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The Benefits and Challenges of Cultural diversity in the Workplace
Today, we can see workplaces that are diverse and accepted the importance of
understanding cultural and international differences. These workplaces are supporting and
embracing the fact that diversity is the key to improvement and success of an organization.
Cultural diversity in the workplace can inspire creativity and innovation. As we
consider the ideas of the fully diverse employees, the ability of the organization to develop
and create successful inputs are extremely possible. A cultural diverse workplace can also
make an organization become more competitive in the market and become more profitable.
Diversity provides positive expansion locally and be able to expand internationally, as
organizations understand the impacts of a diverse workplace. When it is enforced with
employees that are diverse culturally and we understand different markets, customs and
laws, organizations will become more competitive, and a competitive organization means
being more profitable. An organization or workplace that promotes diversity will be able to
retain competitive strategies and retain ideal employees. This is very important in an
organization, because it reflects how the organization attracts talents from all over the
world and it means success. When an organization is filled with employees who were
culturally diverse, organization will be able to produce a wide a broader adaptable products
and services. As the world is moving towards uncertain global business environment,
organizations needs to become flexible, and diversity can make an organization flexible in a
positive way. It is also proven that a workplace that is diverse are more productive and
employees tend to perform better. A friendly atmosphere workplaces are filled with happy
and kind employees that accepts differences and embrace them. It is also a place where
employees will grow personally and professionally. Workplaces must support the idea of
helping their employees to improve their self- esteem by uplifting one another and promote
camaraderie with each other. As we see that cultural diversity is beneficial, challenges are
also manifested. We cannot deny the fact that there are some employees that are not
comfortable to certain workplaces. Some employees may not feel important and they are
likely to let their voices be heard. Stereotyping is one of the challenges that cultural diversity
in the workplaces are facing right now. Because of the differences of cultural backgrounds of
the people, sometimes it affects others to become more productive. Languages are
sometimes misinterpreted because of the differences in culture. There are some words that
may be considered vulgar to other cultures or gestures that may seem to be offensive to
them. This kind of problem may seem to be challenging in some workplaces, especially to
the big industries that promotes international engagement. People were also professionally
trained differently. People act in the workplaces according on how they were trained from
their countries and culture and may have different understanding to professional manners
and conduct.
Cultural diversity needs a wider understanding to really see how it affects
workplaces, whether it be positive or negative. But, no matter how it affects the
organization the impact will always be for the benefit of the organization.

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