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Angel Leon


Lesson 3

Career Interview/Job Shadow Reflection

1. Who did you interview/job shadow? What is their name, career title, and contact
information? How do you know this person?
I completed a job shadowing Jose. Jose is a professional mover who works at
Alexander's Moving Company. Their contact information is (858) 292-5100. I know this
person because he is my cousin.
2. What does a typical day look like in this career?
A typical day in a career as a professional mover includes loading, packing and unloading
items with care. A professional in this career is responsible for loading boxes and
furniture. This includes carrying heavy boxes and furniture into a truck. In addition, they
are responsible for packaging. This includes puting clothes, books, and other types of
small objects in the boxes. Finally, a professional in this career is responsible for
unloading items. This includes unloading a truck full of boxes and furniture into the
owner's new home.
3. What skills and abilities do you need to succeed in this career?
According to professional movers, an important skill needed to succeed in this career is
having good communication. This is important because you're going to have to talk to
people during the day and you're going to need to know how to talk to people. In
addition, an important ability needed to succeed in this career is having a good grip. This
is important because when you carry stuff you're going to need to have a good grip to
hold on to it.
4. What are some facts you learned about this career that you were unaware of prior to
this experience?
One fact that I learned about this career that I was unaware of prior to this experience
was that you use your back all the time. This was interesting because when you carry
only one thing you don't feel it until you do it multiple times. Another fact that I learned
about this career as a result of this experience was that most of the time you're in the
sun. This information was helpful because now you know that you have to wear
5. Which aspects of this career are appealing to you? Explain.
One aspect of this career that is appealing to me is carrying heavy stuff. This is appealing
to me because I like to carry heavy stuff. Another aspect of this career that is appealing
Angel Leon


Lesson 3

to me is developing communication skills. This is appealing to me because you're going

to need communication skills in life and this will help you improve.
6. Which aspects of this career are not appealing to you? Explain.
One aspect of this career that is not appealing to me is waking up early. This is not
appealing to me because I'm more of a night person. Another aspect of this career that
is not appealing to me is working on a hot day. This is not appealing to me because you
sweat even more because of the heavy lifting.
7. How does this career compare to your strengths, interests, and values? Is it a good fit
for you? Explain.
This career is a good fit for me based on my strengths, interests and values. For
example, I have a lot of strength in my arms, and good communication skills.
8. What would you need to do to prepare for a job in this field?
In order to prepare for a job in this field, I would need to learn how to carry heavy stuff
and have a good grip.
9. How has this experience influenced your career goals?
This experience has influenced my career goals by knowing how to be a professional
mover and I do plan on pursuing this career.

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