Preliminary Geological Appraisal For Tunnels - Presentation

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Preliminary Geological Appraisal for Tunnels

Dr. Gopal Dhawan

Founder & Chairman, DDAG Pvt. Ltd.
Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling
A DDAG-AFA initiative
Plan of Lecture

• Precepts for Geological Appraisal

• Inputs for Appraisal
• Study of Alternatives & Finalization of Layout for Hydro Tunnels
• Railway Tunnel Project components
• Alignment Finalization of Metro Tunnels
• Evolving Investigation Plan for Feasibility Stage
• Flow Chart for Preliminary Appraisal
• Project Inception Report

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Precepts for Geological Appraisal
Preliminary geological appraisal of any project is conducted during the initial stage of
Prefeasibility or Reconnaissance.

1. Purpose of the tunnel - Hydraulic tunnel, Highway tunnel, Railway tunnel , Special purpose
tunnel (storage tunnel/cavern)
2. Topographical features – ground profile and cross drainages
3. Geological setup – Geological structure, properties of rock & hydro- geologic conditions
4. Alignment & orientation - Shortest? Availability of adits, Favourable orientation?
Alternative alignments – possibility of re-alignment.
5. Tectonic stability – Evaluate risk through tectonic zones during construction stage and during
its designed life.
6. Suitable tunnelling methodology – DBM or TBM?

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 1 – Topographical Map
Objective is to have a reliable topographic map from available resources or by using
quick modern techniques for study of alternative alignments of proposed Tunnel.

• Topographic study using SOI topo sheets on 1:25000 or 1:50000 scale.

• Topography of the region, relief
• Major drainages
• Major cities/ towns/ habitations
• Nearest rail or road connectivity to tunnel end points.
• Wildlife sanctuary or National Parks present in the project area.

These factors contribute in planning of the project and carry out further investigations.

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A DDAG-AFA initiative 4
Satellite Survey
Prepare contour plan of
area of interest by using
google image, satellite
imagery or drone
photogrammetry .
• Here contours are shown
overlapping the satellite
• Preliminary tunnel
alignment/s plotted on
the contour map.

Vertical cover ~ 1900m

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Contour Plan from Satellite Imagery
• Contour plan generated from
the satellite imagery.
• PALSAR (a radar instrument on
board the satellite) data from
Advanced Land Observation
Satellite (ALOS) is obtained.
• The horizontal accuracy of the
image is within 2-3 meters as
these data are geo referenced
product in UTM System and can
be used without any manual

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Use of Site Specific Topo Maps
• Plot major drainages and regional geological features on this map.
• Now, wrt tunnel grade (level) and alternative alignments connecting
proposed portals can be marked on map to examine availability of adits
and vertical/ lateral cover.
• Develop longitudinal sections along all the alignments for comparison.

• At this stage 1st screening of possible alternative alignments is done. We may

choose the option which is shortest, has adequate cover under nala/ river
crossings, has adits of reasonable length (for long tunnels) and is at safe
distance from tectonic feature on regional scale.

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A DDAG-AFA initiative
Sketch Showing Effect of Topography on Layout

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 2 - Regional Geology
• Geological literature – books, journals, reports and publications.
• For India, Geological Survey of India (GSI) has published geological maps of
entire country and Seismotectonic Atlas of India. Good amount of regional
information is available on Bhukosh portal of GSI.
• Regional geological maps to be validated by satellite imageries. These are
superimposed on topographical maps covering all alternatives.
• Location of major tectonic planes, thrust zones, around tunnel alignment are

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Remote Sensing Studies

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Regional Geological Study

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Regional Geological Study

Compiled from Jangpangi et al. (1986), Razdan and Dhir

(1989), Geological Survey of India (Bhukosh) and other
published literature

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 3- Stratigraphy of Project Area
• Stratigraphic sequence of the
area can be obtained from
published literature.
• It gives the disposition of major
rock formations in the area.
• Regional geology and
stratigraphy provides estimate
about occurrence of various
rock types along the tunnel
alignment .
Jangpangi et al.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 4- Seismotectonic Study
Seismotectonic study
– identification of
seismic zone around
the proposed tunnel
from seismic zoning
map of India (IS 1893,
part 1: 2002), past
occurrences of
earthquakes in in the
region through IMD
catalogue or USGS

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 5 - Preliminary Site Visit

• Site visit by the experts before

concluding the desk study and
beginning of field investigations.
• Study of other projects in the
vicinity may also be done for
geology, construction
methodology, etc.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 6 A -Preliminary Geological Map of Tunnel
• General geological set up along Modified afterJangpangi et al. (1986)

tunnel alignment.
• Major rock types and their
distribution along tunnel alignment.
• Major joint sets along tunnel
• Suitable portal locations for tunnel
and adits
• All the drainages cutting across
tunnel alignment and vertical cover at
each crossing
• Major fold/ fault/ shear zones
Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling
A DDAG-AFA initiative
Inputs for Appraisal
Step 6 B - Preliminary Geological Section along Tunnel

L-section shows major rock types, tectonic planes/ thrust zones and intersections of major
drainages along the tunnel alignment.
Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling
A DDAG-AFA initiative
Study of Alternatives & Finalization of Layout
for Hydro Tunnels : Example Chamera Stage 1
• Initially, project envisaged diversion of River Ravi at Chaurah or Khajura through a tunnel on
left bank leading to Power House at Chun village.
• Subsequently, Chaurah site was preferred for a 125 m high dam and two alternative sites for
powerhouse were studied at Simbleu (L/B) and Khairi (R/B).
• After change in Layout following tunnel alignments were considered.
ü Chaurah – Simbleu alignment in the left hill.
ü Chaurah – Khairi alignment on the right hill.
• Both the alignments were expected to negotiate similar rock unit of Dhundiara Formation,
Shali thrust zone and Panjal Volcanics.
• The final layout of HRT (6.4 Km) was preferred in the right hill, an underground powerhouse
at Khairi and TRT (2.4 Km) on left bank of Ravi as total length of water conductor system was
shorter than tunnel length for Alt 1 & 2.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Study of Alternatives & Finalization of Layout

Alternative layouts of Chamera

Bandyopadhyay, M.R. and
Dhawan, G. (1994) Impact of
geological environment planning
and construction of underground
works at Chamera Project. Indian
Journal of Power & River Valley
Development. PP132-137

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Final Layout of Tunnel

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Railway Tunnel Project Components

DDAG Open House by Mr. Sumit

Jain , RVNL – Geological &
Geotechnical Investigations for
Railway Tunnels

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Special Considerations for Planning
of Railway & Highway Tunnels
Planning of railway & highway tunnel projects involves consideration of several components along with
the main tunnel – viz., Bridges, Escape Tunnel, Cross-passages, Tunnel Portals, Embankments, Viaducts,
Slopes, etc.
Planning of railway & highway tunnels in hilly areas includes –
Study of Major drainage pattern. In a drainage basin, rivers with higher order are chosen for railway
corridors. At higher elevations, river gradient becomes too steep to build a railway line. In that case,
length of rail line has to be increased by creating looped tunnel inside the hill.
Railway station areas are developed by filling of muck.
National Highways are also constructed along the main rivers having least increase in gradient.
The stability of slope overlooking the alignment of railway/ highways is important. Highway tunnel
alignments are to be planned in tandem with locations of bridges and viaducts as required by
topographical features.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Alignment Finalisation of Metro Tunnels
• Alignment of metro route and stations along alignment are mostly predefined based on
traffic survey, administrative and political requirements.
• Tunnels provide a reasonable and feasible solution to deal with traffic congestion & lack
of adequate space along the proposed route of metro line.
• Decision making on tunnel alignment at certain locations of the route is driven largely by
economic interest, budget impact, schedule, environmental impact and technical
• In view of above conditions there is a very little room for considering alternative
alignments for proposed tunnel routes.
• Nevertheless, some optimisation of alignment may be required after geotechnical
• Selection of tunnelling method may also influence tunnel alignment in some cases.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Evolving an Investigation Plan for Feasibility Stage
Surface Investigations
• Topographic survey – Along alignment and at Portals
• Remote Sensing/ Sat. Imagery/ Regional geology
• Drone survey for topographical survey and geological mapping
• Geological Mapping – Picking Surface exposures and corelating with regional geology
• Aerial geophysical survey
• Petrography of all rock types and shear/ fault zone materials
• Exploratory Drifting/ pitting for exposing major geological features and understanding
geological set up around proposed portals
Seismotectonic Studies
• Site specific seismic design parameters study

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Evolving an Investigation Plan for Feasibility Stage
Soil & Rock Testing
• Lab Testing of rock samples C, φ, Triaxial, Shear strength
Sub-surface Investigations
• Seismic Refraction
• Resistivity/ resistivity Imaging
• Core Drilling – Less cover area – depressions
• Permeability tests in drill holes
Railway Tunnels
Investigation plan for railway tunnels will also include investigations for bridges,
slopes, embankments, tunnel portals, etc.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Evolving an Investigation Plan for Feasibility Stage
Metro Tunnels
• Minimum extrapolations are allowed in geotechnical data between two points. Spacing
between two holes beyond 100 m is generally not allowed.
• Cross verification of data, e.g. SPT may correlated with MASW and lab test data be
correlated with SPT derivable parameters.
• Geotechnical appraisal of structures above ground (buildings, monuments, roads, rail
tracks) etc. need equal attention of the geologists during initial planning of Metro
• Presence of various utilities influence investigations. Therefore, prior assessment of
sewage drains/ pipes, water lines, telephone and electric cables etc may be necessary
through GPR Survey.

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative

Regional Ranking of
Geology Alternative Identification
Alignments of Major Risks
Stratigraphy Foreseen
Geological Selection of
Prefeasibility Appraisal of Final Tunnel
Stage Tunnel Alignment Feasibility
Seismotectonic Stage
Alignment Study Prefeasibility Investigation
Stage Plan
Preliminary Investigations
Site Visit

Map & Section

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
Project Inception Report
An inception report prepared at the end of Preliminary Appraisal should contain
1. List of available secondary data used for appraisal. This list may include all information which may
be useful for further development of the project.
2. Regional geology based on latest literature review.
3. Tectonic framework and seismotectonic status of the project.
4. Geological map of tunnel area
5. Description of litho-structural units expected in the tunnel.
6. Preliminary geo-hydrological features.
7. Major risks foreseen in the proposed tunnel.
8. Description of alternative alignments considered and their ranking.
9. Recommendations on final or most preferred alignment chosen for further investigations along
with detailed investigation program proposed to be carried out in next stages.
Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling
A DDAG-AFA initiative
References & Acknowledgements

1. Bandyopadhyay, M.R. and Dhawan, G. (1994) Impact of geological environment planning and construction
of underground works at Chamera Project. Indian Journal of Power & River Valley Development. PP132-
2. DDAG Open House Edition.5 by Mr. Binay Mishra – Metro Tunnelling vs Hydro Tunnelling – A Geotechnical
6. Jangpani et al. (1986), Razdan and Dhir (1989), Geological Survey of India (Bhukosh) and other published
7. Sudhmahadev Tunnel (PKG I), Pre-Tender Stage Engineering Geological Assessment, Document No. DDAG-
P22-01-R1, DDAG Pvt. Ltd.
8. Survey of India Topo Sheet 63K12 1978 2nd Edition

Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative
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Online Training Program on Tunnels & Tunnelling

A DDAG-AFA initiative

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