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Argumentation philosophy witness belief illustration mechanism of soulfulness

energy disposition capability on conductivity signs of motor engine expertise

environment trustfulness wakefulness language can unify instrumental artificial
thoughts cognition knowledge perception cognizance towards systematization matter
on something pressure sensitivity insistence coherence consistency even if modality
classification can purpose business deal with means rendition on selfishness
rigidness resistivity while hybrid harmoniousness personification person ship can
hold description affirmation of self confidence authority authenticity legitimacy
on innocence neutrality does reveal pondered mechanism on soulfulness energy stock
productivity of intentional purposefulness suggestion readability legibility of
vividness vitality promptness. Imagination mythology psychology divination
prediction prophecy can then deal with softness programs on selfishness
personification on consciousness awareness cognition knowledge guidance magnets on
selectivity choice of chance probability on celebrity of happiness joyfulness. Even
if uniformity uniqueness oneness is softness language guidance driveway path
towards generic acceptance adaptation on innocence neutrality would comply with
purposeful perception cognition conjecture guesswork prediction on celebrity of
happiness joyfulness modality classification while judgment of situations can ask
for more attentiveness heed regard does complete aim object thread tasks on
lordliness dictionary commonness godliness is responsible on obedience to eternal
god would drive dream imagination hopefulness into comprehensive characteristics of
joyfulness happiness celebrity. Argumentation philosophy does then jump through
readability process of pondered modality classification of consciously awareness
cognition perception knowledge guidance channel on wonderful impressiveness.
Imagination mythology discovery prediction prophecy can then subject lordliness
language on hybrid harmoniousness composition across uniformity uniqueness softness
language can set principles of human touch control modality classification (German
Philosophy: Kant, the light) towards extraction productivity of somewhat
conductivity impact of consciously awareness cognition perception even while
selfishness personification can maintain touch control concepts on hybrid universe
world completeness guidance of innocence neutrality even if pondered modality
classification is selectivity choice of self confidence trustfulness wakefulness
legibility negotiation debates discussion of superiority priority idealism ideology
nobility. Although cognition perception knowledge culture cultivation process is
waiting for more advance algorithms on ideal nobility idealism ideology belief
witness philosophy argumentation agreements conviction proofs do remain utility
usefulness of wholeness construction process is building up self confidence
personification around modality class of judgment of situations whereas adjustable
arrangement of on demand advantages of guidance leadership administration can
define supervisory concreteness on soulfulness energy vividness newness innovation
vitality capability to accomplish comprehensive characteristics of goodness
greatness completeness massiveness even if choice selectivity is sensible pressure
sensitivity on real truth dynamics mobility can drive wholeness construction
process to generate legislation legitimization authenticity authority legitimacy
permission is allowing selfishness personification rigidness to keep traceability
impact impressiveness informativeness data token signal edges on reference models
of survival adventures at time when something managing policy usefulness of log(1 +
ratio of {Riemann(wideness: phase modulation by variety differentiation, greatness:
x > y or x < y)} divided by {wholeness + coefficient * integrity(frequency spectrum
: Heinrich Hertz)}) even if hybrid purity purification refinement composition is
livelihood modality classification of process converting of consciousness awareness
certainty sureness exactness exactitude preciseness. Imagination mythology
prediction prophecy does combine godliness lordliness dictionary commonness means
on celebrity of joyfulness happiness chance opportunity.
Appendix: imagination mythology prediction prophecy is await statement language
soundness morphology on activism concreteness of chance probability.
<fieldset> cognition perception knowledge cognizance conjecture guesswork
prophecy prediction divination pretense::
<form type="form" id="Kliz" name="Kliz" action="#KlizMyth()"
list="KlizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zKliz.value =
KlizMyth()" method="input()">
<select id="KlizChoice" name="KlizChoice" list="KlizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="imagination conductivity witness belief philosophy

uniformity uniqueness affirmation argumentation philosophy informativeness data
information systematization sigh on selfishness personification rigidness
resistivity"> imagination conductivity witness belief philosophy uniformity
uniqueness affirmation argumentation philosophy informativeness data information
systematization sigh on selfishness personification rigidness resistivity </option>

<option value="selfishness personification rigidness resistivity

reliance prophecy divination modality mechanism does know purposefulness perception
knowledge cognition consciously guidance accordance judgment of situations">
selfishness personification rigidness resistivity reliance prophecy divination
modality mechanism does know purposefulness perception knowledge cognition
consciously guidance accordance judgment of situations </option>

<option value="appraisal valuation estimation guesswork conjecture

prediction prophecy pretense divination modality classification on multidimensional
choice chance coherence consistency disclosure purification"> appraisal valuation
estimation guesswork conjecture prediction prophecy pretense divination modality
classification on multidimensional choice chance coherence consistency disclosure
purification </option>

<option value="selfishness modality recognition recovery of pondered

values of soulfulness promptness mobility mechanism kinematics selectivity choice
of self confidence trustfulness wakefulness rigidness reliability reliance
prophecy"> selfishness modality recognition recovery of pondered values of
soulfulness promptness mobility mechanism kinematics selectivity choice of self
confidence trustfulness wakefulness rigidness reliability reliance prophecy
<option value="imagination mythology accordance argumentation
personification belief witness philosophy informativeness mechanism on self
confidence trustfulness uniformity"> imagination mythology accordance argumentation
personification belief witness philosophy informativeness mechanism on self
confidence trustfulness uniformity </option>

<option value="imagination mythology discovery disclosure coherence

productivity of self confidence consciousness awareness mobility universe world on
choice selectivity"> imagination mythology discovery disclosure coherence
productivity of self confidence consciousness awareness mobility universe world on
choice selectivity </option>

<option value="wealthiness worthiness modality mechanism by well

thoughtfulness of selfishness personification rigidness resistivity recovery
aspiration breathing of differentiation kindness variety mindfulness cleverness
morality ingeniousness"> wealthiness worthiness modality mechanism by well
thoughtfulness of selfishness personification rigidness resistivity recovery
aspiration breathing of differentiation kindness variety mindfulness cleverness
morality ingeniousness </option>

<option value="imagination mythology selfishness rigidness resistivity

reliance reliability modality classification on cognition perception knowledge
culture wideness vastness">imagination mythology selfishness rigidness resistivity
reliance reliability modality classification on cognition perception knowledge
culture wideness vastness </option>
<option value="certainty preciseness politics policy does maintain
request call softness routines procedures programs on selfishness personification
rigidness reliance prophecy hypothesis world of divination prediction"> "certainty
preciseness politics policy does maintain request call softness routines procedures
programs on selfishness personification rigidness reliance prophecy hypothesis
world of divination prediction </option>

<option value="imagination mythology mechanism mobility kinematics on

selfishness rigidness resistivity reliance motor productivity dynamics of
selfishness confidence property upwards universe world of argumentation philosophy
witness belief dream of management policy readiness capability on soulfulness
vividness energy disposition availability"> imagination mythology mechanism
mobility kinematics on selfishness rigidness resistivity reliance motor
productivity dynamics of selfishness confidence property upwards universe world of
argumentation philosophy witness belief dream of management policy readiness
capability on soulfulness vividness energy disposition availability </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xKliz" name="xKliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yKliz" name="yKliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iKliz" name="iKliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zKliz" name="zKliz" event="onchange"
form="Kliz" for="KlizChoice xKliz yKliz iKliz KlizMyth()" method="post()"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function KlizMyth(){

var chs = document.getElementById("KlizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xKliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yKliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iKliz").value);

var vo = 32/11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ay

* ai)));

case "imagination conductivity witness belief philosophy uniformity
uniqueness affirmation argumentation philosophy informativeness data information
systematization sigh on selfishness personification rigidness resistivity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.0000) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.0000)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification rigidness resistivity reliance
prophecy divination modality mechanism does know purposefulness perception
knowledge cognition consciously guidance accordance judgment of situations":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.0999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.0999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *

case "appraisal valuation estimation guesswork conjecture

prediction prophecy pretense divination modality classification on multidimensional
choice chance coherence consistency disclosure purification":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.1099) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.1099)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness modality recognition recovery of pondered values
of soulfulness promptness mobility mechanism kinematics selectivity choice of self
confidence trustfulness wakefulness rigidness reliability reliance prophecy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.1999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.1999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology accordance argumentation
personification belief witness philosophy informativeness mechanism on self
confidence trustfulness uniformity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.3099) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.3099)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology discovery disclosure coherence
productivity of self confidence consciousness awareness mobility universe world on
choice selectivity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.3999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.3999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "wealthiness worthiness modality mechanism by well
thoughtfulness of selfishness personification rigidness resistivity recovery
aspiration breathing of differentiation kindness variety mindfulness cleverness
morality ingeniousness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.5099) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.5099)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology selfishness rigidness resistivity
reliance reliability modality classification on cognition perception knowledge
culture wideness vastness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.5999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.5999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "certainty preciseness politics policy does maintain request
call softness routines procedures programs on selfishness personification rigidness
reliance prophecy hypothesis world of divination prediction":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.7099) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.7099)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology mechanism mobility kinematics on
selfishness rigidness resistivity reliance motor productivity dynamics of
selfishness confidence property upwards universe world of argumentation philosophy
witness belief dream of management policy readiness capability on soulfulness
vividness energy disposition availability":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.7999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.7999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + (vo - 2.9999) * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ai
* (vo - 2.9999)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
return vx;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxAgreeX()"> consciousness
awareness modality classification prophecy divination </button>
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function DrxAgreeX(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxAgree");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;
var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var n = 1;

var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xKliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yKliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iKliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iKliz").value);

var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + kz * kx /(Math.exp(1) + ky *

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff3700";

ctx.strokeStyle = "#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";



var bx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -1 + ki * kx/(1 + ax * kz));

var ux = -1 + Math.log2(ax + kx * ki/(1 + bx * ax));

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -ax + kx * ki/(1 + ux * bx));

var wx = kx * ki * Math.abs(kx - ki) / Math.pow(kx + ki, 3);

var mx = ux * ax * Math.abs(ux - ax) / (1 + 16 * kz * bx * (ax +
var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * mx * (ax + wx + ux));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * wx * (bx + mx + vx));

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("1px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;

kx = 1 + kx;

ki = 1 + ki;

kz = 1 + kz;
ax = 1 + ax;

}while(n++ < Dx.width);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


Consciously preciseness certainty sureness exactitude exactness would remain
benchmark livelihood modality classification on actualization embodiment body
physics uniformity uniqueness on existence reality concreteness of something
availability being. Even Greek mythology myths ideology would unify selectivity
choice on chance of coherence consistency probability is driving description
details on mimetic learning approach (Appleton philosophy on discovery methodology
around respiration breathing either if observance during vitality issues of
something events happening on exerting example of philology criticism on
linguistics soundness morphology of pieces string "to count a day away to be aware:
phenomenon sun rising raising edges" although witness belief philosophy
argumentation agreements proofs conviction prophecy can invoke attentiveness
accommodation modality on something wisdom knowledge perception wideness cognition
conjecture guesswork estimation expectation prediction pretense divination).
Imagination mythology myth dynamics kinematics is then request calls to integrity
modality qualification on something neutrality innocence sighing terminology means
rendition would assure recovery reality of self confidence trustfulness wakefulness
even if principles of mimetic learning can drive universe world on cognition
perception knowledge culture cognizance wisdom witness belief philosophy has to
illustrate methodology on guidance accordance motor mechanism engine expertise of
livelihood lordliness skillfulness on selectivity choice of chance probability
would define godliness lordliness dictionary means definition significance of
consciously awareness assignment of commonness cognition perception knowledge
culture of goodness greatness completeness massiveness on self absorption self
confidence motor mechanism mobility soulfulness energy innovation newness (O Lord
Creator God please innovation newness). Imagination mythology discovery dynamics of
creation modality classification (German Philosophy: Kant, the light) event if
something like Big Ban massiveness universe world would harmonize soundness
philology on existence reality of instrumental artificial thoughts about adjustable
generousness accordance magnetism language can construct built up judgments of
selfishness personification rigidness resistivity reliance reliability at time when
Scientology study is delivering description details on spherical coordination
consciousness awareness cognition conjecture guesswork prophecy prediction {0.
childhood = innocence neutrality on attentiveness intuition insight sigh
supervisory leadership look up belief witness on possible existence concreteness
reality recovery of Engels comportment behaviorism belief philosophy; 1. motherhood
= kindness variety differentiation diversity can distinguish between reality
recovery of lordliness godliness dictionary modality classification and vital
soulfulness energy readiness disposition disposals; 2. wisdom cognition knowledge
perception wideness largeness vastness spaciousness readability negotiability
legibility of hybrid harmoniousness purity purification purging} end originality
modes attributes on concreteness consciousness awareness of physics embodiment body
skeleton activism argumentation philosophy of existence availability being
refinement. Imagination mythology across nowadays technology aspects on utility
usefulness of consumption consummation consuming reality of selfishness
personification by somewhat is wakefulness uniformity uniqueness soundness
commonness meaningfulness significance philology linguistics morphology of
wholeness construction {0. absorption argumentation of possessing assets of mimetic
learning approach; 1. appraisal valuation appraising estimation of purposefulness
prediction prophecy on godliness lordliness dictionary commonness means language
softness; 2. soulfulness vividness energy mobility across probability chance on
idealism coherence consistency}. Even soulfulness sensation softness routines do
ask for more insistence on selfishness personification construction rigidness
resistivity at time when heed regard attentiveness healing can integrate godliness
lordliness dictionary softness routines within well thoughtfulness about modality
classification on usefulness utility of originality {0. childhood = innocence
neutrality attentiveness head regard; 1. motherhood = kindness variety
differentiation diversity; 2. wisdom cognition perception knowledge wideness
largeness vastness immensity} while sensitivity pressure on multidimensional
processing {0. divination prophecy prediction reality would unify soothsaying
pretense divination on imagination mythology can guide politics policy to associate
self trustfulness wakefulness heed regard attentiveness on argumentation philosophy
witness across well thoughtfulness about future innovation newness soulfulness
energy; 1. parallel processing handiness craftiness ingeniousness intelligence
ingenuity at time when synchronization request calls to something likeness "O Lord
Creator God please innovation newness" would attract pressure sensitivity on
Scientology research recovery reality of existence availability being refinement;
2. optics braveness images portrays on soulfulness vividness vitality energy
readiness capability}. Even though environmental spaciousness wideness imagination
mythology would guarantee grandness metrics approach coherence consistency on
consciously awareness conductivity pressure on uniformity uniqueness wealthiness
worthiness nobility idealism. Imagination mythology politics policy would then
allow imagination perception cognition to travel clever mindfulness on portrayal
images portraits on perception knowledge culture of self inventiveness reality
recovery of selfishness personification even if inspiration of story of prophet
Adams (peace on Him) would allow wisdom wideness on imagination of attainability
meeting of Messenger of Lord Creator God Jesus Christ( peace on Him) in heaven
Earth sky whereby it is possible to believe in driven driveway dynamics kinematics
of joyfulness happiness celebrity (Kant, German philosophy: the light). Even
imagination mythology politics policy is universal world on self trustfulness
wakefulness attractiveness enlightenment mechanism modality classification can
harmonize psyche psychology soundness philology of human refinement purification
with pressure sensitivity on personification absoluteness abstraction. Even at
nowadays originality {0. soulfulness = likeness of Creation; 1. differentiation
variety varying; 2. psychology massiveness completeness} can hold traceability
impact mechanism on wholeness construction even if appraisal valuation estimation
of aspect language of newness innovation would guarantee modality classification on
godliness lordliness dictionary means rendition of enlightenment mechanism across
readability negotiability of German philosophy as if it is going to harmonize
psyche psychology language softness routines with principles of optics braveness
brightness brilliance enlightenment.

Appendix: imagination politics policy would drive wholeness construction modality

into widely universe world godliness lordliness dictionary means of selfishness
personification rigidness reliance prophecy divination prediction pretense.
<fieldset> imagination mythology prediction divination selectivity choice of
hybrid harmoniousness universe conjecture knowledge::
<form type="form" id="Eliz" name="Eliz" action="#ElizMyth()"
list="ElizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zEliz.value =
ElizMyth()" method="input()">
<select id="ElizChoice" name="ElizChoice" list="ElizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="imagination modality classification on cognition

knowledge cognizance conjecture guesswork prediction divination prophecy on hybrid
hypothesis universe vastness largeness on consciously aware argumentation
philosophy witness belief philosophy reasonableness"> imagination modality
classification on cognition knowledge cognizance conjecture guesswork prediction
divination prophecy on hybrid hypothesis universe vastness largeness on consciously
aware argumentation philosophy witness belief philosophy reasonableness </option>

<option value="selfishness personification rigidness resistivity

recovery of recognition mindfulness cleverness ingeniousness ingenuity intelligence
braveness even if morality integrity mechanism is well thoughtfulness about
goodness greatness completeness massiveness">selfishness personification rigidness
resistivity recovery of recognition mindfulness cleverness ingeniousness ingenuity
intelligence braveness even if morality integrity mechanism is well thoughtfulness
about goodness greatness completeness massiveness </option>

<option value="certainty preciseness modality on consciousness

awareness cognition conjecture knowledge perception environment universe can
designate means significance commonness notion rendition by consideration
promptness soulfulness energy newness innovation aim objects on self confidence
wakefulness"> certainty preciseness modality on consciousness awareness cognition
conjecture knowledge perception environment universe can designate means
significance commonness notion rendition by consideration promptness soulfulness
energy newness innovation aim objects on self confidence wakefulness </option>

<option value="selfishness orthogonality mythology divination

soothsaying recovery of prediction conjecture guesswork prophecy can expect
estimation environment universe on selfishness personification rigidness reality">
selfishness orthogonality mythology divination soothsaying recovery of prediction
conjecture guesswork prophecy can expect estimation environment universe on
selfishness personification rigidness reality </option>

<option value="self confidence mechanism kinematics inertness modality

classification on consciously awareness cognition conjecture prediction prophecy is
await until deployment mandate on respect reign of agenda plan"> self confidence
mechanism kinematics inertness modality classification on consciously awareness
cognition conjecture prediction prophecy is await until deployment mandate on
respect reign of agenda plan </option>

<option value="imagination mythology prediction discovery valuation

appraising selectivity choice on self confidence reality recovery of commonness
means rendition of selfishness personification rigidness resistivity"> imagination
mythology prediction discovery valuation appraising selectivity choice on self
confidence reality recovery of commonness means rendition of selfishness
personification rigidness resistivity </option>

<option value="imagination discovery universe world of divination

pretense soothsaying prediction prophecy on innocence neutrality mechanism
objectivity would define godliness dictionary lordliness commonness significance of
uniformity uniqueness oneness philology linguistics criticism differentiation
kindness"> imagination discovery universe world of divination pretense soothsaying
prediction prophecy on innocence neutrality mechanism objectivity would define
godliness dictionary lordliness commonness significance of uniformity uniqueness
oneness philology linguistics criticism differentiation kindness </option>

<option value="self authority legitimacy legislation authenticity self

absorption adaptation modality classification of autonomy wakefulness reality
recovery of dictionary commonness means of imagination mythology prediction
prophecy divination soothsaying pretense"> self authority legitimacy legislation
authenticity self absorption adaptation modality classification of autonomy
wakefulness reality recovery of dictionary commonness means of imagination
mythology prediction prophecy divination soothsaying pretense </option>
<option value="imagination mythology prediction politics policy
universe world vastness wideness largeness immensity attentiveness intuition by
soulfulness newness innovation energy promptness softness routines
procedures">imagination mythology prediction politics policy universe world
vastness wideness largeness immensity attentiveness intuition by soulfulness
newness innovation energy promptness softness routines procedures </option>

<option value="selfishness rigidness resistivity recovery recognition

modality classification on consciously awareness cognition conjecture guesswork
divination prediction hypothesis universe world philology criticism mechanism on
hybrid harmoniousness combination soundness of soulfulness newness innovation
promptness energy disposition mobility across argumentation philosophy witness
belief comprehension of selectivity choice probability chance"> selfishness
rigidness resistivity recovery recognition modality classification on consciously
awareness cognition conjecture guesswork divination prediction hypothesis universe
world philology criticism mechanism on hybrid harmoniousness combination soundness
of soulfulness newness innovation promptness energy disposition mobility across
argumentation philosophy witness belief comprehension of selectivity choice
probability chance </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xEliz" name="xEliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yEliz" name="yEliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iEliz" name="iEliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zEliz" name="zEliz" event="onchange"
form="Eliz" for="ElizChoice xEliz yEliz iEliz ElizMyth()" method="post()"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function ElizMyth() {

var chs = document.getElementById("ElizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xEliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yEliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iEliz").value);

var vo = 32/11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ay

* ai)));

case "imagination modality classification on cognition knowledge
cognizance conjecture guesswork prediction divination prophecy on hybrid hypothesis
universe vastness largeness on consciously aware argumentation philosophy witness
belief philosophy reasonableness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0000) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.0000))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification rigidness resistivity recovery of
recognition mindfulness cleverness ingeniousness ingenuity intelligence braveness
even if morality integrity mechanism is well thoughtfulness about goodness
greatness completeness massiveness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.0999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "certainty preciseness modality on consciousness awareness
cognition conjecture knowledge perception environment universe can designate means
significance commonness notion rendition by consideration promptness soulfulness
energy newness innovation aim objects on self confidence wakefulness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.1099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness orthogonality mythology divination soothsaying
recovery of prediction conjecture guesswork prophecy can expect estimation
environment universe on selfishness personification rigidness reality":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.1999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "self confidence mechanism kinematics inertness modality
classification on consciously awareness cognition conjecture prediction prophecy is
await until deployment mandate on respect reign of agenda plan":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.3099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology prediction discovery valuation
appraising selectivity choice on self confidence reality recovery of commonness
means rendition of selfishness personification rigidness resistivity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.3999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination discovery universe world of divination pretense
soothsaying prediction prophecy on innocence neutrality mechanism objectivity would
define godliness dictionary lordliness commonness significance of uniformity
uniqueness oneness philology linguistics criticism differentiation kindness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.5099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "self authority legitimacy legislation authenticity self
absorption adaptation modality classification of autonomy wakefulness reality
recovery of dictionary commonness means of imagination mythology prediction
prophecy divination soothsaying pretense":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.5999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology prediction politics policy universe
world vastness wideness largeness immensity attentiveness intuition by soulfulness
newness innovation energy promptness softness routines procedures":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.7099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness rigidness resistivity recovery recognition
modality classification on consciously awareness cognition conjecture guesswork
divination prediction hypothesis universe world philology criticism mechanism on
hybrid harmoniousness combination soundness of soulfulness newness innovation
promptness energy disposition mobility across argumentation philosophy witness
belief comprehension of selectivity choice probability chance":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.7999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.9999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.9999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
return vx;
<td><button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxWayX()"> imagination
mythology prediction prophecy divination guesswork conjecture </button>
<canvas type="canvas" id="DxWay" event="onchange" width="600"
<script event="onchange">

function DrxWayX(){
var Dx = document.getElementById("DxWay");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var n = 1;

var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xEliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yEliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iEliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iEliz").value);

var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ki + kz * kx /(Math.exp(1) + ky *

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff3700";

ctx.strokeStyle = "#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";



var bx = -1 + Math.log2(ki + Math.log2(kx + 1/(1 + ax * kz)));

var ux = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kx + Math.log2(1 + 1/(1 + bx * ax)));
var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + Math.pow(2, -ax + 1/(1 + ux *

var wx = kx * ki * Math.abs(kx - ki) / Math.pow(kx + ki, 3);

var mx = kz * bx * Math.abs(kz - bx) / (1 + 16 * kz * bx * (ax +
var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * wx * (ax + mx + ux));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * mx * (bx + wx + vx));

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("1px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;
kx = -1 + Math.pow(2, kz);

ki = 1 + ki;

kz = 1 + kz;

ax = ax + 1;

}while(n++ < Dx.width);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


Administration mechanism on comprehensive characteristics of politics policy
whereby utility usefulness management policy of selfishness personification is
imposing guidance significance meaningfulness rendition of rigidness resistivity
respiration process. Even though originality modes on useful spherical coordination
{0. imagination mythology myth discovery of readiness energy mobility by intentness
insight education about enlightenment process would assign imagination mythology
myth a reality existence recovery of commonness dictionary lordliness godliness on
self confidence respiration breathing; 1. kindness variety differentiation
diversity; 2. hopefulness enlightenment process would propose driven
characteristics of vivid valuation appraising across business deal with on judgment
of situations can require means terminology definition commonness dictionary
godliness lordliness on soulfulness energy disposals disposition readiness
capability} end originality; Politics policy on imagination can design driveway
path modality classification on self choice self selectivity picking up fetching
deal with stack architecture whereby digital computing philosophy does still
maintain purposefulness assets on inline simulation of exerting rationality
reasonableness = managing policy through deployment of ratio of {adjustable *
signal} divided by {1 + 16 * z() * exp(j * z())} which would serve legitimization
authenticity authority legislation legitimacy to generate reality recovery softness
modality on self autonomy trustfulness wakefulness guidance motor engine kinematics
driven simulation on celebrity of happiness joyfulness success achievement.
Politics policy on imagination mythology myth will have been assumed to be
discovery disclosure combination harmoniousness of integrity insight even if
appraisal valuation wealthiness worthiness can assure utility usefulness of
stochastic probability. Even if process on selfishness personification has to study
built in reference kernel on softness language of guidance driveway remain
benchmark generousness acceptance adaptation assignment of agreements proofs on
conviction mechanism whereby self absorption is hybrid signal informativeness on
parallel processing handiness can somehow comply with theoretical approach on
kindness variety differentiation diversity to allow rooming wideness reign on
dictionary commonness of goodness greatness completeness massiveness belongs to
reality recovery of guesswork on estimation divination expectation hopefulness
dream wish something likeness sameness to deployment of valuation appraising on
keying modes of log(1 + ratio of Riemann(wideness = phase modulation by variable
variety of wave length; greatness: x > y OR y < x} divided by {wholeness +
adjustable * integrity(frequency spectrum)}) even if the coefficient adjustable is
associate arrangement mechanism on consciously awareness cognition knowledge
culture conjuncture judgments of self confidence wakefulness guidance driveway can
somehow comply with conceptual characteristics of something running range [0. left
side = individualism involvement of egoism on skepticism; 1. right side = wholeness
construction completeness greatness] end range which can harmonize selfishness
personification with readability legibility informativeness tenability rationality
reasonableness on mechanism of soulfulness energy disposition. Politics policy on
imagination mythology myth discovery reality recovery of commonness meaningfulness
means rendition dictionary godliness lordliness on description details of wholeness
constructiveness rigidness resistivity even if something reference witness belief
philosophy likeness on French philosophy would obey to principles of notion
commonness dictionary on wisdom wideness largeness cultivation of knowledge culture
witness belief philosophy. Even original choice selectivity on three dimensional
universe world {0. childhood = livelihood attentiveness intuition; 1. motherhood =
kindness variety differentiation diversity; 2. cognition perception wisdom
knowledge methodology consistency coherence wideness vastness largeness immensity
universe world} even while selfishness rigidness constructiveness wholeness
personification is systematization concreteness on soul energy availability at time
if requirement necessity on valuation appraising does matter.
Appendix: imagination mythology myth utility usefulness can surround more advance
algorithm on quietly soulfulness energy sensation smartness niceness by activism
promptness actualization of well thoughtfulness about uniformity uniqueness
selectivity of chance probability on commonness notion dictionary godliness
lordliness on symbolism physics of soulfulness vitality issues.
<fieldset> imagination mythology respiration breathing discovery world universe
on clever ingeniousness ingenuity awareness::
<form type="form" id="Bliz" name="Bliz" action="#BlizMyth()"
list="BlizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zBliz.value =
BlizMyth()" method="input()">
<select id="BlizChoice" name="BlizChoice" list="BlizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="imagination mythology myth psyche psychology modality

classification on consciously cognition awareness knowledge conjecture cogency
machinery language softness routines reality recovery mechanism process on
selfishness personification person ship rigidness resistivity soulfulness energy
vitality"> imagination mythology myth psyche psychology modality classification on
consciously cognition awareness knowledge conjecture cogency machinery language
softness routines reality recovery mechanism process on selfishness personification
person ship rigidness resistivity soulfulness energy vitality </option>

<option value="selfishness personification person ship consciousness

awareness modality classification cognition conjecture adjustment objectivity
uniformity consciousness selectivity choice on niceness smartness wealthiness
worthiness"> selfishness personification person ship consciousness awareness
modality classification cognition conjecture adjustment objectivity uniformity
consciousness selectivity choice on niceness smartness wealthiness worthiness
<option value="imagination modality classification on process
converting to convert energy disposition stock vividness vitality issues on
niceness smartness preference dream of imagination mythology myth psychology psyche
soulfulness certainty sureness modality"> imagination modality classification on
process converting to convert energy disposition stock vividness vitality issues on
niceness smartness preference dream of imagination mythology myth psychology psyche
soulfulness certainty sureness modality </option>

<option value="selfishness personification mechanism on hybrid

harmoniousness preciseness exactness purposefulness on logic assumption neutrality
innocence across self confidence self absorption mechanism estimation expectation
prediction prophecy divination of rigidness resistivity"> selfishness
personification mechanism on hybrid harmoniousness preciseness exactness
purposefulness on logic assumption neutrality innocence across self confidence self
absorption mechanism estimation expectation prediction prophecy divination of
rigidness resistivity </option>

<option value="imagination mythology myth modality respiration

breathing softness philology on consciously awareness cognition awareness
selectivity choice on originality preciousness modality consciousness awareness
recognition cognition conjecture knowledge wisdom witness wideness largeness">
imagination mythology myth modality respiration breathing softness philology on
consciously awareness cognition awareness selectivity choice on originality
preciousness modality consciousness awareness recognition cognition conjecture
knowledge wisdom witness wideness largeness" </option>

<option value="selfishness personification consciousness awareness

cognition conjecture knowledge modality classification on proportionality process
recognition recovery reign of goodness greatness completeness massiveness politics
philosophy"> selfishness personification consciousness awareness cognition
conjecture knowledge modality classification on proportionality process recognition
recovery reign of goodness greatness completeness massiveness politics philosophy

<option value="imagination divination mythology myth prediction

processing prophecy on softness modality qualification willingness hopefulness
harmoniousness generousness of guidance rendering"> imagination divination
mythology myth prediction processing prophecy on softness modality qualification
willingness hopefulness harmoniousness generousness of guidance rendering </option>

<option value="selfishness personification mechanism around neutrality

innocence of consciousness awareness aim object"> selfishness personification
mechanism around neutrality innocence of consciousness awareness aim object

<option value="selfishness rigidness mythology myth on consciousness

awareness converting mechanism of echoes on eternal god is capable to accomplish
success modality classification on certainty preciseness exactness of self
confidence faithfulness hopefulness imagination readability of future divination
dynamics"> selfishness rigidness mythology myth on consciousness awareness
converting mechanism of echoes on eternal god is capable to accomplish success
modality classification on certainty preciseness exactness of self confidence
faithfulness hopefulness imagination readability of future divination dynamics
<option value="debates deal with modality classification qualification
on self confidence mechanism soulfulness"> debates deal with modality
classification qualification on self confidence mechanism soulfulness </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xBliz" name="xBliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yBliz" name="yBliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iBliz" name="iBliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zBliz" name="zBliz" event="onchange"
form="Bliz" for="BlizChoice xBliz yBliz iBliz BlizMyth()" method="post()"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function BlizMyth() {
var chs = document.getElementById("BlizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xBliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yBliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iBliz").value);

var vo = 32/11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ay

* ai)));

case "imagination mythology myth psyche psychology modality
classification on consciously cognition awareness knowledge conjecture cogency
machinery language softness routines reality recovery mechanism process on
selfishness personification person ship rigidness resistivity soulfulness energy
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0000) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.0000))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification person ship consciousness
awareness modality classification cognition conjecture adjustment objectivity
uniformity consciousness selectivity choice on niceness smartness wealthiness
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.0999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination modality classification on process converting to
convert energy disposition stock vividness vitality issues on niceness smartness
preference dream of imagination mythology myth psychology psyche soulfulness
certainty sureness modality":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.1099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification mechanism on hybrid
harmoniousness preciseness exactness purposefulness on logic assumption neutrality
innocence across self confidence self absorption mechanism estimation expectation
prediction prophecy divination of rigidness resistivity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.1999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination mythology myth modality respiration breathing
softness philology on consciously awareness cognition awareness selectivity choice
on originality preciousness modality consciousness awareness recognition cognition
conjecture knowledge wisdom witness wideness largeness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.3099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification consciousness awareness cognition
conjecture knowledge modality classification on proportionality process recognition
recovery reign of goodness greatness completeness massiveness politics philosophy":
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.3999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination divination mythology myth prediction processing
prophecy on softness modality qualification willingness hopefulness harmoniousness
generousness of guidance rendering":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.5099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification mechanism around neutrality
innocence of consciousness awareness aim object":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.5999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness rigidness mythology myth on consciousness
awareness converting mechanism of echoes on eternal god is capable to accomplish
success modality classification on certainty preciseness exactness of self
confidence faithfulness hopefulness imagination readability of future divination
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.7099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "ebates deal with modality classification qualification on
self confidence mechanism soulfulness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.7999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.9999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + ai * (vo - 2.9999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *

return vx;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxReignX()"> divination
prediction prophecy politics policy on something expectation hopefulness dream wish
<canvas type="canvas" id="DxReign" width="600" height="300"></canvas>
<script event="onchange">

function DrxReignX(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxReign");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var n = 1;

var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xBliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yBliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iBliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iBliz").value);

var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + kz * ki /(Math.exp(1) + ky *

ctx.fillStyle = "#ff3700";

ctx.strokeStyle = "#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


var bx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + Math.log2(1 + 1/(1 + ax * kx)));
var ux = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + Math.log2(1 + 1/(1 + bx * ki)));
var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + Math.pow(2, -bx + 1/(1 + ux *

var wx = ux * vx * Math.abs(ux - vx) / Math.pow(ux + vx, 3);

var mx = ax * bx * Math.abs(ax - bx) / (1 + 16 * ux * vx * (ax +
var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * ux * (ax + mx));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * vx * (bx + wx));

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("1px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;

kx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -ki + ax/(kz + 1/n));

ki = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kx + bx /(kz + 1/n));

kx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + kx /(kz + 1/n));

ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, -ax + ki /(kz + 1/n));

}while(n++ < Dx.width);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


Politics policy on imagination mythology would help wholeness constructiveness by
argumentation philosophy witness belief agreements on innocence neutrality of
uniformity uniqueness cognition cognizance knowledge wisdom wideness largeness can
maintain sensitivity pressure sensibility of original preference coordination
idealism nobility {0. childhood = attentiveness head regard recognition respiration
breathing; 1. motherhood = diversity kindness variety differentiation distinction
ingeniousness cleverness; 2. wisdom soulfulness energy disposition spaciousness
mobility} even if validity appraising validation process of existence reality
concreteness on actualization activism assignment of interest in mimetic learning
approach does reveal hybrid homogeneity uniformity uniqueness on request call to
livelihood lordliness modality classification by well thoughtfulness about business
deal with debates of appreciation welcoming of advance algorithms. Even if
uniformity uniqueness modality classification can somehow allow legislation
legitimization authenticity legitimacy authority on self confidence wakefulness
driveway mechanism is much more constructiveness cognition knowledge training on
self absorption generousness adaptation. Politics policy of imagination mythology
would keep traceability impact on purposeful uniformity of process converting of
consciousness awareness at time when wholeness construction mechanism does still
model confidence faithfulness wakefulness promptness soulfulness energy disposition
vitality around argumentation philosophy conviction proofs agreements do remain
benchmark hybrid harmoniousness purity on selfishness rigidness resistivity
absoluteness. Politics policy on imagination mythology can then support reality
recovery recognition of conceptual mixture disclosure combination of guidance
language softness linguistics soundness morphology symbolism of business deal with
discussion of self confidence self autonomy selfishness personification
absoluteness can maintain sensitivity pressure sensibility on abstraction belief
witness philosophy concerns of judgment of situations. Although duality dualism {0.
genuineness = how to govern while morality cleverness ingeniousness is subject deal
with debates of integrity; 1. absoluteness = while optimization algorithms do
remain reality recovery of informativeness dictionary lordliness godliness is
designation commonness means meaningfulness signification of selfishness rigidness
resistivity personification absoluteness} end duality dualism. Moreover politics
policy on imagination dream wish mythology prediction prophecy divination
respiration breathing dynamics can jump around by consideration convey affirmation
confirming conformity of selectivity choice on consciously cases whereby
materialization concreteness physics on something differentiation handiness
divisibility ingeniousness can be able to insist on commonness means of lordliness
leadership driven simulation even though individualism does still search for hybrid
harmoniousness purity of selfishness personification. The daily requirement need of
anyone across nourishment, cleanness, wellness, healthiness, finance, tourism,
morality, confidence, faithfulness, uniformity, robustness, ..., imagination can
then bring hopefulness modality into reality existence of well thoughtfulness about
philology linguistics morphology of spherical coordination wideness largeness {0.
imagination mythology dream with prediction prophecy divination pretense guesswork;
1. differentiation divisibility can somehow dispatch message informativeness data
token signal edges guidance of comprehensive comportment characteristics of
consciousness awareness process converting; 2. newness soulfulness vividness energy
disposition vitality innovation mechanism on restoration readiness capability to
achieve success celebrity on happiness joyfulness} end originality uniformity
uniqueness sphere on selfishness rigidness personification absoluteness while for
each entity there is chance probability to accomplish politics policy on
imagination mythology would discover reality of respiration breathing dream wish;
furthermore the politics policy mechanism would reveal dictionary means rendition
on commonness meaningfulness of parallel process can define reality recovery of
something logic assumption = if(sum{weight(i) * value(i)} == void (parallel
processing)) + if(sum{weight(j) * value(j)} == wholeness(completeness)) can
translate soundness morphology on selfishness personification absoluteness softness
routines. However uniformity uniqueness oneness singularity will be soulfulness
newness innovation if disposal energy disposition readiness capability is well
thoughtfulness about advance algorithm on mobility movement motion activism action
on vitality of valid appraisal valuation appraising validity at time when something
simply easy well thoughtfulness about works of Riemann and Heinrich Hertz can
insist on convince convergence characteristics of witness belief philosophy
computing = log(1 + ratio of {Riemann(wideness = phase modulation on variable
wave's length; greatness = x > y OR y > x)} divided by {wholeness + probability *
integrity(frequency)}) while harmoniousness wholeness is construction politics
policy. Politics policy on imagination mythology would require more workaround
adjustable supervisory leadership waywardness willingness hopefulness.
Appendix: politics policy on imagination mythology dream wish prophecy prediction
pretense divination can design driveway waywardness willingness hopefulness
modality classification on consciousness awareness cognition knowledge conjecture.
<fieldset> politics policy of imagination mythology prediction divination
<form type="form" id="Aliz" name="Aliz" action="#AlizMyth()"
list="AlizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zAliz.value =
AlizMyth()" method="input()">
<select id="AlizChoice" name="AlizChoice" list="AlizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">
<option value="politics policy of imagination mythology prediction
divination prophecy dynamics across consciously awareness cognition knowledge
conjecture cogency consign modality classification characterization of envisaging
psychology resistivity rigidness personification absoluteness"> politics policy of
imagination mythology prediction divination prophecy dynamics across consciously
awareness cognition knowledge conjecture cogency consign modality classification
characterization of envisaging psychology resistivity rigidness personification
absoluteness </option>
<option value="politics policy of purposeful imagination myth
divination prediction prophecy on argumentation philosophy of existence reality
concreteness of selfishness niceness smartness personification rigidness psychology
resistivity recovery"> politics policy of purposeful imagination myth divination
prediction prophecy on argumentation philosophy of existence reality concreteness
of selfishness niceness smartness personification rigidness psychology resistivity
recovery </option>
<option value="certainty preciousness exactness exactitude expertise
environment on politics policy of sustainable imagination myth prediction
divination prophecy reference modality classification of consciously selectivity
cognition awareness of comprehensive characteristics of stochastic of probability">
certainty preciousness exactness exactitude expertise environment on politics
policy of sustainable imagination myth prediction divination prophecy reference
modality classification of consciously selectivity cognition awareness of
comprehensive characteristics of stochastic of probability </option>

<option value="imagination modality mythology classification mechanism

readiness restoration of energy newness vitality across selectivity choice of
consciousness awareness coherence consistency conjecture cogency consigns">
imagination modality mythology classification mechanism readiness restoration of
energy newness vitality across selectivity choice of consciousness awareness
coherence consistency conjecture cogency consigns"> </option>

<option value="personification absoluteness of selfishness rigidness

resistivity would recover godliness dictionary lordliness commonness means on
proposal politics policy of imagination mythology black box model divination
prediction prophecy can offer helpfulness purposes"> personification absoluteness
of selfishness rigidness resistivity would recover godliness dictionary lordliness
commonness means on proposal politics policy of imagination mythology black box
model divination prediction prophecy can offer helpfulness purposes </option>
<option value="appraisal validity validation of godliness dictionary
lordliness commonness means on divination prophecy politics policy mythology
orthogonality involving image portray of architectural geometry dynamics consign on
selfishness personification rigidness resistivity"> appraisal validity validation
of godliness dictionary lordliness commonness means on divination prophecy politics
policy mythology orthogonality involving image portray of architectural geometry
dynamics consign on selfishness personification rigidness resistivity </option>
<option value="selfishness personification rigidness reality recovery
modality management mechanism on certainty preciousness exactness exactitude
pointer discovery of secret signs of conviction agreements conviction argumentation
philosophy on imagination politics policy"> selfishness personification rigidness
reality recovery modality management mechanism on certainty preciousness exactness
exactitude pointer discovery of secret signs of conviction agreements conviction
argumentation philosophy on imagination politics policy </option>

<option value="imagination policy prediction politics can design

modality classification cognition conjecture on rigidness psychology resistivity
recognition recovery of self confidence self absorption adaptation"> imagination
policy prediction politics can design modality classification cognition conjecture
on rigidness psychology resistivity recognition recovery of self confidence self
absorption adaptation </option>

<option value="politics policy of imagination mythology is hybrid

harmoniousness objectivity language of guidance mechanism on wholeness construction
fully well thoughtfulness about goodness massiveness completeness greatness signs">
politics policy of imagination mythology is hybrid harmoniousness objectivity
language of guidance mechanism on wholeness construction fully well thoughtfulness
about goodness massiveness completeness greatness signs </option>

<option value="self wakefulness confidence description modality

mechanism of purposefulness aim object management policy is imposing inspiration
reality of imagination politics policy"> self wakefulness confidence description
modality mechanism of purposefulness aim object management policy is imposing
inspiration reality of imagination politics policy </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xAliz" name="xAliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yAliz" name="yAliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iAliz" name="iAliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zAliz" name="zAliz" event="onchange"
form="Aliz" for="AlizChoice xAliz yAliz iAliz AlizMyth()" method="post()"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function AlizMyth(){

var chs = document.getElementById("AlizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xAliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yAliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iAliz").value);

var vo = 32/11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * ax /(Math.exp(1) + ay

* ai)));


case "politics policy of imagination mythology prediction

divination prophecy dynamics across consciously awareness cognition knowledge
conjecture cogency consign modality classification characterization of envisaging
psychology resistivity rigidness personification absoluteness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0000) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.0000) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "politics policy of purposeful imagination myth divination
prediction prophecy on argumentation philosophy of existence reality concreteness
of selfishness niceness smartness personification rigidness psychology resistivity
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.0999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.0999) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "certainty preciousness exactness exactitude expertise
environment on politics policy of sustainable imagination myth prediction
divination prophecy reference modality classification of consciously selectivity
cognition awareness of comprehensive characteristics of stochastic of probability":
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.1099) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination modality mythology classification mechanism
readiness restoration of energy newness vitality across selectivity choice of
consciousness awareness coherence consistency conjecture cogency consigns":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.1999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.1999) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "personification absoluteness of selfishness rigidness
resistivity would recover godliness dictionary lordliness commonness means on
proposal politics policy of imagination mythology black box model divination
prediction prophecy can offer helpfulness purposes":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.3099) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "appraisal validity validation of godliness dictionary
lordliness commonness means on divination prophecy politics policy mythology
orthogonality involving image portray of architectural geometry dynamics consign on
selfishness personification rigidness resistivity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.3999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.3999) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "selfishness personification rigidness reality recovery
modality management mechanism on certainty preciousness exactness exactitude
pointer discovery of secret signs of conviction agreements conviction argumentation
philosophy on imagination politics policy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.5099) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "imagination policy prediction politics can design modality
classification cognition conjecture on rigidness psychology resistivity recognition
recovery of self confidence self absorption adaptation":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.5999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.5999) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "politics policy of imagination mythology is hybrid
harmoniousness objectivity language of guidance mechanism on wholeness construction
fully well thoughtfulness about goodness massiveness completeness greatness signs":
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7099) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.7099) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "self wakefulness confidence description modality mechanism of
purposefulness aim object management policy is imposing inspiration reality of
imagination politics policy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.7999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.7999) * ai)));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, (vo - 2.9999) * ax
/(Math.exp(1) + (vo - 2.9999) * ai)));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vo * vx /(Math.exp(1) + ax *
return vx;
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