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-Namor, 6 Principe UE 4 S Ls | SI ay NAMOR, © PRINCIPE SURMARINGY ANIQUILALO er i) A ii H} / . PoDeROSO U " / MEUS- { wamor... ests) /eNonmes Poveres MORTO!! 1 f MENTAIS NAO FORAM SUFICIENTES PARA 2 \-LO ANTES, i NEM MESMO UsCUL E AGORA Que STA MORTO, SEU | _Rosto SevERO ee Fe. ) \ veces \ A LHOSA MANEIRA DE. TORCER PELO NAMOR POIS AGORA, FINAL- UMA ESPLENDOROSA EDICAO INAUGURANDO UMA SERIE DE SOBERBA POMPOSIDADE E REALEZA, LEVADO A VOCES PELA PODEROSA EQUIPE ERA MARVEL!!! OUCA-ME ATLANTE = |AMALDICOADC... SE Depal- | OUCA AS PAAVRAS 20 HOMER CHAMADO,. XO Desses Escomaros | HOMEM CHAWADO., “NAMOR, SE AINDA RESTA UMA CENTELHA DE VIDA EM VOCE, TENTE LEMBRAR-SE 20 FATIDICO DIA EM QUE PERE SUA MEMORIA... & Se TORNOU UMA VOCE AINDA CONSEGLE DAR UM ULTIMO SUSP/RO, OFEGANTE... efemces it-4 HOS NOMENTOS, TALVED CONSIGN DeSvENDAR ©. B. icdmovo Mis- ” TERIO DOs SES, PERDI- § POR DUAS VEZES ‘JA O DERROTEL.. NESTE MESMO LOCALi POREM, APENAS NESTA SEGUNDA VEZ CONSEGUI DESTRUI-LO!* “COMO ELE APARENTE- MENTE 0 TINHA FEITO ANTES, NA JA CLASSICA HOMEM DE FERRO E NAMOR #01! cree y)| Semaciccs || Racuentos y) “'oe Galo, 4 008 o1nos | “aus se | Aone 0 PRNGEE susMaaKO (ell D0 pay) (que NuNca’) 7, CONHECL.. Fe conned g es panos 9 ENAGUELE ) (instante Pupe CWE LO .- COMO SE ELE eStivesse 5 S DIANTE DE MIM’ 5 SU, DE ALGUM MOBO, 2 TERIA ELE A CHAVE® 20S ANOS PERD|- 005 DA MINHA VIDAP LA, CoLocARET EN PRATICA © Que |PLANEJE! OURANTE MEIO SECULO... CONGUISTARE! A PROPRIA TERRA, TUDO POR Causa 0 PAI DE NAMOR.. ‘QUE, NO PASSADS, AJUDOLCME & ENCONTRAR ESTA CAVERNA GLE ERA DOS Selis FALECIDOS ANCESTRAIG/ ERTAD, ENGUANTO LATA 6 vio PARA LBERTAR BE DA HAGSA CONGELADA GUE O OFFINE, OFERDO —) NAMOR SE RECORDA DE UMA HISTORIA QUE LHE FO! jotiya HISTORIA A f ENVOLVENDO YESS ‘ . 4, or UM AMERICANO... > a 0 capiTao ) JTS CARGAS. . = EXPLOSIVAS ESTAVA CAUIGANDO A UMA ANTIQUESIMA C/VILIZACA ZAS PELOS RELUZENTES PORTOES) DA ATLANTIDAL FLLIAMS SALVEM ‘SUAS wast ZIMA HORA DEPOIS, NA SALA DO TRONO DE THAKORR)| [MAIS TARDE, QUANDO A NOITE CAI SOBRE A ANTAR- \DOR DO REINO SUBMERSO, TIDA, A CORAJOSA GAROTA PENETRA NO ORACULO/ uma execoicdo AUNT vocé, wniia rina, | | ENTRETANTO nm ___ pare ai, runs \ oevend Sen exMava C7) cove cecouner OHH! TROPECE!.. Seu. MINHA ana sioen a “re os Noses eum dos Nvasones Me wosear 1. YOY) tonocos euemeer- AGARROU! ae R08, Gnis Os GLE A pessoa ex VOR Tus + yo . PARALISADA.. a 7 © agora, convo W ai UMA DEMONSTRACAO | : FINAL 005 MES \TINVENCIVEIS PALAVRAS, © HUMANO Gramaco Palle DESTINO ENCHELI WELL CEREBRO COM SONS. E IMAGENS... [0] aad i WY bases et | gs ie ll 7 IS), Lae ae | ee AGAR’, = (Siesta )/ Genes SUSPENSA... Bees i Brae Re, QUANDO ESSE aq TEMPO PASSAR eu CHAMARE! NAMOR MENTALMENTE, UMA VEZ MAIS. NAO IMPORTA POIs POSSO SENTIR QUE ASSIM OS MES PODERES ATINGIRAO on ENTAO.. U VOU FINALMENTE, DESTRUI-LO! rw i TONGAS © CANSATIVAS ORAS D=POIS, MINHA NENORIA SE FO/ TOTALMENTE © EL, CHEGLEI AO MEU DESTINO INVOLENTARIO. De NOVA YORI.” Elinsé POR QUE estou Aqui? | ‘CIDADE quem sou PIOR! & PRINCIPE. PENSE! QUE ELE TINHA SE /SOLADO| DA HUMANIZADE ‘ANOS ATRAS! Pupesse we ‘BOM, ELE NON (Val ATRAPALHAR ESTE GOLPE/ WADA VAY A Y nqueles 7 HOMENS vl NA FRENTE... POR GUE SE \ cal reece say SOBRE MIM.” “WAS, QUANDO SENTI AS WBOS OOIOSAS DE MERDS MORTA/S: ee TRAS, RALE NUT __$~o “ARGHH! = gare cara ( nace | wumanot / REMANS OU NAO, 570 Cul; ch DeLee WDIOTAST © GUE SABIAM DA VERDADEIRA FORCA DAGUELE QUE ENFRENTAVAM..P” SEGUE COM [Si2G0 peROIS SOS POLES CHESARAM,. CAVE OS LADROES | TER OUVIDO A LUTA... E, NO MEU ESTADO AMNESICO, INCONSCIENTES € 2 Se SAESPALHADOS 00 JEITO QUE AGUELE PALHA- AOS MEUS FES...” CO SE MANDOU, DEVE FAZER PARTE DESTE BAW ELES GUERIAM, TALVEZ Et! DEVESSE VESTIR NY OUTROS HOMENSS Pere rocet UNA = "EASSIM .. PERPLEXO, SEM 1 EU, QUE A VIA SID0 LIM PRINCIPE, Ca 7 " as re ‘a ig jee Me sizes ex, Bao fo cue | fi © VELHOTE...) 16607 TODOS oizeM’ | - MOSTRA PRO et TALNEZ NRQy WAS EU TM ESTE VAGiBLNDO SARNEN SGA’ LMA LISA TELEFONICA BO NEO! LEO PERCEBEN QU ole J ESPERE/ 251A COM AMNESIA. a memoria’ : dyjeZ se DEPOIS Cal FORA, ‘OLHA /STO/ 0 CARA ALMOFADINHA... OU VAl SOBRAR FRA TL TAMBEM/ (COMO TODOS GUE LeRAM 'O FANTASTICO 804, SEM DUDA 3A ACNINEARAM HA ALGUNS GUADRINHOS . — éo eer By PRINCIPE Sia | a PRINCIPE ‘SUBMARINO? CERTO, SR. aul € ONDE VOCE DESCE/ ee ELE é NESO LL ‘© NAMOR, TALVEZ A AGUA RESTAURE SUA MEMORIA! sé >) YENTAO, NO MESNO. INSTANTE QUE ATINGI A TONIFICANTE AGUA UMA VEZ MAIS." ‘SOU NAMOR PRIMEIRO. HERDEIRO DA ETERNA cic 4 Y “POREM, JA NAS PROXIMIDADES | DA ATLANTIDA, DESCOBRI GUE ELA ESTAVA DESERTA...£ MEU. SASSIM, AO RETORNAR A |SUPERFICI lueu Povo esa DESAPARECI- [p0... sem ova! lpor causa cos lseus maLonos 7es- [res aromcos! EKISO VINGANCA.. pea Desreurcdo’oA MINHA CIVILIZACAO/ MUIO BEM 00 GUE OcORREL Em (COMO EI DESPERTE! O MORTIFERO. GIGANTO COM A TROMBETA OCEANICA QUE HA MUITAS ERAS ESTAVA ENTERRADA..” LEVANTE-SE, SER MONSTRUOSO/, YENGUENTO 1530, DE VOLTA BO PORTO, JOHNNY. STORM HANIA CONNCCATO OS DEMAIS MEMBROS (20 QUARTETO FANTASTICO.. ENTAO ERA AQUI lQUE CE TAVA... DES- De que BRIGOU COM A GENTES 7, MERECE UMA BIO SUA VINDO PRA. MENTAO, CONO UM MONSTRO ENLOUQUEC: ISELI ATAGUE CONTRA A INDEFESA METROPOLE B20R SAI00 DO MAIS HORRIVEL 205 PEGAPELOS... O/ANTO INCIOU a ORDENS ‘0 MONSTRO POSsLIl V) UM JATO D‘AGUA... NAO, SE 0 SR. FANTAS- 7iCO PUDER SALVA-LO/. SENGUANTO ISSO, A GRANDE © GROTESCA GRIATURA CONHECEA COMO CO/SA CONSEGLIL UNA BOMBA ATOMICA De PeGLENO| PORTE NO DEPOSITO DE UMA BASE MILITAR NAS PROxi 7 YOU FAZER AQUELE BHO SENTIC LMA DOR OF BAR RIGA TANNED FARMLBL )Yewe au eu Simtoneere eo ‘© COMPARSA 00 [ NAMOR TA TiRANGO = MELHOR EU AGI DEPRESSA., 3E ELE ACORDAR, NUNCA SAIREL DAQUI INO? AINDA BEM QUE ELE RESPIRA ATRAVES DA BOcAr YENTAO, COM SUAS PIADAS ENCOBR! 20 0 MEDO TORTURANTE QUE LH ENCHIA © CORACAO, BEN PENETROU ONDE, CONFORME SEGLIU MAIS & | MAIS PROFLNDAMENTE CENTRO D0 | GIGANTE, VI CENAS NAO DESTINA-| DAS Ads OLHOS 905 NORTAIS..” MAVIOS! ALON Mmmed IDELES COM CENTE- ) G7. Was ot SOLD eve Tee en Wy leouvo ees ee laren, aan) loo reanant NO CanaNHO” EU ENCONTRAR O PINGQUIO AGU DeNTRO, VOU TER QUE ME BELISCAR, ATE ACORDAR! 4 THOMENTOS DEPOIS, AO CHEGAR AO CENTRO DA GIGAN- TESCA ESTRUTURA DE GIGANTO...” SEA S004 72 oa) TQUANTO A Mill) ASSISTI A DESTRUICAD DE GIGANTO | [ Aau/, seu DEUM PONTO SEGURO... OBSERVEL, COM UM MISTO | |BRUTAMONTES \\ Dé EMOCOES, QUANDO RICHARDS & 6 TOCHA CORRE- va RAM PARA AJUDAR 0 AMIGO QUE ESTAVA CalZ0...” eee 0 cxoaue seve t-10)) /;2 PASE 8 720 650 espace so) Gases Belrae ELE ME PEGOU. ‘QUANDO TeNTet TIRAR A TROM- i VA ESCONDIDO. 5. "Bera veer Pak Bela“ A> |" SENN ee sea 8 oe = MEMORIA 00 PRINCIPE sone ‘SUBMARINO! vr Se v—< SE ACONTENCER Aico com esse ) SMe PORQUE'EsTA INHOS DAS PROFLN DEZAS ESCURAS., “A MENOS QUE WES TERK Ge FAZER \ pana 746, SEU PALHACOS Sere a cae So ca eases 6 Ar you ot Fa one’ Nkreura siwos)> Wena ey awoR ( paimaereor_ FIQUE DE OLHO, REED! ELE 2 MAIS FORTE DO Gue PARECE YASSIM GUE SE RECUPERARAM DA MINHA INVESTIDA, Me PREPARE PARA O COMBATE... CONTRA 05 MAIS PODEROSOS DEFENSORES DA RAGA HUMANA...” TAD INVES DE VIR NA NINHA DIRECKO, 0 JOVEM TOCHA HUMANA SUBIL VELOCIDADE...” AOS CEUS COM INCRIVEL _NAO, BEN/ NAMOR & ASSUNTO MEU... EU CUISO ELE... COM /STOF “SE, Opec, AFASTE- ELASTICO, E eu) TEGO DE SURERESA, ENTRE! NUM ESTADO GE INCONSCIENCIA..” Tine SO DESPERTE! QUANDO. MEU INIMIGO FLAMEJANTE IMPRU- DENTEMENTE ME JOGOU LONGE, NO MAR QUE TUDO ACOLHE..” a : i (DIOTAS! DEVERIAM Poi TER ME DESTRUIDO. EU AINDA RETORNARE? ENQUANTO TINHAM A voces we ouviRaM, ERFICIE? J |GRRANO COMO ce" ESTIVESSE NUM} TERRIVEL REDE- ENTAQ, QUANDO 05 OLHOS AZUIS 00 ESPANTOSO ANFIBIO SUBITAMENTE SE ABREM UMA VEZ MAIS... "AGORA ME LEMEROY HINHAS RECOROACD Es ORAM TiO ) Ili PaRcchn ter Miles cowrecoo ea sO i ESPERE! PINGOS 0/AGUA CAINDO AO EN- \conrao X minna Feze? DURANTE MINHA] AGITACAO, O r @ a1 40k G0 Neu & 3 CORPO DERRETEU lt |\paite co seco ue ’ Me ENSOBee J POR TRAZEM FOR" NADA Mais cue 5 AY [ | miiscutds pose. Sago cnceNTE We PARA UM PRINCIPE LEGITIMO? ZIVRE... PARA PROCURAR AGUELE GUE SE CHAMA Jf Oero%s, sua avalDl- PAUL DESTINO... _ PROXIMA EDICAO: [em ALGUM LUGAR PELO CAMINHO... Wale | MARVEL BULLPEN BULLETINS * MARVEL BULLPEN BULLETINS * MARVEL BULLPEN BULLETINS HERE IT IS! PROOF POSITIVE THAT THE BIGGEST BRAINS AT MARVEL -- ITEM tow that you're starting to acovar fom the gecaational shock of nee CAP. ‘TaIN AIERICA and the Incredible HULK In their onn magnificent mage — hola tight! Mere comer the next dazzling develooment Inthe Socond Gelder Age of Marval! On fale right now You'll fing three, (count ary, FHREED more Manic tle to boot you out oF your trest vou guessed It— IRON MAN ‘ang SUB: MARINER have Just bean awatded {alifengin, monthly mags of thar Eun — ‘and sdventurecorn wil never be tho ¢3mel You know how valuasla a fist edition oF any other Marvel masterpiece would be tor fay.,nauen a6 the lust eallon of FANTAS: ‘Te FOUR, or the Amozing SPIDER-MAN, Well fuck imaging hove much IRON MAS Zlvand SUBMARINER ‘21 wlll be wort Biter you've kept them for 2: Whi Bs oer etn cee sore reeeret carte See eons ade ascent He Seo eerar ea at Sree te atrar eat Ena au jcts, before you start thinking “sake Renelt ood the wiv ents forthe Route oF ngoyenem $0 furnish, Sincerely, = Seek sietinan SHOR TT St Pla, Pa us than to you sh, tor a mort worth: Stile geste nd grand oa: May wo Mggef that al our Mere bring Marvel insge~or indeed, ANY worthwhile porod eels ioe ara staan ae You may et get mca But ee Ties ke hat which fake Tie oe 9 ie tint oer fr athere—and fet at aly what ee at abou" WORE SURPRISES next ish~plus th final {nk of Marvsidom Yor jou ho mimmerse {ning plumb tts oom, oe Bow out Irends “t6r"the’ nance "pod" think” Ady Satan's gua tm mood fore Sue yrnnin” gure Stalin Stan event 7 STAN‘S SOAPBOX! We TOLO you that Marvel would make "68 the year of tho ole charges, the big exeKement, ans the big surprises) Weil believe for nor theres stl more instore for you! We've svatner couple ‘of now tiles fo anmounce om this Boe it ch ~ and stil mere unexpected {goodies Co dangle befors. you ss tho onthe speed byl Its ail per of 3 promise, a pledge we made a (ong Kime ago, when we vowes to. contin Ually improve tne aualty of comie mag: zines = to rake you proud to bso Uarvelite.Gncizentally, clafa wna eat fora than a doven college srotereore thruout ameries ncw use Marvel ods in their Engligh Ut courses as supp ‘mental materia? We only a start aut etre" geting thare, gant) “Anyway, We're presently working "on 3. tetlly ‘Rew magazing, ane. whch, may’ eam: Bistelyehanas the wncle comedian of ‘Somie Book format, We expect it £0 Be ihe most senscionat success since Marvel sat fst burst upon the pols lie awareness with the impact ofan Hoamb Wisteh or elves inthe months fo come, anu til we mect again = tots Se geod to ach otmer Theres golta be SOME Rope fora race thot Keeps reazie Ing for the atstat Smiley THE MIGHTY MARVEL CHECKLIST Harvol-cus Nags On Sale Right Now! NOT BRAND ECHH 7: So hilarious thot Ws stil on ale! We aon’ want anyane to ‘iss the hysterical ORIGIN OF THE FAN ‘TASTICAL POUR or tna rainbiasting OR. {Gin oF SruroMant But hurry ‘renvt many left FANTASTIC FOUR #74: We only néed to mention one word — ard to acviee You {0 bet to your mageaing dealer earl That word, of course, fs ~ GALACTUSI And we jek whisper thie the SILVER SURCER fee aaa SPIDER-UAN 260; Have you over nad one Gf thoce days when Gversihing goes wrong? Wall wiven it'nappens to you or me, £0 what But when sf happens to SPIDEY — lnile he's engaged ina ite ordeath batt ‘hy the craven KINGPIRL™ Took out! AVENGERS =51: GOLIATH regains nis ‘brewing power! THOR battles IRON MAN The mactre COLLECTOR tis once mor foladd the AVENGERS fo nie trophy cate! Ir all adds up to action, loyal one and we did ie Just for you! DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING! XAMEN 3243: With PROFESSOR X dese ane the mow leaseriess XEN. st thelr love ‘et bb — MAGNETO strikes! This: drama: ‘renched powemouse ts an absolute ture fer ait mutant watchers! ‘Nuttall, DAREDEVIL #35: This ls what you've Been clamoring fort A naw, tuly unforgetable ‘renvilamn, ramed the. EXTERMINATOR {ina Ws not hard to-gvess why) Plu, the Felumn of APE MAN, SIRD MAN, and CAT ANT Al hat and BD too! How lucky can yas THOR £181 A ast the mightiat neo of stool But i loaka at though i may fnte‘to gsin 8 vital vietory over the DE STROYER ~" ond, woulgja believe ~ ULIK? CAPTAIN AMERICA #2101: Wer about this ane, we can. hardly Words Sut! Remember the almost leg dary tale of the THREE SLEEPERS? Wall, it'sbcms there was a FOURTH =a Sniy that the RED SKULL hvew aging Bove dace mine a INCREDIBLE HULK $103: The HULK re {ros to earth and discovers tie tam I= Ing trend, RICK JONES, has tures Shi the SPACE PARASITE! IRON MAN #4: inthis pulse pounding pre- mists Issua, Shaltead stone an attemBt By AIM to dup Gnmacke the Magaia's IG Mi Pius, the ORIGIN of THON MAN! CAPTAIN MARVEL 212 How, in his own imayailequent mag, CAPTAIN, MARVEL focke. horns "wih the -rentasahattering SENTRY ina Utanics twenty page apie Soul never forget At least, Wa hepa fet! STRANGE TALES. 168: JIMMY WoO Comes a full-fledged agent of SHIELD ‘while battling a menstrous new menace — nd Dot STRANGE battles YANOROTM for the fateful final time! This ones for ate Eapture Hitlers righthand man fom nine ibe fortress tn he Bavaron Apel the oiguest batteag blechSunter of CAPTAIN SAVAGE #2: Aces such = Shethanoctas tareaton that ware leaving Sn aale for sncthar msntheond no wane then since W lenaroe the ripronrin Ye of BARON STRUCKER MARVEL SUPERHEROES #214: An allow, Iever-belo‘e: printed ssper-saga star {he'ene and only = SPIOERMANL AN thie Ds mote golsen age. adventures af CAP: Tait "AMediCa, "SUB-MARINER, and the HUMAN TOREN, or spre quarter Yount Detter beinve MARVEL COLLECTORS! ITEM eLASSICE 1204s The Er lon Man, Doctor ana the Hulk ~ al tn ene action-packed holding out on the Marvel Age of Col ing cut on the Marvel ist (Geri te thought MARVEL TALES :14 SPIDEY, CIANT-MAR, THOR, and the magriteant MARVEL BOY "ilinset more than modal Marvlite ean Sead i's'n mus for you ely grocoere inthis gooty generation! Fs meet 25 more Graver ee. Natron, vas Chev hse os. Semen ie, Cerca 7, ea ee coma ennai en Sete oe ene Bhar a Beate (BR REN BM Gln, I, SEIS, ERA ao Ee Gene EE Ben, Bee eee Dear Stan, Ros, and John, T don't like the way Sub-Marioer has been going. My friends and I liked Namor better when he wasn't con- nected with surface people, except‘in the stories in which he chased Krang. All your other heroes all have some- thing to do with Burth’s surface, so T say give Namor the aspect of a sunken John Carter, create new villains like Atiuma, have someone abduct Lady Dorma, show more Citfes in| the oceans beside Atlantis, and, most of all, tura Namor's watery world into something ‘like an undersea empire, or empires for that matter, with petty wars“be~ tween lords of different districts, John Musgrave, 1050 Nightingale Ra. Jacksonville, Fla, $2216 For the nonee, we suspect that our marine marauder will have his hands full just locating the deadly foe called Destiny! Still, stick around for a while, Johnny — sooner or later, Subby’s bound to return’ to his watery kingdom. And, when he does, you ean bet your last pair of ankle-wings that hol have to guard his undersea throne from threxte a lot more menacing than seaweed! Dear Stan, Roy, and John, People wonder what makes Marvel great. Some say art, others say writers, and. still others say pothing, But the real reason is continuity. Unlike your competitors, ‘once you establish a fact in your mags, you don’t change iL in ny of your stories..For example, Atlantis is always the sae with the sume hlue-skinned people instead of either sea people with fish tails or a golden-shirted {sO man as in your rivals, Hercules is always the same (with jn reasonable Timits) and it seems to nue that you have taken extra © of standards for your mags. E Pluribus. illegetamus, fucts, ly thanslated, “In many unrelated facts, Michael Junas, 1513 Orange Grove Bd. arleston, 8. C, 29407 ely sure of your Tutin, Mike — or of y's typing — but we'll defend to your cight to say it! (Although, to tell the truth, we're sort hoping it won't be necessary!) Dear Stan, Roy. and John, ‘A letter-writer had asked if Namor and Thor were rel- tives because Odin and Neptune were gods. Nol You have previously stated that Namor’s father was not Nep- ‘tune. In AVENGERS #44 letters page, in F.F. ANNUAL #1, and also in ASTONISH #98 it was said that Namor's dad was an American, Captain Leonard McKenzie. (No, Irving, Captain does’ not mean that he was related to Captain America or Captain Marvell) But Namor is the adopted son of Poseidon, that is, Neptune, Well, all in all, ASTONISH #99 was groovy, and, the suspense of waiting for future issues is terrible — but that's how it should bel Face front, peerless pussycats! Billy Neville & Brack Dodd, Jr., 421 Yarmouth Ra. Raleigh, N. C, 27608 We'll try, guys! After all, it’s a lot easier to do the Australian erawl that way! And of course, you were right on target with your summary of Namor’s origin ‘as you've doubtless noticed this ish if you aren't the sneaky type who reads the letters pages first! Even 80; we couldn't get all of our seaweed superhero’s back: ground into one story, s0 there'll be ‘other glimpses Of his misspent youth from time to time! Meanwhile, ‘of you liltin’ linguists out there want to have a i what Princess Yen is saying in panel i give our usual Namor-approved nau- al no-prize for the best answer — but be warned! wseally Roy claims that he’s developed the Atlantean language by syllable and syntax, so we'll all have to word for it as to who wins! As far as any of the rest of the Bullpeners ean tell, Fen might just as well have been ordering a pastrami-on-rye sandwich! Dear Stan and crew, ‘Your Sub-Mariner story in ASTONISH #99 surpassed anything. Im glad you were able to get Archie Goodwin, He wrote the best Namor story to date. Don't get me wrong, Stan your stories were veritable masterpieces, ‘but you tend to have Subby fighting along too much with the surface men, This was a good idea at frst, and you handled st greatiy with FP. ANNUAL #1, but he's got a whole city peopled by an age-old rice and the mys- teries of the oecan to contend with. Seems to me you can do more with this than his animosity against us oxygen- | inhalers. Dan Adkins ig a fine Sub-Mariner artist, He has {juile a. good ‘sense of proportion and. perspective. But ‘what 1 like the best is the way he draws Namor's face. Everybody seems to draw it differently, He draws pointed cbrows Ukit look like real eyebrows, and those ears — wow! Far the first time he had peinted eats that really Gane to a point rather than being blunted! Carl Galfffoffrd, 140 Lone Oak Dr. New Milford, Conn, 06778 And we intend to keep ‘em that way, Mr. G. — even though the dapper Mr. Adkins is now concentrating his full attention on Dr. Strange and leaving the briny deep to the nimble fingers and similarly talented pen ak the see the pulse- on SUB-MARINER =2 — Inhuman in some of the most sizzling battle scenes since the amazing am- phibian was created ‘way back in 1939! "Nuff said! Dear Stan, Roy, and John, This letter has something to do with the Sub-Mariner ais well as the people of Athintis. How én the world can they speak under water? There's no air to carry the sound. Teould see if they were communicating by telepathy, but they aren’t. I also noticed that in ASTONISH +97 the Sub-Mariner was ont of the water for more than an hour —'yés, an hour! In a previous story, he had stated that he could only stay out for sixty minutes. Could his time limit have been expanded to 24 hours? Hollis Moore, 4411 So, Ellis Ave. Chicago, Tl, 60653. Nope — it’s just that one of our previous scripters (probably none other than Smiley himself) made a goof when he limited Subby’s surface tenure to an hour, Acmally, our peerless prince can out of water indefinitely his much-lauded strength be- gins to fade if he rem out too long, so that eventu- ally he would become no stronger than a normal homo sapiens. As for the other matter eovered in your Tittle missive, we're afraid that we'll have to claim that — for once — seience is on our side! Water does indeed conduct sound, though it tends to distort it somewhat. Members of Namor's sea-born race mastered the fine art of underwater conversation, !o, these many years ago — but if you think of Pointy-Ears is about to share the sreret wi us oxygen-breathers . ‘Dear Stan, Roy, and John, Should the Sub-Mariner be more heroic or more. vil lainous? ‘The answer is — both. Let's examine the Subby- against-the-world situation first in order to clarify this. Both Namor and the surface-world denizens are at fault. We go around with our nuclear bombs unintentionally making a whole lot of trouble for Atlantis, Obviously, since we are aware of Atlantis’ existence, we should be more careful, We've seen the Avenging Son try to per- suade the navy to stop what they were doing, but he- cause Subby made the mistake of acting like a typical super-vllain when he first made visits to the surface, the navy regarded him as a monster. Namor wants to declare war on hiimans. He cares nothing for them, unlike Thor whg has suid, “All life — is precious beyond under- standing!” Did I not hear Namor say in ASTONISH #86 when. Krang flooded New York City, “Though 1 have little love for the witless humans — still, at such a mo- ment, I feel naught but pity for them.” Namor must have {gone crazy 10 now care no more for the humans than if they were ants. Nainor must also think that he's superior to anyone else. Does he go to Dragon's country to stop him from taking over the earth? Nope, it's because that “mere human” dared insult him by trying to become, his ally. Now, look, if you're going to have a guy like Subby as a hero, he's got to be a guy we admire. We can’t look tip to Subby as'a vengeful warmonger who can’t see both sides of the, question, I myself prefer stories in which Sobby fights other Marvel superheroes, but Subby has to he a misunderstood do-gooder like the Hulk, ’Nuff said Peter Sanderson, Je., 27 Gov, Belcher Lane Milton, Mass. 02186 You know us, Pete — we'll do almost anything to) ‘oblige! And, if the majority of you Sub-Mariner stab wacte want us to tur ly — bs AS Tor the future (likes day after tomorrow) we who knows? ee > " Dear Stan, Roy, and John, Tam the brother of a person whose letter wus printed in one of your magazines, Let me tell you how it happens. Every month I go to the store and buy all your comics, Oh, he gets a couple for his collections, but T bay the rest, like about eight more! Well, I write 4 letter about every comic ur they det get punted. My brother sends one letter and gets it print it away. He bought three copies of the magazine his letter was in, framed one, put another in his serenbeok, and stares at another one all daylong. Please bring hope to the underprivileged whose Tetiers have not been printed, Thank you for taking a little time out to read this... Scott Harris, 8206 W. léth St, St. Louis Park, Minn, Better than that, Scottie! We're even gonna print it, just to end thie sibling rivalry before it turns into » full-scale civil war! Say, we really dug your statement about your brother buying several copies of the mi in which his letter was featured. Just think — if every: body who had a letter printed did the same, pretty toon we could give up writing all those stories alto- gether, and just concentrate on banging out answers to letters! (Just between us, though, we're that you'd prefer the 10:to-! ratio to way ex way it ls — and we like it beter that way ourselves!) SEJA BEM VINDO A... UM PROJETO OUSADO PARA TE TRAZER TODAS AS ERAS DA MAIOR EDITORA DE SUPER-HEROIS DO MUNDO... Dy EC cee cecal Biggie LeU Cie Molin Le | Le eo Tea en ec] Z http://hqvintage. aed G CL http:/ eee TCR aE yaaa TOL DEC Run]

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