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_ to indicate the word that differs from the rest to the Mark the tetter I.

B. c, or Don your uns**^ queMtons.

prvnunciMion ofjhc underlined part to each of th' fl |oO"^ D
- h®lpsd
Qu«tk»n3^A^d C.dete^inc . - t
,x l ndeT

Question 33. A. behave : B- eternal sentence that best combines each

t”Z Z^erA. B.
pair of sentences to the following questions. She wants to get a better job
Question 34. She is learning computer programming. ‘ 'nmniino.
A. She has got a better job because she is learning computer
B. She is learning computer programming, so she has got .1 ^etu*r '4 r G She is learning computer programming so
that she can get a ’tterp D,' To learn computer programming, she may be able to get a better job
Question 35. Susan got caught in the rain last night. She is tired now
" A. if Susan hadn't got caught in the rain last night, she wouldn’t be tired Jt
Susan got caught in the rain last night and she still felt tired now.
c. If Susan got caught in the rain last night, she would be tired now.
D. If Susan hadn't got caught in the rain last night, she wouldn’t have been tired
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D onyouranswer sheet to indicate the wordft) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 36. I’m sure you’ll agree that this issue is vitally important to the success of our project.
A. treatment fB^foilure c. completion I), achievement
Question 37. After the alien Spacecraft hovered over the park lor a short while. 11 vanished.
A. appeared B. rose c. landed o. attacked
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of
thefollowing questions.
Question 38. As soon as I will get my exam results. I’m going to visit my uncle in the countryside.
c D

Question 39. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview’.
Question 40. He suggested to go to Phong Nha Cave since it's a famous natural wonder of Vici Nam.
Q) ® c

Ọti«ưion 17. The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to
A. driving a car
IL being hit by a car
V. accidental death
D.' the Federal Highway Administration
Question IS. How many pedestrians arc hit by cars each year?
A. about 100 B. about 1.000 c. about I .(X)O.OOO (j).'àbout 100,000
Question 19. What is the main idea of this text? V
A. People walking at night should wear reflective clothing or tape so that drivers can see them.
B. Many pedestrians are hit by cars each year, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself.
£■. > You should cross the street only at marked crosswalks or corners. and always stop at the curb before
D. Looking both ways before crossing the street is a simple rule.
Mark the letter .'í, R, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
questions. Question 20. Our
plane I), does there
A. a - an 4g£nd out c. set up D. look at
Question 21.-----------I go to the
cinema, only when there is a film I
really want to see.
The sky’s the limit 13. Once in a blue moon
t a Out of this world D. Over the moon
Question 22. I wish I English as well as a native speaker.
A. will speak B. ant speaking c. can speak (5/COU
Question 23. There has not been much supply of water recently, <£>bas there B. hasn’t there c. docs it
Question 24. I'll your suggestion and discuss it with the sales department.
A. think over
Question 25. The PGA stands for Professional Golfers’ Association, organises a prestigious golf championship every
\^L)>vhich B. that c. whom D. who
Question 26. We met each other at my grandparents' house three years ago and
A. are B. had been c. were Q
Question 27. Some people make decisions based on rather than logic, which can lead to making the wrong choice.
A. courage B. opinion c. emotion D. guidance

Question 28. Neptune is about thirty times as far from the Sun .
A. like the Earth is B. such as the Earth
c. as the Earth is Đ. than the Earth is
Question 29. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission
A. fare B. pay c. fee 1). ticket
Question 30. Andrea has a rug on the floor in her bedroom.
A. lovely white wool B. lovely wool while
/Cl white lovely wool D. wool lovely white
^Question 31. He has applied for several different jobs, but is yet to find full-time__________________.
A. employ ^/employable c. employee D. employment
ĩ.^fĩrĩĩLJ* »«•*••* t>^_ ’**>

««* * *' ■“-*'"■' **•"*• I
t, oMiódrred «<’ he ’** wvcW« lw,r ” ,fHÍUưrì ,hr 4lr** _
T* **** w^wt**1* *"•«<*«*’*’*• *** attraenw “ *'wU’ MBMÍTM 2?" «W'

(II) . M« b<v>nn'"»'■•“«** pn*)"n» FWnuB_.

in- Winning "be "»«"<*■"' “*? t»r **».

. h. hd»\ eu'Je cited >!•>'“*■'" " "■*"' 'v ijr'* 11 W1» >°«1>OW»_L fociitotato ______
llu,ỉ n n

D. arrivals
QvcwttM !•. A. figure* ©before H. <t»mings c deliveries c
Qvrettott 11. A. bpidc-1 H. however a D. on IX furthermore c. when D. director
QwvtMMI 12. Cyhlh JtaW Ar for B. while fallowing below c. than c. panage an J mark ihf letter t. R. (’.
QecvtMMi IXTTlbcr. or I) ft. worker un your operator anvwer iheet to indicttír thf .-^err-.t
Qv<MM>A 14. A. advisor &uvtr to each of the quexfion\.
Safety on hoot
We’ve all beard It a thousand time: “Look both ways before you cross the street!”. But how many people really
obey this simple rule? According to the Federal Highway Administration, about 100,000 pedestrians (people traveling
on foot) are hit by cars each year. It is one of the leading causes of accidents death for children. So how can you be safe
when you are walking? Follow these simple rules offered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
• Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk and you have to walk in the street, always walk on the side that
allows you to face oncoming traffic.
• Wear bright color. You want drivers to be able to see you. If you must walk at night, be sure to wear
reflective clothing or tape so that drivers can see you.
• Cross the street only at marked crosswalks or conners and always stop at the curb before crossing. Look both ways
(left, then right, then left again). If you see a car coming, wait for it to pass. Keep looking for cars as you cros.
• Walk at good pace. Never run
What does “a thousand times” in the first sentence mean here?
A. a lot B^once or twice
C. every single day of our fixes D. fit one time or another
ỤvntSM Id. that doo thu teit list*
A. rules for being safe while walking
n c far aarart of afl

D far five causes of accidental death among children

NẲM HỌC 2022-2023
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Thời ginn làm bài: 50 phút (không ki- thời gian giao dề)
(40 câu trẳc nghiệm)
'(Dẻ thi cỏ 04 trang)

Họ vả tên thí sinh :...................................-..........................sổ bảo danh ............................ Ma đề 269

I Mark the letter A, tt, c, or ĩ) on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete I each of the
following exchanges.
Question I. Lisa is having a discussion with Peter about their plan
- Lisa: “Let's meet outride the art gallery”
- Peter: "
A. Yes. Is8.30 nil right? B. I’d like to go to the concert.
When can I go there? D Yes. let US do it
Question 2. Dave congratulates Hannah on her performance tn the music competition
Dave: "Congratulations’ You’ve given a great performance
Hannah: "_____________"
A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Me neither
C. No, don't worry. D. I'm sorry to hear that
Mark the letter A, B, Cor I) on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) Cl OSEST in meaning tn the underlined
word(s) tn each of the following questions.
Question 3. The naughty boy was scolded for breaking the neighbour . window yesterday
A. caught B. complimented c. told off D. taken care of
Question 4. I hey all watched him without making un\ noise, waiting for an explanation.
c silently
Mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 5. In spite of his poor health, he managed to finish his book before the deadline
Although he was unwell, he managed Io finish his book before die deadline
IÍ. He was in poor health when he managed to finish his book before the deadline
c. He managed to finish his book before the deadline, hut he was very ill
I). Even though he managed to finish his hook before the deadline, he was sick.
Question 6. People say that he invented the digital camera.
A. He is said to invented the digital camera.
B. It was said that he invented the digital camera.
iC.jHc is said to have invented the digital camera.
IT He was said to have invented the digital camera.
Question 7. "You ought to take a break. Andrew", said Matthew
A. Matthew advised Andrew to take a break.
B, Matthew asked Andrew to take a break.
c. Matthew suggested Andrew took a break.
p. Matthew suggested Andrew to take a break.

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