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Pronouns – She and Her – Worksheet 4

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1.  Mom likes to quilt when (she, her) is bored.

2.  Dawn is shy, but (she, her) sister likes to talk.
3.  Donna was upset, so she chose to isolate herself from (she, her) family.
4.  My little sister was finally able to admit that (she, her) had lied.
5.  D.J. sang to (she, her) grandmother when she was sick.
6.  (She, Her) gave him those crayons.
7.  (She, Her) had to seize his arm and turn him around to make him listen to her.
8.  Kelly twisted (she, her) wrist while doing a cartwheel.
9.  His dependence on his wife was so complete that when (she, her) died, he didn't even know
how to fix his own coffee!
10.  I wanted to ask my mom a question, but (she, her) was busy.
11.  Mom asked Carl to pump the gas for (she, her).
12.  Mrs. Edwards eats (she, her) lunch with us.
13.  I will try to engage the new girl in a conversation to make (she, her) feel welcome.
14.  Ann hurt (she, her) knee when she fell.
15.  My grandmother gives me a hug every time (she, her) sees me.
16.  Jan can't go with us because (she, her) is sick.
17.  We had to refine (she, her) manners before the formal dance on Friday.
18.  (She, Her) became ill from accidentally drinking the poison.
19.  Violet tried to pull (she, her) own tooth!
20.  Tracy was furious when she missed (she, her) plane by less than three minutes.

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