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11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

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11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill

Gates New Implantable Vaccine
Biochemical ID
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(Chaz Anon) Bill Gates wants control. His new implantable vaccine ID system called the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination
Delivery System is proof of that. It is one of the new medical systems, along with contact tracing, designed to completely destroy your privacy and tra
everything you do.

A very interestingly named biochemical is what makes this system work.

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The chemical is a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme’ called Luciferase which makes the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mo
device app. Again, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luc
which is what makes the vaccination readable long after the recipient has been injected. 2/9
11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

When you take out the human in ‘Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System
dot-microneedle-vaccine-mark-technology-with-data-storage/)‘, you get a numerical value that adds up to 666.


Do Not Forget 2020 Benefits

9 benefits anyone over 55
should be getting, but most fail
to claim. Expiring soon.
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Here is the abstract (!divAbstract) from a research article about Luciferase, which in
gene-loaded CS-Qdots as self-illuminating probes for specific hepatoma imaging:

Chitosan encapsulated quantum dots (CS-Qdots) exhibit fascinating optical properties and can efficiently deliver genes into cells in a visualized
process. By using CS-Qdots as gene carriers, specific hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) expressed firefly luciferase genes (p[HRE]AFP-luc) were
transfected into HCC cells for hepatoma bioluminescence imaging. The results obtained in this study show that nanocarrier CS-Qdots can be exci
by the luciferase coded in the genes delivered into the cells. The maximum emission wavelength of the bioluminescence red-shifted from 560 nm to
nm. The excitation of CS-Qdots by bioluminescence occurs at the macroscopic scale and is independent of covalent bond. The luciferase gene-loa
CS-Qdots can act as wavelength-tunable self-illuminating probes thus holding potential for improved tumor optical molecular imaging. 3/9
11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

“I form the light, and create darkness…”

In religious texts Lucifer is the light bearer. As opposed to a Satanist, a Luciferian label is often reserved for those people who are not overtly evil bu
maintain a form of virtue and piety that is directed in opposition to the biblical “Creator” known as Jehovah. But to fundamentalist Christians Lucifer
Satan Lite.

Originally Lucifer was the name of a god in ancient Roman mythology. Lucifer was the son of the dawn goddess named Aurora; and the Romans nam
planet we call “Venus” after him. Among the Romans Lucifer was identified with the morning star; and the word Lucifer literally means “light-bearer

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It is pretty clear which deity illuminates everything Bill Gates does, and it’s not Jesus. But illumination doesn’t generally correlate with good or bad, a
perhaps Gates views his Luciferase as being for the GREATER good, which goes along with his family tradition of promoting population control.

One could surmise that the ‘greater good’ ideal that he displays is likely a projection of his god complex or narcissism. 4/9
11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

For those who believe in the traditional interpretation of the bible, this vaccine might be a sign that the end times are near and perhaps Mr. Gates is th
Antichrist, pushing a sort of Mark of the Beast system on an unsuspecting secularists population.

“the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:9,10

Simple Trick To
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How this grandma turned
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Over the past few weeks of this quarantine, the powers that be have taken draconian steps in the name of saving lives from a virus that kills 0.01 % of
population, mostly those who are already sickly. And now all of the political hacks in Mr. Gates back pocket wants to give every human on earth a va
for COVID-19, which could include these quantum dot microneedles.

-50% -50% -59%

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The ID2020 Alliance (

microchip-digital-id-mark-beast-end-times/) is a digital identity program that aims to “leverage immunization” as a means of inserting tiny microchip
people’s bodies. In collaboration with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also known as GAVI, which is financed by the Bill and M
Gates Foundation. Various partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief hopes to usher in this new system as a way to keep tabs on ever
human being living on Earth.

Some researchers have suggested that this might also include a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency, which interestingly h
a patent number of #060606 (

Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide
task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the u
may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system
communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency
system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport (
immunity-passport-combining-digital-identity-with-vaccinations-blockchain-nanotechnology-mark-of-the-beast-666/) which will be required to trave
concerts and in general be involved in society. 5/9
11/23/2020 LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID — News From The Perimeter

What if the government said that if you agreed to take the vaccine and the received the digital immunity passport, all your debt of any kind would
forgiven? Why, there would be an actual stampede for people to get the vaccination and take the digital immunity passport, and you know it. Look
how greedy people got for the $1,200 stimulus checks, and are even now 84% percent of Americans are demanding more. Imagine what people wo
do to have all debt forgiven.

check out this recent video of tech employees getting a microchip implant:

Carl Joseph

luciferase (/home/tag/luciferase), Vaccine ID (/home/tag/Vaccine+ID), Bill Gates (/home/tag/Bill+Gates), Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microne
Vaccination Delivery System (/home/tag/Human+Implantable+Quantum+Dot+Microneedle+Vaccination+Delivery+System), tracking system
(/home/tag/tracking+system), privacy (/home/tag/privacy), biochemical (/home/tag/biochemical), microchip (/home/tag/microchip), immunity passpo
(/home/tag/immunity+passport), digital ID (/home/tag/digital+ID), immunity (/home/tag/immunity), 666 (/home/tag/666), patent 060606
(/home/tag/patent+060606), implanted device (/home/tag/implanted+device), cryptocurrency (/home/tag/cryptocurrency), Bill & Melinda Gates Foun
(/home/tag/Bill+%26+Melinda+Gates+Foundation), GAVI (/home/tag/GAVI), Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations
(/home/tag/Global+Alliance+for+Vaccines+and+Immunizations), ID2020 Alliance (/home/tag/ID2020+Alliance), COVID-19 (/home/tag/COVID-19
(/home/tag/virus), mark of the beast (/home/tag/mark+of+the+beast), bible (/home/tag/bible), Satan (/home/tag/Satan), Jesus (/home/tag/Jesus) 6/9
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