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May 3rd, 2022

Release Date: Embargoed until 8.30am, Wednesday 4th May.


DSMA, a North American Automotive Intelligence and M&A Advisory Service, is delighted to announce
that Maria Soklis, past President of Cox Automotive Canada, and Brazil, has joined DSMA as Executive
Vice President, North America.

DSMA has undergone tremendous growth in North America over the last few years and as with any
committed and successful business, we are looking inward to ensure we have the right tools and
resources to continue to deliver, not only the current, but also the future industry leading professional
services that DSMA is known for.

“DSMA is redefining what it means to be a Broker. In fact, we’ve banned the word “broker” from our
internal vernacular because it doesn’t reflect what we do anymore.” Said Farid Ahmad, CEO and
Founder of DSMA. “We engaged with our clients and listened to what and how they want our business
to work to best support them. Those conversations have prompted us to invest heavily in support
service functions that you simply don’t see at a traditional “brokerage”, such as legal, financial,
marketing and process management.”

Maxime Theoret, DSMA’s Managing Partner said, “In the last 3 years, DSMA made the decision to shift
our business focus and invest significantly in human resource and infrastructure. Thus, enabling us to
deliver the services that our clients told us they wanted. As such, we’ve tripled our staff across all
support departments and project it will double again over the course of this year. With this growth in
personnel, as well as the growth in traditional and non-traditional M&A business we’re seeing, we
recognized that we need to add a highly experienced leader to help the executive team deliver the
success we expect in the future.”

“DSMA has a huge opportunity to cement their position as the North American and Global leader in
automotive M&A services. I am very excited to be joining the company at a time of significant change.
Change for DSMA, but also the changes coming to the automotive industry.” Said Soklis. “I will be
working to ensure the company navigates this period of industry transformation successfully and
delivers the structured products and services a modern, agile professional services firm must deliver to
stay relevant and at the top of their industry.”

Soklis has spent much of her career in the automotive sector, specifically on the OEM side of the
business where she was VP & COO of Kia Canada. Soklis most recently held the position of President
Cox Automotive Canada & Brazil. She is respected across the automotive industry, well awarded for
her accomplishments, and noted for her humility and customer focus.
“We believe Maria will be a great fit with our team and an asset to our company, helping support us
through this period of transformation and continued growth.” Ahmad said.

About DSMA
DSMA is an Automotive Intelligence and M&A Advisory Service that works with Dealers, OEM’s and
Financial Institutions across North America. DSMA has completed 1,300+ Automotive Valuations and
300+ Successful Transactions to date.

For additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Daniel Palmer, Chief Marketing & Technology Officer,

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