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English Trial Class Evaluation Sheet

教師評語 Teacher's Comments

學員編號 Student
User No.

The student can express her opinions based on

學員 Student Name Hazel topics being discussed. The student can point
out her ideas and answer to questions smoothly.
教師 Teacher She can improve more of her pronunciation by
Reychelle (251701) practice and drills. She can also use more of
Name/User No.
exercises to enhance her knowledge of basic
grammar rules.
教材 Material All Levels

Character Minimun:100 Character Maximum:600

CEFR 能力描述 Level Descriptio

1. Can understand the main points of clear standard input o
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Reading 2. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelli
4 language is spoken.
0 1. 能夠理解在工作、學校及休閒場所中經常遇到的形式固定
2. 能夠處理在英語系國家旅行時通常要面對的事務。
Speaking Grammar


Score Details
Grading Indexes Key Indicators Description
Can say the names of the letters and read about words.
Pronunciation 發音 能以正確的發音唸出字母和單字。

Can understand familiar words and sentences.

Listening Comprehension 聽力理解 能理解常見單字與句子。

Can give proper answers to questions smoothly.

Oral Expression 口語表達 能流暢地作回答對應問題。

The vocabulary are used properly and without errors.

Vocabulary Use 字彙應用 詞彙使用得當,沒有錯誤。
The grammar are used properly and without errors.
Grammar Use 文法應用 文法使用得當,沒有錯誤。

Can understand the key of the article without difficulty.

Reading Comprehension 閱讀理解 可以毫無困難地理解文章的重點。

Total 總計

Rating Scale: No Response Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Conversion Table
tion Sheet Record Form A2

建議級數 Suggested Level

Level 0 Stage 2

Level 5

能力描述 Level Description Pronunciation

s of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly

e, etc.
kely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the

場所中經常遇到的形式固定,語意明確的口語表達和 Vocabulary

通常要面對的事務。 Grammar


escription Score
ers and read about words.
單字。 7 /10

ds and sentences.
3 /10

uestions smoothly.
5 /10

erly and without errors.

3 /10
rly and without errors.
3 /10

e article without difficulty.

重點。 5 /10

Total 總計 26

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