Test 5 Pres Simple, Cont, Clothes

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A. Circle the correct answer. 20p

1. Dave usually studies / is studying in the evening, but tonight he meets / is meeting friends at the cinema.
2. Mum and Dad often buy / are buying food at the supermarket.
3. Louise practises / is practising the piano every day. At the moment, she plays / is playing a Mozart
4. Jo answers / is answering the questions now.
5. He is appearing / appears in two shows every week.
6. Shops close / are closing late on Monday nights.
7. Shhhhht! Be quiet! He tries / is trying to sleep.
8. Are you free tonight? We are having / have a party.

B. Complete the dialogue with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 30p
 Kevin: Hi, Sue. What 1) ____________________________ (you / do) today?
 Sue: I 2)_____________________(watch) television right now. What about you?
 Kevin: I 3)___________________ (study) for my exams, but it’s boring! Every day, I 4)__________(get
up) at seven o’clock and have breakfast. After that, I 5) _____________________(read) my notes.
Today, I 6)________________(try) to finish my history revision.
 Sue: History! Yuk!
 Kevin: How 7)_________________________(your sister /usually/ spend/ ) her time ?
 Sue: Well, most days, she 8) _______________(wake up) at around 12. After that, she 9)
_____________(listen) to music and check her emails. Today, she 10)_______________________ ( go) out
with her friends.
 Kevin: Oh, it would be great if I didn’t have exams!

C. Write the correct possessive pronoun for

each sentence: 30p
E.g.: That car belongs to me. That car is mine.

1. That is my bracelet. That bracelet is

2. This suitcase belongs to us. This suitcase is
3. These football boots belongs to him. These
football boots are_____________________
4. This computer game belongs to me and my
brother. This computer game is _________
5. These books belong to those students. These
books are _____________________
6. This phone belongs to you. This phone is
7. This camera belongs to my aunt. This camera
is _____________________.

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