Jaeger - 1963 - Theory of Resonance

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Publisher The Society Place of New York City ISSN 0097-6822 Yolunospse Vel BSSeree 2—— Volumeiissue Dec 1963 putfication Aithor of C, Jaeger Title of Paper The theory of resonance in hydropower ystems, Additional LCN: 02002053 Verification National Bibliographic Publication date of YD Paper Pagination 631 ‘source Database/VOYAGER Current Requester NLNZ:AWOR ‘Symbol Requestor Maunsell Limited Library Name Material Type Serial Service Level Normal Sorvice Type Copy non returnable 1 Media Type 4 Photocopy Status In Process Authorisation To be Acknowledged Status Copyright This copy request is for the private Text study or research of the above user, or complies with 554 or 885 of the Copyright Act 1994 Copyright NZ copyright requirements ‘Subtype Service Level Normal Expiry Type Cale From Expiry Days Expiry Date 05 Dec 2007 Requested Electronic Mail Delivery Method Reg. 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The purpove of this oper is to summarize the actual bnowledge of this perticwar chapler of practical fiwid ‘mechanics and to open the way lo more advanced research. 1 Historical Background Resonanes in ppatines was sated intially by L, Allievi [1}! and de Sparre and a few years later experimentally on large existing penstocks and lsboratory pipes by three French eginer, nary, Gamice) Eydocn, Gara Ei} (116-1019), tnd the Selon Newt ood Bouther "They disoyered at & ponsodk formed by aifeeat weton wily diferent dieters thdjor thicker howe Ivo ferent pred: "Tho “tee puri in given by tou of th prods of the pipe etione with lengths Lay Ly “ye tte Me where a, ay and a re the wave velocities nthe sections 1, 2,3 civesy bom lat Ta Tato td Om a rerage a0 ‘eli. When a very shor wave earls ai the botom of pipe and setora thre after reflection at the top end, te period Theantes the theoretical value Ba. ‘The socond period in called the “apparent pio” Tt fers from the theortiea, being sly shorter Tm pipeline with nonuniform diameter, the paiod of the fundamental rei varstions isthe apparent perid. The three French engineers diwovered that, ob the contrary, the hrmonis ate related to the thoretial period, "The theoes of the renance of fandamentals and ofthe rewonance of overtones, te, thorfore, cite differnt. Tt has alo boon extabobed r= Derimentlly that ef unally the odd irmonics whieh occur, Whether the pipeline as constant diameter or varying dlemtess and plate thickens, ‘Ateres of papers by de Sparre, Foch, Schnyder, Bergeron, snd others, dealt wth somo special problems wih’ are tlated to econdace. A method for elelatng the resonance of the funda Oa = 1 Numbera fn brackole designate Reforonses at ond of paper Contributed by the Hydrealic Division and presauted) ai the Winter Annual Meeting, Now York, N. ¥., November 25-20, 1963, of Tas Anremican Sooty or Mretisncat Ewonmens. Manusesipt Feceived at ASME Headguartars, Augtst 9, 1002." Paper No. G2 Wass ‘mental in a pipe with nonuniform diameter was published by the ‘writer in 1936 and the theory of pressure oscillations caused by hharmovies was developed short time later (1989). Other Dapers by den Hartog, H. Favre, and Y, Roceard extended the theoretical knowledge. A more general approach ie stil Inking ‘and it is hoped that the presont say will erry knowlege asiep forward, ‘The extent of damage caused in hydraulic systems by pressure resonance ean be quite considerable, and has been described in a paper published in 1048 in Cisil Bngineering and Public Works Review, London (14). ‘The most eteiing case isthe catastrophe of the Lac Blane-Lae Noi pumped storage station, whore w great power station was completely destroyed. ‘Other eases can be mentioned where vibrationa of este valves, valve seals, air valves, guide vanes, ete, euused major pressure ses and sometimes extensive damage 2 Theory of Resonance 2.1. General Theory of Mermonles.t Camichel, ydoux, and Garis! used the method of the rotating evel, located st the downstream end of « pipeline. By varying the speed of rotation until resonauee occurred in the pipe, they were able to initiate different types of vibrations snd to messure thelr frequency. ‘They confirmed Allievi’s thoory that in any pipe of length L and constant characteristics, open at the upper end, the fundamental ‘ean oveur, having a period of @ = 4Z/a.- They aleo proved thet hharmonies are possible, but as long as the pipe is opan at the ‘upper end, odd hsrmanies only areobteined, ‘They alzo showed that odd harmonics ean geet in composite pipalines with multiple charsctertice, provided the com- posite pipe is of « well definad type. ‘The object of this chapter is to interpret by mathematical analysis the findings of Camichel, Rydowx, and Garie, The 2Tho theory summarized in this paper relates to a number of specialised cays on the resonance problem, some of which ere Dublished many years ago, and to which the eader le referred. ‘The ‘Symbols uced azo these adopted by thees authors Nn a @ = period of pressure wave (appar ‘ie = initial pressure at any point eat) velocity i; 4 am inital velocity roflection function; aay = —fi/ls Oy = theoretical period of pressire 9 . asinall quantity wave = = distance of a point from origin area integer or number of harmonic ZL. = length of pipeline or tunnel 4H = pressure head pena me a = velocity of pressure wave D = diameter phase difference between two nm = mumber of half periods m = 26/0 waves ‘y= pressure at eny point = scecleration due to gravity J = frequency Journal of Basic Engineering pecemser 1963 / B31 f So [* C/ hms KY Fu teeatment is based on Allevi' theory of water hammer in simple pes and to some extent on the generalized theory hy the wives 16,15) “et us considera complex eysiem of conduits sch aaa shown in Fig. 1. ‘The gute in at 0, and ie any point not nesesaly int of discoatinuity. Howover, the sector 0 is suppened to se a constant setion. Het us actuate the gute with sbythmle alternating move- ‘bens similar to Camiche’s turing cock method, whowe period 's supposed to synchronize with the period of Od. We dis- {inguish between even times and odd times; eg, for even times ‘he gate is assumed closed, and for odd times it will be open, ‘As soon ag 8 movement of resonaneo hes been established, it vs ree toa permanent regime ‘At even times n ~ 2, 2n, n+ 2, the gate mechanism boing coved, the veloity atthe gate is 20to, end dary = ane = ase 0 1 the permanent regime is really eatabished, the pressure at the gate should always be the same, or Hare = His = Hts =... ee, a At odd times, the gate is open. But when the regime of rhythmic oscillations is established, a8 experience shows, the velocity at tho gate must be zero, go long 4s one neglects the losses of head in friction, and the pressure at tho same point aust be equal to atmoepheric. Hence Beet = Hos = Hay = 0, _ Equstions (2) ar ako connected by the Bornoult theorem, ‘hich considered as lvaye valid inthe theory af waters, For the sector Od of the conduit (tig. 1) the welLknonn te ‘eqralsof Aion equation ar for say peat and lor any ting Y= wt Pl 2/a) +H0+ 2/0) Yet = thet tats 0 i 8 EE 2/0) — Ket 2/a)] ‘At point 0, fo: 0, they become: Hm Bet FO + 50) tan LK —f0) 2 ‘The hl prod of ex otlaton in OA nll bo m= Bafa, which is taken aa unit of time m= 1. Let us write: fn ele epresenting the conditions for reflection at point A, where cys fo an unknown function which depends on the geometry of the ‘conduit and on the movements ofthe gave? "See reference [6) or roferene [16], p. £95, 632 / vecemoer 1963 From this defition: Pa = —fionlete a0 Jo = —ensPyes Ikean be shown‘ that when ay = -1 Fesonance will oceur, eausing doubling of the pressure st the bottom of the pipe. can alo be shown that ean be developed in a series ofthe forma cs = OUP pas + Fy ct + Paine Fale + anPai + Wer ao... ay ds... ae coeflsints depending only on the geometry of the conduit, In order that a 2a l atom’, tnd odd times it is nesessary for the conduit to have a definite ‘eometrie shape. ‘The shapes of conduits where resonane® ofthis type ean occur have been determined and it hes beon shown thet only std hburmenies ean occur nce the Fundamental ne Pipe With Nenoniform Gharor- tus investigate the resonance of the fandemental ing bipe formed by two soctione characterized by Ly, Dy, a: and Ln Ds a» (Fig. 2). Resonance of the fundamental is tupposed (2 ‘occur with a period # = 42a, which may be different from the theorsicl period dy = M28 4. at Gee When the diameter of « Pipe ia uniform along its whole length £, the goneral water bane mer equations apply. namte(s-2)4s(c48) nf -2) (eo Subseript “1” refer to pipe “1”; “0? tefers to condltiona at time “0.” “F and $0) are the welleaown integration funetione of ‘the differential equations for waves. Theso equations are valid whatever the boundary conditions. Ejuation for Pipe 1. At the bottom end 0 ofthe pipe Uwe Asi n= mt where m = 2/8 Assuming thet the boundary condition at the bottom end 0 in nae of reaonance is v= 0 (Camichel), then with un = 0 the geo- zal wave equation beeomee a= ~ fe ~ fom {Ste reference (20). 10, equation (12), * Bee reference (10},p. 11) aad 112, Fa? Transactions of the ASME » 9 fia FO = 10) = Bin mt for = suming that the waves are sive wave. ‘uation for Pipe "2." Pio "2" is open wb Ss upper end. Presiures are now given by an equation ofthe “Alievi” type for pipes with wt open end: = me GO + KD “where G() and g(t ae integration Functions similar to P@) and 4H). Because total wave retletion oceurs et point C, with ‘= -@ ( 2) ‘and (Allievi's theory): i now 00 -o(i-%) Conditions atthe Junction A of the Two Pipes. ‘The conditions at point A where x, = Ja aod 2 = 0 impose continuity of mass flow or: Aan = date and identity of preenes y= ys "Those conditions finally yield n= v= A coe ma/y ‘and, after a short esleulation, a ‘The most important ease 1d now is Tesonauee occurring in a system of pipe- lines, ‘The discussion will be Mustrated assuming a aysiem of ‘tree pipelines joining at point A (Fig. 3). The moving part ‘supposed to be located at point 0, at the bottom of pipe 1. Pipes 2 and 3 are “open” at their upper end, where waves are totally reflected with change of sign (Alliev’s boundary con ition). Such a aystem would ropresant a conventional arrange ment of pressure tunel (pipe 8), surge tank (pipe 2), and [pressure pipe or penstock (pipe 1) in a hydropower station 'F(0) end J() aro the integration functions for pipe 1, G(f) and (for pipe 2, and similaely H() and R(t) for pipe 3. ‘dentity of pressure for all threo pipes at the point of bifurea- tion A is expressed by: B 4) _ ow —6(1- 2 o(o-B)+r(+48)-o0-0(1-%)) = my 0 (= 2 231 Resonence ofthe Fendamentel of the System. The theoretial period of pipe f which ie eupposed to have a constant diameter Dyis = Alc/ay, Let us assume that the apparent period of tho stem is @ = 01 + ¢) and m = 2r/8 = 2n/10(1 + 6] Te can be assumed that e is small Teean be shown that [8] cis given by: Case of a Wide, Low Surge Tank (Aa/Ax > 5, In/La > 90). Bo is Lnai/ Ete, and the pre- LL, Astley hats oop % Fe bay ah 8 Las 3° 3 Te Let us first neglect the term containing the cot, depending mafnly on Ja/s. Thia amounts to considering a systera of two pipes only: Yand 2. The former equation would then yield: ala ‘Choosing the values Ay/d: > 5 and Le/L2 > 30 as indicated be- fore, « < 1/5 X 80) = 1/150, a velue which is small, as ex- pected. ‘The condition for & cot function to be equally negligible is that cin FO + 2k) or (Cafas\f(Ln/ts) = 1+ 2K where Kis any integer. "This condition expreaees thst the prossure tunnel “3” allows only odd harmonies of the pipe 1. When this condition exists, the resonauce of the fundamental of the pipe is possible and the ‘maximum pressure at the point A, interiection of the surge tank, i given by 2x aa L 4 = Aco o Aceon ARS a+8 where 4 is the maximum pressure at the bottom of pipe 1 123.2. The Resonance of Harmonics na System of Pipelines ‘The rear nance of a fundamental in e complex sysiem of conduits ie theoretically possible. Comichel and his associates have arti- ficinly caused the fundamental to ceillate in several pipes by in- ducing it with a rotating cock, closing and opening at the re- Gulred frequency. In the very few eases where observations could be made—and this ig not an caay job when thousands of feet of penstock aro vibrating —or in tho few enoes where record- nga are available, tho rosonance was induced by a harmonic of the system. ‘ean be shown that, for the harmonies K,, Ke, K; ofthe pipes (refer to panstack or pressure pipe, 2 refers to surge tank, and 3 refers to pressure tunnel), the following equation represents such s aystem of hermonies, Fas Journal of Basic Engineering Ly Ai og a 4, Aas gba om a ands Rese * ad Rn = Ame tl “OREO” ands 2 RGF late na ORO he © {tia implicitly asmumed that only odd harmonies are possible in pecemper 1963 / 633 ee ee ‘he pressure tunnel sad there i a grest probability that the same vill be the case in the urge tank. ‘Tho length of '/ wave in pipe 1 will be (1 + els and there must be (X; — 1) such full / waves in the total length 2 ‘Therefore, @ (i Dat Ob a @®-natess } ‘If we assume that the wave periods in pipe 2 snd in pipe 3 are about the same as in pipe 1, we should equally he (Be ~ 1 + lala < Tala. Lb nates Kite Similarly, the condition for the pipe 3 (pressure tunnel) roads (K& <1 on +02 Tha Lord Hg = static pressure y= aay dynamie pressure For any pressure y, the leakage through the gep is given by pecemser 1963 / 639 Sst Sneelaseheeecaapaaadcciaesaicassenccil Qa Ay Via = OG A (6-4) vi ‘The diacherge Gy through fully opened bypass valve is Ge = A264 For y = nil = AV ats Va ‘The condition for the surges not to increase and for resonance to be impeaible is obviously thatthe discharge for y = Hs should be loss than for y = nHlo(n > 1), 0° (a + Ad igi < A/V ft hac Vid A> eG Fora = 2, A A Ae a Ae Va-1" 043 “Experience soem toshow that «bypass valve smaller than tha ‘valve will do, as the damping efeet of loseea as been neglected. Dade § Summary “Investigations on resonance in simple or complex pipes started with Allie, Cathiebel, Bydoux, Neeser, ote, at the beginning of {ho century, Resonance was induced by these research worksrs jn lenge pipes using the method of the rotating cock. “Attention ‘ea forased on the resonance of tbe fundamental of the masin pipeline. Mrcoant incidents have shown up tho far greater danger of com~ Dinations of harmonies. Past incidents and accidents ean be ex plained Ly new theoreticel developments "The maguitude of modern hydropower stations makes it im- perative that the problem should be investigated wit the grcot- cesticare. "Te writer would like to take this opportunity of paying tribute to the deccion teken by the engineers of Quobes Hydro and H. G.- “pores to eazry out teste at Bersimis II Station after the initial incidence of this phenomenon. Hydropower caginvers through. tout the world ‘wil applaud their thoroughness in earrying out this valuable investigation snd so providing a meat useful eontsl- bution ta our limited understanding of resonance [18 "There is 2 universe lele of published experionce of resonance occurrences, aud the writer would like to see more bydromyster Operating concer coming forward to provide details of incidents, Ten a eoture fo the 10th Congress of the International Assoeia- toe eae lie Reseaveh thos bean shown how the presse Los thos fovea be introduced in tho Sohnyder Bergeron diagrams snd Pure tations for ielpient resonance depend ox thiscarve and tn'the boundary conditions at the gates oF val, B40 / DECEMBER 1963 {eis known that there have beon many eases of resonance which, Ihave been declared inexplicable, and the analysis of these. may ‘provide invaluable knowledge which may help to prevent; more oat failures in futare Acknowledgments “The author wishes to convey his thanks to the Quihes Hyéro- Biectsie Commission, the Central Rleetrcity Generating Bosrd, ‘Means, HG. Acres, Messrs, Frosman Fox and Partners, Mess. Kennedy and Donkin for permission to publish information om Berimis II Powor Station and on Flestiniog Pumped Storage Plant, References 1. 1. Alles, “Teoria del cope darista.” Maa; Italy, 1908 and p18; Boplsh translation by almos (ASME, 1929); ove also de Sparta, La. Henle Blanche, 1909-2007. Te fal iydouy, Gare, “Etude Théorique et Bxpéimen: tai dos Coupe de Baler,” Dunod, Paris, France, 1018; and ssvers! Motes 8 Académie des Sziencae, Pave, Pennee a aecContabution A Ewe dea Coups de Béier dav ls Fa Weacrvoie dA,” Toulouse, Branca, 1920 ness Mattos, sMeshanteal Vibrations in Pestocka of 13 dene tn Tati” Pee ASHE, wo St 3829, Hye ria. vinings, Didkings; Knapp, Santos, “Syenposiam on Water Hammer," ABBIE and ASCE, 198 BG faeger, “Thtorie Générale du Coup do Bibi,” Paris, France, 1888. ee reagan, “Note aur le Coup de Bier dans les Condultes {ut si ie Or de tins 3 May, 1035, 3 ©. Jue, dutes Foregor b Crraoteistignes Multiples, 55,1986, “Note yu les Phénombnos Péviodiauits ans lex Con "Lo Houle Blanche, vol 3°, Rocoerd, “Le Phénomanes d'Auto-Orclltion dos les estellations Hy drauiques;” Pars, France, 1027, Se theory of Remasnoe in Presse, Conduite,” pide ASME, Yo. By 1090; se0also several Noteo & Feats de ‘Seencea, Paris, France. ‘ene Pre “Ln Résguance des Conduites & Careetriatiqnes ivbairtnt Wialslea,” Bulan Pechoique de la Suinee Romande, ‘als68, Mace 7 and 21,1982 1 eter,“ Drucksidece ia Drunklitungea.” Miellungen on aly vl 3 no 3/4 February, 1049; 980 also Bulletin Pecknizve Weid Suiowe Romande, May, 1900, 7 Pee cer ecancan dvwoh, Wasveratsse und Palestiones in Dea Gaeee Wanerinalt und Wasseruitekast, vol. 38, 26, 8, March, 168. ae oregon « Water Hammer Difecta in Power Cond Se plas Works view Condon), February/March Pe fogs, with detailed bibliography. Aloo Journal, nattue Pein Buisuers, Paper No. O49, Pebrasry, 1948 ee Scee, "Baginesring Tiuid, Mohan ‘Now Honk, 1957; German edition, Basel, 1940; sas brant ek dy chapter 3X, by Cs Tasgee | Water Hammes, ‘Gleagow/London, 1988 legge / London fori des Coupe, do Bali dans le Conduits & corebltintes Lingatrement Variables le Long de TAx6." Rerue Sete der tpareatinus non 19,20, 2, 22,22, 24; 1985. ra ae Seott. AW L, ibson, and T. W. MoCale, "Measure; mana H Kao Oullstion ino Hydro-Electic Bupply Tunnel and ee Gk Sytem,” ASME Peper No, 62—WA159 Transactions of the ASME

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