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District Factbook ™

Udaipur District

(Key Socio-economic Data of Udaipur District, Rajasthan)

January, 2017
Editor & Director
Dr. R.K. Thukral

Research Editor
Dr. Shafeeq Rahman

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ISBN : 978-93-86370-94-5

First Edition : January, 2017

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Udaipur District at a Glance

District came into Existence -

District Headquarter Udaipur
Distance from State C apital 420 Kms.
Geographical Area (In Square km.) 11,724 (Ranks 8th in State and 37th in India)
Wastelands Area (In Square km.) 4550.91
Total Number of Households 6,17,921
Population 30,68,420 (Persons), 15,66,801 (Males), 15,01,619 (Females) (Ranks 5th in State
and 118th in India)
Population Growth Rate (2001- 16.52 (Persons), 17.28 (Males), 15.75 (Females)
Number of Sub Sub-districts (11), Towns (17) and Villages (2,479)
Forest C over (2015) 23.25% of Total Geographical Area
Percentage of Urban/Rural 19.83 (Urban), 80.17 (Rural)
Administrative Language Hindi
Principal Languages (2001) Hindi (82.33%), Bhili/Bhilodi (14.76%), Urdu (0.77%), Sindhi (0.53%), Gujarati
(0.25%), Punjabi (0.17%) and Others (0.86%)
Population Density 262 (Persons per Sq. km.)
Sex Ratio 958 (Females per 1000 Males)
C hild Ratio (Age Group 0-6 Year) 924 (Females per 1000 Males)
Number of Live Births (2014) 78,711 (Persons), 43,938 (Males), 34,773 (Females)
Number of Deaths (2014) 22,736 (Persons), 14,577 (Males), 8,159 (Females)
Literacy Rate (In %age) 61.82 (Persons), 74.74 (Males), 48.45 (Females)
Literates 15,82,629 (Persons), 9,73,444 (Males), 6,09,185 (Females)
Illiterates 14,85,791 (Persons), 5,93,357 (Males), 8,92,434 (Females)
Major Religions Hindu (93.53%), Muslim (3.40%), Jain (2.56%), C hristian (0.24%), Sikh (0.14%)
and Buddhist (0.01%)
Schedule C aste Population 1,88,525 (Persons), 97,094 (Males), 91,431 (Females), Percentage of SC in Total
Population (1.54)
Megh, Meghval, Meghwal, Menghvar (39.16%); Salvi (11.71%); Khatik (8.09%);
C hamar, Bhambhi, Bambhi, Bhambi, Jatia, Jatav, Jatava, Mochi, Raidas, Rohidas,
Major Schedule C aste Population Regar, Raigar, Ramdasia, Asadaru, Asodi, C hamadia, C hambhar, C hamgar,
Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Telegu Mochi,
Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohit, Samgar (7.33%); Kalbelia, Sapera (5.46%)
Schedule Tribe Population 15,25,289 (Persons), 7,73,213 (Males), 7,52,076 (Females), Percentage of ST in
Total Population (16.51)
Mina (47.05%); Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil, Dungri Bhil, Dungri Garasia, Mewasi
Major Schedule Tribe Population Bhil, Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, Bhilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave (42.75%);
Garasia (excluding Rajput Garasia) (6.81%); Bhil Mina (1.49%); Damor, Damaria
Number of Total Workers 13,65,783 (Persons), 8,35,839 (Males), 5,29,944 (Females)
Labour Force Participation Rate 47.38% (Rural), 38.68% (Urban)
Major Source of Income Agricultural
Gross District Domestic Product 17,01,939 At C urrent Price / 9,74,440 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
(2011-12) (Rs. in Lakh)
Net District Domestic Product 15,43,898 At C urrent Price / 8,61,422 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
(2011-12) (Rs. in Lakh)
Per C apita Income (NDDP, At Factor 52,301 At C urrent Price / 29,182 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
C ost) (2011-12) (In Rs.)
Number of Tourists (2015) 7,53,066 (Domestic Tourist) / 1,65,525 (Foreign Tourist)
C ity Palace, Fateh Prakash Palace, The Lake Palace, Bagore ki Haveli, Maharana
Major Tourist Places Pratap Memorial, C ity Palace Museum, Shilpgram Museum, Ahar Museum, Vintage
C ollection of C lassic C ar Museum, Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar Lake, Jaisamand
Lake, Rajsamand Lake, Jag Mandir, Kumbhalgarh Sanctuary.
Note: A ll figures for 2011 Census, O therwise year is mentioned.
No. Particulars Page No.
1 Administrative Setup 1-10
Location Map | District w ith Sub-Districts | Reference Map of District |
About District | Administrative Unit | Villages | Tow ns | W ards |
2 Demographics 11-32
Population l Sex Ratio | Density | Child Population | Child Sex Ratio |
Decadal Grow th | Age Group Population | Age Group Population of
Currently Married | Economically Active Population | Ageing Population |
Dependency Ratio | Single Year Age Population | Scheduled Caste
Population | Scheduled Tribe Population | Religious Population | CD Block
3 Economy 33-44
GDP/NDP | Per Capita Income | Households by Income Groups |
Disposable Income | Banking | District Central Co-operative Banks |
Lead Banks | Investment and Debt | Fair Price Shops | APL/BPL/ AAY
Families | Revenue Collection from Transport
4 Market Size 45-56
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure | Estimated Annual Expenditure /
Average Per Capita Consumer Expenditure on Services and Durable
5 Life Style 57-61
Households having Radio/Transistor, Television | Households having
Computer/Laptop/Internet | Households having Telephone/Mobile
Phone | Households having Bicycle, Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped &
Car/Jeep/Van | Circulation of Dailies
6 Infrastructure 62-77
Occupied Houses used as Shops/Offices | Amenities | Sanitation |
Vehicle Registered | Licences Issued | Road Length | Electricity | Post
Office & PIN Code | Tourism | LPG Distributors
7 Industries 78-116
Factories, Capital Invested and Persons Employed (2 & 3 digit level
Industries) | Factories by Type of Organisation/Ow nership |
Consumption of Fuels | Manufacturing Industries Share of GDP |
Outstanding Credit of SCBs according to Industrial Occupation | Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises | Ongoing Projects
8 Labour and Workforce 117-124
Total W orkers | Main W orkers | Marginal W orkers | Non-W orkers |
Average W ages/Earning per Day Received by Usual Principal Activity
Status | Daily Agricultural W ages | Employment Indicators
9 Agriculture 125-142
Land Utilistation | Production of Major Food Crops | Production of
Commercial Crops | Production of Fruit & Vegetable Crops | Production
of Spices | Consumption of Fertilisers | Veterinary Institutions | Milk, Egg
and W ool Production | Livestock Population | Poultry Population |
Irrigation | Land Holdings | Farmer
10 Education 143-150
Literacy Rate | Population by Educational Level | Census Houses Used
as School/College etc. | Enrollment | Enrollment by Medium of Instruction
| Gross/Net Enrollment Ratio | Teachers | Gini Coefficient Education |
Population by Mother Tongue
11 Health 151-164
Health Institutions | Live Births Registered | Still Births Registered |
Deaths Registered | Infant Deaths Registered | Disabled Population by
Type of Disability | Houses used for Hospital/Dispensary | Households by
Married Couples per Household and Dw elling Rooms | Maternal and Child
Health Indicators (HMIS) | Family W elfare Programmes | National Family
Health Survey (NFHS)
12 Environment and Pollution 165-168
Geographical Area | W astelands | Forest Cover | Rainfall | Latitude,
Longitude and Altitude | W ater Quality
13 Housing 169-180
Households | Houseless Households | Houseless Population | Standard
of Living Index | Housing Condition | House and Their Uses | Slum
14 Crime & Law 181-185
Incidence of IPC Crime | Road Accidents | Police Stations | Police
Officer/Officials | Judicial Officers
15 Social and Welfare Schemes 186-193
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS) | Indira Aw aas Yojana (IAY) | District Rural Development
Agencies (DRDA) | National Rural Drinking W ater Programme (NRDW P) |
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) | Sw achh Bharat Mission (SBM)-Gramin |
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) | Aadhaar Card (UIDAI) Enrollments
16 Electoral 194-196
Vote Distribution of Major Parties (Parliamentary Election-2014 and
Assembly Election 2013) | Name and Address of MPs/MLAs | Electors
17 Annexure - I to V 197-315
18 Useful Contacts 316
19 Abbreviations & Sources 317
20 Concepts and Definitions 318-321
21 Disclaimer & Terms of Use 322
District Factbook ™ Udaipur District
Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Administrative Setup

Location Map

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District

Administrative Setup

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Administrative Setup

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

About Udaipur District

Historically, Udaipur was founded by Maharana Udai Singh II in 1559, as the new capital
of the Mewar Kingdom. It is situated in Girwa Valley to the South-West of Nagda, on the
Banas River. It remained safe from Mughal influence because of its mountainous
situation. Udaipur became a princely state of British India in 1818. It is the part of Mewar
Geographically, the district has a total geographical area of 11,724 sq km and occupies
the Ranks 8th in State and 37th in India. It lies at 24 °57'N latitude, 73 °69'E longitude
and 600 m altitude. It is bounded by the Aravalli Range on the North-west , by
Rajsamand District on the North, by Chittaurgarh District on the East, by Banswara
District on the South-East, by Dungarpur District on the South , and by the state of
Gujarat on the South-West . The district has Sabarmati River, Banas River and tributaries
of the Mahi River, including the Som and the Gomati which drain Western, Northern
portion and Southern and Central portion of the district, respectively. Ahar River also
passes through the region. It also has Dhebar Lake, known as Jaisamand Lake which was
created by Rana Jai Singh of in the 17th century. The actual rainfall in the district was
670.7 mm in the year of 2015-16.
Administratively, the district is divided into 11 Sub-districts namely Girwa, Gogunda,
Kherwada, Rishabhdev, Mavli, Vallabhnagar, Kotra Jhadol, Lasadia Salumber and Sarada.
Moreover, it has 17 towns and 2,479 Villages. Hindi is its official language. The district
Headquarters is Udaipur which is located at a distance of 420 kilometers from the State
Capital. There are 2 parliamentary and 8 assembly constituencies in the district.
Demographically, according to 2011 census, the district is home to a total number of
6,17,921 households with a total of 30,68,420 including 15,66,801 are males and
15,01,619 are females and causes it to rank 5th in the State and 118 th in India. The
population growth rate during the period 2001 to 2011 was 16.52% of which 17.28% are
males and 15.75% are females. The density of population of the district is 262 persons
per sq km. The sex ratio is pegged at 958 (females per 1000 males) while the child ratio
stands at 924 (females per 1000 males). The schedule caste population of the district is
recorded as 1,88,525 comprising 97,094 are males and 91,431 are females. The
percentage of Schedule Caste is 1.54%. The schedule tribe population is 15,25,289
including 7,73,213 are males and 7,52,076 are females. The percentage of Schedule
Tribe is 16.51%. The major religion in the district is Hindu at 93.53% of the total
Economically, agriculture is the backbone of the district. It is one of the district which
receiving Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF). Tourism is also a big industry as a source
of income for the people of the district. A number of small scale industries are available
here. The GDDP or Gross District Domestic Product during 2011-12 was Rs 17,01,939 lakh
at Current Price and Rs 9,74,440 lakh at Constant (2004-05) Prices. The NDDP, or Net
District Domestic Product during 2011-12 was Rs 15,43,898 lakh at Current Price and Rs
8,61,422 lakh at Constant (2004-05) Prices. The Per Capita Income or NDDP, at factor
cost during 2011-12 was Rs.52,301 at Current Price and Rs 29,182 at Constant (2004-
05) Prices.

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District

Education wise, according to 2011 census, the literacy rate in the district is 61.82% with
74.74 % are males and 48.45 % are females. The total literate population of the district
is 15,82,629 including 9,73,444 are males and 6,09,185 are females. The district has a
number of Primary and middle schools, higher secondary and secondary schools,
Undergraduate and post graduate colleges .
The district has a number of political personalities. Sunder Singh Bhandari was born on
April 12th , 1921. He belongs to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Bharatiya Jana Sangh
and Bharatiya Janata Party. He founded a political party namely Jan sangh in 1951. He
became the Member of Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan during 1966-1972 and from Uttar
Pradesh in 1976 and also in 1992. He held the position of the President in BJP. He
became Governor of Bihar in 1998 and Governor of Gujarat from 1999 to 2003. Kiran
Maheshwari is another politician belonging to the Bharatiya Janata Party. She is currently
holding the post of the Cabinet Minister in Rajasthan Government. She is also an MLA
from the Rajsamand assembly. She has represented the Udaipur Constituency in the 14 th
Lok Sabha Parliament . She won Rajsamand assembly seat in December 2013 with a huge
margin. Kailash Meghwal was born 22nd March, 1934 in Udaipur. He is a present Speaker
of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly and MLA of Shahpura, Bhilwara constituency of
Rajasthan in 14th Rajasthan Legislative Assembly. He was former union minister of state
in Government of India and a national vice president of Bharatiya Janata Party. He held
the position of Minister of state for social justice and empowerment from 2003 to 2004.
Kalu Lal Shrimali, known as K. L. Shrimali, was born in December 1909 at Udaipur. He was
the Union Education Minister for the Government of India, Minister of Education in the
Union Council of Ministers (1955-1963) and an educationist. He represented the State of
Rajasthan in Rajya Sabha from April 1952 to April 1956 and from April 1956 to April 1962.
He was the member of several educational and various social welfare organizations such
as "Jan Shikshan". He got Padma Vibhushan in 1976 for his contribution in educational
During the year 2015, there were 7,53,066 Domestic Tourists and 1,65,525 Foreign
Tourists who came here to visit historical and religious places. These places are City
Palace, Fateh Prakash Palace, The Lake Palace, Bagoreki Haveli, Maharana Pratap
Memorial, City Palace Museum, Shilpgram Museum, Ahar Museum, Vintage Collection of
Classic Car Museum, Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar Lake, Jaisamand Lake, Rajsamand Lake,
Jag Mandir, and Kumbhalgarh Sanctuary.
The district has various personalities who belong to different fields. Mr. Ram Narayan was
born on December 25th , 1927 in Amber village near Udaipur. He was a musician and
played Sarangi. In 1944, he became the part of All India Radio , Lahore. He was awarded
with Padam Vibhushan in 2005. Limba Ram is another famous personality who born on
January 30th , 1972 in saradat, Udaipur district. He had represented India in the category
of archery in three Olympics. He made a world record in 1992 in Beijing Asian Games. He
was awarded with Arjuna Award in 1991 and Padam Shri in 2012.

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Administrative Setup

Administrative Unit
Administrative Division:- Udaipur
1. Girwa
2. Gogunda
3. Jhadol
4. Kherwara
5. Kotra
6. Lasadiya
7. Mavli
8. Rishabhdeo
9. Salumbar
10. Sarada
11. Vallabhnagar

1. Bargaon (Rural) (C T) 11. Kherwara C hhaoni (C T)
2. Bedla (C T) 12. Mavli (C T)
3. Bhalariya (C T) 13. Newa Talai (C T)
4. Bhinder (M) 14. Rishabhdeo (C T)
5. Bhuwana (C T) 15. Salumbar (M)
6. Bichhri (C T) 16. Semari (C T)
7. C hawand (C T) 17. Udaipur (M C l)
8. Fatehnagar (M)
9. Gogunda (C T)
10. Kanor (M)

Sub-districts, Towns, CD Blocks and Villages

District Sub-districts Towns CD Blocks Villages
Udaipur 11 17 11 2479
Rajasthan 244 297 248 44672
India 5924 7933 6596 640930
Rank of District in State 4 4 6 2
Rank of District in India 160 128 209 34

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District


Sex Ratio
Female per 1000 Males (2011)
District Total Rural Urban
Udaipur 958 966 929
Rajasthan 928 933 914
India 943 949 929
Rank of District in State 8 8 16
Rank of District in India 257 247 306

Persons per Sq. Km. (2011)
District Total Rural Urban
Udaipur 262 213 3369
Rajasthan 200 153 2570
India 368 269 3689
Rank of District in State 14 13 9
Rank of District in India 416 394 254

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District


By Population Group
Rs. in Million (March, 2015)
No. of Credit Amount
Residence District Offices No. of Outstanding
Total Udaipur 301 2959675 185832.0 78320.0
Rajasthan 6426 58878306 2354794.7 2029555.2
India 153149 1611374077 98806410.7 76167841.0
Rank of District in State 4 5 2 5
Rank of District in India 109 138 71 106
Rural Udaipur 139 1345085 30972.2 13380.6
Rajasthan 2624 20836356 346620.0 360150.1
India 48536 493969524 9156764.6 5983459.9
Rank of District in State 3 3 2 8
Rank of District in India 84 99 61 126
Semi- Urban Udaipur 20 246499 6922.9 2722.1
Rajasthan 1869 19609348 568413.7 392274.9
India 34131 404661314 13172506.76 7591878.82
Rank of District in State 33 33 32 33
Rank of District in India 470 459 466 441
Urban Udaipur 142 1368091 147936.9 62217.3
Rajasthan 1277 12582437 791480.9 475374.4
India 47816 437710064 29234307.9 18422270.2
Rank of District in State 3 3 1 2
Rank of District in India 46 52 28 45
Metropolitan Udaipur - - - -
Rajasthan 656 5850165 648280.1 801755.7
India 22666 275033175 47242831.5 44170232.1
Rank of District in State 0 0 0 0
Rank of District in India 0 0 0 0

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District

Market Size

Broad Category-wise Monthly Per Capita Expenditure - Rural

In Rs. (2011-2012)
Rank of Rank of
Broad Categories of Goods and Services Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in State in India
C ereals 98.49 127.86 153.13 30 601
C ereal Substitute 0.24 0.08 0.88 3 139
Pulses & Products 24.73 29.06 41.88 26 546
Milk & Milk Products 103.76 257.77 116.13 30 261
Sugar & Salt 21.34 37.87 26.10 31 347
Edible Oil 37.40 48.43 48.22 28 454
Egg, Fish & Meat 12.38 13.03 45.62 14 480
Vegetables 34.69 49.82 61.88 28 587
Fruits (Fresh) 9.68 16.49 19.18 27 475
Fruits (Dry) 2.09 5.58 5.59 25 341
Spices 26.37 33.68 28.78 31 315
Beverages etc. 26.09 26.64 21.01 17 219
Served Processed Food 37.58 23.69 36.09 4 213
Packaged Processed Food 12.43 19.67 17.49 27 440
Pan 0.02 0.16 4.34 15 500
Tobacco 33.69 34.80 15.27 16 50
Intoxicants 14.78 9.00 10.49 8 165
Fuel and Light 176.19 150.60 118.26 8 62
C lothing 49.23 80.79 74.67 26 448
Bedding etc. 3.13 4.73 5.66 16 333
Footwear 8.34 21.95 16.83 29 481
Education 16.18 42.71 39.84 23 427
Medical (Institutional) 3.45 21.28 23.15 21 278
Medical (Non-institutional) 47.64 65.87 64.52 24 311
Entertainment 6.58 10.28 14.24 22 475
Minor Durable Type Goods 4.60 3.93 4.33 10 252
Toilet Articles 28.78 31.70 30.67 23 327
Other Household C onsumables 25.44 33.77 28.18 26 314
C onsumer Services excl. C onveyance 47.48 77.15 57.57 30 389
C onveyance 72.92 78.87 60.92 17 230
Rent 0.06 3.36 6.31 21 414
C onsumer Taxes & C esses 0.54 2.84 3.59 28 416
Durable Goods 101.88 69.09 78.14 6 113
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE) 1088.23 1432.55 1278.94 30 388

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Life Style

Circulation of Dailies
(January - June 2016)
Publication Edition Language Average
Rajasthan Patrika Udaipur edition Hindi 84761
Dainik Bhaskar Udaipur edition Hindi 68331
The Times of India Jaipur edition English 4530
The Economic Times Ahmedabad edition English 1020
The Times of India Ahmedabad edition English 600
The Hindu C hennai edition English 456
Hindustan Times New Delhi edition English 304

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Households by Main Source of Drinking Water - Rural

Rank of Rank of
Particulars Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in State in India
Total Number of Households 496777 9490363 167826730 4 143
Tap water from Treated Source 44258 (8.91) 1700602 29969145 17 267
(%) (17.92) (17.86)
Tap water from Untreated 14389 (2.90) 853493 (8.99) 21736020 26 525
Source (%) (12.95)
Total Tap (%) 58647 (11.81) 2554095 51705165 7 156
(26.91) (30.81)
C overed Well (%) 3591 (0.72) 135360 (1.43) 2591028 (1.54) 15 264
Un-covered Well (%) 142474 (28.68) 1179355 19742630 32 518
(12.43) (11.76)
Total Well (%) 146065 (29.40) 1314715 22333658 28 517
(13.85) (13.31)
Handpump (%) 248747 (50.07) 2988588 73245349 11 344
(31.49) (43.64)
Tubewell/Borehole (%) 28187 (5.67) 1365468 13898837 22 342
(14.39) (8.28)
Spring (%) 1680 (0.34) 7982 (0.08) 1184498 (0.71) 21 499
River/C anal (%) 5700 (1.15) 102026 (1.08) 1412565 (0.84) 5 147
Tank/Pond/Lake (%) 3506 (0.71) 687267 (7.24) 1771796 (1.06) 15 293
Other Sources (%) 4245 (0.85) 470222 (4.95) 2274862 (1.36) 13 232

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Registered Motor Vehicles by Categories

In Nos. (Upto March, 2016)

Categories Udaipur Rajasthan Rank of District

in State
Motor Rickshaw 1 90 9
Two Wheelers 576909 10258009 4
Auto Rickshaw 7596 141576 6
- Passenger 3074 38531 3
- Goods 3022 64959 6
C ar 66478 899307 3
Jeep 18792 396572 5
Tractor 17163 969287 24
Trailers 5005 76707 4
Buses 8690 131912 3
Trucks 5912 102818 3
Taxi/Maxi/C abs 30431 517604 3
Others 1903 34804 3
Total 744976 13632176 4

Road Length under PWD

In Kms. (As on 31.03.2016)
Painted Metalled Gravelled Seasonal Total National
District Roads Roads Roads Roads Road Highways
(BT) (WBM) (GR) (FW) Length
Udaipur 7752.24 0.00 5.80 10.00 7768.04 317.70
Rajasthan 145575.20 320.75 3018.09 162.10 149079.64 3466.54
Rank of District in 4 0 29 8 4 3

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District


Main Workers
Sex District Total Rural Urban
Persons Udaipur 822355 629000 193355
Rajasthan 21057968 16173343 4884625
India 362446420 245749270 116697150
Rank of District in State 7 7 7
Rank of District in India 140 113 160
Male Udaipur 623397 463211 160186
Rajasthan 15243537 11069837 4173700
India 273149359 178034713 95114646
Rank of District in State 5 6 7
Rank of District in India 133 110 157
Female Udaipur 198958 165789 33169
Rajasthan 5814431 5103506 710925
India 89297061 67714557 21582504
Rank of District in State 10 14 5
Rank of District in India 132 118 168

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Rank of Rank of
Particulars Udaipur Rajasthan India District in District in
State India
Number of Registered Units 728 120160 496281 20 238
Employment 4893 523464 2883896 11 88
Investment (Rs. in Lakh) - 581789 128634844 0 0

Entrepreneurs Memorandum (Part-II) Filed by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
In Nos. (2014-2015)
District Micro Small Medium Total
Udaipur 169 31 0 200
Rajasthan 17478 1136 41 18655
India 346206 70933 8219 425358
Rank of District in State 19 12 0 19
Rank of District in India 296 174 0 299

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Labour and Workforce

Total Workers
Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Udaipur 1365783 835839 529944
Rajasthan 29886255 18297076 11589179
India 481743311 331865930 149877381
Rank of District in State 5 5 4
Rank of District in India 79 117 50
Rural Udaipur 1156103 666719 489384
Rajasthan 24385233 13775469 10609764
India 348597535 226763068 121834467
Rank of District in State 4 4 5
Rank of District in India 55 81 37
Urban Udaipur 209680 169120 40560
Rajasthan 5501022 4521607 979415
India 133145776 105102862 28042914
Rank of District in State 7 7 6
Rank of District in India 164 163 179

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Land Utilisation
In Hectares (2014-15)
Rank of
Particulars Udaipur Rajasthan District
in State
i) Reporting Area For Land Utilisation Statistics 1388255 34267469 6
- Forests 397334 2739819 1
ii) Not Available for C ultivation
-Area under Non Agricultural Uses 155381 1939610 3
-Barren and Un C ulturable Land 316752 2403403 2
-Total 472133 4343013 2
iii) Other Uncultivated Land Excluding Fallow Land
-Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing Lands 82515 1673671 6
-Land under Misc Tree C rops and Groves Not Included in Net 507 26485 9
-C ulturable Waste Land 120705 4038156 4
-Total 203727 5738312 5
iv) Fallow Land
-Fallow Lands Other than C urrent Fallows 68644 2068874 9
-C urrent Fallow 14227 1855955 19
-Total 82871 3924829 13
v) Net Area Sown 232190 17521496 25
vi) Total C ropped Area 342033 24235354 27
vii) Area Sown More than Once 109843 6713858 27

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Literacy Rate
Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Udaipur 61.82 74.74 48.45
Rajasthan 66.11 79.19 52.12
India 72.99 80.89 64.64
Rank of District in State 21 26 17
Rank of District in India 534 484 566
Rural Udaipur 54.93 69.64 39.82
Rajasthan 61.44 76.16 45.8
India 67.77 77.15 57.93
Rank of District in State 27 27 27
Rank of District in India 575 518 601
Urban Udaipur 87.52 93.39 81.24
Rajasthan 79.68 87.91 70.73
India 84.11 88.76 79.11
Rank of District in State 1 1 1
Rank of District in India 165 96 215

Population by Educational Level

Rank of Rank of
Educational Level Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in State in India
Illiterate 1485791 30273155 447216165 5 68
Literate 1582629 38275282 763638812 6 163
Literate without Educational Level 102383 1806164 35153231 3 94
Below Primary 365434 8083827 146897597 6 109
Primary 432988 10524424 184170833 6 133
Middle 267295 7319223 133903266 8 175
Matric/Secondary 157780 4610185 105939743 11 246
Higher Secondary/Intermediate Pre- 95244 2515863 77942593 11 297
University/Senior Secondary
Non-technical Diploma or C ertificate not Equal to 378 7522 1072289 5 365
Technical Diploma or C ertificate not Equal to 6429 164634 7238719 8 240
Graduate and Above 142599 3063282 68288971 5 132
Unclassified 12099 180158 3031570 4 58

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District


Live Births Registered

Residence District Person Male Female
Total Udaipur 78711 43938 34773
Rajasthan 1751191 973425 777766
India 23001523 12183175 10804541
Rank of District in State 4 5 5
Rank of District in India 49 42 61
Rural Udaipur 45068 25460 19608
Rajasthan 744804 423656 321148
India 10763908 5709934 5044361
Rank of District in State 3 3 4
Rank of District in India 43 38 49
Urban Udaipur 33643 18478 15165
Rajasthan 1006387 549769 456618
India 12237615 6473241 5760180
Rank of District in State 12 12 10
Rank of District in India 101 95 107

Still Births Registered

Residence District Person Male Female
Total Udaipur 827 534 293
Rajasthan 14536 8422 6114
India 124130 56442 47832
Rank of District in State 6 5 7
Rank of District in India 25 10 37
Rural Udaipur 172 117 55
Rajasthan 4232 2560 1672
India 41620 21359 17953
Rank of District in State 7 6 8
Rank of District in India 72 51 100
Urban Udaipur 655 417 238
Rajasthan 10304 5862 4442
India 82494 35075 29871
Rank of District in State 5 3 8
Rank of District in India 19 9 22

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Houses used for Hospital/Dispensary

Residence District Total Number of Hospital/
Census Houses Dispensary etc.
Total Udaipur 848218 1760
Rajasthan 18070963 36649
India 330407375 682584
Rank of District in State 4 4
Rank of District in India 112 103
Rural Udaipur 665449 1357
Rajasthan 13296654 26432
India 220633493 360065
Rank of District in State 4 4
Rank of District in India 81 44
Urban Udaipur 182769 403
Rajasthan 4774309 10217
India 109773882 322519
Rank of District in State 7 7
Rank of District in India 163 213

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Environment and Pollution

Geographical Area
Area in Km 2 (2011)
District Total Rural Urban
Udaipur 11724 11543.39 180.61
Rajasthan 342239 335606.04 6632.96
India 3287469 3101505.00 102221.00
Rank of District in State 8 8 14
Rank of District in India 37 35 189

Wastelands by Category
Area in Km 2 (2008-2009)
Rank of Rank of
Category Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in State in India
Gullied/Ravenous Land (Medium) - 1087.52 6145.96 0 0
Gullied/Ravenous Land (Deep) - 437.49 1266.06 0 0
Land with Dense Scrub 1343.16 21086.05 86979.91 3 5
Land with Open Scrub 1441.58 15359.37 93033.00 2 3
Waterlogged and Marshy Land (Permanent) - 48.00 1757.07 0 0
Waterlogged and Marshy Land (Seasonal) - 70.36 6946.31 0 0
Land Affected by Salinity/Alkalinity (Medium) - 323.84 5414.53 0 0
Land Affected by Salinity/Alkalinity (Strong) - 226.57 1391.09 0 0
Shifting C ultivation - C urrent Jhum - - 4814.68 0 0
Shifting C ultivation - Abandoned Jhum - - 4210.46 0 0
Under-Utilised/Degraded Forest (Scrub Domin) 1376.00 10962.97 83699.71 1 4
Under-Utilised/Degraded Forest (Agriculture) 71.46 159.68 15680.26 1 55
Degraded Pastures/Grazing Land 40.81 3438.40 6832.17 17 39
Degraded Land under Plantation C rop - 0.89 278.53 0 0
Sands-Riverine - 112.78 2111.96 0 0
Sands-C oastal - - 654.47 0 0
Sands-Desertic - 3397.75 3934.80 0 0
Sands-Semi Stab.-Stab>40m - 9279.75 9279.75 0 0
Sands-Semi Stab.-Stab 15-40m - 14250.55 14273.03 0 0
Mining Wastelands 25.75 116.18 593.65 1 2
Industrial wastelands 0.97 13.67 58.00 7 18
Barren Rocky/Stony Waste 251.18 4557.27 59482.29 6 23
Snow covered /Glacial Area - - 58183.44 0 0
Total 4550.91 84929.10 467021.16 5 10

Udaipur District District Factbook ™


Total Households
District Total Rural Urban
Udaipur 623531 495973 127558
Rajasthan 12711146 9494903 3216243
India 249454252 168565486 80888766
Rank of District in State 4 3 7
Rank of District in India 116 82 165

Houseless Households
District Total Rural Urban
Udaipur 1321 929 392
Rajasthan 37341 20956 16385
India 449761 192865 256896
Rank of District in State 9 4 13
Rank of District in India 77 41 124

Udaipur District District Factbook ™

Crime & Law

Incidence of IPC Crime

Rank of Rank of
Crime Heads Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in State in India
Murder 90 1637 34134 4 90
Attempt to C ommit Murder 126 1794 41898 3 71
C ulpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder 2 81 3349 16 312
Attempt to C ommit C ulpable Homicide 5 182 4371 7 83
Rape 229 3759 38678 3 17
Attempt to C ommit Rape 37 373 4310 2 25
Kidnapping & Abduction 378 5671 78412 2 39
Dacoity 7 64 4399 2 178
Making Preparation and Assembly For
C ommitting Dacoity 5 110 2835 7 87
Robbery 124 1301 38090 3 46
C riminal Trespass/Burglary 367 6379 114667 3 71
Theft 865 29095 442464 9 92
Unlawful Assembly 241 4738 9878 7 10
Riots 107 536 66206 1 176
C riminal Breach of Trust 13 657 20089 9 330
C heating 1063 21191 109737 6 13
Forgery 100 4316 11268 10 20
C ounterfeiting 3 57 1979 7 110
Arson 30 523 9299 3 84
Grievous Hurt 59 1491 105560 11 308
Dowry Deaths 8 408 8458 21 292
Assault on Women with Intent to Outrage her
Modesty 479 5999 82411 2 25
Insult to the Modesty of Women 3 18 9738 3 219
C ruelty by Husband or his Relatives 723 15905 123163 6 27
Importation of Girls From Foreign C ountry 0 0 14 0 0
C ausing Death by Negligence 449 9187 128837 5 62
Offences Against State 0 0 177 0 0
Offences Promoting Enmity Between Different
Groups 3 39 337 4 27
Extortion 62 428 8210 3 28
Disclosure of Identity of Victims 0 0 135 0 0
Incidence of Rash Driving 1051 14127 409857 2 85
Human Trafficking 1 14 726 3 102
Unnatural Offence 0 41 1148 0 0
Other IPC C rimes 3238 80297 944105 7 72
Total Cognizable IPC Crimes 9868 210418 2858939 5 59

Road Accident
In Nos. (2015)
District Accidents Deaths Injured
Udaipur 1379 500 1711
Rajasthan 24072 10510 26153
Rank of District in State 2 5 2

District Factbook ™ Udaipur District

Social and Welfare Scheme

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)

Financial Performance under MGNREGS
Rs. in Lakh (2015-2016)
Rank Rank
of of
Particulars Udaipur Rajasthan India District District
in in
State India
A. Opening Balance (OB)
C losing Blance (C B) as Opening Balance (OB) 1239.28 12693.34 187890.93 1 38
Entered Opening Balance (OB) 1374.85 12390.17 206168.02 1 41
Release of Last Financial Year but Received during the Current Financial Year
C entre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
State 0.00 0.00 3206.67 0 0
Release from State Fund to Districts
C entral Share - - 1294.39 0 0
State Share 0.00 0.00 411894.31 0 0
Authorisation of EFMS 13312.57 325400.03 3313284.01 8 48
Miscellaneous Reciept 0.00 70.03 39265.75 0 0
B. Borrowed Fund
From Other District or Revolving Fund 0.00 0.00 247.93 0 0
Refunded to District/State 0.00 60.37 79011.76 0 0
Inter-District Fund Transfer
Fund Transfer to Other District 0.00 0.00 247.93 0 0
Fund Received from Other Districts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Availabilty 14687.43 337799.86 3896101.39 7 51
C umulative Labour Budget (LB) Estimation of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
C. Cumulative Expenditure
C. (I) Actual Expenditure
Unskilled Wage 9973.97 249885.00 3033565.51 9 77
Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage 383.10 11025.30 68276.52 13 50
Material 1616.08 44060.27 923707.02 8 158
Tax 96.60 770.35 6412.06 1 13
C. (II) Administrative Expenditure
I. Receipts Expenditure 1258.33 20434.70 194050.46 1 23
II. Non-Receipts Expenditure 1.29 44.18 1442.79 12 161
Total (I+II) 1259.61 20478.88 195493.25 1 25
Cumulative Expenditure (C. (I) + C. (II)) 13329.36 326219.79 4227454.30 8 74
%age Utilization 90.75 96.57 108.50 31 437
Balance 1358.07 11580.07 -331353.00 1 43
D. Payment Due
I. On Unskilled Wage 876.93 11394.98 659585.02 4 167
II. On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage 219.08 6967.19 32387.42 13 37
III. On Material 777.33 41222.65 395314.25 22 128
IV. Tax 24.18 644.48 3830.43 10 46
Total (I+II+III+IV) 1897.52 60229.30 1091117.12 11 133

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