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Molecular Ecology (2002) 11, 1209 –1217

New insights into the distribution of polyploid Daphnia:

Blackwell Science, Ltd

the Holarctic revisited and Argentina explored

S A R A H J . A D A M O W I C Z ,* T . R Y A N G R E G O R Y ,* M A R Í A C R I S T I N A M A R I N O N E ,† and
*Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G 2W1, †Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón II, 4to. Piso, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina

It has long been known that polyploid organisms are more prevalent in arctic than in tem-
perate environments. Past explanations for this geographical trend have focused on the role
of glacial cycles in generating polyploids and the influence of abiotic factors in favouring
polyploidy in the north. In combination, these mechanisms probably suffice to explain the
observed geographical cline in ploidy levels in members of the Daphnia pulex complex in
the Holarctic. While only diploid members of the D. pulex complex are found in the tem-
perate regions of North America and Europe, allozyme and DNA quantification analyses
indicate that the southern Argentine pulex-complex fauna is dominated by polyploids.
Indeed, the present study is the first to document the presence of polyploid members of the
D. pulex complex in any temperate climate. The results of phylogeographic analyses suggest
that this difference in polyploid distribution between the northern and southern hemispheres
is based more on ecological and historical contingencies than direct selection for polyploidy.
Specifically, competition with diploid relatives probably limits the lower latitudinal range
of polyploids in the north, but appears not to have occurred in Argentina. Because of these
differences, the present study provides important insights into the diverse factors that
determine the distributions and evolutionary fates of polyploid organisms.
Keywords: DNA content, evolution, hybridization, parthenogenesis, zooplankton

Received 27 November 2001; revision received 12 March 2002; accepted 12 March 2002

Although several hypotheses have been advanced to

account for these patterns, a comprehensive understanding
Polyploidy is a phenomenon of particular interest in of the relationship between ploidy level and environmental
evolutionary biology as it provides an opportunity for conditions has remained elusive, largely due to the fact
instantaneous genome reconfiguration and speciation. that polyploidy and parthenogenesis tend to be acquired
Not surprisingly, considerable attention has been paid to together (Glesener & Tilman 1978; Bell 1982; Suomalainen
the observation that arctic and alpine environments et al. 1987; Beaton & Hebert 1988). However, studies on
harbour a substantially higher proportion of polyploid plants have been particularly useful in demonstrating
organisms than temperate regions. Such an elevated the adaptive significance of polyploidy in the Arctic, as
incidence of polyploidy in the north has long been comparisons of closely related diploid and polyploid
documented in plants (Stebbins 1950), and is also apparent sexual species have permitted the effects of ploidy level
in animals such as insects (Suomalainen et al. 1987) and to be examined independently of variation in breeding
zooplankton (Beaton & Hebert 1988; Little et al. 1997). system (reviewed in Bierzychudek 1985). It is a freshwater
Notably, the dominant freshwater fish family in arctic zooplankton species complex that has provided the
Canada, the Salmonidae, is also polyploid (Gregory & converse study system, in which geographical variation in
Hebert 1999). ploidy level has also been examined under a constant, this
time asexual, breeding system.
The Daphnia pulex group in North America contains
Correspondence: Sarah J. Adamowicz. E-mail: obligately parthenogenetic diploids and polyploids, as

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well as sexual diploids. Surveys of clonal Daphnia popula-

tions have revealed that high Arctic environments are
dominated by polyploids, while both diploids and poly-
ploids occur at low Arctic sites, but only diploids are found
in temperate zones (Beaton & Hebert 1988). Studies on
Daphnia from other geographical regions (Ward et al. 1994)
and on other cladoceran genera (DeMelo & Hebert 1994;
Little et al. 1997) further suggest that polyploidy is pre-
valent among zooplankton inhabiting the Arctic, but is
absent in temperate regions. Thus, geographical patterns
of ploidy level in zooplankton suggest that polyploidy is
adaptive in the Arctic.
Members of the D. pulex complex have a broad Holarctic
distribution, and while they are absent from the tropical
regions of both North and South America (Paggi 1998;
Hebert and Finston 2001), they have been reported from
southern and alpine regions of the latter continent (e.g.
Villalobos 1994). Argentina, which boasts a diverse land-
scape and extends into the southernmost reaches of South
America, provides an excellent opportunity to explore
breeding system diversity and ploidy levels in the D. pulex
complex along a latitudinal gradient in the south.
This study presents the first genetic investigation of
members of the D. pulex complex in South America. Breed-
ing system, clonal diversity, ploidy levels and the origin of
Argentine populations were investigated using allozyme,
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and DNA quantification
techniques. Previous explanations for the geographical
patterns of polyploidy and asexuality in the D. pulex com-
plex are re-evaluated in light of the present results, and a
new synthesis involving the roles of abiotic, ecological and
historical factors in the generation and maintenance of
polyploids is proposed.
Fig. 1 Map of collection sites for South American populations of
the Daphnia pulex complex.
Materials and methods
margin of the carapace (Schwartz et al. 1985). Populations
Specimen collection and identification
belonging to the D. pulex complex were encountered in
During sampling campaigns in November–December 1999 16 ponds in extra-Andean regions of the southernmost
and January–February 2001, zooplankton collections were provinces of Argentina (Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego),
made from more than 250 water bodies throughout numbered ARG 1–16 (Fig. 1; Appendix I).
Argentina, 160 of which contained Daphnia. Habitats
sampled included ponds, roadside ditches, playa lakes,
Allozyme analysis
alpine lakes, rivers, reservoirs and salt lakes. Initial species
assignments were made in the field based on morphology. Allozyme surveys were conducted on all Argentine
Animals were sorted alive and either flash-frozen in liquid populations by cellulose acetate electrophoresis using a
nitrogen for allozyme surveys or preserved in 95% ethanol Tris–glycine buffer (pH = 8.5) (Hebert & Beaton 1993).
for DNA analysis. Taxonomic assignments were later Populations were screened for variation at seven com-
revised based on the results of mtDNA analysis and more monly polymorphic loci: aspartate amino transferase
detailed morphological investigations. (AAT; EC, fumarate hydratase (FUM; EC,
Species of the subgenus Daphnia were identified by their glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI; EC,
prominent medial pecten, and members of the D. pulex glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH; EC
complex were separated from those of the D. obtusa, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC,
complex by their lack of elongate setae along the internal mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (MPI; EC, and

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 11, 1209 –1217

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phosphoglucomutase (PGM; EC All gels were Sequence electropherograms were inspected and aligned
electrophoresed for 15 min, as pilot trials revealed that this using the seqapp 1.9 sequence editor (Gilbert 1992), result-
run time maximized allele separation while maintaining ing in a final alignment of 630 bp for COI and 499 bp for
crisp bands. From most populations, 18–44 individuals ND5. All unique sequences are available from GenBank
were analysed, but only two individuals were available (accession numbers: AF489523–AF489527). Pairwise
from ARG 13. During each staining run, two individuals genetic distances were calculated using Kimura’s (1980)
from a clonal stock of North American Daphnia pulicaria two-parameter model (K2P) in mega 2.1 (Kumar et al.
(from Lake Washington, USA) were used to standardize 2001) and used to construct phenograms by the neighbour-
scoring. A population of D. pulex (from a pond in Guelph, joining (NJ) algorithm (Saitou & Nei 1987). In all cases,
Ontario, Canada) was also used in several runs for com- trees were constructed using pairwise deletion of miss-
parison. Particular attention was paid to the comparison of ing sites, and bootstrap values were based on 1000
alleles at LDH, as this locus is useful for diagnosing species pseudoreplicates.
in the D. pulex complex (Hebert et al. 1989). COI sequences for North American members of the
Allozyme surveys were used to estimate levels of genetic D. pulex complex were also included in the analysis.
diversity in Argentine populations and also to determine Unpublished D. pulicaria and D. tenebrosa sequences were
their breeding systems, as this approach has been shown to contributed by J. Colbourne, while the D. pulex sequence
provide reliable diagnoses in studies that coupled alloz- was from Crease (1999). Much of the past work on the
yme analysis with subsequent breeding experiments (e.g. Holarctic members of the D. pulex complex also employed
Hebert & Crease 1983). In addition, allozyme phenotypes the ND5 gene. Consequently, the two ND5 sequences
were used to gain an initial indication of ploidy levels. obtained in the present study were incorporated into the
Evidence of polyploidy includes the detection of three or data set of Colbourne et al. (1998) to examine the relation-
more alleles at a locus or asymmetrical banding patterns, ship between North and South American members of the
which indicate uneven (and hence multiple) allelic copy D. pulex complex.
numbers (e.g. Ward et al. 1994; Dufresne & Hebert 1995).

DNA quantification
Mitochondrial DNA analysis
Whole bodies of ethanol-preserved Daphnia from Argentina,
Total DNA was extracted from several individuals from along with a diploid laboratory culture of D. pulicaria, were
each population in 50 µL of proteinase K extraction buffer, stained in a standard Feulgen protocol (Beaton & Hebert
according to the protocol of Schwenk et al. (1998). A 710- 1988). Briefly, the animals were placed in glass tubes with
base-pair (bp) fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase perforated caps which allowed their simultaneous
subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene was amplified via the submersion in the various solutions. Daphnia from the live
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Saiki et al. 1988) from a culture were first placed in 95% ethanol and allowed to
single individual from seven populations (ARG 1–4, 8, 9 dehydrate, and then all specimens were postfixed in an
and 15) using universal primers LCOI490 and HCO2918 MFA solution (85 methanol : 10 formalin : 5 glacial acetic
(Folmer et al. 1994). A 550-bp fragment of the NADH acid, v : v : v) for 30 min. A 30-min hydrolysis in 5 m HCl
dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene (ND5) was amplified for was preceded by a 10-min rinse in running tapwater and
one individual from ARG 9 and ARG 11 using primers followed by a dip in 0.1 m HCl to prevent the carry-over of
designed for Daphnia (Colbourne et al. 1998). Each 50-µL strong acid. Hydrolysed specimens were then stained in
reaction consisted of 3–5 µL of DNA template, 5 µL of 10× freshly prepared Schiff reagent for 60 min before being
PCR buffer (10 mm Tris–HCl, pH 8.3; 50 mm KCl), 0.2 µm passed through three rinses in fresh bisulphite solution.
of each primer, 1.5 mm MgCl2, 0.2 mm of each dNTP, and A second 10-min tapwater rinse was followed by three
1 unit of Taq DNA polymerase. The PCR thermal regime changes in distilled water, and the animals were then
for both genes was as follows: one cycle of 1 min at 94 °C; transferred to 20% ethanol for storage.
five cycles of 1 min at 94 °C, 1.5 min at 45 °C, and 1.5 min Daphnia species display pronounced endopolyploidy in
at 72 °C; 30 cycles of 1 min at 94 °C, 1.5 min at 50 °C, most tissues, but the exopodites of the thoracic limbs show
and 1.5 min at 72 °C; and finishing with a final extension no evidence of this phenomenon, and were therefore
at 72 °C for 5 min. PCR products were gel-purified selected for analysis (Beaton & Hebert 1988, 1989). Within
using the Qiaex II (Qiagen) kit and sequenced in one 48 h of staining, exopodites were removed by dissection in
direction (with primer LCOI490 for COI or ND5-A) using distilled water and allowed to air-dry onto microscope
the Big Dye Terminator (version 3) sequencing kit (ABI slides. Relative nuclear DNA contents were determined
Prism). Sequencing-reaction products were electro- using the bioquant true color windows 98 v3.50.6
phoresed on an ABI 377 automated sequencer (Applied image analysis software package (R & M Biometrics Inc.)
Biosystems). along with an Optronics DEI-750 CE three-chip CCD

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colour camera connected via a BQ6000 frame-grabber GPI heterozygotes was unbalanced, suggesting that both
board to a Pentium II® 300 MHz PC (Hardie et al. 2002). clones were polyploid. Further evidence for the polyploid
Specimens were visualized under a 100× oil-immersion state of clone B was observed at the final locus, MPI, which
objective (ND = 1.515) on a Leica DM/LS microscope. The is a monomer. Although clone A was a heterozygote with
exopodites were mounted in immersion oil with a refrac- two roughly equally staining alleles, clone B displayed a
tive index of 1.520 to reduce glare caused by exoskeletal phenotype suggesting that it possessed four different
chitin (Beaton & Hebert 1988). A 546-nm interference filter alleles. Given the observed fixed heterozygosity, all 16
was used to increase the contrast between the stained populations were assumed to reproduce by obligate
nuclei and the background. parthenogenesis.
Integrated optical densities (IODs) were measured from
six individuals from ARG 11, for a total of 65 nuclei. In
COI and ND5 sequence diversity
addition to this, 70 nuclei were measured from individuals
of the diploid laboratory culture. Similar, though less There was very limited sequence divergence among the
intensive, measurements were performed on individuals seven COI sequences examined from the Argentine
from three other populations (ARG 2, 4 and 6). IOD meas- populations (all containing allozyme clone A). Only three
urements were consistent across individuals of the same nucleotide positions were variable among the sequences,
population, generally showing coefficients of variation of and the maximum K2P pairwise distance was 0.32%.
less than 10% when the IOD data were pooled. The DNA Analysis of ND5 sequences from a single individual of
contents of the purported polyploid clones were evaluated each clone indicated that they were also closely allied, as
by comparing the ratios of the mean IOD of each Argentine their sequence divergence was only 0.20%.
population to that of the diploid D. pulicaria culture.

Phylogenetic relationships
Mitochondrial DNA analyses indicated that Argentine
populations assigned to the Daphnia pulex complex were
Clonal diversity
closely related to North American members of this
Allozyme surveys revealed only two multilocus genotypes complex, specifically Daphnia pulicaria (Figs 2, 3). Daphnia
in the 16 Argentine populations, which are subsequently pulicaria consists of at least three distinct clades in the
referred to as clones A and B (Table 1). Only a single clone Holarctic (Dufresne & Hebert 1997; Colbourne et al. 1998).
was detected in each habitat. Clone B was found at two ND5 sequence variation indicates that the Argentine
sites (ARG 11 and 13), while clone A occupied the populations of D. pulicaria form a group distinct from all
remaining 14 Argentine habitats. Both of these clones were of the known Holarctic clusters (Fig. 3). Its average
heterozygous for the same alleles at GPI, FUM and LDH, ND5 sequence divergence from all members of the three
and were homozygous for the same allele at PGM, AAT D. pulicaria clades was 2.94%.
and G3PDH. While FUM and LDH heterozygotes Allozymic profiles were consistent with the mtDNA
exhibited normal phenotypes, the staining pattern of all results. In tetrameric enzymes such as LDH, the precise
relative mobilities of individual alleles are difficult to
measure when in heterozygous condition, due to the
Table 1 Genotypes at seven allozyme loci of the two clones of complex banding pattern. However, the faster allele at
Daphnia pulicaria detected in Argentine habitats

Locus Genotype of Argentine populations

AAT 1.00/1.00
G3PDH 1.00/1.00
FUM 1.00/1.14
GPI* 0.88/1.00
LDH 0.83/1.00
MPI-Clone A 0.86/1.00 Fig. 2 Neighbour-joining tree based on COI sequences for
MPI-Clone B 0.86/0.92/1.00/1.09 members of the Daphnia pulex complex. All Argentine sequences
PGM 1.00/1.00 are from one allozymic genotype (clone A). Daphnia pulex, D.
pulicaria and D. tenebrosa sequences are from North America
Clones A and B differed only at MPI. The relative mobilities of (sequences provided by J. K. Colbourne). The D. pulicaria sequence
Argentine alleles are as compared with a laboratory clone of North belongs to the eastern D. pulicaria clade (see text and Fig. 3). Scale
American D. pulicaria. bar indicates Kimura two-parameter genetic distance. Bootstrap
*Unbalanced staining (GPI1·00 heavier). values are based on 1000 pseudoreplicates.

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(sites ARG 2, 4 and 6) had somewhat dispersed DNA in

their exopodite nuclei which complicated measurements,
but they showed a similarly elevated DNA content relative
to the diploid D. pulicaria (ratio ∼1:7).


The first case of temperate polyploid Daphnia

The present study confirms that the Daphnia pulex complex
is represented in South America. Moreover, all Argentine
populations were asexual tetraploids, as shown by their
allozymic phenotypes and nuclear DNA contents. Given
their high heterozygosities, these clones are likely to be of
hybrid origin. Hybrid polyploid clones of the D. pulex
complex also dominate the most northerly portions of the
range of this group (Weider et al. 1987; Beaton & Hebert
1988; Dufresne & Hebert 1994), suggesting that similar
processes may have produced this apparent geographical
symmetry. However, there are important distinctions
between the environments occupied by polyploids in the
northern and southern hemispheres.
In North America and Europe, polyploids are found at a
minimum of 58° N and only achieve dominance at about
70° N (Beaton & Hebert 1988; Ward et al. 1994). By contrast,
Argentine polyploids were found within the much lower
latitudinal range of 46–54° S, where they experience longer
and warmer growing seasons than their Holarctic counter-
parts. The southern polyploids occupy habitats in a region
Fig. 3 Neighbour-joining tree of ND5 sequence variation in the
with a ‘temperate or cool-temperate’ climate (Paruelo et al.
Daphnia pulex complex. The Holarctic dataset with clade 1998), having mean January (i.e. summer) temperatures
designations is from Colbourne et al. (1998). South American between 9 °C and 16 °C (National Meteorological Ser-
sequences from the present study are indicated in bold. ARG 9 is vice of Argentina). On the other hand, arctic polyploids
from a population with allozyme genotype A, while ARG 11 only achieve dominance north of the 10 °C July isotherm
displays genotype B. Scale bar indicates Kimura two-parameter (Beaton & Hebert 1988; Ward et al. 1994). In fact, and
genetic distance. Bootstrap values (based on 1000 pseudo-
despite exhaustive sampling efforts, polyploids have never
replicates) are presented for major clusters.
been detected in any temperate region of North America or
Europe (e.g. 3erny & Hebert 1993; Hebert et al. 1993; Ward
et al. 1994; Hebert and Finston 2001). Thus, the detection
LDH in the Argentine populations appeared to have the of polyploids in the relatively warm environments in
same mobility as the ‘F’ allele considered diagnostic for Argentina challenges the existing theories regarding the
D. pulicaria in North America, while the slower LDH allele relationship between polyploidy and environment and
in Argentine populations appeared to have the same may provide insight into the processes responsible for
mobility as the ‘S’ allele that is diagnostic for D. pulex the generation and maintenance of polyploids.
(Hebert et al. 1989).

Polyploids in the north: production and persistence

Relative DNA content
Some authors have suggested that the elevated incidence
The mean IOD of exopodite nuclei from individuals of of polyploidy in the far north is attributable to the indirect
clone B (site ARG 11) was 163.7 (standard error ± 1.4), while action of the Pleistocene glaciations in generating
the laboratory culture of D. pulicaria showed a mean IOD of polyploid lineages (Stebbins 1984; Dufresne & Hebert
83.8 (±2.0). Thus, the ratio of DNA contents in exopodite 1997). Specifically, it is argued that during glacial
nuclei from the Argentine clones and diploid D. pulicaria advances, species’ ranges are reduced to isolated refugia
was approximately 1.9. Individuals from allozyme clone A where gene pool divergence occurs. Hybridization of

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divergent genomes during secondary contact following Argentina. In the north, competition with diploid relatives
glacial retreat is thought to promote (allo)polyploidization. may restrict the southerly distribution of polyploids, while
However, while this glacial cycling mechanism may in Argentina polyploid populations are free to exploit
promote the production of polyploids via hybridization, it habitats in warmer regions. The observation that Argen-
does not explain their persistence in arctic environments. tine D. pulex-group populations frequently co-occur with
In Daphnia in particular, it is clear that hybridization alone distantly related sexually reproducing species (e.g. members
is not sufficient to account for the presence of polyploid of the D. obtusa complex and subgenus Ctenodaphnia)
lineages, as interspecific hybridization is common between further suggests that polyploids can hold their own in
many Daphnia species inhabiting temperate climates temperate regions so long as they are not in competition
where polyploids are never found (Taylor & Hebert 1993; with close diploid relatives.
Colbourne & Hebert 1996; Hebert and Finston 2001).
Consequently, other authors have emphasized the role
Polyploids in the south: fortunate founders?
of selection to explain the differential maintenance of
polyploids in arctic vs. temperate environments (Beaton & The proposed ‘competitive-release’ explanation for the
Hebert 1988; Ward et al. 1994). presence of polyploid Daphnia in temperate Argentina is
Some authors have proposed that the success of largely dependent on negative evidence: the lack of diploid
polyploids in the north is due to the adaptive value of and/or sexual members of the D. pulex complex. Although
parthenogenesis (e.g. Bell 1982), primarily since asexuals the broader survey was extensive, including genetic
are considered superior colonizers (Stebbins 1950) and characterization of 160 Daphnia populations throughout
are also expected to perform well under conditions of low the country, the possibility that such diploid pulex-group
biotic complexity (Glesener & Tilman 1978). However, in populations simply eluded detection cannot be dismissed.
the case of the D. pulex complex, the fact that diploid asex- However, this (apparent) absence of diploids in Argentina
ual populations are found as far south as Mexico (Hebert is consistent with other phylogeographic evidence
and Finston 2001) suggests that it is polyploidy itself that is suggesting that the Argentine polyploids were not
especially relevant in the Arctic. The proposed adaptive generated in situ, but in the Holarctic. Northern polyploid
significance of polyploidy in cold conditions relates prim- members of the D. pulex complex typically consist of
arily to the effects of increased DNA content on cell size hundreds of distinct clones (Weider et al. 1999) and
(Gregory 2001). In plants, larger DNA contents in northern numerous mitochondrial lineages (Dufresne & Hebert
species may reflect the necessary shift in emphasis from 1997; Colbourne et al. 1998), while in Argentina levels of
cell division to cell enlargement as the former is impeded clonal and mtDNA diversity were severely diminished.
in the cold (Grime & Mowforth 1982; Mowforth & Grime This unbalanced distribution of variation between the
1989). Similarly, a comparison of laboratory-reared clones Holarctic and Argentina strongly supports the conclusion
revealed that polyploid members of the D. pulex complex that the northern hemisphere is the birthplace of the D.
mature faster than their diploid counterparts under cold pulex complex. One plausible scenario for their arrival in
conditions (Dufresne & Hebert 1998). Because of their Argentina involves a sweepstake dispersal event of one or
increased DNA content, polyploid Daphnia also produce a few hybrid, polyploid propagules from North America.
larger (but fewer) eggs and offspring than diploids In this case, the observed mitochondrial genotypes would
(Dufresne & Hebert 1998) — a fact directly relevant to their indicate that D. pulicaria must be the maternal parent, and
fitness at low temperatures where decreased predation while the identity of the paternal parent is not entirely
and competition favour the ‘few large offspring strategy’ clear, D. pulex is a likely candidate, as indicated by
(Yampolsky & Scheiner 1996). allozyme evidence. Indeed, interspecific hybridization
events involving maternal D. pulicaria and paternal D.
pulex always produce polyploids, while the reverse cross
Limits to polyploid distribution: competitive exclusion?
results in diploid asexuals (Dufresne & Hebert 1994).
A combination of the production/selection mechanisms This demonstrated capacity for intercontinental ex-
outlined above is probably responsible for the change, however, raises the question of why neither sexual
predominance of polyploids in the Arctic, but these do not nor asexual diploid populations of D. pulex or D. pulicaria
directly address the reasons for their exclusion from from North America have managed to invade southern
temperate regions. Clearly, the occurrence — and even Argentina. Based on their life history traits (Dufresne &
dominance — of polyploid Daphnia in temperate South Hebert 1998) and biogeographic patterns in North America
American habitats indicates that polyploidy is not (Beaton & Hebert 1988), it appears that the selective advant-
‘forbidden’ in warmer climates. Instead, the relevant age of diploids is more than sufficient to expect such a take-
difference appears to be the presence of closely related over upon their arrival in Argentina. It may be simply by
diploid populations in North America, and their absence in chance that it was polyploid rather than diploid individuals

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that first (and perhaps exclusively) colonized southern approach. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Argentina. An examination of bird migration routes B, 351, 349–360.
indicates that this is plausible, as it is primarily Arctic birds Colbourne JK, Crease TJ, Weider LJ, Hebert PDN, Dufresne F,
Hobaek A (1998) Phylogenetics and evolution of a circumarctic
that make transoceanic migrations to the southernmost
species complex (Cladocera: Daphnia pulex). Biological Journal of
reaches of South America (Alerstam 1982; Mead 1993). the Linnean Society, 65, 347–365.
Such migrants would be expected to transport ephippia Crease TJ (1999) The complete sequence of the mitochondrial
from the dominant type of Daphnia in the arctic — namely genome of Daphnia pulex (Cladocera: Crustacea). Gene, 233, 89 –
polyploids. Thus, whereas mechanisms of polyploid 99.
generation, in combination with various selective pressures, DeMelo R, Hebert PDN (1994) Allozymic variation and species
may explain the prominence of polyploids in the Arctic (as diversity in North American Bosminidae. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 51, 873–880.
well as their absence in temperate North America), these
Dufresne F, Hebert PDN (1994) Hybridization and origins of
are not applicable in South America. Instead, polyploids polyploidy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 258, 141–
may dominate the temperate regions of Argentina solely 146.
because of a fortuitous priority of arrival. Dufresne F, Hebert PDN (1995) Polyploidy and clonal diversity in
The study of arctic organisms has revealed much regard- an arctic cladoceran. Heredity, 75, 45–53.
ing the importance of environmental factors in producing Dufresne F, Hebert PDN (1997) Pleistocene glaciations and
and maintaining polyploids. The present comparison polyphyletic origins of polyploidy in an arctic cladoceran. Pro-
ceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 264, 201–206.
involving North and South American populations of
Dufresne F, Hebert PDN (1998) Temperature-related differences
Daphnia has instead highlighted the influence of contin- in life-history characteristics between diploid and polyploid
gencies of both history and ecology in determining the clones of the Daphnia pulex complex. Écoscience, 5, 433 – 437.
distribution and evolution of polyploids. Of course, Folmer O, Black M, Hoeh W, Lutz R, Vrijenhoek R (1994) DNA
detailed studies of other closely related taxa with diploid primers for amplification of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxi-
and polyploid members will be required to assess the dase subunit I from diverse metazoan invertebrates. Molecular
generality of the trend reported here. However, it is clear Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 3, 294 –299.
Gilbert D (1992) SeqApp, Version 1.9a. A multiple sequence editor for
from the present study that the evolutionary fate of
Macintosh computers, distributed over the Internet by the Author
polyploids is determined by a complex and intriguing at
interaction between the biotic and abiotic environments. Glesener RR, Tilman D (1978) Sexuality and the components of
environmental uncertainty: clues from geographic partheno-
genesis in terrestrial animals. American Naturalist, 112, 659 – 673.
Acknowledgements Gregory TR (2001) Coincidence, coevolution, or causation? DNA
Silvina Menu Marque and Agustín Bachmann provided extensive content, cell size, and the C-value enigma. Biological Reviews, 76,
assistance during the field collections in Argentina. We also thank 65–101.
John Colbourne for providing sequence data, Ian Smith for aiding Gregory TR, Hebert PDN (1999) The modulation of DNA content:
with figures, Angela Holliss for DNA sequencing, and Teri Crease proximate causes and ultimate consequences. Genome Research,
and two anonymous reviewers for providing helpful comments 9, 317–324.
on an earlier draft. This research was supported by NSERC post- Grime JP, Mowforth MA (1982) Variation in genome size — an
graduate scholarships to S.J.A. and T.R.G., a University of Guelph ecological interpretation. Nature, 299, 151–153.
Alumni Doctoral scholarship to T.R.G., and by grants from Hardie DC, Gregory TR, Hebert PDN (2002) From pixels to
NSERC and the Canada Research Chairs Program to P.D.N.H. picograms: a beginners’ guide to genome quantification by
Feulgen image analysis densitometry. Journal of Histochemistry
and Cytochemistry, 50, 735–749.
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polypoidy in Daphnia pulex. American Naturalist, 132, 837–845. Heredity, 51, 353–369.
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polyploidy in cladoceran crustaceans. Genome, 32, 1048–1053. breeding system diversity in the Daphnia pulex group from the
Bell G (1982) The Masterpiece of Nature: the Evolution and Genetics of United States and Mexico. Heredity, 86, 1–9.
Sexuality. Croom-Helm, London. Hebert PDN, Beaton MJ, Schwartz SS, Stanton DJ (1989)
Bierzychudek P (1985) Patterns in plant parthenogenesis. Experi- Polyphyletic origins of asexuality in Daphnia pulex. I. Breeding
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tem variation in Daphnia pulicaria from North American lakes. Hebert PDN, Schwartz SS, Ward RD, Finston TL (1993) Macro-
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Colbourne JK, Hebert PDN (1996) The systematics of North Amer- pulex group. I. Breeding systems of Canadian populations.
ican Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera): a molecular phylogenetic Heredity, 70, 148–161.

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Kimura M (1980) A simple method for estimating evolutionary Stebbins GL (1984) Polyploidy and distribution of arctic-alpine
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University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Distributed over the Internet Taylor DJ, Hebert PDN (1993) Habitat dependent hybrid parent-
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Mowforth MA, Grime JP (1989) Intra-population variation in Ward RD, Bickerton MA, Finston T, Hebert PDN (1994) Geo-
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Functional Ecology, 3, 289 –295. European populations of Daphnia pulex. Heredity, 73, 532–543.
Paggi JC (1998) ‘Cladocera’ (Anomopoda y Ctenopoda). In: Bio- Weider LJ, Beaton MJ, Hebert PDN (1987) Clonal diversity in high-
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and Evolution, 4, 406 – 425. Sarah Adamowicz’s research has examined the daphniid fauna of
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separation of Daphnia pulex and Daphnia obtusa in North America. speciation in the genus. She recently completed her MSc thesis in
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© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 11, 1209 –1217

P O L Y P L O I D D A P H N I A I N A R G E N T I N A 1217

Appendix I
Collection sites and codes for populations belonging to the Daphnia pulex complex from Argentina. (SC = Province of Santa Cruz; TF = Tierra
del Fuego). The clonal identity of each population is designated by letter (see Table 1 for clones), with sample size from each population
indicated. Populations for which mtDNA sequence data were obtained are designated by the name of the gene, followed by the GenBank
accession code for each unique sequence

Population Gene sequence

code Sampling locality Habitat Latitude Longitude Clone (n) (GenBank code)

1 Las Heras, SC quarry pond 46°33’00″ 68°46′12″ A (22) COI (AF489523)

2 Las Heras, SC quarry pond 46°33′00″ 68°46′12″ A (22) COI (same as 3)
3 Las Heras, SC quarry pond 46°33′00″ 68°46′12″ A (22) COI (AF489525)
4* Puerto San Julian, SC pond 48°53′33″ 67°40′29″ A (22) COI (same as 3)
5** Provincial Route #5, SC pond 51°21′59″ 70°15′30″ A (18) —
6 Chorrillo de los Frailes, SC dried river pond 51°54′22″ 69°07′43″ A (22) —
7 Cabo Vírgenes, SC pond 51°54′22″ 69°07′43″ A (22) —
8 Río Grande, TF quarry 53°43′47″ 67°47′08″ A (22) COI (same as 3)
9** Río Grande, TF large pond 53°47′15″ 67°47′46″ A (32) COI (AF489524)
ND5 (AF489526)
10*** Río Grande, TF ditch 53°47′32″ 67°48′57″ A (22) –
11 near Laguna Bombilla, TF pond 54°36′29″ 67°49′31″ B (44) ND5 (AF489527)
12 near Laguna Bombilla, TF pond 54°36′20″ 67°51′46″ A (22) —
13** near Lago Fagnano, TF pond 54°35′38″ 67°35′13″ B (2) —
14 Estancia Harberton, TF floodplain pool 54°52′37″ 67°18′22″ A (22) —
15 Estancia Harberton, TF large pond 54°52′23″ 67°20′06″ A (22) COI (same as 3)
16** Estancia Harberton, TF pond 54°51′31″ 67°27′48″ A (22) —

*Population found co-occurring with D. menucoensis.

**Populations co-occurring with species belonging to the D. obtusa complex.
***Population co-occurring with D. dadayana.

© 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 11, 1209–1217

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