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The concept of electricity comes into existence because of a wonderful transitional

element that has the conducting property the name of element is copper have you
ever wonder why we not use silver for making wires silver also shows conducting
properties ? no na if we use silver for making wires that there will be no electricity
because silver is a costly metal and if it is use d in making wires than the thief’s of
this wonderful unemployed world will be on cloud nine they we collect the wires
and sell them in market for getting money so this is the biggest reason for using
copper in wires.

Every aspect of life has history behind it. Do you know which is the first metal
found in the history of Indian subcontinent that is copper now let me give you
some interesting sentences about the history of copper. The first ever element
found in the subcontinent of India is copper it is found in the mehrgarh in
Baluchistan which is now part of Pakistan. Where a small copper bead dated to
about 6000 BCE was found it is the native copper not extracted from the ore .

Now before discussing the topic copper ores let me familiar you with two terms
one is mineral and another one is ores. What is mineral? They are the naturally
occurring chemical substances present in the earth crust and found by the mining
process. Now what is the ore? These are minerals from which metal is extracted in
valuable form this is called ores.

Now let me give you the names of the copper ores one is copper pyrites second one
is cuprites and the third one is copper glance

To get this wonderful metal copper is extracted and isolated from its ore this
includes following processes first one is the concentration of ore second one is the
isolation of copper metal from its concentrated ore and third and the last one is the
purification of copper metal .so first of we will discuss the first process that is the
concentration of ore removal of unwanted substances from the ore is known as the
concentration of the ore .concentration of ores involved several steps and the
selection of several steps depends upon the difference in the physical properties of
the compounds of the copper present and second one is the what type of gangue is
present . so am saying this word gangue you all will be wondering that what it
means gangue in chemistry can be defined as an unwanted material or impurities
in the form of sand, rock or any other material that surrounds the mineral in an ore
deposit. Forth floation is the method used for the removal of gangue from copper
ore it mainly depend on the density and the hydrophobic nature The process of
froth floatation starts with the Comminution process in which the surface area of
the copper ore is increased. First of all, the copper ores are crushed into very fine
powder-sized particles and mixed with water. The mixture obtained is called Slurry
of copper ore . A Collector which acts as a surfactant chemical is added to the
slurry. This is done to enhance the hydrophobic nature of the mineral.The slurry
has now been converted into pulp. This pulp is added to the container filled with
water and then air jets are forced into it to create bubbles. The copper is repelled by
water and thus gets attached to the air bubbles. As these air bubbles rise up to the
surface with mineral particles sticking to them, these are called froth. This Froth is
separated and further taken for the next process of refining and extraction of

As previously we have discussed that the second step is the extraction of the
copper crude from its ore so this step basically involves the reduction of
concentrated ore to get the desired copper metal but here is magnificent step
involved where we convert copper sulphide ore to its oxide from which is
completed by roasting process that means copper ore is heated in furnace with the
regular supply of air to the 1085 degree Celsius that is the melting point of the
copper now we get cupreous oxide with having+1 oxidation state of copper. Here
is the reaction involved .finally we will get copper by doing reduction of cupreous
oxide to extract copper from its ore. The oxide can then be easily reduced to
metallic copper using coke.

Now we get copper in solid form but this copper is not in its pure form here
question arises that why it is not in its pure form because we have copper with
some impurity to get copper of high purity we perform refining process here we
get copper in high pure form by doing electrolytic refining process this process
involves Anodes are of impure copper and pure copper strips are taken as cathode.
The electrolyte is acidified solution of copper sulphate and the net result of
electrolysis is the transfer of copper in pure form from the anode to the cathode.

Well after going through a long and hateic process we finally get copper of high
purity so this cop[er has wide applications in our day to day life as previously I
have mentioned one application is that it is used for making electric wires second
one is the formation of bronze alloy which is made by mixing tin and copper with
each other the third application of copper Communications are the backbone of
today's fast-paced businesses, and copper wiring is at the core of those systems.

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