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Even Semester Examination

(July-August, 2021)
Paper Code: UGMBGE03: Paper name: Indian Society & Culture
Integrated Five Years MBA
Full Marks: 80

(The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible)

GROUP: I (Answer any five questions) (7 x 5 = 35)

(Maximum word limit: 150 per answer)

1. Discuss different types of occupational disease and their magnitude.

2. Differentiate among tribal, agrarian, and industrial societies.
3. Write the name of major Indian religions and discuss.
4. What do you mean by Illiteracy? Discuss its presence in Indian society.
5. What is your view on “Beggary”? How will you eradicate beggary from your society?
6. What are the differences between Insurgency and Terrorism?
7. Discuss the effects on people of housing problem in India.

GROUP: II (Answer any three questions) (15 x 3 = 45)

(Maximum word limit: 300 per answer)

8. What do you mean by poverty? Discuss the causes and effects of poverty.
9. What do you mean by culture? What is your view on value crisis in contemporary Indian society?
10. “India has become a very prominent source of skilled labour migration”. Critically analyse.
11. Discuss the present features of unemployment in India. Discuss the causes and evil effects of


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