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By Z. Y. Banton

Student: ___________________________________ ___

Teacher: ______________________________________

Class: ________________________________________

School: _______________________________________

SBA Theme: ____________________________________

SBA Topic: _____________________________________


Introduction ……………………………………………………………….. 3 – 4

Week 1: An introduction to the CSEC English SBA ……………….. 5–6

Week 2: The Plan of Investigation ………………………………………. 7

Week 3: Writing the Plan of Investigation ………………………….. 8–9

Week 4: The Participation Measure ………………………………… 10

Week 5: Completing the Participation Measure ……………………. 11 – 18

Week 6: Quality of Group Activity………………………………….. 19 – 21

Week 7: The Reflection ……………………………………………... 22 – 26

Week 8: the Written Report………………………………………….. 27 – 28

Week 9: The Oral Presentation ………………… …………………… 29 – 30

Week 10: The Finale: ………………………………………………… 31 – 32

Reference Page ………………………………………………………. 33



The purpose of this text is to assist students and teachers to complete the English SBA in a
timely and manageable process.

This text outlines the weekly steps to be taken by teachers and students who now have to cover
the content of the CSEC English Syllabus which comprises a final exam, and an SBA component
which includes a compulsory oral element.

This clear and comprehensive guide and workbook is an excellent tool that will assist Caribbean
students and teachers to embrace the new requirements of the CSEC English Syllabus.


 Encourages cooperative learning through group activities

 Promotes independence of thought by way of the reflective pieces and oral
 Stimulates objective introspection by encouraging students to do self-assessment
 Encourages students to use the English Language in group settings
 Engages all language arts skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing)
 Gives students and teachers variety in assessment strategies
 Facilitates critical thinking by requiring students to investigate and analyze written
and spoken discourse
 Gives students the opportunity to be intricately responsible for their learning and
growth in the target language
 Exposes students to different spoken registers and their appropriateness
 Gives students the opportunity to improve how well they articulate the English


This text is designed to assist teachers and students to complete all aspects of the SBA in a
timely manner. One of the main advantages of this text is that it allows teachers to conduct SBA
tasks during the school year while still being able to reach the fundamentals and peripheral of the
CSEC English Syllabus.


Teachers are encouraged to set aside a designated time each week for work on the SBA. This
way, the chances of plagiarism and incomplete or late SBA submission will be greatly

The mark schemes for various sections of the SBA are featured in this text. Teachers are
encouraged to peruse the mark schemes with their students. Teachers may also grade SBA
activities by using the mark schemes when necessary. These grades should be carefully recorded
for submission to the examination council.

Teachers act as facilitators of learning during the SBA sessions. The SBA sessions are
opportunities for teachers of English A & B to teach incidentally and to aid in guiding students to
understand new concepts and ideas in English Language and English Literature.


Students are encouraged to read the information in this text and to seek clarification from their
teacher and peers. Also, students should endeavor to complete all assignments in this workbook
and to keep abreast of class deadlines and schedules.

Most importantly, students should try to produce their best work.

Week 1

Date: _____________________________

Topic: An introduction to the CSEC English SBA

Who will do the SBA?

If you will be sitting the CSEC English (A and / or B) examination in May/June next year, then
you will be submitting an English SBA.

Please remember that if you will be doing both English A and B in the CSEC examination, you
will submit ONE SBA. So, students of English B need not worry about creating a separate
project for that subject, or if the student chooses to do the SBA in English B, then there is no
need to do a separate SBA for English A. The grade you obtain for one, will automatically be
transferred to the other.

What are the components of the English SBA?

Each SBA submission must explore a topic that is of interest to you, the student. The best topics
of interest are current topics that allow students to locate meaningful research articles. Students
will then be grouped according to their areas of interest or themes.

Theme versus Topic

Your SBA requires that you explore a common theme with a few of your classmates; however,
the specific aspect of the THEME which you will explore is called your TOPIC. A few common

 Music
 Politics
 The Environment
 Technology
 Education

You may list a few additional themes below:

 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________

The diagram on the next page shows four (4) students who will be working as a group because
their common theme is MUSIC. Notice that each student’s topic is in some way connected to the
central theme. These students would then form a group and will work on their portfolios

Anna: The impact of female

Benjamin: How Loud Music
Pop Artistes on the Self-
affects Concentration
Esteem of teenage girls


Adijah: The influence of Machel: The impact of

Dancehall Music on other Current Affairs on the Lyrics
musical genres of Soca Music

Elements of the SBA

The SBA has six components listed below. Pay attention to the number of marks allotted to each
component. As we go forward, we will learn more about each component and look at ways in
which we may get the highest number of marks possible.

Component of the English How each component is presented Marks allotted
SBA and assessed
Plan of Investigation Individual 5 marks
Written Piece
Participation Measure Group 5 marks
Orally Assessed
Quality of Group Activity Group 10 marks
Orally Assessed
Written Report Group 10 marks
Written piece
Reflection Three 5 marks
Written pieces
Oral Presentation Individual 10 marks
Orally assessed


Form a group with at least three other classmates who are interested in the same theme as you.
Decide on your topic. Very importantly, your topic should be meaningful and should allow you
to find articles online or in the newspapers for your research.

Use the diagram below to write the THEME, your TOPIC and the NAMES and TOPICS of three
others who will be exploring the same theme as you.


Week 2

Date: _____________________________

Topic: The Plan of Investigation

In our last lesson, we were introduced briefly to the SBA component of the CSEC English exam.
We also found out who will be doing the SBA and we discovered the components of the SBA.

You were asked to zero in on a TOPIC that is of interest to you and to form a group with at least
three of your peers who share a common theme with you.

In this lesson, we will be going through the first component of the SBA: The Plan of
Investigation. This section contributes five (5) marks to your overall SBA grade. Remember
every grade counts!

What is The Plan of Investigation?

The Plan of Investigation is an introduction to your topic and it should be between 90 to 100
words in length.

Your Plan of Investigation should convey the following information clearly:

1. State why you chose your topic.

Why did you choose your topic? Is the topic in line with your career interest? Does it have
something to do with your hobbies or something you enjoy doing? Answer these questions in the
space below.

2. Explain how you think you will benefit as a student of English.

How will you benefit as a student of English? Will the exploration of the topic give you more
opportunities to interact using the English Language? Do you think you will benefit by being
more aware of the issue you have chosen to explore? Do you think that as a student you will be
able to enrich your comprehension skills by reading and analyzing different types of articles?
Perhaps your vocabulary will be expanded as you go searching for the most appropriate article
for your research. Answer these questions in the space below.


3. State how you intend to collect relevant information for your topic.

You will need at least THREE pieces of literary material for your investigation. You may use a
newspaper article, an online journal article, a recording of a song or newsclip, a drawing, a
cartoon. But remember, one of the literary materials MUST be the newspaper article, the online
journal or any kind of written continuous prose material. What are the three (3) types of
material that you plan to use? Why do you think they will be relevant to your topic? Answer
these questions in the space below.


Use the coming week to think about your PLAN OF INVESTIGATION.

Week 3

Date: _____________________________________

Topic: Writing the Plan of Investigation

In our last lesson, we came to an understanding of the Plan of Investigation and what it entails.
Read the example of a Plan of Investigation below; then answer the questions based on it.

The impact of Female Pop Artistes on the Self-Esteem of Teenage Girls

This topic is of interest to me because, as a fan of pop music, I cannot help but
wonder if teenage girls’ self-esteem is affected by pop artistes. This research will
benefit me linguistically. For one thing, I think I will encounter new words and
sentence structures which I might then use to improve my overall expression.
Finally, the three pieces of material which I intend to use for my portfolio are: an
entertainment news article from a locql newspaper, a recorded interview of a
female pop artiste and a drawing or pictorial representation of my topic.

Why did the student choose the topic?

How does he think he will benefit from the research?
How does he intend to gather information?
Do you think the grammar, spelling and sentence structure are clear and correct?
How many words did the student use in the paragraph?
Is the Plan of Investigation within the word limit?

Marking Scheme for The Plan of Investigation

The information that follows shows how you will be graded in your Plan of Investigation. (CSEC
English SBA, 2015, pp. 54-56). Examine the criteria in order to get the best grade possible.

Name: ___________________ ______________

Date: __________________________________

1. Introduction

You are expected to:

(a) Propose a title for the investigation/the inquiry/the research/the survey;
(b) State in manageable and specific terms, the tasks to be done;
(c) Give brief reasons for selecting and investigating this topic.

(i) Title of topic: _______________________________ 1 mark

(ii) Tasks to be done ____________________________ 2 marks

(iii) Reasons for selecting topic ____________________ 1 mark

Total = 4 marks

2. Ways of collecting material

Ways of applying English Language skills to study “texts”
Ways of making inferences and drawing conclusions

You are expected to:

(a) State what material should be collected and used;
(b) How the material will be investigated, probed and researched by means of discussions,
consultations, interactions among students, exchanging viewpoints, explaining

perspectives, cross referencing, comparing two or more versions, cooperatively
searching for solutions, and evaluating peer contributions;
(c) Propose how to obtain valid conclusions.

(i) Nature of the material/Sources of the material ______________ 1 mark

(ii) Some English Language skills that may be used in analyzing the material (for
example, identifying main ideas, writer’s techniques, accurate use of words, tone,
register, connotative and denotative use of words) ___________ 1 mark

(iii) Some conclusions that may be obtained. ___________________ 1 mark

Total = 3 marks

3. Ensuring the soundness of techniques used in your investigation.

You are expected to:
(a) Understand and appreciate many things happening in school, the community and the
(b) Share these experiences with others.

These two objectives are usually achieved by engaging in systematic and well-planned
thinking within small groups.

Thus, the “soundness” of the techniques used depends on:

(i) How appropriately were the “texts” selected from various sources;
(ii) How carefully were the “texts” investigated using English language skills; and
(iii) How thoughtfully were the findings selected.

List THREE factors that can interfere with the soundness of the conclusions of the SBA
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3. ________________________ 2 marks

Describe ONE way you plan to minimize the effects of ONE of the actors listed above.
1 mark

Total = 3 marks

Total marks for Plan of Investigation = 10 marks.

Scale down to 5 marks (10 ÷ 2 ) = 5 marks.


Write your Plan of Investigation. Read your first draft to your group members and your teacher
and make the necessary improvements. The revised version is what you will type and submit in
your portfolio.

Week 4
Date: ______________________________

Topic: Participation Measure

The Participation Measure component of the SBA measures the student’s individual
participation in the group activities and how the student’s participation helps to complete the

SBA. This is a reflective process. In other words, students are asked to think about their group
involvement and rate themselves.

Teachers may make suggestions to the students as to how their Participation Measure grade
may be improved. After the student has implemented those suggestions, then a second
consultation will be the final grade for the Participation measure component of the SBA.

Below is a slightly modified version of the Participation Measure Rating Table found on page 57
of the syllabus. This way, students are given space to write in their preliminary rating and the
student is able to write in suggestions for improvement as well as the final rating.

Rating Criteria Preliminary Rating Student’s Record Final Rating

1 –Agree of Teacher’s 1 –Agree
0 –Uncertain Comments / 0 –Uncertain
-1 –Disagree Suggestions -1 –Disagree
I know what I am expected to
do to work well in a team
It is easy to focus on what is
taking place in my group
In the group, I feel self-
confidence, self-esteem and
I know how to manage how I
behave in my group
I always manage my tasks on
time and thoroughly
Total /5 Total /5


Reflect on how you worked with your group when you were composing your Plan of
Investigation. Using the table above, write in your Preliminary Rating. Show your teacher your
Preliminary Rating and write down the teacher’s suggestions.

In your next group meetings, you will implement the teacher’s suggestions so as to improve your
grade for the Participation Measure.

In our next lesson, we will look more closely on the Participation Measure.

Week 5
Date: ____________________________

Topic: Completing the Participation Measure

In our last lesson, we were made aware of the second component of the SBA, the Participation
Measure. We learned about the purpose of the Participation Measure and we found out how to
rate ourselves and how to implement the teacher’s feedback.

This week, we will look at the use of the modified table found on page 14. Below, we see an
example of a student using the Participation Measure table provided in this booklet.

Rating Criteria Preliminary Rating Student’s Record Final Rating

1 –Agree of Teacher’s 1 –Agree
0 –Uncertain Comments / 0 –Uncertain
-1 –Disagree Suggestions -1 –Disagree
I know what I am expected to 0 My teacher told me to
listen to my group
do to work well in a team

members and contribute
positively to each
member. Always play
my part. Use the target

It is easy to focus on what is 1

taking place in my group
In the group, I feel self- 1
confidence, self-esteem and
I know how to manage how I -1 Do not take criticisms of
my work too personal.
behave in my group Give each group
member an opportunity
to speak.
I always manage my tasks on 1
time and thoroughly
Total 2/5 Total /5

When the student consulted with his teacher, he wrote down the teacher’s comments and intends
to implement the teacher’s suggestion in all group activities.


1. Use this week to select the three (3) articles that you will use to do your research. You
may choose written, visual or auditory or audiovisual pieces. Remember, at least one of
the articles should be written in continuous prose and all of them should be relevant to
your topic. Have your THREE (3) pieces ready for the next class.

2. Use the tables on the ensuing pages to document the types of material you will be using
in your portfolio. Write in the required information in each table. This will make it easier
for you to write your reference page.

3. Please note: The format for referencing in your workbook is the Modern Languages
Eight Edition (MLA 8th Edition). There are other types of referencing such as the
American Psychological Association (APA) format, Oxford, Harvard, OSCOLA, etc.

4. The tables on page 22-25 require that you input your reference data in both MLA and
APA format. The MLA format is what you will use in your Reference Page because your
portfolio is a language research. MLA is suitable for research in literature, language,
history, philosophy, the arts, and religion. The APA format is most suitable for
psychology, sociology, nursing, social work, criminology, and business.

5. Take note of the differences between how each reference type is organized. Notice what
is italicized, what is placed in brackets, what is placed in braces, where full stops are
placed, where commas are placed, etc.

6. If your portfolio will be submitted in handwritten form, all italicized information should
be underlined and all song, poem and newspaper titles should be placed in quotation

Citation format for Reference Page using MLA (8th Edition)

Title of article Citation format for Reference Page using MLA (8th Edition)

Newspaper Last, First M. “Article Title.” First name Last Version, Numbers, Date
Article Title of the name of any other of publication, Location.
newspaper, contributors.
Online Last, First M. “Title of the Title of the Date of publication,
Journal/Website Article or website, Name of URL.
: Individual Page.” the Publisher,
Blog Last, First M “Title of the Version (if Publication date, Page
article,” Title of applicable), numbers. Title of the
the journal, First Numbers (such as database, URL or DOI.
name Last name of a volume and issue
any other number).
contributors (if
Encyclopedia / Last, First M., “Title of chapter or Title of the work, Publisher, Year the book
reference Book and First M. section.” translated by or was published, page
Last. edited by First number(s).
name Last name,
vol. number, City
of Publication,
Picture / Creator’s last “Title of the digital First name Last Version (if applicable),
Photograph name, First image.” Title of the name of any Number (if applicable),
found on name. website, contributors, Publisher, Publication
website date, URL
YouTube Last name, “Title of the film Title of the Publication date, URL.
channel First name of or video.” website, role of
the creator contributors and
their First name
Last name,
Version, Numbers,
Film or video Name, First Title of the film or Role of other Publication date
not viewed name of the video contributors and
online creator their First name
Last name,
Version, Numbers,
Song Last, First M. “Track Name.” By Writer First M. Rec. Date Month Year.
Album name. Last. Cond. Producer First m. Last,
Conductor First M. Year.
Last. Perf. First M. CD/MP3/MIDI/Cassette
Last. Band/Group /Vinyl.

Citation format for Reference Page using APA (6th Edition)

Title of Article Citation format for Reference Page using APA (6th Edition)
Newspaper Article Author’s Last (Year, Month, Newspaper Title. Article Title, pp.
name, First Initial, Date Published Pages(s)
Middle Initial.

Online Journal Author’s Last (Year, Month, Article title; Volume (Issue).
name, First Initial, Date Published, Subtitle Journal pp.Page(s)
Middle Initial (Year, Month, Name.
Date Published).
Blog Author’s Last (Year, Month, Title of specific Retrieved from
Name, First Initial. Date of post). post (Web log URL of blog post.
Middle Initial. (If post)
no name is given,
use the author’s
screen name or
Encyclopedia / Last Name, First (Year Published) Editor First Initial, City, State,
Reference Book Initial. Middle Second Initial, Publisher.
Initial Surname.
Reference book
title: Subtitle.
Edition, Volume,
page range of
Picture / Title of Work (Type of work) (Year image was Retrieved from
photograph found created) URL (address of
on website website).

YouTube channel Last name, First (Year, Month, Day [Video File] Retrieved from
Initial, Middle of video post) Title URL.
Initial. (Username) of video
Digital Without (Utilized Retrieved Month, URL
author, sale and illustration of (say Date, Year
date what the image
Song Songwriter Last (Copyright year) On album title
Name, First Initial. Song title [Medium of
Middle Initial [Recorded First recording]. City,
Initial, Middle State of label:
Initial. Last Name record label name.

Week 6

Date: _________________________________________

Topic: Quality of Group Activity

The third component of the SBA is the Quality of Group Activity. This section encourages
thorough and engaging group discourse. You should use your three pieces of research material in
order to generate discussion within the group.

Quality of Group Activity Mark Scheme

This is the instrument used to grade you as you conduct this exercise (CSEC English Syllabus,
2015,pg. 62). Examine the marks allotted to each facet. As you engage in your discussion, ensure

that you work as a team to get the best possible grade. You may use the discussion suggestions
on page 21 of your workbook as a guide.

Rating Scale
Facets of Process
0 1 2 3 Score
1 Communication Plan of work not The plan of work All members All members have
known to members exists and may be have seen and seen, and discussed
seen, if requested read notes of the plan of work
the plan of
2 Collaboration No awareness of Some interest in Group Members seek out
what other groups what other groups discussing and are aware of the
are doing are doing work of other work of other
groups groups
3 Leadership Same person leads Leadership of Leadership is Each member
the group every time group is rotated rotated and willingly takes
members feel his/her place in turn
with it
4 Norms of Group Not agreed on a set Norms are written Norms are All members feel
of norms for the for the group, but written and responsible for
group not observed mostly norms being
observed observed
5 Diaries / Notebooks Not open to persons Available to some Diaries are Diaries tell rich
inside the group members of the helpful to all story of the
group in the group- activities in the
knowing what group
is being done
6 Reflection Group members Reflection on Members Reflection on
show evidence of work is done at undertook members’ work was
reflecting on their the end of each work in an ongoing focus of
work activity or session groups, and group
reflected on
work during

7 Interaction There is Members are Members are Members respect

misunderstanding beginning to trust actively and appreciate each
among members. one another and creating other; and show
Members feel resolving interaction empathy to all
distant misunderstanding with each members
other and
trust and
8 Equality Hierarchy exists Some members Members Equality is evident
within group have more support in the behavior of
influence than equality, but each group member
others not always
9 Expert voices Members rely on Members bring Members Members actively
what they already some literature identify seek and invite
know only experts, books, expert voices
visual media,
and bring
some to
10 Experimentation No interest in trying Hesitant to try Members use Members share
new strategies or new strategies some new results (obtained
materials strategies from using new
strategies) among

TOTAL _______________ / 30

A maximum of 30 marks are awarded to this component of the SBA. Your total mark should be
divided by 3 in order to be scaled down for the SBA and rounded up to the nearest whole
SBA Grade Total = ___________________ Final Rounded up Grade _______________

Name of Teacher _____________________ Time/Date: (dd) ____ (mm) ____ (yy_____

Suggestion on how to carry out the group activity:

One of your group members may chair the discussion.

The chairperson will ask the questions and determine who gets to speak each time. At the end of
the exchange, the chairperson will give his or her responses. You may use some or all of the
questions below to generate your discussion. Remember to look back at the suggestions made by
your teacher as you participate in this discussion. Conduct this discussion using the English
language as much as possible.

Your teacher will observe your group activity and may use the mark scheme to grade your group.

Possible discussion questions for group activity:

1. Give a brief summary of the three pieces of material you have gathered for your research.
Please note: This is a good place to practise in text citation. Look at the examples
below. The page number for the article being cited is placed in brackets.

Thomas stated that….(163)

According to Thomas, … (163)
… (Thomas, 163)

2. What do you think about the information?

3. What do you think is the intention of each piece?
4. How is the information organized?
5. What is the tone of each piece?
6. Why did you choose these articles?
7. Write down what your group members had to say about your articles.


Use the coming week to look back at your Participation Measure found on page 14.

Update the information by writing in your new Self-assessment. In your next class, you will get
the opportunity to discuss the updated Self –assessment with your teacher.

Also, you should take your three (3) pieces of material to your next class. You will start the
REFLECTION component of the SBA in the next lesson.

Week 7
Date: _____________________________________

In our last lesson, we looked at the Quality of Group Activity component of the SBA. In this
lesson, we will be finalizing the grade for the Participation Measure component. Please
remember to update your rating and discuss it with your teacher. (SEE page 14)

We will also be working on the REFLECTION. You should have your three (3) pieces for

There are THREE (3) Reflection entries in this component of the SBA.
 The first entry indicates how each piece of data shaped your thinking on the topic.
 The second entry discusses the use of language in the material selected.
 The third entry discusses how doing the SBA helped you to become a better person.

Analyzing Material for the SBA

The following pieces of material were selected by a student who will be exploring the topic:
“The Impact of Female Pop Stars on the Self-Esteem of Teenage Girls”.

Examine the three (3) pieces. Do you think these pieces of material are relevant? Has the student
fulfilled the criteria for selecting the material?
Raunchy, provocative pop stars damage She continued, “The majority of my
girls’ self-esteem – and could harm participants said the hyper-sexualisation
education and job prospects – says “Their skimpy outfits and sexual dance moves
of music videos and magazines
leading academic are ruining the self-esteem of girls”, the
impacted on their confidence,
academic went on to say.
education and employment. It damaged
 One notable social scientist and
The professor found the explicit dance moves their self-esteem.”
professor says stars give ‘mixed
messages’ to impressionable and foul-mouthed lyrics fuel negative
The professor even posited anecdotal
girls attitudes towards women and affect women’s
evidence to support her claim. “I have a
 Points out men are clothed in confidence, education and even their
younger sister and she used to say she
pop videos while women are employment prospects
didn’t feel confident in herself and that
scantily clad was mainly derived from popular black
The professor accused stars of giving
 Says ‘video vixens’ make female pop stars.”
ambiguous messages to impressionable
objectification of women ‘part
teenage girls. Several other female stars have
of everyday life’ and fuel Adapted
repeatedly come under fire for skimpy
negative attitude towards
clothing and lewd lyrics. Men, on the other Cox, Laura. “Raunchy, hyper-sexualised
hand, are more often than not, fully clothed. popstars like Miley Cyrus and Rihanna
 Says girls’ confidence, education
and even employment will damage girls’ self-esteem – and could
The professor researched the behaviours of
suffer harm education and job prospects-says
black teenage girls in her city and found that
leading academic. “ Daily Mail 13,
“the hyper-sexualized depiction of female
Teenage girls see being provocative as September, 2013
pop stars was part and parcel of the problems
‘part and parcel’ of their lives because of 28,
the raunchy behavior of pop stars one these girls face in their perception of
December, 2016
academic claimed yesterday. themselves.”

“UnPretty” by T.L.C.

I wish I could tie you up in my shoes

Make you feel unpretty too
I was told I was beautiful
But what does that mean to you
Look into the mirror who’s inside there
The one with the long hair
Same old me again today (yeah)
My outside look cool
My insides are blue
Every time I think I’m through
It’s because of you
I’ve tried different ways
But it’s all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I’m just trippin

You can buy your hair if it won’t grow
You can fix your nose if he says so
You can buy all the make-up
That mac can make
But if you can look inside you
Find out who I am too
Be in a position to make me feel
So damn unpretty
I’ll make you feel unpretty too

Never insecure until I met you

Now I’m being stupid
I used to be so cute to me
Just a little bit skinny
Why do I look to all these things
To keep you happy
Maybe get rid of you
And then I’ll get back to you (hey)

My outside looks cool

My insides are blue
Every time I think I’m through
It’s because of you
I’ve tried different ways
“Pop Star Girl-Teen Fashion.” But it’s all the same At the end of the day
beautygirlsinc.android_popstargirls. I have myself to blame
I’m just trippin’


Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)

Austin & Watkins. T. (1999) Fan Mail. [Recorded by: TLC]

Unpretty [CD]
Analyzing Reflective Pieces

Examine the three (3) reflective pieces that follow.

Do you think each entry has done what is supposed to do? Are there any changes that you would
After you have completed analyzing each entry, write YOUR OWN REFLECTION using the
pieces of material you have collected.

How the materials I have selected shaped my thinking on my topic

The newspaper article was very edifying. It showed me that the presentation of
female pop stars can affect the self-esteem of teenage girls in a negative way. The
professor who was quoted throughout the article did research and even had
personal experience to support her arguments.

The second piece is a picture I downloaded from a website which shows the beauty
and advantages of being a female pop icon. This helped me to understand that
female pop stars are not always bad influences. Many of them are young girls who
are only chasing their dreams and that can be a positive thing for teenage girls to

Finally, the song offers the perspective of a group of female pop stars. This song
helps me to understand that many female pop stars struggle with self-esteem issues
and feel pressured into appearing pretty at all times. But, at the end of the day, the
song advises teenage girls and all listeners to look inside and find inner beauty.


Reflection on the use of Language on the Artifacts.

I identified several contrasts in the use of language in my articles.

First of all, each piece of material was written using a different tone. The tone in the newspaper
article is one of concern. This is seen in the use of phrases such as “impressionable girls” (line
9), fuel negative attitudes towards women” (line 17 – 18) and the use of the word, “suffer” (line
21). The tone is the only statement in the picture that can be described as playful. Although, the
wording on the picture is meant to be a question, it is an imperative statement that is turned into
an interrogative by the use of a question mark at the end. The tone in the song is one of regret
and contemplation. The regret is seen in the second stanza which says, “At the end of the day, I
have myself to blame…” Also, the first line of the song is very contemplative.

Another thing I observed with the use of language is that each piece has a unique diction or word
choice that made it appropriate for their target audience. The newspaper article uses words like
‘posited’ and “evidence” to show that it is a very scholarly article. The picture asks a question,
but it did not start the question with the word, “Do” as one would expect in a proper English
question. The song uses a number of slang, such as “”Unprettty” as in the title of the song and
“trippin” in stanza 5.


How the SBA process helped me to become a better person.

My English SBA improved my ability to work in a group to be more analytical and to meet

The process of doing the SBA helped me to develop one important skill: that of working as a
member of a team. Through team work and cooperation, I was able to improve my portfolio and
to correct my mistakes. I learned to listen to my group members and to respect their opinions.

The SBA also made me better able to read and analyse what I read. I learned how to look at
things from different perspectives and to identify the tone and purpose of an article.

Finally, the SBA improved my ability to remain on target in order to meet deadlines. Every
week, my class has to submit a different aspect of the SBA to our teacher. This instilled in me
the importance of meeting deadlines.

Mark scheme for Reflection

The table below shows the mark scheme for the Reflection (CSEC/English Syllabus, 2015. P.
68). Examine the mark scheme and try to write your Reflection with it in mind.

Candidate produces a reflection that integrates the treatment of the 5 marks
issue in the three pieces, with excellent analysis of language and
discussion of the process and its effect.

Candidate produces a reflection that addresses the issue with good 4 marks
use of language and some discussion of the process and its effect.

Candidate produces a reflection on the issues, with satisfactory use 3 marks

of language but no discussion of the process and its effect.

Candidate produces a reflection on the issue with unsatisfactory 2 marks

use of language and no discussion of the process and its effect.

Candidate produces a reflection that mentions the issue with very 1 mark
weak use of language and no discussion of the process and its


In our next lesson, we will be working on the WRITTEN REPORT aspect of the SBA.

Much of the content for the WRITTEN REPORT is already documented in your writings in your
workbook. Review the work that you have done and be prepared with ideas for the WRITTEN
REPORT in our next lesson.

Week 8
Date: _______________________________
Topic: The Written Report

In our last lesson, we covered the Reflection aspect of the SBA. In this lesson, we will learn
more about the Written Report. The Written Report requires that you summarize the
processes, procedures and outcomes of the research. This is a group activity. You should also
justify your selection of materials. The written report should be done in 250- 300 words.

Mark Scheme for the Written Report

Examine the Mark Scheme for the Written Report, (CSEC English Syllabus, 2015, pg. 60)
The Written report contributes 10 marks to your overall grade.

Rating Scale
1 2 3 4
Content of Findings Key points not Context of task Sources of material Context
Report inappropriate clearly implied, not stated referenced explicitly stated
Source of Some important key Important issues Tasks for each
material Limited issues not addressed addressed student are
unclear coverage of clearly linked to
what was done Key issues mentioned Key issues discussed and group task
adequately developed
Report Repetitious in parts Issues are
inadequate clearly defined
Vague in parts and fully
Evidence of Many Experiences of All analysis focuses on Excellent summary,
investigation responses participants not the key issues analysis of text focuses
/ enquiry/ or misrepresent well used on key issues
report the issue Discussion well
Weak use of focused Sources well used and
Inadequate sources documented
use of Analysis probes
referencing Summary pattern of text Significant evidence of
inadequate research
Ample evidence of
Language Many basic Basic words not Good control of basic Excellent use of
use of grammatical used well grammar language
vocabulary errors which
affect the Limited range Good use of Few grammatical errors
readability of of grammatical appropriate words
the report expressions Well-developed
Paragraphs carefully paragraphs
Paragraphs constructed
contain little Varied sentence Accurate spelling
cohesion structure
Wide range of sentences
Sentences are
stilted Report clearly organized

How to write the WRITTEN REPORT

Look back at the comments from your group members and teacher. Also, look at your responses
to the discussion questions in Week 6. Use that information to help to guide your Written Report.

You and your group members should discuss ideas about what to write in the report. The group
member who is chairing the discussion should ask someone to write the first draft.

The first draft should be reread in the group and the necessary corrections made.
Each group member should ensure that he or she has the edited version of the written report in
his or her workbook.


In our next lesson, we will work on the ORAL PRESENTATION for the SBA. Use the coming
week to think about your plan for the Oral Presentation. Use the questions below to guide you as
you think about the format your Oral Presentation will take:

1. What genre will your Oral Presentation take? (E.g. Poetry, prose, Drama)
2. If poetry, what kind of poem? And why did you choose that form? (Ode, Sonnet, Epic,
Free Verse, etc)

If Prose, what kind of prose? And why did you choose that form? (Narrative/Story,
Expository Speech. Argumentative Speech, etc.)

If Drama, what kind of drama? And why did you choose that form? (Role play, dramatic
monologue, one person skit, etc.)

3. What inspired you to choose this genre and topic?

4. How did the articles you researched help to add content to your poem, prose or drama?
5. A language register refers to how formally or informally you speak. Place a check mark
(√ ) beside the language register (s) you will be using in this piece.

Types of Registers √
Formal Register: Uses technical language. It is very cordial and used in very official settings.
Informal Register: Uses slang and rather casual language. It is very common among friends
and used in social settings
Consultative Register: Comprises two-way participation. It uses question and answer and
allows for interruptions. It is commonly seen in the interaction between teacher and student

NB: There are several other types of registers. For the purpose of this SBA, you have been only
introduced to three of the basic types that are used in speaking.

6. Why did you choose that register (s) for your Oral Presentation
7. What will your Oral Presentation be about?
Week 9

Date: __________________

Topic: The Oral Presentation

In our last lesson, we completed the Written Report and your plan for the Oral Activity. In this
lesson, you will be working on your ORAL PRESENTATION. Your Oral Presentation is a 3 -5
minute oral delivery in the form of poetry, prose or drama. In today’s lesson, you will be writing
the Oral Presentation. Consult with your teacher and your group members when necessary.

Title: ____________________
By: _______________________


Now that you have completed writing your presentation, examine the mark scheme for the Oral
Presentation. (SEE page 30)

How do you plan to get full marks for this component of the SBA?

You should practise at home, get someone to listen to your presentation and assist you to make
improvements where necessary.

You may also take turns in your group to listen to and give each other useful feedback. The Oral
Presentation contributes 10 marks to your SBA, so do your best.

Date for my Oral Presentation: ___________________________________

Date for SBA submission: _______________________________________

Mark Scheme for the Oral Presentation

Examine the Mark Scheme for the Oral Presentation (CSEC English Syllabus, 2015, pg. 62).

Rating Scale
Facets of tasks 0 1 2 3 4
Fluency of Jerky, halting Choppy Awkward but Intelligible; clear’
Delivery fragmentary acceptable smooth; well-paced
long, pauses intonation; flow
continuous; natural
Structure, Connections with Connections Limited Coherent; Clear
Comprehensibility topic/issue with comprehension organization of
and Development unclear topic/issue Key issues well ideas;
of Topic unclear; Lacks elaboration developed
Incomprehensible Sustained
Very Slightly incoherent Well expressed in treatment of
Not depicted key incoherent in in parts; many parts; very topic/theme/
issues parts; effective style issues;
Somewhat limited
Style of Utterance Style very
presentation does incorrect effective and
not always aid in impactful in
depicting the key communicating
Language Use and Lacks basic Ideas limited Adequate style of Accurate use of
Vocabulary words; to inadequate presentation grammar
words and
Lacks specificity; jargon Basic sentences are Effective use of
used Grammar and
Very many errors Lacks vocabulary
in words and specificity Control of basic
sentences grammatical High degree of
Limited structures; fluency
usage of
Grammar Reliance on Rich vocabulary
practical expressions

Teachers may collect the workbooks and record grades and comments for the student’s Oral

Candidate’s Oral Presentation Final Grade: ________ / 10

Teacher’s comments: ___________________________________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: _______________________ Date: ________________________

Week 10

Date: _________________________________

Topic: The Finale

By now, you should have all the components of your SBA ready for submission in your

Guidelines for the portfolio:

 Ensure that you have all the submissions for your SBA, namely:
 Plan of Investigation
 Group Written Report
 Three Reflective pieces
 Oral Presentation Plan
 Your submissions should be properly typed or handwritten.
 The writing/font should be clear.
 If the SBA is being typed, you should double space your lines and use a standard letter
size paper.
 The font should be clear and simple (e.g. Times New Roman 12 pt).
 Your title page should have the title of your portfolio, your name, candidate number, the
name of your school/institution and School/institution code. Also include the names and
candidate numbers of your group members.
 Each written submission should be on a separate page with a clear heading.
 Your table of contents and page numbering MUST correspond.
 Proofread your SBA before final submission.
 Check your reference page and in the citations.
 Submit a neat and well put together portfolio.
 Include a properly written Reference page.
 Use the table on the next page to record and total your grades for your Portfolio. This will
help you to have a clear idea of your performance in this project.

The student or teacher may record the SBA grades in the respective spaces below.

Component of English How each component is Marks allotted My CSEC

SBA presented and assessed English SBA


Plan of Investigation Individual 5 marks

Written piece

Participation Measure Group 5 marks

Orally assessed

Quality of Group Activity Group 10 marks

Orally assessed

Written Report Group 10 marks

Written piece

Reflection Three 5 marks

Written pieces
Oral Presentation Individual 10 marks
Orally assessed
45 marks ___ / 45

Reference page

Austin & Watkins. T. (1999) Fan Mail. [Recorded by: TLC] Unpretty [CD]

Cox, Laura. “Raunchy, hyper-sexualised popstars like Miley Cyrus and Rihanna damage girls’
self-esteem – and could harm education and job prospects-says leading academic. “ Daily Mail
13, September, 2013 28, December, 2016


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