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The Effectiveness of Budget Planning Using the Budget Plan Activity System

(SIREKA) for the Increase of University of Brawijaya Budget Absorption

in 2019


Untuk Memenuhi Persyaratan

Memperoleh Gelar Magister

Khoirul Azar
NIM : 186030302111031



“……………………..SIREKA UB……………………..”

The Effectiveness of Budget Planning Using the Budget Plan Activity System
(SIREKA) for the Increase of University of Brawijaya Budget Absorption
in 2019

Khoirul Azar1*, Soesilo Zauhar2, Mardiyono3

Master of Higher Education Management
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi University of Brawijaya

type of descriptive research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through interviews, observation and
documentation. The results of this study indicate that the budget planning process using sireka at University of
Brawijaya has been running well and efficiently because the application is connected to the financial department, and
faculty leaders can directly revise the budget through the sireka application with the help of the central sireka operator.
The competence and readiness of SIREKA University of Brawijaya Operators are very good with the diversity of
educational backgrounds of sireka operators and are supported by short training in the operation of the sireka
application so that the budget planning process runs well. The absorption of the budget, especially the (physical) capital
expenditure at University of Brawijaya, still accumulated in the fourth quarter due to many obstacles in various parts,
starting from the planning section, the Goods and Services Procurement Implementing Unit (UPPBJ) and the State
Property Section (BMN). The main constraints in the budget planning process are due to a change of leadership so that
there are differences in policy priorities, the work that has been planned will be replaced by other work, so that it will
cause new problems, namely the increasing number of buildings in the KDP (Inner Construction) category. Supervision)
/ stalled.

Keywords: SIREKA, University of Brawijaya

performance of budget absorption namely the Government Accounting

(realization) University of Brawijaya from year to Standards (SAP) financial reports and Financial
year has increased quite a bit. In 2016 University Accounting Standards (SAK) financial reports and
of Brawijaya received an award as the best other supporting reports requested and
financial manager at the Ministry of Research, facilitated. by the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education level. This Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti)
shows that the financial management of through a website-based application in the form
Brawijaya University is getting better in the of SIMONEV, SMART, SIMAS reports. SAP reports
implementation of programs, activities and have been done using the SAIBA application
budgets. The financial bureau also submits (Accrual-based Agency Accounting System).
reports to both internal and external parties. Meanwhile, the SAK report was done manually
Reporting to internal parties is tailored to the using exel. The results of the SAK audit report on
desired needs. Meanwhile, external reporting in the financial statements for the 2010-2015 fiscal
accordance with the regulations of the Public year are unqualified (WTP). This is supported by
Service Agency (BLU) is required to prepare the achievement of timely and accountable
reports with 2 (two) standards, financial report preparation.

Khoirul Azar University of Brawijaya's income during the

Email :
Alamat: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi
year University of Brawijaya income during
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi University of Brawijaya 2014-2018 fluctuates with 2018 fluctuating
Jl. MT. Haryono, No. 163, Malang 65145
with an average increase of 5 (five) years of 7%.
Jawa Timur-Indonesia
The following is a breakdown of the 5 (five) years

The Effectiveness of Budget Planning Using the Budget Plan Activity System (SIREKA) for the
Increase of University of Brawijaya Budget Absorption (Khoirul Azar, et al.)

average increase of 7%. The following is a year. In 2013, the amount of salary and
breakdown of the 5 (five) years average increase allowances expenditure was still around below
of 7%. The following is a breakdown of University 200 billion, while capital expenditure was still
of Brawijaya PNBP revenue increase: University quite large, namely 232.8 billion. Subsequent
of Brawijaya PNBP revenue: developments occurred an increase in salary and
allowance spending until finally reaching 357.5
billion in 2017, along with that capital
expenditure decreased to 298.3 billion in 2017.
This shows the commitment of the leadership of
University of Brawijaya to improve aspects of
employee welfare and reduce funding for
physical construction (building).
Budget absorption, especially building
Figure 1.1 Trend of PNBP UB Revenue for 5 years capital expenditures in University of Brawijaya in
the last 3 years has always been low in the first
University of Brawijaya during 2016 - 2018 quarter, and in the second quarter, then there
has increased by an average of 5.1% in 3 (three) was a slight increase in the third quarter and
years. The details of expenditures are used for jumped sharply in the final or fourth quarter, the
the following purposes: trend of budget absorption is not good according
Table 1.1 PNBP Expenditures of University to the Ministry of Research, Technology and
of Brawijaya for 5 years (in billion IDR) Higher Education. and expected
No Description of 2016 2017 2018 budget absorption is not too jumped
Activities sharply at the end of the year or quarter to four,
or ride in a lump sum every quarter.
1. Shopping for goods 49,60 62,63 46,87
An analysis of the success of a system used
in the government sector is important because it
2. Other Goods and 251,12 267,19 248,27
Services is in accordance with Law No. 71/2010
concerning Governmental Accounting Standards,
3. Salary and Allowance 241,64 358,70 311,50 the presentation of financial statements carried
out by the government must meet four
4. Daya Subscription and 1,51 0,79 1,31
qualitative characteristics. The characteristics
that must be met are relevant, reliable,
5. Capital Expenditures 393,88 291,74 108,48 comparable and understandable. This is of course
also in line with what is mandated by
6. Maintenance 24,12 26,42 19,85
Expenditures Government Regulation no. 56 of 2005
concerning the Regional Financial Information
7. Official Travel 15,06 16,11 18,06
System which states that regional financial
information submitted must comply with the
Total 976,92 1.023,38 754,33 principles of being accurate, relevant, and
accountable. Based on this, the demands for the
Based on table 1.1. above, spending on use of information system technology and an
salaries and allowances (including the assessment of its success need attention so that
remuneration ceiling) has increased from year to the system used can truly support effective and
year, the 5-year spending trend for salary and efficient government performance in this modern
allowances and capital expenditures in the table era.
above shows an increase in salary and allowances The use of information and communication
(including remuneration) spending from year to (ICT) systems or technologies can be used as a

“……………………..SIREKA UB……………………..”

component of quality improvement in tertiary that have been formulated and thus the research
institutions. One of the implementations of objectives can be achieved.
information systems in tertiary institutions is the
work plan and budget information system Data Collection
(SIREKA). collection in this study was carried out
University of Brawijaya has utilized through observation, interviews and document
Information and Communication Technology tracing. For the purposes of data collection
(ICT) to help facilitate its financial management. during field research, data collection techniques
One of them is in planning work plans and were developed as follows:
budgets using the Work Plan and Budget 1. Observation
Information System (SIREKA) application. In this thesis research, the researcher will
SIREKA is a Work Plan and Budget make complete observations , because the
Information System that is used to create and position of the researcher is as a person who is
revise budget plans starting from outputs, directly involved in the administration of budget
activity components, activities and down to the planning and as a working group in the tender
details of activities and using certain budget process at the Brang and Services Procurement
items. Users of SIREKA are divided into two,
Implementation Unit (UPPBJ) in Brawijayai
namely administrator users, in this case it is
part of the head office planning and operator University.
users, namely the faculty or unit planning 2. Interview
section. It is hoped that SIREKA can facilitate the Another technique for collecting research
work of making budget plans and planning data is through a series of interview activities.
reports. This process is carried out to obtain field data
that cannot be accessed through observation
activities. This interview is also intended to
Research on the effectiveness of budget
deepen knowledge or understanding of the
planning with the Budget Planning Activity
object being observed. This step is taken to avoid
System (SIREKA) to increase the absorption of the
or minimize errors in interpreting the meaning of
Brawijaya University budget, actually can use a
symbols or the activities of research subjects
quantitative research approach, as well as a
related to the research problem. By using this
qualitative research approach. The focus of this
technique, it is hoped that data collection will be
research is more dominant on the study of the
more in-depth, complete, and accurate, so that it
physical planning process of buildings in the
can help efforts to analyze problems more
planning and budgeting section using the SIREKA
sharply. This interview data will be obtained
system, the process of procuring goods and
through information from sources who are
services / building construction tenders in the
research informants, especially those who are
Procurement Service Unit (ULP) section, the
considered well informed on various matters
process of implementing / building buildings, and
relevant to the research problem. Determination
the process of disbursing development payments
of informant subjects in this study has been
in the State Property Section (BMN). Therefore,
carried out since making observations, so there is
researchers feel it is more appropriate and more
no wrong choice. Meanwhile, in-depth interviews
suitable to use a qualitative research approach
were conducted with informants to provide
than a quantitative approach. Through the use of
flexibility to explain and describe their opinions
a qualitative research approach, it is hoped that
freely, not limited by the choice of answers as in
the researcher will be able to fully and
structured interviews. In this study, interviews
comprehensively describe the phenomenon
were conducted in depth, namely unstructured
under study as described in the research focus,
interviews. The interview starts with the key
so that in the end it can answer the problems
informant, namely the Head of Subdivision.
Planning, Sireka Operators, Head of Goods and

The Effectiveness of Budget Planning Using the Budget Plan Activity System (SIREKA) for the
Increase of University of Brawijaya Budget Absorption (Khoirul Azar, et al.)

Services Procurement Implementation Unit of finance through the ministry of education and
(UPPBJ) University of Brawijaya, and Head of culture with a powerful application and equipped
Section. State Property. with supporting documents for building planning
3. Documentation The / in the form of building planning products such
documentation data used in this study are as RAB, DED and RKS which are approved by the
secondary data extracted from documents and ministry of PUPR of East Java Province, if it has
other materials from relevant sources during this been approved by the ministry of finance it will
research. These data include ceiling shift letters become DIPA of the ministry of education and
from faculties from the planning section, data on culture which in it is DIPA UB, from the training
construction work carried out at Brawijaya program, the chancellor as KPA will distribute the
University, especially at the head office in 2017, dipa to each faculty to be spent by the PPK that
2018 and 2019 and documents in the State has been formed by KPA in each faculty. The
Property section. (BMN) such as Minutes of faculty PPK will determine the priority of budget
Handover of Construction Work in 2017, 2018 planning to be spent in each faculty, by forming
and 2019 at Brawijaya University, especially at work packages and their implementation
the head office. Documentation data that has methods such as direct appointment, fast tender,
been collected are then selected, "tested" for public tender, e-cataloque, for example the
validity, in order to obtain precise and accurate building construction work package uses a public
data, before being presented in the research tender, shopping packages for lab tools using e-
report. catalogs, etc., then included in the General
Procurement Plan (RUP) through the SIRENBAJA
Data Analysis application from the ministry of education and
analysis process follows the Interactive Data culture.
Analysis model from Miles, MB, & Huberman, Sireka used to be used to compile budgets
AM & Jhony Saldana (2014), namely the analysis by faculties and universities to become DIPA
is carried out continuously during data collection
while for spending it uses simkeu from the
in the field until the data collection is completed.
This analysis includes several activities, namely finance department, so that if there is a shift in
analyzing data, grouping data, finding what is the faculty ceiling directly to the finance
important according to the focus of the research department to revise the budget.
and studying and deciding what to report. Thus But now, with the integration with the SIM,
the data analysis process runs simultaneously or the faculties and work units cannot control
continuously during the research process. Of changes in capital expenditures by simply shifting
course, in this process the researcher does not
the ceiling, but it must be detailed that up to the
only come to the field once to meet the
informant, but also cross-check the data that has MAK and the sub-MAK, it must be clear that
been collected and described, whether it is what changes are made and directly integrated with
the informant intended. So, there is an iterative the finance model.
process between (1) data collection (2) data
condensation, (3) data display, and (4) conclusion 2. Competence and Readiness of SIREKA
/ verification. Operators University of Brawijaya
Based on field observations made by
researchers, the following phenomenon shows
1. The Process of Preparing Budget Planning
that the competence of sireka operators in each
using SIREKA at University of Brawijaya
faculty varies greatly from their educational
System The budget planning process at
background and abilities, some are very
Brawjaya University this year begins with
competent and some are less competent, some
compiling a budget plan for next year and is
are With an educational background of S1
implemented next year, then entered in the
electrical / computer majors and some are high
sireka application and submitted to the ministry

“……………………..SIREKA UB……………………..”

school / vocational graduates, the diversity of in the budget ceiling value of the leadership, so
operator backgrounds can be supported by short the more often the planning consultant revises
training and habits in operating the sireka the planning product the greater the error rate in
program, but there are also obstacles that can the detailing of the planning product.
hinder sireka operators from carrying out their Some of the obstacles above have become
duties. the complaints of the planning department of
University of Brawijaya.
3. Absorption of budgets, especially capital After the planning product has been
expenditures (physical) at Brawijaya University detailed in the planning section, the construction
Based on field observations made by planning product is sent to the Goods and
researchers on construction service procurement Services Procurement Implementing Unit (UPPBJ)
documents, it was obtained that data on building to be tendered to get a service provider
capital expenditures for University of Brawijaya, (contractor) to work on the construction project.
especially at the Head Office, in the last three In this section a working group (POKJA) has been
years has increased in years. un 2017 amounting formed to carry out an electronic tender process
to Rp. 26,880,624,500, - then increased in 2018 (e-tendering) with the Electronic Procurement
to Rp. 37,350,157,611, - and in 2019 capital System (SPSE) program created by the
expenditure decreased by Rp. 10,974,749,000, - government, in this case the Government Goods
whereas the details of capital expenditures are and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP),
carried out using the e-tendering auction method the tender process This takes approximately 30
electronically using the SPSE University of calendar days for construction service work and
Brawijaya application. 45 calendar days for consultancy service work. In
There are several obstacles in the this tender process there are also many obstacles
absorption of the (physical) capital expenditure experienced by POKJA, including:
budget in several parts, starting from the a. due to the lack of construction tender
planning section, the Goods and Services requirements that were not fulfilled by the
Procurement Implementing Unit (UPPBJ) and the Planning Department / Commitment Making
State Property (BMN) section. In the planning Officer (PPK) and the revision of planning
section of University of Brawijaya, the obstacles documents which took more than 1 week. So
that are often faced in implementing building that the tender process will be delayed.
construction planning are as follows: b. Re-tendering, there are several construction
a. The certainty of budget ceilings and priority works that have been re-auctioned due to the
building construction work packages determined absence of service providers who bid for the
by the leadership is often late and changes, so work, so it is necessary to review the tender
that the planning department has difficulty and documents before being re-tendering which
experiences delays in the detailing of takes approximately 1 week.
construction planning. Constraints in the field in building
b. Lack of adequate human resources in the construction, these constraints are divided into 2,
planning section, with the large number of namely technical constraints and non-technical
construction work packages in University of constraints, technical problems can be resolved
Brawijaya and not being matched by a sufficient by the technical team and PPK but non-technical
number of human resources, it will result in constraints are difficult to solve because they
frequent delays in checking planning products. involve several parties and usually the
c. Not careful planning consultants in making contractor's financial factors, as for technical
planning products. In addition to the planning constraints, among others:
consultant's inaccuracy in detailing building a. There is a lack of compatibility between the
construction work, it is also affected by changes volume of work in the contract with the volume

The Effectiveness of Budget Planning Using the Budget Plan Activity System (SIREKA) for the
Increase of University of Brawijaya Budget Absorption (Khoirul Azar, et al.)

of real work in the field so that the technical changed because it is clear and almost no change
team, supervisory consultants and contractors every year, even if there is it can be predicted
need more time to adjust to calculate the volume from the start, as well as building capital
of implementation / mutual check 0 (MC-0). expenditures can already be planned since the
b. The planning drawing is not in accordance with beginning of budgeting, unless there is a change
the conditions in the field, especially for the of leadership at the faculty or university level.
continuation / stage construction work so that with this change of leadership usually changes in
the technical team, planning consultant, and policies and priority scales, resulting in a revision
constituency supervisor have to revise the of the budget for capital expenditures for
planning drawing to suit the field conditions construction buildings, and shifting several other
(shop drawing) budget ceilings, these ceiling shifts cause
C. Due to the lack of suitability of both the image problems. In particular, for SIREKA operators in
and the volume of work in the field, the technical revising and shifting the MAK ceiling by reducing
team, planning consultant, supervisory and or increasing the ceiling in other MAKs, the
consultant adjusts work items according to the revision process requires precision and accuracy
field and makes changes to items (work plus less in that there are dozens of sub-line items, if
work) / addendum contrack. incorrectly inputting the MAK data causes the
And for non-technical constraints, among budget ceiling not to balance.
others: As stated by the head of the planning
a. At the time of the pre-construction meeting section above, new problems that arise as a
(PCM) which was attended by the commitment result of policy changes, especially building
making officials (PPK), UB technical team, capital expenditures are the increasing number
Planning Consultation, ka. ULP, supervisory of status of our buildings to KDP (Construction
consultants and contractors, providers / Under Supervision) or the layman's term stalled,
contractors often their experts are incomplete in so it will be a bad record in the ministry of
the technical presentation of work education and culture,
implementation methods so that the technical Wrong one other obstacles that appear in
team has to postpone and reschedule for the budget planning, especially for capital
meeting. expenditure of the building is the length of the
b. The availability of funds is limited by the data capacity of the third party in this case the
contractor, so that in bringing in materials, consultant planner
especially mechanical electrical materials, it is Data support is urgently needed for the
often late. Due to the many constraints, the submission of the budget to the Ministry of
construction work was delayed from the planned Education and Culture, the data support
time, so that the termyn disbursement process terasebut form budget Plan (RAB) which has
was also late and resulted in late budget been legalized by the Malang City Public Works
absorption and accumulation at the end of the (PU) office, and DED (Detailed Engineering
year / there was a very sharp increase in the final Drawing) and RKS (Work Plan and Requirements)
/ fourth quarter. drawings, delays in submitting the legal data to
4. Constraints in the budget planning process the Ministry of Education and Culture will result
Based on observations by researchers in the in DIPA for the Capital Expenditure Budgetwill be
field, the following phenomena are found in the blocked (starred *) so that it will slow down the
budget planning process, often experiencing tender process for building construction
obstacles, both from leadership policies and procurement, which ultimately slows down the
urgent needs outside of planning, resulting in construction process and budget absorption.
budget revisions, for employee salary budget CONCLUSION
planning, the relative honorarium has not Based on the discussions above, the researcher
conclude that:

“……………………..SIREKA UB……………………..”

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“……………………..SIREKA UB……………………..”

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