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VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988

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Content Validity—Establishing and Reporting the Evidence in Newly

Developed Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) Instruments for Medical
Product Evaluation: ISPOR PRO Good Research Practices Task Force
Report: Part 2—Assessing Respondent Understanding
Donald L. Patrick, PhD, MSPH1,*, Laurie B. Burke, RPh, MPH2, Chad J. Gwaltney, PhD3, Nancy Kline Leidy, PhD4,
Mona L. Martin, RN, MPA5, Elizabeth Molsen6, Lena Ring, PhD7
Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; 2Office of New Drugs, Center for Drug Evaluation Research, Food and Drug Administration,
Silver Spring, MD, USA; 3Department of Community Health, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, and PRO Consulting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 4United BioSource
Corporation, Bethesda, MD, USA; 5Health Research Associates, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA; 6International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Lawrenceville,
NJ, USA; 7Health Economics & Outcomes Research Division, AstraZeneca, Södertälje, Sweden, and Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research, Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden


The importance of content validity in developing patient reported outcomes respondents in the target population and can ultimately confirm that the
(PRO) instruments is stressed by both the US Food and Drug Administration final instrument is appropriate, comprehensive, and understandable in the
and the European Medicines Agency. Content validity is the extent to which target population. Part 2 details: 1) the methods for conducting cognitive in-
an instrument measures the important aspects of concepts developers or terviews that address patient understanding of items, instructions, and re-
users purport it to assess. A PRO instrument measures the concepts most sponse options; and 2) the methods for tracking item development through
relevant and important to a patient’s condition and its treatment. For PRO the various stages of research and preparing this tracking for submission to
instruments, items and domains as reflected in the scores of an instrument regulatory agencies. The task force report’s two parts are meant to be read
should be important to the target population and comprehensive with re- together. They are intended to offer suggestions for good practice in plan-
spect to patient concerns. Documentation of target population input in item ning, executing, and documenting qualitative studies that are used to sup-
generation, as well as evaluation of patient understanding through cognitive port the content validity of PRO instruments to be used in medical product
interviewing, can provide the evidence for content validity. Part 1 of this task evaluation.
force report covers elicitation of key concepts using qualitative focus groups Keywords: content validity, instrument development, patient-reported
and/or interviews to inform content and structure of a new PRO instrument. outcomes, qualitative research, regulatory.
Building on qualitative interviews and focus groups used to elicit concepts, Copyright © 2011, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and
cognitive interviews help developers craft items that can be understood by Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc.

Researchers experienced in psychometrics and PRO instrument

Background to the Task Force development working in academia, government, research organiza-
During March 2009 the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics tions, and industry from North America and Europe were invited to
and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Board of Directors approved the for- join the task force leadership group. The task force met bimonthly to
mation of the Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) Content Validity develop the topics to address, outline, and prepare the first draft
Good Research Practices Task Force to develop a good research prac- report. Due to the large volume of information, the task force report
tices report to address methods for ensuring and documenting the was split into two parts. Part 1 [2] covers elicitation of key concepts
content validity of newly developed PRO instruments to support using qualitative focus groups and/or interviews to inform content
medical product indications and labeling claims. This task force re- and structure of a new PRO instrument. Part 2 covers the instrument
port extends the work of a previously published ISPOR PRO task force development process, the assessment of patient understanding of
report on the use of existing or modified PRO instruments [1] that did the draft instrument using cognitive interviews, and steps for instru-
not address how to establish and document content validity; that is, ment revision.
the specific methodologic practices involved in designing studies to The task force authors presented their work to date at the
gather evidence of content validity and the methods for evaluating ISPOR 15th Annual International Meeting during May 2010 in Or-
and documenting content validity. lando, Florida. In July 2010 the draft reports (Part 1 and Part 2), were

Authors listed in alphabetical order after lead author.

* Address correspondence to: Donald L. Patrick, University of Washington, Health Services, PO Box 359455 SeaQoL Group, Seattle, WA
98195-9455, USA.
1098-3015/$36.00 – see front matter Copyright © 2011, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).
Published by Elsevier Inc.
VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988 979

sent for review to the nearly 400 ISPOR PRO Review Group mem- Items should assess the entire continuum of severity, diffi-
bers. The task force received many comments that were consid- culty, or other response categories/levels relevant to the target
ered and addressed as appropriate. The task force authors pre- population for clinical trials. Decisions to revise an item should be
sented their revised draft report for final verbal comments at the documented in an item-tracking matrix that also reflects the na-
ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, ture of the problems encountered and the decisions made in all
during May 2011. The revised draft report was sent for a final re- rounds of cognitive interviewing.
view to all ISPOR members during June 2011. Cognitive interviewing can minimize errors arising from respon-
Collectively, the task force received 41 written reviews by 52 dent misunderstanding during data collection by assessing clarity of
ISPOR members submitted individually or representing an organi- terminology, phrasing, and format. Cognitive interviewing methods
zation. All written comments are published at the ISPOR Web site. allow testing of respondent understanding of the tasks required to
A list of those members who commented is also available. For complete a PRO questionnaire administered by any mode. Evidence
these comments, please go to the Evaluating and Documenting should be obtained across modes of administration and language
Content Validity for PRO Instruments link at the ISPOR Good Out- versions to demonstrate that respondents understand the instruc-
comes Research Practices index under the Patient Reported Out- tions, items, and response options. Furthermore and most impor-
comes heading at: tantly, cognitive interviews can address the assumption in survey
index.asp or via the purple Research Tools menu at the top of the research that responses to questionnaire items represent a common
ISPOR homepage ( All comments, many of which understanding of item content and intent across respondents, per-
were substantive and constructive, were considered. Once con- mitting pooling of data for quantitative analysis in subsequent psy-
sensus was reached by all authors on both drafts, the final report chometric testing and clinical trials.
was submitted to Value in Health in July 2011. Two primary components are tested when evaluating if an in-
strument assesses the concept of interest and the patients’ com-
prehension of the items in the questionnaire. First, the intent of
Introduction the question: What do respondents believe the question is asking?
Is this perception consistent with the intended meaning? The sec-
This second part of the task force report, assessing respondent ond component is the meaning of specific terms in the instru-
understanding, builds on the instrument development practices ment. What do specific words and phrases in the instructions,
described in Part 1 [2]. It describes the second phase of establishing items, and/or response options mean to respondents? Is that
and reporting evidence of content validity for a new PRO instru- meaning consistent with the intent? Is it relevant to the concept of
ment by addressing the process of instrument and item crafting interest? Does it raise new content important to the concept of
from the data gathered during concept elicitation interviews and interest and/or new content not reflected in the instrument as
the methods for gathering evidence that persons in the target pop- designed? [3,4].
ulation understand the instrument’s structure and content. The Figure 1 outlines five good practices related to the development
article then reviews the design and conduct of cognitive inter- of the instrument and the use of cognitive interviews for evaluat-
views, discusses the decision-making process during instrument ing a new PRO instrument. Item crafting and/or item selection
revision, and addresses documentation as it relates to content from existing instruments is based on good principles of item con-
validity. It is important to note that items in a newly developed struction [5], with instructions and recall period also grounded in
PRO instrument may be original and/or derived from existing in- data from the concept elicitation interviews. A large number of
Cognitive interviewing follows the concept elicitation and item 1. Develop items based on findings from concept elicitation
generation phase of instrument development and addresses two Develop criteria for item selection according to purpose of instrument and concept and
conceptual framework
important issues. Based on respondents’ answers during cognitive
Select recall period and modes of administration
interviewing, it can be ensured that: 1) the instrument content Draft instructions
captures the most important aspects of the concept(s) of interest; Determine wording of each new question
Match each new item to response scale
and 2) respondents understand how to complete the instrument,
Review items against item criteria
how to reference the correct recall period, the meaning of the Select items for cognitive interviews
items, how to use the response scales, and any other instrument Determine readability
features that may influence patient responses in the intended Determine order and sequence
Format the actual instrument for cognitive interviewing
mode of administration.
2. Design cognitive interview process for the planned context of use
Cognitive interviewing applies to all items considered for in- Identify population
clusion in the instrument that will be evaluated for its quantitative Design cognitive interview process
measurement properties and used to support claims in the clinical Develop protocol and cognitive interview guide

trials of the medical product. Evaluating the relevance of all items 3. Conduct cognitive interviews
Train interviewers
to respondents and the importance of items to concept measure- Train subject to think aloud
ment requires careful analysis of all available information, includ- Use verbal probes
ing patient input based on the qualitative data analyzed, devel- Monitor interview quality
Record and transcribe
oper experience and judgment, and input from content or
Prepare result summaries
therapeutic experts. Structured individual cognitive interviews
4. Make decisions to revise the patient-reported outcome instrument
are recommended with a broad range of respondents from the Employ an iterative process
target population using techniques such as think aloud and/or Reduce ambiguity in item language
Assess saturation
verbal probing to ascertain exactly how an item is interpreted and
Balance respondent input with principles of item construction and decisions on
a response formed. Results and conclusions can be influenced by conceptual framework
respondent characteristics such as literacy, experience with the 5. Document cognitive interview results for evaluation of content validity
disease condition, or experience in completing questionnaires. Complete Item tracking matrix including final item, final response scale, any preliminary
domain assignment, description of intent of item, and patient quotes supporting item
Addressing all concerns and suggestions raised by every respon- intent

dent is not possible and may not even be appropriate. Demonstra-

tion that the new PRO instrument is understandable to potential Fig. 1 – Five good practices in using cognitive interviews to
respondents, however, is an essential piece of evidence used by evaluate patient understanding of a new patient-report
regulators for evaluating content validity. outcome instrument.
980 VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988

concerns are considered in the item writing process to develop a Criteria Item meets criteria Yes/No
preliminary draft of a new PRO instrument.
The item captures the concept that is intended.
Following item construction, developers design and conduct cog-
The item is relevant to all members of the target
nitive interviews to evaluate and revise the instrument before pilot- population.
ing. In drug development, it is most efficient to complete cognitive
The item is worded in a manner consistent with
interviewing before Phase II trials begin so that quantitative testing of the expressions used by patients.
the instrument and any changes in the measure can occur before The item reflects different levels of magnitude,
confirmatory Phase III studies begin. The final good practice is sum- e.g., severity, frequency.
marizing the documentation of content validity evidence combining The item represents a single concept, rather than
the results of all stages of qualitative research. a multidimensional concept.
The item is not likely to be vulnerable to ceiling or
floor effects within the target population, i.e., it will
change with treatment.
Good Practice 1: Create the Draft Instrument Based
The content of the items is appropriate for the
on Findings from Concept Elicitation recall period.

After concept elicitation and before cognitive interviewing, the The content of the item is appropriate for the
mode of administration.
PRO instrument is drafted with the context of measurement as
The response scale corresponds to the stem.
well as the targeted claim in mind. The goal is to create a new
measure with content, structure, and scoring that reflects the tar-
get concept and intended use; that is, to support clinical trial mea- Fig. 2 – Sample criteria for evaluating new items.
surement objectives pertaining to treatment efficacy or safety in
the target population. Content validity depends on the final instru-
concept increases, so should the probability of including it in the
ment score reflecting the targeted concept.
PRO instrument.
The instrument development procedure involves multiple
For example, symptoms reported by 90% of patients may be
sources of information. It is an iterative process of drafting, eval-
more closely related to the pathophysiology of the disease under
uation, and revision. For example, to assess the frequency and
study than symptoms reported by 2% of patients. However, no
severity of disease symptoms, factors considered include the
universal or generalizable cutoff exists that can be used to make
known characteristic features of the target population specific to
decisions; the instrument developer must decide what criterion is
disease and demographics, patient input based on the qualitative
appropriate for the specific measurement context. Distinguishing
data from the elicitation interviews in the same population, the
spontaneous patient responses from those that result from spe-
potential suitability of drafted items capturing aspects of these
cific probes may also help in selecting important concepts for in-
symptoms, insight from clinicians who see patients in this popu-
clusion [7]. How well the sample represents the concerns of pa-
lation, insight from measurement experts experienced with these
tients who will participate in clinical trials is an important
symptoms on item distributions in relation to symptom severity,
consideration during the instrument development process to en-
and previous knowledge and experience in instrument develop-
sure that the items and structure represent the diversity of patient
ment within and across therapeutic areas.
experience. Patients with different levels of severity—for example,
A draft instrument with candidate items is developed and sub-
ulcerative colitis patients with severe depression—may consider
jected to cognitive interviewing with representatives from the tar-
depression an important aspect of their disease experience.
get population. Revisions are made in the instrument, further in-
Whereas other members of this target disease population with
terviews are conducted, additional revisions are made, and the
milder affective effects may not share this importance rating.
procedure continues until an instrument suitable for quantitative
evaluation is derived. Detailed consideration of instrument devel-
opment [6] is beyond the scope of these articles on content valid- Consider recall period and mode of administration
ity, but important aspects of the development process affecting In drafting items, recall period is an important consideration as it
instrument drafting and examination of content validity are ad- may differ by item content, saliency, and frequency of occurrence
dressed briefly below. [8]. The interplay between recall period and content also varies by
purpose of assessment, period of observation, and frequency of
Establish item criteria assessment [9]. In general, it is advisable to select a recall interval
that is as short as possible [10] while balancing recall bias and
Systematic decisions are required regarding the attributes of the
respondent burden.
selected item content, the appropriate recall period, the mode of
Single assessments covering a short period of time may not
administration, as well as the language and formatting to be used
capture important aspects of patient experience. For example,
in the items. As shown in Figure 2, establishing criteria that can be
asking patients only once about their pain at the current time may
used to guide and evaluate the item development process is a
not provide a representative picture of the full range of the symp-
useful first step. These criteria are only illustrative. Criteria may
tom or treatment experience. Instead, it may be desirable to ask
be distinctive or atypical across different measure development
about their current status multiple times to capture a valid and
projects. For example, items may be needed to capture the dif-
reliable estimate of their experience.
ferent severity levels of symptoms such as mild wheezing in
The variability and frequency of the targeted concept are also
asthma to severe and persistent cough in chronic obstructive
considered when establishing a recall period. As a general rule,
respiratory disease.
events and experiences that are highly variable or happen fre-
quently, such as symptoms associated with a chronic disease (e.g.,
Select concepts for inclusion in PRO instrument acute episodes of diarrhea or frequent or uncontrolled mictura-
The selection of content to include in a PRO instrument is accom- tions), are best measured via multiple, frequent assessments with
plished by comparing the patient interview data (gathered accord- short recall, such as daily diaries or ecological momentary assess-
ing to the principles of concept elicitation described in Part 1), to ments. Less variable or less frequent events and experiences may
expert input and studies in published literature. It may also be be captured intermittently using longer recall intervals [9].
useful to assess the generalizability of a concept across patients Relatively rare yet salient events, such as coughing up blood,
and cultures. Because the percentage of patients who report a having seizures, or the occurrence of a migraine headache, may be
VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988 981

best assessed with measures involving longer recall intervals or groups or interviews. Continuing with the example above, rather
with event-based diaries. Even if these types of events are rare, than using the term “dyspnea,” patients will likely reveal that they
such signs or symptoms are relevant in a clinical trial setting use terms or phrases such as trouble breathing, shortness of
where the effects of an intervention may be measured over several breath, or breathlessness to represent the concept of dyspnea.
months. No single recall period will fit all applications; thus, a Although fatigue may be mentioned and even understood by pa-
variety of factors such as saliency, frequency of occurrence, and tients, other terms such as tiredness, weakness, or even sleepi-
respondent burden should be considered to optimize data quality ness or exhaustion may be more valid, depending on the context.
and completeness [8]. Therefore, PRO instruments should utilize the terms used and un-
Finally, the choice of recall interval can influence the selection derstood by patients from the target population with the targeted
of the best mode of administration. Instruments with shorter re- concepts in mind and the context of measurement.
call intervals, such as daily assessments, may need to be com- Selecting a response scale is a critically important part of the
pleted outside of the clinic via a patient diary. When patient dia- item design process. There are multiple types of scales a re-
ries are used, it is important to ensure that patients complete searcher can choose from, including categorical (e.g., yes/no); Lik-
assessments according to protocol and not, for example, immedi- ert-type, numeric rating scales; and visual analog scales. In gen-
ately before a clinic visit [11]. In this context, electronic diary eral, continuous scales may be more sensitive to treatment effects
methods may be preferable to paper diaries. Electronic diaries can than categorical scales because categorical scales generally have
time- and date-stamp entries, allowing investigators to ensure increased variability in responses. No universally accepted re-
that assessments were completed at the appropriate times. In a sponse scale will suit every PRO instrument or every mode of ad-
trial directly comparing the two modes, patients were compli- ministration. For example, some questions and response scales
ant with more than 90% of electronic diary assessments, but are less suited for use on various ePRO devices, such as items with
only 11% of paper diary assessments [11]. Therefore, an elec- extensive text on a small screen personal digital assistant or use of
tronic mode of administration may be preferable when asking a visual analog scale on an interactive voice response system.
patients about their experience across a short interval in the The advantages and disadvantages of different response scale
natural environment. options have been extensively discussed elsewhere [4,13]. Figure 3
Mode of administration may also be related to the content of displays sample items and response scales for possible use in item
the PRO instrument. If an instrument is designed to assess sensi- creation. An instrument developer must decide which type of
tive topics, such as drug use or sexual behaviors, computerized scale is most appropriate for the concept to be measured; for ex-
assessments may be preferred over interviewer-administered as- ample, symptom, impact, or another concept.
sessments. For example, patients’ reports of human immunodefi- One good practice for item writers is to read aloud the stem of
ciency virus-related risk behaviors and symptoms may be more the item that may include recall period or other qualifiers, the item
accurate on a computerized assessment than in response to an content, and the candidate response scale as complete sentences,
interviewer’s questions [12]. using response scales described in Figure 3. Such oral rehearsal
often elucidates awkward, mismatched, or potentially confusing
item content, language, or flow.
Create the draft instrument text including match with
A good practice in item creation is the consideration of cultural
response scale
and linguistic issues, especially if the instrument has not been
Drafting an instrument includes writing the instructions that will developed cross-culturally using simultaneous development in
be provided to the patient, the text of the items, and the response more than one language. Linguistic concerns can be minimized by
scales. Formatting the instrument is also part of the development asking an expert in PRO instrument translations to review the
process. Instructions orient a patient to the nature of the assess- instrument for translatability. This expert can suggest adjust-
ment (what is being assessed) and the time interval addressed ments that can be made before the instrument is finalized to im-
(e.g., since you woke up, during the past 2 weeks). Failing to set a prove its ease of translation and appropriateness for other cul-
patient’s expectations clearly in the instructions can result in pa- tures [14]. Culturally based idioms, such as “sleeping soundly” or
tient confusion and invalid data. “feeling blue,” may not make sense in other languages and may
Drafting specific items for an instrument involves identifying require adjustments to achieve cultural and linguistic equivalence
the dimensions or attributes of the concepts to be assessed. For [15,16].
example, in developing a pain instrument, the researcher must
decide whether to measure intensity/severity, frequency, and/or
the duration in relation to the specific pain concept chosen. As Evaluate items against item criteria
with the determination of which concepts to assess, determining After items have been developed, they are put into an appropri-
which dimension of a concept to measure involves multiple ate order and organized for clarity and ease of administration;
sources of information. This includes clinical expertise, empiric for example, by domain or response option classification. The
data, and the qualitative data from the elicitation interviews with order of the items is important for enhancing patient under-
patients. Each is essential to decision making and documentation standing of the instrument. For example, it is advisable to group
of content validity. items with similar response scales or items that assess similar
As noted in the description of the item criteria, each item or set of concepts together so that patients are not forced to switch back
items in a PRO instrument should address a single concept and di- and forth between concepts and response scales as they com-
mension of that concept (e.g., severity of knee pain). Ideally, the lan- plete the items.
guage used in the item reflects as closely as possible the language Finally, the instrument is formatted for use in cognitive inter-
used by patients in the qualitative interviews. For example, although views. Formatting includes clarity of presentation and ease of ad-
dyspnea may be the medical concept of interest to clinical experts, ministration. Issues to consider in formatting a PRO include place-
patients rarely use this term in their daily language. Similar concerns ment of instructions; presentation of response options; use of
arise with the concept of fatigue. Fatigue may have a common mean- numbers, boxes, or circles for recording item responses; position-
ing among clinicians and instrument developers, whereas it could be ing of page breaks relative to content; use of instructions to con-
understood differently by patients depending on health status, lan- tinue to the next page; placement of instructions beyond the first
guage, education level, culture, or other factors. page; use of skip patterns; and font size and type [17,18]. Consid-
The most appropriate terminology is determined during con- eration should also be given to potential changes in mode of ad-
cept elicitation and documented with qualitative data from focus ministration [19]. If a change from pen-and-paper to electronic
982 VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988

Example 1: Numeric Rating Scale (Average severity of pain; Dworkin et al. [27])
Please rate your pain by circling the number that best describes your pain on average in the past 24

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Pain Pain As Bad As You
At All Could Imagine
Example 2: Visual Analog Scale (Peak severity of nausea)
Place a mark (/) on the scale to indicate how you have felt over the past 24 hours.

At its worst, how severe was your nausea over the past 24 hours?

Not at all |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Extremely

Example 3: Verbal Rating/Adjectival Scale (Severity of dyspnea)
How severe was your shortness of breath over the past 24 hours?
No shortness of breath
Example 4: Likert-type scale (Patient global impression of change)
Since starting the study medication, my knee pain is:
Very much improved
Much improved
Minimally improved
Minimally worse
Much worse
Very much worse
Example 5: Categorical scale (Occurrence of waking, due to dyspnea)
Did you wake up last night, due to shortness of breath? YES NO
Example 6: Numeric scale (Frequency of headaches)
How many migraine headaches did you experience in the past week?
Enter number: _______ headaches
Example 7: Amount of time (Duration of headache)
Think about the migraine headache that you had today. How long did it last?

Enter amount of time: ____________ hour(s) and __________ minute(s)

Note: Adapted from Dworkin et al. [27].

Fig. 3 – Examples of response scales.

administration is likely, formatting should be consistent with the large number of subjects for quantitative testing to determine the
electronic mode to ensure clarity and ease of use in the latter form. psychometric measurement properties of the instrument. Those
studies should use the final version of the instrument that has
confirmed evidence of content validity to avoid the need for rep-
Good Practice 2: Design Cognitive Interview Process lication of the quantitative testing. Content validity testing is in-
complete without confirmation in well-designed cognitive inter-
to Document Content Validity for the Planned
viewing studies that document that the scores produced by the
Context of Use instrument adequately represent the intended concept(s) and the
Cognitive interviews have two goals. The first is to assess the re- item content, including the response options, recall period, and
spondent’s comprehension of the questionnaire and its items in format, is appropriate, comprehensive, and understandable to the
relation to their intended meaning. This evaluation includes the target population in the context of measurement targeted.
identification of any format or wording problems or difficulties
with the instructions, item stems, recall period, or response op-
tions. Second is to evaluate comprehensiveness of content by Study sample
checking that no important items are absent that would have an Sample characteristics and size will vary depending on the target
influence on the evaluation of the targeted concept. Cognitive in- population and concept. Similar to the elicitation phase, partici-
terviews are critical to the content validity of the instrument be- pants in the cognitive interviewing phase are drawn from the tar-
cause it is the last opportunity in this stage of development to get population with characteristics similar to those of patients
make adjustments in the measure before it is administered to a who will be participating in the clinical trials. As is the case for all
VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988 983

qualitative research, the intent is not to generalize the results per manner while staying sensitive to a patient and any difficulty (s)he
se, but to make certain the instrument undergoes evaluation by is undergoing.
people from the target population who can provide data consis- New interviewers can benefit from an apprenticeship in which
tent with the types of responses likely to occur in the population. they observe more experienced interviewers in the field. Mock
With this in mind, it is advisable to recruit participants who would interviews can be used to refine the interview guide and train
be considered typical or generally representative of the target pop- interviewers in the process and flow of the interview. They can
ulation, as well as a purposive sample of those who may have assist the new interviewer in listening for respondent cues indi-
unique responses or perspectives (e.g., specific disease character- cating understanding or misunderstanding of the task or content
istics) and those within the target population likely to have diffi- of the instrument and in pursuing lines of questioning to gain
culty interpreting or completing the instrument (e.g., visual, read- insight into perspectives useful in instrument revision. Inter-
ing, lower education levels, or other language difficulties). viewer effects are well known in survey research, and thus rigor-
Sample size requirements are variable. Although Willis [7] has ous training is needed to limit the possibility of bias [13].
suggested that seven to 10 interviews are sufficient to confirm
patient understandability of the item, the number of interviews
Considerations in performing interviews
needed is a function of the complexity of the instrument, the di-
versity of the population of interest [20], and the number of ques- The cognitive interview process requires respondents to think in
tionnaire iterations necessary to fully explore patient understand- different ways from their normal patterns. One particularly diffi-
ing of items. The greater the complexity and diversity of the cult cognitive task is the think aloud part of the interview. There is
concepts being measured, the more likely it is that the instrument a long tradition of using the think aloud approach [22]. In the cog-
will require a larger sample size and several rounds of revision to nitive interview process, patients are asked to verbalize their
yield confidence in content comprehensiveness, relevance, and thoughts as they work through the questionnaire—to think aloud
respondent comprehension. or verbally articulate how they make sense of questionnaire items.
The interviewer guides each patient through the items, first using
think aloud for the item in focus. This is followed by various
probes to establish that the item is understood. Their responses
tell the interviewer about the intended concept as well. This tech-
Good Practice 3: Conduct Cognitive Interviews nique can be used successfully with a wide range of PRO formats
The most widely used cognitive theory model underpinning cog- by using simple questions such as: “Tell me what you think this
nitive interviewing was developed by Tourangeau in 1984 [4]. It is item is asking you about?”
a four-stage process to explain how information is stored, re- Other questions or techniques may help identify any problems
trieved, and organized by respondents to answer survey ques- with the PRO questionnaire. Such questions include impressions
tions. Using cough as an example in relation to PRO instruments, about the relevance of the PRO items, identifying any general dif-
the four actions identified in this model are: comprehension of ficulties that might be affecting responses, identifying aspects of
each question (i.e., experience of cough); retrieval of relevant in- the concept that are not covered, and impressions about how long,
formation from memory (i.e., frequency and severity of cough); difficult, or complex the questionnaire seems to understand the
judgment of the information needed (i.e., when cough occurred burden invoked on the patient by the questionnaire.
and how intense or bad the cough seemed in relation to other A new cognitive interviewing round is needed if problems are
experiences); and formation of the response (i.e., deciding which identified that result in revisions to the questionnaire. The size of
response option to endorse) [4,21]. each round may be a practical matter and will depend on the
Respondents first must understand or interpret in a consistent complexity of the instrument and the nature or magnitude of in-
manner what the item or question is asking, then find the relevant tervening changes. Careful instrument development and item
information in their memory. They make a judgment about the drafting (Good Practice 1) help to reduce problems during the cog-
information available to them, adapt the information to fit it to the nitive interviewing stage.
question or expected response format, and finally they give their In addition to assessing the actual content match between
response to the question. what a patient offers and what the meaning is for the specific
With these considerations in mind, preparation can be made concept addressed by each item, cognitive interview results can be
for the conduct of cognitive interviews. A semistructured inter- evaluated by examining the amount of spontaneous, relevant, and
view guide is used to direct the cognitive interview process. These detail-specific answers participants offer. The extent to which
interviews entail a different skill set than required for concept clarifications are needed during the interview process may be a
elicitation interviews and focus groups. Cognitive interviews are function of the interviewer, the draft instrument, the participants,
conducted using a pattern of questioning that may seem straight- or all of these factors.
forward, but requires careful attention to verbal and nonverbal The cognitive interview sessions are audio recorded and tran-
respondent cues about their perception of the items’ content. scribed verbatim. Results can be presented as summaries of essen-
Moreover, new issues may arise that were not apparent during the tial findings, including key think aloud or verbal probing quota-
concept elicitation phase, requiring the interviewer to probe the tions for each questionnaire item or concept. Problems with
information spontaneously for clarity and relevance to the new comprehension are evaluated for indications that changes might
measure’s content or structure. Figure 4 provides examples of be needed, and any missing content that was identified during the
poorly worded and preferred wording or probing to assess patient interview can be noted with rationale. Figure 5 shows a small sec-
understanding and content coverage of a PRO instrument. tion of an example cognitive summary report.

Train interviewers Electronic PRO instruments

The value of each cognitive interview in contributing to the docu- Electronic administration of PRO instruments often involves
mented content validity of the instrument is highly dependent on unique features that should be considered when designing cogni-
the interviewer’s knowledge, sensitivity, empathy, and under- tive interviews [19]. For example, early stages of electronic PRO
standing of the goal of the interview process. Successful inter- development may present items on a single page to mimic a single
viewers are knowledgeable, well organized, focused, and able to screen so the patient cannot see previous or subsequent items.
mentally track multiple issues and to speak clearly in a friendly Either paper mock-ups or actual screen shots are sufficient in early
984 VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988

Purpose Poorly worded Preferred wording or probing

Instructions: Can you tell me In your own words, what this
To understand Are the instructions instruction is asking you to do?
respondent’s clear? Yes/No
interpretation of the Can you describe any confusion or difficulty you
task (s) to be Are the instructions had in understanding these instructions?
performed. easy to read and
understand? Yes/No Are there any words or phrases that you would
change to improve the instructions?
Recall: Is this recall period too What does (timeframe) mean to you? Describe
To identify how long? Too short? Just your experiences with [concept] over the
patients retrieve right? (timeframe).
information, remember
situations or events. What period of time did you think about when you
were completing the questionnaire?
Item stem:
To understand the Do you like this What does [item content] mean to you?
clarity of the question question?
from the respondent’s Is this question clear? Using your own words, how would you explain
perspective. what this question means?
Is this question easy to
Response options: Please read each response choice and tell me
To understand how What response did you what it means to you.
participants interpret choose? Is this the
the response options best response for you? In thinking about your experience with [item x],
and make decisions which response best describes your experience?
around response
choice. What caused you to choose this response?
Would you ever choose A? Why or why not? Can
you describe an experience where you might
choose D?
Content coverage: Is the instrument
To determine if the comprehensive? Do What other experiences do you have with [the
content in the the questions cover all concept] that are not covered in this
instrument is aspects of [the questionnaire?
comprehensive/to concept]?
assure that there are
no missing concepts.
To identify respondent Is the format okay? Do Observe the respondent completing the
difficulties with the you have any questionnaire. Note facial expressions,
presentation of the suggestions for indications of reading difficulty, flipping pages or
questionnaire or diary. improving the format? screens back and forth. Listen for comments
about difficulty reading or questions that indicate
Were the skip patterns lack of clarity or ease of use.
Observe how the respondent completed this
portion of the questionnaire. Note if skip patterns
were correctly followed.

What suggestions do you have for changing the

questionnaire so it is easier to complete?
To determine if the Is the questionnaire What did you think about the amount of time it
length of time it takes too long? Too short? took you to complete the questionnaire?
to complete the
questionnaire is
reasonable (does not
burden subject).

Fig. 4 – Examples of poorly worded and preferred wording or probing for cognitive interviews to assess patient
understanding and content coverage of a patient-reported outcome instrument.
VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988 985

Cognitive interview summary

Item presented Subject responses to Subject Comments and Suggestion for
in cognitive inquiry about what item responses to discussion changes to
interviews means inquiry about item
difficulty with (action to
item take)
Item #: ID#: How much did I itch ID#: No Patients generally Suggested
in the last 24 h? difficulty. understood the change:
Overall, how
ID#: When I read it, I was ID#: Well, the question to be
severe was
thinking about how bad itching comes asking about the Overall, how
your plaque-
the itching really is. from the scales; severity of their severe was
related itching
ID#: It’s asking me how it doesn’t itching related to your psoriasis-
over the past
severe the itching is on actually come their psoriasis. related itching
24 h?
psoriasis was. from the spots. during the
ID#: It’s asking me over ID#: No One patient past 24 h?
the past 24 h how bad my difficulty.commented that
itching was. ID#: No the itching did not
ID#: It’s asking how itchy I difficulty.come from the
felt and how severe, like if ID#: No scales (plaques).
I couldn’t stop myself. difficulty.A change to
ID#: It’s just trying to get ID#: No “psoriasis-related”
me to rate the itching, the difficulty.may be needed to
severity of the itching. make the item
understandable to
patients because
there are
differences in
what patients
think plaques are.
*For illustrative purposes only; cognitive summary reports may take various forms.

Fig. 5 – Example of a small section of a cognitive summary report.*

stages as a means to test patient understanding of the instrument term “bothered” in an item stem might be interpreted as physical
and make revisions as needed before the electronic programming intensity of a symptom rather than the intended meaning of emo-
is finalized. tionally annoying or burdensome. Obvious difficulty or consistent
Further cognitive testing on the electronic device itself is sug- confusion across multiple respondents with item structure or lan-
gested before it is used for data collection. This is helpful because guage calls for recrafting the items to achieve clarity. Frequent
it provides an opportunity to identify any additional subject or mismatches discovered between the items and the patient expe-
site-related training requirements that might be needed to admin- rience of the condition calls for a reconsideration of the concepts
ister the new PRO instrument successfully in clinical trials. The being measured, as well as the particular attribute being ad-
term “usability testing” refers to the process of assessing respon- dressed (e.g., severity or frequency). It is sensible at this point to
dent ability to use the software and hardware appropriately re-evaluate the concept elicitation data or reassess the represen-
[19,23]. Usability does not evaluate respondent understanding of tativeness of the sample groups participating in both phases of the
content, but rather augments cognitive interviewing by assessing instrument development process.
the ease or difficulty with which respondents use any software or As the cognitive assessments and revisions continue, the goal
hardware that deliver item content. is to reach a point at which there is sufficient evidence of no re-
maining problems with patient comprehension of the draft items.
It can then be said that saturation has been achieved for the cog-
Good Practice 4: Make Decisions to Revise the Pro nitive evaluation of the new instrument. There is no set number
for how many interviews are required for sufficient evidence. This
is a decision the developer makes while considering the complex-
The cognitive interview protocol is designed to allow the devel- ity of the instrument, the amount and nature of revisions already
oper to make an initial assessment of patient comprehension of made, and the relative heterogeneity of the interview sample.
the items as they were drafted, assess difficulties, decide on revi-
sions to improve the items, assess the revisions with patients, and
possibly revise and assess again. Decisions to make revisions are not Good Practice 5: Document Cognitive Interview
always straightforward. If an initial group of cognitive interviews
Results for Evaluation of Content Validity
shows that four of the five participants were confused about the
meaning of an item, it is fairly clear that work is required to improve Although specific patient language and discussion of problems
that item so the concept can be clearly understood. Decisions are less and issues can be captured in a summary table, the overall results
clear when only one or two of the five participants have difficulty of the cognitive process can be presented in number of ways.
with the instructions, item stem, or response option. Several investigators have found it useful to present the number
Lack of clarity, misinterpretation, and unintended ambiguity of revisions needed according to Tourangeau’s model of four
are primary reasons for instrument revision. For example, the components (comprehension, retrieval, judgment, and response)
986 VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988

Concept name Pain Sleep impact Emotional impact

Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Concept Pain related to Disturbance to sleep Emotional difficulties
definition (condition) quality caused by caused by condition
condition-related pain related pain
Original item Since you woke up this How many times did you How worried have you
morning, how severe wake up in the night been because of your
was your pain? because of your pain? pain?
Original item 0–10 scale (0 = not Enter number:____ 0–10 scale (0 = not
response severe at all, 10 = as worried at all, 10 = as
options severe as I can imagine) worried as I can imagine)
Attribute to Severity Frequency Magnitude (of worry)
Change from Since you woke up this How many times did you
first group of morning, how severe wake up last night No changes in first group
cognitive was your pain at its because of your pain? of cognitive interviews.
interviews worst?
Rationale for Patients were not sure if Patients reported seeing
change they should think about “in the night” as general
their overall or most and could mean “any
intense experience. night” as opposed to
specifically “last night.”
Examples of “I had pain several times “I was thinking in an
patient today, some I would rate average night, how many
quotations low because it didn’t times do I usually wake
bother me so much, but up”….
one pain was really
“Most nights I only wake
up once or twice.”
“I’m not sure if I should
think about all pain in the
day and average it, or
just pick one I remember
best to answer about…”
Change from How worried have you
second group of No changes in second No changes in second been today because of
cognitive group of cognitive group of cognitive your pain?
interviews interviews. interviews.
Rationale for Some patients reported
change not being clear on how
much time to consider
when answering this item.
Examples of “I’m not sure if its talking
patient about pain just now, today
quotations or all week”
Final item Since you woke up this How many times did you How worried have you
morning, how severe wake up last night been today because of
was your pain at its because of your pain? your pain?
Final response 0–10 scale (0 = not Enter number:____ 0–10 scale (0 = not
option severe at all, 10 = as worried at all, 10 = as
severe as I can imagine) worried as I can imagine)
Domain Pain severity Sleep disturbance due to Worry due to pain
Intent of item To assess how patients To assess number of To assess the extent
perceive the “badness” times respondent woke respondent is worried
of their pain up from sleep because of about their pain for any
pain (not other reasons) reason
*For illustrative purposes only; item-tracking matrices may take various forms.

Fig. 6 – Example item-tracking matrix.*

VALUE IN HEALTH 14 (2011) 978 –988 987

[4,24,25]. Others have developed overview tables to identify the revise the target concept. Qualitative studies may change the de-
initial text, the final text, and the stage of the process in which the veloper’s understanding of how data can be gathered using the
revision occurred. The details and rationale are discussed in their instrument or how the quantitative data can be described or in-
report text. The overall summary can be brief. Further documen- terpreted in terms of the target concept and population.
tation of the rationale for revising PRO items can be recorded in an Qualitative research is specific to the targeted measurement
item tracking matrix and linked to the actual item in its original concept in the context of measurement. If used to support a med-
and revised forms (Fig. 6). Whatever method of presentation is ical product claim, the concept of the claim needs to be consistent
selected, communication of the overview of key findings of the with the concept measured and the clinical trial objectives. If any
cognitive process and actions taken is needed. revision in the targeted claim is considered, additional qualitative
In the final report of the development of a new instrument, the research would be needed before the PRO instrument can be
item tracking matrix should include information that starts with deemed adequate to measure the new concept. Likewise, a change
the development of the item and continues through the compete in the targeted context of use reflected by the target patient pop-
finalization of the item. The information it provides is typically ulation and disease/condition would create the need to re-evalu-
broad, including the final item and response category, how this ate the content validity. Rigorous qualitative research provides
item fits within the final conceptual framework of the instrument, evidence of content validity demonstrating the critical link be-
and how the item was saturated based on cycles of interviews and tween the measurement concept and the score produced by the
links to patient quotes that were used in creating the item. It also instrument in a specific context of measurement. Content validity
contains all of the discarded items developed using concept elici- is critical for determining how clinical trial results derived from
tation as well as items that were either altered or dropped as a these PRO instruments can be described as claims in medical
result of the cognitive interviewing process. product labeling and advertising. But it is also critical for anyone—
The item-tracking matrix may also be useful for cross-cultural patients, clinicians, or others—who wants to know the meaning of
adaptation where translators need to understand what is in- clinical outcome data.
tended by every item and for linking claims to concepts to items
and patient quotes supporting the item as well. A matrix that in-
cludes the intent of the item may be helpful in refining the claim
language for medical products, too, pending quantitative valida-
tion of the new instrument and results of pivotal trials.
The authors thank Anne Skalicky for preparing the references,
Kathy Hobson for preparing the tables and figures, Carrie Lancos
Using quantitative methods in content validity testing for editing assistance, and the many ISPOR reviewers who spent
In addition to the qualitative work, quantitative evaluation of considerable time and effort providing us with valuable com-
items, such as assessment of how well items address the entire ments.
continuum of patient experience of the concept is useful and de-
sirable, regardless of if the concept is a symptom, behavior, or REFERENCES
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