Witcher RPG Sheet v1.4

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Name Racial Perks Reputation +0 Offense: To-Hit Bonus Damage Range

Race #N/A Current HP 99 Dagger 4 1d6+0, P/S N/A

Gender #N/A Nonlethal 0 Iron Long Sword 4 2d6+0, P/S N/A
Age #N/A Current Stam 5 Mace 4 5d6+-2, B N/A
Profession #N/A Wound --- --- ---
Improvement Points: 0 Threshold --- --- ---
Profession Abilities Core Stats Derived Stats Defense Bases
#N/A 0 N/A INT 4 STUN 4 Dodge 4
#N/A 0 N/A REF 4 RUN 12 Reposition 4
#N/A 0 N/A DEX 4 LEAP 2 Brawling Block 4
#N/A 0 N/A BODY 4 Max HP 20 Melee Block 4
#N/A 0 N/A SPD 4 Max STA 20 Knife Block 4
#N/A 0 N/A EMP 4 ENC 40 Spear Block 4
#N/A 0 N/A CRA 4 REC 4 Sword Block 4
#N/A 0 N/A WILL 4 Punch 1d6-2
#N/A 0 N/A LUCK 4 Kick 1d6+2
#N/A 0 N/A Luck Spent 0 Dam Mod -2
Intelligence Skills Reflex Skills Dexterity Skills Empathy Skills Will Skills
Awareness 0 4 Brawling 0 4 Archery 0 4 Charisma 0 4 Courage 0 4
Business 0 4 Dodge/Escape 0 4 Athletics 0 4 Deceit 0 4 Hex Weaving 0 4
Deduction 0 4 Melee 0 4 Crossbow 0 4 Fine Arts 0 4 Intimidation 0 4
Education 0 4 Riding 0 4 Sleight of Hand 0 4 Gambling 0 4 Spell Casting 0 4
Common 0 4 Sailing 0 4 Stealth 0 4 Grooming 0 4 Resist Magic 0 4
Elder Speech 0 4 Small Blades 0 4 Crafting Skills Human Perception 0 4 Resist Coercion 0 4
Dwarven 0 4 Staff/Spear 0 4 Alchemy 0 4 Leadership 0 4 Ritual Crafting 0 4
Monster Lore 0 4 Swordsmanship 0 4 Crafting 0 4 Persuasion 0 4
Social Etiquette 0 4 Body Skills Disguise 0 4 Performance 0 4
Streetwise 0 4 Physique 0 4 First Aid 0 4 Seduction 0 4
Tactics 0 4 Endurance 0 4 Forgery 0 4 Core Stats 36
Teaching 0 4 Pick Lock 0 4 Pickup Skill P 8
Survival 0 4 Trap Crafting 0 4 Total Skill Points 0
Weapons Armor Shield Armor EV 0
Name Acc. Bonus To-Hit Total DMG/Type Reliability Hands Range Effects Enhan. Slots Location SP Damage Taken SP Damage Taken Encumbrance 0
Dagger 0 4 1d6+0, P/S 10 1 N/A 0 Head Deadlift Limit 2000
Iron Long Sword 0 4 2d6+0, P/S 10 2 N/A 0 Torso Notes Penalty 0
Mace 0 4 5d6+-2, B 15 1 N/A 0 Right Arm
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- Left Arm
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- Right Leg
Currency: Total (Crowns) Crowns Orens Florens Ducats Bizants Lintars Equipment Value Left Leg
600 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 Components
Equipment Name Number Weight Value Substance
Name Notes Value (Cr) Weight 0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
0 0 ---
Coin Conversion
1 of... ...equals You have in Crowns:
Crowns 1 Crown ---
Orens 1 Crown 0
Florens 3 Crowns 0
Ducats 1/3 Crown 0
Bizants 4 Crowns 600
Lintars 2 Crowns 0
Spells/Invocations/Signs Vigor 0 Hexes
Name Cost Effect Range Duration Stamina Name Cost Effect

Focus 0

Name Cost Effect Time DC Duration Components
Personal Stylings Early Life
Valued Person
Feelings on People

Campaign Notes Life Events

Decade Event
Core Info: This goes for all secitons of the sheet:
Skill, including Profession skill, ranks go in the center column. Try to avoid typos! The sheet picks up "Dwarf" and only "Dwarf". It's won't detect Dward, so spelling should be the first thing to check if things aren't filling out.
Racial bonuses are automatically added in.
Reputation, Current Stamin, HP, and Stun do not autofill. Ya gotta edit those manually.
Try not to fiddle too much with autototalling stuff.
Adding in your Race and Profession will automatically fill in your Profession abilities and all bonuses to skills. No need to type in each one. It even detects and updates when you unlock the ability to use the next tier.
The extra space for Racial Perks is for Witcher Schools.
Remember to leave the " around the URL for the image.
Italicized Skills are Difficult Skills

Again, spelling is important. You need the full weapon name. "Iron Long Sword" or it won't autofill.
You need only the name and amount for ingredients. It auto-calcs weight and cost.
For components, just fill in the name and number and the autofill will do the rest.
Weapon properties need to be manually entered. They can be too easily modified to have an autofill.
Magic and Lifepath don't have any autofilling things.
Update 1.1:
Added the Noble Profession and Halfling Race
Added weapons from Lords and Lands

Update 1.2:
Added content from Rodolf's Wagon and April Fools
This includes the weapons found in April Fools, though the Shovel will use the stats present in Wagon 1.
"Braced <Crossbow>" will produce the melee stats for any crossbow entered. IE, "Braced Monster Hunter's Crossbow"
Other crossbow modifications need to be manually edited in.

Update 1.3:
Updated the inventory page significantly
Several things moved around, component list made significantly more robust
Biggest change is that the Components now autofill
Minor Update 1.3.1:
Added a Wound Threshold section and all applicable skills auto-update if your Current HP is below it.
Fixed damage calculations on bows and renamed "Melee Damage Mod" to just "Damage Mod".
Minor Update 1.3.2:
Added calculations to Encumberance for the Peasant's Ditch Digger Profession Skill. I doubt anyone is gonna use it, but sure.
Cleaned up the Halfling and Noble skill bonuses so that they don't give N/A on some skills when unfilled.

Update 1.4:
Added weapons and races from A Book of Tales

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