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 Official Call / Officers and Board of Trustees / The Council on Annual Session

Invites You to Las Vegas / Information Services / Committee on Local

Arrangements / Registration Rules / Business Registration / General
Registration / Scientific Program / Technical Exhibits / Spouses' Program /
Special Events / Concurrent Meetings / Business Program / House of
Delegates, 1982 / Scientific Program / Additional Scientific Program Activities /
Technical Exhibitors
 Learning About Learning from Learning with the Other Challenges of Inter-
religious Learning: Learning About Each Other, from Each Other, with Each
 Problem-Oriented Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Problem-Based
Synthesis, Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, Peer-Led Team
Learning, Model-Eliciting Activities, and Project-Based Learning: What Is Best
for You?
 The SNAP-50/SPUR Program Presented at the Third Biennial Aerospace
Power Systems Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., September 1-4, 1964 (not
preprinted). Note: This paper presents the status of the SNAP-50/SPUR
Program at the time of the AIAA Conference in Philadelphia, September 1964.
During 1965, it was decided to disband the Program Office and, instead,
transfer responsibility on a basic technology level (as contrasted with a
technology demonstration program) to the Livermore Laboratories of the U. S.
 An Early Education Pilot Program Using a Developmentally Appropriate
Practice for Children With Language and Learning Problems: The Guidelines
for the Early Learning (GEL) Program
 The Development of a Service-Learning Program for First-Year Students
Based on the Hallmarks of High Quality Service-learning and Rigorous
Program Evaluation
 Exploratory Study of Effects of Learning System Acceptance on Learning
Program Outcomes - Fusing the Technology Acceptance and Technology
Mediated Learning Models
 Generative Learning in a Service-Learning Project and Field-Base Teacher
Education Program: Learning to Become Culturally Responsive Teachers
 Learning About Learning 2.0: Evaluating the New South Wales Public Library
Learning 2.0 Program
 The Effect of Program Learning on Learning and Retention of Mathematics
Among the Fifth Step Students Affected with Learning Disabilities in
Kermanshah City
 The Effect of the Web-based Learning Program Integrating Learning
Motivation on Improving Learning Motivation in Biology Class
 Book review: Richard F. Young, 2009: Discursive practice in language
learning and teaching. Supplement 2 of Volume 58 of Language Learning.
267pp. Volume 6 in The Language Learning Monograph Series. Series Editor:
Lourdes Ortega. ISNN 0023-8333: Richard F. Young, 2009: Discursive
practice in language learning and teaching. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
300pp. $39.95 (paperback). ISBN: 978-1405184441

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