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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Talk for Writing Model Text

Narrative (Focus: Setting)

Once upon a time, there were three bears, a daddy bear, a mummy bear and a
baby bear. They lived in a charming, cosy cottage deep in the Enchanted Forest.

One nice, sunny morning, they woke up and went down for breakfast.
“My porridge is too hot!” said baby bear. So, they decided to go for a walk.
Meanwhile, Goldilocks was out for a stroll in the mossy green, overgrown forest. She
saw the cottage and went in.

First, she saw three chairs. A big one for daddy bear, a small one for Mummy bear
and a tiny one for baby bear. The big chair was too hard. The small chair was too
soft. So, she sat on the tiny chair, but it broke! SMASH.

Next, she saw the bear’s porridge. A big bowl for daddy bear, a small bowl for
mummy and a tiny bowl for baby bear. The big bowl was too hot. The small bowl
was too cold, but the tiny bowl was just right. So, she ate it all up!

Then Goldilocks was tired, so she went upstairs for a lay down. There she saw three
beds. A big bed for daddy bear, a small bed for mummy bear and a tiny bed for
baby bear. The big bed was too hard. The small bed was too soft, but the tiny bed
was just right. So, she fell asleep.

At that moment, the three bears came home.

“Somebody has broken my chair!” said baby bear.
“Somebody has eaten my porridge!” said baby bear.
So, the bears looked around and heard snoring from
upstairs. Goldilocks was asleep in the bed.
“Who are you?” roared the bears.

Suddenly, Goldilocks was awake and staring at the

bears. As quick as a flash, she leapt up, ran out of the
cottage and all the way home! The bears never left
their door open again.
Talk for Writing Actions

Once upon a time – Hands together, then open wide like a storybook

First – Hold pointer finger up

Next – Take your two pointer fingers, pointing out in front of you and sweep your
fingers to the right of your body

After that – Roll hands in a circle

Suddenly – Bring your arms up from your side up to your head

At that moment – Hold both pointer fingers up

So – Hold arms in front of you and hold palms up

Finally – Hold your palm up like a stop sign

Setting Toolkit

Writing focus Model text Tools Short burst writing

example activity
Choose a Enchanted Forest • Use an adjective • Provide students
name for a followed by a with picture
setting noun (place). stimuluses to
• Names of places choose from.
are proper nouns, • Students create a
therefore need name for the
capital letters. setting.

Include the One nice, sunny • Use a time word • Provide morning,
time of day morning… (morning, afternoon and
and afternoon, night picture
weather evening). stimuluses with
• Use one or two particular weather.
adjectives to • Students write at
describe the least one sentence
weather. for each to
describe the time
of day/weather.
Use two …charming, cosy • Use adjectives to • Provide students
adjectives, cottage accurately with setting picture
separated describe a noun. stimuluses to
by a • Use commas to choose from.
comma separate two • Students write a
adjectives. sentence including
two adjectives
separated by a
comma to
describe the
Narrative Rule Kit

Writing focus Model text Rules Short burst writing

example activity
Narrative N/A • A narrative always • Unjumble the
structure – follows a storyline model text, put in
opening, pattern eg. story the correct order
problem, events, mountain. and identify the
climax, opening, problem,
solution/ending events, climax,
Punctuation – N/A • Capital letters at • Sentence doctor –
capital letters, full the start of the find the
stops and sentence and for punctuation errors
commas proper nouns. in a sentence
• Full stops at the from the model
end of a text.
sentence. • Write your own
• Commas to ‘sick’ sentence
separate two and have your
adjectives and partner fix the
after openers or punctuation
conjunctions other errors.
than ‘and’
Boxed-Up Model Text

Plot Structure Text Summary Innovation

Orientation • Three bears
/Opening • Lived in a cottage
• In Enchanted Forest

Problem • Morning
• Had breakfast
• Baby bear’s porridge is too hot
• Three bears went for a walk
• Goldilocks walking in the forest
• Goldilocks went into cottage

Event 1 • Saw three chairs, one big, one small and one
• Big too hard
• Small too soft
• Tiny just right
• Goldilocks broke the tiny chair

Event 2 • Saw porridge, one big, one small, one tiny

• Big too hot
• Small too cold
• Tiny just right
• Goldilocks ate it all up

Event 3 • Goldilocks tired, went upstairs to lie down

• Saw three beds, one big, one small and one
• Big too hard
• Small too soft
• Tiny just right
• Goldilocks fell asleep

Climax • Three bears came home

• Someone had broken chair
• Someone had eaten porridge
• Heard snoring upstairs
• Goldilocks asleep in bed

Solution • Goldilocks awake

/Ending • Ran out of cottage to home
• Bears never left door open again

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