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Stairway to Heaven by: Led Zeppelin Report Rough Draft

This Song is mostly about how to get to Heaven and getting there. Christianity is the main base of the song, including multiple references to Jesus. The Savior shows up in many different cases of the song, but mostly about saving sinners. Verse one tells of the first ideas of Chritianity, effert to learn, knowing of an afterlife, and forgiving of sins. This verse also shows up the hope and happiness of knowing of afterlife. The song uses a woman, who it seems has died and is taking the path to Heaven. As she is taking it, it explains the gifts of the Lord. This verse also introduces us to the part of speech that is used for the entire song, ancedote. It uses the story of a woman who has become a christian and is taking the path to heaven. Verse two gives a reference from the Bible, of when John the Baptist baptizes Jesus. This reference is brought up by "a songbird" who sings. Also during, this verse it says " a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure" sybolizing being sure of Christianity. The parts of speech in this verse bring up the parts of speech that show up constantly in this song. These parts of speech are symbolism and parallelism. In this verse specifically, it uses the songbird (explained previously) and the parallelism for "ooh it makes me wonder". Verse three's religious side continue on about the Christian spirits waiting to be saved and of Christianity, the religion of the West. It tells us of the spirits crying out to

recieve the gifts of God and those waiting for him to come back. When "he" gets a feeling when he looks to the west, explaining the Christianity of the west part. Once again the parts of speech are sybolism and parallelism, but they are used in a different way. The rings of smoke means the revalation of Christ and again "ooh, it makes me wonder is the parallelism". Verse four still has the same attributes of all the other verses, religion and the same parts of speech. During the verse, it talks about those who stay Christian going to Heaven, the revalation of Christ and the piper, who is Jesus on his flute that is also mentioned having a whispering tune. Again, the parts of speech are parallelism and symbolism. A new day that dawns is mentioned meaning judgement day or Heaven. This means that the believers of Christ are in fact going to Heaven. The piper, spoken about previously, again is explained because of Jesus' flute playing. On Verse five, it tells us of the good news that if we make a mistake it's still okay, we will still be going the promised land. We can leave the Earth on two paths, the Stairway to Heaven or the Highway to Hell. It also talks about judgement day, being the day that God will leave the people of other religions. The symbolism in this verse is about the two paths, Heaven or Hell, the road is of the same relavence of the two paths to Heaven or Hell. During this verse, it talks of the word of the God as the wind. Jesus is mentioned as the piper again but except he is "knocking on the doors of sinners" meaning rescuing

the sinners who have not yet become Christians. This is also a reference to Revalation. The parts of speech in this verse talk about the whispering wind being parallelism and Jesus being the piper, explained previously. Completing this song, the last verse includes the bad decisions we make because of sin and how it's okay. The Lord forgives us even after all we have done. Also, the tune the artist talks about is the message of the Bible, if the Bible comes to you spiritually, it will save you. Ending the parts of speech, the lady they talk about....resembles us!

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