Trigonometry: Measurement of Angles

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Trigonometry is a branch of Mathematics that studies triangles and relationship between their
sides and angles and these relationships can be made using trigonometric functions.

Measurement of Angles

1. Degree Measure (Sexagesimal System)

In this system, an angle is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds.

1° = W (60 min); 1' = 60" (60 s)

2. Radian Measure (Circular System)

Angle subtended at the centre by any arc of length 1 unit in a circle of radius 1 unit, is said to
have a measure of 1 radian.

271 radian =360° or n radian =180°

1 radian =57° 16'22"

Relation between Radian and Degrees

We can simply put 7r=180° in radian measure to convert radian measure into degree measure,

Trigonometric Ratios

The ratios between different sides of a right angled triangle with respect to its acute angles are
called trigonometric ratios. Trigonometric ratios for right angled AABC with respect to angle
A are given below.
Trigonometric Identities
An equation involving trigonometric ratios of an angle is called a trigonometric identity, if it is
true for all values of the angles involved. For example, in a right angled triangle, we have the
following identities
Sign of Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometric ratios of complementary and supplementary angles of angle 0 are shown below.
Ex. 11 Find the value of tan 15°.
Ex. 12 Find the value of sin 2295°

Trigonometric Ratios of Combined Angles

Sum and Difference Formulae

1. sin (x + y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y

2. cos (x + v) = cos x cos v + sin x sin v

4. sin (x + y) • sin(x - y) = (sin x - sin y) or (cos y - cos x)

5. cos (x + y) cos (x - y) = (cos x - sin y) or (cos y - sin x)

6. sin (x + y + z) = cos xcos ycos z (tanx + tany + tanz) - tan x tan y tan z

7. cos(x + y + z) = cos x cosy cos z(l - tan x tan y - tan y tan z - tan x tan z)
A, B formulae or Product to sum formulae

1. 2 sin A cos B = sin (A + B) + sin (A - B)

2. 2 sin A sin B = cos (A-B)- cos (A + B)

3. 2 cos A sin B = sin (A + B) - sin (A - B)

4. 2 cos A cos B = cos (A+ B) + cos (A - B)

C, D formulae or Sum to Product formulae

Trigonometric Ratios of Multiple of an Angle

Ex. 13 In A ABC, right angled at B, find the value of sin A cos C + cos A sin C.
Ex. 15 Find the value of cos 20° cos 40° cos 60° cos 80°.

Ex. 16 If x + y = z, then find the value of cos2 x + cos2 y + cos2z.

Ex. 17 If (a2 - b2) sinG + lab cos 9 = a2 + b2, then find the value of tanO.

Ex. 18 If (1 + tan A) (1 + tan B) = 2, then find the value of (A + B).

Maximam and Minimum Values of Trignometric Angles

1. -l<sin8orcos6<l

2. -cc<tan8orcot6<l

3. sec8orcosec8 >1

4. sec 0 or cosecG < -1

Maximum and Minimum Value of Some Particular Expressions

Note To obtain the maximum or minimum value of an expression try to convert it into sinG orcosG

Ex. 19 Find the maximum value of 5 tan 8 cos8 + 4 cos8 .

Ex.20 Find the minimum value of 2sin 8+3cos 8

Sol. 2 sin2 6+ 3 cos2 8

= 2 sin2 8 + 2 cos2 8+ cos2 8

= 2 (sin26+ cos28)+ cos28

= 2 + cos2G [•/ sin2G + cos2 G = 1]

Minimum value of cos 8 = - 1

Minimum value of expression = 2 + (-1) = 2 + 1 = 3

Some Important Results

1. tan1°-tan2°.........tan 89° =1

2. cot1°-cot2°..........cot89° = 1

3. cos 1° • cos 2°- cos 3°.........cos 90° = 0

4. cos1°■ cos2°cos3°........(abovecos 90°).....= 0

5. sinl°• sin2°• sin3°........sin!80° = 0

6. sin1°- sin2°- sin3°.......(Above sin180°) = 0

8. tan/\ tanS = 1 = cot A cot B , when A + B = 90

Ex.21 Find the value of sinl°- sin2°- sin 3°.......sinl80°......sinl96°

Sol. sin 1°- sin 2°- sin 3°.......sin 180°......sin 196°

As sin 180° = 0 So, when a value is multiplied with zero (0), then whole expression will result in zero.
sinl° • sin2° • sin3°.....sin 180°......sin 196° = 0
Ex.23 If sinG + cosec 9 = 2 then find the value of sin36G + cosec36 G

Sol. If sin 6 + cosec 9 = 2

Then, sin36 9 + cosec369 = 2

Note When sin 9 + cosec 9 = 2, then always sin" 0 + cosec" 9 = 2 for any positive value of n
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