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Design and Construction

Structural Design Assessment

Sloshing Loads and

Scantling Assessment

May 2004
Document History
Document date Notes:
May 2004 New Document
April 2022 Reformatted Version
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 4
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER 2 SCOPE OF PROCEDURE .............................................................. 7

SECTION 1: SCOPE OF PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER 3 FLUID SLOSHING PHENOMENA.................................................. 8

SECTION 1: SLOSHING WAVES ............................................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 2: SLOSHING INDUCED LOADS................................................................................................................ 10

CHAPTER 4 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................... 12

SECTION 1: FILLING FACTOR COEFFICIENT ............................................................................................................ 12
SECTION 2: FLUID NATURAL PERIOD ................................................................................................................... 13
SECTION 3: TANK DEPTH .................................................................................................................................. 13
SECTION 4: MAXIMUM ‘LIFETIME’ SHIP MOTIONS ................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Ship’s Natural Rolling Period .................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Ship’s Natural Pitching Period ................................................................................................................ 14
4.3 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Roll Angle .............................................................................................................. 14
4.4 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Pitch Angle ............................................................................................................ 15
4.5 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Heave Amplitude................................................................................................... 15
4.6 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Sway Amplitude .................................................................................................... 15
4.7 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Vertical Acceleration ............................................................................................. 15
4.8 Centre of rotation................................................................................................................................... 16
SECTION 5: EFFECT OF WASH BULKHEAD ON SLOSHING PRESSURES .......................................................................... 16
SECTION 6: PRESSURE AT TANK CORNERS ............................................................................................................ 17
SECTION 7: PRESSURE IN TAPERED TANKS ............................................................................................................ 20

CHAPTER 5 UNITS ...................................................................................... 21

SECTION 1: UNITS ........................................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 6 DATA REQUIREMENTS............................................................. 22

SECTION 1: DATA REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER 7 LEVELS OF ASSESSMENT .......................................................... 23

SECTION 1: PRESSURE DETERMINATION ............................................................................................................... 23
SECTION 2: SLOSHING CRITERIA ......................................................................................................................... 23
SECTION 3: CRITICAL FILL RANGE........................................................................................................................ 24
SECTION 4: LEVEL 1 ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................... 24
SECTION 5: LEVEL 2 ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION 6: LEVEL 3 ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................... 25
SECTION 7: STRUCTURAL CAPABILITY................................................................................................................... 25


SECTION 1: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................... 26
SECTION 2: LOADING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 27

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Primary Structure of Type B Spherical Tank LNG Ships May 2004

2.1 Unrestricted Filling levels – Unspecified Sea-Going Loading Conditions ................................................ 27

2.2 Restricted Filling Levels – Unspecified Sea-Going Loading Conditions ................................................... 28
2.3 Unrestricted Filling Levels – Specified Sea-Going Loading Conditions ................................................... 28
2.4 Restricted Filling Levels – Specified Sea-Going Loading Conditions ....................................................... 28
SECTION 3: LEVEL 2 SLOSHING ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS ...................................................................................... 30
3.1 Level 2 Ship Motions .............................................................................................................................. 30
3.2 Level 2 Fill Range .................................................................................................................................... 30
SECTION 4: LEVEL 3 ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS .................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Level 3 Ships Motions ............................................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Level 3 Investigations Fill Range ............................................................................................................ 31

CHAPTER 9 SLOSHING PRESSURE DETERMINATION ................................... 32

SECTION 1: LEVEL 1 SLOSHING PRESSURE DETERMINATION ..................................................................................... 32


SECTION 1: SMOOTH RECTANGULAR TANKS ......................................................................................................... 33
SECTION 2: SMOOTH HOPPER TANKS .................................................................................................................. 33


SECTION 1: GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 36
SECTION 2: LIMITATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS OF SDA FLUIDS PROGRAM ................................................................... 36
SECTION 3: DATA PREPARATION......................................................................................................................... 39
3.1 Mesh Spacing ......................................................................................................................................... 39
3.2 Fitting the mesh to the tank ................................................................................................................... 39
3.3 Boundary Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.4 Including Internal Tank Structure ........................................................................................................... 40
3.5 Properties of the Fluid ............................................................................................................................ 41
3.6 Pressure Output Sampling Points ........................................................................................................... 42
3.7 Ullage Pressure ...................................................................................................................................... 42
3.8 Sloshing Excitation Spectrum ................................................................................................................. 45
3.9 Time Control ........................................................................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER 12 POST-PROCESSING OF SDA FLUIDS DATA ............................. 49

SECTION 1: SLOSHING SIMULATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 49
1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 49
1.2 Minimum Quality Assurance Post Processing Requirements ................................................................. 49
1.3 Inconsistencies and Applied Results ....................................................................................................... 52
SECTION 2: PRESSURE PULSE TIME AVERAGING SCHEME......................................................................................... 52
SECTION 3: DYNAMIC AND STATIC PRESSURES ...................................................................................................... 54
3.1 Conversion of Dynamic Pressure to Static Pressure ............................................................................... 55
3.2 Response Calculation ............................................................................................................................. 56
3.3 Pressure Conversion Procedure .............................................................................................................. 56
SECTION 4: STRUCTURE NATURAL FREQUENCY CALCULATION .................................................................................. 57
SECTION 5: FORCE AND COUPLE ......................................................................................................................... 57
SECTION 6: PRESSURE APPLIED TO INTERNAL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ....................................................................... 57

CHAPTER 13 STRENGTH ASSESSMENT ...................................................... 58

SECTION 1: PRESSURE AND STRESSES .................................................................................................................. 58
SECTION 2: COLLAPSE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES FOR CLAMPED STIFFENED PANELS......................................................... 59
2.1 Description ............................................................................................................................................. 59
2.2 Assumptions and Limitations ................................................................................................................. 61

2 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

2.3 Applied Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 62

2.4 Output .................................................................................................................................................... 63
SECTION 3: MINIMUM FACTORS OF SAFETY.......................................................................................................... 64
SECTION 4: GIRDER STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 64
4.1 Finite Element Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 65
4.2 Analytical Structural Analysis ................................................................................................................. 65
4.3 Applied Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER 14 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ......................................................... 69

SECTION 1: STRENGTH BASED ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 69
SECTION 2: SERVICE BASED ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ................................................................................................. 69

CHAPTER 15 APPLICATIONS ...................................................................... 70

Applications ................................................................................................................................................. 70
References .................................................................................................................................................... 71

APPENDIX A EXAMPLES ............................................................................ 72

SECTION 1: LEVEL 1 INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................................... 72
SECTION 2: LEVEL 2 INVESTIGATION .................................................................................................................... 74
SECTION 3: LEVEL 3 INVESTIGATIONS .................................................................................................................. 83


SECTION 1: NATURAL FREQUENCY OF PLATE ....................................................................................................... 100
SECTION 2: NATURAL FREQUENCY OF PLATE STIFFENER ........................................................................................ 103
SECTION 3: EFFECT OF SUBMERGENCE ............................................................................................................... 103
SECTION 4: DYNAMIC LOAD FACTOR CHARTS ...................................................................................................... 104
4.1 Gradually Applied Load ........................................................................................................................ 104
4.2 Triangular Pulse Load........................................................................................................................... 107


SECTION 1: GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 110
SECTION 2: DETERMINATION OF EQUIVALENT UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADING..................................................... 111
2.1 Trapezoidal Distributed Loading .......................................................................................................... 111
2.2 Arbitrary Distributed Loading .............................................................................................................. 111


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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 1
Summary & Section 1

CHAPTER 1 Introduction


Section 1: Introduction


This document describes the ShipRight SDA Sloshing procedure for the assessment of
boundary structures of partially filled tanks and liquid carrying holds. Three levels of assessment
are defined, each requiring a different approach to the estimation of likely maximum sloshing

Level 1 assessment is based on equivalent static loads resulting from lifetime angular motions.

Level 2 assessment uses the SDA Tank Assessment program (10603) to determine the pressure
on the tank boundaries.

Level 3 assessment uses the SDA Fluids finite difference program to determine sloshing
pressures on the tank boundaries and internal structural elements.

The strength assessment is based on safety against collapse. The calculations may be carried
out using the SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604).

Section 1: Introduction

Where partial filling of tanks and liquid carrying holds is required, the likelihood of
sloshing from both the ship rolling and pitching is to be investigated. Sloshing is defined as a
dynamic magnification of internal pressures acting on the boundaries of the tank to a level
greater than obtained from static considerations alone.

For any tank design, dimensions, internal stiffening and filling level, a resonant period
(or frequency) of the fluid exists, which, if excited by ship motions, can result in very high
pressure magnifications.

The purpose of this procedure is to enable the determination of lifetime maximum

design sloshing pressures for anticipated filling levels, tank position within the ship and ship’s
loading conditions.

The estimated dynamic pressures may then be used to determine the scantlings
necessary to prevent structural collapse using appropriate structural collapse theory in
association with defined criteria.

4 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 1
Section 1

A typical sloshing investigation is illustrated in the flow chart in Figure 1.1.

The procedure is divided in two parts:

1. Assessment of pressures on tank boundaries

2. Scantling determination and acceptance criteria


LNG tanks in partial filling conditions exhibit a complex behaviour of the fluid as a result of the
possible change of phase of the fluid under high velocity impacting with a boundary, and 3D
effects resulting from the chamfered geometry of the tank top. It is considered that both the
SDA Tank Assessment program (10603) and SDA Fluids yield a realistic behaviour of the fluid
flow level of pressures, for fill LNG levels which do not involve impacts on the tank top.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 1 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

Figure 1.1
Sloshing Investigation Flow Chart

6 Lloyd’s Register
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Chapter 2
Section 1

CHAPTER 2 Scope of Procedure

Section 1: Scope of Procedure

Section 1: Scope of Procedure

The procedure applies to tanks and liquid carrying holds of arbitrary shape filled with
liquids with the exception of spherical or cylindrical tanks which need to be specially
considered. In addition, some tanks, by virtue of their shape, size or degree of internal
stiffening, will not be subjected to sloshing loads. If any such tank is likely to be partially filled,
the reasons for exclusion from the investigation should be stated and agreed by Lloyd’s
Register. In general, sloshing calculations need not be performed for peak tanks or bunkers.

Any scantlings derived as a result of this procedure are to be regarded as additional to

the Rule requirements for full tanks and liquid carrying holds.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 3 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 3 Fluid Sloshing Phenomena

Section 1: Sloshing Waves

Section 2: Sloshing Induced Loads

Section 1: Sloshing Waves

As the tank oscillates, different sloshing waves will be created depending on the fill
depth and frequency of oscillations. An infinite number of different modes of liquid motion may
occur depending upon the conditions of excitation and fill depth. However, it is possible to
divide the sloshing phenomena into the following four categories to describe the observed
modes shown on Figure 1.1.

Standing Wave

The movements of the liquid particles on the surface are essentially vertical, the surface having
one or more nodes where practically no vertical surface displacement takes place. Standing
waves generally occur when F/Ls ≥ 0,2 and impart high impact pressures mainly to the tank


𝐹𝐹 = Fill height (m)

𝐿𝐿s = Effective horizontal free surface length in the direction of angular motion (m)

Travelling Wave

The surface has no nodes, a wave crests travels back and forth between vertical tank
boundaries. Travelling waves generally occur when 𝐹𝐹/𝐿𝐿s < 0,2 and impart high impact
pressures to both side walls and tank top.

Hydraulic Jump

This Phenomena, which might be considered as a special case of a travelling wave, is

characterised by a discontinuity (jump) in the surface, forming a vertical front which travels
periodically back and forth in the tank.

Combination Wave

A combination of standing waves and travelling waves.

For low filling, a standing wave is formed when the tank is oscillating at a frequency far below
the fluid natural frequency.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 3
Section 1

As the excitation frequency increases, this transforms into a train of progressive waves having a
very short wavelength. A hydraulic jump is formed due to a small disturbance at a range of
frequency around the fluid resonance frequency. With further increase in frequency beyond
resonance, the hydraulic jump transforms into a solitary wave. In general, hydraulic jumps are
formed only when the fill level is 20 per cent of the horizontal free surface length of the tank or

For high fill levels, the sloshing phenomenon near resonance is characterised by the formation
of standing waves of large amplitudes. These waves are non-symmetric and may be combined
with travelling waves at large amplitude of excitation.

Figure 1.1
Typical Sloshing Waves

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Chapter 3 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Section 2: Sloshing Induced Loads

Liquid sloshing involves different types of hydrodynamic loads upon the tank and its
internal structure. There are two types of dynamic pressure which can arise from liquid sloshing,
namely non-impulsive and impulsive pressure. Typical time histories for the following sloshing
induced loads are shown in Figure 2.1.

Non Impulsive Dynamic Pressure

These are slowly varying loads, pulsating with a period of the order of the sloshing wave period,
i.e. period of the order of the fluid natural period and/or excitation period.

Impulsive dynamic pressure type I

These are due to a rapid but continuous build-up of liquid and liquid pressure on the surface of
a member which is gradually being immersed. The impulse duration is typically in the order of
1/10 of the sloshing wave period.

Impulsive dynamic pressure type II

These are due to localised impact pressure arising from the collision between the fluid and the
solid surface. Such pressures can be extremely high and of extremely short rise time duration in
the range 1/100 to 1/1000 of the sloshing wave period.

Total Dynamic Forces and Moments

These loads arise from the slowly varying non impulsive hydrodynamic pressure distribution on
the tank boundaries with a period of the order of the sloshing wave period.

Drag and Inertial Forces

These non-impulsive forces act on submerged members with time fluctuations related to the
sloshing wave period.

Vortex Induced Pressure Field

These pressure fields develop around slender members located in the field of oscillating liquid.
Interaction between the generated pressure fluctuations and natural modes of structural
vibrations in the member may become critical.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 3
Section 2

a) Typical Time Traces of Non Impulsive Loads due to Harmonic Excitation

b) Typical Time Traces of Impulsive Loads due to Harmonic Excitation

c) Time Traces of Vortex Induced Loads due to Harmonic Excitation

Figure 2.1
Sloshing Induced Loads and Typical Time Trace

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Chapter 4 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 4 Definitions

Section 1: Filling Factor Coefficient

Section 2: Fluid Natural Period

Section 3: Tank Depth

Section 4: Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Ship Motions

Section 5: effect of Wash Bulkhead on Sloshing


Section 6: Pressure at Tank Corners

Section 7: Pressure in Tapered Tanks

Section 1: Filling Factor Coefficient

The filling factor, Fc , is defined as follows:

𝐹𝐹c = + 6,0 θo /𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐ℎ(𝐹𝐹r ) (4.1)


𝐹𝐹= fill height (m)

𝐻𝐻= total tank dept (m)

θ= θmax or ϕmax as appropriate (radian)

θo = the grater of θ1 or θ2
2 /k
θ1 = θe−(Tn−Sn)

θ2 = 0,105 for roll

= 0,052 for pitch

𝑘𝑘 = 4 for roll

= 6 for pitch

𝐹𝐹r = the effective filling ratio

= π{𝐹𝐹 − 𝑏𝑏 − [𝑛𝑛/(𝑛𝑛 − 1)]}/𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿

𝑏𝑏 =height of internal primary bottom stiffeners (m)

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 4
Sections 1,2,3 & 4

𝑛𝑛 = number of internal primary bottom stiffeners

𝐿𝐿s = effective horizontal free surface length in the direction of angular motion (m)

𝑔𝑔 = gravity constant (9,81 m/s 2 ).

A low fill is defined as a filling level for which the factor Fc is less or equal than 1,02. However,
when the fluid and ship natural periods are close, 𝐹𝐹c will invariably be greater than 1,02; in this
case, a low fill is defined for 𝐹𝐹/𝐿𝐿s less or equal to 0,21. Any other filling is defined as high.

Section 2: Fluid Natural Period

The fluid natural period in pitch or roll, 𝑇𝑇np or 𝑇𝑇nr respectively is given by:

𝑇𝑇n = �4π𝐿𝐿s /�𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔ℎ(𝐹𝐹r )� (4.2)

Section 3: Tank Depth

The depth of a tank H is measured from the bottom of the tank to the underside of the
deck at side. In the case of holds, the depth is measured from the inner bottom to the
underside of the deck at hatch side, except in double skin ships with hatch coaming in line with
the inner skin, in which case, the depth is measured from the top of the hatch.

Section 4: Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Ship Motions

When possible, direct calculation procedures capable of taking into account the ship’s actual
form and weight distribution should be performed in order to determine the ship motions.
Such methods will involve the derivation of the response to regular waves using strip theory,
the derivation of the short term response to irregular waves using the concept of sea spectrum,
and the derivation of long term response predictions using statistical distributions of sea states.

Otherwise, the following expressions should be used to determine the approximate maximum
‘lifetime’ ship motions. These expressions derived on a statistical basis correspond to extreme
ship motions and accelerations with a probability of occurrence of once in a ship lifetime of 20
years for ships of normal proportions.

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Chapter 4 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 4

4.1 Ship’s Natural Rolling Period

The ship’s natural rolling period 𝑆𝑆nr is given by:

𝑆𝑆nr = 2,35 𝑟𝑟/√𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 (4.3)


𝑟𝑟 = the radius of gyration of roll and may be taken as 0,34 B (m)

𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 = transverse metacentric height with free surface correction (m).

For ships for which either 𝑟𝑟 or 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 varies significantly between loading conditions (for example,
bulk carriers and tankers), Snr should be evaluated for each representative loading condition

4.2 Ship’s Natural Pitching Period

The ship’s natural Pitching period 𝑆𝑆np is given by :

𝑆𝑆np = 3,5 �𝑇𝑇𝐶𝐶b = 3,5�𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 (4.4)


𝑇𝑇 = the mean draught (m)

𝐶𝐶b =the block coefficient

𝐿𝐿 =the length between perpendiculars (m)

𝐵𝐵 =the ship breadth (m)

∇ =the ship displacement (m )

Similarly, for ships for which either 𝑇𝑇 or 𝐶𝐶b varies significantly between loading conditions (for
example, bulk carriers and tankers), 𝑆𝑆np should be evaluated for each representative loading
condition considered.

4.3 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Roll Angle

The maximum ‘lifetime’ roll angle in degrees is given by:

ϕmax = (14,8 + 3,7 𝐿𝐿/𝐵𝐵)𝑒𝑒 −0,0023.L (4.5)

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 4
Section 4


𝐿𝐿 =the length between perpendiculars (m)

𝐵𝐵 =the ship breadth (m)

4.4 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Pitch Angle

The maximum ‘lifetime’ pitch angle in degrees is given by :

θmax = (32,7 − 8,2 𝐶𝐶b )𝑒𝑒 −0,001L(4,9+𝐶𝐶b /2) (4.6)

4.5 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Heave Amplitude

The maximum ‘lifetime’ heave amplitude in metres is given by

𝑍𝑍max = 10𝑒𝑒 −0,0032L (4.7)

but need not be taken greater than 4 metres.

4.6 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Sway Amplitude

The maximum ‘lifetime’ sway amplitude, in metres, is given by :

𝑌𝑌max = 5𝑒𝑒 −0,0025L (4.8)

but need not be taken greater than 2,50 metres.

4.7 Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Vertical Acceleration

The maximum ‘lifetime’ acceleration, in m/s , at a longitudinal position x from midships is given
by :

x 2
𝑎𝑎 = ± 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔o �1 + (5,3 − 45/𝐿𝐿)2 � + 0,05� (0,6/𝐶𝐶b )3/2 (4.9)


𝑎𝑎o = 0,2 V/L + (34-600/L)/L

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Chapter 4 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 4 & 5

𝑥𝑥 = the longitudinal distance from midship to centre of the tank being considered, with x
positive forwards (m)

𝑉𝑉 = the ship service speed (knots)

𝑔𝑔 = the acceleration due to gravity (m/s ).

4.8 Centre of rotation

The vertical centre of rotation is to be taken to be at the VCG for the loading condition under
consideration. When this is unavailable, the vertical centre of rotation may be taken as at depth
(moulded)/2,0 from the keel.

The longitudinal centre of rotation is to be taken to be at the LCG for the loading condition
under consideration. When this is unavailable, the centre longitudinal of rotation may be taken
as at midship.

Section 5: Effect of Wash Bulkhead on Sloshing Pressures

Wash bulkheads which represent more than 85% of the tank cross sectional area are taken as
being effective as sloshing barriers which limits the free surface length.

The effect of a wash bulkhead may be estimated using a total energy approach applied to the
load distribution as calculated for the tank. The total pressure on the bulkhead with the
estimated effect of the wash bulkhead may be expressed as follows :

𝑃𝑃 = 𝑃𝑃s + 𝑃𝑃D /(1 + 𝑘𝑘) (4.10)


𝑃𝑃 = the total pressure on bulkhead with estimated effect of wash bulkhead

𝑃𝑃s = the static pressure without wash bulkhead

𝑃𝑃D = (𝑃𝑃T − 𝑃𝑃s ) is the dynamic pressure without wash bulkhead

𝑃𝑃T = the computed total pressure without wash bulkhead

λ = (area of openings in wash bulkhead)/(area of wash bulkhead)

𝑘𝑘 = (1- λ)/1+ λ)

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 4
Sections 5 & 6

In the case where frames or transverse members are installed instead of wash bulkhead, the
pressure on the watertight bulkhead is observed to decrease to about 80% of the dynamic
pressure without frames or transverse members when only two or three members are installed,
but the dynamic pressure no longer decreases with increasing number of frames or transverse

Section 6: Pressure at Tank Corners

The pressure at the tank corners may be derived by combining the corner pressure Proll and
Ppitch obtained from a level 3 investigation for both rolling and pitching motions. The pressure
at tank corners is expressed as follows:

𝑃𝑃corner = 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 ���𝐶𝐶pp (χ)𝑃𝑃2 pitch + 𝐶𝐶pr (χ)𝑃𝑃2 roll �� (4.11)

for 0° ≤ χ = Heading ≤ 180°


𝐶𝐶pp (χ) = the pitch pressure coefficient at χ given in Figure 6.1 and Table 6.1

𝐶𝐶pr (χ) = the roll pressure coefficient based on the ratio L/B at χ given in Figure 6.2 and
Table 6.2. For intermediate values of L/B, the factor is to be determined by linear

The pressure at the corners is to be applied to a distance extending 0,10 [Tank Breadth] and
0,10 [Tank Length] on the transverse boundary and longitudinal boundary respectively. The
pressure value then decreases linearly over a distance 0,05 [Tank Breadth] or 0,05 [Tank Length
to the pressure value obtained from 2D solution.

The factors 𝐶𝐶pp and 𝐶𝐶pr are based on the short term motion responses in long crested irregular
seas for pitch and roll. These expressions incorporates both the effect of motion amplitude and
phase between the components of motion.

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Chapter 4 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 6

Figure 6.1
Pitch Pressure Coefficient 𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂

Figure 6.2
Roll Pressure Coefficient 𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 4
Section 6

Table 6.1 Table 6.2

L/B 𝐶𝐶pr 𝐶𝐶pr 𝐶𝐶pr 𝐶𝐶pr 𝐶𝐶pr

χ 𝐶𝐶pp
χ 5,50 6,25 7,00 7,75 8,50

0 0,600 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,058

5 0,600 5 0,075 0,072 0,078 0,054 0,117
10 0,600 10 0,142 0,139 0,143 0,121 0,221
15 0,600 15 0,229 0,213 0,234 0,186 0,347
20 0,600 20 0,322 0,311 0,334 0,294 0,479
25 0,600 25 0,457 0,451 0,469 0,438 0,604
30 0,600 30 0,614 0,610 0,619 0,597 0,716
35 0,594 35 0,764 0,760 0,758 0,745 0,809
40 0,575 40 0,882 0,878 0,867 0,870 0,900
45 0,547 45 0,958 0,958 0,978 0,975 0,950
50 0,510 50 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,990
55 0,466 55 0,950 0,941 0,941 0,983 1,000
60 0,416 60 0,852 0,862 0,861 0,900 0,980
65 0,363 65 0,744 0,761 0,774 0,818 0,960
70 0,310 70 0,623 0,647 0,675 0,727 0,920
75 0,262 75 0,503 0,533 0,575 0,635 0,879
80 0,222 80 0,395 0,429 0,483 0,549 0,834
85 0,194 85 0,306 0,344 0,406 0,475 0,785
90 0,181 90 0,240 0,280 0,345 0,415 0,735
95 0,186 95 0,197 0,237 0,301 0,369 0,684
100 0,210 100 0,173 0,211 0,270 0,335 0,634
105 0,253 105 0,162 0,198 0,247 0,307 0,585
110 0,313 110 0,152 0,185 0,229 0,283 0,538
115 0,389 115 0,142 0,171 0,211 0,258 0,494
120 0,474 120 0,129 0,159 0,196 0,231 0,452
125 0,565 125 0,121 0,146 0,181 0,208 0,413
130 0,654 130 0,110 0,133 0,165 0,183 0,378
135 0,734 135 0,100 0,121 0,150 0,167 0,345
140 0,800 140 0,088 0,108 0,135 0,149 0,315
145 0,860 145 0,079 0,096 0,121 0,133 0,288
150 0,915 150 0,067 0,083 0,105 0,117 0,265
155 0,955 155 0,056 0,068 0,088 0,096 0,244
160 0,980 160 0,046 0,058 0,071 0,083 0,226
165 0,995 165 0,033 0,046 0,058 0,068 0,210
170 1,000 170 0,021 0,029 0,040 0,050 0,193
175 1,000 175 0,013 0,021 0,025 0,029 0,175
180 1,000 180 0,000 0,005 0,013 0,013 0,160

Lloyd’s Register 19
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 4 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 7

Section 7: Pressure in Tapered Tanks

Where tanks are tapered in plan view such as foremost or aftermost tanks, limited model
experiments indicated that in pitching the dynamic pressure on the bulkhead at the narrow end
can be magnified when compared with a tank of uniform section. Lloyd’s Register Fluids two-
dimensional fluid computational procedure cannot take into account this aspect. The pressure
at the narrow end of the tank can be expressed in terms of the pressure obtained for a tank of
uniform breadth by using the following expression.

𝑃𝑃tapered = 𝐾𝐾t ∙ 𝑃𝑃max−breadth (4.12)


𝐾𝐾t = 0,8𝑒𝑒 (0,2235 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴b )

𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴b = the ratio of the maximum breadth to the tapered breadth.

𝐾𝐾t is also given in Figure 7.1 and Table 7.1

Figure 7.1
Tapered Tank Coefficient 𝐾𝐾t
Table 7.1

𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴b 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,00 3,100

𝐾𝐾t 1,279 1,308 1,338 1,368 1,399 1,430 1,463 1,463 1,530 1,564 1,600

20 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 5
Section 1


Section 1: Units

Section 1: Units

The units used throughout are consistent with the SI standard where the basic quantities are
the metre, Kilogram and Second (MKS system), except for angular measurement which is in

Lloyd’s Register 21
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 6 Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 6 Data Requirements

Section 1: Data Requirements

Section 1: Data Requirements

The following plans and information are required to perform a sloshing and scantling

− General Arrangement
− Midship Section Drawing
− Longitudinal Bulkhead Drawing
− Transverse Bulkhead Drawing
− Trim & Stability and Loading Manuals
− Materials Properties.

22 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 7
Sections 1 & 2

CHAPTER 7 Levels of Assessment

Section 1: Pressure Determination

Section 2: Sloshing Criteria

Section 3: Critical Fill Range

Section 4: Level 1 Assessment

Section 5: Level 2 Assessment

Section 6: Level 3 Assessment

Section 7: Structural Capability

Section 1: Pressure Determination

Three levels of assessment are defined below, each requiring a different approach to the
estimation of likely maximum sloshing pressures.

Significant dynamic magnification is considered unlikely for the following cases:

− For internally stiffened tanks with two or more deck girders (rolling)/transverses
(pitching)where the girder/transverse location is less or equal to 25% of the tank
breadth/length from the deck/tank corner, and/or the girder/transverse height is less
than 10% of the tank depth with fill levels greater than the tank depth minus height of
deck girders/transverses.

or - For fill levels lower than height of any bottom girders

or - For fill levels in excess of 97% full for smooth tanks

or - For fill levels less than 10% for smooth tanks.

Section 2: Sloshing Criteria

Based on Lloyd's Register’s experience, and numerical studies of a number of cases, it is

considered that significant magnification of the fluid motions can occur if the following
conditions are found:

Lloyd’s Register 23
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 7 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 2, 3 & 4
− The natural rolling period of the fluid and the ship natural rolling period are within 5
seconds of each other.
− The natural pitching period of the fluid is greater than a value of 3 seconds below the
ship natural pitching period.

Section 3: Critical Fill Range

The critical fill range may be determined by using the following formula, or using the SDA Tank
Assessment program (10603).

100 𝐿𝐿s (1 + η) 𝑛𝑛
𝐹𝐹crit = � 1𝑛𝑛 � � + 𝑏𝑏� � (%)
𝐻𝐻 2π (1 − η) (𝑛𝑛 + 1)


𝐿𝐿s = effective horizontal free surface length in direction of angular motion (m)

𝐻𝐻 = total tank depth (m)

𝑏𝑏 = see Ch 4, 1.1.1
𝑔𝑔 = gravity constant (m/s )

η = 4π𝐿𝐿s /[(𝑆𝑆nr − 5)2 𝑔𝑔] for fill level at 𝑆𝑆nr -5 seconds to upper bound roll critical fill level

or η = 4π𝐿𝐿s /[(𝑆𝑆nr + 5)2 𝑔𝑔] for fill level at 𝑆𝑆nr +5 seconds to lower bound roll critical fill
or η = 4π𝐿𝐿s / ��𝑆𝑆np − 3� 𝑔𝑔� for fill level at Snp-3 seconds to upper bound pitch critical fill

If η ≥ 1,0 𝐹𝐹crit is the maximum/minimum value of the upper/lower fill level bound

If 𝐹𝐹crit ≥ 100,0 then 𝐹𝐹crit=100%

Section 4: Level 1 Assessment

This level of assessment is appropriate where the ship’s natural period in roll differs from the
fluid natural period for transverse oscillatory flow by more than 5 seconds; and where the ship’s
natural pitching period exceeds that for the fluid oscillating longitudinally by more than 3

24 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 7
Sections 5, 6 & 7

Section 5: Level 2 Assessment

Where the separation of periods defined above is not met, but filling levels are such that
impacts on the top of the tank are unlikely, then a level 2 investigation may be used to assess
the sloshing pressures on the tank bulkheads. This level of assessment may also be used for low
fill cases where the tank has internal stiffening, but the resulting pressures would be considered
somewhat conservative. A low fill is defined when the filling factor coefficient 𝐹𝐹c defined in Ch
4,1.1.1 is equal or less than 1,02. Where 𝑆𝑆n (ship natural period) and 𝑇𝑇n ( tank natural period)
are close, 𝐹𝐹c will invariably give a ‘high’ fill. In the case that such a filling height is equal to or
less than 0,21 𝐿𝐿s , a low fill may be assumed, and the case treated as a level 2 assessment,
otherwise, a level 3 assessment should be used.

Section 6: Level 3 Assessment

Where significant dynamic magnification of fluid pressures involving impacts on the top of the
tank is likely, or where the effect of internal stiffening is to be taken into account, then a level 3
assessment is required.

Section 7: Structural Capability

The structural capability of the tank boundaries to withstand the dynamic sloshing pressures is
to be determined using SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604). This program considers the
lateral pressure on a stiffened panel comprising a single stiffener and attached plating. The
ultimate strength of the plating is calculated on the basis of a defined allowable permanent set
taking into account the membrane stress induced in the panel as it deforms. For the stiffeners,
a classical plastic collapse method is used taking into consideration both shear and bending
strains. Allowance is made for the small proportion of the pressure load transmitted directly
from the plating to the supporting primary structure.

Lloyd’s Register 25
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 8 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 8 Loading Conditions and Ship

Motions for Sloshing Analysis

Section 1: General Considerations

Section 2: Loading Conditions

Section 3: Level 2 Sloshing Assessment Parameters

Section 4: Level 3 Assessment Parameters

Section 1: General Considerations

Where partial fillings are contemplated in all tanks of a ship, the following tanks are to be
considered in the analysis together with associated sea conditions given in Table 1.1 provided
the following conditions are satisfied together with the relevant level of assessment conditions.
The natural periods of the ship for a given motion type should be determined for the service
loading conditions agreed between the builder and the society. When a ship is to be approved
for arbitrary tank filling, all approved safe loading conditions should be investigated, and the
estimation of significant dynamic pressure magnification considered according to the
guidelines provided in Chapter 7.

Table 1.1

Sea Condition Head Quartering Beam Stern Quartering



Closest to Amidship


26 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 8
Section 2

Section 2: Loading Conditions

The following loading conditions are provided as a guideline to the most critical conditions:

− Storm ballast condition

− Segregated ballast condition
− All tanks partially filled

Experience indicates that the shorter the ship natural period, the greater the impact pressure.
The procedure for the selection of the critical loading conditions would therefore suggest that
the loading conditions with the shortest ship natural period should therefore be considered as
a production case.

2.1 Unrestricted Filling levels – Unspecified Sea-Going Loading Conditions

When a ship is to be approved for Unrestricted Filling Levels - Unspecified Loading Conditions,
many arbitrary ship loading conditions are possible. In order to cover the complete range of
loading conditions, the fully loaded and ballast condition are to be considered. These two
conditions gives an upper and lower limit for the possible range of ship natural period as
shown in Figure 2.1. Both the roll and pitch motion modes are to be examined.

Because of the unrestricted filling level requirement, the critical sloshing ranges extend from
[𝑆𝑆nr Ballast − 5] to [𝑆𝑆nr Loaded + 5] seconds in roll and from [𝑆𝑆np − 3] to infinity in pitch.
Also, because of unrestricted filling levels the ship natural period range extends from 𝑆𝑆n Ballast
to 𝑆𝑆n Loaded for both pitch and roll.

For sloshing in the Roll motion mode shown in Figure 2.1.a, the critical fill range extends from
𝐹𝐹1 to 𝐹𝐹4 . All fill levels between 𝐹𝐹1 to 𝐹𝐹4 are to be investigated.

− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹1 and 𝐹𝐹2 , 𝑆𝑆nr Ballast is to be used.

− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹3 and 𝐹𝐹4 , 𝑆𝑆nr Loaded is to be used.

− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹2 and 𝐹𝐹3 , 𝑆𝑆nr is to be equal to 𝑇𝑇n .

Similarly, for sloshing in the Pitch motion mode shown in Figure 2.1.b, the critical fill range extends
from 𝐹𝐹1 to 𝐹𝐹4 where 𝐹𝐹4 = 0,1%. All fill levels between 𝐹𝐹1 and 𝐹𝐹4 are to be investigated.

− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹1 and 𝐹𝐹2 , 𝑆𝑆np is to be used.


− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹2 and 𝐹𝐹3 , 𝑆𝑆np is to be equal to 𝑇𝑇n .

− For fill levels between 𝐹𝐹3 and 𝐹𝐹4 , 𝑆𝑆np is to be used.


Lloyd’s Register 27
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 8 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

2.2 Restricted Filling Levels – Unspecified Sea-Going Loading Conditions

When a ship is to be approved for Restricted Filling Levels - Unspecified Loading conditions,
many arbitrary ship loading conditions are possible within the restrictions imposed. In order to
cover the complete range of loading conditions, the fully loaded and ballast conditions are to
be considered. These two conditions gives an upper and lower limit for the possible range of
ship natural period. It is recognised that there might be ship natural period bands which will not
be applicable as a result of the limitations of the fill levels. However, it is recommended to apply
the Unrestricted Filling Levels - Unspecified Sea-Going Loading Conditions procedure outlined
in Chapter 8, Section 2.1.

2.3 Unrestricted Filling Levels – Specified Sea-Going Loading Conditions

When a ship is to be approved for Unrestricted Filling Levels - Specified Loading Conditions,
each specified loading conditions is to be examined for the complete fill ranges to determine
the critical sloshing fill range for each tank in both roll and pitch motion modes.

2.4 Restricted Filling Levels – Specified Sea-Going Loading Conditions

When a ship is to be approved for Restricted Filling Levels - Specified Loading Conditions, each
specified loading conditions is to be examined for the restricted fill ranges to determine the
critical sloshing fill range for each tank in both roll and pitch motion modes.

28 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 8
Section 2

Figure 2.1.a
Natural Period Diagram – Roll Motion

Figure 2.1.b
Natural Period Diagram – Pitch Motion

Lloyd’s Register 29
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 8 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 3 & 4

Section 3: Level 2 Sloshing Assessment Parameters

3.1 Level 2 Ship Motions

The Combination of accelerations and motions to be considered for the sea conditions given in
Table 1.1 are as follows and are to be used with the critical loading conditions:

− Head Seas Vertical acceleration and pitch angle

− Quartering Seas Vertical acceleration and 50% roll angle

− Beam Seas Vertical acceleration and roll angle

− Stern Quartering 75% vertical acceleration and roll angle

3.2 Level 2 Fill Range

Where a tank is to be approved for arbitrary fillings, fill heights to be investigated are in 5%
increments from 15% to 30% and then 10% increments until the low fill height criterion Fc
defined in Chapter 4, Section 1 is exceeded. If a tank is to be approved for particular fillings,
these, together with fillings 5% above and below the particular fillings are to be investigated.

Section 4: Level 3 Assessment Parameters

4.1 Level 3 Ships Motions

The combination of acceleration and motion to be considered for the sea conditions given in
Table 1.1 are as follows and are to be used with the critical loading conditions:

− Head Seas Heave and 70% pitch angle

− Beam Seas Heave, sway and 70% roll angle

The investigation of sloshing in head seas requires that both aftermost and foremost tank be
examined if horizontal internal structure are present, as well as the tank closest to amidship.

30 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 8
Section 4

4.2 Level 3 Investigations Fill Range

Where a tank is to be approved for arbitrary fillings, the upper and lower bound of critical fill
heights are to be determined according to level 1 procedure. The fill heights to be investigated
are to be taken in 10% increments from the lower bound fill height. The fill height at which the
fluid natural period matches the ship natural period should also be investigated together with
fill level 5% on each side.

If a tank is to be approved for particular fillings, together with fillings 5% above and below the
particular fillings are to be investigated.

Where horizontal internal structure members are present, fill height coinciding with the location
of the girder and within a range of 5% above and below the horizontal girder should be

Lloyd’s Register 31
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 9 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 9 Sloshing Pressure Determination

Section 1: Level 1 Sloshing Pressure Determination

Section 1: Level 1 Sloshing Pressure Determination

Where a level 1 assessment is indicated in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 1, the following
points need to be observed:

− For oil carrying cargo tanks with dimensions not departing from standard practice, no
further evaluation is needed.
− For LNG/LPG ships, sloshing pressures on tank boundaries should be determined
according to the Rules for LNG/LPG ships.

Otherwise, an ‘equivalent’ static head is to be obtained by assuming the tank to be rolled or

pitched to the ‘lifetime’ angles ϑ = ϕmax or ϑ = θmax respectively defined in Section 4.4, and
the equivalent pressure is given by:

𝑃𝑃 = 11,75 (ℎ + (𝐿𝐿s /2) 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 ϑ) 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘/𝑚𝑚2 (9.1)


ℎ = the static head in upright position (m)

It is not considered necessary to take translational motions into account.

32 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 10
Sections 1 & 2

CHAPTER 10 Level 2 Sloshing Pressure Determination

Section 1: Smooth Rectangular Tanks

Section 2: Smooth Hopper Tanks

Section 1: Smooth Rectangular Tanks

Where a level 2 assessment is indicated in accordance with Chapter 8, Section 1.2, pressures
on the tank boundary are to be derived using SDA Tank Assessment program (10603) (Ref. 1)
in association with the ‘lifetime’ angles of roll and pitch and the vertical acceleration defined in
Chapter 4, Section 4.

The transverse and longitudinal boundaries are to be studied separately:

− Transverse bulkheads in association with pitch plus vertical acceleration.

− Longitudinal bulkheads in association with roll plus vertical acceleration.

The centre of rotation is defined in Chapter 4, Section 4.8.

Section 2: Smooth Hopper Tanks

In the case of tanks having upper and/or lower hopper tanks, the output pressures from the
SDA Tank Assessment program (10603) have to be ‘corrected’ by applying the correlation
factors derived from experiments (Ref. 2) shown in Figure 2.1.

No correlation factors are given for the knuckle or corner of the tank ceiling, as this would be
equivalent to a high fill which is excluded from a level 2 assessment.

The pressure at the junction of the upper hopper tank and the vertical tank side, position B
shown in Figure 2.1 is given by:

𝑃𝑃B = 𝐾𝐾2 ∙ 𝑃𝑃 (10.1)


𝐾𝐾2 =a correction factor depending on filling height F, the minimum height of the
upper hopper tank h, and the angle of the upper hopper tank with the horizontal.

Lloyd’s Register 33
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 10 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

𝐾𝐾2 = (1 + 2,5 𝐹𝐹/ℎ)(1 + 2𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐β)/3 for 0,0 < 𝐹𝐹 < 0,8ℎ

𝑃𝑃 = the output pressure from SDA Tank Assessment program (10603).

The pressure at the junction of the lower hopper tank and the vertical tank side, position C
shown in Figure 2.1, is given by:

𝑃𝑃c = 𝐾𝐾3 ∙ 𝑃𝑃 (10.2)


𝐾𝐾3 =a correction factor depending on filling height F, and the width of the lower
hopper tank w, if 𝑤𝑤 > 0,25𝐿𝐿s . If 𝑤𝑤 ≤ 0,25𝐿𝐿s then no correction is necessary.

𝐾𝐾3 = 1 + 4𝐹𝐹/𝐿𝐿s for 0,0 < 𝐹𝐹 𝐿𝐿s /4

𝐾𝐾3 = 1 + (𝐻𝐻 − 𝐹𝐹)/(𝐻𝐻 − 𝐿𝐿s /4) for 𝐿𝐿s /4 < 𝐹𝐹 < 𝐻𝐻

𝑃𝑃 = the output pressure from SDA Tank Assessment program (10603)

𝑤𝑤 = the width of the lower hopper tank (𝑤𝑤 > 𝐿𝐿s /4).

The higher corner pressures are considered to extend over one stiffener spacing from the
corner. When this is not applicable, the extent of influence may be taken as 0,04H either sides
of the corner. Corrected pressure increases at the corners from equation (10.1) and (10.2) may
be reduced linearly to the limit of corner effect defined above.

34 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 10
Section 2

Figure 2.1
Maximum Pressure Correction Factor 𝑲𝑲𝐢𝐢

Lloyd’s Register 35
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 1 & 2

CHAPTER 11 Level 3 Sloshing Pressure Determination

Section 1: General

Section 2: Limitations and Assumptions of SDA

Fluids program

Section 3: Data Preparation

Section 1: General

Where level 3 assessment is indicated in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 6, sloshing

pressures are to be obtained using a finite difference or similar numerical solution to the one
implemented in the SDA Fluids program described in Reference 1. Alternatively, agreed model
experiments would be accepted as a means of obtaining the maximum design pressures.

The excitation is to cover conditions that would produce a maximum design pressure
envelope on the tank boundaries, taking into account the significant combinations of ship
motions, amplitudes and periods and liquid natural period which could occur simultaneously
in the ship’s lifetime.

Section 2: Limitations and Assumptions of SDA Fluids Program

SDA Fluids is based on the ‘Marker And Cell’ (MAC) method and uses a two dimensional finite
difference calculation scheme. Details of the theory can be found in References 3, 4 and 5.

The following limitations and assumptions apply to the SDA Fluids program:

a) Any model is idealised as a uniform mesh of rectangular cells and any attempted
modelling is influenced by this limitation. Associated with this mesh are the three sets of
independent variables namely, the pressure at the centre of each mesh cell, the fluid
velocities normal to the horizontal and vertical cell edges (Figure 2.1).
Various methods are contained within the logic of SDA Fluids to reduce the effect of
limiting the scope of modelling to a rectangular mesh and careful implementation by the
user will render these limitations insignificant in most cases.

36 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 2

b) Pressures are calculated at the centre of each mesh cell only and this must be borne in
mind when hydrostatic loads are of considerable importance such as when the mesh
spacings are large.

c) SDA Fluids does not use a two phase fluid model at the free surface; the ullage volume is
treated as a vacuum. Also, the free surface is only representable as a single valued
function and consequently cannot exhibit features such as breaking waves. This may
affect the simulation of low fill, large amplitude excitation cases.

d) In cases where the depth is such that the tank bottom is exposed due to the motion of
the ship, the sloshing program output should be considered with care since numerical
instability may arise in the solution process. The behaviour of the free surface motion
should therefore be examined to detect any incongruities.

Lloyd’s Register 37
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Finite Difference Mesh Arrangement with Fictitious Boundary Cells

Finite Difference Field Variables and their Location

Figure 2.1

38 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 3

Section 3: Data Preparation

Further reference may be made to the software user manual (Ref.1)

3.1 Mesh Spacing

Data Card: PMESH

There is one constant mesh spacing associated with each of the two principal axes of the
mesh. For a rectangular tank, it is an easy matter to fit a suitable rectangular grid exactly over
the dimensions of the tank. However, if the tank is prismatic in shape, then care must be
exercised in selecting mesh spacings that enable the slope of any chamfered wall of the tank
to be adequately modelled. Due to the nature of the discretisation process, chamfers can only
be modelled as stepwise boundaries and the best configuration of mesh to chamfer is such
that the boundary of the idealised tank coincides with the modelled tank’s wall at the centre of
each appropriate horizontal cell edge, or the idealised structure bisects horizontal cell edges.

If some internal structure such as stiffeners or deck girders are to be included, further
complications are added since these too may only have dimensions corresponding to an
integral number of mesh spacings.

Ideally, each mesh spacing should be a factor of all the important tank dimensions in its
associated principal axis together with a cell aspect ratio close to unity. Unfortunately, the
mesh spacings cannot usually adopt their ideal values since this will almost mean that the
number of mesh cells used by the simulation will be prohibitively expensive in computer time.
A compromise has to be made and it is in this area that the skill of the modeller can be most
gainfully employed.

For most applications, using 20-30 cells in the horizontal (i) direction and 15-20 cells in the
vertical (j) direction is a good compromise. The minimum number of cells is 20 x 15. The
maximum number of cells allowed by the program is 60 x 40. It must be borne in mind that
modelling with a higher number of cells than the range recommended will tend to give
conservative pressure estimates.

3.2 Fitting the mesh to the tank

Data Card: MESH

The relationship of the tank to the mesh may be best appreciated by drawing the tank on a
coarsely ruled sheet of paper, the ruled spacings reflecting the relative dimensions of each
mesh cell as illustrated on Figure 3.1.

Lloyd’s Register 39
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

The first step is to identify the mesh cells that form the area of the mesh in which fluid will be
present if the tank is considered to be completely full. These are the active cells and all active
cells together form the idealised tank.

The bottom left hand cell of the calculation grid contained within the idealised tank will always
have i,j co-ordinates of (1,1). Cell numbering is carried out in a similar fashion to the grid-
squares on a map.

3.3 Boundary Conditions

Data Card: MESH

The next stage is to identify the active cells through which or on the edge of which the tank
boundary passes. These active cells are also boundary cells. The idealised tank is defined by
specifying the boundary cells on MESH cards. Each mesh card defining one section of the tank

There are four separate regions of the mesh boundary: the left and right, which include only
the vertical regions at the extreme edge of the mesh, and the top and bottom, which include
all other parts (See Figure 3.2). A boundary condition type may be specified for each region.
Care must be taken when fitting the mesh to chamfered sections of tank wall to avoid
overlapping tank boundary sections. Boundary cells must be defined in a consistent direction,
that is anticlockwise round the perimeter of the tank, with the interior of the tank to the left.

The fluid flow conditions at the tank boundaries impose zero velocity normal to a tank wall,
either free flow or zero velocity normal to a tank wall, and either free flow or zero velocity
along a wall. The former, referred to as ‘free slip’, is the default boundary condition for all
mesh boundary regions and should be used unless the boundary layer is greater than 2 or 3
mesh divisions thick. Otherwise, the latter ‘no slip’ condition may be used to force fluid to be
completely stationary on a mesh boundary region.

3.4 Including Internal Tank Structure

Data Card: BAFFLE

Many tanks have internal stiffeners, transverses or deck girders. The main effect of such
structure is to slow down the fluid motions but sometimes its effects are more important and
less obvious.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 3

Conceptually, the effect of this form of construction is to prevent the passage of fluid through
an imaginary line drawn in the fluid imparting zero fluid velocity across this line. The
modelling of the internal structure is based on mesh cell edges and vertical and horizontal
baffles can be modelled using the appropriate switch in the BAFFLE card.

The cell edge on which the structure lies is to the right or at the top of the specified cells with
the tank viewed upright.

If a corner of the tank has a high angle of chamfer, an artificially large effective wave slope
may be induced leading to problems of solution stability. This is particularly likely if the base
of the tank becomes exposed and the number of mesh spacings for the chamfer in the vertical
directions exceeds the number in the horizontal direction. This may be overcome by
modelling the tank as if it were rectangular at the bottom and using BAFFLE cards to specify

3.5 Properties of the Fluid

Data Card: PFLUID

The properties of the fluid and the amount of fluid in the tank affect the pressure loads
obtained from sloshing. The initial static fill depth and all the physical properties of the
idealised fluid used in the calculation are specified on the FLUID card.

The fill depth is specified as a percentage of the maximum depth of the tank as defined in
Chapter 4, Section 3.

The physical properties of the idealised fluid can be specified using density, speed of sound in
the fluid and kinematic viscosity.

It should also be noted that SDA Fluids does not use a two phase fluid model at the free
surface; the ullage volume is treated as a vacuum. Also, the free surface is only representable
as a single valued function and consequently cannot exhibit features such as breaking waves.
This may affect the simulation of low fill, large amplitude excitation cases.

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Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

3.6 Pressure Output Sampling Points

Data Card: MESH

The most usual form of analysis required for any tank is an assessment of the maximum
pressure loads exerted on its walls. Pressure data may be calculated and output for every cell
referenced on MESH cards. However, the number of sampling points may be reduced by
specifying a sampling rate other than unity.

Pressure data for internal structure defined on BAFFLE cards may be requested by specifying
MESH cards for the required cells and switching off the boundary option.

Similarly, velocity data may be calculated and output for every cell referenced on the MESH

If the tank structure, the applied excitation and inertial forces are all symmetrical, the
calculations may be reduced by requesting output for only half of the tank.

3.7 Ullage Pressure

Data Card: PARAM

A constant pressure may be added to each mesh cell pressure to reflect a difference between
the ullage pressure and the pressure of the surroundings.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 3

Figure 3.1
Mesh Co-ordinate System

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Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure 3.2
Boundary Conditions Examples

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 3

3.8 Sloshing Excitation Spectrum

Data Cards: PMESH


These data cards generate sinusoidal components of motion according to the following
representative equation:

𝐴𝐴 = 𝐴𝐴O 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 (ω𝑡𝑡 + Φ) (11.1)

The motion is imparted to the idealised tank by the use of the relevant motion data cards. The
degree of freedom applied to the tank can be generated using the following data cards:

− ANGL Constant amplitude, angular motion about an axis perpendicular to the

mesh centre of rotation as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4.8 and specified in the PMESH
data card.

− VERT Constant amplitude vertical (heave) motion

− HORI Constant amplitude horizontal (sway) motion

− SPEC Special form for varying amplitude motion with the period of excitation
according to the following equation:

𝐴𝐴o = 𝐴𝐴max ∙ 𝑒𝑒 −�𝑇𝑇p−𝑇𝑇pn � /2𝑄𝑄 but not less than specified 𝐴𝐴min (11.2)

𝐴𝐴min and 𝐴𝐴max are specified amplitudes according to Chapter 4, Section 4.
𝑇𝑇pn and 𝑄𝑄 are the specified natural period and decay constant.
𝑇𝑇p is the current period.

The amplitude, period and relative phase of the forced motions are also specified on the
motion card, together with a period increment and an incrementation interval if the period is
to be varied with time.

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Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

For ALL card type:

The initial period may be specified as follows:

𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 1 for 𝑇𝑇n − 𝑆𝑆n < −1

𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 2 for −1 ≤ 𝑇𝑇n − 𝑆𝑆n ≤ −1

𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 3 for 𝑇𝑇n − 𝑆𝑆n > −1

Period increment = -0,001

Increment interval = 𝑇𝑇r (reference time step)

For SPEC (SPECial) card type:

The maximum amplitude is as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4 and Chapter 8, Section 4.1.

The minimum amplitude should be taken as follows:

𝐴𝐴min = 6° for roll

= 3° for pitch

The decay constant should be taken as follows:

𝑄𝑄 = 2 for roll
= 3 for pitch
The natural period is taken as 𝑆𝑆nr for roll, 𝑆𝑆np for pitch.

Initial phase angle = 0,0°

For VERT (VERTical heave) card type:

Required for assessment of longitudinal and transverse boundaries.

Amplitude as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4 and Chapter 8, Section 4.

Initial phase angle = both 90,0° and −90° for pitch

Gravity vector = −9,81 𝑚𝑚/𝑠𝑠 2

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 11
Section 3

For HORI (HORIzontal sway) card type:

Required for assessment of longitudinal boundaries.

Amplitude as defined in Chapter 4, Section 4 and Chapter 8, Section 4.

Initial phase angle = 180°

3.9 Time Control

Data Card: TIMING

Since SDA Fluids is a transient method of analysis, results are obtained in the time domain.
One of the most important features of a simulation performed by SDA Fluids is the selection
of the reference timestep which is defined on the TIMING card.

The reference time step chosen should not be too small as to make computational time
excessive or too large so that important features may be missed out in the data collection.

The default reference time step is given by:

𝑇𝑇r = (𝑆𝑆n′ − 2)/200 (11.4)

The length of the simulation is such as to give a final period of excitation 4 seconds less than
the initial period, thus the total simulation time is given by:

𝑇𝑇simul = 4000 𝑇𝑇r (11.5)

The following formula may be used to select the output window. The data output may be
stored for a simulation time range of ±(𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘n ) the simulation time at which the period of
excitation is equal to the tank natural period, the output time range is given by:

𝑡𝑡 ± (𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘n ) = 𝑇𝑇simul (𝑆𝑆n′ − 𝑇𝑇n )/4 ± (𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘n )

±(𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘n ) represents the output window where k is the number of oscillations on each side of
the time instant during the simulation where the instantaneous excitation period is equal to
the tank natural period. A typical 𝑘𝑘 value of 2 is usually adequate.

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Chapter 11 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

The following formula may be used to determine the spectrum period 𝑇𝑇p at a given time of
the simulation 𝑡𝑡s :

𝑇𝑇p = 𝑆𝑆n′ + (𝑡𝑡s ∙ δinc )/δ𝑡𝑡 (11.7)


δinc = the period increment [−0,001]

δ𝑡𝑡 = the time step [𝑇𝑇r ]

The following formula may be used to determine the spectrum amplitude 𝐴𝐴pn at a given time
of the simulation 𝑡𝑡s :

𝐴𝐴pn = 𝐴𝐴max 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒[−(𝑆𝑆n − 𝑆𝑆n′ − (𝑡𝑡s δinc )/δ𝑡𝑡)2 /2𝑄𝑄] (11.8)

If 𝐴𝐴o is less than specified 𝐴𝐴min , then 𝐴𝐴o = 𝐴𝐴min

Equation (11.8) may be rewritten as follows depending on the starting period.


𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 1 𝐴𝐴o = 𝐴𝐴max 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒[−(1 + (𝑡𝑡s δinc )/δ𝑡𝑡)2 /2𝑄𝑄]

𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 2 𝐴𝐴o = 𝐴𝐴max 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒[−(2 + (𝑡𝑡s δinc )/δ𝑡𝑡)2 /2𝑄𝑄]

𝑆𝑆n′ = 𝑆𝑆n + 3 𝐴𝐴o = 𝐴𝐴max 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒[−(3 + (𝑡𝑡s δinc )/δ𝑡𝑡)2 /2𝑄𝑄] (11.9)

48 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 12
Section 1

CHAPTER 12 Post-Processing of SDA Fluids Data

Section 1: Sloshing Simulation Quality Assurance Procedure

Section 2: Pressure Pulse Time Averaging Scheme

Section 3: Dynamic and Static Pressures

Section 4: Structure Natural Frequency Calculation

Section 5: Force and Couple

Section 6: Pressure Applied to Internal Structural Members

Section 1: Sloshing Simulation Quality Assurance Procedure

1.1 General

It should be borne in mind that the solution to the sloshing phenomenon is obtained using a
complex mathematical formulation of the fluid flow solved in an iterative method, and that the
tank geometry, intervals and fluid are modelled as cells of finite size over which the
velocities/pressures are evaluated. As a consequence, it is possible that certain tank geometries
and internal structural arrangements and/or sloshing parameters outside the extensive range
covered during the testing and validation of this procedure may present some irregularities in
terms of fluid flow motion, velocities or boundary pressure.

For these reasons which are solely due to the combination of modelling assumptions and the
type of numerical solution, the following guidelines have been developed in order to assist both
the novice and experienced user of SDA Fluids to detect inconsistencies.

1.2 Minimum Quality Assurance Post Processing Requirements

The following procedure represents the minimum level of post-processing for quality assurance
of the simulation. It is recommended to adhere to these guidelines in order to detect any
inconsistencies or unexpected behaviour which may occur during the simulation as a result of
wrong input data or limitations due to assumptions or numerical instabilities. The following
output items are to be examined:

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Chapter 12 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

a) Angular – Horizontal – Vertical Amplitude and Period Time History

The excitation spectrum should be examined to confirm that the applied amplitudes and
periods are in accordance with the intended values specified in the procedures manual.

b) Free surface motion simulation

The examination of the free surface motion should be performed both with and without the
ZOOM facility. ZOOM OFF(0)/ON(1-10) allows to observe the behaviour of the free surface with
the tank fixed/moving. The free surface motions should be consistent with applied tank motion.
The types of waves formed during the simulation can be identified be referring to Chapter 3,
Section 1. The free surface behaviour is to be examined carefully when the tank bottom is
exposed and internal members are immersed. Since the free surface position is obtained at the
cell centre alongside the cell vertical j axis, and the free surface is represented by line segments
joining adjacent cells, excessive free surface slope can be identified. In general, the free surface
slope should not exceed the cell aspect ratio δy/δx.

c) Free surface envelope

The free surface envelope allows the visualisation of the boundary which is in contact with the
fluid over the whole duration of the simulation. The amplitude of fluid motion on the vertical
boundaries, the extent of top boundary potentially subjected to impulsive pressure, and
eventually the extent of bottom boundary exposed can be observed.

When the centre of rotation is located on the tank centreline, e.g. roll and the tank structure is
symmetrical about the tank centreline, the free surface envelope should be approximately
symmetrical about the centreline.


Differences in the extent of the free surface envelope on opposite tank side in roll arise from the
nature of the motion spectrum which is not linear and symmetric with respect to time. When
harmonic excitation is used, this behaviour is still occurring, because of the starting motion and
computational round off errors inherent to all finite difference schemes. Perfect symmetry of the
free surface is very rarely attained, but the difference is often negligible.

d) The velocity animation

The velocity vector animation during the simulation time window at which maximum
magnification of sloshing effects occurs, allows the visualisation of both the fluid particle flow,
and the velocity magnitude variations. For cells adjacent to the boundary, the magnitude of the
velocity vector and its direction reflects the relative magnitude of the boundary pressure. The
behaviour of the fluid particle velocity during fluid/boundary interaction can also be examined.
The velocity vector are given at the centre of the cell. The flow around internal structure and
corners also needs to be observed for consistency in terms of behaviour and input data.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 12
Section 1

e) Pressure envelope

The pressure envelope shows the distribution of maximum average pressure (see Chapter 12,
Section 2) for the range of cells selected in the input data (MESH Cards). In general, it is more
explicit to display only the cells belonging to one boundary, i.e. vertical RHS/LHS, Top, Bottom
or Baffle LHS/RHS.

In general, the following pressure envelope behaviour are shown:

− The pressure envelope on the bottom boundary should be fairly uniform except when
deep girders prevent fluid motion. This pressure is mainly due to the hydrostatic term
(ρ𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔), the heave acceleration and a small angular motion component.

− – On vertical boundaries, the pressure envelope below the still free surface is mainly
hydrostatic with a dynamic pressure component due to angular motion and heave and
sway (if applicable) motion. Above the still free surface, the pressure envelope may rise
sharply if impacts on the ceiling occur during the simulation. If deep girders are present,
the pressure on the vertical boundary may drop close to the bottom as a result of fluid
flow damping due to the girders.

− – On the top boundaries, the pressure envelope may show high localised pressure, this
may be due to the behaviour of the free surface, or the interaction of the fluid with an
internal structural element.

It is recommended to display simultaneously the pressure envelope of opposite symmetrical

boundaries in symmetrical motion.

f) Pressure time histories at cells exhibiting high pressure values

Cells exhibiting high pressures both on the tank top and vertical boundaries should be
examined. Pressure types can be identified by zooming on the pressure pulses in the time
history. The occurrence of high pressure values should be consistent with the fluid natural
period and the spectrum period, so that the maximum pressures occur within the output
window with a range of ⋍ 𝑘𝑘𝑆𝑆n with respect to the simulations timescale. In certain cases where
the tank natural period is away from the ship natural period, the pressure time history may
exhibit two peak regions corresponding to excitation at ship natural period and excitation at
tank natural period.

These recommendations are not a self-limiting and the user is encouraged to develop its own
post-processing scheme based on these guidelines.

Lloyd’s Register 51
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Chapter 12 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 1 & 2

Table 12.1 Symptoms and Remedy

Symptoms Remedy
Exponential increase of pressure towards end of
Set minimum amplitude motion of SPEC card to zero
Model horizontal baffle as a step in the deck ignoring
Unreasonable behaviour of free surface around
horizontal baffle with a fill level near the baffle level.
above horizontal baffle
Unexpected high pressure on bottom, sides and top
“Water Hammer Effect” – Refer to Lloyd’s Register –
boundary. Impulse pressure for all boundary occurring
at approx. the same time instants
Modify Idealisation of tank – Refer to Lloyd’s Register –
Other unexpected phenomenon

1.3 Inconsistencies and Applied Results

As mentioned in Chapter 12, Section 1.1, due to the complexity and assumptions of the
mathematical solution and idealisation, some unexpected results may occur despite the
extensive range of parameters covered during both the validation of this procedure and the
software algorithm. Certain problems are known to occur, and symptoms/remedy are shown in
Table 12.1.

Section 2: Pressure Pulse Time Averaging Scheme

During a sloshing simulation, high fluid velocities arise due to the motion of the tank which
require a smaller time step than the output time step Δ𝑡𝑡 in order to satisfy the solution
algorithm conditions. The program uses an auto time stepping facility whereby the number of
time cycles during time interval Δ𝑡𝑡 (simulation cycle) is normally more than one and typically
about 10. The pressure value of one of these simulation cycles therefore would be taken to
represent the pressure values over the time interval Δ𝑡𝑡. This should not matter if the pressure
distribution is considered as a whole, but quite often the user considers only the peak values
without taking the characteristics of the pressure impulses into account. Consequently, this
would lead to misinterpretation of the results, that is, very large pressures occurring over very
small time intervals being taken to represent the ‘average’ pressure over the required time
interval Δ𝑡𝑡.

To overcome this problem of excessively large sampled pressure values, a pressure pulse
averaging scheme has been devised to give more ‘realistic’ impact pressures (Ref 1).

The pressure pulse time averaging technique is illustrated in Figure 2.1. The instantaneous
pressures which are the direct solution from the algorithm are replaced by the averaged
pressure of the instantaneous pressure over one time step.

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 12
Section 2

This averaged pressure is referred to as the computed pressure in this procedure and is the
pressure which is used as the sloshing load for capability assessment of the structure.

Under certain circumstances, low fluid velocity will make the solution converge for the reference
time step without requirement for smaller time step. However, for consistency of the pressure
averaging scheme, SDA Fluids version 3.3 and above implement a scheme by which a minimum
of four values has to be sampled over each time step to perform the averaging scheme.

Figure 2.1
Pressure Time History and Pressure Pulse Averaging Scheme

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Chapter 12 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Section 3: Dynamic and Static Pressures

Since the pressures determined by SDA Fluids are dynamic in nature and the assessment of the
response of the structure is based on a static analysis, it is required in certain cases to convert
the dynamic pressures to equivalent static pressures. This conversion to static loading is
necessary when the load time history is such that the impact period is close to the natural
period of the loaded structural component. Then, the equivalent static pressures can be up to
twice the magnitude of the dynamic pressure. Figure 3.1 illustrates the dynamic load factor
dependence on the natural frequency of the structural component subjected to dynamic
loading of triangular shape and duration 𝑡𝑡1 .

The following guidelines are provided to determine if the conversion of dynamic to static
pressure is required :

a) If the factor of safety given by the plastic collapse analysis (SDA Ultimate Strength 10604) is
superior or equal to 2, No pressure transformation is required.

b) If the impact pressure pulse is approximated to a triangular pressure pulse of duration t1

as shown in Figure 3.1, the impact pressure can be considered to be quasi-static if 𝑡𝑡1 /T>2,
where T is the natural period of the structural component. In general, this case applies for
conventional structures subjected to sloshing pressures.

c) c) If none of the conditions above are satisfied, conversion of the dynamic to static
pressure may be required.

Figure 3.1
Dynamic Load Factor for Triangular Pulse Load

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 12
Section 3

3.1 Conversion of Dynamic Pressure to Static Pressure

The response of structures to dynamic loads can be quite complicated. It must be borne in mind
that coupling between structural components can and does occur in complex structures. For
these cases, the analyst must decide whether or not the various components of the tank wall
can be analysed individually or should a multi degree of freedom system be used.

If each component of the tank structure is to be analysed individually then it is usually

conservative to assume rigid support for each element (neglecting flexibility in the supporting
structure) and that the sloshing forces are transferred undistorted from one member to the
next. Often, the response is attenuated by coupling, but it can be increased as well.

However, using an equivalent single degree of freedom system computed from energy
principles (Ref 8 & 9), a simple response calculation method for elasto-plastic behaviour of tank
boundaries has been developed, and implemented in a computer program DYN_STAT (Ref 10).

The reduction of the dynamic pressure data to a static pressure data for assessment of the
structure is based on the following points :

a) Solution for plastic behaviour can be based on a Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) which is a
function of the load time history and the natural period of the structure.

b) The dynamic load factor when multiplied by the peak pressure gives an equivalent static
pressure to be used for design purposes.

c) For plastic behaviour of structures which are subjected to loads of long duration relative to
the structure fundamental period, the equivalent static pressure gives good estimates of
maximum shear reactions in the structures.

DYN_STAT is a development program restricted at present to Lloyd’s Register – TPDD/ASRD,

and SDA Fluids users may contact TPDD/ASRD if required. Alternatively, DLF charts may be used
to convert dynamic pressure to static pressure.

For the remaining part of this procedure, DYN_STAT refers to the process of converting dynamic
pressure to static pressure using either the software or the charts available in Appendix B5. It
should be noted that these charts are based on an elastic response model whilst DYN_STAT
software is based on an elasto-plastic response model.

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Chapter 12 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

3.2 Response Calculation

The design pressure to be used for the assessment of the structural capability is given as
follows :

𝑃𝑃static = 𝑃𝑃dynamic 𝑥𝑥 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 (12.1)

3.3 Pressure Conversion Procedure

Generally, the worst case sloshing load for a structural component is one which has the
following properties:

− Highest pressure
− Shortest rise time

To establish whether or not a dynamic load factor should be used for a given structural
component, the following procedure may be used:

1) Calculate collapse strength of all structural components according to the guidelines

provided in Chapter 13.

2) Compute the sloshing pressure envelope using SDA Fluids.

3) Apply a factor of 2 to the sloshing pressure values for the structural components which
satisfy condition c) of Chapter 12, Section 3 (this is equivalent to applying the maximum
possible dynamic load factor).

4) Identify the areas which require further investigation (i.e. 2 x sloshing pressure is greater
than the collapse strength, in association with the factors of safety given in Chapter 13,
Section 3).

5) Examine the sloshing pressure time history and identify critical impacts according to the
guidelines provided above.

6) Use the DYN_STAT program or charts to convert the dynamic sloshing pressure into
equivalent static sloshing pressure where required.

7) Verify that the equivalent static sloshing pressure is less than the collapse pressure of the
structural components where required with the associated factors of safety (Chapter 13,
Section 3).

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 12
Sections 4,5 & 6

Section 4: Structure Natural Frequency Calculation

Fundamental frequency of structural component may be calculated using LR.PASS desktop

computer program LR 20301 (Ref 7), or the formulae available in Appendix B and implemented
in the pressure conversion program DYN_STAT (Ref 10). Charts to determine the natural
frequency of clamped plates in air and with one side immersed are also available in Appendix B.

Section 5: Force and Couple

For some type of analysis, it may be required to obtain the forces acting on the structure. This is
particularly important for independent cargo tanks for which the forces on the tank supports
may be found.

The force and couple are found by integrating the pressure on all cell boundary edges. The
centre of integration for couple calculation may be different from the centre of rotation for
angular motions, and may be used, for instance, to find the shear force and tripping moment on
selected internal structure.

Section 6: Pressure Applied to Internal Structural Members

When internal structural members represented by baffles are present, the sloshing pressure
applied to the internal member is the maximum differential pressure at discrete time instant
over the simulation period. The differential pressure is calculated as the difference between the
pressures acting at time instant t at opposite cells about the axis of the structural element.

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

CHAPTER 13 Strength Assessment

Section 1: Pressures and Stresses

Section 2: Collapse Analysis Procedures for Clamped

Stiffened Panels

Section 3: Minimum Factors of Safety

Section 4: Girder Structural Analysis Procedures

Section 1: Pressure and Stresses

The SDA Fluids program is used to determine the maximum ‘lifetime’ sloshing pressures. When
it is appropriate, to determine the design pressures, the response of the structural members
also has to be taken into account. Generally, from the standpoint of structural design, the
pressure is important not only for its value but as ’pressure multiplied by area’; that is, even high
pressure causes no damage to the structural member and hence poses no problem in terms of
structural strength as long as the area acted upon is very small. The panel area surrounded by
stiffeners is usually taken as being the smallest unit area.

Structural members must be strong enough to withstand these effective loads. The plastic
collapse load is used in many instances to indicate the strength, commonly of both panel and
stiffener, taking into account their collapse mechanism. For example, the strength of the panel
fastened in way of primary and secondary members is obtained as the load required to form a
roof shaped hinge. As for the primary members, it is necessary to pay attention also to the
buckling of panel which composes their girders.

Also, an allowance should be made for global bending stresses which might occurs as a lifetime
value and be added to the sloshing load component.

58 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 13
Section 2

Section 2: Collapse Analysis Procedures for Clamped Stiffened Panels

2.1 Description

The desk-top program SDA Ultimate Strength (10604) (Ref 1) requires information about the
following for the evaluation:

− Bulkhead type
− Direction of stiffening
− Material properties
− Applied pressure envelope
− Thickness of plate panels
− Spacing, spans and scantlings of stiffeners

The program considers a single stiffener and a breadth of panel between that and the next
stiffener, or a corner of a tank. The panel length is taken as the distance between frames, see
Figure 2.1.

Stiffeners with the following cross sections may be examined: angle, bulb plate, flat bar or T
cross section, see Figure 2.2.

Stiffeners are continuous and effectively supported at every floor, or girder.

Where brackets are used to reduce the effective length of the stiffener, it is assumed that these
are arranged symmetrically either side of the primary member web, and adequately stiffened.

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

𝑡𝑡p = uniform panel thickness

𝑠𝑠 = panel breadth (stiffener spacing)
𝑙𝑙 = panel length (stiffener spacing)
𝑝𝑝u = uniform pressure applied to
unstiffened side panel
σx = applied axial stress acting in the
σy = applied transverse stress acting
in the panel
τ = applied shear stress acting in the

Figure 2.1
Panel Geometry

Note: Bulb sections are to be represented as angle

sections with dimensions given in accordance with
Chapter 4 of the DCPD

Figure 2.2
Stiffener Sections & Dimensions

60 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 13
Section 2

The plate thickness used in the calculation are to be Rule thickness. When a plate panel consist
of two or more strakes, then the plate thickness is to be taken as follows:

𝑡𝑡 = �0,75 𝑡𝑡12 + 0,25 𝑡𝑡22


𝑡𝑡1 is the thickness of the major are of the panel, greater than 2/3 of the panel

𝑡𝑡2 is the thickness of the mirror area.

Different yield stresses may be specified for the plating, stiffener web and stiffener flange. These
are to be taken as the minimum specified yield stress or 0.5 per cent proof stress. For normal
and higher tensile steel or aluminium, Poisson’s ratio is to be taken as 0.3. The modulus of
2 2
elasticity is to be taken as 20.6 E4 N/mm for normal and higher tensile steel and 6.89 E4 N/mm
for aluminium. For cargoes carried at cryogenic, or elevated temperatures. The minimum
material properties at the corresponding operating temperatures of the structure are to be

The panel is allowed an initial shape imperfection and a permanent set. These are the maximum
deviations of the panel from a plane surface for the undeformed panel, prior to the application
of the forces, and the deformed panel, respectively.

2.2 Assumptions and Limitations

The initial shape imperfection and the allowable permanent set are determined by the program
from the specified stiffener spacing. Initial shape imperfection and permanent set are measured
positive towards the stiffener and negative away from the stiffener.

Default values of panel characteristics are:

− Initial panel imperfection 𝑠𝑠/�120�𝑘𝑘p �

𝑘𝑘p = �245/σop �

where σop is the uniaxial yield stress of plate material

− Panel permanent set

s/400 for longitudinal bulkhead
s/300 for transverse bulkhead

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

− Panel membrane stiffness factor

10 for longitudinal bulkhead, longitudinal stiffening
4 for longitudinal bulkhead, transverse stiffening
8 for transverse bulkhead, transverse stiffening
4 for transverse bulkhead, vertical stiffening

Corrosion margins are incorporated in the factor of safety given in Chapter 13, Section 3.

Other assumptions are as defined in Reference 8.

Corrugated bulkheads cannot be assessed using the current SDA Ultimate Strength program

2.3 Applied Loads

a) Sloshing pressures

For a vertically stiffened bulkhead, subdivided by horizontal girders or stringers, the applied
pressure should be an average of that over a height of

− For the panel, not greater than three times the panel breadth.
− For the stiffener, the effective length.

Where the ratio of the unloaded to the effective span a/l shown in Figure 2.3 is less than 0.4, the
computed pressure is to be modified by converting the sloshing pressure distribution to an
equivalent uniformly distributed pressure according to the procedure described in Appendix C.

For fluid sloshing onto the stiffened side of the plating, the following factors may be applied to
the sloshing pressures:

−𝑃𝑃effective = 𝑃𝑃computed × 0,90 for the panel

−𝑃𝑃effective = 𝑃𝑃computed × 0,70 for the stiffener

The panel is subjected to specified lateral pressures applied to the outside of the plating, i.e. on
the unstiffened surface, and to the stiffened surface. These are the maximum pressure
differentials applied to each side of the plate which will occur at different times. All pressures are
defined as positive.

The maximum net pressure which occur at any time is to be input for the unstiffened surface
(Note that where sloshing can occur in the adjacent tank, this pressure should be input if it is
effectively greater).

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 13
Section 2

Figure 2.3
Partial Pressure Distribution

b) Applied Stresses

The panel is also subjected to the following applied in-plane stresses: a stress acting in the
direction of the stiffener span or axial stress, a stress acting in the direction perpendicular to the
stiffener span or transverse stress, and a shear stress, see Figure 2.1. These stresses, with the
exception of those given below, are determined by the program.

The applied in-plane stresses which may be input by the user are:

− Axial stress for sloshing loads on transversally stiffened transverse bulkhead or on a

longitudinally stiffened longitudinal bulkhead.
− Transverse stress for sloshing loads on a vertically stiffened transverse bulkhead or on a
vertically stiffened longitudinal bulkhead.
− Shear stress for sloshing loads on a longitudinal bulkhead.

It should be noted that consideration should be given to the torsional/lateral bending strength
of internal stiffeners.

c) Hull Longitudinal Stresses – longitudinal bulkheads

Longitudinal still water (sw) and wave (w) direct stresses of magnitude (σsw + 0,25σw )
combined with shear stresses (τsw + 0,25τw) appropriate to the position of each panel being
considered should be applied. For transversely stiffened bulkhead, tensile longitudinal stresses
need not be considered.

2.4 Output

The program prints out all input data and calculates the plastic collapse pressures for the plate
panels and stiffeners and also safety factors against failure. Details of input format and examples
can be found in the user manual (Ref 1).

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 3 & 4

Section 3: Minimum Factors of Safety

Safety factors are not to be less than the values given in the relevant ship procedural document,
or the values given below:

Longitudinal Bulkhead

- maximum allowable pressure on panel 1.1

- maximum allowable pressure on stiffener 1.5

- maximum allowable pressure range on stiffener 1.5

Transverse Bulkhead

- maximum allowable pressure on panel 1.3

- maximum allowable pressure on stiffener 1.5

- maximum allowable pressure range on stiffener 1.1


- maximum allowable pressure on panel 1.0

- maximum allowable pressure on stiffener 1.0

Section 4: Girder Structural Analysis Procedure

Horizontal/vertical girders are in some cases subjected to high impact pressures. The behaviour
of girders under lateral pressure loading differ from tank boundaries since the girder has a
relatively greater deflection in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the girder due to the
free edge at the face plate. The effect of the free edge is to change the load distribution on the
girder flat bar stiffener and tripping brackets, so that maximum bending moments and shear
forces will be concentrated at the fixed end where they are connected to the primary members.
In addition, submerged girders are subjected to continuous pulsating loads as a result of the
fluid oscillatory motion. This phenomenon may lead to fatigue damage of the girder elements,
particularly the tripping brackets, stiffeners, and girder bracket toes.

Examination of damage records indicates that, to-date no damage to girders attributed to

sloshing loads has been recorded. The following girder structural analysis procedure is therefore
given as a guide to be used when it is considered necessary to verify the strength of girders. If
the application of this procedure indicates that significant reinforcements are required, the
requirements should be specially considered taking into account service experience of a similar

64 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 13
Section 4
structure on similar size tank onboard a similar ship operating under similar partial filling

4.1 Finite Element Analysis

To assess the strength of the girder, a Finite Element model of the girder is to be performed.
The girder should be idealised using plate and rod elements as shown in Figure 4.1. The
boundary conditions to be applied to the model are shown in Table 4.1. The modelling is to be
performed according to the guidelines in DCPD Section 3, Plane Frame.

The level of strength of the stiffeners and tripping brackets is to be checked using both elastic
and plastic analysis. The level of strength of the plating stiffeners is also to be examined. The
strength of the plating is to be checked both on an elastic basis using the results from the F.E.
model, and on a plastic basis by using the axial loads determined from the F.E. model to
perform the plastic collapse strength assessment outlined in Chapter 13, Section 2.

Table 4.1 Boundary Conditions

Types of
Structure Position Constraints
Intersection of Horizontal Girder
Boundary All Grid Points 1,2,3,4,5,6
and Longitudinal Plating

Intersection of Horizontal Girder

Boundary All Grid Points 1,2,3
Plating and Transverse

Intersection of Tripping 1,2,3,4,5,6

Brackets/Face Flat Stiffeners and Boundary All Grid Points Imposed Moment from
Transverse Frame Analysis

4.2 Analytical Structural Analysis

The plating capability is to be assessed using the SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604) in
association with the safety factors defined in Chapter 13, Section 3. However, since the SDA
Ultimate Strength program (10604) is not applicable to a cantilever stiffener, an alternative
procedure equivalent to the SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604) has been formulated to
assess the structural capability of stiffeners and tripping brackets under sloshing levels. The
procedure is based on the estimation of the plastic collapse pressure for the girder stiffeners
and tripping brackets. This procedure illustrated in Figure 4.2 and is to be applied in association
with a Factor of Safety of 2.0.

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 4

Figure 4.1
Typical Girder F.E. Idealisation

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 13
Section 4
4.3 Applied Loads

a) Sloshing Pressures

When the girder is subjected to specified lateral pressure to the unstiffened and stiffened
surface. The applied lateral pressure is the maximum pressure differentials applies to each side
of the plate at discrete time instant (See Chapter 12, Section 6). The applied sloshing pressure is
to be taken as the average of the cell pressure values over the span of the girder.

For fluid sloshing on the stiffened side of the plating, the following factor may be applied to the
sloshing pressures:

−𝑃𝑃effective = 𝑃𝑃computed × 0,90 for the panel

−𝑃𝑃effective = 𝑃𝑃computed × 0,70 for the stiffener

b) Applied Loads

For bulkhead stringers, the application of the sloshing loads on the bulkhead provide a bending
moment at the connection of the bulkhead stringers. The moment is to be determined either
using the simple model shown in Figure 4.3, or an equivalent procedure.

c) Hull Longitudinal Stresses

For girder in the longitudinal direction such as deck girders. longitudinal still water (𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠) and
wave (𝑤𝑤) direct stresses of magnitude (σsw + 0,25 σw ) combined with shear stresses
(τsw + 0,25 𝜏𝜏w ) appropriate to the position of each panel being considered should be applied.

For girder in the transverse direction such as bulkhead stringers, tensile longitudinal stresses
need not be considered.

Figure 4.3
Typical Frame to Determine Applied Moment

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Chapter 13 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 4

1. Stiffeners normal to the horizontal girder face plate

2. Stiffeners parallel to the horizontal girder face plate

3. Combination of stiffeners

4. Tripping brackets

Figure 4.2

68 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Chapter 14
Sections 1 & 2

CHAPTER 14 Acceptance Criteria

Section 1 : Strength based acceptance criteria

Section 2: Service based acceptance criteria

Two acceptance criteria are proposed, and it is required that when ships are to have partial
fillings of tanks, at least one of the acceptance criteria is to be satisfied :

Section 1: Strength based acceptance criteria

The acceptance criteria for scantlings of partially filled holds shall be such that the structural
members forming the tank boundary have a strength capability which exceeds the loads

Any scantlings derived as a result of this procedure are to be regarded as additional to the Rule
requirements for full tanks in cases where partial fillings is requested.

Section 2: Service based acceptance criteria

Alternatively, sloshing loads may be controlled by the loading requirement which will be
specified by the society, this is done by controlling the natural periods of motion of the ship
such that synchronisation may not occur.

Ship natural periods should therefore be determined by the use of appropriate method either
computational or experimental as agreed by the society and a polar curve of ship natural period
should be produced together with strict guidelines concerning the loading of the ship.

However special considerations will be given to this acceptance criteria according to ship type,
service and other considerations.

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Chapter 15 - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids

CHAPTER 15 Applications


Examples of sloshing calculations for all three levels of analysis are shown in Appendix A.

70 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004




1. ShipRight SDA Sloshing, Software user manual. Lloyd’s Register.

2. Results of Model Sloshing Experiments for Two Bulk Carrier Shaped Tanks due to Rolling,
Development Unit Report No 50, Lloyd’s Register.

3. The MAC Method, a Computing Technique for Solving Viscous, Incompressible, Transient
Fluid Flow Problems Involving Free Surfaces, Welch J.E, Harlow F.H, Shannon J.P, Daly B.J,
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Report LA-5852, 1975.

4. SOLA - A Numerical Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows, Hirt C.W, Nichols B.D,
Pomeroy N.C, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Report LA-5852, 1975.

5. Sloshing in Partially Filled Liquid Tanks and Its Effect on Ship Motion : Numerical
Simulations and Experimental Verification, Mikelis N.E, Miller J.K, Taylor K.V, RINA Spring
Meeting, 1984, Paper No 7.

6. LR.FLUIDS, Theoretical Manual, TPDD Report 90/01, Lloyd’s Register.

7. DTC Program 20301, Users’ Manual for LR.PASS Desktop Computer Programs, Lloyd’s

8. Evaluation of Liquid Dynamic Loads in Slack LNG Cargo Tanks, Ship Structure Committee
report, SSC 297, 1980.

9. The Component Element Method in Dynamics, S. Levy, J. Wilkinson, Mac Graw-Hill, 1976.

10. Conversion of Dynamic to Equivalent Static Sloshing Loads, Theoretical & Users Manual,
TPDD Report 90/09, Lloyd’s Register.

11. Liquid Sloshing in Cargo Tanks, Ship Structure Committee report, SSC 336, 1990.

Lloyd’s Register 71
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1


Section 1: Level 1 Investigations

Section 2: Level 2 Investigation

Section 3: Level 3 Investigation

Section 1: Level 1 Investigation

The purpose of this example is to perform a level 1 sloshing investigation in order to determine
whether or not a higher level sloshing investigation is required. The example performed on a
comparative basis for two vessels of similar dimensions is presented for a given filling level
based on vessel draught.

Ship Data

Ship A and ship B having the following general particulars are used for this example :

Ship A Ship B
Ship type Tanker Tanker
Deadweight (tonnes) 64140 64000
Length BP (m) 219,00 220,43
Breadth mld (m) 32,20 32,21
Depth mld (m) 19,03 18,22
Draught max (m) 12,821 13,32
GM (m) 4,70 5,46
Cb 0,8282 0,8135

Tank Dimensions

The values of the free surface breadths and lengths used to calculate the cargo natural roll and
pitch period are given as follows :

Ship A Ship B
Maximum Free Surface Breadth (m) 24,08 24,60
Maximum Free Surface Length (m) 22,5 21,00

72 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 1

The maximum cargo tank breadths, as obtained from the ship plans, were used as the free
surface dimensions in the calculation of cargo natural periods. The use of these cargo tank
dimensions produces the greatest values of cargo natural roll period and, hence, the minimum
values of separation between ship and cargo natural roll periods.

In calculating, the cargo natural pitch periods, the choice of free surface lengths requires
consideration of the cargo tank lengths and where fitted transverse wash bulkheads. Wash
bulkheads which represent more than 85% of the tank cross-sectional area are taken as being
effective as sloshing barriers which limit the free surface length. In a similar manner to the roll
period, the maximum values of free surface lengths produce the maximum values of cargo pitch
period and the minimum separation periods.

Loading Conditions

Both ships are considered to be loaded to their summer marks with cargo of S.G = 0.878, and
the cargo tanks are taken to be filled to the level equivalent to 1.1675 x summer draught above
the bottom of the tanks. The cargo tank filling details are given below :

Ship A Ship B
Fill Height (m) 14,97 15,55
Ullage (m) 4,06 2,67
% Fill 78,70 85,30

Ship & Tank Natural Period

For both vessels at the specified loading condition, the values of natural periods of the ship and
tank which are calculated for both rolling and pitching motion are shown in the following table
together with the minimum values of roll and pitch separation.

Ship A Ship B
Ship Roll Period (s) 11,87 11,01
Max. Cargo Roll Period (s) 5,86 5,93
Min. Roll Period Separation (s) 6,01 5,08
Ship Pitch Period (s) 11,40 11,53
Max. Cargo Pitch Period (s) 5,47 5,37
Min. Pitch Period Separation (s) 5,93 6,15

Ship Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Motion Angles

The maximum ‘lifetime’ motion angles calculated according to section 4.4 are shown below :

Ship A Ship B
Max. Lifetime Roll Angle (deg.) 24,05 24,17
Max. Lifetime Pitch Angle (deg.) 8,091 8,081

Lloyd’s Register 73
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

Level of Assessment

Both vessels meets the roll period criterion of a least 5 seconds and the pitch period separation
criterion of at least 3 seconds, therefore a level 1 assessment is acceptable.

Acceptance Criteria

Both vessels meets the roll period criterion of a least 5 seconds. However, ship B, a segregated
ballast tanker with cargo in centre tanks only, has a roll period separation of 5.08 seconds. Ship
B is used as an example for a level 3 sloshing investigation shown in Appendix A.3.

Both vessels meets the pitch period separation criterion of at least 3 seconds.

Section 2: Level 2 Investigation

This example describes a level 2 sloshing investigation.

Ship Data
Fluid sloshing pressure and structural response have been determined for a 22500 m LPG
carrier which principal ship particulars are as follows :

Ship Type LPG/Ammonia Carrier

LBP 153,50 m
B mld 25,90 m
D mld 15,40 m
draught 8,30 m
Cb 0,7569

Tank Dimensions

The tank arrangement is such as the tanks are divided port and starboard by a centreline deep
tank bulkhead, and in addition a wash bulkhead is fitted in each tank at about mid-tank length.
The principal particulars for the tanks are as follows :

Cargo LPG or Ammonia

Max. Breadth (All Tanks) 23,60 m
Max. Depth (All Tanks) 12,08 m
Steel Yield Stress 36,00 kg/mm2
Length No 1 Tank 31,30 m
Length No 2 Tank 35,45 m
Length No 3 Tank 29,10 m

74 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 2

Loading Conditions

Calculations for the minimum ship periods have been based on GM and mean draught data
given in the builders loading manual. The loading conditions which required consideration are
presented below along with their values of GM and mean draught.

Loading GM (m) Mean VCG (m)

Conditions Draught (m)

Tank No 1 LPG No 33 3,85 6,06 8,22

Ammonia No 31 3,30 6,47 8,35
Tank No 2 LPG No 14 3,55 5,89 8,22
No 37 4,17 6,15 8,22
Ammonia No 35 3,80 5,89 8,35
Tank No 3 LPG No 46 3,90 6,07 8,11
Ammonia No 44 3,94 6,07 8,01

Ship & Tanks Natural Periods

Natural periods of the fluid and the ship, which have been calculated for both rolling and
pitching motions using the formulae given in Chapter 3 are shown on figure A.2.1.

For pitching motion, since the transverse wash bulkheads are closed by more than 85% of the
tank cross sectional area, the natural pitching periods were derived assuming a complete
bulkhead at this position.

Ship Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Motions

The maximum ‘lifetime’ ship motion angles and tanks accelerations according to Chapter 4,
Section 4 are given below :

Roll Angle (deg.) 25,80

Pitch Angle (deg.) 11,78

Tank No Vertical Acceleration (𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥)

1 +/- 0,743
2 +/- 0,478
3 +/- 0,509

Level of Assessment

It can be seen that for each tank, the ship roll period exceeds that for the fluid by more than 5
seconds, except for LPG and Ammonia cargoes at filling levels less than 23% and 20%
respectively. However, at these filling levels, impact with the tank ceiling is very unlikely and
therefore fluid pressures may be determined using a level 2 assessment procedure.

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Considering the pitching motion of each tank, the separation between ship and fluid natural
periods is less than 3 seconds for all filling levels of LPG and Ammonia. Sloshing impacts on the
tank ceiling are unlikely due to the separation between ship and fluid natural periods with the
possible exception of around the 30% - 35% fills where the natural period is close to that for the
ship. Experience from previous analyses indicate that ceiling impact would not occur at this
relatively low fluid level and therefore a level 2 assessment procedure has been performed.

Fluid Pressures

Fluid pressures due to sloshing for the partial filling ranges were calculated using the SDA Tank
Assessment program (10603), and the maximum computed pressures are plotted in Figure
A.2.2-A.2.4 for tank No 1-3 respectively.

Structural Capability

From Figure A.2.2-A.2.4, it can be seen that the sloshing pressures are substantially less than the
Rule design pressures for tank walls for LPG carriers. Therefore, the tank boundaries are covered
by Rule requirements. With respect to the centreline bulkhead, it may be seen that sloshing
pressures exceed Rule design pressures. Thus, the centreline and wash bulkheads need to be
examined for structural capability against sloshing loads.

The structural capabilities of individual stiffeners and panel elements in the centreline and wash
bulkheads were determined using SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604). These are compared
in Table A.2.1 to A.2.4 with the dynamic sloshing pressures derived above.

Centreline Bulkhead

The centreline bulkhead scantlings are the same for each tank. The highest values of sloshing
pressures occurred in the aft region of tank No 1, thus the assessment of structural capability
can be limited to the aft region of tank No1 in order to check whether the sloshing loads could
present a problem elsewhere. The results for the aft region of tank No 1 are presented in Table
A.2.1 and A.2.2. From the results, it is clear that the ultimate strength of the plating and
stiffeners is well in excess of the applied sloshing pressures. In addition, the factor 3) derived
from the total pressure range, which in turn is based upon a total stress range of twice yield
considering the maximum pressures applied consecutively to both sides of the bulkhead is

Wash Bulkheads

The structural capability of the wash bulkheads of tank No 3 can be taken to be similar to that
of tank No 1. The pitch sloshing pressures in the aft and forward regions of the tanks have been
used to load the wash bulkheads. From Table A.2.3 and A.2.4, it is clear that the wash bulkheads
scantlings of each tank as recommended herein are satisfactory with respect to fluid sloshing.

76 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 2

Figure A.2.1
Ship and Fluid Natural Periods

Lloyd’s Register 77
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Figure A.2.2
Tank No 1 Fluid Pressure (Partial Fillings)

78 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 2

Figure A.2.3
Tank No 2 Fluid Pressures (Partial Fillings)

Lloyd’s Register 79
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Figure A.2.4
Tank No 3 Fluid Pressures (Partial Fillings)

80 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 2

Table A.2.1 Assessment of Centreline Bulkhead Plating Tank No 1 Aft

Location Spacing x Thickness Capability Applied Pressure Capability/Applied

2 2 2
(mm x mm) (kN/m ) (kN/m ) Pressure (kN/m )

360 above bottom 725 x 9,0 224,3 156,0 1,44

1807,5 above bottom 725 x 9,0 224,3 140,0 1,60

3257,5 above bottom 725 x 8,5 204,6 122,5 1,67

Table A.2.2 Assessment of Centreline Bulkhead Stiffeners Tank No 1 Aft

Span Capability Applied Pressure Capability/Applied

Location Stiffener Size (mm) 2 2 2
(mm) (kN/m ) (kN/m ) Pressure (kN/m )

1) 435,9 152,0 1,48

720 above bottom 350 x 90 x 10/15 IA 3200 2) 411,6 152,0 2,70
3) 536,0 304,0 1,76
1) 301,8 135,5 2,23
2170 above bottom 200 x 90 x 9/14 IA 3200 2) 285,6 135,5 2,11
3) 370,4 271,0 1,37
1) 300,3 118,0 2,55
3620 above bottom 200 x 90 x 9/14 IA 3200 2) 283,9 118,0 2,41
3) 368,6 236,0 1,56
1) 268,1 118,0 2,25
3620 above bottom 150 x 150 x 11FB 3200 2) 261,0 118,0 2,21
3) 332,2 236,0 1,41

Notes: 1) Capability for pressure on plane side of plating

2) Capability for pressure on stiffener side of plating
3) Capability for total pressure range

Table A.2.3 Assessment of Wash Bulkhead Plating

Location Spacing x Thickness Capability Applied Pressure Capability/Applied Pressure

2 2 2
(mm x mm) (kN/m ) (kN/m ) (kN/m )

Tank 1 or 3

1082,5 above bottom 725 x 10,0 286,1 145,5 1,97

3257,5 above bottom 725 x 8,5 221,7 120,0 1,85

Tank 2

1082,5 above bottom 725 x 10,0 286,1 157,5 1,92

3257,5 above bottom 725 x 8,5 221,7 136,0 1,63

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

Table A.2.4 Assessment of Wash Bulkhead Stiffeners

Stiffener Size Span Capability Applied pressure Capability/Applied Pressure

Location 2 2
(mm) (mm) (kN/m ) (kN/m2) (kN/m )

Tank 1 or 3
1) 339,6 141,5 1,48
1445 above bottom 200 x 18 FB 2950 2) 302,2 124,5 2,70
3) 305,7 226,0 1,76
1) 339,6 133,0 2,23
2170 above bottom 200 x 18 FB 2950 2) 302,2 11,0 2,11
3) 305,7 249,0 1,37
1) 339,6 124,0 2,55
2895 above bottom 180 x 18 FB 2950 2) 302,2 107,0 2,41
3) 305,7 231,0 1,56
1) 275,7 116,0 2,25
3620 above bottom 180 x 18 FB 2950 2) 250,2 99,0 2,21
3) 245,7 215,0 1,41
1) 316,3 107,5 2,94
4345 above bottom 120 x 10 FB 2950 2) 290,2 90,0 3,22
3) 274,4 197,5 1,39
1) 142,5 98,0 1,45
5070 above bottom 220 x 12 FB 2950 2) 207,6 81,0 2,56
3) 247,2 179,0 1,38

Notes: 1) Capability for pressure on plane side of plating

2) Capability for pressure on stiffener side of plating
3) Capability for total pressure range

Acceptance Criteria

From the results, it is clear that the ultimate strength of the plating and stiffeners for the
centreline bulkhead is well in excess of the applied sloshing pressures, the wash bulkheads
scantlings of each tank as recommended herein are satisfactory with respect to fluid sloshing.

It should be borne in mind that the computed pressures are somewhat conservative since as
already stated, the method does not include the alleviating influence of the internal structure
particularly the transverse frames and girders.

Further, it is not possible in these calculations to account for the pressure reductions caused by
the openings in the wash bulkheads which were again assumed to be solid boundaries. Also,
with respect to the wash and centreline bulkheads, it has been assumed that there is no fluid on
the other side of the bulkhead to that being considered.

82 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Section 3: Level 3 Investigations

A level 3 investigation is performed for ship B described in Appendix A.1 for a typical tank in
rolling motion.

Ship Data

The vessel has the following general particulars :

Ship Type Tanker

Deadweight (tonnes) 64000
Length BP (m) 220,43
Breadth mld (m) 32,21
Depth mld (m) 18,22
Draught max (m) 13,32
GM (m) 5,46
Cb 0,8135

Figure A.3.1 shows the general arrangement of the cargo tanks, and Figure A.3.2 shows a typical
transverse section amidships.

Tank Dimensions

The free surface breadths used to calculate the cargo natural roll period are given as follows :

Maximum Free Surface Breath (m) 24,60

Loading Conditions

The ship is considered to be loaded to its summer marks with cargo of S.G = 0,878, and the
cargo tanks are taken to be filled to the level equivalent to 1,1675 x summer draught above the
bottom of the tanks. The cargo tank filling details are given below :

Fill Height (m) 15,55

Ullage (m) 2,67
% Fill 85,30

Ship & Tank Natural Period

For the given vessel at the specified loading condition, the values of natural periods of the ship
and tank which are calculated for rolling motion are shown in the following table together with
the minimum values of roll separation.

Ship Roll Period (s) 11,01

Max. Cargo Roll Period (s) 5,93
Min. Roll Period Separation (s) 5,08

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Ship Maximum ‘Lifetime’ Motion Angles

The maximum ‘lifetime’ motion angles calculated according to Chapter 4, Section 4 are shown
below :

Max. Lifetime Roll Angle (deg.) 24,17

Max. Heave Amplitude (m) 4,00
Max. Sway Amplitude (m) 2,50
0,7 ϕmax (deg.) 16,92

The above values of period and motions were used to provide the standard sloshing excitation
spectrum particular to the subject vessel.

The VCG was taken at 8,59 metres above the baseline and the kinematic viscosity of fluid cargo
-6 2
was taken to be 5.0 Centistokes (5x10 m /s) reflecting the minimum value for the range of
cargoes carried by this vessel and which will produce the greatest values of liquid cargo


To fit the mesh to the tank and obtain a suitable mesh spacing for the tank geometry, the cell
size analysis has been performed according to the recommendations in Chapter 13, Sections 2.1
and 2.2 as shown in the following Tables A.3.1.

From this analysis, it can be seen that there are two suitable cell size dimensions :

22 x 16 = 352 cells
30 x 22 = 660 cells

Although the 352 cells model would reduce computational time significantly compared to the
660 cells model by approximately half, the 660 cells model has a mesh spacing in the i direction
which is equal to the longitudinal deck spacing, this may present an advantage for reducing the
pressure data.

The model datafile is shown in Appendix D.

The LR.FLUIDS model of the cargo tank is shown on Figure A.3.3. The LR.FLUIDS model
consisted of :

− 30 cell divisions across the tank breadth

− 22 cell divisions up the tank height


− 660 cells in total

The girders of the upper deck and bottom were represented by internal baffles as shown on
Figure A.3.3.

84 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Post-Processing of LR.FLUIDS Data

The procedure followed is given in Chapters 12 & 13.

a) Collapse Strength

The calculated values of roll sloshing pressures provided local pressures to be compared with
the collapse strength of the longitudinal bulkheads and upper deck plating and attached
stiffeners forming the cargo tank boundaries. The collapse strength of these items of structure
was calculated using SDA Ultimate Strength program (10604). The results for the deck plating
and longitudinal bulkhead plating are shown in Table A.3.3 and A.3.4.

Hull girder bending and shear stresses corresponding to the loading condition investigated, in
combination with wave induced stress, were distributed through the hull section and applied to
the stiffened panels examined, as appropriate.

b) Adjusted maximum Dynamic Pressure

The pressure envelope obtained by LR.FLUIDS is shown in Figure A.3.4. These results are
summarised in Table A.3.3 and A.3.4. for the deck and the longitudinal bulkhead. Because of
possible dynamic pressure magnification, the pressure are multiplied by a factor of 2 to identify
the critical areas. Also, where applicable, the pressure are corrected according to Chapter 13,
Section 2.3.


Since the tank is symmetrical, the maximum pressure of the symmetric cells should be
considered as the applied pressure. Differences in pressure magnitude for opposite cells arise
from the nature of the motion spectrum which is not linear and symmetric with respect to time.
When harmonic excitation is used, this recommendation is still valid. Because of computational
round off errors inherent to all finite difference schemes, perfect symmetry of the pressure
values is very rarely attained, but the difference is often negligible.

c) Identification of critical Areas

The critical areas have been identified in Table A.3.3 and A.3.4. The results of these table are
shown in Figures A.3.5 and A.3.6.

d) Analysis of Critical Pressures

The critical impact pressures identified in the previous section have been analysed as follows:

− For the relevant cells, a pressure time history has been obtained (Figure A.3.7 to A.3.8)

− All impact pressures with magnitude greater than the collapse strength have been
magnified in order to study the time history

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

− Impact pressure with duration significantly larger than the structural component natural
period are discarded.
− The remaining impact pressures have been analysed using the DYN_STAT program.

The results are summarised in Table A.3.3 and A.3.4.


Longitudinal Bulkhead

Figure A.3.7 shows a typical sloshing pressure history. Because of the fill level, most cells on the
longitudinal bulkhead exhibit a non-impulsive dynamic pressure time trace. These pressures
time traces have a period of the order of the tank natural period/excitation period. From the
magnified plot, it can be seen that the impact duration is significantly larger than the natural
period of the panel and stiffener and associated plating ( 0.0124 s and 0.0142 s respectively).
Therefore, the pressure on the longitudinal bulkhead can be assumed to be quasi static. The
pressure values obtained from LR.FLUIDS and adjusted according to Chapter 13, Section 2.3 can
be assumed to be the maximum lifetime values, and the dynamic load factor is unity. From the
strength analysis summarised in Tables A.3.3 and using a Factor of Safety for the panel of 1.1 as
given in Chapter 13, Section 3. It can be seen that panel number 9 to 20 are deficient and
require an increase in scantlings.


Figure A.3.8 shows a typical sloshing pressure history. However, for completeness in this
example, the program DYN_STAT has been used. The dynamic Load Factors (DLF) have been
calculated with and without heave acceleration. The DLF values remain close to unity. In order
to check the sensitivity of the dynamic load factor to the pressure magnitude and impact
duration, the DLF have been computed for a range of impact magnitude and duration. Results
showed that the level of confidence that the DLF value would remain close to unity was large.
Therefore, the pressure on the deck can be assumed to be quasi static. The pressure values
obtained from LR.FLUIDS and adjusted according to Chapter 13, Section 2.3 can be assumed to
be the maximum lifetime values, and the dynamic load factor is unity.

Note that this example is for illustration purposes since only the panel plating has been
assessed. In a normal assessment, the stiffener and associated plating should also be

A typical DYN_STAT input data file and output for the deck cell of interest is shown in Appendix

86 Lloyd’s Register
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

The display facility associated with LR.FLUIDS program enables the fluid motion to be shown
using velocity vector display at discrete time increments. Figure A.3.9 shows four typical ‘snap
shot’ plots for representative positions in an oscillating cycle.

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure A.3.1
General Arrangement

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Figure A.3.2
Midship Section

Lloyd’s Register 89
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure A.3.3
Tank Mesh

Figure A.3.4
Pressure Envelope

90 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Figure A.3.5
Longitudinal Bulkhead Loading & Capability

Figure A.3.6
Deck loading & Capability

Lloyd’s Register 91
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure A.3.7
Pressure Time History at Centre of Cell (30,1)

92 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Figure A.3.8
Pressure Time History at Centre of Cell (8,22)

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure A.3.9
Typical Plots of Velocity Vectors

94 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Figure A.3.10
Sloshing Excitation Spectrum

Lloyd’s Register 95
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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Figure A.3.11
Free Surface Envelope

96 Lloyd’s Register
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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Table A.3.1 Vertical & Horizontal Cell Size Study

Vertical Dimensions

Tank Height 18,220 (m)

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Total number of Cells
Vertical mesh Spacing (m) 1,215 1,139 1,072 1,012 0,959 0,911 0,868 0,828
Meshed Tank Height (m) 18.225 18,224 18,224 18,216 18,221 18,220 18,228 18,216
Error (%)
0,027 0,022 0,022 0,022 0,005 0,000 0,044 0,022

Bottom Girder Height 18,220 (m)

Number of Cells 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
Meshed Girder Height (m) 4,860 5,556 4,288 5,060 4,795 4,555 5,208 4,968
Error (%) 0,830 5,477 11,037 4,979 0,519 5,498 8,050 3,071

Deck Girder Height 18,220 (m)

Number of Cells 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Meshed Girder Height (m) 2,430 2,278 2,144 2,024 2,877 2,733 2,604 2,484
Error (%) 1,250 5,083 10,667 15,667 19,875 13,875 8,500 3,500

Cumulative Error (%) 2,107 10,582 21,726 20,668 20,339 19,373 16,594 6,592

Horizontal Dimensions

Tank Width 24,600 (m)

Total Number of cells 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Horizontal mesh Spacing 1,230 1,171 1,118 1,070 1,025 0,984 0,946 0,911 0,879 0,848 0,820 0,794 0,769
Meshed Tank Width (m) 24,600 24,591 24,596 24,610 24,600 24,600 24,596 24,597 24,612 24592 24,600 24,614 24,608
Error (%) 0,000 0,037 0,016 0,041 0,000 0,000 0,016 0,012 0,049 0,033 0,000 0,057 0,033

Bottom Girder
To Long BHD
(5,740 m)

Number of cells 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7
Meshed Spacing (m) 6,150 5,855 5,590 5,350 6,150 5,904 5,676 5,466 6,153 5,936 5,470 5,558 5,383
Error (%) 7,143 2,003 2,613 6,794 7,143 2,857 1,115 4,774 7,195 3,415 0,000 3,171 6,220

Outer Girder
To C.L. Girder
(6,560 m)

Number of cells 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9
Meshed Spacing (m) 6,150 7,026 6,708 6,420 6,150 6,888 6,622 6,377 6,153 6,784 6,560 6,352 6,921
Error (%) 6,250 7,104 2,256 2,134 6,250 5,000 0,945 2,790 6,204 3,415 0,000 3,171 5,503

Cumulative Error (%) 13,393 9,144 4,886 8,969 13,393 7,857 2,076 7,575 13,448 6,862 0,000 6,398 11,755

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Appendix A - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 3

Table A.3.3 Longitudinal Bulkheads Loading & Capability

Longitudinal Bulkhead Sloshing Pressure Analysis

A B Cell Centre Maximum Effective 2 x Effective

Pressure max Pressure Pressure
(A, B)
i i j (m) (kN/m2) (kN/m )
2 2
(kN/m )

1 30 1 0,415 360,50 360,50 721,00

1 30 2 1,244 326,60 326,60 653,20
1 30 3 2,073 319,80 319,80 639,20
1 30 4 2,901 313,10 313,10 626,60
1 30 5 3,730 306,60 306,60 613,20
1 30 6 4,559 300,50 300,50 601,00
1 30 7 5,388 295,10 295,10 590,20
1 30 8 6,217 290,50 290,50 581,00
1 30 9 7,046 286,40 286,40 572,80
1 30 10 7,875 282,80 282,80 565,60
1 30 11 8,704 279,80 279,80 559,60
1 30 12 9,534 277,50 277,50 555,00
1 30 13 10,363 275,90 275,90 551,80
1 30 14 11,192 275,30 275,30 550,60
1 30 15 12,021 280,50 280,50 561,00
1 30 16 12,850 287,50 287,50 575,00
1 30 17 13,679 295,70 295,70 591,40
1 30 18 14,508 304,50 304,50 609,00
1 30 19 15,337 313,20 313,20 624,40
1 30 20 16,166 320,50 320,50 641,00
1 30 21 16,995 324,50 324,50 649,00
1 30 22 17,824 347,00 347,00 694,00

Longitudinal Bulkhead Plating Strength Analysis Minimum Factor of Safety 1,10

Panel Collapse Adjusted

Centre Strength Sloshing pressure Critical pressure Min. Safety factor
(m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)

1 0,450 541,421 359,05 1,508

2 1,350 541,421 325,73 1,662
3 2,140 516,601 319,25 1,618
4 2,280 517,676 313,76 1,650
5 3,575 343,934 307,82 1,117
6 4,405 344,649 301,64 1,143
7 5,235 345,232 296,10 1,166
8 6,065 345,232 291,35 1,185
9 6,895 304,948 283,15 _***_ 1,062
10 7,725 304,948 283,45 _***_ 1,076
11 8,555 304,948 280,34 _***_ 1,008
12 9,385 285,763 277,91 _***_ 1,028
13 10,215 285,763 276,18 _***_ 1,035
14 11,045 285,146 275,41 _***_ 1,035
15 11,875 285,146 279,59 _***_ 1,020
16 12,705 247,522 286,28 _***_ 0,865
17 13,535 247,522 294,28 _***_ 0,841
18 14,365 228,073 302,99 _***_ 0,753
19 15,195 228,073 311,72 _***_ 0,732
20 16,025 228,073 319,26 _***_ 0,714
21 16,762 456,681 323,38 1,412
22 17,406 456,681 335,67 1,361
23 18,050 456,681 353,15 1,293

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix A
Section 3

Table A.3.4 Deck Loading & Capability

Deck Sloshing Pressure Analysis

A B Cell Centre Maximum Effective 2 x Effective

Pressure max Pressure Pressure
(A, B)
i i j (m) (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)

1 30 22 0,410 347.00 312,30 624,60

2 29 22 1,230 338.10 304,29 608,58
3 28 22 2,050 335.30 301,77 603,54
4 27 22 2,870 354.30 318,87 637,74
5 26 22 3,690 393.10 353,79 707,58
6 25 22 4,510 410.10 369,09 738,18
7 24 22 5,330 418.80 376,92 753,84
8 23 22 6,150 447.00 402,30 804,60
9 22 22 6,970 117.00 105,30 210,60
10 21 22 7,790 107.60 96,84 193,68
11 20 22 8,610 108.90 98,01 196,02
12 19 22 9,430 113.00 101,70 203,40
13 18 22 10,250 121.90 109,71 219,42
14 17 22 11,070 141.00 126,90 253,80
15 16 22 11,890 171.60 154,44 308,88

Deck Plating Strength Analysis Minimum Factor of Safety 1,00

Panel Collapse
Panel Sloshing
Centre Strength Critical pressure Min. Safety factor
No 2 pressure
(m) (kN/m )

1 0,410 596,649 312,30 1,910

2 1,230 596,649 304,29 1,961
3 2,050 596,649 301,77 1,977
4 2,870 596,649 318,87 1,871
5 3,690 596,649 353,79 1,686
6 4,510 596,649 369,09 1,617
7 5,330 596,649 376,92 1,583
8 6,152 596,649 402,30 1,483
9 6,970 596,649 105,30 5,666
10 7,790 596,649 96,84 6,161
11 8,610 596,649 98,01 6,088
12 9,430 596,649 101,70 5,867
13 10,250 596,649 109,71 5,438
14 11,070 596,649 126,90 4,702
15 11,890 596,649 154,44 3,863

Lloyd’s Register 99
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Appendix B - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

APPENDIX B Natural frequencies of Structural Components

Section 1: Natural Frequency of Plate

Section2: Natural Frequency of Plate Stiffener

Section 3: Effect of Submergence

Section 4: Dynamic Load Factor Charts

Section 1: Natural frequency of Plate

The natural frequency of a clamped plate in air is given by

𝑓𝑓air = 1�(2 π) − �1/(ρ ℎ) �𝐴𝐴4 𝐷𝐷x /𝑎𝑎4 + 𝐵𝐵4 𝐷𝐷y /𝑏𝑏4 + 2𝐶𝐶𝐷𝐷xy /(𝑎𝑎2 𝑏𝑏2 )�� Hertz


A = 4,730
B = 4,730
C = 151,30
h = plate thickness
ρ = plate material density
𝐷𝐷x = (𝐸𝐸x ℎ3 )/ �12�1 − νx νy ��
𝐷𝐷y = (𝐸𝐸x ℎ3 )/ �12�1 − νx νy ��
𝐷𝐷xy = 𝐷𝐷x νy + 𝐺𝐺h 3 /6
ν = Poisson’s ratio
𝐸𝐸x , 𝐸𝐸y = Elastic moduli parallel to x and y axes, respectively
𝐺𝐺 = Shear modulus
a = panel length
b = panel breadth

The natural frequency in air of a clamped plate of aspect ratio a/b can be obtained from the
graphs shown on Figure B.1.1. These figures have been computed using the following variables.
𝐸𝐸x = 206,00 E9 N/m
𝐸𝐸y , = 206,00 E9 N/m
ν = 0,30
ρ = 7800 kg/m

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix B
Section 1

The natural frequency of an isotopic charged plate in air 𝑓𝑓air may be reduced to the following

𝑏𝑏 2 𝑎𝑎 2
𝑓𝑓air = 5,5375𝑡𝑡 �� � + � � + 0,6045 Hertz
𝑎𝑎 𝑏𝑏


a panel length (metres)

b panel breadth (metres)

t panel thickness (mm)

𝑓𝑓air may be rewritten as follows:

𝑓𝑓air =

𝑏𝑏 2 𝑎𝑎 2

𝐾𝐾 = 5,5375 � � + � � + 0,6045
𝑎𝑎 𝑏𝑏

For a selection of plate panel aspect ratio a/b, the coefficient K is given in Table B1, and
illustrated in Figure B.1.1.

Table B1

1,00 1,25 1,50 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00

𝐾𝐾 8,937 9,278 10,058 12,201 17,260 22,607 28,042 33,516 39,009 44,514

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Appendix B - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

Figure B.1.1

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix B
Sections 2 & 3

Section 2: Natural Frequency of Plate Stiffener

The natural frequency of a plate stiffener in air is given by

𝑓𝑓i = 𝐾𝐾i /(2π𝐿𝐿2 )��𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸/�𝑚𝑚(1 + π2 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸/𝐿𝐿2 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺)�� Hertz


𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 = Flexural rigidity of plate stiffener combination

𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 = Shear rigidity of the plate stiffener combination

𝐿𝐿 = Beam length

𝑚𝑚 = Mass per unit length of the stiffener and associated plating

𝐾𝐾i = Constant where i refers to the mode of vibration

Mode 𝐾𝐾i

1 22,40

2 61,70

3 121,0

4 200,0

5 299,0

Section 3: Effect of Submergence

To obtain the frequency 𝑓𝑓water of a plate with one side exposed to air and the other side
exposed to a liquid, the frequency calculated in air 𝑓𝑓air may be modified by the following
formula :

𝑓𝑓water = 𝑓𝑓air ψ

ψ = ��𝑝𝑝/�𝑝𝑝 + ρ1 /ρp ��

p = π 𝑡𝑡 �1/𝑎𝑎2 + 1/𝑏𝑏 2

ρ1 = density of the liquid

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Appendix B - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Sections 3 & 4

ρp = density of the plate

t = plate panel thickness

𝑎𝑎 𝑡𝑡
The coefficient ψ is illustrated for various and ratio in Figure B.3.1.
𝑏𝑏 𝑏𝑏

Section 4: Dynamic Load factor Charts

4.1 Gradually Applied Load

For a gradually applied load as shown in Figure B.4.1., the instantaneous dynamic load factor
DLF can be calculated as follows:
0 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 𝑡𝑡1 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = − 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)/ω𝑡𝑡1 = 𝑡𝑡/𝑡𝑡1 − 𝑇𝑇/(2π𝑡𝑡1 ). 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)

𝑡𝑡1 < 𝑡𝑡 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 1 + −𝑇𝑇/(2π𝑡𝑡1 )�𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠�ω(𝑡𝑡 − 𝑡𝑡1 )� − 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)�


𝑡𝑡1 is the rise of the applied load as shown in Figure B.4.1.

𝑇𝑇 is the natural frequency of the structural component

ω = 2π/𝑇𝑇
Typical instantaneous DLF time histories are shown in Figure B 4.2. The maximum DLF is the
value to be used for conversion of dynamic pressure to static pressure. DLF max is given in
Figure B.4.3 and Table B.4.1 Linear interpolation may be performed to obtain DLF values for
intermediated 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 values.

Figure B.4.1
Typical gradually Applied Load

104 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix B
Section 3

Figure B.3.1

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Appendix B - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 4

𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 = 0,250

- - - - 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 = 3,333

Time 𝑡𝑡1

Figure B.4.2
Gradually Applied Load Typical Instantaneous DLF Time Histories

𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇

Figure B.4.3
Gradually Applied Load DLF max 𝒕𝒕𝟏𝟏 /𝑻𝑻

106 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix B
Section 4

4.2 Triangular Pulse Load

For a triangular pulse load as shown in Figure B.4.4, the instantaneous dynamic load factor DLF
can be calculated as follows:

0 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 0,5𝑡𝑡1 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 2𝑡𝑡/𝑡𝑡1 − 𝑇𝑇/(π𝑡𝑡1 ). 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)

0,5𝑡𝑡1 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 𝑡𝑡1 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 2 − 2𝑡𝑡/𝑡𝑡1 + 𝑇𝑇/(π𝑡𝑡1 )�2𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠�ω(𝑡𝑡 − 𝑡𝑡1 /2)� − 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)�

𝑡𝑡1 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 𝑇𝑇/(π𝑡𝑡1 ) �−𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠�ω(𝑡𝑡 − 𝑡𝑡1 )� + 2𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 �ω �𝑡𝑡 − 21 �� − 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(ω𝑡𝑡)�


𝑡𝑡1 is the rise time of the applied load as shown in Figure B.4.4.

𝑇𝑇 is the natural frequency of the structural component

ω = 2π/𝑇𝑇
Typical instantaneous DLF time histories are shown in Figure B.4.5. The maximum DLF is the
value to be used for conversion of dynamic pressure to static pressure. DLF max is given in
Figure B.4.6 and Table B.4.2 Linear interpolation may be performed to obtain DLF values for
intermediate 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 values.

Figure B.4.4
Typical Triangular Pulse Load

Lloyd’s Register 107

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Appendix B - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 4

𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 = 0,250

- - - - 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 = 1,250

Time 𝑡𝑡1

Figure B.4.5
Triangular Pulse Load Typical Instantaneous DLF Time Histories

𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇

Figure B.4.6
Triangular Pulse Load DLF max - t1/T

108 Lloyd’s Register

Table B.4.1 Gradually Applied Load DLF max - 𝒕𝒕𝟏𝟏 /𝑻𝑻

DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max

Lloyd’s Register
0,000 0,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 4,000 1,000 5,000 1,000
𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇

0,100 1,984 2,100 1,089 2,100 1,047 3,100 1,032 4,100 1,024 5,100 1,019
0,200 1,935 2,200 1,156 2,200 1,085 3,200 1,059 4,200 1,045 5,200 1,036
0,300 1,858 2,300 1,198 2,300 1,111 3,300 1,078 4,300 1,060 5,300 1,049
0,400 1,757 2,400 1,216 2,400 1,125 3,400 1,089 4,400 1,069 5,400 1,056
0,500 1,637 2,500 1,212 2,500 1,127 3,500 1,091 4,500 1,071 5,500 1,058
0,600 1,504 2,600 1,189 2,600 1,116 3,600 1,084 4,600 1,066 5,600 1,054
0,700 1,368 2,700 1,151 2,700 1,095 3,700 1,070 4,700 1,055 5,700 1,045
0,800 1,232 2,800 1,104 2,800 1,067 3,800 1,059 4,800 1,039 5,800 1,032
0,900 1,109 2,900 1,052 2,900 1,034 3,900 1,025 4,900 1,020 5,900 1,017

Table B.4.2 Triangular Pulse Load DLF max - 𝒕𝒕𝟏𝟏 /𝑻𝑻

DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max DLF max

0,100 0,000 1,000 1,508 2,000 1,000 3,000 1,158 4,000 1,000 5,000 1,092
𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡1 /𝑇𝑇

0,200 0,312 2,100 1,481 2,100 0,960 3,100 1,168 4,100 0,978 5,100 1,083
0,300 0,608 2,200 1,441 2,200 0,953 3,200 1,167 4,200 0,976 5,200 1,069
0,400 0,875 2,300 1,397 2,300 0,980 3,300 1,155 4,300 0,989 5,300 1,050
0,500 1,098 2,400 1,342 2,400 1,0216 3,400 1,132 4,400 1,007 5,400 1,056
0,600 1,273 2,500 1,282 2,500 1,055 3,500 1,103 4,500 1,029 5,500 1,058
0,700 1,391 2,600 1,228 2,600 1,089 3,600 1,084 4,600 1,050 5,600 1,054
0,800 1,465 2,700 1,165 2,700 1,115 3,700 1,070 4,700 1,069 5,700 1,045
0,900 1,501 2,800 1,104 2,800 1,126 3,800 1,060 4,800 1,083 5,800 1,032
1,514 2,900 1,052 2,900 1,135 3,900 1,025 4,900 1,091 5,900 1,017

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Section 4
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix B
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix C - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 1

APPENDIX C Determination of Equivalent Uniformly

Distributed Loading

Section 1: General

Section 2: Determination of Equivalent Uniformly

Distributed Loading

Section 1: General

The conversion of an arbitrary distributed loading is based on the assumption that failure occurs
at fixed ends in the plastic mode. Arbitrary distributed loading end moments and shear forces
are used to determine the equivalent uniformly distributed loading.

Location A B A’ B’
Reactions 𝑅𝑅A 𝑅𝑅B 𝑅𝑅𝐴𝐴′ = 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊/2 𝑅𝑅𝐵𝐵′ = 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊/2
Moments 𝑀𝑀A 𝑀𝑀B 𝑀𝑀𝐴𝐴′ = 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊2 /12 𝑀𝑀𝐵𝐵′ = 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊2 /12

The equivalent uniformly distributed loading is obtained as follows:

a) Determine the equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end reactions.

b) Determine the equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end moments.
𝑊𝑊MA = 12. 𝑀𝑀A /𝐿𝐿
𝑊𝑊MB = 12. 𝑀𝑀B /𝐿𝐿

c) The equivalent uniformly loading load W is given by


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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix C
Section 2

Section 2: Determination of Equivalent Uniformly Distributed Loading

2.1 Trapezoidal Distributed Loading

To determine the end moments and reactions for a simple trapezoidal loading shown below,
the following formulae may be used.

𝑅𝑅A = 𝑤𝑤a (𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)3 (𝑙𝑙 + 𝑎𝑎)/(2𝑙𝑙 3 ) + (𝑤𝑤1 − 𝑤𝑤a )(𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)3 (3𝑙𝑙 + 2𝑎𝑎)/(2013 )
𝑅𝑅B = −𝑤𝑤a (𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)3 (1 + 3𝑎𝑎)/(12𝑙𝑙 3 ) + (𝑤𝑤1 − 𝑤𝑤a )(𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)3 (2𝑙𝑙 + 3𝑎𝑎)/(60𝑙𝑙 2 )
𝑅𝑅B = (𝑤𝑤a + 𝑤𝑤1 )(𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)/2 − 𝑅𝑅A

𝑀𝑀B = 𝑅𝑅A 𝑙𝑙 + 𝑀𝑀A − 𝑤𝑤a (𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)2 /2 − (𝑤𝑤1 − 𝑤𝑤a )(𝑙𝑙 − 𝑎𝑎)2 /6

For the simple trapezoidal case, a regression analysis has been performed to express the
equivalent loading 𝑤𝑤eq in terms of 𝑤𝑤1 , 𝑤𝑤a /𝑤𝑤1 and 𝑎𝑎/𝑙𝑙. The equivalent loading is as follows:

𝑤𝑤eq = 𝑤𝑤1 [(0,702 + 0,291α) + (−0,307 + 0,577α)β + (−0,400 − 0,850α)β2 ]


α = 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤/𝑤𝑤1
β = a/l

2.2 Arbitrary Distributed Loading

To determine the end moments and reactions for an arbitrary distributed loading, it is assumed
that the loading distribution can be broken down into n segments. Each segment is considered
as a component load case yielding end moments and reactions are obtained by summing
individual components. End moments and reactions are obtained using the formulae for the
simple trapezoidal distributed loadcase.

For a distributed loading made of three segments as shown below, the total loadcase may be
divide in three individual loadcase components as shown below.

𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑤𝑤A − 𝑤𝑤3

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Appendix C - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑤𝑤D − 𝑤𝑤2

𝑤𝑤3 = 𝑤𝑤B − 𝑎𝑎(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎 − 𝑏𝑏)
𝑤𝑤4 = 𝑙𝑙(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎/𝑏𝑏) + 𝑤𝑤B − 𝑎𝑎(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎/𝑏𝑏)

For each component loadcase, the reactions and moments at A and B can be calculated.

Reaction Moment
Location A D A D




Hence, the equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end reactions.

𝑊𝑊RAt = 2. 𝑅𝑅At /𝑙𝑙

𝑊𝑊RDt = 2. 𝑅𝑅Dt /𝑙𝑙

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix C
Section 2

The equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end moments.

𝑊𝑊MAt = 12. 𝑀𝑀At /𝑙𝑙2

𝑊𝑊MDt = 12. 𝑀𝑀Dt /𝑙𝑙 2

Thus, the equivalent uniformly loading load W is given by


For a distributed loading made of four segments as shown below, the total loadcase may be
divide in four individual loadcase components as shown below.

𝑤𝑤1 = 𝑤𝑤A − (𝑤𝑤3 + 𝑤𝑤5 )

𝑤𝑤2 = 𝑤𝑤D − (𝑤𝑤4 + 𝑤𝑤6 )
𝑤𝑤3 = 𝑤𝑤B − 𝑎𝑎(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎 − 𝑏𝑏)
𝑤𝑤4 = 𝑙𝑙(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎/𝑏𝑏) + 𝑤𝑤B − 𝑎𝑎(𝑤𝑤B − 𝑤𝑤C )/(𝑎𝑎/𝑏𝑏)
𝑤𝑤5 = 𝑤𝑤C − 𝑏𝑏(𝑤𝑤C − 𝑤𝑤D )/(𝑏𝑏/𝑐𝑐)
𝑤𝑤6 = 𝑙𝑙(𝑤𝑤C − 𝑤𝑤D )/(𝑏𝑏 − 𝑐𝑐) + 𝑤𝑤C − 𝑏𝑏(𝑤𝑤C − 𝑤𝑤D )/(𝑏𝑏 − 𝑐𝑐)

For each component loadcase, the reactions and moments at A and E can be calculated.

Reaction Moment
Location A E A E




Hence, the equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end reactions.

𝑊𝑊RAt = 2. 𝑅𝑅At /𝑙𝑙

𝑊𝑊REt = 2. 𝑅𝑅Et /𝑙𝑙

The equivalent uniformly distributed loads due to the end moments.

𝑊𝑊MAt = 12. 𝑀𝑀At /𝑙𝑙 2

𝑊𝑊MEt = 12. 𝑀𝑀Et /𝑙𝑙 2

Thus, the equivalent uniformly loading load W is given by


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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix C - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Section 2

The same principles can be extended to more than 4 segments, and it would be recommended
to implement this calculation procedure on a spreadsheet to speed up the calculation process.

114 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output


DYN_STAT Data File & Output


PMESH 0,82 0,828 0,0 -0,81 1 1 1 1
MESH 1 1 30 1 2001 BDRY NOTF NOTC
MESH 30 1 30 22 2001 BDRY NOTF NOTC
MESH 30 22 1 22 2001 BDRY NOTF NOTC
MESH 1 22 1 1 2001 BDRY NOTF NOTC
MESH 8 1 8 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 9 1 9 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 15 1 15 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 16 1 16 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 22 1 22 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 23 1 23 6 2001 NOTB
MESH 8 20 8 22 2001 NOTB
MESH 9 20 9 22 2001 NOTB
MESH 15 20 15 22 2001 NOTB
MESH 16 20 16 22 2001 NOTB
MESH 22 20 22 22 2001 NOTB
MESH 23 20 23 22 2001 NOTB
BAFFLE 15 1 15 6 VERT
BAFFLE 22 1 22 6 VERT
BAFFLE 8 20 8 22 VERT
BAFFLE 15 20 15 22 VERT
BAFFLE 22 20 22 22 VERT
IMAGE 0,0 0,0 24,60 0,0 24,60 18,22 0,0 18,22
IMAGE 030 18,22 0,0 0,0
IMAGE 6,56 0,0 6,56 4,82
IMAGE 12,30 0,0 12,30 4,82
IMAGE 18,04 0,0 18,04 4,82
IMAGE 6,56 18,22 6,56 15,82
IMAGE 12,30 18,22 12,30 15,82
IMAGE 18,04 18,22 18,04 15,82
PFLUID 85,30 878,0 5,0E-6
MOTION SPEC 16,92 12,01 -0,001 0,0 6,0 11,01 2,0
MOTION VERT 4,0 12,01 -0,001 90,0 -9,81
MOTION HORI 2,5 12,01 -0,001 180,0 -9,81
TIMING 0,0451 180,2
OUTPUT 170,00 180,2 1 1 YYYYYYYYY
SDA FLUIDS Model Data File

Lloyd’s Register 115

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Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output

DECK CELL (8,22)


DYN_STAT Model Data File

116 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output



Title: DECK CELL (8,22)


1. YOUNG’S MODULUS = 206000,0000 N/mm

2. POISSON’S RATIO = ,3000

3. MATERIAL DENSITY = 7850,0000 kg/m
4. FRAME SPACING = 3500,0000 mm
5. PLATE THICKNESS = 830,0000 mm
6. CARGO DENSITY = 18,5000 mm
8. = ,0000 Ns/m
10. WEB DEPTH = 284,0000 mm
11. WEB THICKNESS = 11,0000 mm
12. FLANGE WIDTH = 90,0000 mm
13. FLANGE THICKNESS = 16,0000 mm
PLATE MASS = 421,8786 kg
PLATE MASS + ADDED MASS = 1077,5530 kg
PLATE ADDED MASS = 655,6744 kg




PLATE & STIFFENER MASS = 547,2745 kg



Lloyd’s Register 117

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output


Point Time (s) Pressure (kN/m )

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 ,0456 447,0000
3 ,0913 65,0000
4 ,1369 ,0000


Point Deflection (m) Load (kN/m )

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 ,0005 497,1540
3 ,0015 677,5770
4 ,0027 691,4600


Point Deflection Load

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 ,4756 497,1540
3 1,4848 677,5770
4 2,6920 691,4600



MAXIMUM DEFLECTION = ,4328 mm @ TIME = ,0457310000 Seconds
MAXIMUM INSTANT. DLF = 3,1913 @ TIME = ,1354140000 Seconds



MAXIMUM DEFLECTION = ,4335 mm @ TIME = ,0464160000 Seconds
MAXIMUM INSTANT. DLF = 7,8726 @ TIME = ,01352770000 Seconds

118 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output



Title: DECK CELL (8,22)


1. YOUNG’S MODULUS = 206000,0000 N/mm
2. POISSON’S RATIO = ,3000
3. MATERIAL DENSITY = 7850,000 kg/m
4. FRAME SPACING = 3500,0000 mm
5. STIFFENER SPACING = 830,0000 mm
6. PLATE THICKNESS = 18,5000 mm
7. CARGO DENSITY = 878,0000 kg/m
10. WEB DEPTH = 284,0000 mm
11. WEB THICKNESS = 11,0000 mm
12. FLANGE WIDTH = 90,0000 mm
13. FLANGE THICKNESS = 16,0000 mm
PLATE MASS = 421,8786 kg
PLATE MASS + ADDED MASS = 1077,5530 kg
PLATE ADDED MASS = 655,6744 kg
PLATE & STIFFENER MASS = 547,2745 kg


120 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output

15. SHIP NATURAL PERIOD = 11,0100 s

17. INITIAL PERIOD = 12,0000 m
18. FINAL PERIOD = 8,0100 s
21. DECAY CONSTANT = 2,0000
23. TIME @ IMPACT = 179,2000 s


Point Time (s) Pressure (kN/m )

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 0,0456 447,0000
3 ,0913 65,0000
4 ,1369 ,0000


Point Deflection (m) Load (kN/m )

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 ,0005 497,1540
3 ,0015 677,5770
4 ,0027 691,4600


Point Deflection (mm) Load (kN/m )

1 ,0000 ,0000
2 ,4756 497,1540
3 1,4848 677,5770
4 2,6920 691,4600

Lloyd’s Register 121

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output



MAXIMUM DEFLECTION = ,4328 mm @ TIME = ,0457310000 Seconds
MAXIMUM INSTANT. DLF = 2,6640 @ TIME = ,1352770000 Seconds



MAXIMUM DEFLECTION = ,4341 mm @ TIME = ,0464160000 Seconds
MAXIMUM INSTANT. DLF = 7,7689 @ TIME = ,01352770000 Seconds




,001000 ,637729
,026000 1,103836
,051000 ,996494
,076000 1,034846
,101000 1,002531
,126000 1,019406
,151000 1,006817
,176000 1,011162
,201000 1,008416
,226000 1,006442
,251000 1,009668
,276000 1,003518
,301000 1,007718
,326000 1,000228
,351000 1,006481
,376000 1,000335
,401000 1,003092
,426000 1,003824
,451000 1,012421
,476000 1,008774
,501000 1,014042
,526000 1,005778
,551000 1,006800

122 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output



,001000 ,591189
,026000 1,074144
,051000 1,064706
,076000 1,020206
,101000 ,995725
,126000 1,019618
,151000 1,002431
,176000 1,002431
,201000 1,003371
,226000 1,010839
,251000 1,012997
,276000 1,009454
,301000 1,009546
,326000 1,013475
,351000 1,016578
,376000 1,004241
,401000 1,00268
,426000 ,999372
,451000 1,010281
,476000 1,006869
,501000 1,019607
,526000 1,009253
,551000 1,022801



(kN/m )

200,000000 ,994511
225,000000 1,024422
250,000000 1,028570
275,000000 1,014918
300,000000 1,015779
325,000000 1,019875
350,000000 1,014645
375,000000 1,010340
400,000000 1,010458
425,000000 1,013678
450,000000 1,009959
475,000000 1,014317
500,000000 ,993092
525,000000 ,775871
550,000000 ,675292
575,000000 ,588068

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output



(kN/m )

575,000000 ,588068

.200,000000 1,014381
225,000000 1,020108
250,000000 1,008922
275,000000 1,013400
300,000000 1,009135
325,000000 1,006221
350,000000 1,015807
375,000000 1,011072
400,000000 1,014197
425,000000 1,007106
450,000000 1,008405
475,000000 1,012052
500,000000 1,026342
525,000000 ,795785
550,000000 ,641544
575,000000 ,698342

124 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output

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Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004

Appendix D - Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids
Data File & Output

126 Lloyd’s Register

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment, May 2004
Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment for Tanks Partially Filled with Liquids - Appendix D
Data File & Output

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