermography, associated
with measurements of air temperature and relative humidity, with corresponding photos, both outside and inside the
church, during the summer. The approaches were correlated and similar with those of [13,14,15,16,17].
The equipment used by TEHNOSISTEM S.A. in this case were reported elsewhere [11,12]. The IR portable
thermovision equipment recorded surface temperatures in the range of –10 °C to + 200 ºC, for wavelength of 2 to
5.6 µ. A remote thermometer and a data-logger allowed temperature and relative humidity measurements. The A/D
converter, interfacing the camera and the used PC digitizes the signal of a static image or a film (with an
approximate frequency of images of 1 Hz), giving a value for each pixel of image - corresponding to a specific
temperature. A dedicated program correlates the temperature and the color palettes.

4. Main Results of Field Measurements at Densus

The exterior and interior photographs, IR imagery and associated temperature and humidity were done during
summer for all church, including the tower. The results are presented in the Appendix A, figure A-1. The 3D graphs
show the following situation:
• the air temperature inside the church is irregular, depending of height up to the floor. The highest values are near
the altar (East) and the North wall, with a maximum of 21.3ºC.
• the minimum values are near the South wall (20.2ºC), while near the door entrance the temperature is rather
constant along the wall (20.6 - 20.8ºC); we mention and exterior temperature of 23.7ºC.
The relative humidity inside the church was also correlated with the height up to the floor, as follows:
• at floor level, high values, as 86%, of the West wall decrease towards East wall, with 74% in the S-E corner,
while in the North – East corner it is ca 80%; in the central area, on N-S, maximum humidity values are below
• at 1 m from floor, the shape trend is similar, with highest values (ca 83%) towards West and decreasing (ca 76%)
towards the altar, while the central area of South wall reaches a maximum (85%);
80 Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85
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• at 2 m from floor, the humidity is raising on a E-W profile, with 79 % at altar and 86% at entrance;
• the said values of interior air relative humidity correspond to measured values as 64.3 - 67.3% of exterior air
relative humidity.
The cross-correlation of these values lead to the following conclusions:
- the values of interior air relative humidity are extremely high, situation confirmed by the wet surface aspect and
discomfort feeling; causes may be related to some defects of exterior perimeter drains, on North and East and
some settlements and infiltrations through the pro-naos pavement;
- the higher humidity values are associated to the lower temperature values;
- the high humidity inside the church reveal this factor as the main risk factor for decay of inside frescoes and
To obtain a more suggestive overall picture of the different parts of the building, a series of images and
thermography records, using assembled individual thermograms, was done. (Figure 2 and Appendix B, figures B-1
to B.3).

Fig. 2. The St. Nicholas Church Densus Church: view of North side with the base area of likely ground infiltrations covered by some sealing
material (Photo Georgescu, E. S., 2006)

The analysis and comparison between colors and recorded temperatures had shown that the areas with lower
temperatures on surfaces correspond to areas with higher moisture contents and the results achieved in various ways
are cross-correlated and confirmed. The Romanian Standard SR ISO 6781 – 1995 [18] was used, with due
adaptation, in this respect. It was obvious that one of the potential causes of moisture is coming from capillary rise
of water contained in soil. In the period of thermography determinations, the capillary water temperature was close
to the material of the walls, thus, the thermograms were able to highlight only the most excessive wet areas. Specific
I-R imagery was obtained at the base of walls, corresponding to the areas with higher humidity

5. Solutions for Restoration and Conservation

The consulted literature [7,8] revealed that some repairs were done in 1782 - 1789, în 1889 - 1890 and in 1928.
Gradually, the windows and the openings of the tower in its connections with the nave / naos were closed, as well as
the tubular windows. Moreover, it results that the replacement of clay tile roof in 1962 with “original” type stone
Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85 81
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tiles was also associated with the closure of the opening from naos to the tower / belfry and to the hidden place
window of the East roof (restoration by Arch. Eugene Chefneux, cited in [19] (Figure 3).

Fig. 3. The St. Nicholas Church of Densus in the 1930’s, before restorations (left). The nave and altar are covered with clay tiles roofs and at the
tower base it is visible the window to the hidden space, later on disabled (From [20]. The present altar area (right), without the window below the
belfry (Photo Georgescu, E. S., 2006). The lions existed as roof pieces since building time.

Based on the investigation results, the restoration solutions took into account the works required to eliminate both
the causes and the effects of such humidity. This is a rather complex approach, since the investigations proved that
some past restorations played a negative role. It is worth to mention that some repairs and changes (although with
good will) of the roof and windows obstructed the ventilation paths and extent.
In such a way, it was closed the ventilation path that worked for centuries (with less comfort for users and
seasonally with rain or snow penetration). The humidity was forced to accumulate in interior and while in some
earlier photographs the fresco is visible on large areas, later on it disappeared [7,8].
The solutions of restoration, conservation and maintenance must prevent and avoid the repeat of damage by
humidity, as follows:
- preventing infiltrations by the roof cracks and tower windows;
- preventing infiltrations from soil, caused by rain or water table;
- preventing the potential of water retaining in some materials of roof, walls and foundation;
- providing an adequate and continuous ventilation, as well as removing the causes created by restorations during
historical time.
The first works of repair and draining were done in the 2000’s and ensuring a ventilation path at upper tubular
windows. These basic interventions provided for a cut of humidity amount. The heating of a heritage building is a
matter o high responsibility, yet not so difficult to be technically achieved [21] The European standard EN 15757:
2010 [22] provides a range of requirements. However, when the heritage item is a church in daily use the constraints
can be considerable and control difficult.
In case of St. Nicholas Church the insertion of an electric floor heating system was chosen. Since the existing
mosaic floor from the last restoration of 1960’s did not have a heritage value, the heating system was covered with
ceramic flooring having an aspect closer to roman bricks.
Associated with the draining ducts and manholes for maintenance, at some 3 meters outside the church, these
solutions were able to reduce and stop, for the time being, the raise of water and the negative effects on internal
frescoes and comfort.
82 Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85
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6. Conclusions

The IR thermography measurements revealed the differences in the various surfaces having different building
materials, the presence of hidden cracks, inclusions, lichens, mosses, in areas of high humidity, as a reference
document for monitoring the in-situ behaviour of the monument during the time. This is going to be a database for
monitoring and comparisons with future investigations.
The relevant conclusion is that higher humidity values inside the church was the main risk factor for degradation
of the monument, even after recent restorations. Centuries ago, ventilation was natural, through some upper side
open window-tubes and the tower / belfry as a ventilation shaft. Some earlier restorations of the 1960’s introduced
tight windows and closed most openings, thus preventing the natural ventilation.
The meteorological data provide a warning that the external climate in Romania and in the Densus zone may
have changed and has specific trends in the future decades due to global causes, like in all Mediterranean area.
Climate change scenarios show that humidity is going to be the main threat in decades to come. As a result, priority
solutions directed toward the elimination of humidity causes and effects, with intervention measures on the building
and surrounding area were recommended and eventually applied.
The natural ventilation improvement after restoration, perimeter draining and performance monitoring will
prevent infiltrations and further decay. On the other hand, the internal climate of the St. Nicholas Church is
dependent of users behaviour, lack of maintenance and climate control. To cope with exterior and interior climate
alterations, and protect heritage, the human attitude is a basic factor.


The authors are grateful to the late M. Sc. Gheorghe Rodan, Physcist – TEHNOSISTEM S.A. for IR
measurements and analysis. The data provided by Arch. Ioan Aurel Botez - ABRAL – ARTPRODUCT, as general
designer of restoration works, were useful in this respect. The research framework and funding by the Research
Project: “Reducing urban heat island areas to improve comfort and balance energy consumption in Bucharest”,
acronim REDBHI, financed under the Program “Partnerships in Priority Areas”, Research direction 3. Environment,
PN - II - PCCA - 2013-4 - 0509, UEFISCDI Contract no. 102 / 07.01.2014, UAUIM No. 2 /2014-2017 are
Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85 83
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Appendix A – Field Measurements Inside of St. Nicholas Densus Church

Height Air temperature (ºC) Relative humidity of air (%)

(Altar is towards East) (Altar is towards East)




Figure A -1. Temperature and relative humidity of air inside the Densus Church (adapted after [11])
84 Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al. / Energy Procedia 133 (2017) 76–85
Mihaela Stela Georgescu et al / Energy Procedia00 (2017) 000–000 9

Appendix B - St. Nicholas Densus Church Photographic and IR Thermography Images

Photograph Thermography IR image

Figure B-1. Photographic and IR thermography images with overall cross-correlated analysis of interior surface of the Western wall of pro-naos
(room before nave). (adapted after [11])

Figure B -2. Photographic and IR thermography images on the walls interior surface on the naos / nave N-E corner. (adapted after [11])

Figure B - 3. Photographic and IR thermography images on the walls interior surface on the naos / nave S-E corner. (adapted after [11]
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