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A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree in
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
D.VENKATESH (181FA06011)
Under the esteemed guidance of
Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology & Research
(Deemed to be University)
Guntur District
Andhra Pradesh
2018-2022 Batch



Deemed to be University


Certificated that this is a bonafide record of the dissertation work entitled, “FOOTSTEP POWER
submitted to the faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology with from Vignan’s Foundation for Science,
Technology and Research (Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi.

Signature of the Supervisor Signature of the HOD

Mr.Ch. NARASIMHA RAO, Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao,
Assistant Professor, Professor &HOD,
Department of EEE, Department of EEE,
Vadlamudi. Vadlamudi


This is to certify that the project work entitled “FOOTSTEP POWER

submitted to Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research
(Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi in partial fulfilment for the award of degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The work was
originally designed and executed by me under the guidance of
Mr.Ch.Narasimha Rao, and was not a duplication of work done by someone
else. I hold responsibility of the originality of the work incorporated into this


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any
task would be incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible,
whose constant guidance and encouragement crowned our efforts with success.
It is a pleasant aspect that I have now the opportunity to express my gratitude for
all of them.

The first person I would like to thank is my guide Mr.Ch. Narasimha Rao
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, VFSTR
(Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi. His wide knowledge and logical way of
thinking have made a deep impression on me. His understanding, thinking and
personal guidance have provided the basic for this thesis. He is a source of
inspiration for the innovative ideas and his kind support is well know to all his
students and colleagues.

I am grateful to Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Professor & Head of Department, EEE

Department, VFSTR ( Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi for his
indispensable encouragement to complete the project.

Last but not the least, I wish to acknowledge my family and friends and very
special thanks to one and all, who helped me for the successful completion of the


Declaration 1
Acknowledgement 2
List of Figures 4
Abstract 5
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 Literature survey 7
1.3 Objective 8
1.4 Necessity Of System 8
2.1 Components 9-22
2.2 Block Diagram Representation 23
2.3 Circuit Diagram 24
3.1 Working 25
3.2 Evolution Of RFID Technology 26
3.3 Hardware Specifications 27
3.4 Software Specifications 27-32
3.5 Advantages & Disadvantages 32
3.6 Applications 33
3.7 Features 33-34
4.1 Flow chart 35
4.2 Result 36
5.1 Conclusion 37
5.2 Future Scope 38

List of figures:

SI.NO Fig No Description Pg No

1. 2.1 Arduino 10

2. 2.2 Working of Piezoelectric Sensors 14

3. 2.3 LCD 16

4. 2.4 Relay 17

5. 2.5 Battery 18

6. 2.6 RFID tags and Readers 19

7. 2.7 USB Circuit 21

8. 2.8 USB cables 22

9. 2.9 Block diagram 23

10. 2.10 Circuit diagram 24

11 4.1 Flow chart 35

12 4.2 Practical implementation Of 36



Because of the additional needs for day-to-day with the population expansion in
the Electrical Distribution System, generation of electrical energy has become a
more crucial aspect in the Power System these days. In this project we are
generating electrical energy by means of a non- conventional method just by
walking on the footsteps. Non-conventional system for energies are very much
required at this time. The main solution is to convert this energy into something
usable. In this footstep power generating project, we create electricity from
human footfall, which is then used to charge a battery. The energy is stored in a
battery that can be utilized to charge a phone with the use of an RFID card. Energy
generation using footsteps requires no any fuel input to generate electricity. In
this project we are generating electricity just with the help of piezo electric
sensors and it also a part of power saving.



For his/her daily life, Humans has needed and used energy at a rising rate.
As a result, many energy resources have been depleted. Being drained and
depleted Human mobility makes extensive use of waste energy generated by
foot power. Roads, railway stations, bus stops, temples, etc. are all important
in densely populated countries. If bioenergy can be used instead of being
wasted, it will be a very helpful energy source. The most popular mode of
transportation is walking. The human loses energy to the surface in the form of
vibration when walking. This energy can be harnessed and transformed into
electricity. Piezoelectric crystals were used as a medium in this suggested
system. Mechanical vibrations will be converted into electrical energy by these
piezoelectric crystals.
In everyday life, the most prevalent activity is walking. In today’s society,
the use of power has become a requirement for all jobs. Devices are utilised in
vast numbers to ease our daily activities. The advantages of roadside energy
collecting devices could be enormous. Energy harvesting is the process of
extracting small amounts of energy from one or more nearby energy sources.
To create electricity from footfall as a sustainable energy source that we can
acquire while walking on a specific configuration, such as stepping on
piezoelectric tiles. The piezoelectric sensors are used in an enhanced footstep
power production system proposed here. Piezo sensors are positioned below
the platform to generate a voltage from footstep. The sensors are arranged in
this manner to create the highest possible output voltage. This information is
subsequently sent to our monitoring circuitry. The circuit is a microcontroller-
based monitoring circuit that allows users to monitor the charges and voltage

of a connected battery, and this power source can be used for a variety of
Only an authorised user can use the power for charging since the current is
supplied using (radiofrequency identification) RFID cards. As a result, we
charge a battery using the energy generated by footsteps, show it on an LCD
using a microcontroller circuit, and enable mobile charging through the
arrangement. Our project approach is cost-effective and simple to implement,
as well as being environmentally friendly.

1.2. Literature survey :

In the 1820s and early 1830s, a British scientist named "Michael Faraday"
discovered the fundamental principles of electricity generation. His approach,
which is still used today, involves moving a loop of wire, or Faraday disc,
between the magnet's poles to generate electricity. The design process of
"Electrical power generation employing foot step for urban area energy
applications" was initiated by IEEE paper authors Joydev Ghosh, Supratim Sen,
Amit Saha, and Samir Basak. This technology is described as an innovative way
to store waste energy by utilising footsteps to reduce pollution in polluted areas.
[1] "Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie" discovered piezoelectricity in 1880 when
they observed that compressing particular types of crystals, such as quartz,
tourmaline, and Rochelle salt, along specific axes resulted in a voltage. The
piezoelectric effect is the name for this phenomenon. Another system named as
"Footstep Power Generation utilising Piezoelectric Sensors" is presented by using
piezoelectric sensors, which exploit the piezoelectric effect for working purposes.
Piezoelectric sensors are used to create energy in this system. Energy is saved in
the battery for later use by pressing these sensors with human footsteps. As a
result, the project's size and expense are decreased, and the system is simplified.
[2] RFID technology is employed in our suggested system "Advanced Footstep

Power Generation utilising RFID for Charging." Charles Walton officially
invented RFID in 1983 when he filed the first patent with the name 'RFID' in it.
The power is divided among users according to their user identification number
utilising RFID technology in our project.
1.3. Objective :

The major goal of this project is to produce a far cleaner, more cost-effective
technique of electricity generation, which will assist to alleviate global
warming and power shortages. Innovate efficient method of “Advanced
Footstep Power Generation using RFID for Charging”, which stores energy
when piezoelectric sensors senses weight with the help of human footsteps.
This saved energy is held in the battery, from which it is transferred among
many users using RFID cards. This card has a human identification number,
which is a 12-digit number used to obtain information about each user.
Electromagnetic waves are used in RFID technology to do this. The system
operates according to the software code provided, with each user receiving a
set number of minutes at a given time. As a result, this technology eliminates
pollution and saves time, assisting future generations in achieving a pollution-
free environment and meeting time-consuming needs.

1.4. Necessity Of System :

Thermal and wind energy will be used to generate electricity. As a result,

everyone is solely reliant on these power sources. This approach is being used
to develop a far cleaner, more cost-effective method of electricity generation
using RFID, which will assist to reduce global warming and power shortages.
This technology uses piezoelectricity to generate electricity from renewable
energy sources. The system keeps track of the piezo sensor parameters,
including energy and piezo sensor values, which are presented on the LCD.
The piezo sensors’ energy is used to charge the phone. The system use RFID
technology to charge the battery of a mobile phone via a USB port.


2.1. Components :

2.1.1. Arduino UNO :

The Arduino Uno is one kind of microcontroller board based on

ATmega328, and Uno is an Italian term which means one. Arduino Uno is
named for marking the upcoming release of microcontroller board
namely Arduino Uno Board 1.0. This board includes digital I/O pins-14, a
power jack, analog i/ps-6, ceramic resonator-A16 MHz, a USB connection,
an RST button, and an ICSP header. All these can support the
microcontroller for further operation by connecting this board to the
computer. The power supply of this board can be done with the help of an
AC to DC adapter, a USB cable, otherwise a battery.
The ATmega328 is one kind of single-chip microcontroller formed with
Atmel within the megaAVR family. The architecture of this Arduino Uno is
a customized Harvard architecture with 8 bit RISC processor core. Other
boards of Arduino Uno include Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino Nano, Arduino
Due, Arduino Mega, and Arduino Leonardo.

Features of Arduino Uno Board :

The features of Arduino Uno ATmega328 includes the following.

• The operating voltage is 5V

• The recommended input voltage will range from 7v to 12V
• The input voltage ranges from 6v to 20V

• Digital input/output pins are 14
• Analog i/p pins are 6
• DC Current for each input/output pin is 40 mA
• DC Current for 3.3V Pin is 50 mA
• Flash Memory is 32 KB
• SRAM is 2 KB
• EEPROM is 1 KB
• CLK Speed is 16 MHz

The Arduino Uno board can be built with power pins, analog pins,
ATmega328, ICSP header, Reset button, power LED, digital pins, test led 13,
TX/RX pins, USB interface, an external power supply.

Fig : 2.1
1. Power USB :

Arduino board can be powered by using the USB cable from your
computer. All you need to do is connect the USB cable to the USB

2. Power (Barrel Jack) :

Arduino boards can be powered directly from the AC mains power supply
by connecting it to the Barrel Jack.

3. Voltage Regulator :

The function of the voltage regulator is to control the voltage given to

the Arduino board and stabilize the DC voltages used by the processor
and other elements.

4. Crystal Oscillator :

The crystal oscillator helps Arduino in dealing with time issues. How
does Arduino calculate time? The answer is, by using the crystal
oscillator. The number printed on top of the Arduino crystal is
16.000H9H. It tells us that the frequency is 16,000,000 Hertz or 16

5. Arduino Reset :

You can reset your Arduino board, i.e., start your program from the
beginning. You can reset the UNO board in two ways. First, by using
the reset button (17) on the board. Second, you can connect an external
reset button to the Arduino pin labelled RESET.

6. Pins (3.3, 5, GND, Vin) :

3.3V (6) − Supply 3.3 output volt

5V (7) − Supply 5 output volt
Most of the components used with Arduino board works fine with 3.3
volt and 5 volt.
GND (8)(Ground) − There are several GND pins on the Arduino, any
of which can be used to ground your circuit.
Vin (9) − This pin also can be used to power the Arduino board from
an external power source, like AC mains power supply.

7. Analog pins :

The Arduino UNO board has six analog input pins A0 through A5.
These pins can read the signal from an analog sensor like the humidity
sensor or temperature sensor and convert it into a digital value that can
be read by the microprocessor.

8. Main microcontroller :

Each Arduino board has its own microcontroller (11). You can assume
it as the brain of your board. The main IC (integrated circuit) on the
Arduino is slightly different from board to board. The microcontrollers
are usually of the ATMEL Company. You must know what IC your
board has before loading up a new program from the Arduino IDE. This
information is available on the top of the IC. For more details about the
IC construction and functions, you can refer to the data sheet.

9. ICSP pin :

Mostly, ICSP (12) is an AVR, a tiny programming header for the

Arduino consisting of MOSI, MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, and GND. It
is often referred to as an SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), which could
be considered as an “expansion” of the output. Actually, you are slaving
the output device to the master of the SPI bus.

10. Power LED indicator :

This LED should light up when you plug your Arduino into a power
source to indicate that your board is powered up correctly. If this light
does not turn on, then there is something wrong with the connection.

11. TX and RX LEDs :

On your board, you will find two labels: TX (transmit) and RX (receive).
They appear in two places on the Arduino UNO board. First, at the digital
pins 0 and 1, to indicate the pins responsible for serial communication.
Second, the TX and RX led (13). The TX led flashes with different speed
while sending the serial data. The speed of flashing depends on the baud
rate used by the board. RX flashes during the receiving process.

12. Digital I/O :

The Arduino UNO board has 14 digital I/O pins (15) (of which 6 provide
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output. These pins can be configured to
work as input digital pins to read logic values (0 or 1) or as digital output
pins to drive different modules like LEDs, relays, etc. The pins labeled
“~” can be used to generate PWM.

13. AREF :

AREF stands for Analog Reference. It is sometimes, used to set an

external reference voltage (between 0 and 5 Volts) as the upper limit for
the analog input pins.

2.1.2. Piezoelectric Sensors :

Piezoelectric Effect :

The capacity of certain materials to create an electric charge in response to

applied mechanical stress is known as the Piezoelectric Effect. Piezoelectric
comes from the Greek words piezein, which means “to squeeze or press,” and
piezo, which means “to push.” The direct piezoelectric effect (the creation of
electricity when stress is applied) is reversible, which means that materials that
show the direct piezoelectric effect (the generation of electricity when stress is
applied) can also display the reverse piezoelectric effect (the generation of stress
when an electric field is applied). When a piezoelectric material is subjected to

Fig : 2.2

mechanical stress, the positive and negative charge centres change in the material,
resulting in an external electrical field. An outside electrical field stretches or
compresses the piezoelectric material when it is reversed. The piezoelectric effect
is beneficial in a variety of applications, including sound creation and detection,
high-voltage generation, electronic frequency generation, microbalances, and

ultra-fine optical assembly focusing. It also serves as the foundation for a number
of atomic-resolution scientific instruments, such as scanning probe microscopes
(STM, AFM, etc). The piezoelectric effect is also used in more everyday
applications, such as in cigarette lighters as an ignition source.

Working :

In this project the piezoelectric sensors are in series parallel combination. An

electric charge is created across the faces of a piezoelectric crystal when a force
is applied to it. A voltage proportional to the pressure can be used to measure this
(see diagram to the right). An inverse piezoelectric effect occurs when a voltage
is applied to a material, causing it to change form. A particular static force causes
a charge to be generated across the sensor. However, due to poor insulation,
internal sensor resistance, attached electronics, and other factors, this will seep
away with time. As a result, piezoelectric sensors are hardly used to measure
static pressure. Even in the presence of continuous pressure, the output signal will
gradually decline to zero. They are, nonetheless, susceptible to dynamic pressure
changes across the board. Piezoelectric sensor elements, unlike piezoresistive and
capacitive transducers, require no external voltage or current source. The applied
strain is used to generate an output signal. A charge proportional to pressure is
produced by the piezoelectric element. A charge amplifier is needed to transform
the signal to a voltage, which can then be detected. Some piezoelectric pressure
sensors have a built-in charge amplifier that provides a voltage output to simplify
the electrical interface. This necessitates the sensor's receiving power. The
sensor's use is made easier by an inbuilt amplifier. It allows long signal cords to
be used to connect to the sensor, for example. Signal-conditioning circuitry can
be included in the amplifier to filter the output, adjust for temperature, and correct
for changes in the sensitivity of the sensor.

2.1.3. LCD DISPLAY :

Fig : 2.3

A liquid crystal display, or LCD, gets its name from its definition. It is made up
of two different states of matter: solid and liquid. A liquid crystal is used to create
a visible image on an LCD. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are ultra-thin display
screens that are commonly seen in laptop computers, televisions, cell phones, and
portable video games. When opposed to cathode ray tube (CRT) technology,
LCD technology allows for significantly thinner displays. Two polarised panel
filters and electrodes are among the components that make up a liquid crystal
display. LCD technology is utilised in notebooks and other electronic devices
such as small computers to display images. A lens projects light onto a layer of
liquid crystal. We can see the output like, when it is active and we are accessing
the output or not can be seen in LCD display.

2.1.4. Relay :

Fig : 2.4

The single-channel relay module is more than just a relay; it also includes
components that make switching and connecting easier, as well as indicators that
signal if the module is powered and whether the relay is operational. The screw
terminal block comes first. Because this is the section of the module that makes
contact with the power supply, a secure connection is required. Screw terminals
allow connecting bulky mains cables, which might be difficult to solder directly,
much easier. The three terminal block connections are connected to the relay's
generally open, normally closed, and common terminals.

The second component is the relay itself, which is a blue plastic case in this
case. The marks on the relay itself can provide a wealth of information. The "5V
DC" part number on the bottom of the relay indicates that the relay coil is
activated at a voltage of at least 5V; any voltage lower than this will not
successfully close the relay contacts. There are also voltage and current
indications on the relay, which indicate the maximum voltage and current it can
switch. For example, the top left label on the relay reads "10A 250VAC," which
means that when connected to a 250V mains circuit, the relay can switch a
maximum load of 10A. The "10A 30VDC" rating on the bottom left indicates that
the relay can switch a 10A 30VDC load.

The 'relay status LED' turns on whenever the relay is active and provides an
indication of current flowing through the relay coil.

The input jumper is used to supply power to the relay coil and LEDs. The jumper
also has the input pin, which when pulled high activates the relay.

The switching transistor takes an input that cannot supply enough current to
directly drive the relay coil and amplifies it using the supply voltage to drive the
relay coil. This way, the input can be driven from a microcontroller or sensor
output. The freewheeling diode prevents voltage spikes when the relay is
switched off. The power LED is connected to VCC and turns on whenever the
module is powered.

2.1.5. Battery :

Fig : 2.5

Non-rechargeable batteries, also known as primary cells, and rechargeable

batteries, sometimes known as secondary cells, both produce electricity via an
electrochemical reaction comprising an anode, cathode, and electrolyte.

The reaction in a rechargeable battery, on the other hand, is reversible. The

negative-to-positive electron movement that happens during discharge is reversed
when electrical energy from an outside source is delivered to a secondary cell,
and the cell's charge is restored. Lithium-ion (LiOn) batteries are the most

common rechargeable batteries on the market today, while nickel-metal hydride
(NiMH) and nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries were also quite popular.

When it comes to rechargeable batteries, not all rechargeable batteries are the
same. The memory effect was an annoying problem with NiCd batteries, which
were among the first widely available secondary cells.

2.1.6. RFID Reader and Tags :

Fig : 2.6

RFID tags are made out of three pieces:

• A micro chip (an integrated circuit which stores and processes information
and modulates and demodulates radio-frequency (RF) signals)
• An antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal
• A substrate

The tag information is stored in a non-volatile memory. The RFID tag includes
either fixed or programmable logic for processing the transmission and sensor
data, respectively.

RFID tags can be passive, active, or passive with battery backup. An active
tag has a built-in battery and broadcasts its ID signal on a regular basis. A battery-
assisted passive tag contains a small battery that is triggered when an RFID reader
is present. Because there is no battery in a passive tag, it is less expensive and

smaller. Instead, the tag consumes the radio energy transmitted by the reader. A
passive tag, on the other hand, must be lighted with a power level a thousand
times higher than an active tag in order to transmit signals. There is a difference
in interference and radiation exposure as a result of this.

Tags may either be read-only, having a factory-assigned serial number that is

used as a key into a database, or may be read/write, where object-specific data
can be written into the tag by the system user. Field programmable tags may be
write-once, read-multiple; "blank" tags may be written with an electronic product
code by the user.

After receiving the message, the RFID tag answers with its own identity and
other data. It could just be a unique tag serial number, or it could contain product-
specific information like a stock number, lot or batch number, manufacture date,
or other details. Because tags contain unique serial numbers, the RFID system
can distinguish between many tags that may be within the RFID reader's range
and read them all at the same time.

Readers :

RFID systems can be classified by the type of tag and reader.

There are 3 types:

• A Passive Reader Active Tag (PRAT) system has a passive reader which
only receives radio signals from active tags (battery operated, transmit only).
The reception range of a PRAT system reader can be adjusted from 1–2,000
feet (0–600 m), allowing flexibility in applications such as asset protection
and supervision.
• An Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system has an active reader, which
transmits interrogator signals and also receives authentication replies from
passive tags.

• An Active Reader Active Tag (ARAT) system uses active tags activated
with an interrogator signal from the active reader. A variation of this system
could also use a Battery-Assisted Passive (BAP) tag which acts like a passive
tag but has a small battery to power the tag's return reporting signal.

Fixed readers are set up to create a specific interrogation zone which can be
tightly controlled. This allows a highly defined reading area for when tags go in
and out of the interrogation zone. Mobile readers may be handheld or mounted
on carts or vehicles.

2.1.7. USB Circuit:

Fig : 2.7

The USB bus is one of the most extensively used interconnection systems
between computers and a wide range of devices. This necessitates 21ategorizing
the various possible setups into distinct types. The Microchip SAMA5D27 MCU
is used in the Roadrunner SOM. According to the datasheet for the SAMA5D2
Series, it can support the following USB connections:

One USB high-speed device port (UDPHS) and one USB high-speed host port
(UHPHS) or two USB high-speed host ports.

The High-Speed Inter-Chip (HSIC) is a USB chip-to-chip interconnect standard
that uses a synchronous serial interface with a two-signal (strobe, data) source
and 240 MHz DDR signalling to give only a high-speed 480 Mbps data rate.
External connectors, cables, and hot plug-and-play are not supported. The HSIC
interface runs at 480 Mbps and is backwards compatible with current USB
software stacks. It satisfies all data transport requirements with a single USB
software stack.

The USB High Speed Device Port (UDPHS) adheres to the USB 2.0 High Speed
device specification. Each endpoint can be set up to send data through USB in
one of several different ways. It can be linked to one, two, or three banks of Dual-
port RAM, depending on how much data is being stored. If two or three banks
are employed, the CPU reads or writes one DPR bank, while the USB device
peripheral reads or writes the other. For isochronous endpoints, this feature is

USB Specification :
Its support capabilities and overall bandwidth are two significant features. It has
a total bandwidth of 12 Mbit per second, which is equal to 1.5 MB per second,
and can support 127 devices.

Fig : 2.8

The entire bandwidth of the USB determines whether a 12 Mbit (full speed
device) or 1.5 Mbit (low speed device) device will work.

2.2. Block Diagram Representation :


Power supply


sensors Arduino Relay Unit

RFID Reader Charger Load


Fig : 2.9
The input to the arduino UNO is 7v to 12v. The arduino UNO consists of
microcontroller. The arduino UNO supplies power to other components. The
piezoelectric sensors and RFID reader are connected to the arduino. When ever
authorised person access the RFID reader with their RFID tags then RFID send
the signal to arduino to activate the relay so that the person can charge their
mobile phone. Then LCD displays “ CHARGING ”. If unauthorised person
shows their tags the LCD displays “ NO ACCESS ”.

2.3. Circuit Diagram :

Fig : 2.10



3.1. Working :

Innovate a cost-effective way of "Footstep Power Generation with RFID for

Charging," which stores energy when piezoelectric sensors detect weight from
human footsteps. This saved energy is held in the battery, from which it is
transferred among many users using RFID cards. This card has a human
identification number, which is a 12-digit number used to obtain information
about each user. Electromagnetic waves are used in RFID technology to do this.
The system operates according to the software code provided, with each user
receiving a set number of minutes at a given time.

The piezoelectric effect is the ability of some materials to generate electric

charges in response to applied mechanical stress on the piezoelectric plate, where
piezoelectric work on two levels. In this project, mechanical energy is converted
to electrical energy. When one walks over a piezo, the piezo is activated. When
the leg is elevated, the electric disc is compressed. The voltage is generated only
when the sensors are compressed. A crystal may detect entire vibration while
decompressing. Piezo electric generate electrical energy and the generated
voltage used to charge the 3.7V DC battery. Wherever an authorised person
access the RFID reader the ATmega328P microcontroller sends information to
relay and the relay gets turned turned ON. This event is notified by glowing LED
on the arduino. It consists of a USB mobile phone charging point where the user
can connect cable to charge the mobile phone from the battery. When the RFID
card is accessed the mobile gets charged.

3.2. Evolution Of RFID Technology :

Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to

automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. Substantial
advancements in semiconductor technology have resulted in significant
advancements in the technology. During the same time period, the marked
applications' commercial success resulted in a significant cost decrease and an
increase in business interest. There are several signs that the explosion of RFID-
enabled applications is only getting started. According to a Gartner Study (2005),
RFID market revenue increased by over 33% between 2004 and 2005, and is
expected to reach USD 3 million by 2010. According to IDTechEx, the global
RFID market would be worth USD 26.23 billion in 2016, with 585 billion tags
delivered, up 450 percent from 2006. RFID technology has a lot of potential for
both businesses and people (OECD, 2006a). Improved traceability of
commodities in the supply chain is one of the most important drivers of market
growth today, as it allows companies to boost supply chain efficiency, reduce
theft and fraud, and save money. Many more forms of RFID applications have
been identified, and RFID technology is widely used in fields such as passports,
hospitals, transportation, tickets, libraries, museums, counterfeiting, airport
baggage tracking, and animal identification.

3.3. Hardware Specifications :

1. Power supply :

Used to provide 5V,1A to the system.

2. Piezoelectric sensors :

These is used to convert mechanical energy into electric energy.

3. Arduino UNO :

A microcontroller that is both software and hardware friendly. It is used to take

data from sensors, RFID readers, and cards, and to display the results on an LCD
and a mobile device.

4. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) :

This device was used to demonstrate the current state of the planned system.

5. RFID Reader :

It is used to transmit and receive signal with Arduino uno and used to detect
user identification number using RFID cards.

6. RFID Cards :

Used to give signal to the RFID reader according to user requirements.

3.4. Software specifications :

The Arduino IDE software is used to run the suggested system. The Arduino
IDE is a cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux) application developed in C
and C++ functions. It's used to write and upload programmes to Arduino-
compatible boards, as well as other vendor development boards with the support
of third-party cores. This programme is used to give commands to the proposed
system, such as detecting the user and providing efficient charging to the user
within the time frame specified in the commands.

The described system is run using the Arduino IDE software. The Arduino
IDE is a C and C++-based cross-platform application for Windows, Mac OS X,
and Linux. It's used to build and upload programmes to Arduino-compatible
boards and other vendor development boards with third-party core compatibility.
This application is used to issue commands to the proposed system, such as
detecting the user and billing the user efficiently within the timeframe stated in
the commands.

Annexure :

#include <SPI.h>

#include <MFRC522.h>

#define SS_PIN 9

#define RST_PIN 10

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7);

#define relay 14

void setup()









lcd.print("POWER GENERATION");


Serial.begin(9600); // Initiate a serial communication

SPI.begin(); // Initiate SPI bus

mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Initiate MFRC522

Serial.println("Approximate your card to the reader...");



void loop()






//lcd.print("POWER GENERATION");


// Look for new cards

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())


// Select one of the cards

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())


//Show UID on serial monitor

Serial.print("UID tag :");

String content= "";

byte letter;

for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)

Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");

Serial.print(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);

content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " "));

content.concat(String(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i], HEX));


Serial.print("Message : ");


if (content.substring(1) == "98 01 F7 3B") // 39 F8 0C 2B





lcd.print("Authorized access"); //WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM



lcd.print("CHARGING ON");

Serial.println("Authorized access");









lcd.print("Access denied"); //WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING



lcd.print("CHARGING OFF");

Serial.println(" Access denied");



3.5. Advantages & Disadvantages :

Advantages :

• It is reliable, Economical, Eco-friendly and non-conventional system.

• Power also generated by running or exercising on the step.
• It is self producing device using our footsteps.
• Usage of Non-sustainable power sources are less.
• No need of fuel input.
• Compact yet highly sensitive.
• The system is reduced yet exceedingly touchy.
• Less consumption of renewable energies.
• Extremely wide dynamic range, almost free of noise.

Disadvantages :

• Initial cost of this arrangement is high.

• Care ought to be taken for batteries.
• Since the device operate with a small electric charge, they, need high
impedance cable for electrical interface.

3.6. Applications :

• It can be used in crowded places like Railway Station, Airports and Bus

• Can be broadly utilized as the part of colleges, schools, public transport

places and universities.
• In rainy season, it can operate street lights rather than using solar lights.
• This framework can be actualized in swarmed places like shopping
centers, pathways, and so forth.

3.7. Features :
• High Performance, Low Power AVR® 8-Bit Microcontroller Family
• Advanced RISC Architecture
• 131 Powerful Instructions
• Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
• 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
• Fully Static Operation
• Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20MHz
• On-chip 2-cycle Multiplier
• High Endurance Non-volatile Memory Segments
• 32KBytes of In-System Self-Programmable Flash program memory
• 1KBytes EEPROM
• 2KBytes Internal SRAM
• Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM
• Data retention: 20 years at 85°C/100 years at 25°C
• Optional Boot Code Section with Independent Lock Bits
• In-System Programming by On-chip Boot Program
• True Read-While-Write Operation

• Programming Lock for Software Security
• Six PWM Channels
• Programmable Serial USART
• Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface
• Byte-oriented 2-wire Serial Interface (Philips I2C compatible)
• Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection
• Internal Calibrated Oscillator
• I/O and Packages 23 Programmable I/O Lines
• Operating Voltage: ̶ 1.8 - 5.5V
• Speed Grade: ̶ 0 - 4MHz@1.8 - 5.5V, 0 - 10MHz@2.7 - 5.5.V, 0 - 20MHz
@ 4.5 - 5.5V
• Power Consumption at 1MHz, 1.8V, 25°C ̶ Active Mode: 0.2mA ̶ Power-
down Mode: 0.1µA Power-save Mode: 0.75µA (Including 32kHz RTC)

4.1 Flow chart :


Initialize RFID card and Lcd components

Collect the RFID card details from reader

If Neld
Found card Not Found

Collect the card details

If card
Not authorized is authorized

Create time window for charging mobile

Turn on relay

Wait for time window and end

Turn off relay

Fig : 4.1
4.2. Result :
In 1 square ft. we have used 9 piezo sensors.

As piezo sensors the power generating varies at different steps, hence we get

Min volt= 0.5V per step

Max volt = 3V per step

Also taking an average of 53Kg weight pressure that from a single person.
Likewise considering the steps of a 53Kg weighted single person, the average
calculation comes out to be:

Increase of 1V charge in the battery it takes 350 steps So, increment of 3.7V in
battery total steps needed are = (9*350) = 3150 steps.

And if implementation our project is done in a populated area where footstep as

source will be available, we took an average of 2 steps in 1 second. For 3150 steps
time needed = 3150/ (60*2) =27 minutes. (Approx.)

Fig : 4.2


5.1. Conclusion :

To conclude in reasonable way, if such project is undertaken and tried

effective manner may prove the best conservative vital solutions for an
average citizen of country. The project "Advanced Footstep Power Generation
System with RFID for Charging" has been successfully tested and
implemented, and it is the most cost-effective and accessible energy option for
the general public. RFID technology is the most effective at delivering the
necessary result to the user in the shortest amount of time. As we know India
is a Creative developing nation where administrative vitality is a major test for
vast population. By way of initiating this task one can drive both AC and
besides DC loads as indicated by power connected on piezoelectric sensor.
This technique yields an affective power generation in highly populated nation
like ours

5.2. Future Scope :

The utilization of wasted energy is very much relevant and important for
highly populated countries in the world in the future.

1. Flooring Tiles Japan has already started experimenting with the use of the
piezoelectric effect impact on generating energy. They implement a
piezoelectric effect on the bus stairs. Thus every time passenger steps on the
tiles; they trigger the small vibration that can be stored as energy in the battery.
Under these tiles, the piezoelectric material is placed. Like we can also

generate the at various places in our country like bus stations, railway stations
and most at crowded places.

2. Dance floors Europe is one of the countries which implemented and started
experimenting with the use of a piezoelectric crystal for energy generation in
night clubs. This type of project can also implemented in our country at
offices, restaurants and malls etc..

This will show to be a big advantage to the world in the future days, as it will
save a lot of electricity from power plants. Because conventional sources are
rapidly decreasing, it's important to consider alternatives. We needed to save
the energy we acquired from traditional sources in order to put it to good use.
As a result, this concept not only gives an alternative, but also contributes to
the country's economy.

References :

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