DR Ing Vlado Jordan - Resonant Water Hammer Induced by Vibrations in A Spherical Valve

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Resonant water hana A*8 5 induced by vibrations in a spherical valve By Detng Viade Jordant “is afta dts wh oan fara conned by aloo oases ion nae rmene Fee en ee eae Be ape earet ee ae ereh Sean Brocton ht ature crm “sna” alr and he tg sini moved to ge ‘phenomenon when, due to dase water leaking through he clatee hat ae Rett ee a {Stoin nd lds eS ei ed ieee hats ant anes (aus he he he ‘oa ak pe ake) sch Incomes SAE es Peale ado msi ver, The mene m vawtrcatlaions smi hese Hm the pressure eiference (am of water clu), pretties) lt te leks cence init =the resus Com f water ann gee op ewe by lg on) ting moved ip tS ne fecrave (wlio ine oer he Nae eee ee ting ms waht Tet ue dedetcn, prhe dshrge cafes 08 f= Hog betes indy he ginan G, BS SASS as eet aa Siete gis po cnn iby “Fae fe den then SWRA jet to ats presse on ae sie Leis tes een te rane (eng Sku Shep caitae Te ic ite STRAT mom” SOS tee To ery Te BO DOH) “0 ts 2 ‘ig 1. Diograms of» aphaical are atoning the hatagecernce om the downstvan se | BESS = NY seca Zia : = . = 5 . a 2 ° ? le + z ZL aH a 5 5 ° g j rm { Nooo rah. u . Nie < it A 4 Joi * ABE Mei ‘ophat Eni. ® where azthe yslocity of sb pressure waves (0/9), and Se ara sve the presure ig et te sae the i of sincpea Adiga period sadfa of the pensock (where the fection i tdectan Soames tbe wie ot Fhe ata) econ pei te cre fo slings fly se. . , an 3S shows he determination of overpcesure oSing tothe same principe to tbe eave where the C Samet dette na ie Eales alts The overprenure ie deteoned forte cate when, 3 Spee Hearance the presares on eiber si of the vale ES (oer innced tnd he dtchasge instantly sopra "Te ibvation of the giealmays oveur 3 opr clear anaes thee aulsng amides ve of the sn ae te ing ee do Eat ee having th eewance on the dovases sali: higpasiny Seat at he eae Sees Ypsing prewuges, args sacs of the Bendlog distortion) rete, wife under tower pesures Ife am ns ee ie a ogi see Ef oc dlewance bad ihe bending disor. Frureaing presmrecslftiong can oceur Fg 3) Pete le dens with crtltons oa valve of tht dejgetvns 2 enpiyem ie Sey shine nessare 3, and thro the eben of the SARIN "feching fom the dbtonion can be Geter SERIE fog inteconsdertion the dscargedvecon Fined Pipe crane wi especie een Of ‘Storton BoEhcton of the leakage clearance isindocedadsooal al. Iy.by the orang amplitudes ofthe closing gale, Theree ‘ore for deeaogion of te ebectve with 0 84.) £06 pcer to xa Bt fa he pater of ae ‘isattons onéer changeable presi loading Vibrations of the closing gate “The Gong gate eased to bes singe bending team ippowed Shed by oth the bea, wh a knows see and now beading siortin fy atthe sate Pare dy By de Safran ee hing aut of te beam com aways be deter hte pen ema me epen fost * in cca of regular or ineglar change of this force with espe to fine, seated. Geena of the ‘Slchiting cute jerome copied For tht feasoa NG IR Ge tbe geaphicannyoel meod show in Fig a bas been apes aking no ecovot_ the theorem of momestum aufratn wie Gba Pre ol Be action foto duced by internal sestes (ig propostional {0 ilocen ihe dagacren Othe ae Os Ghcstauowaive tie eras Af hat heen elated, “ihn earl ang care ar een ‘obtained for Varous pattern offre change Pg 3). Te Dolicmnof thse cree fe Sealy slated fo he eharate Eluse of hechonsag force Te say, ai pont opdions—bolh inthe ese of. inareasingfovr and deccasig fce—have been ah Fftecomilrtion, andthe tine f the change ave been ‘ose dur inceusingSelacement fa Wel ithe {hue ofr edocsion toda derenttas-Ospsement "The mean position ofthe mas between the maxim and enna guclating elacent i called the tog ann wie te nocement ofthe mass to ether ‘ide of ths veteed toa 5 the main carsctensics of ibe ossitations resting frome sniyn ve raphe towe im Fig 3, and Ste flows Pn. Winans montero rad change a ce, 0) The oiling ons is always placed from the eld) posiions for Hate Beading corespoasiog to adie for F “G.When force Febangs, the oslatog amplitude y ‘liens nthe Sune ov opprte direction depecing ot Re dicetlon od seo he cspiseement atthe monet of change tn force In the case of postive change of fore F (nest), ntl goalie ate apie se, a ‘sur betnel the new enilatog an a he poston SUS Ginieo proous Speen Piz. 30 fed 2). Io the case of opntve chang of fore F (crs) Oe GSeRie NB get to e se outing ais and tbe positon Aixtancebeteeen faumn doploenent (See Bar 3 oFise pevoae Mp patil cies, the changes af force Fe changes of in rata cates, the change offre Fe changes vate? pete cae tar er Sewer dpendng ou the Nach tthe ence ete. Gand show ht the extreme dlcements of ieftom the so poston bohthe ee cet So ot ie very och, Wheretore 4 further ses fo Keeton wd ni Gd toa to Since the peo of the ene vba i coneay sonilr (214% thn he Grating pro be wat ence), Be Shige tus he Ae ESS sao be apt eet section ofthe earns Src the exlston ctu y is thcefore seasonal 19 cuir at an esive Shor arance which it ot iced bythe ide. “Chane earace det aon ae dn fam Bee stseve the nea adverse condo, the Fm ant rosin posite smpliodes le feng Bene St oe ine othe Froth ow on, the designation il be we en for 102 Sa ecent of the emitatiag axl Tom the 210 rand he desgatin Jt en ee ot ‘Cereonding, to the ofcilaing charcceisies mene tioned caer water (2) 498 (2), the tower dts on Tage 7 wil he tthe fine of md ent Foun ace ciation eltignetig a obra ane ed for eran ees ren Fhe actos dharge character the See Spi wl tae ite scount the duction ef Se aestinc wit pressre incense. The eecive values Ue earance setoling fem the displacements ofthe Sorte‘ tatc ne to be desided by eonidrng the go> neti eatonsips (Fe. “They wil be desigted a8 flows: Saclearance design with (oslonded ale), encesroncereetion corresponding 10 ai bending ‘Sltordon fam state presoe Py eaclearance reduction corresponding 10 an optional ‘y=additional clearance reduction corresponding to the ‘impiiude “The eetve dearance witha an optional pressures 5-8-4) ~ PANS Pts throne at drope (Ja Fig Nn equal (Boor et egusl tothe earance when tere "Re otSinaet of the osclatng axis change propor. scat te peur ad thy fe aig tae Trhuaisht ne oe. At resueed presse Mat thee eke Ra reson peste Folioing caution Is neon @ wi re Fi 7 pat fhe mpi wi ana tee ia GE. adie by Fe Teak ee hianl staight line @ i Oe fit of Boe mathe ae brie ctl bat oS Leet a eta Sie tneetiahtcte Pty te anit nnn SEE Me See lap dyt i Maleate i Set ee el git yo reeset Ie Sea Oe eta geseintath se aied se Wats bE.) andy ‘rcilstoas in| 1 the Gal charge thigh the design eerie 5 Js fnuodused, 3 flows: seed) ° vcore Hi tai water peare Gn of woe clu Beas AT glee ane a gat dertatesoscuinen(e-42) 00 6 Titi cattn of al ene cri ‘The commrion between tbecate ¥ and ¥ (oneepond- Inport decane 45 ely ows devon aca Schayes foc the Heal ones ‘To prenent iernsing prestre eeations, 2 abe incingon af the sharcierie ¥ sould be Sined So thatthe dharge gy tthe end ofthe second rele Pulod il be prese:than the dharge gat ed The rs perio Gg 0), “rh iting ee (Fg 89), wben goog and Als A ict oh Selene ht Ct te di nthe admis opefation apes, "To examine geoeal ease of vahe operon, the follomiepraaive duane are introdteed ge ate Sgmtbe perms pressure rise ya tebe posure drop in the ie pein’ Ina Bi the preeue ss nthe seond prod c= Sulpenthe slave width ofthe devin Cerin with resyet toe piven sls fedocton fy. fe Fass ftoasovot, Ea (6 forte fio. i (Eater anor ate the fatlowng erin Bmind'Ea ealelpiom. “= ‘or the second period (state 2), it follows from Fig. ta oemndirarn=vil+h) 2H +A%, b nenllgget nn (tet) potne= nll 420,29) o sad the reson tcarg i ‘host tw ogi Shaatemarseee rent teres smrnaernd 0) 2 dion, ishing into consideration Eq, 2) ané Fig, se folowing wa for any cases” ©) °8 Ft 1=24,~(Atgtana)=2q,~h4dtha0a) 9) ‘To cbiaio she four voknowa quantities gu gy hy and pin addon to te hee equations) @) sad Uo, oe ri conden ao need Penton ala fom the prise presse se hy giving (oecorng Io Figs) she rleratenkngeecharbe ay "ie dcbrge i nga tbe when, Bie losing ofthe earnce the wbraions ae sil moderated Shae dearance i educed by the sai alde ge The, fom Fa. (9) turns out, for pa snd tue Sa ) exa( ve it pet settneshdts) schon 08 “Tain ft acount Ege. (0) and (1) et iB he fourth condi rabid by. wi {30st heJO1—A) AU an elton fis enon, whee My as and eae imine, “gives. be folowing” ste pendence ERS. ce dap ha lel pri oe y= QP) MAE) + he) ay 1 mre gin: ln reece OND EONS rene gue SE oon, ciao Sassrharareina solLAA RNIN IAAI) Gay NO a For epuoray-hosen parameters hy hy hy deerme by Ea. (1) there value hn by ined i ’s graph as the sbacsac. “Ths the caver Aesconsani-are eblansd, showing the relatansip Deter there wath of dara 5th pes Bid “The curve, at wel ae all the equation, ae valid regards ef wheter pretre oclitione afer The ‘Sond peod incest of aot Geer es ory Sherman mie eafldh nh) —J— A wt d= VA tO) and 8% 09) by cmeng hepa Reig te atin on he ‘optipenting curve of hun the Fie) graphy ts care ab Gaines and is rprents te thee Te ‘Satween the somal and loses operating ange Tied of the eae inthe inadonee sage ot "fo deme in which ange a ceri operon case Hes on te Hp, 9 paps, yareacters of the ye bane bee jorgduced. By equating Be (3) with Ea (3, and inserting Bey. we OBtan: bale _argysn aD ayant 00+ Wit te parameter K, uitag the effective vals ofthe ste ows gonsyri, eDhaa a wv) RD Sesane i Fa yan cunt a tne lig pt ‘his equation (or «ca be pet into the flowing foe: iit as) ‘This eprsents the group of curves Koysconstut. wi ‘ne of fem crrespendg tothe gives fase: An option point on ths cure aver ont abstr the rave Wid Sibert Cai cegonding nee he ranges is ncery 19 proceed a6 in the foowing comple Praccal example, Let vabe diameter D=26000%m, the Redvction eosin ot pressure Hye ibm of Water ‘column, aa p= Further elie pigesection $= 7-07 the veloity of the presse. wavera=I130njs, andthe pormisale presbte ie h=a072 ‘According to Eq} 30 tanen gg =163 ‘According to B,(17) 01 49 Foetes “O09 00193 ap Ne Son 1 Bp 9 the pin of i curve a 02 Base aca 54 bu this point sin the ead opeetng ge Another poi ig 09 the suse eve bu fae ‘dmiable Tange must BE chosen, eg at exes NcOD sod ate "The secesy ith ofthe clearance is: 44=09)=62%095=59mm ‘The dese presure rte of 202% cannot be met, and thecife eles ree of approumsly 25% mt be aliowel of « more tong gate should be Ceigt ythones eof) hoes 0, the eres fr gg) and 6, for exami wil eoccapond ‘The jrmisie reduction would then be ‘9 25 =00193)25=00807%m=0-7Tm and the clearance woud be: Ja6x071=4640m Sonetsione seta ot on gen he determining then of the emi cut ing wih freeing ecto Eohcne Comply Spal Up Gal ae fino ts bed ho. pow a cating ti int Race sce 2 fers ‘ues have been—by porcine age Some of the asamp aed might ol quite ewes: pond ioctl conditions, ® For niane he bring dionion of the exe ate athe ged aap dasa hs coiced tbe ftps te pcan of ete Sf pty of le adihe pe rates sumed Bea ede tents ihc cot efi msl af Spe vag po {ition a by the eondions inthe trannioe) aod the Infor ena mi wih olan a Heponie pipes ino means tt gence ae gored he el ofthe say ht probally oe Sie tak ates Sey The dese py ncn, sh 5 outing ges ee BO the Mite hates Peony ove th nou CE fle Bearing thes factors in mind, the esas obtain Sear eee ‘From Bg (hte namic coon eps by ennai b+) sea tensa eo nda hg stn Pe es ee {Tana the prowaron ews te cere Saag

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