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Table Of Contents
Project Lead
Introduction 2 Improved Threatened Zone 33
M Jason Parent Chapter 1 - Core Classes In the Groove 33
The Archer Class 3 Instinctive Shot 33
The Archer-Ranger Class 6 Killing Shot 33
M Chapter 2 - Character Background & Class Paths Last Ditch 33
Character Backgrounds Master Mounted Archer 33
Hunter 11 Overpenetrate 34
Written by Soldier, Young 11 Perfect Shot 34
Tribal Warrior 12 Pinpoint Accuracy 34
M Jason Parent & Neal Levin Tribal Hunter 12 Ranged Trip 34
Crossbowman 12 Reactive Shot 34
Horse-Nomad 12 Shuriken Mastery 34
M Outlaw 12 Snap Attack 34
Multi-Class Paths Supreme Mounted Archery 35
Illustrations by Urban Hunter & Urban Bounty Hunter 13 Team Fighting 35
Warren Guard 14 Threaten Zone 35
Patrik Almquist, Tony Distant Killer 16 Triple Nock 35
Chapter 3 - Prestige Classes Uncommon Balance 35
Monorchio, John Rudd & Bloodhunter 17 Chapter 5 - Equipment
Bone Archer 19 Weapons & Equipment 37
Christian Spalthoff Divine Huntsman
Elven Treehunter
Larger & Smaller bows & crossbows
Mightier Bows
Master of Intuitive Archery 24 Chapter 6 - Magic Items
M Military Archer
Siege Artillerist
Specific Magic Armor & Shields
New Weapon Properties
Sniper 27 Specific Magic Weapons 40
Cover by Legendary Sharpshooter 29 Named Magical Bows 41
Chapter 4 - Feats & Skills Named Magical Arrows 47
Jason Chambers Trickshooting 31 Staffs 49
Summary of Feats 31 Wondrous Items 49
Bow Mastery 32 Chapter 7 - Spells
M Crossbow Mastery 32 Glimpse 50
Dead Shot 32 Knife-Bearer 50
Distant Sneak Attack 32 Perfect Camouflage 50
Additional Material by
Double Nock 32 Shadow Arrows 50
Gene Marcil, Hong Ooi Exotic Arrow Proficiency 33 True Camouflage 50
Friendly Fire 33 Appendix 1 - Specific Shooting 51
& Brandon McLendon High Ready
Improved Crossbow Handling

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An archery primer
Archery, the shooting of arrows with a bow, is one of a three-man team of driver, lancer and archer. During the English literature honours the longbow for famous vic-
the oldest uses of mechanical engineering in warfare. The Zhou dynasty afterwards, there were regular archery tour- tories in the battles of Crecy, Agincourt and Poitiers.
bow is probably the first mechanical device invented that naments for the court nobles, accompanied by music and
gradually accumulates energy, stores it temporarily, and interspersed with elegant salutations. Although the crossbow was known in Roman times,
releases it suddenly with both control and aim, hurling a was not used widely in Europe until the Middle Ages. In
projectile rapidly and with potentially deadly force Chinese archery was introduced to Japan in the 6th China it developed at the same time and revolutionized
towards a target. century and had a powerful influence on Japanese eti- warfare. Essentially a crossbow is a bow set on a stock. It
quette and techniques. One later martial art was known fires missiles (known as bolts, effectively shorter arrows)
While archery in real-world history probably dates to as kyujutsu (the art of the bow), now known as kyudo (way propelled by mechanical energy and released by a trig-
the Stone Age, the earliest known and recorded use of the of the bow). In the modern day, Kyudo continues to be ger. A crossbow could be more powerful than the ordi-
bow and arrow was by the ancient Egyptians, who were taught in the traditionally prescribed manner. After certain nary bow and could fire arrows, darts, or stones. A cross-
using it at least 5,000 years ago in both hunting and war- ritual movements, the archer advances with deliberate bow is, however, slower to fire than a longbow and
fare. steps to the shooting line and shoots at a target 36 cm in almost as difficult to wield; even the arbalest, a later
diameter set in a bank of sand that is roofed over, from a crossbow, was clumsy and slow. By the end of the 13th
By 1200 BC , the Hittites were using the bow from distance of 28 meters. The bow is 2.21 meter-long and century use of the crossbow had declined. At the battle of
quick little chariots that granted them a measure of supe- made of laminated strips of bamboo and wood. Crécy (1346) English longbowmen, firing from fixed posi-
riority over Middle Eastern battlefields. The Hittites' neigh- tions, proved far more efficient than Genoese crossbow-
bours, the Assyrians, were also strong archers, building Greco-Roman archery was used for personal exploits men fighting for the French - although this is mostly
their bows from tendon, horn and wood. They also gave or hunting more than in warfare. Archers are a frequent accounted by the quality of the English longbowmen and
the bow a new, recurved shape that was far more power- motif on pottery of that era. The Romans are said to have the ineffectiveness of the commanders of the Genoese
ful and as it was shorter. The recurved bow is also more been poor archers at best until the fifth century as they crossbowmen.
easily handled by mounted archer. fired their bows by drawing the string to the chest, instead
of the longer draw to the face which gives the arrow far
Chinese archery dates back to the Shang dynasty of more accuracy. The Parthians, for instance, were horse-
the 11th Century. The Shang war chariot was manned by men who developed the skill of swiveling around in the
saddle and were said to be able to shoot backwards at
full gallop.

Meanwhile, with bows like those of the Assyrians and

Parthians, Attila the Hun and the famed Mongols con-
quered much of Europe and Asia, and using the same
bow types, Turkish archers threw back the Crusaders at
many battles.

The popularity of archery is reflected in the many bal-

the Mongolian draw with thumb ring lads and folklore, such as for instance Robin Hood, to the Mediterranean (European) draw
name the most famous one. In Greek mythology, refer-
ence is often made to archers.

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Precision and patience are keys to
Adventurers: Many archers are recruited into adventur-

The Archer Class being an archer (Arc). These warriors

rely upon their skill with a missile
weapon, trying to take enemies down
ing instead of looking for it. Few groups underestimate
the power of a well-used bow more than once. Once they
become adventurers, archers rarely tire of the opportuni-
before they can be engaged in close ty to take down powerful and terrifying creatures with lit-
combat. Skill and precision is their tle risk to their own hide, relying on other adventurers to
pride, but they are also skilled enough take the brunt of most attacks.
warriors to fight with other weapons if
needed. However most standing Characteristics: Nowhere near as well-rounded as the
armies understand the true place of an fighter, or even as a warrior, archers usually become the
archer is behind a defensive line of pinnacles of their craft, never attempting to master a sec-
infantry, and even adventurers under- ond weapon beyond the one they chose when they began
stand that the ranged strength and their career.
abilities of an archer should be pro-
tected. The damage a skilled archer Alignment: While archers can be of any alignment,
can deal to an advancing enemy is ter- generally they tend towards law over chaos, as they must
rifying indeed, and many battles are avoid headstrong temptations that could lead into melee
won by bow and crossbow long before combat. But they are free to be of any alignment, with
the armies themselves meet on the some archers fighting to protect society and their people,
field. and others caring not for such niceties, aiming only to fill
their own purse with as little risk to self as possible.
An archer is never without his mis-
sile weapon. Just as fighters spar and Background: Archers come to their profession in many
train, archers practice regularly, shoot- ways. Most have been trained in military unit of longbow-
ing from a variety of stances at any men or crossbowmen (although some gnomish and
number of targets, near and far. halfling archers have their training with slings instead), or
at least in the local militia. Some have instead come from
Not all archers are trained military backgrounds as hunters or sportsmen, either way using
and militia-men, however. Many cul- their skills to take down game for food or pleasure. Some
tures respect the archer as a hunts- few are completely self-taught, having found a knack for
man, able to provide food for the tribe a missile weapon at a younger age, and have attempted
and also double as defensive forces for to perfect their skills with it at the expense of their other
a village. Many huntsmen take track as training, or have taken up the bow as a means to defend
their first feat instead of a missile a family homestead or just themselves. Few archers are
weapon feat, increasing their ability to trained in academic facilities. Archers tend to share a cer-
bring home large game, while others tain camaraderie, although they tend to look askance at
multiclass as archer-rangers. Archers those archers who specialize in a different weapon than
are especially useful on ships, where they do. Bows are not seen as a weapon of valour – while
they are the last defense against it is the nobles on their steeds who charge into combat in
boarding actions, able to significantly plate mail with swords, it is the serfs and peasants who
reduce the attacking men’s strength
before they board.

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pick up the bow and strike from a distance. Thus few
nobles ever become archers outside of the elven nations.
Other Classes: Archers excel in environments where
the enemy can be held at bay for them, avoiding melee
Class Features:
All of the following are class features of the archer.
combat is an essential goal for most archers. Therefore,
Races: Human archers range the gamut of experience the archer relies on others for support, fighters to keep Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The archer is profi-
and origins, although especially so among humans, the enemies at bay, clerics for healing, and rogues for cient in the use of all simple and martial ranged
archery is a sport of the rich, but only a military service for scouting, to find the enemies while still distant enough for weapons. He is also proficient in the use of all simple
the poor. Dwarven archers are more rare than most races the archer to take full advantage of the situation. Of all melee weapons and light martial weapons. The archer is
because they are often seen as less useful tactically in the the classes, archers often have the least respect for proficient in light and medium armor, but not with shields.
confines of their underground homes and battlefields. arcane spellcasters, as they see themselves as the preci- Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than
Most are trained in the heavy crossbow instead of a long- sion artillery of a team, although they drudgingly respect leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist,
bow, and even more are actually fighters trained in cross- the mass destructive capability of certain area of effect Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.
bow handling. In fact, the typical ranged weapons of the spells.
race are most often hurled melee weapons instead of the Primary Weapon: When a character takes her first
missile weapons the archer specializes in. Elven archers Abilities: Dexterity is of prime importance to archers, as level of archer, one of the following ranged weapons is
are quite common, due in part to the elven skill with their primary weapon is one of accuracy, not raw power. selected and is considered to be her primary weapon:
bows, elves are also the only race that does not see the Strength is also useful, not
profession of the archer as being one for the lower class, only because sometimes Table 1-1 1: Archer Level Advancement
and many an elven noble has taken up the bow instead fighting does come close Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
of sword. Half-orc archers are a rare, but brutal breed. enough to require melee Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Their great strength means that they seek out the most weapons and skill, but
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
powerful composite longbows for their use, and this because the best bows can
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Pinpoint accuracy
alone makes people look twice at a half-orc archer. Half- be made to accommodate
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Fletcher, Archery Feat
elves often take up the bow as both part of their elven the advantage of a signifi-
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Extra shot
heritage, but also because they are generally already cant strength bonus.
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Primary weapon +3
looked down on by human society, and the bow is a
lower class weapon. Gnome archers are usually trained Hit Die: d8 6 +4 +5 +5 +2 Dead shot
as part of a local militia in either the use of sling or short- 7 +5 +5 +5 +2 Archery Feat
bow, depending on social rank and the richness of the Starting Gold: 5d4x10 8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Weapon Specialization
militia group, some also specialize in the sling as a 9 +6/+1 +6 +6 +3
source of mischief, able to “tag” someone at significant Class Skills: 10 +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Improved point blank, Primary weapon +4
distances and still have no visible weapon on their per- The archer’s class skills 11 +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Archery Feat
son. Halfling archers are a rare breed, as the race is best (and the key ability for 12 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4
known for their thrown weapons instead of missiles. Most each skill) are Climb (Str), 13 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4
often, those halflings that do take this calling live in hos- Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), 14 +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Long-distance accuracy
tile areas or villages constantly at war, and train primari- Intimidate (Cha), Jump 15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Primary weapon +5, Archery Feat
ly in the use of the sling. (Str), Spot (Wis) and Swim 16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5
(Str). See core rulebook 1 17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5
The archer class is also usable for those who would for skill descriptions. 18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Ranged disarm
specialize in thrown weapons such as javelins and thrown 19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Archery Feat
rocks (a strange preference among some halfling soci- Skill points per level: 3 20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Extended range, Primary weapon +6
eties). + Int modifier.

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heavy crossbow, light crossbow, longbow, shortbow, or
sling. At 1st level the character receives a +2 compe-
done at a –2 penalty, including the extra shot from this
distance Accuracy (Ex): At 14th level and higher,
the archer does not receive a –2 penalty for firing into the
tence bonus to all attacks made with her primary second range increment of his primary weapon. Range
weapon. This bonus increases by one every five levels: at Archery Feat (Ex): At level 3 and every 4 levels there- penalties after the second range increment accumulate
after, the archer gains a bonus feat that must be selected
5th level the bonus increases to +3, at 10th level the as normal. For example, an archer using a heavy cross-
from the following list. The archer must meet all prereq- bow with a range increment of 120 feet suffers a –2
bonus increases to +4, at 15th level the bonus increases uisites for the feat to select it. Available archery feats: penalty to his attack roll beginning at 240 feet, increas-
to +5, and at 20th level the bonus increases to +6. This Dead Shot, Double Nock, Far Shot, High Ready, ing by –2 for every 120 feet thereafter.
bonus stacks with the bonus from the Weapon Focus feat, Improved Crossbow Handling, Improved Threatened
and any other competence bonuses to attack the archer Zone, Killing Shot, Mounted Archery, Master Mounted
Ranged Disarm (Ex): At 18th level the archer may take
may have. Archer, Overpenetrate, Perfect Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged
a full attack action (using his primary weapon) to shoot
Trip, Rapid Shot, Reactive Shot, Shot on the Run, Threaten
something out of an opponent’s hand. The target of the
Point Blank Shot (Ex): The archer gains the benefits of Zone, Triple Nock.
attack must make a successful Reflex save versus the
the Point Blank Shot feat at level 1, as long as he is in
archer’s attack roll in order to maintain hold of whatever
light or medium armor. This grants an additional +1 to Dead Shot (Ex): At 6th level and higher, the archer he has in his hand. The archer’s target gets a +4 bonus
attack and damage rolls made against targets within 30 gains the benefits of the Dead Shot feat (see the Feats to his save for every size category of the item larger than
feet. This ‘virtual feat’ also acts as the prerequisite for chapter). An archer with this feat is able to mitigate some Small. If the defender is carrying an item or wielding a
other archer-based feats. of the benefits that a target would receive from cover. The weapon with two hands, he receives an additional +4
degree of cover of cover a target receives from cover is bonus to the save. If the defender fails the Reflex save, he
Pinpoint Accuracy (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, the reduced by one category, so long as the degree of cover drops the targeted item.
archer gains the benefits of the Pinpoint Accuracy feat is not total. For example, if a character were behind
(see the Feats chapter). By spending a full-round action three-quarters cover for a cover bonus of +7 to AC, he
Extended Range (Ex): At 20th level the archer has the
doing nothing else but aiming at a target, the archer would instead receive only a +4 cover bonus to AC, as
ability to shoot opponents (with his primary weapon) who
gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his attack roll against if he were behind one-half cover. If the archer is unable
are at a fantastic range. He may now shoot an addition-
that target. (Aiming can last up to three rounds, or the to see his target, he is not able to make use of this abili-
al 2 range increments. Standard range modifiers still
character’s Wisdom bonus in rounds, whichever is less, ty. This ability cannot be used in conjunction with anoth-
for a maximum of +6 to the attack roll on the fourth er feat or ability that gives a bonus to hit or damage a tar-
round.) The archer must use a full-attack action to make get with the benefit of cover.
one attack that receives this bonus and he cannot be in Offstage Commentary
an area threatened by an enemy while aiming or making Weapon Specialization (Ex): At 8th level, the archer
the attack. becomes eligible to take the Weapon Mastery feat. He
The primary weapon rules of the archer and archer-
does not gain the feat as a bonus feat, and must still gain
ranger classes allow them to be better shots with a
Fletcher (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the archer gains the feat normally.
bow than any other character class (effectively
a competence bonus on all Craft (bowyer) checks equal granting them an attack bonus one higher than the
to one-half the archer’s class level (rounded down). Improved Point-B Blank Shot (Ex): At 10th level, the equivalent fighter), while at the same time making
archer’s ability to hit targets within 30 feet with his pri- them worse fighters in any other circumstance.
Extra Shot (Ex): At 4th level, the archer can make one mary weapon improves. He gains a +2 competence While a level 1 fighter has a +1 base attack bonus,
additional attack with his best attack bonus if he makes a bonus to hit and damage for these attacks. This ability a level 1 archer still has a +0 base attack bonus,
full attack action. This extra shot stacks with the addition- supersedes (does not stack with) the Point-Blank Shot feat. but also has a +2 on attack rolls with her primary
al shot he may get with the Rapid Shot feat (although if weapon.
using the Rapid Shot feat, all attacks that round are

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The Archer-R
Table 2-1
1: Archer-R
Ranger Level Advancement
Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Track, Fletcher
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Endurance
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Wilds mastery, Spellcasting
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Primary weapon +3
6 +4 +5 +5 +2 Dead shot
7 +5 +5 +5 +2 Swift Tracker
8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Wilds mastery
9 +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Pinpoint accuracy
10 +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Primary weapon +4
11 +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Evasion
12 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Wilds mastery
13 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4
14 +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Camouflage
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Primary weapon +5
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Wilds mastery
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Hide in plain sight
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Wilds mastery, Primary weapon +6

The archer-ranger is a those who threaten the civilization they hold dear. As
huntsman and tracker, one such, they often find themselves propelled into the wilds
who moves silently through and the depths of adventure, seeking out hostile crea-
the woods, watching for prey tures, or discovering strange and unusual treasures and
or for intruders. These are places.
outdoorsmen like no other,
The archer-ranger (Arn) is a variant of the ranger class more dangerous and cunning than the beasts and Characteristics: A quite proficient combatant, the
designed around the use of the bow or crossbow instead humanoids that live beyond the borders of civilization. archer-ranger fights best at a distance with missile
of two-weapon fighting. This class may replace the core weapons, but need to be able to take care of herself in
ranger class or the core archer class in a campaign, or Adventurers: Many archer-rangers are guardians of close combat in addition because she rarely works with a
may be used as an alternate ranger for those wanting their homelands, exiled by their own desire to keep them large team who can step between her and a rushing
more choice of core classes. safe. They are wanderers who seek out, track and destroy opponent. The archer-ranger is quite knowledge-

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able of the wilderness, with strong skills of hunting and
survival. At higher levels, this closeness to the wilds allows
large. Human archer-rangers usually come from either a
military background as scouts and skirmishing troops, or
Starting Gold: 5d4x10
the archer-ranger to draw on natural power to cast divine as woodsmen and wild hunters who have mastered their Class Skills
spells. skills with the bow. Dwarven archer-rangers are quite The archer-ranger’s class skills (and the key ability for
rare, while their skills as trackers in the depths can be each skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive skill),
Alignment: Most archer-rangers among the civilized incredibly useful and potentially dangerous, the twisting Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle
races are of good alignment, dedicated to the protection passages and tight confines rarely allow for a dwarven Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump
of society from creatures and abominations of the wilder- tracker to take full advantage of a bow or crossbow. (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
ness. The more lawful of these archer-rangers often work Gnome archer-rangers are a rare breed, and even then (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use
directly for a country or city-state, often defending or pro- they tend to stay within their own societies, rarely adven- Rope (Dex) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). See core rulebook
tecting those who travel through the wilderness. Most turing beyond gnomish lands. Halfling archer-rangers are 1 for skill descriptions.
archer-rangers, however, tend towards chaotic or neutral unheard of. Halflings are more suited to urban or agrar-
alignments, preferring to follow their own wants and the ian living, and don’t generally take well to wan-
call of the wilderness instead of the laws of the land they dering the wilderness looking for trouble.
may be closest to. Evil archer-rangers often come from
the humanoid tribes, and are akin to the ultimate preda- Classes: Archer-rangers are known for their
tors of the wild, seeking to slay those who they see as solitary ways. They get along best with those who
inferior, often including their own kind. can complement their skills without getting in their
way. They rarely get along well with those who
Background: Most archer-rangers are either self- prefer a direct fight, or even with arcane spellcast-
taught, or have been trained by another archer-ranger ers who would blast the wilderness with area effect
who has taken them on as a student. Aside from the rare spells instead of the pinpoint accuracy of arrows
lawful members of the class, few archer-rangers remain and sling stones. But at the same time, many learn
with their teacher for long, seeking instead the call of the that the other classes have skills and abilities that
wild and the hunt. Some archer-rangers are woodsmen complement their own skills. In the end, however,
who have taken up the bow to defend themselves, their most archer-rangers are free-spirited enough to
families or to hunt for game. Some archer-rangers are not be bothered enough by their companions to
also mounted archers, using their strong connection to let it get in the way.
animals to allow them to guide a beast into battle while
firing at enemies from a position of superior mobility. Abilities: Dexterity is of prime importance to an
archer-ranger because their primary weapon is a
Races: Elves are quite commonly archer-rangers, as bow and they only wear lighter armors. A high
the class appeals to their chaotic nature, their love of Wisdom is also useful to an archer-ranger, as
nature, and the elven skill with the bow. Once within the many wilderness skills are Wisdom-based, and
woods, elven archer-rangers are said to disappear entire- archer-ranger’s divine spellcasting is based on
ly, seemingly absorbed by the trees around them. Half- Wisdom, so a Wisdom of 14 or higher is required
elves are often drawn to the class also, both because of to access the most powerful of their spells, and a
their elven connection to nature and because it is a class Wisdom of 11 or higher is needed to cast any
espoused by those who are in exile (forced or chosen) archer-ranger spells at all.
from their societies. For the same reason, the class
appeals to half-orcs with their chaotic demeanor and Hit Die: d8
the mutual dislike between them and society at

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Skill Points per level: 6 + Int modifier caster level is one-half his class level. The number of
spells cast per day is the same as those for the ranger
mitigate some of the benefits that a target would receive
from cover. The degree of cover of cover a target receives
Class Features: class in the core rules. from cover is reduced by one category, so long as the
All of the following are class features of the archer- degree of cover is not total. For example, if a character
ranger. Primary Weapon (Ex): When a character takes her first were behind three-quarters cover for a cover bonus of
level of archer-ranger, one of the following ranged +7 to AC, he would instead receive only a +4 cover
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The archer-ranger is weapons is selected and is considered to be her primary bonus to AC, as if he were behind one-half cover. If the
proficient in the use of all simple and martial ranged weapon: heavy crossbow, light crossbow, longbow, short- archer-ranger is unable to see his target, he is not able to
weapons. He is also proficient in the use of all simple bow, or sling. At 1st level the character receives a +2 make use of this ability. This ability cannot be used in
melee weapons and light martial weapons. The archer- competence bonus to all attacks made with her primary conjunction with another feat or ability that gives a bonus
ranger is proficient in light and medium armor, but not weapon. This bonus increases by one every five levels: at to hit or damage a target with the benefit of cover.
with shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor 5th level the bonus increases to +3, at 10th level the
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 7th level, an archer-
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and bonus increases to +4, at 15th level the bonus increases ranger can move at his normal speed while following
Tumble. to +5, and at 20th level the bonus increases to +6. This tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. He takes only
bonus stacks with the bonus from the Weapon Focus feat, a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving
and any other competence bonuses to attack the archer- at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Spells: Beginning at 4th level, an archer-ranger gains
ranger may have except for the first-level ability of the
the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. To cast
same name of the archer class. Pinpoint Accuracy (Ex): At 9th level and higher, the
a spell, the archer-ranger must have a Wisdom score of
at least 10 + the spell’s level. Archer-ranger bonus spells archer gains the benefits of the Pinpoint Accuracy feat
are based on Wisdom, and saving throws against these Point Blank Shot (Ex): The archer-ranger gains the ben- (see the Feats chapter). By spending a full-round action
spells have a Difficulty Class of 10 + spell level + efits of the Point Blank Shot feat at 1st level, as long as he doing nothing else but aiming at a target, the archer
Wisdom modifier. When the archer-ranger gets 0 spells of is in light or medium armor. This grants an additional +1 gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his attack roll against
a given level, such as 0 1st-level spells at 4th level, the to attack and damage rolls made against targets within that target. (Aiming can last up to three rounds, or the
ranger gets only bonus spells. An archer-ranger without a 30 feet. This ‘virtual feat’ also acts as the prerequisite for character’s Wisdom bonus in rounds, whichever is less,
bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of that other archer-based feats. for a maximum of +6 to the attack roll on the fourth
level. An archer-ranger round.) The archer must use a full-attack action to make
has access to any spell on one attack that receives this bonus and he cannot be in
Track (Ex): At 2nd level, the archer-ranger gains the an area threatened by an enemy while aiming or making
the archer-ranger spell list
Track feat as a bonus feat. the attack.
and can freely choose
which to prepare. An
archer-ranger prepares Fletcher (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, the archer-ranger Evasion (Ex): At 11th level, an archer-ranger can avoid
and casts spells just as a gains a competence bonus on all Craft (bowyer) checks even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he
cleric does (though the equal to one-half the archer-ranger’s class level (round- makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack
archer-ranger cannot use ed down) that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he
spontaneous casting to instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the
lose a spell and cast a Endurance (Ex): An archer-ranger gains Endurance as archer-ranger is wearing light armor or no armor. A help-
cure or inflict spell in its a bonus feat at 3rd level. less ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion.
place). Through 3rd level,
an archer-ranger has no Dead Shot (Ex): At 6th level and higher, the archer- Camouflage (Ex): An archer-ranger of 14th level or
caster level. Starting at 4th ranger gains the benefits of the Dead Shot feat (see the higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural ter-
level, an archer-ranger’s Feats chapter). An archer-ranger with this feat is able to rain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or con-

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cealment. ple times, choosing either a new terrain each time, or
increasing the relevant competence bonuses by an addi- Table 2-2
2: Archer-R
Ranger Spellcasting
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of natural ter- tional +2 for each repeated selection of the same terrain Level 1 2 3 4
rain, a ranger of 18th level or higher can use the Hide type. At the Game Master’s option, an archer-ranger can 4 0 - - -
skill even while being observed. designate an urban environment (Underground Citadel, 5 0 - - -
City (population 5,000+), Town (population 4,999-)) for 6 1 - - -
Wilds Mastery (Ex): As the archer-ranger gains levels this ability, if appropriate to the campaign setting. 7 1 - - -
she learns to master the secrets of the wilderness. She 8 1 0 - -
gains the first of these abilities at level 4, and then gains Improved Track: If the archer-ranger fails a Wilderness 9 1 0 - -
another every 4 levels thereafter (at levels 8, 12, 16 and Lore check while attempting to track, she can retry after 10 1 1 - -
20). Each wilds mastery is selected from the list below, only half the time normally required (30 minutes outdoors 11 1 1 0 -
and once chosen cannot be changed. or 5 minutes indoors). Further, the archer-ranger can 12 1 1 1 -
track while moving her normal speed without suffering 13 1 1 1 -
Animal Voice: The archer-ranger may choose a num- the usual -5 penalty for doing so. This wilds mastery may 14 2 1 1 0
ber of animal or beast species equal to 1 plus the archer- not be chosen more than once. 15 2 1 1 1
ranger’s Intelligence modifier, and learn to speak those 16 2 2 1 1
creatures’ tongues. Each species speaks its own tongue, Sylvan Grace: The archer-ranger suffers no penalty for 17 2 2 2 1
with dire species communicating in the same tongue as moving at up to her normal speed while using the Hide
18 3 2 2 1
the base animal of that type. Speaking an animal’s or or Sneak skills, and suffers only a –10 penalty for doing
19 3 3 3 2
beast’s language allows rudimentary communication with so while running or charging. This ability only applies in
20 3 3 3 3
the creature, which, although usually friendly and helpful an outdoor, wilderness setting, and cannot be used in
to one who speaks its tongue, is not in any way under the heavy armor. This wilds mastery may not be chosen more
archer-ranger’s control. The archer-ranger also gains a than once.
Level 1 Archer-R
Ranger Spells
+2 circumstance bonus on Animal Empathy, Handle
Alarm. Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Animal and Ride checks relating to any animal or beast Trackless Step: The archer-ranger leaves no train in
Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific
whose language she can speak. This wilds mastery may natural surroundings. She can only be tracked by a
be selected multiple times: each selection adds to the ranger or druid of a level higher than her own class level,
Delay Poison. Stops poison from harming subject for 1
archer-ranger’s repertoire a number of animal or beast and even such characters suffer a –10 penalty to
languages equal to 1 plus the archer-ranger’s Wilderness Lore checks when attempting to track her. This
Detect Animals or Plants. Detects species of animals or
Intelligence modifier. ability cannot be used in heavy armor. This wilds mastery
may not be chosen more than once.
Detect Snares and Pits. Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Favoured Terrain: The archer-ranger designates a sin-
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environ-
gle type of wilderness terrain as her favoured terrain from Woodland Stride: The ranger may move through natu-
the following list: Arctic, Desert, Forest, Hills, Marsh, ral thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain at
Entangle. Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle.
Mountains, Plains, Underground and Under Water. While her normal speed without suffering damage or other
Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
in this terrain, the archer-ranger gains a +2 competence impairment. Thorns, briars and overgrown areas that are
Longstrider: Increases your speed.
bonus on Animal Empathy and Handle Animal checks enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion
Magic Fang. One natural weapon of subject creature
involving native animals, and on all Hide, Intuit Direction, still affect the archer-ranger normally. This ability cannot
gets +1 bonus to attack and damage.
Listen, Move Silent, Search, Spot and Wilderness Lore be used in heavy armor. This wilds mastery may not be
Glimpse*. See distant objects as if close up.
checks. She also gains a +2 competence bonus on chosen more than once.
Pass without Trace. One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Knowledge (nature checks) relating to or involving this
Read Magic. Read scrolls and spellbooks.
terrain type. This wilds mastery may be taken multi-

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Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of
damage/attack from specified energy type.
normal plants.
Magic Fang, Greater. One natural weapon of subject
Speak with Animals. You can communicate with natural creature gets +1 bonus to attack and damage per three
animals. caster levels (max +5).
Summon Nature's Ally I. Calls animal to fight for you. Neutralize Poison. Detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Plant Growth. Grows vegetation, improves crops.
Level 2 Archer-RRanger Spells Remove Disease. Cures all diseases affecting subject.
Animal Messenger. Sends a Tiny animal to a specific Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10
place. ft. away.
Barkskin: Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural Shadow Arrows*. Target shoots Str-damaging arrows.
armor. Summon Nature's Ally III. Calls animal to fight for you.
Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 Tree Shape. You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level.
min./level. Water Walk. Subject treads on water as if solid.
Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Cure Light Wounds. Cures 1d8 +1/level damage (max Level 4 Archer-R
Ranger Spells
+5). Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 1
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. Reveals creatures, spells, mile/level.
or objects. Cure Serious Wounds. Cures 3d8 +1/level damage
Hold Animal. Holds one animal helpless; 1 round/level. (max +15).
Bearer*. Quick Draw one weapon / level. Freedom of Movement. Subject moves normally despite
Owl’s Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. impediments.
Protection from Elements. Absorb 12 damage/level from Nondetection. Hides subject from divination, scrying.
one kind of energy. Perfect Camouflage*. Improved version of invisibility.
Sleep. Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber. Polymorph Self. You assume a new form.
Snare. Creates a magical booby trap. Summon Nature's Ally IV. Calls animal to fight for you.
Speak with Plants. You can talk to normal plants and Tree Stride. Step from one tree to another far away.
plant creatures.
Spike Growth: Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may Most spells on this list are from the Core Rules and are
be slowed. listed in the PHB as well as the System Reference
Summon Nature's Ally II. Calls animal to fight for you. Document available at
True Camouflage*. Wilderness-only version of invisibility.
Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and Spells in italics* are from this book and can be found
gases. in Chapter 9 (Spells), page 49.

Level 3 Archer-R
Ranger Spells
Command Plants. Talk to and control plants & fungi.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level
(max +10).
Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison,
detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Diminish Plants. Reduces size or blights growth of

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Archer Character Backgrounds & Class Paths
alien in the wilds, seeking sustenance. Many become
Between the archer and the archer-ranger, a wide nearly as skilled in the wilds as the archer-ranger, but
variety of character origins and styles are easily possi- none feel the comfort and connection. If anything, the
ble. However, some character concepts could be best hunter is a realist, understanding the dangers of the wilds,
handled by taking one of these classes and swapping in always knowing that while they may be hunting game,
and out certain abilities and skills. something else may be hunting them.

Although not the most flexible of character classes, Bonus: Hunters gain the Track feat at level 1 and have
the archer's skill with the bow is usually not enough Wilderness Lore and Move Silently as class skills.
background in and of itself for a character. Most inter-
pretations of Robin Hood may have him an archer, but Penalty: The hunter is not a trained combatant and
he was not all about his skill with the bow, rather it was only knows how to use the lightest of armours. Thus
his history as a noble and his living as an outlaw against hunters do not begin with medium armour proficiency.
a corrupt government that mark him in our memories. They are also not trained in the use of any martial
Some archers are outlaws, running and fighting from weapons except for ranged ones.
the safety of the trees or back alleys, others are merce-
naries, soldiers and in some cases even minor nobles Soldier, Young
who cannot afford the horse and heavy armor that are
the marks of their station on the battlefield. Soldiers serve in mercenary units and the king's army;
they are equipped from someone else's purse and trained
Character backgrounds provide a template change in action with others of their kind. Young soldiers are
to the core class in question. A background generally often eager, waiting to learn as much as they can, ready
trades in one of the character's abilities for another, to explore and fight for their employer. Now that the sol-
"tweaking" the class to suite the character, instead of dier has left the service (usually because the major battle
having to twist and contort the character to fit the class. they were hired for has passed), be that they deserted,
These backgrounds must be chosen at level 1, and gen- mustered out or the unit was disbanded, he is usually will-
erally should not be taken by higher-level characters ing to try his hand at adventure or seeking out a merce-
who are multi-classing into the class in question. nary unit to work for, knowing that those skilled with the
bow are often in demand.
The following character backgrounds are samples of Bonus: Young soldiers are equipped by their previous
how the classes in this book can be modified to suite a Archer Character Backgrounds military unit. This equipment includes a ranged missile
character's history. Other trade-offs are also viable for weapon and ammunition (or a brace of weapons for units
characters with histories not listed here. that use weapons such as javelins), studded leather
armor, and a light simple weapon as backup. The total
While most hunters take the archer-ranger class, some value of the ranged weapon(s) and ammunition is up to
few don't feel the link to nature that is essential to that 76 gp. On top of this, they still have their normal starting
class. These are hunters because they must be, always an money as an archer.

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Penalty: Having only worked in military operations
before where the archers are provided cover and safety
Tribal Hunter
crossbow at level 1, and the Improved Crossbow
Handling feat at level 2.
by the infantry, the young soldier has never been proper- Among the barbarian tribe-folk, hunting is usually the
ly trained in the use of melee weapons. He receives no primary source of food for the individual and the tribe. Penalty: The cost of such specialization in a non-mar-
training I martial weapons beyond the ranged or missile The archer-ranger is a peerless hunter, able to bring tial weapon is the loss of martial ranged weapon profi-
weapon they used in the service. down prey at range with little risk and noise, and often ciencies and the Extra Shot special ability at level 2.
able to do so working alone, or with a team of other
Tribal Warrior tribesmen whom he can lead to the prey. The tribesmen Horse-N
look up to the hunters as providers and guides, some
Away from the edges of civilization there are tribes seem to have a nearly mystical ability to track down prey The horse-nomads are tribal groups who exist in gen-
spoken of as "barbarians". Less educated than their more even in the worst seasons. erally bleak environments where even the hunter-gather-
civilized brethren, these tribes usually exist as hunter- er lifestyle of the barbarian tribes becomes too arduous
gatherer societies, surviving in the harsh lands that do not Bonus: When in pursuit of animals or beasts, the trib- without the help of a mount to enable the tribe’s move-
encourage more agrarian lifestyles and the civilization al hunter gains a +1 competence bonus on Wilderness ment from hunt to hunt, or to protect the herds of cattle
brought with them. These tribes are usually quite insular Lore checks and damage rolls. they travel with from pasture to pasture. They are said to
and self-dependant, not trading with outsider except be born to the horse, and rarely if ever are found without
other tribes. The tribal warrior is a 'brave', a defender of Penalty: Like their barbarian kin, tribal hunters are illit- their sturdy ponies or light horses. Horse-nomads are
the tribe when it is under attack, or part of the attacking erate and must spend two skill points in order to become often brusque and remote, finding themselves to be out-
force when tribes meet on the field of battle. Most think literate in those languages he can speak. siders in more civilized lands, or among adventuring par-
of tribal warriors as frenzied berserkers, rushing into com- ties. This is not the life they were born to, but they are
bat in furs or skyclad, but most tribes also understand the quick to adapt to any hardship, even one as bizarre as
deadly ability of ranged weapons, and some warriors are Archer or Archer-Ranger civilization.
trained to use them to best effect as archers.
Character Backgrounds Bonus: The horse-nomad is born to the saddle. He
Bonus: Living in the wild, having to fend for the tribe begins with a light horse or pony and receives a +2 com-
and himself against other not only other tribes, but the Crossbowman petence bonus on ride checks.
wilderness itself gives tribal warriors access to the
Wilderness Lore and Knowledge (nature) skills as class While archers can be masters of all kinds of ranged Penalty: The horse-nomad is not proficient in any
skills. combat weapons, the truth is that the crossbow is one of weapon that cannot be wielded from horseback. Thus
the most effective for those who lack the strength to use they never start with longbow proficiency, nor can they
Penalty: Like their barbarian kin, tribal warriors are illit- the mightier bows or to hurl axes and javelins with dead- take the longbow as their primary weapon class ability.
erate and must spend two skill points in order to become ly force. But the crossbow also has the most penalties of
literate in those languages he can speak. the missile weapons, being slow to reload and generally Outlaw
large in size. Many nobles equip soldiers and guardsmen
with crossbows as they are quite simple to learn to oper-
Archer-Ranger Character ate competently, something even lowly peasants can pick
Probably the single most famous archer of our own
history was an outlaw, and this background appeals to
up quickly. The crossbowman is one who has mastered
Background the crossbow, not merely learned to use it.
many roleplayers. The outlaw was once a townperson, a
soldier or even a noble, but is now a bandit, working on
the other side of the law. Many outlaw groups exist, mak-
Bonus: Crossbowmen are highly trained in what is a ing a dishonest living robbing, kidnapping and often per-
simple weapon, rarely focusing on a martial weapon. As forming worse deeds. In most places the outlaws are
such they gain the Weapon Focus feat with their choice of forced to live in the wilds between civilized areas,

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and are reviled as brutal thieves and murderers. But there
are those tyrannical governments that make being an
Water or one of the urban terrains: Underground Citadel,
City (population 5,000+), or Town (population 4,999-).
The urban hunter is the master of stalking the streets.
Often bounty hunters by trade, but sometimes assassins
outlaw the only viable way to maintain one's personal val- or even defenders of the common townfolk, urban
ues. As such, the path of the outlaw can suite just about Penalty: Fighting is less important to the outlaw than to hunters can slip in and out of most any building, stalking
anyone who is not of lawful bent. Most outlaws do not most archers, and the time spent on the run and robbing those he watches, keeping his quarry ever within the
actually enjoy living in the wilds, but are forced to by cir- reduces the time spent practicing his primary weapon. As range of his deadly bow. These are downtown guerrillas,
cumstance and their choice of lifestyles. Regardless, out- such, the outlaw's Primary Weapon class ability is always constantly on the move, hit-and-run fighters who would
laws have a strong streak of rebelliousness against those one point less than normal, thus a starting outlaw only rather strike from shadows aiming for the best possible
whom they would rob or run from. gains a +1 competence bonus with his primary weapon. shot and then retreat, not there to engage their targets in
In addition, outlaws are not proficient with medium protracted battles, but in a series of quick and dirty
Bonus: Used to evading his hunters in his home, the armour. strikes.
outlaw gains a +2 competence bonus on all Hide, Move
Silently and Wilderness Lore checks within a single terrain Multi-Class Paths Urban hunters are a cross of rogue and archer-ranger,
type (usually forests or mountains, but some outlaws exist specializing the archer-ranger class as best for urban use,
even in urban environments). This terrain type must be through the Favoured Terrain option of the Wilds Mastery
chosen from the following list: Arctic, Desert, Forest, Hills,
The Urban Hunter ability. Using the ample skills of both the archer-ranger
Marsh, Mountains, Plains, Underground and Under and rogue, the urban hunter is incredibly stealthy and
Table 3-1
1: The Urban Hunter Multi-C
Class Character Path
Character Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 Rog1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6, Traps
2 Rog1/Arn1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
3 Rog2/Arn1 +1 +2 +3 +0 Evasion
4 Rog2/Arn2 +2 +3 +3 +0 Track, Fletcher
5 Rog3/Arn2 +3 +4 +3 +1 Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus to AC), Sneak Attack +2d6
6 Rog3/Arn3 +4 +4 +4 +2 Endurance
7 Rog4/Arn3 +5 +4 +5 +2
8 Rog4/Arn4 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Wilds Mastery, Level 1 Ranger Spells
9 Rog5/Arn4 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Sneak Attack +3d6
10 Rog5/Arn5 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Primary weapon +3
11 Rog6/Arn5 +7/+2 +6 +6 +3 Uncanny Dodge (Cannot be flanked)
12 Rog6/Arn6 +8/+3 +7 +7 +4 Dead shot
13 Rog7/Arn6 +9/+4 +7 +7 +4 Sneak Attack +4d6
14 Rog7/Arn7 +10/+5 +7 +7 +4 Swift Tracker
15 Rog8/Arn7 +11/+6/+1 +7 +8 +4
16 Rog8/Arn8 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Wilds mastery, Level 2 Ranger Spells
17 Rog9/Arn8 +13/+8/+3 +9 +8 +5 Sneak Attack +5d6
18 Rog9/Arn9 +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +6 Pinpoint accuracy
19 Rog10/Arn9 +14/+9/+4 +9 +10 +6 Special Ability
20 Rog10/Arn10 +14/+9/+4 +10 +10 +6 Primary weapon +4

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combining his skill at arms
with his sneak attack ability Character
Table 3-2
2: The Urban Bounty Hunter Multi-C
Class Character Path
Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
results in deadly attacks from a Level Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
nearly invisible skulker in the 1 Rog1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6, Traps
shadows. 2 Rog1/Arn1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
3 Rog2/Arn1 +1 +2 +3 +0 Evasion
Urban hunters are often 4 Rog2/Arn2 +2 +3 +3 +0 Track, Fletcher
support for other rogues, 5 Rog3/Arn2 +3 +4 +3 +1 Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus to AC), Sneak Attack +2d6
working as back-alley snipers
6 Rog3/Arn3 +4 +4 +4 +2 Endurance
and spotters for burglars and
7 Rog4/Arn3 +5 +4 +5 +2
second-story men. Others
8 Rog4/Arn4 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Wilds Mastery, Level 1 Ranger Spells
become assassins, having all
9 Rog5/Arn4 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Sneak Attack +3d6
the skills needed to quickly kill
10 Rog5/Arn4/Bou1 +7/+2 +5 +7 +4 Bounty +1
from a distance, adding poi-
11 Rog5/Arn4/Bou2 +8/+3 +5 +8 +5 Sneak Attack +4d6
sons to their already deadly
12 Rog5/Arn4/Bou3 +9/+4 +6 +8 +5 Exotic Weapon
arrows - even more than
13 Rog5/Arn4/Bou4 +10/+5 +6 +9 +6 Bounty +2
rogues, urban hunters are the
14 Rog5/Arn4/Bou5 +11/+6/+1 +6 +9 +6 Sneak Attack +5d6
perfect source material for
15 Rog5/Arn4/Bou6 +12/+7/+2 +7 +10 +7 Skill Focus
assassins, as they generally
16 Rog5/Arn4/Bou7 +13/+8/+3 +7 +10 +7 Bounty +3
prefer to do their work from
afar, killing others without 17 Rog5/Arn4/Bou8 +14/+9/+4 +7 +11 +8 Sneak Attack +6d6
threat to themselves. 18 Rog5/Arn4/Bou9 +15/+10/+5 +8 +11 +8 Exotic Weapon
19 Rog5/Arn4/Bou10 +16/+11/+6/+1 +8 +12 +9 Bounty +4
Dexterity is, of course, the 20 Rog5/Arn5/Bou10 +16/+11/+6/+1 +8 +12 +9 Primary weapon +3
primary ability for an urban 9- Distant Sneak Attack; level 12- Perfect Shot; level 15- the urban hunter switches the level 3 Far Shot feat for
hunter. Many of their skills are also Wisdom-based, and Improved Initiative; level 18- Killing Shot. Alertness, and the level 9 Distant Sneak Attack feat for
the ability to think on their feet and keep themselves out Perfect Shot, and begins taking levels of Bounty Hunter
of immediate danger, running through shadowy alleys Normally the Wilds Mastery abilities gained by the beginning at level 10 and continuing until level 19,
instead of standing and fighting are signs of a wise urban urban hunter at levels 8 and 16 are used for the before reverting back to the standard advancement for
hunter. Favoured Terrain ability (in one of the urban terrains) or the urban hunter. The benefits of the bounty hunter class
for the Animal Voice ability (usually selecting animals include a faster BAB progression, better saves and quick-
At lower levels, the Urban Hunter is at a distinct disad- such as pigeons, dogs and cats). The rogue special abil- er sneak attack progression but comes with a reduction to
vantage in BAB when compared to either a rogue or an ity gained at level 19 is usually Opportunist or Improved the already painfully slow spellcasting progression of the
archer-ranger, thus most take the pinpoint accuracy feat Evasion, depending on the style of the particular charac- urban hunter.
at level one, to strike safely from the shadows at his cho- ter.
sen targets. Additionally, the Urban Hunter gains spells at
an arduously slow rate, and as such rarely has the oppor- Some urban hunters become bounty hunters, either The Warren Guard
tunity to truly take advantage of them. The standard feats working for the law, or for those who would pay for the
taken by an urban hunter as he gains levels is typically: living or dead bodies of their targets. Many of these Deep beneath the visible exterior of the dwarven king-
level 1- Pinpoint Accuracy & Rapid Shot; level 3- Far hunters work towards the bounty hunter prestige class (a dom of Khuzan, there are deep fortresses and cities sur-
Shot; level 6- Weapon Focus (favored weapon); level prestige class detailed in Librum Equitis volume 1 and rounded by warrens that reach through the rocky lands
Librum Equitis Compiled). In order to qualify for this class, for scores of miles. In building these warrens, the

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Character Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Table 3-3
3: The Warren Guard Multi-C
Class Character Path

Level Level Bonus Save Save Save Special

1 Arc1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
2 Arc1/Ftr1 +1 +4 +2 +0 Bonus Feat
3 Arc1/Ftr2 +2 +5 +2 +0 Bonus Feat
4 Arc2/Ftr2 +3 +6 +3 +0 Pinpoint accuracy
5 Arc2/Ftr3 +4 +6 +4 +1
6 Arc2/Ftr4 +5 +7 +4 +1 Bonus Feat
7 Arc3/Ftr4 +6/+1 +7 +4 +2 Fletcher, Archery Feat
8 Arc3/Ftr5 +7/+2 +7 +4 +2
9 Arc3/Ftr6 +8/+3 +8 +5 +3 Bonus Feat
10 Arc3/Ftr6/Def1 +9/+4 +10 +5 +5 Defensive Stance 1/day, +1 AC Bonus
11 Arc3/Ftr6/Def2 +10/+5 +11 +5 +6 Defensive Awareness (Dex bonus to AC)
12 Arc3/Ftr6/Def3 +11/+6/+1 +11 +6 +6 Defensive Stance 2/day
13 Arc3/Ftr6/Def4 +12/+7/+2 +12 +6 +7 +2 AC Bonus
14 Arc3/Ftr6/Def5 +13/+8/+3 +12 +6 +7 Defensive Stance 3/day
15 Arc3/Ftr6/Def6 +14/+9/+4 +13 +7 +8 Damage Reduction (3), Defensive Awareness (can’t be flanked)
16 Arc3/Ftr6/Def7 +15/+10/+5 +13 +7 +8 Defensive Stance 4/day, +3 AC Bonus
17 Arc3/Ftr6/Def8 +16/+11/+6/+1 +14 +7 +9
18 Arc3/Ftr6/Def9 +17/+12/+7/+2 +14 +8 +9 Defensive Stance 5/day
19 Arc3/Ftr6/Def10 +18/+13/+8/+3 +15 +8 +10 Damage Reduction (6), Defensive Awarenss (+1 vs traps)
20 Arc3/Ftr7/Def10 +19/+14/+9/+4 +15 +8 +10
Khuzan avoided the short, twisting lengths of cavern that Warren guards are staunch defenders, never giving skilled in the crossbow, but some few (usually in more
is typical of the other deep-living humanoids and con- ground to attacking forces. Like most dwarves, they are primitive warrens) specialize in thrown axes. Rarely, if
structed long straight tunnels in order to improve the most skilled in melee combat, but in defensive positions ever, do they find themselves with the time to take advan-
defenses of the cities - allowing dwarven crossbowmen to it is an admitted fact that some amount of archery skill is tage of aiming, instead firing repeatedly into massed
provide support for the defenses, turning the tunnels into required to counter missile-based offensives from attack- attackers, and thus rarely advance beyond level 3 in the
killing fields under a hail of bolts. ers. In the long run, warren guards become the staunch archer class, not seeing a need for the Pinpoint Accuracy
The Khuzan defenders became an institution in time, dwarven defenders upon which waves of orcs and gob- ability or feat.
and other dwarven kingdoms have modeled their own lins break, but until then, they make certain to hone their
defense forces after these. Collectively, they are known as skills with all weapons and tools available to them. Most warren guard select their feats and bonus feats
the Warren Guard. as a fighter would, specializing in a large axe or similar
Unlike most archer-based character paths, the warren weapon. The only exceptions are Weapon Focus (light
Warren guards are dwarves trained in both archery guards do not favor dexterity as their primary stat, crossbow) taken at level 2 and Improved Crossbow
and melee fighting within the confines of the dwarven although they are usually still above average for their Handling at level 3. Some warrens also use the dwarven
citadels. They combine massive skill at arms with a few dwarven kin. Strength and Consitution are always the axebow, which requires an exotic weapon proficiency to
quick shots from crossbows while waiting for their orc and strong points of dwarven fighters and this is no exception wield, but generally these weapons are left in the hands
goblin foes to close the range before tearing apart the among the warren guard. The warren guard sacrifices a of those dwarven defenders who have not taken the path
survivors with axe and hammer. single point of Base Attack Bonus during his advance- of the warren guard and who thus are not as handi-
ment for additional skill with missile weapons. Most are capped by the slow reloading of said weapon.

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Character Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Table 3-4
4: The Distant Killer Multi-C
Class Character Path

Level Level Bonus Save Save Save Special

1 Arc1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot
2 Arc2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Pinpoint accuracy
3 Arc3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Fletcher, Archery feat
4 Arc4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Extra shot
5 Arc4/Rog1 +3 +4 +6 +1 Sneak attack +1d6, Trapfinding
6 Arc4/Rog1/Ass1 +3 +4 +8 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, Death attack, Poison use, level 1 spells
7 Arc4/Rog1/Ass2 +4 +4 +9 +1 +1 saves vs poison, Uncanny dodge
8 Arc4/Rog1/Ass3 +5 +5 +9 +2 Sneak Attack +3d6, level 2 spells
9 Arc4/Rog1/Ass4 +6/+1 +5 +10 +3 +2 saves vs poison
10 Arc4/Rog1/Ass5 +6/+1 +5 +10 +3 Improved uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +4d6, level 3 spells
11 Arc4/Rog1/Ass6 +7/+2 +6 +11 +4 +3 saves vs poison
12 Arc4/Rog1/Ass7 +8/+3 +6 +11 +4 Sneak attack +5d6, level 4 spells
13 Arc4/Rog1/Ass7/Sni1 +8/+3 +6 +13 +6 Primary weapon +3, Extended sneak attack +1d6
14 Arc4/Rog1/Ass7/Sni2 +9/+4 +6 +14 +7 Improved Pinpoint Accuracy
15 Arc4/Rog1/Ass7/Sni3 +10/+5 +7 +14 +7 Extended sneak attack +2d6
16 Arc4/Rog1/Ass8/Sni3 +11/+6/+1 +7 +15 +7 +4 saves vs poison, hide in plain sight
17 Arc4/Rog1/Ass8/Sni4 +12/+7/+2 +7 +16 +8 Eagle’s eye
18 Arc4/Rog1/Ass9/Sni4 +12/+7/+2 +8 +16 +9 Sneak attack +6d6
19 Arc4/Rog1/Ass9/Sni5 +12/+7/+2 +8 +16 +9 Primary weapon +4, Extended sneak attack +3d6
20 Arc4/Rog1/Ass10/Sni5 +13/+8/+3 +8 +17 +9 +5 save vs poison

well as gaining the necessary skill points to increase Although this advancement lags behind the archer or
The Distant Killer Disguise to 4 ranks and Move Silent and Hide both to 8 the rogue for attack bonuses, it begins picking up at level
ranks and thus become an assassin (as detailed in Core 7 as it begins to collect sneak attack bonuses that accu-
Not all rogue-archers are hunters and bounty hunters, Rulebook II and the System Reference Document). The mulate rapidly, ending at level 19 where the killer deals
nor all assassins personal killers. The distant killer takes distant killer must also take weapon focus with his primary 9d6 sneak attack damage at ranges of up to 30 feet (only
the path of the archer to become an assassin / sniper, weapon and the precise shot feat before level 13 so as to a single d6 behind the sneak attack progression of a
one who strikes with deadly precision from afar, covering qualify for the sniper prestige class (detailed in chapter 3 rogue, albeit 3d6 only applies to damage dealt with the
his arrows with deadly poisons and supplementing his of this book, page 27). killer’s primary ranged weapon), and 3d6 sneak attack
natural talents with magical skills. damage at ranges of up to 5 range increments (often
This advancement appeals to a very small segment of over 600 feet with the right weapons and feats).
Unlike most paths, the skill requirements of the distant those who would become assassins, requiring a non-
killer require astute use of skill points gained through lev- good, non-chaotic character to begin with (one with cer- A distant killer is a valued addition to an assassin’s
els 1 through 4. At each archer level, the distant killer tain... moral ambiguities as most assassins are, but at the guild, used as both sniper and back-up on more difficult
must maximize his Hide ranks as well as spending skill same time one with the predisposition for the long, slow jobs as well as being a deadly assassin in his own right.
points on Disguise and Move Silent at cross-class rates. and precise work of the sniper). There are also a few rare guilds that train only sniper-
At level 5, the character then takes a single level of assassins who aspire to this progression with slight modi-
rogue, both learning the tricks of sneak attacks as fications.

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more are made clear. The bow, no matter how simple, is

The Prestige Archer the creation of a master craftsman, and the act of striking
a target from afar the work of an artist. Nothing pleases
the bloodhunter more than watching their victim fall to
the ground after being struck in the spine by an arrow a
While each character of a class can have a different The Bloodhunter hundred paces away which they never saw coming.
focus for the standard core classes, this also applies to
archers. Not all archers specialize in the bow, with some Others see the bow simply as a weapon; a tool used The more martial classes, especially rangers, are the
slingers and javelineers about, as well as those who to grant death to enemies of the crown or to a swift-strid- most likely candidates for the bloodhunter class, their
have specialized in thrown weapons and other missile ing deer for dinner. In viewing the bow as a mundane fondness for weapons extending easily to the art of the
devices. But above these are specializations within the object, they fail to see the true beauty in its design; the bow. Others, particularly the rogue and bloodhunter, wel-
class itself, there are those who have taken archery in graceful and delicate curve of the wood, the taut string, come the chance to master the art of killing at a distance.
entirely new directions. The best known of these are the and the subtle and efficient way it can deal death from Wizards and sorcerers are unlikely to become blood-
elven arcane archers who have combined mastery of afar. But to the bloodhunter, all of these qualities and hunters, though even they can accept the responsibilities
magic with consummate skill at arms. But there are oth- necessary to master the philosophies and dedication of
ers who have taken the art of ranged warfare beyond the class.
the norms, masters of archery such as snipers and the
master of intuitive archery, or those who combine NPC Bloodhunters are typically found in two separate
archery with other skills and arts such as the bone concepts, one of these being the consummate wilderness
archer and the elven treehunters. warrior. He lives in the deserted wilds of the land, travel-
ing where he pleases and hunting the most dangerous
This chapter details seven archer-oriented prestige prey he can find. The other is the personification of silent
classes as well as one legendary class. Most are specif- death, stalking the cityscape for new targets on which to
ically based on the archer and archer-ranger core practice his skills. These are usually found in the employ
classes in this volume, but most can be used without of the local bloodhunter's guild, which allows the blood-
them, only requiring the adoption of a few of the feats hunter to hone his skills and put gold in his pockets.
from the next chapter.
Hit Die: d10

To qualify to become a Bloodhunter (BlH), a character
must fulfill the following criteria:
Base Attack Bonus: +8
Craft (bowyer / fletcher): 8 ranks
Move Silently: 5 ranks
Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (any bow), Point
Blank Shot, Pinpoint Accuracy, one of Far Shot or Precise

Class Skills
The bloodhunter's class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are Balance (dex), Climb (Str),

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Table 4-1
1: The BloodHunter Level Advancement
humanoid as his "prey", without being of evil
Character Base Attack Fort Ref Will Spells per day
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1 2 3 4
Death with Grace (Ex): When using a bow
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6, Traps 0 - - -
he himself created, the character gains a +1
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Primary weapon +2, Point blank shot 1 0 - -
circumstance bonus to all attack and damage
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Evasion 2 1 0 -
rolls made. This bonus is added in addition to
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Extra shot 2 1 1 0
the one granted by the Crimson Ties ability. In
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Uncanny Dodge (Dex Bonus to AC), Sneak Attack +2d6 3 2 2 1 addition, the cost for creating a masterwork
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intuit bonus stacks with the sneak attack granted by other class- bow is reduced by one-quarter.
Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently es such as levels of rogue, assassin or blackguard.
(Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot
(Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (dex), Use Rope (Dex), and Crimson Ties (Su): When using this ability, the charac-
Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in Core ter must draw an arrow across his tongue, drawing blood Level 1 BloodHunter Spells
RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions. with the tip and coating the shaft with it. This act is a free Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
action and inflicts one point of damage. When using that Shield. Gives cover and blocks magic missiles.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier arrow, the character gains a +1 enchantment bonus to Silent Image. Creates minor illusion of your design.
his attack and damage rolls as his blood seeks out that True Strike. Adds +20 bonus to your next attack roll.
Class Features of the target, guiding the arrow along its path. This bonus
All the following are class features of the Bloodhunter increases to +2 at 3rd level and +3 at 5th. Because Level 2 BloodHunter Spells
prestige class blood must be drawn for this ability to be effective, any Glitterdust. Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
damage reduction the character may have can be waived Protection from Arrows. Immune to most ranged attacks.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The character gains when preparing the arrow. An arrow so treated is effec- See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
no additional training with weapons or armour. tive for up to one minute before losing its effectiveness.
Level 3 BloodHunter Spells
Spells: Beginning at 1st level, a bloodhunter gains the Strike from Afar (Ex): At level 2, any sneak attack the Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Hear or see at a distance.
ability to cast a small number of arcane spells. To cast a character makes can be done from as far away as 60 ft., Greater Magic Weapon.+1 bonus/3 levels (max +5).
spell, the bloodhunter must have a Charisma score of at rather than the normal 30 ft. allowed to others. At level
least 10 + the spell's level, so an bloodhunter with 5, this increases to 90 feet. Level 4 BloodHunter Spells
Charisma of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Improved Invisibility. As invisibility, but subject can attack
Bloodhunter bonus spells are based on Charisma, and The Most Dangerous Game (Ex): The character may and stay invisible.
saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + now choose a single creature type from the following list:
spell level + the bloodhunter's Charisma modifier (if any). Aberrations, Animals, Beasts, Constructs, Dragons,
When the bloodhunter gets 0 spells of a given level, such Elementals, Fey, Giants, Humanoid type, Magical beasts,
as 0 1st-level spells at 1st level, the bloodhunter gets only Oozes, Outsider type, Plants, Shapechangers, Undead,
bonus spells. A bloodhunter without a bonus spell for that and Vermin. He gains a +1 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense
level cannot yet cast a spell of that level. The blood- Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore skill checks, as well as
hunter's spell list appears below. A bloodhunter sponta- attack and damage rolls, when used against this type of
neously casts spells just as a sorcerer does. creature. In all other ways, this ability is the same as the
ranger's Favored Enemy ability, and stacks with any pre-
Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability functions exactly as the vious favored enemies the character may have. Unlike
rogue ability of the same name. This sneak attack the ranger, however, the character may choose a

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Bone Archer Because of the necessity for familiarity with necroman-
tic magic to truly take on the path of the Bone Archer, all
are at least minor spell-casters, mostly multi-classed
Bone archers are craftsmen. They have learned an necromancers or clerics.
ancient craft of fletching (crafting arrows) using bones.
These arrows are light and barbed, and they almost seem Because of the traditional elven skill with
to seek out living targets when wielded by their craftsman. bows, they are more likely to qualify for the class
Those already familiar with the necromantic arts find with only levels in wizard previously.
these handcrafted bone arrows are easily enchanted with
short-duration necromantic energies. Hit Die: d8

Bone Fletching To qualify to become a bone archer (Bon) a character
must fulfill all the following criteria.
Bone fletching is the craft of manufacturing Spellcasting: ability to cast four or more necromantic
spells, with one at least level 2.
razor-sharp, barbed arrows suited to "negative
Feats: Weapon Focus (any bow), Point-Blank Shot
energy channelling" out of bones. This craft is
Spellcraft: 6 ranks
taught to few by the Bone Archers except those Knowledge (arcana): 6 ranks
they are eyeing as potential Bone Archers in their Craft (bowyer / fletcher): 8 ranks
own right. Crafting a bone arrow is the equiva- Special: Learned the craft of bone fletching from a
lent of crafting a masterwork arrow (value 7gp) bone archer.
except that the ingredients are free to the Archer,
as long as he has bones. The bones of a crea- Class Skills
ture the same size category as the archer will The bone archer's class skills (and the key ability for
only yield a single arrow. Those of a creature one each skill) are Alchemy (Int), Appraise (Int),
size category larger will yield four, and those of a
creature two sizes larger will yield 16, and so Table 4-2 2: The Bone Archer Level Advancement
forth (multiplying the number of arrows by 4 for Class Attack Fort Ref Will Fletchings Known Fletchings per Day
each size category larger). Because of their light Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
weight and strange construction, bone arrows 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Bone Archery +1 1 - - - - 2 - - - -
have somewhat shorter range than their wood- 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Archery Feat 2 - - - - 4 - - - -
en, metal tipped counterparts (subtract 20 ft 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 2 1 - - - 4 2 - - -
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Bone Archery +2 2 2 - - - 6 4 - - -
from the normal range increments of the bow
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Archery Feat 3 2 1 - - 6 4 2 - -
they are used with), but they are still masterwork
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 3 2 2 - - 6 4 4 - -
weapons providing a +1 bonus on attacks, and 7 +5 +2 +5 +5 Spontaneous Bones 3 2 2 1 - 6 6 4 2 -
the sharp barbs of the arrows (and their sup- 8 +6 +2 +6 +6 Archery Feat 3 3 2 2 - 6 6 4 4 -
posed determination to rend the flesh of the liv- 9 +6 +3 +6 +6 3 3 2 2 1 6 6 4 4 2
ing, something every Bone Archer can attest to) 10 +7 +3 +7 +7 Bone Archery +3 3 3 3 2 2 6 6 6 4 4
increase the Crit multiplier by one.

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Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana)
(Int), Spot (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills
count as personally crafted bone arrows for the purposes
of his bone archery and fletchings. They remain in exis-
Level 2 Bone Archer Fletchings

in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions. tence for a maximum of 1 round per bone archer level. Chill Arrow
This fletching makes the arrow a conduit for the black
Skill Points per level: 2 + Int modifier Fletchings (Su): Bone archers have the ability to imbue cold of negative energy. Any living creature struck by it
personally crafted bone arrows with negative energy for a takes 1d6 cold damage and must make a Fortitude save
Class Features variety of effects. As they gain levels they learn more tech- to avoid taking 2 points of Strength damage.
All of the following are class features of the bone niques and can trigger them more often per day.
archer prestige class. Effectively, a fletching is a spell that is transmitted by a Bolt of Fear
bone arrow. Imbuing a bone arrow with a fletching and This fletching causes fear in the target struck. If the
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The bone archer is firing it is a standard action which provokes an attack of creature succeeds at a Will save, it becomes shaken for
proficient in all simple weapons as well as all bows (long- opportunity. If the arrow hits, then the effects of the fletch- 1 round. If it fails, it flees from the Bone Archer as best it
bow, shortbow, etc) but with no armour nor with shields. ing take effect on the target. The save DC against a can for 1d4 rounds. If it cannot flee, it fights with a -2
Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier fletching is equal to 10 plus the fletching level plus the morale penalty on attack, weapon damage rolls and sav-
than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape bone archer's Con modifier. A bone archer does not gain ing throws.
Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets and additional fletchings per day based on high ability scores.
Tumble. Only one fletching can be used on a particular bone Black Wave
arrow. This fletching causes the arrow to explode in a wave of
Bone Archery (Ex): As the bone archer progresses, he negative energy upon impact. All creatures within 10 feet
becomes more skilled with his personally crafted bone Level 1 Bone Archer Fletchings of the point of impact take 1d4+1 negative energy dam-
arrows. Any time he attacks using a missile weapon he is age (or are healed the same amount if undead).
skilled with, loaded with bone arrows he has personally Bloody Arrow
crafted, he gains a bonus to his attack roll. This fletching causes the arrow to crackle and hiss with Level 3 Bone Archer Fletchings
dark energies that immediately cause any wound inflicted
Archery Feat (Ex): At the indicated levels, the bone with the arrow to weep and bleed. Creatures not immune Explosive Fletching
archer gains a bonus archery feat selected from the fol- to critical hits that are struck by a bloody arrow take one This fletching causes the arrow to shatter into a blast of
lowing list: Improved Critical (any bow)*, Weapon Focus additional point of damage each round thereafter, for 1 bone shards. All creatures within 10 feet of the point of
(any bow)*, Far Shot, Mounted Archery, Precise Shot, round per level of the bone archer. impact take 2d6 piercing damage (half damage with a
Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus (Craft: Fletcher). successful Reflex save). Living creatures that are not
Some of the bonus feats available to the bone archer Skull Snare immune to critical hits who fail their save also bleed for 1
cannot be acquired until the bone archer has gained one This fletching causes the head of the arrow to become point of damage per round until they either receive med-
or more prerequisite feats. A bone archer can select feats a human skull. The skull bites whomever the arrow ical aid in the form of a cure wounds spell or a DC 15
marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must strikes, dealing 1 additional point of damage and latch- Heal check.
be for a different weapon each time. A bone archer must ing on. Until the skull is destroyed (AC 10, 2 hardness, 1
still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability hit point) it reduces the target's speed by one half. Hold Person
score and base attack bonus minimums. This fletching freezes the target in place. The target
True Arrow must succeed at a Will save or be affected as if by a hold
Spontaneous Bones (Su): Beginning at level 7, the This fletching strikes true on target, the arrow bending person spell for one round per class level.
bone archer gains the ability to spontaneously create up and curving in flight to strike home. It confers a +10 pro-
to his Constitution bonus (minimum of 1) bone arrows fane bonus on attack rolls. Shadow Shaft
per day as one or more free actions, drawing them The target of this fletching is enveloped in a swirling
from the negative energy plane. These bone arrows cloud of negative energy. The energy deals 1d4+1

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strength damage and stuns the target the next round
(both are negated with a successful Fortitude save). Table 4-3
3: The Divine Huntsman Level Advancement
Additionally the subject suffers a -2 morale penalty to Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and saving throws Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
for 1 round per 2 class levels. 1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Hunter’s Eye (Weapon Focus)
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Forest Hunter +1 Spellcaster Level
Level 4 Bone Archer Fletchings 3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Hunter’s Eye (Pinpoint Accuracy)
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Forest Hunter (no miss chance) +1 Spellcaster Level
Vampiric Shaft 5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Hunter’s Eye (Damage Bonus)
This fletching deals an additional 1d6 points of nega-
6 +6 +5 +2 +5 +1 Spellcaster Level
tive energy damage per two caster levels of the bone
7 +7 +5 +2 +5 Hunter’s Eye (Improved Critical)
archer (never to exceed the hit points of the target), and
8 +8 +6 +2 +6 +1 Spellcaster Level
grants them to the bone archer as temporary hit points.
9 +9 +6 +3 +6 Hunter’s Eye (Killing Shot)
These temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later.
10 +10 +7 +3 +7 +1 Spellcaster Level
Filthy Darts
The target of this fletching is exposed to Filth Fever, and it screams the cries of a thousand tortured souls as it deities and game worlds. Any suitable nature deity could
with the DC to resist it being increased to 14 + bone flies through the air, unnerving those near it. Anyone with- have huntsmen within their clergy. Just change the
archer's Con modifier and the primary effects taking in close range (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels) of the target of this weapon for the Hunter's Eye abilities from a bow to the
effect immediately (no incubation period). fletching is affected as if by a fear spell. deity's favoured weapon. Also some deities of the hunt
prefer the spear or javelin over the bow.
Soul Biter
The target of this fletching has a cold piece of nega-
Divine Huntsman Optionally, the Divine Huntsmen could serve no god,
tive energy lodged in his person. Initially this may feel like instead being an order of rangers or even druids (substi-
a piece of the arrow, but it is more of a metaphysical Many 'primitive' religions include major deities of the tuting an appropriate druid weapon such as the sickle for
taint; no amount of healing will remove it. All necroman- hunt, and many later religions still have a god or two with the bow in the Hunter's Eye abilities).
tic spells and effects (including other fletchings) that tar- the portfolio of the hunt and followers practiced with bow
get the victim have a +2 profane bonus to their DC, and and tracking. Some of these followers are rangers, but Hit Die: d8
those that deal damage deal an additional point per die. even the clerics of these deities have a strong link to
This effect remains until a remove curse is cast upon the bowhunting and tracking in the wilds, and those more Requirements
victim. inclined to these pursuits than to leading a congregation To qualify to become a divine huntsman (Dhn), a char-
through prayer and praise often become divine hunts- acter must fulfill all the following criteria.
Level 5 Bone Archer Fletchings men. Knowledge (Religion): 8 ranks
Knowledge (Nature): 6 ranks
Enervation Part ranger, part fighter and part druid it would seem, Wilderness Lore: 6 ranks
The target of this fletching is struck with 1d4 negative the divine huntsman can follow tracks through the worst Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency (any bow), Point
levels that remain for 1 hour per Bone Archer level. Since terrain and follow his quarry to the ends of the world to Blank Shot, Track
these cannot remain for 24 hours, they will never result in bring it down. Most divine huntsmen are either rangers or Base Attack Bonus: 4+
actual level loss. elven clerics, who can achieve the prerequisites of the Spellcasting: Ability to cast level 2 divine spells
class fairly easily. Special: Worshipper of a deity of the hunt
Shrieking Missile
This fletching binds nearby spirits to the arrow, The divine huntsman can be adopted for use with other

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Class Skills
The divine huntsman's class skills (and the key ability
divine guidance to strike deeply against his targets. Each
of these abilities only works with a single type of bow,
huntsman would only gain a +3 bonus to AC against his
bow attacks.
for each skill) are Balance (dex), Climb (Str), chosen by the divine huntsman when he takes his first
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intuit level in this class. At level four, this ability negates any concealment miss
Direction (Wis), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge chance provided to a target by leaves and foliage (nor-
(Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), At first level, the divine huntsman gains the Weapon mally dense foliage provides for three-quarters conceal-
Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (dex), and Focus feat in his type of bow. This is a bonus feat in addi- ment and a 30% miss chance).
Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in Core tion to any other feats gained by the divine huntsman for
RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions. gaining levels.

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier At third level, the divine huntsman gains the Pinpoint Elven TreeHunter
Accuracy feat which only applies when using the bow
Class Features chosen for the Hunter's Eye abilities. This is a bonus feat There are elves who feel a deep connection to the
All of the following are class features of the divine in addition to any other feats gained by the divine hunts- trees around them. Then there are those elves who
huntsman prestige class. man for gaining levels. become silent arboreal hunters, stalkers in the trees. And
some few of them find themselves "chosen" by the treefolk
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The divine huntsman At fifth level, the divine huntsman deals one extra point to be guardians and hunters of the trees. From the arbo-
is proficient in the use of all simple and martial ranged of damage whenever he deals damage with the type of real heights of the forest they spy down upon invaders
weapons. He is also proficient in the use of all simple bow chosen for the Hunter's Eye ability. and woodsmen alike, waiting for the perfect shot with
melee weapons and light martial weapons. The divine their wooden longbows.
huntsman is proficient in light and medium armour, but At seventh level, the divine huntsman gains the
not with shields. Note that armour check penalties for Improved Critical feat with the type of bow chosen for the It is said the trees themselves help them travel, and
armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Hunter's Eye ability. This is a bonus feat in addition to any move their leaves out of the way to see and shoot. Some
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick other feats gained by the divine huntsman for gaining lev- say they appear from nowhere, emerging from the bark
Pocket and Tumble. els. of a tree, bow in hand, arrow nocked and aimed.

Spellcasting: At the indicated levels, the divine hunts- At ninth level, the divine huntsman gains the Killing Elven treeHunters are all rangers (or archer-rangers)
man gains new spells per day as if she had also gained Shot feat which only applies when using the bow chosen and druids, although some multiclass as archers or
a level in the divine spellcasting class he belonged to for the Hunter's Eye abilities. The divine huntsman does rogues. Treehunters are almost always trained in their
before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. This is a ways by other treehunters and they generally remain as a
gain any other benefit a character of that class would bonus feat in addition to any other feats gained by the loose collective united by their skills and usually align-
have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking divine huntsman for gaining levels. ment. Most treehunter groups are generally chaotic
undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points good, and defend their elven homes, but some exist from
beyond those she receives from the prestige class, and so Forest Hunter (Ex): The almost unnatural skill of the other alignments, even a radical lawful evil "guild" of tree-
on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. divine huntsman in the wilds allows him to track prey and hunters who work to eradicate all other intelligent life
If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class strike from a distance in even the thickest forests. from the woods, even those elves who would dare stand
before becoming an ascendant, she must decide to which Beginning at second level, the divine huntsman gains a against them.
class he adds the new level for purposes of determining bonus on all Wilderness Lore checks to track equal to his
spells per day. class level. He also reduces the AC bonus against attacks Hit Die: d8
with his bow due to cover in woods from trees, brushes
Hunter's Eye (Ex): The divine hunter gains extraordi- and the like by half his class level. Thus someone with Requirements
nary ability with his bow, as if his arrows flew with three-quarters cover in woods against a level 8 divine To qualify to become an elven treeHunter (TrH), a

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character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Elf or Half-Elf
Table 4-4
4: The Elven Treehunter Level Advancement
Character Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Feats: Alertness, Precise Shot, Uncommon Balance
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
Climb: 8 ranks
Knowledge (nature): 6 ranks 1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Treehome, High Shot
Wilderness Lore: 10 ranks 2 +2 +3 +3 +0 Brutal Shot +1d6, +1 Spellcaster Level
Base Attack Bonus: 6+ 3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Parted Foliage, Treerunning
Spellcasting: Ability to cast pass without trace and tree- 4 +4 +4 +4 +1 Bow Specialization, Transport via Plants +1 Spellcaster Level
shape. 5 +5 +4 +4 +1 Brutal Shot +2d6, Strong Shot
spellcasting. If a character had more than one divine within 30 feet of the treehunter.
Class Skills spellcasting class before becoming a treehunter, she must Parted Foliage (Su): The treehunter can see through
The treehunter's class skills (and the key ability for each decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes the forest canopy as if the leaves were parting just to aid
skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), of determining spells per day. his vision. He never suffers any penalty on spot checks for
Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen foliage, leaves and so on, and all benefits of conceal-
(Wis), Spot (Wis) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter Treehome (Ex): The level 1 treehunter has the uncanny ment his targets may have from such are also negated by
4: Skills in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions. ability to move at full speed through the canopy of a for- this supernatural ability.
est. While this does not guarantee safe footing in wet
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Modifier weather or on slippery surfaces, it does grant the tree- Treerunning (Ex): At level 3, the treehunter gains the
hunter a +10 competence bonus on balance and climb ability to move at a full run in the canopy, and even the
Class Features checks taken in trees, and allows the treehunter to move ability to make a single 90 degree turn while charging
All of the following are class features of the treehunter at his full speed (up to a double move) in the upper inside the canopy.
prestige class. foliage of one or more trees (although this ability does
not allow for running in the canopy yet). Additionally, an Bow Specialization (Ex): At level 4, the treehunter gains
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The treeHunter is Intuit Direction check (DC 10) while inside a forest the weapon specialization feat with a bow of his choice.
proficient with all basic and martial weapons, and with canopy will tell a treehunter where he is, even if he is in The treehunter does not need to meet the prerequisites
light and medium armours but not with shields. Druidic an unfamiliar forest, or has been unconscious for some for this feat.
treehunters gain the ability to us a bow (long or short, time, etc. As long as he can hear, smell and see the trees
standard or composite) in addition to their normal around him, he should never become lost. Transport via Plants (Sp): The level 4 treehunter can
weapons - this no longer violates their oath. Note that cast transport via plants twice per day as a spell-like abil-
armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather High Shot (Ex): When attacking from higher ground, ity.
apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, the treehunter gains a +1 circumstance on missile
Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble. attacks. Normally this bonus is reserved for attacking Strong Shot (Ex): When using a mighty bow, the level
from above in melee combat. 5 treehunter can extend the maximum range that abilities
Spellcasting: At the indicated levels, the treehunter and feats can be used with missile weapons from 30 feet
gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level Brutal Shot (Ex): When attacking from above with a to 60 feet. This affects abilities such as Sneak Attack and
in the divine spellcasting class he belonged to before ranged weapon, the treehunter can strike with deadly Brutal Shot as well as feats such as Point Blank Shot and
adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain accuracy and power into those unaware or unready for Weapon Specialization.
any other benefit a character of that class would have the attack. The counts in all ways as the rogue sneak
gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking attack ability, except limited to missile weapons. If the
undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points treehunter also has the sneak attack ability from another
beyond those she receives from the prestige class, and source, the damage from the brutal shot ability stacks
so on), except for an increased effective level of with it. This ability only works for attacks against targets

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Master of Intuitive Archery Prerequisites
To qualify to become a master of intuitive archery
(Mia), a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Intuitive Archery Mastery
As its name implies, the martial arts school of Intuitive
Archery teaches the use of the bow. It is an "internal" Alignment: Lawful Prerequisites: Lawful alignment, Alertness, Pinpoint
school, meaning that it concentrates on harnessing the Base Attack Bonus: +8 Accuracy, Instinctive Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise
flow of one's life force to achieve complete control over Special: Must have achieved mastery of the Intuitive Shot, Weapon Focus (bow), 10 ranks in
oneself - and since the bow is an extension of the self, this Archery style (see next page). Concentration.
control enables masters of the school to perform remark-
able feats of archery. But such feats are secondary to the Class Skills The Weapon Focus and Instinctive Shot feats must be
purpose of the school, which is introspective in nature: its The master of intuitive archery's class skills (and the key taken with the same bow type, either the longbow or
deepest teachings emphasize that perfecting one's skill is ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), composite longbow. Must convince an existing
simply a metaphor for the journey towards enlightenment. Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction Intuitive Archery master to take you on as a student.
A true master cannot be deceived, because she knows (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion)
herself, and in so doing, knows her enemies. (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Benefit: When you use the Pinpoint Accuracy ability
Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Wilderness Lore (Wis). with your bow, you gain a +20 insight bonus to your
Intuitive Archery is ancient, and yet the school is taught See Chapter 4: Skills in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descrip- attack roll, and you are not affected by the miss
in no academy. Most of its masters are loners, who pre- tions. chance that applies to attacks against a concealed
fer to wander the land in quiet contemplation. Hence target. You may use this ability once per day.
there are few students; it's hard to find a master, and Skill points per level: 4 + Int modifier.
harder still to convince him or her to impart the secrets of Intuitive Archery mastery is a prerequisite for taking
their art. The school is thus slowly dying out, and it may Class Features the Master of Intuitive Archery prestige class.
not be too long before it becomes entirely extinct. All of the following are class features of the master of Weapon and armour proficiency: The master of intu-
intuitive archery prestige class. itive archery gains no weapon or armour proficiencies
Hit Die: d8 beyond what she already has.

Table 4-5
5: Master of Intuitive Archery Level Advancement Ki Shot (Su): At 1st level, any arrows that the master of
Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will intuitive archery lets fly from her bow are treated as if they
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special have a +1 enhancement bonus. This doesn't stack with
any enhancement bonus that the arrows may already
1 +1 +0 +2 +2 Ki shot +1, Instinctive Strike
have. At 4th level, the enhancement bonus from this abil-
2 +2 +0 +3 +3 Greater Mastery
ity increase to +2. At 7th level it increases to +3, and at
3 +3 +1 +3 +3 Still Mind
10th level, to +4.
4 +4 +1 +4 +4 Ki shot +2, Ranged blind-fight
5 +5 +1 +4 +4 Finding the target Instinctive Strike (Ex): At 1st level, the master of intuitive
6 +6 +2 +5 +5 Great sharpshooter archery can add her Wisdom modifier to damage with
7 +7 +2 +5 +5 Ki shot +3, Penetrating shot her bow, in place of her Strength bonus. She can do this
8 +8 +2 +6 +6 True seeing even if her bow is one that wouldn't normally allow a
9 +9 +3 +6 +6 Soul strike Strength bonus to damage, nor is her Wisdom modifier
10 +10 +3 +7 +7 Ki shot +4, Grand mastery limited by the Strength rating of her bow.

Greater Mastery (Ex): With dedication comes

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rewards. The master of intuitive archery can now use her
mastery ability (see above) a total of once per class level Table 4-6
6: Military Archer Level Advancement
per day. She can only use this ability once per round, Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
even when hasted or in conjunction with Finding the Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Target (see below). 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Primary Weapon +1
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Volley Fire
Still Mind (Ex): At 3rd level, the master of intuitive 3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Pinpoint Accuracy
archery gains a +3 insight bonus on saving throws
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Primary Weapon +2
against charm and compulsion effects.
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Improved Rapid Shot
6 +4 +2 +5 +2
Ranged Blind-F Fight (Ex): At 4th level, the master of
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Primary Weapon +3
intuitive archery can reroll the miss chance that applies to
attacks against concealed opponents, when using her 8 +6 +2 +6 +2 Improved Point-Blank Shot
bow. 9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Extreme Range
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 Primary Weapon +4
Finding the Target (Ex): At 5th level, the master of intu-
itive archery can use the Pinpoint Accuracy ability need- Soul Strike (Su): At 9th level, even the merest graze While most soldiers rely on melee combat, steel on
ing only a move-equivalent action to set up the shot for from an arrow fired by the master of Intuitive Archery can steel, to defeat their opponents, the military archer relies
the initial bonus. To gain the subsequent bonuses for aim- be lethal. On a successful attack using her mastery abili- on his skill with the bow. Military archer units wield their
ing for multiple rounds, the master must still spend full ty, she can inflict 2d6 points of temporary Constitution bows as a natural extension of themselves, knowing the
rounds aiming. damage in addition to her normal damage. A successful moment the arrow is released if their aim was true.
Great Sharpshooter (Ex): The most crowded battlefield Fortitude save (DC 10 + the master's class level + her Archers are important to the success of any army. The mil-
is an open book to the master of intuitive archery. At 6th Wisdom modifier) halves the Constitution damage. This itary archer is never without his bow while on-duty. He
level, she can ignore any cover bonus up to +4 that her ability is usable a maximum of three times per day, and practices regularly to maintain and improve his skills and
target has to AC. (Thus a target without cover, or with a no more than once per encounter, no matter how many takes special care of his weapon. Most also carry spare
cover bonus up to +4, gains no cover at all, while a times the master can use her mastery ability. bowstrings in their helmets. Constant practice under a
cover bonus greater than +4 is treated as if it is 4 less variety of conditions allows the archer to concentrate,
than it actually is.) This applies only to attacks she makes Grand Mastery (Ex): A master of Intuitive Archery who aim, and fire with deadly accuracy, even during the heat
with her bow. reaches 10th level is a grand master of the school. She is of battle.
no longer limited in the number of times per day she can
Penetrating Shot (Ex): At 7th level, the master of intu- use her mastery ability. Any country that maintains a standing army recognizes
itive archery inflicts double damage on a successful hit the military archer's usefulness. Most military archers are
drawn from the ranks of warriors with some few fighters,
with a pinpoint accuracy attack. Military Archer rangers and rogues.
True Seeing (Su): At 8th level, the master of intuitive
archery can see through the veils of illusion, deception A version of the military archer prestige class first Hit Die: d8
and darkness that would confound lesser creatures. She appeared in Librum Equitis volume 1. Here they have
can use true seeing for a total of one minute per class been adapted for use with the archer & archer-ranger Requirements
level per day, as a cleric of her prestige class level. This core classes. This class has been designed as a "warrior's To qualify to become a military archer (Mar), a char-
use need not be for consecutive rounds, and is a super- archer", more in line with the warrior NPC class than the acter must fulfill all the following criteria.
natural ability. fighter core class. Base Attack Bonus: +1
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Martial

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Table 4-7
7: Siege Artillerist Level Advancement
Improved Rapid Shot (Ex): A military archer at level 5
Character Base Attack Fort Ref Will
or higher no longer suffers the -2 penalty to hit for using
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
the Rapid Shot feat.
1 +0 +2 +0 +0 Siege Accuracy, Rapid Reload (ballista)
2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Devastating Fire
3 +2 +3 +1 +1 Coordinate Volley (2) Siege Artillerist
4 +3 +4 +1 +1 Rapid Reload (catapults)
5 +3 +4 +1 +1 Coordinate Volley (3) "Any grunt can man a catapult or point and fire a bal-
Weapon Proficiency (any bow) to +3, at 7th level the bonus increases to +4 and at 10th lista, junior, but it takes a lot more than that to crack an
Special: Military training in an Archery unit. level the bonus increases to +5. This bonus stacks with enemy's fortifications. It takes years of experience to learn
the Weapon Focus feat and with the competence bonus how to spot the weak spots in an enemy's fortifications
granted by other classes with the Primary Weapon ability. and get your crews to exploit them. And that's saying
Class Skills nothing about learning how to make unusual munitions,
The military archer's class skills (and the key ability for Volley Fire (Ex): Trained to work as a unit against other like alchemist's fire or tanglefoot shot!"
each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), units, military archers firing at targets beyond 100 feet
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str). can elect to fire at the enemy unit instead of individual Siege engines take the hand-held missile weapon tech-
See Chapter 4: Skills in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descrip- enemies. This makes the target area much larger and the nology and scale it up by an order of magnitude.
tions. Fundamentally, most siege engines are giant missile
weapons. Ballistae are little more than giant cross-
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Modifier bows. Trebuchets are huge mechanically assisted
slings. Catapults lob rocks in a similar fashion.
Class Features Cannon are merely massive guns. However, while
All of the following are class features of the mili- the projectiles might simply be giant versions of the
tary archer prestige class. normal missiles, the art used to launch them is very
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The military
archer is proficient in all basic weapons as well as Few military men command as much respect and
with shortbows, longbows, composite short bows and pay for their skills as siege artillerists. Generals
longbows. They are proficient in light armour but not spend vast amounts of gold acquiring and supplying
with shields. Note that armour check penalties for siege weapons and seek out experts to help maximize
armour heavier than leather apply to the skills their expensive investment. These expert siege engi-
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move neers know how to coordinate their crews more effi-
Silently, Pick Pockets and Tumble. ciently, improving their rate of fire. They can study a
fortification and aim their giant machines at the tar-
Primary Weapon (Ex): At level 1, the military get's weak points. They can coordinate their crew
archer selects one of the following ranged weapons and the crews near them to fire in unison to form dev-
to be his primary weapon: heavy crossbow, light cross- chance of hitting improves, but arrows rain down on ran- astating volleys.
bow, longbow, shortbow. At 1st level the character dom soldiers in the enemy unit instead of precise targets.
receives a +1 competence bonus to all attacks made This provides a +1 to hit per 3 targets in the enemy unit, Siege artillerists are also students of alchemy, learning
with his primary weapon. This bonus increases by one to a maximum bonus of one-half the military archer's how to prepare dangerous and exotic munitions such as
every three levels: at 4th level the bonus increases level. Hits are then randomly distributed within the unit. alchemist's fire and tanglefoot bags. Alchemicals

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are often used en masse, with dozens of flasks or bags
fired at once to saturate a targeted area. The expense of Table 4-8
8: Sniper Level Advancement
these unconventional rounds means that they must both Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
be used sparingly and be well aimed, but the sheer chaos Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
they can wreck makes them a valuable option. A seem- 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Primary Weapon +1, Extended Sneak Attack +1d6
ingly unstoppable cavalry charge can be transformed into 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Improved Pinpoint Accuracy
a confused mass of men and horses by a catapult volley 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Extended Sneak Attack +2d6
of tanglefoot bags or thunderstones landing in their
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Eagle’s Eye
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Primary Weapon +2, Extended Sneak Attack +2d6

Hit Die: d8
siege engine crew he commands. For ballistae, this
bonus is added as a modifier to the straight attack roll. Sniper
For catapults, this bonus is treated as a circumstance
To qualify to become a siege artillerist (Sar), a charac-
bonus to the Profession (Siege Engineer) skill check. The extremists of the archer set, snipers are guerrilla
ter must fulfill all the following criteria.
and tactical archery experts. Instead of working with
Knowledge (engineering): 6 ranks
Rapid Reload (Ex): At first level, a siege artillerist can teams of other archers and longbowmen, snipers often
Profession (siege engineer): 6 ranks
reload and cock a ballista using 2 full-round actions set up independently and shoot for particular targets,
Feats: Skill Focus [Profession (siege engineer)]
instead of 3 full-round actions. At fourth level, the siege usually officers, spellcasters and unit leaders. Often they
artillerist can get a catapult crew under his direct com- will set-up positions before a battle high in trees or in
mand to reload a light catapult in 3 rounds (rather than other camouflage locations in preparation for an upcom-
Class Skills
5 rounds) or a heavy catapult in 5 rounds (rather than 8 ing battle. They are generally serious people, considered
The siege artillerist’s class skills are Alchemy (Int), Craft
rounds). At fourth level, catapults can also be reaimed in to be dry of wit and they often seem to have little interest
(Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (strategy)
half the usual time. in anything besides their single-minded focus on the per-
(Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Spot
fect shot.
(Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in Core RuleBook 1 for skill
Devastating Fire (Ex): At second level, a siege weapon
commanded by a siege artillerist uses the next largest die Snipers are recruited from expert archers and long-
type when rolling its damage. For example, a ballista bowmen, and always have several levels of those prestige
Skill Points at Each Level = 4 + Int modifer
would inflict 3d8 damage rather than the usual 3d6 dam- classes before becoming snipers.
Class Features
Hit Die: d8
All of the following are class features of the siege
Coordinate Volley (Ex): Upon reaching third level, the
artillerist prestige class.
a siege artillerist may coordinate the fire of two separate Requirements
siege engine crews so that they fire in a single volley. To To qualify to become a sniper (Sni), a character must
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Siege artillerists are
form a volley, the crews of the two siege engines must be fulfill all the following criteria.
proficient with simple weapons, a single martial weapon
able to communicate with one another and both attacks Alignment: non-chaotic
of their choice, and in light armour. Note that armour
must occur simultaneously. Each crew rolls its attack nor- Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus
check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to
mally, but the siege engineer's accuracy bonus applies to (any bow)
the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,
both attack rolls. At fifth level, a siege artillerist can coor- Base Attack Bonus: 6+
Move Silently, Pick Pockets and Tumble.
dinate a volley from three separate siege engines. Special: Pinpoint Accuracy special ability or feat
Siege Accuracy (Ex): A siege artillerist may add his
Class Skills
siege artillerist level to all attack rolls made by the

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The sniper's class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
Primary Weapon (Ex): At level 1, the sniper selects one
of the following ranged weapons to be his primary
Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot weapon: heavy crossbow, light crossbow, longbow, short-
(Wis) and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4: Skills in Core bow. At 1st level the character receives a +1 competence
RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions. bonus to all attacks made with his primary weapon. This
bonus increases by one at level 5. This bonus stacks with
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier the Weapon Focus feat. A sniper who already has the
Primary Weapon ability from another class must select the
Class Features same primary weapon, and this ability stacks with it.
All of the following are class features of the sniper
prestige class. Extended Sneak Attack (Ex): Beginning at level 1, the
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The sniper's training sniper gains the ability to perform a sneak attack (as per
gains no additional weapon or armour proficiencies. the rogue ability, Core Rulebook 1) using his primary
weapon exclusively. In addition, unlike a normal sneak
attack, this sneak attack an be done at ranges of up to 5
range increments from the sniper. If used within a range
of 30 feet, (and within the other normal restrictions of a
sneak attack) then this extraordinary ability stacks with
any other sneak attack the character may have from lev-
els of rogue or blackguard, etc. The extended sneak
attack damage begins at +1d6 and increases by 1d6
every odd level.

Improved Pinpoint Accuracy (Ex): At 2rd level and

higher, the sniper improves his Pinpoint Accuracy ability,
able to maintain it for one additional round (for an addi-
tional +2 circumstance bonus to his attack roll).

Eagle's Eye (Ex): At fourth level, the sniper gains a +4

competence bonus on all spot rolls.

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The Legendary SharpShooter
Table 4-7
7: The Legendary SharpShooter Level Advancement
Legendary Classes are much akin to Prestige Classes, Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will
but are for very high level characters and are of leg- Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
endary power and ability. In addition to standard 1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Primary Weapon +1, Extended Sneak Attack +1d6
requirements based on feats, Base Attack Bonuses and 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Improved Pinpoint Accuracy
skills, Legendary Classes require both a feat or two cho- 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Extended Sneak Attack +2d6
sen by the GM (which allows for feats not included as 4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Eagle’s Eye
Open Game Content) and a quest or great achievement 5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Primary Weapon +2, Extended Sneak Attack +2d6
to become a member. Additionally, a character must
begin attempting to join a Legendary Class well in smallest targets at the most extreme ranges. They craft
advance of first gaining a level in it. In game terms, the their own perfect arrows and can spot a crooked shaft
character must announce his intent two levels before he yards away. One who yearns to be a legendary sharp-
can take a level of the class in question. shooter is more than just an archer, he has become as
one with his bow, and knows as soon as the shot is
When a character gains a level in a Legendary Class, released whether it will strike true or not. By the time a
he must choose one of the listed abilities to gain. He legendary sharpshooter has joined this class, he is a
multiplies the bonus given by the ability by his level in legend for his prowess with the bow.
the Legendary Class when he took the ability. He can
never choose the same ability twice. Thus a character Hit Die: d8
that took a Dexterity boosting ability at level 1 would
gain a +1 to Dexterity, while taking a Wisdom boosting Requirements
ability at level 3 would result in the gain of +3 Wisdom. To qualify to become a legendary sharpshooter (Lss)
Abilities chosen at lower levels do not increase in power a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
as the character gains levels. Base Attack Bonus: +12
Feats: Far Shot, Killing Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise
The king of the longshot, the one-arrow kill. The leg- Shot, Pinpoint Accuracy, Weapon Focus (any bow),
endary sharpshooter is a master of all parts of his bow. Weapon Mastery (any bow), any one feat of the GM's
His arrows fly long, straight and true, their razor points choice.
cutting in twain anything they strike. He sharpens his Spot: 10 ranks
shooting skills to a fine precision, able to spot and split Craft (bowyer or fletcher): 12 ranks
a fly at hundreds, even a thousand yards. He learns to
breathe, or even not to breathe, exactly to the rhythm of Quests
his aim and shot. He knows where to snap an arrow to The character must become known as one of the
drop just about any opponent, hitting chinks in armour greatest archers in the land. He must either win every
or tagging the most sensitive portions of nearly any tar- tournament of archery in the region for a year, or must
get. prove himself militarily by personally removing the mili-
tary commanders of at least two standing armies on or
Characters drawn to the legendary sharpshooter class near the battlefield with his archery skills.
aren't just superlative archers, they are the absolute He must then prove himself the greatest archer in the
masters of their craft. They shoot perfectly, the land against at least two challenges. Usually these

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will be in the form of challenges from other great
archers, or sometimes just a public challenge from a
Perfect Vision: The legendary sharpshooter can see
things miles away, as if he had the proverbial eagle's
king or other person to prove the legendary sharpshoot- eyes. The legendary sharpshooter gains a +4 legendary
er's skill (such as shooting a golden apple from a titan's bonus to Spot checks and a +2 legendary bonus to
tree on the mountain top, or splitting the hair of the Search checks per power level. This is a one-time
king's youngest daughter at one thousand paces). bonus.

Class Skills Perfectly Still: The legendary sharpshooter can sit in

The legendary sharpshooter's class skills (and the key one place, bow drawn and arrow nocked, for hours.
ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft Even breathing is reduced to the absolute minimum
(Int), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen needed, and is set in a pattern that the archer immedi-
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot ately compensates for by instinct. The legendary sharp-
(Wis) and Swim (Str). See core rulebook 1 for skill shooter gains a +4 legendary bonus to Hide checks per
descriptions. power level and increases the maximum number of
rounds he can aim using the Pinpoint Accuracy feat by
Skill Points per level: 4 + Int modifier one round per power level. This is a one-time bonus.

Class Features Incredible Range: The legendary sharpshooter can

All of the following are class features of the legendary fire arrows to unbelievable ranges. Any ranged missile
sharpshooter. weapon in the legendary sharpshooter's hands has its
range increment increased by 30 feet per power level.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The legendary This is a one-time bonus.
sharpshooter is proficient in the use of all simple and
martial ranged weapons. He is also proficient in the use Deadly Precision: The legendary sharpshooter can
of all simple melee weapons and light martial weapons. take full advantage of his amazing accuracy to greater
The legendary sharpshooter is proficient in light and ranges than normal. Any ability that can only be used
medium armour, but not with shields. Note that armour out to a range of 30 feet (such as sneak attack, point
check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to blank shot, weapon mastery, etc) can now be used to a
the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, range of 10 additional feet per power level. This is a
Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble. one-time bonus.

Legendary SharpShooter Abilities Enhanced Critical: The legendary sharpshooter can

strike home the most sensitive parts of a target with his
Enhanced Dexterity: The legendary sharpshooter arrows. Twice per day per power level, the legendary
gains a +1 legendary bonus to his Dexterity per power sharpshooter may confirm a critical threat without rolling
level. This is a one-time bonus. the attack a second time.

Enhanced Wisdom: The legendary sharpshooter

gains a +1 legendary bonus to his Wisdom per power
level. This is a one-time bonus.

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Astounding Feats and Precise Skill
Archers of legend are known for astounding feats of Table 5-1
1: Compiled Feats
bowmanship, the ability to shoot from the most awk-
ward of places and positions, be it from the back of a Feat Prerequisites Effect
galloping horse or hanging upside-down from the Bow Mastery Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization +1 attack bonus with bows
branch of a tree. Crossbow Mastery Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization +1 attack bonus with crossbows
Dead Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+, BAB +4 Reduce cover 1 category
This chapter details 27 archery or archery-related Distant Sneak Attack Far Shot, Sneak Attack ability, Spot 10 Sneak Attack 60 feet
feats as well as attributing the classic entertainment and
Double Nock Dex 15+, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot Attack with two arrows at -5
sport of trickshooting as a subskill of the Perform skill.
Exotic Arrow Proficiency - Proficient with exotic arrows
Those feats marked as being [Fighter] feats can be Friendly Fire Dex 15+, Wis 13+, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Cannot shoot allies by accident
taken by a fighter as a bonus feat, or any other class High Ready Dexterity 17+, Reactive Shot Reactive shot with bows
that gains access to the fighter bonus feats. Improved Crossbow Handling Weapon Focus Improve reload time, more
Improved Threatened Zone BAB +15, Dex 19+, Threaten Zone Increase threatened zone by 10 ft
In the Groove Improved Initiative, Iron Will Minimum initiative roll is 10
Instinctive Shot BAB +6, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Reduce range penalties
Killing Shot BAB +12, Perfect Shot Increase threat rane with Pinpoint shots
Last Ditch Point Blank & Rapid Shot, Combat Reflexes, Fast Draw Attack charging opponents
Master Mounted Archer Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus Reduce mounted archery penalties
Overpenetrate BAB +6, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack Missiles cleave through to next target
Perfect Shot BAB +6, Pinpoint Acc, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Single shot deals more damage
Perform: Trickshooting (Cha)
Trickshooting is another (albeit unusal) use of the per- Pinpoint Accuracy Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+ Aim for +2 bonus to attack / round
form skill. It can be taken like any other performance spe- Ranged Trip BAB +8, Dex 17+, Precise Shot Trip attack with missile weapon
cialty (you may select one use for the perform skill with Reactive Shot Dex 15+ Attack with crossbow when surprised
each rank taken, such as mime, lute, dance, etc.). Shuriken Mastery Exotic Weapon Proficiency Shoot multiple targets, or bonus dmg
Trickshooting is the art of performing bizarre and difficult
Snap Attack Dex 19+, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw Draw weapon and attack at once
shots with a ranged weapon (sometimes with thrown
weapons such as knives, but usually with bow or cross- Supreme Mounted Archery Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus Move and make full attacks mounted
bow), in order to entertain and in a way that makes the Team Fighting BAB +1 +1 attack & AC in a team, more
shot into a performance. The trickshooter must make Threaten Zone BAB +9, Last Ditch Threaten 20 feet
attack rolls for trick shots, usually against an AC of 15 or Triple Nock BAB +15, Dex 19+, Bow Mastery, Double Nock Attack with 3 arrows at -5
thereabouts, although the trickshooter may take 10 on Uncommon Balance Dex 13+, Balance 5 Attack from awkward positions
the roll, since it is being done out of combat.

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Bow Mastery [General] [Fighter]
Your continued practice in the mastery of your chosen
Benefit: When you
perform a sneak attack
weapon extends to the use of other, similar weapons. with a ranged weapon,
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any bow), Weapon the maximum range at
Specialization (any bow) which sneak attack
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to attack with all damage can be dealt is
bows with which you are proficient. This bonus stacks with increased from 30 feet
any bonus you may already have from Weapon Focus to 60 feet. If you have
with your primary weapon. the ability to make
sneak attacks at greater
Crossbow Mastery [General] [Fighter] range than 30 feet, this
Your continued practice in the mastery of your chosen feat increases the maxi-
weapon extends to the use of other, similar weapons. mum range of your
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any crossbow), Weapon sneak attacks by 30
Specialization (any crossbow) feet.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to attack with all
crossbows with which you are proficient. This bonus Double Nock
stacks with any bonus you may already have from [General] [Fighter]
Weapon Focus with your primary weapon. You have practiced
nocking and firing two
Dead Shot [General] [Fighter] arrows at once, without
You are a skilled marksman and have learned to hit either shooting yourself
targets who are hiding behind cover. in the hand or sending
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+, both arrows flying wild
Base Attack Bonus +4 or higher with each shot.
Benefit: When using a ranged weapon against a tar- Prerequisites: Dex
get taking advantage of cover, the target is considered 1 15+, Point Blank Shot,
cover category less. For example, a target behind three- Rapid Shot
quarters cover normally receives a +7 AC bonus and a Benefit: As a move-
+3 Reflex save bonus. A target in a similar situation equivalent action you
would receive the bonuses for one half cover (+4 AC can nock two arrows to
bonus, +2 Reflex save bonus) against attacks from a your bow instead of
character with Dead Shot. one. In this way, your
Special: This feat does not stack with other feats or next attack with your
abilities that lend modifiers to hit targets behind cover. bow will fire both
arrows at your target.
Distant Sneak Attack [General] You make an attack roll
Your precision allows you to make sneak attacks with with each of these
ranged weapons at greater distances than most. arrows, with each
Prerequisites: Far Shot, Sneak Attack ability, Spot 10+ attack suffering from a -
ranks 5 circumstance penalty
on the attack roll.

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Exotic Arrow Proficiency [General]
Allows you to use unusual bolts and arrows without
Benefit: When reloading any crossbow or crossbow-
styled weapon short of siege engines, the reload time is
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Its
effects do not stack; each time you gain this feat, it affects
penalty. improved by one step as follows: a different ranged weapon.
Benefit: Choose a number of exotic arrows or bolts Standard Reload Time Improved Reload Time
equal to your 1 plus your Intelligence modifier (minimum Move-equivalent action Free action Killing Shot [General]
1). You may now use these missiles as if proficient in their Full-round action Move-equivalent action You aim and concentrate on the perfect shot. One
use. This feat may be taken more than once, selecting dif- More than 1 full round Reduce reload time by half arrow, one kill.
ferent exotic missiles each time. (round up) Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +12 or higher, Perfect
Normal: Characters suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls Additionally, the penalty for firing a crossbow one- Shot
when using weapons with which they are not proficient. handed is halved from -4 to -2. Benefit: When you make an attack using the Pinpoint
Accuracy ability or feat, the critical threat range on the
Friendly Fire [General] [Fighter] Improved Threatened Zone [General] weapon you are using is increased by 2.
You are skilled at shooting into melee. Your shots pose You consummate skill with ranged weapons allows you
no threat to your companions. to threaten a larger area. Last Ditch [General] [Fighter]
Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Wis 13+, Point Blank Shot, Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +15 or higher, Dex You can pull off one last shot as your enemies rush in
Precise Shot. 19+, Threaten Zone to fight you.
Benefit: If a target you are shooting at has cover pro- Benefit: This feat increases the range you can threaten Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Combat
vided by one of your allies, if the shot misses there is no with ranged weapons using the Threaten Zone feat by 10 Reflexes, Fast Draw
chance that you will strike your ally by mistake. feet. Benefit: You can take a single attack with your in-hand
Normal: If you miss a target with cover with a shot that ranged or thrown weapon against a charging opponent
would have hit without the cover, you must check to see In the Groove [General] when he comes within ten feet of you. If you take this
if it hits the cover instead, even if the cover is a friend. You understand that while speed and skill are vital, attack, it counts against you normal number of attacks of
they are overrated compared to keeping your cool. A hot- opportunity that round, and you lose your Dexterity bonus
High Ready [General] head who rushes in at the first opportunity is often the first to AC for the rest of the round.
You are accustomed to moving with your missile one in need of immediate resurrection.
weapon at the ready, shifting your aim with your sight. Prerequisite: Improved Initiative, Iron Will Master Mounted Archer [General]
Prerequisites: Dexterity 17+, Reactive Shot Benefit: When rolling Initiative, a die roll of less than Glued to the saddle, you no longer even notice the
Benefit: This feat allows persons using a bow or a 10 is immediately raised to 10. Modifiers are then added movement of your mount beneath you as you take aim
crossbow or other missile weapon larger than medium to the new "roll" of 10. and loose arrows.
size to take advantage of the Reactive Shot feat. In order Prerequisites: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat,
to use this feat, the character must be declared to be in a Instinctive Shot [General] [Fighter] Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), Ride skill (14+
high-ready position (standing with weapon shouldered or You are one with your bow, enabling you to make dif- ranks)
bow nocked and pulled), and the character cannot move ficult shots as if they were routine. Benefit: When you select this feat, it must be selected
faster than half speed in this position. A bow can only be Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Point-Blank Shot, with a single weapon with which you have the weapon
kept at High Ready for 5 rounds or 30 seconds at the Weapon Focus with chosen bow. focus feat. With this feat, the penalties for making ranged
most, crossbows can be kept at high ready for much Benefit: Choose a ranged weapon. When using that attacks from a mount are reduced by two. This combines
longer periods of time. type of ranged weapon, you can apply double your with the mounted archery feat to no penalty when the
Wisdom bonus (if any) to negate attack penalties due to mount is making a double move, and a -2 penalty when
Improved Crossbow Handling [General] [Fighter] range. You do not gain an actual bonus to hit; if the dou- the mount is running.
You can handle a crossbow with remarkable speed bled Wisdom modifier is greater than the range penalty, Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, but
and agility. the excess is discarded. each time it must be with another ranged weapon you
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (any crossbow) have the Weapon Focus feat in.

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Overpenetrate [General] [Fighter]
Your arrows and bolts can cleave through your target
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+
Benefit: You may spend a full-round action, during
Shuriken Mastery [General]
Your skill at throwing shuriken is unmatchable.
and strike a second foe. which you do nothing but aim at a target with a ranged Prerequisites: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Shuriken)
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6 or higher, Point weapon, and receive a +2 bonus to your attack roll on Benefit: When throwing three shuriken as a single
Blank Shot, Power Attack that target the next round with the ranged weapon. (You attack, you may select multiple targets (applying the same
Benefit: If you cause a creature to drop with a missile may aim for up to three consecutive rounds, or your attack roll to all three targets, but with a -2 penalty to the
attack from a piercing weapon (crossbow, or bow for Wisdom bonus in rounds, whichever is less, gaining a roll). When throwing three shuriken as a single attack all
example), such as by reducing it to 0 or fewer hit points, maximum of +6 to the attack roll on the fourth round.) aimed at the same opponent, each shuriken gains a +1
the arrow penetrates through your target and potentially Firing after aiming requires use of the full attack action, bonus to damage.
strikes a second target. You may immediately make in which you gain all benefits at your highest attack
another ranged attack at the same attack bonus as your bonus, but only make a single attack. If you are threat-
killing shot at an enemy directly behind the dropped tar- ened or attacked while aiming, all modifiers from this feat
get. The new target must be directly behind the original are lost until you are able to start over.
target relative to your position, and must be directly adja-
cent to the initial target. You may use this ability once per Ranged Trip [General]
round. You shoot for the knees, taking down or at least stum-
bling your targets.
Perfect Shot [General] [Fighter] Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +8 or higher, Dex
Your mastery of ranged weapons allows you to take 17+, Precise Shot
that extra moment needed in the thick of combat to make Benefit: You may make a trip attack using a ranged
each and every shot count to the utmost. weapon by targeting the opponent's knees, ankles or
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6 or higher, other critical points on his legs. This attack is resolved as
Pinpoint Accuracy, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus a standard missile attack with a -4 circumstance penalty
(ranged weapon) on the attack roll, and deals normal damage for the
Benefit: When making a full attack action, you may attack, in addition it initiates a trip attack, as if the trip-
sacrifice your additional attacks in order to make a single ping attacker was a small-sized creature for the purpose
attack with your full attack bonus. If this attack hits, it of resolving the attack. If the trip attempt fails, the archer
deals an additional 1d4 damage per iterative attack you is not in danger of a counter-trip.
would normally be allowed. (For example, an archer with
a +13 Base Attack Bonus hits using this feat. Normally Reactive Shot [General]
she could make three attacks in a round (at +13, +8 You react instantly with a loaded missile weapon
and +3), and therefore she deals +2d4 damage using Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+
her deadly shot. Benefit: If you have a medium-size or smaller loaded
Special: This feat may be taken a second time, and ready crossbow (or similar weapon that can be fired
increasing the additional damage to +1d6 instead of by just pulling on the trigger or a similar action) in your
+1d4. hand, you may act in a surprise round even if you are sur-
prised. You roll initiative as though you were not sur-
Pinpoint Accuracy [General] [Fighter] prised, although the only action you can take during the Snap Attack [General]
You have learned to take your time with the most surprise round is firing the missile weapon in your hand If you are carrying a tiny thrown or projectile weapon,
important ranged attacks to make sure that you hit your once with a -5 circumstance penalty on the attack roll. such as a throwing dagger, you can draw it and throw it
intended target. You are still considered flat-footed until you take your first in one motion, catching targets unaware.
action on a non-surprise round.

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Prerequisites: Dexterity 19+, Improved Initiative,
Quick Draw
could fire the Heavy Crossbow every round while the
other guy is loading.
Benefit: When pulling and attacking with a ranged
weapon at least two sizes smaller than yourself (such as a Threaten Zone [General] [Fighter]
tiny weapon for a medium character), you automatically Your speed and accuracy with a ranged weapon is
catch your opponent flat-footed (for the purpose of this great enough to threaten an area around you.
one attack only), thus denying your target his Dexterity Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +9 or higher, Last
bonus to AC (if any). This feat can only be used once per Ditch
combat, and only at a range of 20 feet or less. Benefit: When wielding a ranged weapon, you threat-
en an area up to 20 feet away as if you had reach, being
Supreme Mounted Archery [General] able to flank and deal attacks of opportunity to oppo-
You can guide your mount with your knees exclusively, nents within that area with a ranged weapon.
while standing tall in the saddle and able to make opti-
mal use of your bow. Triple Nock [General] [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, You have mastered the double nock to the point that
Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), Ride skill (14+ you can (almost accurately) nock and fire three arrows at
ranks) once.
Benefit: When attacking with a ranged weapon from a Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +15 or higher, Dex
mount, you may choose to attack at any point during the 19+, Bow Mastery, Double Nock
movement, firing arrows at the beginning of movement, Benefit: As a move-equivalent action you can nock
during the actual movement of the mount, or at the end three arrows to your bow instead of one. In this way, your
of the movement. next attack with your bow will fire all three arrows at your
Normal: All ranged attacks are made at the mid-point target. You make an attack roll with each of these arrows,
of the mount’s movement when the mount makes a dou- with each attack suffering from a -5 circumstance penal-
ble move or a quadruple-move. ty on the attack roll.

Team Fighting [General] Uncommon Balance [General]

COPYRIGHT 2001, Scott Metzger, appears in the Netbook of Feats You can work with both hands while on unstable foot-
You know how to fight as a pair, group, and in forma- ing
tion. Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Balance 5 ranks
Prerequisite: Base attack modifier of +1 or better. Benefit: Once in a position where you can have both
Benefit: Two or more people can fight together as a feet on a surface, you are able to use both hands without
team. The team members block and parry blows for each penalty. This talent comes in handy particularly for rogues
other. Team members also work together to open up (the ability to pick locks and disable traps without penal-
opponent's weaknesses. Team members need to be with- ty while jammed up into a chimney, or while standing on
in each others threatened area and every team member a narrow ledge) and to archers (in order to be able to
needs to have the feat. Each person having Team Fighting load and fire while on ladders, jammed into nooks and
gets a +1 to hit bonus and a +1 Armour Class bonus. crannies, or in trees).
Also, if two people have Team Fighting they can switch
carried items as a free action. This would allow one per-
son to reload a Heavy Crossbow or Repeating
Crossbow while the other fires, thus one character

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The Well-EEquipped Archer
Arrow, Alchemist's The two pieces of arrow, aided by momentum, then con-
While the core rules provide the basics that an archer These arrows are very front-heavy because of the one- tinue to wrap around the target, trapping and immobiliz-
will require (light armor, a bow, some arrows to fire pound ceramic container mounted at the end of the shaft, ing him. The target is then considered entangled. Making
from it, and masterwork and mighty variants thereof), replacing the head of the arrow. These arrows can hold a successful Strength check or Escape Artist skill check
there are toys and necessities that every archer can use, any alchemical substance from the core rules, such as (DC 18) frees him, as does inflicting 3 points of bladed
and some that most archers have never even heard of. alchemist's fire or acid. These arrows only require a touch damage to the wire itself. The Craft check to create a
There is far more to archery and even to ranged com- attack to hit, but deal no damage. Instead they deliver the bola arrow is DC 20.
bat than raw fighting skill, weapons and armour. alchemical weapon to the target struck. Alchemist's Exotic arrow, 5 gp each, -50% range, 1 lb
arrows are destroyed when used and they cannot be
Herein we introduce a variety of new weapons and recovered whether they hit or miss. In addition, they are Arrow, Broad head
equipment for the archer. These are the tools of the quite fragile, and have been known to break when These arrows have broader, heavier heads designed
trade, so to speak, of the archer. A good archer main- dropped, when the bearer is grappled or falls from a for dealing massive damage and not for range. Broad-
tains his tools, including his bow and bowstring, in the height, etc. headed arrows deal damage as a weapon one size larg-
finest possible condition, often taking care to keep them Exotic arrow, 3 gp each, no damage, -20% range, 1 lb er than the arrow normally deals. For example, in a stan-
clean and maintained when all else was long ago dard short bow, broad head arrows deal 1d8 damage,
thrown aside, even his own well-being. Without his bow, Arrow, Armour-PPiercing and in a standard long bow, broad head arrows deal
most archers see themselves as nothing. These arrows have very narrow metal tips instead of a 1d10 damage. Because of their heavy weight, broad
standard broad head, they appear much as a target head arrows reduce the range increment of the weapon
Exotic arrows are a special variety of exotic weapon. arrow, but painfully sharp and heavier. Because of the by 15% (round up).
An exotic arrow is generally very front-heavy and diffi- small point of impact, the armour-piercing arrow can Martial weapon, 4 sp, Crit x3, -15% range, 0.2 lb, pierc-
cult to fire accurately. Even those who have trained with penetrate better through most armours. Wielding an ing
them find they lack the reach or range of a standard armour-piercing arrow provides a +1 attack bonus to
flight arrow. Those not trained in their use suffer a -4 attack rolls against any target that has an armour bonus Arrow, Forked
penalty on attack rolls. The Exotic Arrow Proficiency feat (natural, armour or shield). Fork-headed arrows are also known as ropecutters or
allows a character to become proficient with one or Martial arrow, 7gp for 20, 3 lb / 20 frog-crotch arrows. They are used for decapitating small
more exotic arrows each time the feat is taken (see the game birds and in warfare by some asian cultures as an
feat for more details). Arrow, Bola arrow that deals massive damage against lightly
The shaft of this arrow appears slightly larger in diam- armoured targets. The arrows themselves are quite
eter than normal, with a much heavier head. In addition, heavy-headed and are inaccurate at longer ranges.
upon close inspection, one can see a very fine crack Damage from forked arrows is two die sizes better than
along the shaft, up and through the head. When fired, normal. Thus longbow forked arrows deal 1d12 damage,
the shaft separates into two parts, connected by a thin and shortbow forked arrows deal 1d10 damage.
metal wire. On a successful hit, the two halves pass by the Exotic arrow, 6sp, Crit x2, -25% range increment, 3 /
target on either side, letting the target be hit by the wire. pound, slashing

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Arrow, Gas
Using a wide variety of noxious herbs, toxins, and less
Arrow, Whistling, Ultrasonic
These arrows are effectively identical to a whistling
dles can deal. The needle crossbow is mainly used as a
concealable poison-delivery weapon. The ammunition
savory substances, the gas arrow creates a nauseating arrow, but can only be heard by those creatures that can for needle crossbows is usually not seen as a weapon,
cloud when it hits its target. Instead of a pointed head, hear ultrasonics (such as dogs). Dogs who hear these even under close inspection, and the actual crossbow is
the tip of the arrow consists of a tightly bound pouch. arrows will either bark ferociously at them and pursue easier to conceal than a hand crossbow.
When it impacts, the pouch ruptures, releasing a roiling them, or will go quiet (if trained to react to a dog whis- Tiny exotic weapon, 200 gp, 1 damage, Crit 19-20 / x2,
green cloud that envelops a 5 ft. radius around the point tle). 10 ft range increment, 1 lb, piercing
of contact.... All targets within the area of effect must Martial arrow, 7 sp, 1d4 damage, Crit x3, Piercing Needles (10), 1 gp, 1/10 lb
make a Fortitude save (DC 18), or suffer a -2 penalty to
all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1d4 Axebow, Dwarven Crossbow, Wrist
rounds. The cloud itself remains suspended for only a sin- These axes are the trademark of the tunnel fighting A historic revision of the hand crossbow, this device is
gle round. The package requires an Alchemy check (DC dwarves within those clans that have such trained shock- effectively a hand crossbow mounted on a metal or rein-
20) to create. troops. Essentially a hefty double-headed axe, the forced leather bracer, clasped around the wielder's wrist.
Exotic arrow, 1gp, no damage, 1/3 lb each Axebow also contains a heavy crossbow, built into the The standard design is somewhat difficult to load, as the
haft and head of the axe. By necessity, the limbs on the channel has metal clasps that hold the bolt down even
Arrow, Vial crossbow are shorter than those on a full heavy crossbow, during normal activity such as walking or even melee.
The shaft just behind the head on each vial arrow is and thus the weapon is for most intents treated as a light This makes the loading of the wrist crossbow a full round
significantly larger than a typical arrow of its type, and the crossbow. The design of the axebow does not allow for action, like loading a heavy crossbow. Loading takes two
heads are modified hunting heads designed to be easily easy reloading in combat, and generally it is fired imme- hands, but firing the crossbow only requires one.
pulled free from a wound, each with several holes cut into diately at the beginning of an encounter and only Small exotic weapon, 80 gp, 1d4 damage, Crit 19-20 /
them to allow liquids into the hollow shaft of the arrow. reloaded when the battle is over. Reloading an axebow x2, 30 ft range increment, 4 lb, piercing
The reality is that most of these arrows are broken when takes two full rounds, as the clips that hold the bolt down
used, but some (20%) remain intact at the scene of a bat- must be opened before reloading. Crossbow, Wrist, Quick-lloading
tle, each containing an ounce of blood or ichor from the Medium exotic weapon, 200 gp, 10 lbs This version of the wrist crossbow does not have the
targets struck. Axe, 1d8 damage, Crit x3, Slashing restraints to hold the bolt in the channel, and thus cannot
Exotic arrow, 1 gp, Crit x2, 4 / pound, piercing Crossbow, 1d8 damage, Crit 19-20 / x2, Piercing be carried loaded. Normally it is carried with the bow
drawn back, but no bolt in place. Loading a quick-load-
Arrow, Whistling Crossbow, Folding Hand ing wrist crossbow is a move-equivalent action.
Used primarily for signalling during a battle or as a The folding hand crossbow is identical to the standard Small exotic weapon, 75 gp, 1d4 damage, Crit 19-20 /
warning by a sentry, whistling arrows are occasionally hand crossbow in size and use, though the bow section x2, 30 ft range increment, 2 lb, piercing
used to deliver a warning or on arrows that carry a note, of the crossbow folds down making the folding hand
making the arrow easier to find once fired. Whistling crossbow flat during concealment. The weakness of these Dagger, Balanced
arrows create a very high-pitched sound when fired that joints does make the crossbow weaker, lessening it's dam- A balanced dagger is effectively a throwing knife of
is easily heard by anyone within 50 feet of the flight path age potential and range. larger scale. These fine, sharp blades are mounted on a
of the arrow. Anyone within 300 feet of the flight of the Tiny exotic weapon, 150 gp, 1d3 damage, Crit 19-20 / slim but heavy handle, usually flat, unadorned with pom-
arrow will hear it with a DC 10 listen check. Whistling x2, 20 ft range increment, 3 lb, piercing mel or a real hilt.
arrows deal damage two dice smaller than a typical Tiny martial weapon, 6 gp, 1d4 damage, Crit 19-20 / x2,
arrow in the style of bow used to fire it, because they are Crossbow, Needle 15 ft range increment, 1 lb, piercing
much lighter, and the head of the arrow has the grooves Even smaller than the hand crossbow, a needle cross-
that create the distinctive whistling sound. bow fires small needles instead of standard crossbow Knife, Throwing
Martial arrow, 5 sp, 1d4 damage, Crit x3, Piercing bolts. Needle crossbows are not effective as weapons due A small, fine blade, balanced for throwing. Throwing
to the low range and small amount of damage the nee- knives typically lack any sort of crossguard, and usu-

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ally have a flat, small handle without ornament or pom-
Crossbows on the other hand can be handled in more
sizes. A crossbow smaller than the wielder size can be
by an additional +1 for bows with a maximum mighty
rating of +1 or less). This requires a bow with a base
Tiny martial weapon, 3 gp, 1d3 damage, Crit 19-20 / x2, wielded one-handed at -4 to hit, or two can be wielded price that is double that of a normal composite bow of
15 ft range increment, ½ lb, piercing simultaneously at a -6 penalty, and requires a move- that type to account for the expensive materials included
equivalent action to reload. A crossbow of the same size in the construction of the weapon. Then the cost of mak-
Release as the wielder can also be wielded one-handed at a -4 to ing the bow mighty is calculated from the new base price
A release is a small hand-held tool that is used to pull hit, but cannot be double-wielded, and requires a full- of the bow.
the bowstring back and nock an arrow. Instead of releas- round action to reload. A crossbow three sizes
ing the bowstring, to fire the bow a trigger on the release smaller than the wielder can be modified for Table 6-1
1: Bow & Crossbow Sizes
is activated which releases the string and arrow in a use as a hand crossbow, but increases in size
straighter path than a traditional bow draw allows. This by one category and is an exotic weapon. Bow Base Price Range Damage
has almost no effect on normal shooting except that it Because they are exotic weapons, the listed Tiny 5 gp 20 ft 1d3
significantly increases the reload time of a bow (increas- price of a crossbow three sizes smaller than the Small 12 gp 35 ft 1d4
ing the reload time to a move-equivalent action from wielder is multiplied by five to account for rari- Medium 30 gp 60 ft 1d6
what is normally a free action). For someone with the ty and the difficulty of manufacture. Large 75 gp 100 ft 1d8
"pin-point accuracy" ability, the use of a release increases Huge 185 gp 150 ft 2d6
the maximum aiming time allowed by 1 round. Composite bows can be made into mighty Gargantuan 460 gp 210 ft 2d8
Cost: 20 gp, Weight ½ lb variants as per the Core Rules. How 'mighty' a Colossal 1,000 gp 280 ft 4d6
composite bow can be made depends primari- Colossal+ 2,500 gp 360 ft 4d8
Stabiliser ly upon the size of the weapon, as that deter-
Stabilisers are mounted the front of a bow, where the mines the rigidity and strength of the limbs of Composite Bow Max Mighty Base Price Range Damage
weight helps keep the weapon stable, improving long- the bow. More potent bows also need stronger Tiny Bow +0 max 30 gp 30 ft 1d3
range shooting. Using a bow (but not a crossbow) with bowstrings to handle the extra stresses placed Small Bow +1 max 50 gp 45 ft 1d4
these stabilisers reduces the penalty for shooting at long upon them. Medium Bow +2 max 75 gp 70 ft 1d6
ranges by 1. Large Bow +4 max 100 gp 110 ft 1d8
Cost 75 gp, Weight 3 lbs The cost of a standard mighty composite Huge Bow +8 max 250 gp 160 ft 2d6
bow is increased by 100% for each +1 it has. Gargantuan +14 max 600 gp 220 ft 2d8
For example, a Large Composite Bow (com- Colossal Bow +22 max 1,400 gp 290 ft 4d6
posite longbow in the core rules) has a list price
Mighty Bows and Larger Arrows of 100 gp, therefore a Mighty (+3) Large
Colossal+ Bow +32 max 3,000 gp 370 ft 4d8

Composite Bow has a list price of 400 gp (100 Crossbow Price Range Damage
Bows come in all sizes. The most well known are the gp increased by 300%). Diminutive 20 gp 30 ft 1d4
Short and Long bows in the Core Rules, but there are also Tiny 25 gp 50 ft 1d6
bows that are considered "short bows" to halflings, and
some titans are reported to wield the mightiest of long- Mightier Bows Small
35 gp
50 gp
80 ft
120 ft
bows. A humanoid creature can use a bow of his own Large 100 gp 170 ft 2d6
size category quite handily, even from horseback, as a Through the use of special materials (more Huge 250 gp 230 ft 2d8
human would wield a shortbow. A bow one size larger metals, high-tensile alloys, the bones and intes- Gargantuan 650 gp 300 ft 2d10
can also be wielded, but is more clumsy and therefore tines of magical beasts, etc), bows can be Colossal 1,400 gp 380 ft 4d6
cannot be used mounted. A creature cannot use a bow made more powerful than listed above. The
smaller than itself, nor more than one size larger than mighty rating of a composite bow can be
itself. increased by 50% of the listed max (or at least

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Bows & Arrows of Magic and Legend
retains it if possessed of the Uncanny Dodge rogue class
The variety of magical swords in the world is only Specific Magic Armour & Shields ability, or any other ability or enchantment that would
even remotely rivaled by the many enchanted bows and allow him to do so.
arrows. The elven race, long lived and with a love for Sniper's Spaulders Caster level: 13; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
the elegant bow, are a source of many of these eldritch Spaulders are the armour worn on the shoulders and Armour, invisibility, ranged weapons only; Market Price:
weapons. The famous elven ability with magic, their eye arms in full plate armour. These mithril spaulders are +2 bonus
for workmanship, their love of the forests and their skill designed to be worn without any armour, or with light
with the bow all combine into a history of ancient bows armour, and are held on by a series of straps that leave Mancatcher
of legend. the insides of the wearer's arms mostly exposed. These Mancatcher weapons always appear to be gnarled or
spaulders are +2 magic armour that grant the wearer the knotted; bows, rather than appearing straight, appear
But many other races understand the value of a mag- Pinpoint Accuracy and Killing Shot feats. If worn on their wavy and curved, as do daggers and shuriken. There is
ical bow and enhanced ammunition. Even just the abil- own, these spaulders have the following stats as armour no sign of it by looking, but when wielded, the weapon
ity to strike against such monstrous constructs as (including the +2 enhancement bonus above): feels somewhat sticky and uncomfortable to release, as if
golems from a distance where spells would be useless Light armour, +3 armour bonus, +7 max Dex bonus, 0 it doesn't want to be let go. Just before striking the target,
makes the magical bow and its ammunition useful even Armour Check Penalty, 10% Arcane Spell Failure, 3 lbs. the missile transforms into a large net or spiderweb, trap-
for those who espouse the use of magic over physical If combined with other light armour, the spaulders add ping him in place. Mancatcher victims are treated as if
force. +1 to the armour bonus of the armour, in addition if the entangled, though they can be freed by making a suc-
armour is not magical, then the spaulders also apply their cessful Strength check or Escape Artist skill check (DC
Magical dwarven weapons tend to be thrown +2 enchancement bonus. 25). In addition, inflicting ten points of bladed damage,
weapons and some crossbows, but the gnomes are bet- Spaulders and Light Armour: Medium armour, -2 to the max or casting a dispel magic spell, upon the apparatus
dex bonus, -1 to the armour check penalty, +10 to arcane spell
ter known for working with the mechanical crossbow. forces it to transform back to its normal state; if an arrow
Arrows, bolts and knives are the domain of all races, was fired, it is destroyed. The enchantment holds in place
Caster level: 15; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
even orcs having learned to manufacture deadly magi- for 1d8 rounds or until released by the wielder as a free
Armour, true strike; Market Price: 52,075 gp
cal weapons of these types. action.
Caster level: 14; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms &
Within this chapter are several new properties for New Weapon Properties Armour, hold person, web, ranged weapons only; Market
magical missile weapons and their ammunition, as well Price: +3 bonus
as some specific weapons that have appeared over the Assassin Strike
years. But more than these, the chapter focuses on An assassin strike weapon is almost always dull black Mirror Missiles
magic bows and arrows of legend. Named weapons. or grey in color, with various engravings in red and gold Bolen took careful aim at the escaping goblin, tagging
Weapons and ammunition who have become as well depicting scenes of death and murder. A known variant is it on the shoulder with a single thrown blade of razor
known in some cases as those who wileded them, and known to magically notch the weapon everytime it is used sharpness. Then the creature realized its mistake as it
in others even more well known than anyone who was to kill, providing a rough tally for the wielder to use as a found the end of the alley blocked. Bolen drew another
so unfortunate to bear them into combat. trophy. Whenever it is thrown or used, the missile itself dagger as the goblin turned to face him. This time it was
becomes invisible, traveling through the air unseen until ready for the throw, ready to dive for cover. But as the
Where mortals die, the weapons live on. striking the target. The target loses his Dex bonus to AC blade left Bolen's hand, it suddenly became as a dozen
when attacked by an assassin strike weapon, though he knives, all flying to strike the goblin rogue - leaving it
All illustrations in this chapter by Gillian Pearce no place to run.

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This property can be applied to ranged weapons or
ammunition. Ranged launchers such as bows and cross-
they fly, and are quite unnerving to those unprepared for
them. Once per encounter, when first within 30 feet of the
Evil Eye
This missile ammunition is always black in colour and
bows apply this effect to all ammunition fired. A mirror flight of a wailing missile, those not allied with the user of detects as evil. Any target struck by these +2 missiles
missile in flight appears to split apart into roughly two the weapon must make a DC 12 Will save or suffer a -2 must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be affected as if
dozen (3d12+4) missiles, all flying towards the same tar- morale penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws and skill struck by a bestow curse spell. This causes a -4 enhance-
get. If the target cannot see through this illusion (via and ability checks for 1d6 minutes. Persons with 1 HD or ment penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, ability
immunity to illusions or a true seeing spell or effect), then less who fail their save run away from the combat as if checks and skill checks to the target until the curse is
the target loses any dodge bonuses to AC he may have under the effects of a cause fear spell. removed by a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle,
against this attack. Caster level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and remove curse or wish spell.
Caster level: 4; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, cause fear, magic mouth; Market Price: +2 Caster level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armour, mirror image; Market Price: +1 bonus bonus Armour, bestow curse; Market Price: 800 gp

Thunderstone Razor Bow

The mighty blasts echoed down the hall as I Specific Magic Weapons These composite short bows, believed to be the work
approached the scene of battle. From the noise, I expect- of one of the smaller underdark races, are usually craft-
ed to find a great wizard battling the dwarves. Instead, BlackTearer ed of a dark metal grip with wooden limbs, with very lit-
there was a single halfling who's sling hurled stones that Six of the foul goblins pursued us on their worgs, but tle decoration. In most respects razor bows are treated as
thundered like the sound of breaking rocks, hurling back the true danger was behind them. Surok, a mercenary +3 mighty (+1) composite short bows. When firing non-
man and dwarf alike who came near. half-orc of unmatched strength, stood upon the hilltop magical arrows, the razor bow makes the arrow heads
This weapon property can only be applied to slings, beyond with his mighty black bow, each arrow he fired sharper and more vicious, increasing the critical threat
sling bullets, or blunt thrown weapons. When used on a tore clean through the elves in my company. range of the bow by one.
sling, the sling imparts the thunderstone quality to the Known as "black terror bows" by most people (a mis- Caster level: 12; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
ammunition fired. On a blunt weapon, this ability only understanding of the orcish name), these massive black Armour, keen edge; Market Price: 24,450 gp
works when the weapon is thrown, not when it is used to composite longbows are fashioned from an unknown
attack in melee. When the weapon hits, it deals damage dark wood and the bones and sinews of giants or at least Serpent Arrows / Bolts
as normal, but also makes a thunderous clap identical in ogres. In the hands of most, this weapon is a +2 mighty These +1 missiles are carved and painted to look like
effect to that of a thunderstone. (+4) composite longbow. But when wielded by those of a scaled snake, pulled taught and straight. These arrows
Caster level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and orcish blood, blacktearers adapt in strength to match the deliver a venom to targets that are struck by them (Poison,
Armour, blindness/deafness; Market Price: +1 bonus strength bonus of the orc that wields it (becoming a +2 Fortitude save DC 11, initial and secondary damage 1d6
mighty (+6) composite longbow in the hands of a half- temporary Constitution) and then transforms into a small
Wailing orc with Strength 22, for instance) and attacks as if the viper which lands adjacent to the target. The viper attacks
The silence was broken by a single wail… a wail of wielder had the Overpenetrate feat. the target for three rounds and then disappears in a puff
doom, fear, death or worse, as if it came from the dying Caster level: 12; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and of smoke.
lungs of the most innocent of victims. And then to that wail Armour, bull's strength; Market Price: 28,800 gp Caster level: 3; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
was added the wails of a dozen more, and the arrows Armour, summon monster II or summon nature's ally II;
began to fall from the sky, over the city walls. But there Dimension Locking Ammunition Market Price: 350 gp
were few left to strike, as the townfolk ran en masse away This property can only be applied to missile ammuni-
from the wailing arrows of the dark elven archers. tion such as arrows, bolts or sling stones. Any creature Skull Crossbow
This property can be applied to ranged weapons or successfully hit by this +1 missile must make a Will save These +1 repeating crossbows are usually made with
ammunition. Ranged launchers such as bows and cross- (DC 16) or be affected as by a dimensional anchor spell. ivory or bone limbs on a darkwood stock. The front of the
bows apply this effect to all ammunition fired. Wailing Caster level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and crossbow has a skull (usually of a small humanoid)
munitions let out a scream of pain and suffering as Armour, dimensional anchor; Market Price: 1,800 gp mounted upon it, with the mouth open (from whence

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the bolt emerges when fired). Often the limbs of the
crossbow have been mounted so as to appear to be two Named Magical Bows loathing. They were a small
cabal of warriors who dubbed
large flat horns off the sides of the skull. When fired at a themselves the Warriors of
target, whether the bolt strikes home or not, the target (if Abominational Smite Balance. Believing that all things
within 60 feet) is also the target of the fear effect of the +1 Composite Longbow (Bane versus Aberrations) should exist to serve the natural
skull crossbow. If the target fails a DC 12 Will save, he This blood red composite longbow with fittings of world and that spell casting was
suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon dam- bronze and settings of tiger's eye was created many ages a dangerous and volatile distur-
age rolls, and saving throws and must flee from the bear- ago in an attempt to drive a beholder out of a ravaged bance of the natural forces.
er of the skull crossbow as well as it can for 1d4 rounds. kingdom. While many copies were rumored to exist at They were known to use magic
This mind-affecting ability does not affect creatures with 6 one time there is only one Abominational Smite known to items that could harm or injure
or more Hit Dice. still exist. This historical weapon sits in a popular, well- Wizards, weapons that would
Caster level: 2; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and guarded archive where visitors may view the bow on dis- break their concentration or
Armour, cause fear; Market Price: 4,550 gp play. even disrupt their spells. One
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and such weapon was known as the
Stirge Arrows Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,400 gp Bow of Akaelos, named after the
The beastly arrows struck from afar, for we were bare- order's founder who was a harsh
ly within the reach of the kobold archers. But when they The Abyss steppe's born man, with a hatred
struck, they stuck, and the wounds they caused bled pro- +1 Composite Longbow (Chaotic) of Wizards that knew no end.
fusely, making our armour slick with our own blood long Like an ooze spawned from a primordial soup, a gift The bow was as black as the fur
before we gained sight of the hated beasts that assailed from a dark and vengeful god some have said…this is the of a panther and twice the size
us. Abyss, a bow that reeks of Chaos and shifting magic. No of most, it was set to the man's
These +2 arrows have ornately carved stone heads real history is known of this item, only that it appeared in own strength and made of a strong wood laced with
and are always fletched with stirge feathers. When they the hands of a hooded stranger over thirty years ago and metal. Many carvings of animals and such were cut into
strike a target and deal damage, stirge arrows embed played a part in one of the minor wars of a little-known the surface. Where the arrow was nocked was the mouth
themselves and blood pours forth from the end of the Kingdom…they did not speak of those struck by the of a wolf, maw open and jaws carved in such a way as to
arrow. The basic damage of the arrow (not including weapon's arrows - only that it brought great pain and suf- not damage any arrows fired from it. The curves of the
sneak attack, weapon mastery and other bonuses provid- fering in the hands of this black-garbed warrior. Those bow were like deer antlers and the ends were stained red.
ed by the wielder of the bow) is dealt again each round who saw the weapon claimed that it appeared as if it was Perhaps with the man's own blood as part of a bizarre rit-
for 1d4 rounds. This ability does not work against crea- a longbow made of black glass, but the surface rippled ual of bonding.
tures that are immune to critical hits. and shifted like water. When the string let loose an arrow, Spell Disruption: A spell disruption missile weapon trig-
Caster level: 9; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and a cry rent the air like a damned soul screaming for gers a counterspell upon any spell within a 5 foot radius
Armour, vampiric touch; Market Price: 800 gp release. Smoke trailing from where the arrow had been, for up to 1 round after impact.
shimmering away like early morning mist. Caster Level: 14; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel magic; Market Price: 18,375 gp
Armor, chaos hammer, creator must be chaotic; Market
Price: 18,400 gp The Burning Soul (Anthas’ Bow)
+2 Composite Longbow (Flaming)
Akaelos Anthas and Hectane were two brothers who followed
+1 Longbow (Spell Disruptions) the path of the warrior from a very early age. When they
In a far off land where Wizards ruled with an unques- came of age their father, the Lord Jellon commissioned a
tioned power there were those who feared them, and pair of sturdy longbows for his sons. But these would not
those who's fear manifested in outright hatred and be ordinary weapons; only the best would do for his

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warrior boys. So firstly The Burning Soul was crafted and
enchanted with the power of fire. His sons were truly
The Corruptor (Seethe)
+1 Composite Shortbow (Unholy)
and try and get up as high as he could. For he was a
mage and drawn to lightning as a moth is to a flame,
pleased with their gifts and pledged to use them only to For every light there must be a dark force, for every curious as to the effects and of course how it could be
defend the weak and innocent. This pleased their father good there is an evil and for every happy moment - there controlled and turned to his will. He also made two mag-
who was a strong Paladin in the local church and a is one of complete despair and sorrow. Some of these ical weapons in his time, both of which connected to
devout and holy man. The Burning Soul appears as a moments pass us by as mere footnotes in the tomes of storms in some way. The first was known as Crackle and
normal longbow each curve bound with copper and history, some of them remain as bookmarks and guides was a shortbow that delivered a powerful electrical shock
gold. Until the string is drawn back, the whole thing bursts to steer us away from the malign that seeks to burn into to the target of the fired missile. Crackle was made of
into flame and orange/gold fires lick down the curves our souls and cause corruption and pain. But this force copper plated wood and was an ugly looking thing, it was
and string almost hungrily - yet they cause no harm to the does not come from out of nowhere; there are places that always advisable to wear gloves when handling it as the
wielder or his allies. Arrows shot from this bow leave a seethe with evil and darkness, places that act as a focus weapon did have a habit of backfiring on the wielder if
trail of sparks and fire in their wake, emitting a mighty for such. And it is in one such place that the bow known an arrow was mis-nocked or simply managed to fly off at
'whoosh' noise until they strike their target. as Seethe was born. Cast from the dark earth in an old the wrong angle. Crackle's string was a combination of
Caster Level: 10; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and and forgotten sacrificial burial pit and into the shape of thin copper and twine or gut, wrapped around each other
Armor, flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Market Price: black iron, wrought with twisted and tormented souls it to create a strange synthesis of metal and cord. When the
18,400 gp lives to serve the dark powers. Usually in the hands of a bow was used and the string pulled back, a static charge
Blackguard or servant of such evil, never staying in the built up that manifested as the user's hair standing on end
The Burning Heart (Hectane’s Bow) same hand for more than the time it takes to blacken their or a slight tingle in the fingers/skin. When an arrow was
+1 Mighty (+1 Strength) Composite Longbow soul fully. Seethe is a longbow that looks as if it has been let loose and struck it's target, there was a bright blue
(Flaming Burst) wrought from twisted and molten iron, red runes burn flash as the shock was transferred from the arrow to the
Appearing in looks similar to the brother from the metal with a hateful glare and the sur- subject of the attack.
bow, this is the Burning Heart and it too is face seems to writhe and twist, the occasional Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
bound with copper and gold around the mocking face appearing and then vanishing with Armor, call lightning or lightning bolt; Market Price: 8,375
curves. The handgrip is made of a fire-hard- a hissing laugh. The string is sharp and often cuts gp
ened wood and carved with a stylised heart. the archer's fingers to ruin as they fire it, slicing
This sets it nicely apart from Anthas' own deeply into the flesh, demanding blood shed for Discordia Bloodrite
bow in looks but that is not the most telling bloodshed. Each arrow that fires from the bow +1 Longbow (Chaotic)
difference, the bow differs from Anthas' own almost seems to partially decay and the bow itself Ages ago when a great city was oppressed by the iron
by always appearing to be on fire at the screams in delight when the target is killed or fists of a harsh, law mongering council a secret order of
carving of the heart. Subtle red flames leap injured badly. anarchists devised a plot to assassinate the ruling elders.
around the icon and down the curves in a Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic This secret order, known as the Order Of The Black
crimson embrace. There are no effects when Arms and Armor, unholy blight, creator must be Discordia gathered their finest spellcasters and workers of
an arrow flies from the bow save a trail of evil; Market Price: 18,375 gp the arcane together to create the ultimate weapon for
silvery smoke as the missile whips towards their rogues, rangers, and assassins. In blood, sacred
its target. Just before impact and hard to Crackle wood, and forbidden ritual their weapon of chaos was
see, the tip of the arrow bursts into flame +1 Composite Shortbow (Shock) born, the longbow that came to be known as the
and then explodes in a shower of sparks. Over two hundred years ago there was a Discordia Bloodrite.
Caster Level: 12; Prerequisites: Craft young elf that called himself the Stormwatcher, Since its original creation there have been many
Magic Arms and Armor and flame blade, he was a strange fellow who would dress in cloth- copies of the Discordia Bloodrite created in an effort to
flame strike, or fireball; Market Price: The Burning Heart ing covered in metal studs and carry rods of cop- overthrow those with lawful intentions. This deadly long-
18,500 gp per on his person. When there was a fierce and bow is stained dark black with rusty streakings of the
powerful storm, Stormwatcher would pull out these rods blood of a slain ruler. Due to the expense, risks, and

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effort required to gain a necessary flask of such blood,
the creators of this magical longbow are quite secretive
back these bows and let loose a golden tipped arrow into
the hide of a Dragon. The bow itself was designed to
and served as protectors of the land. The Queen was so
inspired by their loyalty to her and the Paladin that she
about their works. appear forbidding and even fearsome to a Dragon. Of decreed all who followed the man should be gifted with
Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and course whether they bothered the Dragons is another a longbow that would aid their lawful and just cause. So
Armor, chaos hammer, creator must be chaotic; Market matter and none of the Knights exist these days to tell the the Gauntlet of Justice was carved from the hearts wood
Price: 18,375 gp tales. It was designed to look as though a Dragon's spine of the trees in an Elven forest. Each Knight was given one
and skull were used in the construction, bone white and of these bows and with it they were able to better defend
Elemente (El-eeh-m
meant-a ay) made of a combination of wood and metal. Two skulls, the people of the Queen's realm and serve their leader
+1 Mighty (+2 Strength) Composite Shortbow (Bane one at the top and bottom held the pitch-black ebony faithfully. Each bow is a silver-white longbow and has a
versus Elementals) string between their teeth and provided a fearsome vis- small icon of a gauntlet at the middle. The strings are
History is often vague when concerning magic and age indeed. once more pure white and when fired they make only the
magical items, and this bow is no exception. Not a single Market Value: 32, 800 gp barest of whispers. Apart from this the bows seem unre-
soul can fathom where it came from, the only clue to the Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and markable in every aspect, save that of beauty and design.
bow's identity is that it is made from a single piece of crys- Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 32,800 gp Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
tal, as black as the midnight sky and shot through with Armor, order's wrath, creator must be lawful; Market
veins of what seem to be, quartz. Upon the surface in Price: 18,600 gp
runes that neither fade nor grow dim is the word
'Elemente'. It looks as though it has no string but arrows Glacier (Vasts' bow)
that are set loose from this bow seem to be able to strike +1 Composite Longbow (Icy Burst)
and cause harm to elementals, some have said they see Once more we turn to history and to the sorceress
a faint shimmer as the seemingly invisible 'string' is pulled known as Blizzard, for another bow was made and
back. Sages have postulated that this bow could have enchanted. But this was given to her brother, a warrior
been a gift from the gods or a tool in a war against the who served under her command when a gateway to the
Elementals from long ago. It has also been noted that elemental plane of fire was opened in her lands. The bow
while the string cannot be seen, it can be felt and arrows was made and given to him so he might better lead the
that are nocked seem to find their own way to the bow's assaults against the invading elementals and their kind.
embrace. Vast used this weapon in the defence of his sister numer-
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and ous times until his life was ended by betrayal within his
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,600 gp own ranks…one of his soldiers coveted this weapon and
killed the leader just to possess it. Blizzard in turn froze
The Fury: Dragonsbane this man in a block of ice and to this day keeps the
+2 Mighty (+4 Strength) Composite Longbow (Bane reminder of her brother's death close to her. Along with
versus Dragons) the stolen bow, perhaps she may yet gift it to another wor-
A long time ago and in a far off land there was an thy soul - or that is the hope. Glacier is made of ivory and
ancient order of Knights who were dedicated to battling appears as a longbow, chased with silver curves and pat-
the fierce beasts known as Dragons. The order of the terns down every surface. The bow does not cause harm
Dragonslayers as they were so aptly named, saw action Gauntlet of Justice to those who hold it but when the white string his pulled
in hundreds of skirmishes against the winged beasts and +1 Mighty (+2 Strength) Composite Longbow (Lawful) small sparkles of frost fall. Arrow tips silver and the whole
always used a particular kind of bow. The Fury as it was It was written that an order of just and worthy Knights thing drips water to the floor, these are the tears of the
called, looked as though a man of great strength was served alongside the man known as Jellon, created not sorceress shed over the loss of her brother. Previously the
required to draw the black string back. It was however long after he too was gifted with his Queen's boon. bow did not evince this effect. When the arrow strikes the
not so, any but the weakest of souls could draw Jellon's order were known as the Order of the Gauntlet

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chosen target a blast of ice whirls into being centred on
the head of the missile.
+1 Composite Longbow (Law)
As the unsettled, chaotic barbarians at the borderlands
woods that have been mystically silvered and lined with
exactly fifty settings of blue quartz , worth 2gp per setting.
Caster Level: 10; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and grew stronger and stronger in military force it became Along with the settings of quartz there are numerous
Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Market Price: 18,400 gp obvious to King Malitekkus that his fortifications were arcane engravings that have been filled with a rare
surely growing weak against these disruptive savages. enamel that contains platinum dust.
Goldcore Sensing that their love of chaos would surely ruin his strict Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
+1 Longbow (Holy) order over the lands King Malitekkus sought the advice of Armor, order's wrath, creator must be lawful; Market
When a cleric or paladin of a good aligned temple his wise men. These mystic elders informed their king that Price: 18,400 gp
shows both a high degree of loyalty and expertise in in order to quell the unchained spirit of his rival savages
archery they are presented with a special magical bow
crafted from the temple's inner mystical order. Goldcore, Longshot (Cursed)
a magical longbow with a core of solid gold running the +1 Mighty (+2 Strength) Composite Longbow
length of its body, is revered as being perhaps of one of (Distance)
the most sacred of all good aligned weapons. There are those who can win by all fairness and those
In addition to the golden center the stain that covers who prefer to increase their chances to win by using
their fine wooden bodies of these bows also allows one magic. It is then that we embark on the sad tale of
to easily recognize Goldcore bows. This pearly white stain Longshot and the fate of his owner. Approximately seven-
is enhanced with the powder of crushed abalone shell teen years ago there was a young Archer by the name of
and mica. Likewise numerous settings of blue quartz are Thaddus Quill who was a competitive soul and loved
placed along the body of the longbow. nothing more than to win (regardless of the cost). Quill as
Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and he was called spent a great deal of money and a great
Armor, holy smite, creator must be good; Market Price: deal of time perfecting his art - until he was the finest in
18,375 gp the land. That was until an unknown woman from an
eastern place challenged him to an archery duel - the
Hoofbite rules were simple, they had one shot at maximum dis-
+1 Longbow (Bane versus Magical beasts) tance to hit their opponent in a non-vital area first, they
While most specialized magical bows have a rich his- would shoot at the same time. Quill of course, could not
tory regarding their origin Hoofbite remains somewhat of face defeat so he commissioned a bow that would give
a mystery. It is claimed that the original longbow along him the edge in the duel. This would prove to be a cost-
with instructions regarding its construction was found in ly mistake later on.
hidden away within the bowels of a high mountain lair But that was not all; Quill also hired a group of
over a few hundred harvests ago. Since then numerous thugs to 'rough up' the Wizard who enchanted the bow for
copies of the original Hoofbite have been made. one must put an arrow straight into the heart of their him. They went too far killing the man, his blood soaking
Though slight variations are known to exist the typical chaotic ways. Summoning forth the finest bow makers into the bow that now lay on the floor. So upon the day
Hoofbite is crafted from layers of the finest hardwoods and arcanic craftsmen to be found within his kingdom of the contest, Quill's arrow flew straight and true, as he
and carefully stained to a shade of honey yellow-brown. King Malitekkus ordered the creation of a new composite had aimed for the shoulder of the woman…but Wizard's
Settings of citrine are secured in gold and patterned longbow that would drench out the destructive tendencies souls are often unforgiving and still linger at the site of
engravings of magical beasts cover the bow's length. of his chaotic enemies. After months of research and their death, in this case bound to the very bow through
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and experimentation the first Law Binder was crafted. ties of blood. So the vengeful mage altered the flight of
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,375 gp Law Binder, an enchanted composite longbow, has the arrow to strike the woman's heart. The Archer was
long since proven to be the bane of all chaotic creatures. arrested for murder and the bow confiscated, later he was
Law Binder This instrument of precision is crafted from the finest tried and sentenced, some have said that the bow

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was heard to laugh as the man's
neck was stretched by a rope - but
struck home another crashing boom erupted which some
said, shook the very earth as well.
white wood. The crest of the Queen is displayed near the
middle of the bow and depicts the image of a stag
surely that could not be the case. Caster Level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and against a mountain. It is said that when all the lights of
Longshot looks like a nor- Armor, blindness/deafness; Market Price: 18,400 gp the world dim to nothing, the shine from this bow would
mal longbow save that where the remain to guard and guide those who stood by Jellon in
wood swirls and whorls one might Phrosten combat - an inspiring man and weapon presumably. The
see that the curls of various types +1 Composite Shortbow (Frost) silver string is near silent and the power of the bow is eas-
form a distorted Wizard's face, now What hand crafted this marvel that requires thick ily seen transferred to the arrows that burst forth with a
and again. Its colour is a deep gloves to hold? It is said that a chilling sorceress who glowing bright white light trailing a shimmer of silver
mahogany shade and the surface goes by the moniker of Blizzard gave this as a gift to a behind them.
seems to be much darker in places lover in a bygone age. He was her guardian and her con- Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
as if tiny drops of blood have once fidant, for unlike many who carry a name involving ice - Armor, holy smite, creator must be good; Market Price:
fallen there. the woman was not as cold as her title inferred. The man 18,400 gp.
Curse: If the bow is used spent many long years with this fae being and eventually
with selfish intent there is a good died of old age, but the bow remained buried with him Scale Plucker
chance the Wizard's soul will attempt where Blizzard laid his body to rest…it now waits, for +1 Mighty (+4 Strength)
to cause the action to fail. This can another to claim it. It is a thing of beauty, a shortbow that Composite Longbow (Bane ver-
manifest as the string breaking, the appears as if it were carved out of a single ice crystal and sus Dragons)
arrow misfiring or the arrow causing curved by the loving hands of a sculptor who's only medi- Throughout the lands, from
less harm than normal by missing a um was such. The surface is cold to the touch, painfully the forests to the swamps to the
vital spot. so and if a layer of something is not between skin and the mountainous caves dragon kin
Caster Level: 6; Prerequisites: bow, it can cause frostbite very quickly. Small sparkles of everywhere shudder at the leg-
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, snowy frost fall from the surface and string when the bow ends of a creation of a magic
clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market is fired and the whole thing reverberates with a gentle longbow designed specifically to
Price: 8,600 gp chime. put an end to their dynasties.
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Scale Plucker, known for both its
Omen Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Market Price: 8,375 gp effective powers against its ene-
+1 Composite Longbow (Thundering) mies as well as a dragon scale
Stormwatcher's second bow was a much better exam- Righteous (Jellon's bow) covered body, is the arrow chuck-
ple of design and functionality. The young Elven mage +1 Composite Longbow ( Holy) ing bane of all dragons.
was now older and had mastered a lot of his chosen art. Before his sons won their bows by coming of age, Lord Originally created by an ancient
He used this to great effect in the creation of this bow, Jellon was a Paladin who served in the Queen's army. He wizard for a mighty ranger who's
which was made of fire-blackened wood and seemed to spent many years fighting the undead and battling village was constantly under
swirl with an ever-present stormy sky just beneath the sur- hideous monsters in dark and dank dungeons - all in the attack from a young but assertive
face. This was a longbow and looked like a mighty name of his Queen and the Church she devoutly served. black dragon, Scale Plucker has
weapon indeed, covered in tiny Elf runes for naught more Jellon's bravery, heroism and loyalty inspired many long since become a favorite
than style and aesthetics it still managed to look formida- around him and when he was grievously wounded in her Scale Plucker amongst those wishing to seek
ble. Omen's string was black and vibrated like a bass defence due to a parade that went wrong; she commis- out and eradicate the various
string when pulled, the whole bow would rumble omi- sioned a gift for him. A bow would be made that would facets of dragon kind.
nously as the archer drew back the string, the arrow serve her loyal defender with as much faith and duty as Though originally created as a weapon for those wish-
would shoot forth with a peal of thunder and when it he in turn had served her. Righteous is a powerful look- ing to put an end to evil, the various created copies of
ing weapon, one that is a longbow and made of pure Scale Plucker have broken the bindings of such an

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alignment. Versions have shown up incorporating the
scales of good dragons into the bow's design as well as
hideous magical creatures, intent on breaking and
destroying all his hard works, often attacked Arthemis'
+1 Shortbow (Distance)
the scales of evil dragons. In addition to the wood of the tower and grounds. The man crafted The Striker, not the Though the archers of man have had their enchanted
bow being covered with scaly hides a total of eighteen most imaginatively named magical bow in history but he bows and ammunitions for the ages the halflings and
settings of engraved lapis lazuli cover the body. Each set- was only human and lacked the Elven way of naming gnomes decided that wee folk such as themselves were
ting is valued at 15gp apiece and features a carving that things for beauty - not what they did. Arthemis gifted not properly cared for as far as mystical bows were con-
resembles a curled, wingless ancient dragon. these bows to his mercenary guards so that they had an cerned. It was agreed that perhaps the one thing that was
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and edge on dealing with any unwanted bestial incursions. desired most was a weapon that would give these small-
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,800 gp The Striker is a short bow and looks as any other bow of er archers a greater degree of safe distance between
its kind, save for the fact that at both ends there is a ruby them and their targets. The arcane engineers of these two
Stagger Brute through which the string passes. It also has a deep races joined together and began working up a series of
+1 Composite Longbow (Bane versus Giants) mahogany shade and appears to be slightly more pol- plans and blueprints. After many experiments, tests, and
Stagger Brute, though perhaps not the most powerful ished than other bows. prototype designs the first successful, functional copy of
of composite longbows ever crafted, is one of the most Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Truepath was created and approved.
popular of weapons amongst giant slayers. While the cre- Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 32,375 gp Truepath is an enchanted shortbow that doubles the
ation of this weapon is not very difficult for a crafter of effective range of the wielder. Made of the finest wood,
magic arms to create there are only a few copies of this Tallbane each produced copy of Truepath features intricate
weapon known to exist. +1 Mighty Composite Longbow (+2 Strength) (Bane designs of mushrooms, leaves, and gnarled twigs. Sturdy
All copies of Stagger Brute feature a trademark design versus Giants) leather cords are tied to the body of this shortbow and
work that features a pattern of human like arms wrapping Some have said that a mortal man made this bow from hanging from the edges of these cords is a total of eight-
their way up and down the body of the bow. The hands the trees near his home. Rydan Hallerwick was a simple een hematite beads valued at 1gp each.
of the arms are engraved in a fashion that makes them woodsman who had a love of archery and the forests. But Caster Level: 6; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
almost appear to be gripping the body of the bow. The he also lived close to a small clan of Giants, who would Armor, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market Price: 8,330
etchings are filled with gold dust enamel and the wood is make forays out towards his home and devastate large gp
stained a dark shade of forest green. Along the body are areas of land as they searched for food and firewood.
secured settings of twenty tumbled aventurine stones, val- The last straw for this gentle fellow came when the Giants WinterPick
ued roughly 5gp apiece and two tumbled eye agates, accidentally killed his younger son while they strayed too +1 Composite Longbow (Frost)
valued at 25gp apiece. close to Rydan's home. Crushed in heart and soul, the Due to both its beauty as well as the overall effective-
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and woodsman spent many hours near the boy's grave and ness of this weapon, Winterpick has remained to be one
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,400 gp close to the fallen tree that had killed him. Rydan had a of the most popular of magical weapons amongst the
vision, where a strange being bade him take the wood rangers and archers of the frozen northern lands.
The Striker from that tree and fashion a bow, filled with his anger and Despite its popularity Winterpick is not terribly ancient
+2 Composite Shortbow (Bane versus Magical beasts) hate towards the Giants. So Tallbane was formed, look- in design. According to records the original was created
Being a mage is never an easy task and the notable ing like a normal longbow; crafted roughly and made a mere fifty harvests ago by a half elven ranger/wizard.
Wizard, Arthemis Angorran lived just a little too close to from the hearts wood of the fallen tree. At both ends are Since then several dozen copies have been made and
the edges of a magical marsh. Ancient times past…the two eagle feathers and the string seems to glimmer in the though the bow is highly valued for its effectiveness there
marsh was a place where a gateway to the underworld light, casting a golden glow when used. Some have also are at least a couple available on the open market at all
was closed by a powerful group of adventurers, but their said that when the arrows are let loose from this bow, the times.
actions had a side effect…the energy that was unleashed soft lamenting cry of a male human boy can be heard in Winterpick is quite appealing to the eye. The body of
caused the surrounding area to change and mutate a lit- the dying vibration of the string. the bow is an unusual blue-white, as if the weapon was
tle. Creatures were spawned that day that continue to Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and not so much made of wood but rather the wintry essence
haunt the area to this day. Any number and type of Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,600 gp of the bow's native surroundings itself. When the

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string is pulled flakes of snow mysterious fall away from
the bow and the string, and when one gazes upon the
or abandoned such laws it was punishable by death at
one time to be caught with a Chaoplunge arrow in one's
The Fangnettle is a curious looking arrow with a
barbed steel point that is attached to a shimmering blue
weapon for a brief period of time they will notice the end- possession or to be attempting to create this magic arrow. shaft. Upon careful inspection it is revealed that the shaft
less sparkling of magical ice that appears to surround the Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and is in fact not perfectly smooth but rather dotted with thou-
weapon like some mystical, frozen aura. Armor, chaos hammer; creator must be chaotic; Market sands of stubby hair thin quills that almost resemble cac-
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Price: 367 gp each tus needles though folded back in the manner that a
Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Market Price: 18,400 gp Dreadthorne hedgehog would fold back its quills. Likewise, just under
+2 Arrows (Unholy) the base of the arrowhead are four tiny settings of flaw-
While there have been weapons with greater power less blue quartz.
and evil made there are perhaps few unholy weapons Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
feared as much on the battlefield by the forces of good- Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 647 gp each
ness as a Dreadthorne arrow. These wicked, unhallowed
arrows are given to evil archers of elite skill and status Greenfinger
and are typically used to take down good aligned lead- +1 Arrows (Bane versus Goblinoids)
Named Magical Arrows ers, paladins, knights, and war heroes. It is said that the
original Dreadthorne was created in a cauldron filled with
Greenfinger's shaft is carved from goblin bone that has
been dyed green and covered with carved with blood
the blood of slain unicorns, virgin maidens, and a lawful, stained script. The head is constructed from carved,
Bone Dart honest ruler. sharpened bull horn and the fletching contains the treat-
+1 Arrows (Disruption) Dreadthorne is fairly easy to identify. Its shaft is con- ed hairs of a young goblin assassin.
These arrows appears to be formed from a carved structed of blackened wood with bloodstained runes and Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
peace of ivory, and detailed with radiant sun images. The fletched with a row of thorny projections instead of feath- Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 367 gp each
arrowhead is capped with a bulbous bone like object ers. The tip is made from sharpened, black horn and the
instead of a standard point. The only thing normal about entire arrow has a soft glow of reddish light that constant- Hoartouch
this arrow, is the fletching that are a simple spiral design ly surrounds it. +4 Arrows (Icy Burst)
of black and white feathers. Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Carved entirely of a quartz-like crystal, these arrows
Caster Level: 14; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, unholy blight, creator must be evil; Market Price: were first dug out of a glacier along with a chest contain-
Armor, heal; Market Price: 367 gp each 647 gp each ing the fomalae used to craft them. Initially the ice-
gnomes that discovered them did not notice the unatural
Chaoplunge Fangnettle cold attached to these arrows. When they were used in
+1 Arrows (Chaotic) +2 Arrows (Bane versus Beasts) combat for the first time against attacking orcs, many of
This enchanted arrow has a twisting shaft made of hol- Long ago a mighty ranger was famed for his accuracy the beastly humanoids actually shattered when these
low copper and a toothy head of cut, sharpened rock for slaying great savage beasts. While many believed that shafts struck home. Since then, the ice gnomes have con-
crystal. The fletching of a Chaoplunge arrow may be his abilities were based purely on skill others noticed that tinued the manufacture of these weapons, although it is
made of either peacock or vulture feathers. When fired the arrows that ranger carried appeared to be somewhat a slow process that supposedly involves ice frozen in the
from a bow Chaoplunge produces an eerie noise that magical in nature. Eventually as the ranger grew old in glaciers for millenia.
resembles mad laughter or giggling as it soars through years he revealed to his son the secret of his success. Caster Level: 10, Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
the air. After saving the life of a wizard during an adventure the Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Market Price: 1,447 gp
Though Chaoplunge is a relatively old design in mag- grateful mystic repaid the ranger for his acts by creating each
ical arrows its frequency of appearing in the lands is quite a new type of magical arrow that would prove especially
rare. After many of the elder battles between law and effective against beast type monsters. The new arrow
chaos these arrows plucked from the bodies of their vic- design became known as the Fangnettle.
tims and destroyed. While many lands have relaxed

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+2 Arrows (Bane versus Animals)
Caster Level: 7; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, order's wrath; creator must be lawful; Market
icicles is purely gorgeous. The fletching is are plain, and
a pale blue form, that seems to have faded from a dark-
These arrows have a shaft that is carved from the leg Price: 367 gp each er blue.
bone of an ox and has been dyed reddish yellow. The Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
black tip is made from horn and glows with a pale red- Snoutfoul Armor, chill metal or ice storm; Market Price: 160 gp
orange light. The fletching of the Hornscorne arrows are +3 Arrows (Bane versus Orcs) each
crafted from the tail feathers of a slain game cock. While most orc tribes are quick to curse the humans or
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and the elves for the creation of Snoutfoul, it was in all reali- Soul Seeker
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 647 gp each ty one of their own that originally devised this deadly +1 Arrows (Brilliant Energy)
arrow. Snoutfoul was created by an orcish mage during a These arrows have a simple blunt looking arrowhead.
Jaggael time of inner tribal warfare. Though the mage had intend- The shaft of the arrow appears as a fine grade of dark
+2 Arrows (Shock) ed to destroy both the original arrows as well as the plans wood, with a simple engraving of a acorn on one end,
The Jaggaeel is a bizarre looking arrow a slender, for the weapon's construction the mage died unexpected- and a stylistic tree on the other end. Once fired, the
barbed platinum arrowhead with a silvered shaft. Intricate ly in battle and a rogue robbed the contents of the dead arrowhead seems to shimmer off into a nothingness of
runes and patterns of lightning bolts cover the body of the mage's study. The remaining arrows and plans were sold light, passing from solid matter to pure energy in the
arrow and crackle with flashes of light blue and purple on the human market and since then there have been space of perhaps 10 feet. As the arrow travels further
light. When fired from a bow a Jaggaeel arrow speeds several hundred of these arrows created. along its path it seems to spiral at a faster and faster rate,
through the air with a trail of flickering light. The Snoutfoul is a hideous looking arrow with a head until most of the arrow is covered in a shinning blue
Though several hundred of these arrows have been crafted from pure black onyx that has been cut to razor sphere of energy.
made throughout the ages the exact origin of the sharpness. The red shaft is covered with settings of minute Caster Level: 16; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Jaggaeel is somewhat of a mystery. It is known however pieces of carved bone that resemble smiling skulls. Armor, gaseous form, continual flame; Market Price:
that name means "jagged eel" in an elder form of the Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and 1,007 gp each
Common dialect. Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 1,007 gp each
Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Weedleech
Armor, call lightning or lightning bolt; Market Price: 367 Singe +1 Arrows (Bane versus Plants)
gp each +1 Arrows (Flame) These foul looking arrows appear to have been made
The shaft of the arrow is a brilliant red halfway up, of sickly, blighted wood. Weak yellowish green shoots
LawSmite which changes into a yellow up under the fletching. The grow around the shaft only to turn black and dry up. The
+1 Arrows (Law) arrowhead appears to be of a fire blackened iron with head is constructed of fossilized wood and various runes
After a massive string of dead caused by Chaoplunge layers of sharp barbed edges pointing back down the are etched along the body.
during the battles of the elders the lawful armies decided shaft, like fire flickering back down the shaft. Each of the While formidable enough against normal creatures,
that it was time that they fortified their own archers. After three fletches of the arrow, are of black and red parallel Weedleech is quite deadly against plant creatures.
careful planning and a few failed experiments the wizards stripes. And the nock is carved of bone in the shape of a Created many ages ago by a goblin spell caster with a
of the lawful armies revealed to their commanders small salamander. surprisingly high degree of intelligence and cunning. The
Lawsmite, a magical arrow that was especially deadly to Caster Level: 10; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and tribe that the goblin belonged to was at war against the
those with chaos in their hearts. Armor and flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Market treants and druids of a nearby forest. While the druids still
Lawsmite appears as a magical arrow that is constant- Price: 160 gp each posed a challenge the tribe's elite archers were able to
ly emitting a soft, lavender purple glow. The shaft is made annihilate the largest portion of the treant population.
of fine hardwood with arcane, silver etchings and a plat- Snow Burn Caster Level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
inum tipped head. Lawsmite arrows are fletched with the +1 Arrows (Frost) Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 367 gp each
feathers of a falcon. The pure white ivory color of the shaft is beautiful to
look upon, but the blue glassteel arrowhead shaped as

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Staffs Hunter's Release
This magical release is paired with a small arrowhead
token. If the token is placed in a container that has arrows
Staff of Missiles in it, whenever the release is used to draw back a bow-
Looking like an ornate spear or massive girth, the staff string it teleports a single arrow at random from the con-
of missiles allows the use of the following spells: tainer to the nocked position. This eliminates the normal
reload penalties associated with using a release with a
magic missile (3 missiles, 1 charge) bow. A Hunter's Release will only teleport in arrows from
Mel's acid arrow (lasts 2 rounds, 1 charge) a storage device on the same plane as the user.
flame arrow (1 bolt, 1 charge) Caster level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
magic missile; Market Price: 4,000 gp
Caster Level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, magic mis-
sile, mel's acid arrow, flame arrow; Market Price: 9,375 Robe of Knives
gp This regal-looking robe is trimmed in rich furs and silks
and lined with deepest purple satin. The pockets of the
Wondrous Items robe appear to be empty to visual or even tactile inspec-
tion, except by the wearer of the robe. When the wearer
Archer's Saddle reaches into one of the voluminous pockets in the robe,
These saddles are much sought-after by mounted he will come out with a +1 balanced knife. After 1
archers. Made of gorgon leather or some other exotic minute, this knife disappears, dissolving into a grey mist.
hide, archer's saddles come equipped with an integral A total of 40 knives can be drawn from the robe before it
magical quiver that can hold 60 arrows or bolts while becomes non-magical.
appearing to hold but a dozen, in addition the archer Caster level: 10; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
always gets the arrow he wants of those stored within the Craft Magic Arms & Armour, minor creation; Market
quiver. In addition, someone mounted upon an archer's Price: 11,000 gp
saddle with the Mounted Archery feat gains the benefit of
the Master Mounted Archer feat.
Caster level: 12; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
leo's secret chest, true strike; Market Price: 25,000 gp

Far-SSeeing Scope
This eye-piece is designed to be attached to a cross-
bow of small size or larger. When the weapon is used with
a full-attack action, the wielder can substitute the stan-
dard listed range increment of the weapon for the normal
30-foot range limiter for feats and abilities such as sneak
attack and point-blank shot. In addition, the wielder gains
the benefit of the Far Shot feat (although this does not
actually increase the range that the first ability of this item
works at) if he did not have it already.
Caster level: 8; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
locate creature; Market Price: 18,000 gp

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Reduction, although they do not increase attack or dam-

Spells and Magicks age rolls from the weapon (although the arrows still deal
normal damage for an arrow from the weapon used).
Anyone struck by a shadow arrow must make a Fortitude
device (belt pouch, bandoleer, etc). Passing her hand in save or suffer 1d3 temporary Strength damage from the
front of the weapon in this way is a free action that imme- attack.
These new spells are primarily from the Archer- diately brings the weapon to a ready position, able to be Variants of this spell exist (such as shadow knives, and
Ranger core class spell list, although they could be used instantly. This effect is identical to that of the Quick shadow spears)that produce throwing knives, crossbow
added to the core ranger’s spell list without problem. Draw feat, but only for the weapons so enhanced. bolts and even javelins. In each case, the spell must be
cast using the appropriate focus component for the
Perfect Camouflage weapon (see below).
Illusion (Glamer) Spell Focus: The spell requires the target be wearing
Glimpse Level: Archer-Ranger 4 an empty quiver for it to function. For the variants of the
Divination Components: V, S spell, an empty knife sheath or javelin sheath is required
Level: Archer-Ranger 1, Assassin 1 Casting Time: 1 action instead.
Components: S Range: Personal or touch
Casting Time: 1 action Target: Self or target weighing up to 100 lb./level True Camouflage
Range: Personal Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Illusion (Glamer)
Target: Self Save: None or Will negates (harmless, object) Level: Archer-Ranger 2
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless, object) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
This spell allows the caster to examine a point up to 50 Except as noted above, this spell is identical to invisi- Range: Personal or touch
feet away, seeing that location as if it were only 1 to 5 feet bility except that it's effects only end when the duration Target: Self or target weighing up to 100 lb./level
away (adjustable by the caster). Thus the caster can make expires or after the second time the target attacks or does Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
spot and search checks without penalties for the range something that would normally end the invisibility spell. Save: None or Will negates (harmless, object)
between himself and the glimpsed object / location. Any Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless, object)
obstacles hinder the view as normal. Shadow Arrows
Illusion (Shadow) Except as noted above, this spell is in all ways identi-
Knife-BBearer Level: Archer-Ranger 3, Assassin 2, Sor/Wiz 4 cal to invisibility except it only functions out doors in the
Transmutation Components: V, S, F wilderness. It does not function in any form of urban loca-
Level: Archer-Ranger 2, Assassin 1, Sor/Wiz 2 Casting Time: 1 action tion, nor underground.
Components: V, S, M Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Target: Touched creature
Range: Touch Duration:1 round / level
Effect: One weapon / level Save: Will negs (harmless), Fort negs (see below)
Duration: 1 hour / level Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) This spell enables the target creature to draw forth
arrows of shadow-stuff from an empty quiver. For the
This spell causes weapons in the caster's possession duration of the spell, the target may draw and use arrows
affected by it to spring into the caster's hand when she without expending ammunition. These shadow arrows are
passes her hand in front of the sheath or holding treated as +2 magic weapons for defeating Damage

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Groin Shot
Appendix 1: Specific Shooting The lowest and dirtiest attack is to snap an arrow into
the crown jewels. Not the domain of paladins or those
who think of themselves as idealists, the groin shot is a
a specific shot (except for additional damage done) can fairly common dirty trick however, especially among
These rules for specific targetting of arrows have be removed through any cure wounds spell or a Heal common-born archers. The victim of a groin shot
been modified from the original rules presented in check (DC listed below). becomes staggered for 1d6 rounds, unless healed.
Mongoose Publishing’s Quintessential Fighter.
Specific Shot Location Minimum BAB Heal DC Head Shot
Leg +2 15 The head is the most vital part of the humanoid
Arm +4 15 anatomy (in most cases at least, although many an elf
Groin +6 17 will claim that it is the least important portion of an orc).
Head +8 -- Head shots with arrows, however, tend not to deal the
As archers often seek to out-do one another, the pre-
Eye +12 21 massive damage that larger weapons might, as the
cision of their shooting is often the single most telling
head is well armoured by bone and most arrows
difference between a good archer and a superlative
Leg Shot bounce off leaving a bloody gash and a slightly dazed
one. While in warfare the archer is working hard just to
A leg shot can cripple or at least seriously slow down recipient. The victim of a head shot suffers 1d4 addi-
hit groups of moving targets and trying to drop as many
an opponent. An arrow tearing through the ankle or tional damage and is stunned for 1 round.
soldiers as possible, there are times when perfectly
placed shots are called for, shots that cripple, incapaci- knee can be debilitating, while even an arrow lodged in
the calf will certainly slow down one's movement and Eye Shot
tate or even kill targets in a single strike.
ability to climb or swim. A creature struck in the leg suf- A shot to the eye can kill, blind or at least disable an
fers an additional 1d4 damage and base speed is opponent, and is considered a sign of truly fine archery,
Out of the press of warfare, into single combat,
halved. In addition, the victim has a -4 circumstance as the eye of a moving target is indeed a difficult place
archery competitions or even in times when showing off
penalty on all Climb, Jump and Swim checks until to land an arrow. While many eye shots do not actually
is important, the best archer will aim his arrows a specif-
healed. These effects last for 1d6 rounds if not healed. penetrate into the eye itself, they tend to cause messy
ic parts of a target enemy, to either cripple his move-
bleeding wounds on or around the eye socket. The tar-
ment (making him a sitting duck) or his own capability
Arm Shot get of a successful eye shot suffers an additional 1d6
to return fire. Even the mightiest orc god can find him-
An armed target is never as helpless as when an arm damage and a -4 circumstance penalty on all attack
self crippled and disadvantaged by a well-placed strike
is taken out of commission. No matter how potent a rolls and Reflex saves for 1d6 hours, unless healed. If
from an elven arrow. By shooting the eyes, arms and
sword he carries, it it but shiny steel when it can't be the target suffers another eye shot in this time, he
knees of a target, the archer can all but cripple a foe,
raised to attack or defend. An arm shot may not be becomes completely blind for the duration. After the
leaving him a sitting duck for further arrows, or for the
called against an arm that carries a shield. A successful duration of this effect is over (or when a Heal check has
melee rush of his allies.
arm shot deals an additional 1d4 damage and causes been successfully made), the target must make a DC 15
the victim to drop anything held in that hand, automati- Fortitude save or suffer the permanent loss of the eye in
When an archer scores a critical threat against a tar-
cally disarming them. If the held item or weapon is question.
get within the first range increment of his weapon, he
may then declare the attack to be a specific shot, and being held two-handed, then a Reflex Save DC 15 is
specify the target of the shot. If the critical is then con- required to keep a grip on the item. The target also
firmed with the subsequent die-roll, then only normal receives a -4 circumstance penalty on all checks and
damage is dealt, but the rules for the specific location attack rolls made using the wounded arm for the next
struck are applied to the shot also (as per the descrip- 1d6 rounds, unless healed.
tions below). Specific shots have no effect against a
creature immune to critical hits. All side-effects of

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pinto, Ree Soesbee, Douglas Sun.
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Undead Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Authors Noah Dudley,

1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, Andrew Getting, Travis Heerman, Mike Mearls, jim pinto, Ree Soesbee, Eric
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(h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Way of the Ninja Copyright 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. elements, fiction and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illus-
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a Ultramodern Firearms d20, Copyright 2002, Charles McManus Ryan. trations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, graphic designs, except
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Path of the Sword Copyright 2002, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. and stat blocks.
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Dragons Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Authors A.A. Acevedo, J. Copyright © 2003 E.N.Publishing

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