Answer The Following Case Study

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Answer the following Case Study.

Colgomex is a large consumer products company. The incumbent CEO of the company left
and Mr. Chatterzi, who was second in command to be CEO took over as CEO of the
company. Mr. Rajesh Talwar is a senior executive in the company and has his own views. He
has after all been in the business for a decade and a half and he thinks he knows how to
tackle the slump, the industry is going through. He did not waste any time and talked to the
new CEO and told him what he thought needed to be done in the company. The CEO heard
him out and suggested that he give him some time to learn the ropes. Eventually when he
did lay out his plans, Mr. Talwar was shocked to see all his suggestions were completely
ignored. When he asked the CEO about this, the responded cryptically that he wanted a
team that supported him completely and hinted that Mr. Talwar leave the company if he
was unhappy. He actually ventured far enough to offer his assistance in finding a new job for
Talwar. Mr. Talwar was shocked. He did not understand what to do. One option was not to
take it personally. It was probably just a mismatch between his and the CEO’s style of
functioning. The other option was to gracefully bow out while he still retains the goodwill of
the organization and colleagues. He should start exploring opportunities elsewhere and take
up the offer that suits him the best. He is still undecided between these two options.
a) Do you think the CEO has decided that the Talwar does not fit into his team and that is
why he has asked him to quit?
b) Which option should Mr. Talwar follow, in your opinion?

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