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Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013


Koushik Sau*


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to find out the present scenario of occupational
therapy marketing in India. METHODOLOGY: An author designed survey questionnaire is used
for this study. Other Allied health staff, other rehabilitation staff and local occupational therapist
revised the questionnaire in three stages. After the three-staged revision final survey questioners
was made and send to different occupational therapist working in various parts of India.
RESULT: All participants (100%) are agreeing with that there is a need of marketing. But they
are not satisfied with the present marketing scenario of occupational therapy in India.
CONCLUSION: This study can use by practitioner for marketing guidance

KEYWORDS: Occupational Therapy, Marketing, Health Care Marketing, Occupational Therapy


1. INTRODUCTION planning and executing the conception,

pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas
According to the American marketing
services and goods, to create exchanges that
association “Marketing is the process of
satisfy individual and organizational

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

objectives”[1] Simply “marketing consists of according to demographic charter, political

meeting people’s needs in the most efficient and regulatory system, socio cultural status,
and therefore profitable manner”(marketing economical and geographical background [2].
OT Services, 1984, p.4) [2] . Marketing can With each variation basic aim is to improve
use as medium of orientation which makes client’s health through preventive action or
satisfying the customer’s requirements [2]. restoration of good health from a state of ill
Marketing beings by asking what are the health.
requirements and desires of consumers [3]. Management of health care is becoming
Marketing also includes the analysis of the more and more common as the demands of
competition and then decide on a positioning cost containment are placed on providers of
plan for the product or service, in other words care [4]. In this regards marketing can help
finding the market position, the pricing of the health care profession. Because it is an
products and services, and then promote the important aspect of service delivery that all
products or services through continue health cares practitioners should understand it
advertising, promotions, public relations and [5]. Of course, there is no denying that using
sales. health information in order for healthcare
marketing does run the risk of invades
1.1 Health care marketing privacy. Some time people thought that health
Marketing programs sale everything in care marketing carelessly handled their
today’s life including health care. Though it sensitive information. In fact, sometimes
was once thought to be inappropriate or health care marketing might cause shameful
unethical to use in health care professional [2]. offenses to a person's sense of independence
According to Willard and Spacksman (1993) and self-respect. During marketing health care
health care marketing evolved in the middle of professional should consider this aspect.
1970 when concerns arose about increased
regulation of health care, decrease resources, 1.2 Present occupational therapy marketing
increased struggle for those inadequate scenario in India
resources and change in reimbursement As occupational therapy professional we
practice for health care [3]. should focused on the marketing for profit of
The health care market is one of the most our profession. Because all of our best efforts
complicated one because health care over more than fifty years the profession still
professional always face a challenge with largely unknown to the general public and our
different necessities for same kind of referral sources. Only providing good service
diagnosis. After each diagnosis there are is not enough to grow as a profession. It needs
requirement of various treatments planning

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013

marketing strategies to develop knowledge find out the present scenario of occupational
and faith on our profession. therapy marketing in India and find out the
In India the health care services generally possible procedure of occupational therapy
regulated by state government and have rights marketing in India through open ended survey
to select service area for normal population. In questioner.
nineteenth century scenario changed and
private sector started to deliver health service 1.3 Research question
and person starts to pay for treatment. What is the present scenario of
Changing scenario society has placed increase occupational therapy marketing in India?
responsibility to consumers in concerning to What are the possible procedures of marketing
their own health care choice. Challenges are occupational therapy in India?
increasing for the occupational therapy
professional and necessary to undertake some 1.4 Objectives of the study
marketing strategies that help them to develop Find out the present scenario of
awareness about occupational therapy services occupational therapy marketing in India.
and there benefits. Find out the possible occupational therapy
Consumer goes through relative reference marketing procedure.
about the outcome of different treatment
options. They rely on different information
which are getting from different source like
mouth of patient, service provider, and referral 2.1 Subject:
sources etc. Marketing help occupational Occupational therapist graduate were
therapy profession to aware those resources included for these study. Interns and
through valuable information. In India many student were excluded from this study.
individuals and organization have been putting
significant effort into creating ways to 2.2 Survey questioner:
increase the visibility and awareness of our
profession but there is a lack of collective 2.2.1 Questioner development:
work. Efforts in individuals label are not An author’s design survey questioner was
enough to overcome barriers of marketing. used for this study [6], [7]. Questions were
Present scenario is not good for occupational definite, concrete and pre-determined,
therapy professions in India they understand structured and open ended subjective
the need but don’t know how to market the question [7]. Same wording and ordering
profession or don’t bother to spent time for are maintained for all target people[7].
marketing. This study is a primary effort to Three steps were taken to modify the

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

question for final study. First these percentage of respond generally less 20 to
questions were provided to five allied 30 percentages [6],[7] . The survey was
health professional . In second stage these mailed to six hundred occupational
questioner were provided to different therapist throughout India After getting all
rehabilitation staff, After getting their input the responses from respondents thank
about the clarity of the questioner such as giving mailed was send to each participant
the wording of the questioner, grammar separately.
usage, simplicity of questions and case of
understand [6],[8] was incorporated to
3.1 Natures of respondents:
revise the initial draft of the questioner and
Total 137 (22.83 %) response were
a revised survey was generated. In third
received. Not included 16 responses for
stage revised questioner were send to five
not matching the inclusion criteria. Total
local occupational therapists. Those
121 (20.16%) responds were included for
occupational therapists were asked to
this study. Charterstic of respondents was
complete the questioner and provide
provided in table 1.
comments and suggestion. Comments and
suggestion from the participant’s
Table 1 : Charterstic of respondent (N= 121)
occupational therapist were examined by
the investigator and incorporate those into
the revision of the questioner.

2.2.2. The final version of questioner

Final version of questioner consisted two

parts (see appendix). First part concerned
about personal details about participant.
Second part of questioner was consisted of
twelve questions. It concerned about the
different aspect of occupational therapy
marketing procedure to frame the possible

2.2.3. Implementation procedure

Survey type research study generally use
large number of sample, because the 3.2 Nature of respond:

Scientific Research Journal of India ● Volume: 2, Issue: 3, Year: 2013

A few numbers of respondent’s (10) belief that

All participants (100%) are belief that it may not be useful.
they are not satisfy with the present scenario There are mix responses about marketing
of occupational therapy profession in India. style. According to response individuals
All were belief that after fifty years marketing and group marketing both is useful
occupational therapy not captured enough for occupational therapy profession. Most of
market in Indian Allied health field. the respondents (112) are thought that there
Almost all participants (114) are not should be change in present marketing style in
presently flowing nitch marketing strategies. context of present health care environment.
Only few (7) participants are following nitch Some respondents (9) are not sure the change
marketing style. is require or not in present marketing style.
All participants are agreed in the According to most respondents belief
point that we are able to fulfill the need sets of electronic media is the best option for
consumer to capture rehabilitation market promoting occupational therapy profession in
place. In case of fifth question respondents India. But other beliefs that print media can be
responds was different. According some also is another option. Respondent’s belief
respondents (67) All India Occupational that, well documentation of profession is
Therapist (AIOTA) is responsible for needful for marketing.
marketing our profession. Some respondents There are so many variation is found in
(30) belief it is a responsibility of AIOTA and the response of last question. Respondents
ACOT. Few respondents (7) belief AIOTA suggested that advertisement should be
brunches, occupational therapy institution publishes in regular basis. Awareness came,
should take the responsibility. In the other spatial clinic, speech by occupational therapist
hand some respondents (15) belief it is a duty in local language is also help in occupational
of an individual’s occupational therapist. Two therapy marketing. Videotapes, documentary
( 2) respondents belief government or film can be use to promote our services, our
government health policy are the responsible. occupational therapy achievement. Physician
Every respondents are belief that our awareness also can be use as a technique
profession should be promoted and they because still date they are the main referral for
suggested different method for that like our services. Some suggested there should be
formation of own council, awareness through one liner to promote our profession.
media, pass the information through simple
and lay man’s word. Most of the 4. DISCUSSIONS
respondent’s(111) belief is that, surveys is Key finding of this study is that every
necessary for occupational therapy marketing. participant is not satisfied about present

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

marketing scenario of occupational therapy procedure and easily approach to occupational

after fifty years as a profession. Though there therapist over India.
are differences in there beliefs, marketing is Mail were send six hundred occupational
necessary for occupational therapy in present therapist in India. So this result cannot be
health care scenario. Without this a profession generalized. Last limitation is respondents
can grow. rate was (22.83 %).
We know there are no ideal strategies for
marketing occupational therapy in India.
Because India is country of diversity in terms
of culture, language, religious. But there In India occupational therapists are either
should be some guidance about marketing, private practitioner or working in private
which can help a professional to capture large sector. There a few numbers of people are
market. working in government sector. So most of the
Through this study tried to cover most of time we have to prove as a better treatment
the component of marketing in India through option compare to other profession. In this
12 questions. Respondent’s provided there regard we can use marketing for survival. This
view point regarding that. In twenty first study can help professional in marketing
century marketing is an important aspect of occupational therapy profession in better way.
any profession. Gradually marketing becomes
common practice in health care profession
also. This study gathered information about
marketing can use to market our profession in I want to thanks to our entire respondent
India. for their valuable support. I also thanks to
First strength of this study we use everyone, who helped me to reevaluate
structure question to gather information from questioner for developed final version of
sample so there is no chance of interview bias. questioner.
Second, this study collected data from various
parts of country through email so it is low cost


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Personal details:
Participant Name & Designation:
Age & Sex:
Organization name & Experience (in terms of year):
Clinical experience/ teaching experience:
Marketing questionnaires.
1) Are you satisfied with the present marketing scenario of occupational therapy profession in
2) After fifty years as a profession, has occupational therapy captured enough market in Indian
rehabilitation field?
3) According to you our profession is presently following nitch marketing or any other
marketing strategies in India?
4) According to you our profession is able to fulfill need sets of consumer to capture
rehabilitation market place?
5) According to you who are responsible for marketing occupational therapy profession in
6) For marketing of occupational therapy, does it need to be promoted and if yes point out the
methods of that?

ISSN: 2277-1700 ● Website: ● URL Forwarded to:

7) Is there any need of consumer surveys prior to marketing of the profession?

8) In the present scenario individual marketing or group marketing is essential for
occupational therapy profession in India?
9) According to you with changing health care environment what modification is needed in
the present marketing style?
10) According to you presently which media is effective for promoting occupational therapy
marketing in India?
11) Is there any role of documentation in occupational therapy marketing?
12) According to you how occupational therapy marketing should be done in present situation
in India?


* Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Health Science, Manipal University, Karnataka,
India. Email:


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