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ILL Request Item 1 of 4 ILL no 3054433, Status 27 Nov 2007 Change Date Title Journal of basic engineering. ‘Author American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers Place of New York, N.Y. publication ISSN 0021-9223 Series Transactions of the ASME (1959) ; ser. D. Title / No. Author of Wylie & Streeter Paper Title of Resonance in Bersimi no.2 piping system Paper ‘Additional LCN: 61035907 Verification National Bibliographic source Database/VOYAGER > aes Tone Current http:/Aill VDXaction=IlIDetails&illno=3054433&hit=1 &p. 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No distribution is then permitted by transmission { or any other means. scone, { Resonance in Bersimis No. 2 Piping System {Cel Engineering Department, Daventy of Micigen, ‘ann Arbor Mich: WEA condition of resonas Professor of Hydrate, ff completes Useveny of michigan, IE characteristics and the resonating cond ‘Ann Arbor, Mich Mem. ASME Introduction AAs interesting example of rornance at Bernie No. 2 Hydro-Eketrc Development was reported in 1082 by McCalg, Gibeon, and Abbots [1] The exellent ld data prov vite iy the reson ofthe orignal ratanetion sad mbeeguont entrlad fexng canbe wed fo goo cage in validating 4 "Tue prpore of this payor isto explain tho rss the plant vibra at solecta! Fete nn ith defini es Ulnchage ampitacy that iy to explain te rtevain of {his partial fld-eonsnoo case. To this ond Ue imesinee theory presented ithe companion paper, *Taonsnoe in Pres puri Piping Speer’ 3) sted Yo abaya the atom. Tn tition, th emplte Berson sytem i pogrimd finn th dst mpeg fh hart andthe fettenating eons ane. pro The Bersimis sper we dosed, flowed by a dont tion of tho eace of reemance, The enales thon prmnad dit the mene ing sed ond vompanad tthe td of the acid nitions omnans Description of Plant Tformon for asaysis was oa fre [1249] with adie ional detail being recived by persons! communiestion wit Mesos. I. W. MoCaig and W. 1. Clbion of H. G. Acres and Company, Ltd, Niagara Falls, Canad Fig. Lshows « profe of the power development system whi Fig. 2 illustrates the major details of the penstocks. The straightflow valyo located st the end of each penatoek is shown in Fig. 3. _Acillistzated, the valve door isin the elaed postion When open, tied ress in te space above the pipe, within the "Numbers i brackets desiquate References ab en of pape Gpntetbuted by the Pla cand presented wt the Applied Mechaeit-/utls Husineerng Conferente, Washinton DG, dune 7, 1065, of Ties Asean Boenegy ov Myunawient Ryomanns. ‘Mavs renived at ASME Healgvarters, February 83, 1908, Bayne No. BT-I0 A= eroseectional ate of pipe Kr tem modulus of elasticity, @ © = lumped capacitance Uso) Ce yee 1 = effective length of choke or neck P= resitmiee fartor such that Hype a esse rai of tewnator Fy QSL, = instantaneous discharge at leaky Hay, = vainples number notation for im a atuncous head at «point; — Quy, — eaxnplex number for instant subript designates Ineation ue dinghange ata point; sabe HP = total instentaneavs head at ript designates levstion Ive i pens rae hall HVE ~ total instantaneous head in vote Ive bud VN = total in 1 = luinped inertance,d = E'Zgd Journal of Basic Engineering VL STREETER Fiore ompliuces re cxplana ves programme for saat he mare seeds He oly scared ffedia pipe passing throug sealed a Tnakage path exists from the sine 2 in a large hydroelectric da! selected froque ve body, "The valve bods is sphe i. When tho valve i tal computer usin ne th alin shape with the ose Dowdy and ot into the downsize pipe, Bua dost valve is achieved by inflating « Mlesble aorviee se whieh ound the pipe om Uae dewwustran se of the door. olin seal cx bo applied maanally on the upsteoara si door; howeees, this sd is uot norually used, A sinsll valve is Ineated in the val fn th poustack pre presiure lips below Yolurnstrie flow varios inven Jawensinsate pipe Thao asthe servige sea i inated automa sare when. the door it lye, Satin conditions pm val ss frou tha penstock into that provided ‘the Te ws this leaks, togethor w development is analyzed and the os and with definite pressure and dis- ‘The impedance theory is used én the anatysis. The ‘method of Dat not > pipe tn the valve of the tends loot the bypass body. When it it open it permits ralye howdy aod « out into ally with water at ew seal ® small leakage vevars. Th with the seal pressure under ih the elastic station for the vie Accidental Conditions of Resonance and Controlled Testing. Valve vibration occurred aocidentally on two oeeasions. Than were followed by an extinsive vonirolled tosting program during which the valve was fully instrumented. For omvene jenoe in presentation herein, thes occurences will be identified 5 came (a), (3), aud (e) beginning with the controlled testing The most extensive information is available for this fully wetete anentod cate. Caso (a) in Penstock No. 2 The bypass valves np No, 2 ws else cure, was lowored gradually in stops until vibeat pre fn the instimeseate tHe low-pressure lel w ‘This vibra Du ng this test all pastck va stocks Ni The pi al presstre 1 vwere in the closed posit 3, 4, and 5 vere open slow the val ally a€ normal aperaing p van. With, » 45 psi swine vibration was observed not otherwise detevtable. Tho normal, then it was lowerod grat ‘Vibration mamenond a few sromds after rearhed and wradully inereased to a 1 Wat desorbed by wituessos ng Ln bydswnlic impedance at point Htenosed hy sub pox ratio ofp dlisehar ure pe distance alow. pipe phase aude noha 925 or Deingquite vivtout. An {vs obtined before the seal preseury yas restr bration ‘The results of thie test are stnuisrized (1) fn Che following (a) Penstock-valve vibration and prose omeilations in the hydraulic aystem econried sf the soal prenaune waa lowered. belowr tho pinstack pressure yp 25 psd ur mn ©@) The vibsntion pressure-oseation amplituses sta for eaoh seal-prossure wale iy L “(oy Ty incre imately linearly 46 the sal pres val. Th Ilstion anmplitudes were noi na i th way nd tho penstook, Dbat were apprsimistely inthe vatia 24 1 (d) The tznguniey of all the vibrations and vusiations was Sep ‘Au ossilloeraple recon taken during the tesb £2] shows ibe penstock, the seal, and the valve-body puvamres as well 98 the valve-fect disalacement to be approximately inphose. samplitules on the ponstoek and valve-body’ preawure hn ata seal-priseuro reduction of 70 pai were ebout 100 and 240 ft, x spectively. ‘The valve-bate movernent had a total range of bout 0.042 in. All rooordaoxhibitet «sinusoidal waveform, Dis charge records showing the Now fluetaations were not recorded during the test; howover, the leakage under stat vith various lowered seal pressures was obtained, An additional run was made which showed that opening the by- pss valve would also veduce and eliminate the vibration even with the seal prestuts ata subnormal value. Some pressure flictuations were observed at the valves in other ponstocks daring the vibration in penstock No. 2. ‘The bypass valves were purposely opened inthe other penstocks to reduce the possibility of such vibration, ie conditions 926 / vecemBer 1965 4 oF Tunas i oe y awe coo | b Fig. General rangement of pensiock valve [1] ase (b) in Penstock Nos 1 The first awareness of ‘ceurred June 11, 1961 xy malfunction at the Bersinis pla pressure in the service eal of pen. No. 1 accidantally dropped to about 39 pereent of noel erating pressure. ‘The vibration whieh developed vovtinued for about 7 min and was stopped by apening the bypnas val 'At the tne of this occurrence, only No. 5 pensto ‘open, There was no low at penstock valves 2,3, and 4 wud 3 leakage flow at ponstook valve No. 1, Other than the vibratin being described as severe, no specific amplitudes of the «cll tions are known. ‘Tho frequency of the vibration was observed fon records of valve-base displacement. These indicatot « vi bration frequoney of 1.3 eps. Case (c) in Penstock No. 3 ‘The second accident occurrence of vibration happened om Jane 20, 1981. Routine maintenance work on the contro! ss tem was being performed at the time, ‘The penstock valve ws in the closed position and the servioe-seal pressure acsidentally topped to aero. ‘The penstock valve started to vibrate and stopped by restoring the seal pressure ta peustock pressure, No records of the oacillation were msde but pant personnel preset fn the two secidental occurrences estimated the vibration se ‘quencies to be about the same, At the time of this vibratin, turbines 2 und 5 were operating and turbines 1 and 4 were stant ing. Analysis ‘Tho analysis using the impedance theory involves the entre system from the upstream terminal down to the excitation pint then the excter is analyzed separatel tion can exist betwoen the two at tooo if @ matebed condi: my frequeney. Such & co Transactions of the ASME alition w both in physical The ¢ pipe ant am Hela valve a halle thw hn fosd i tubs ean be Jour Fig. 4 Hetmbots tesonetor with through-fow dition would exist when the impedances are approximately oqual, both in amplitude and phase. ‘To carey out this analysis the physical characteristirs of the plant mst bo defined clearly ‘The geometrio properties of tho tunnel-penstork system are spocifod as shown in Figs. Land 2. ‘Tho wave speed, a in each pipe must be estimated, Following Joger’s disoussion (2) the wwave velocity may vary within the eange 3950 to 4600 fps. A value of 1975 fps was used and waa gsanmed to be constant throughout the ayes, Helmholtz Resonator ‘The geometric charseteristioa ond clase properties of the valve are sich that in a resunnes situation, it cts as a Helm= bolts resonstor with «small through-flow. A sehomatie diagram of suck a reanistoris shown in Rig 4, Tn the short tab famous of did usillstes back and forth. Sineo the neck is short the fluid exn bm assume to move as a solid plug. The volume of fiuid in the ealve-body enclsary ig relatively Iaryge and acts essentially as liquid spring Tf high vebitins oceur in the small fabs, high frictional foas will be associated with it, This loss fan be ei to be comcantratod st one Focation in the tubo 90 the fntire valve can he analyied ag « lumped-porameter model. A Tinearigad cstmption on the frictional loss resulting from the osaillatory flow ie adequate, ‘Thus wo consider a resistance such tht the frievignal foros oppesing motion has & magnitude fequal t3 «constant # tm the diser Ta this particule ca9o an wstimatod hee loss of one volosity Tend wae tua, Using the Lieatiged apace P » wwhexe 2 Je the avers veluely in one direction during 2 hs period. hy the neck is ropessonted by A, while Wy and Qxe ane cnnples numbers rapresemting head chamge resulting from frictional effects and oscillating dischange in. the meek spectively. Tho iseating seal fora a natural anasiietion b= treven the penstrk and the valve body. ‘The area ofthe opening tho penstock, With the abating aoe completely. with which ts Ne2oniosl postion, shisazea is 188.9q TW Judes Ue aetnal length of the eon oh ond sin fluid at Tenth of this choke or mock station plug an allowance a nied and dovolorated with th hese Ioeatinns mast bo nee uid in the cork. Ay edoetive loagth, £’, of 5.9 fh was wed, The volume ofthe yalve-body’ cavity, wa eaetated fo be 1900 nth. The sombined elasticity of tho Huid ane! the vatve body i, wos entansted 4s 21,500,000 pel Ti Fis 4, the section Bis eonuoeted to the turbine en of th penstacs. Using the ipedanoe ilationships presented in th feompanion paper, Zs the tporlaer at point Z, ean be computed Soa the details af the attached systesn, With sh for tho valve-bodly res aky sea. following tlaionsips ean be osp Qs = Qy = Qyy anil Hy + Hy + Hy = He ‘The suhseripted values of Q and wenting inataatancons dischar Dy the subscript. Hf is the hoad change FF are complex numbers rep nnd heads at « point designated ulting foun the i= Journal of Basic Engineering certance of the Suid in the neck, Since Z, = H74/Qu, where 2 is any point Ziq = By ty 2, nH inertance uf the Examining the resonator volume, where Zy = dl, und Zp = FT tho ump neck defined hy T= 1/44 Hay, = Hyes = Horan Os = Quins +Q5. Therefore Fs @) Be + Eas y where Zs = ‘ol, and Zs 14 defined by equation (2). ‘The Tunpod eapacitence of the valve is represented 1 Cy ¥/K", where 7 is tho unit weight If the througilow tthe leaky seal i lot volume fl rate in iba mock, Qgea = —Qay and the mata Froqueney of the resonator ean be determined. This frequeney, consent a the froquenoy at which maximum pressare fucka tions oceut vithin she volume, exisla when the dischance oscilla tionm are Largest in the nook: that ia, Qe > 2,00 Zq— te Zy will bo zen whan both ite peal and imaginary patts ane som ‘The natural frespteney is determined ob tain pntovar om a = (ih) = (RAY = sto rad ove sing the same trousheflow, the sunplitieae an bo valvulated. | Denoting the sure ratio by PR, wo have pon sutituting and siaplifying, ssurnption on ¢ tion in the resonator in Fi ampication factor at pr PR= |H/B| = [2al/lZu r i VW “eee y]® IF the resist factoe, Fin small, the pe 6 For cise (a}, the resting fruqueney of 5.6 eps or 24.5 red be Weis 244, For case (1), a the Seequaney of 1.8 eps or ‘ean ony bo eunsidered B13 rad por ee, PR iy 10% ove has not been iced With due system eoupletely defined, the inapedance at be esihJe sorview sea! can be evahusted, Tnakuch as all of the myers of ave fied, the sondin-end impedtan Toa fumetina of ftwqueney only. For a aysters of this compl the culoulations are Jeneth the use of the eamputer. I presonted a for case (8). ‘The specie dotaila of the system ne in- cast would be prohibitive withont ills of the impedance « was m Fig. 8 far ¢ tuded in exeh Yor example, the bypass valves are dpm in the inactive poastucks for ease (a), and only No. 3 pen- Bock has any threnghefios in ease (2). ‘he im tiixgrimn fr ease (2) shows that the lowest fre~ auene 1 sal fnwoseilation wil] produce resonating Thorw ate other possible ses ‘nad some at about 43 ondition i at 33.1 rad per 5 ating frsjuencios ieumediaiely followin fal por sods, Tie Latter eotrespond to the natural Seequeney of the fluid ia the valve body. ‘The particular feoqancy at which tive aystern raionated is dependeat-apan the Feakage at the in fut 1 oondition roust exist betiveon the i 1 the importsnce of tye mechs eon The imped ancr diagrara fr ease (>) shows the lowest frequency at wih 4 snall flow oscillation will peotuce a resonstin ton is at 1 sail, Por pire sine waves, a matel mnie Taal pov se, the moennd at 124 rad per see. Others pecenser 1965 / S21 Fig. 5 Impedance diagram, ponsock No. 2 = exist around 35 and 1d 46 rad per sec. Again, the one at reduction initiat ‘hich the system resonated is dependent upon the eskage at the valve eal a high-pressure wave which xe) mieshalf period later ata Tower prossure, The prone allows wp slightly, increasing the wave, The lnv-pressire wave setur set the seal, the sing the leakuge gap, d ye considered, A diss amplifying the highspreswure wave. At the same time os this mn is presented, followed by the sri 19 rao, opening the seal leakage Leaky Seal ‘o-half porod later a a To evaluate the characteristirs of the lea clastic behavior of the entire wal cession of the valve and se equation used to doseribe the di Whi the seal small steady-tt easing the flow, nd * of eventa is taking place the valye-body eavity is acting a8 complying value a yorates the seaLleakago changes. Ata sufficiently low pres akaw ocaurs. It addisturbance is inttodueed in the valve body, the seal pressure eventnally exeoods the valve- rss is lowered ta some subnorm tosonve point of the aystere vending a high-pressure wave through body presture and the flexible seal expands to form a complet the penstock to the valve, the valve door ia moved, closing the closure, thus limiting further d tof te pressure fluc Teakiue gap slightly. ‘This area reduction and simultaneous low tions. ‘The seal leakage is also ent aff on the highepressae side 928 / vecemser 1965 Transactions of the ASME — wy, Fig. 7 Leakage curves of ponstock valves of the easllation sinev the high penstock pressure moves the door to forma tight cloeuxe with tho slighty defiated flexible seal "The natural frequency of the valve-door mechanism becomes of interest since in the foregoing diseussion itis assumed to re Spond almost immediately, ‘Tho nataral frequeney of the Ber simi valves [2] 58 125 eps. a high watural frequency would have Tittie effet on the compar atively low resonant frequencies which actually occurred im accurate msthersatieal representation of the seal leskage would apparently he auite enmpiested singe its deseription should jnclude in aven of oTening which is a funetion of the penstock valve bos, and seal pressan heads while the head difference teasing the ow is ns valve-body pressure. One parent, si fhe experi- rests from the fact that records slime the the v in-phase a last in e480 (0). An euatvas af the fori of tho orifice equation is desired but i nist inclute the special properties roentioned in the hati, ust shutoff the flaw ate penstock pressure ification Pressure oscillations approxi- static condition} ie mnist permit masisonm Hw some the static condition: and 3 rouel again shut off the fo tiv head difference causing the How becomes sero. of the fora 8h = CC, = HP) VB = Co 2) was used vith the subsoripted constants being evaluated for ack sibnorias! soa pressure, QSL, HP, snd YB represent Tnstantanenus velues of seal ditehargo, total penstock gressnre Mt the valve, and total valve-body pressure, respectively. In iby the p stork put the orifice is corvectly represented by th Tals pressure and the ennstant Cy controls the lowe Hhutofl. All negative flows from the equation surves for the normal sel pre press The relia wo Teakage ws (a) and (D) ae oe wn in Fig 7 haw is exsentially no low when the valve-body ‘atic conditions, and peak flow oocurs at a pre (200 ft. IF tho pressure drops as Yow as 50 ft the How scat shuts off. Assuming the pressure dors not drop this far, there will be contiquons low ab low pressures and 1 flow st high This is a condit sidored az 4 1s0deq phase shift, although we are not For case (a presate is abo ie of ab n which cart be oon pare sine waver. Hooking at the impedanes 5, Journal of Basic Engineering the phase angle required at-a frequency of 38.30 mid per see is approximately 181 deg. ‘The impedance magnitude is about 31 With the seal discharge varying between O and 16.1 fs pesaure hed should fluctuate over « total range: of about 500 The minimurn pressure would be the tion regarding euntinaots flow is reasonable The pred soine astm Perfect sie waves fe numbers ee ap ow the basis of The equivalent frequency fi psi p.188 se fan 83.55 ad per se Referring to Fig. 7 for the seal charaetevitirs of case (b), the flow wll be shut off hon the preseare head is above 530 f€ ond well Ine onwxiimmn at aboot 285 ft. Should the pressure doy Delo 20 ft the low ill again shut off. For the first two mypestance nusitade i greater ‘he scat divehan rnin, fre than 90 sie, with teen Oanul 2% ef, woul indicate a pressure fluctuation sreater than twice the static heady assuming the existence of pure sine ‘waves, With this amplitude of ation, the flow Trould shutoff at the low the high presrare wll a and would exist only in the intermediate to low-pressure ri Th the steady osellatory situation thers would bo Jets of Ail being, discharged dinsiug exch period. Th flow variation canuot be deseribol or even approninnate simplo tine wave of the fall vibration period, that ditect ape plication uf the hapeddanve ooueepts, including phase nnd raph tye of by tude, breaks down. ‘The roost that can be suit is that the sy teon will resonste at one of thy Go frequencies around 12 x0 por sec if resonance is going to aeenr 98 a rest of relatively ow Sischange eit "The predicts re frequenty’ for ease (0) is either 11.7 ral pes oe oF 12 si Phe equivalent periods are 0.5 na 0.51 send of the seal will tse i the west sect enone © ‘Shera that sspliication of veer when nang lowe a a mean Solution by Method of Character The complete Berstnis systern was programmed for solution eee cive aid lake sea The Aiflorenta ae ike computer prgeam by ihvtadoe Ruvge-Kotia mths aon of olin wt for the neck wit she tot Fae NY ae baie at ant te tal valved pres Fehr tr ed itn flows ‘ nye (a —AvBy eyed = Ve PSS mpd e ave) _ 9 : a (HP — HVB) 5p YN [VN] (9) ‘The eontnsity expression takes the following form cays “7 quiyny 0) Bi infroducng the enpactance, C = 7/4", the uation be anys AND) evn = gai ay VN; Ayam 1/ repre the total yey, ato, and let pecemoer 1955 / 929 Fig. 8 Promure and dischorge onilloiont ot velve, penttock Ne. 2 Tength t the neck, respectively. QSL represents the soal dis- ‘charge as defined by equation (7). «the initial time in the nomputer program, HP, HVB, QSL, aro known. Solving the differential equations by the Satta method yields HVE and VN for the next time ine ttement, With VIN known th next HP ean be determined from, tho characteristic equations; ‘then od using equation (7). ‘These compitations are repeated at the sume ‘me‘inoremonta na the charnctorstcs solution. “Tninitiate any oscillations with the eninputer ealeaations an initial distorbance had to be iatrodnoad. This was done by ‘sctting the initial conditions in the active penstock with too high 1 discharge. At the fist numeri calentstion the valve was closed tothe proper seal lexkage causing an sbrupt pressure rise. This nitial shoek and the subsequent reflections produeed ample sexgitation ta start the system oseillatn Pactial resulls of the computer stady are pecsented graphivally in Fig, 8 for once (a) and Fig for ease (). ISL cant bo eval Comparison and Discussion "The results of the analysis can now be simmatied and com pated to the reults from the ficld teste, Hach ease will bo dis- ‘cussed separately. Case (a) in Penstock No. 2 The reported frequency of vibration at the test site was 5.5 eps or a period of 0.182 soe. Tmpedance methods predicted a period of 0.185 see and the computer solution yielded a steady vacllatory condition 98 0.185 sec The aetual amplitades of the presture-head oscillations in the penstock and the valve bvaly wore approximately 100 and 240 f respectively, having «pee figures from the computer were 12 ioe ratio of 2.4. The comparable snd 200 ft yielding 9 2.52, The estima sanplitnde at the valwe ody was bout 250 ft based on tho impedance values. Tho predietod pressure ratio, based on the assumption of no through-ow, was 244. The toat pocurts showed the pressure osillatins sppproxi= ately in-phase, This was confirmed by the eomputor results Diseharge variod between 0 gnd 18 fs with a inean value of sbont 5 ef in the romputer results The oscillations alg the lenuth of penstuek No. 2 appear as the thicd harmonic, as shown iu Fig. 10. During this motion the 930 / vecemoer 1965 _ 57] ¢ bee 1, # Fig. 10. Pressure and dacharge oscillations in pantech, cons ( o Transactions of the ASME forgo pipes of the ayster are not undergoing sny appreciable during each eycle, Sines the same dischargo must eave the sys- rere suillations: However, according to the eompnter re tem ducing wach eyele, but ata lower digchorze pressure because nilts, the valve at penstorke No, 3 is mibjosted t quite severe Teakuge claracteristies, same of the addad energy remains pressure ageilations, even with the bypass valve oy in the aystem, ‘This soust be diasipated within the system in tearh eyele or higher pressure and velocity osellasions will de- ose (b) in Penstock No. ¥ Top. hus, for a given swaldiseharge relationship, pressure The froquency of vibration measured at Bersinis was 18 epa and yelority oscillations will develop until an energy balanve is cor a porind af 0.553 see, Impedance mathorls predictod two reveled if otellation, eithor 0.35 of O31 soe. The Considering again che particular peculiarities of tho wel, i¢ eam Computer lution yielded a steady oselistory condition 960.508 he seen that the roost el 0° ‘aid from the aystom Aunplitades are uot available from the pie waves wer involved, « phsse angle of 180 du would be the moet puter yielded amplitades of 360 and 870 ft for ek and ficient ia the rth highest spits. Valvebuly heads reapaotively, giving & pressare ratio of 1.08, (@) matches these oanditions very nicely. Case () ould ba one thet ects Towest pressure bead, Tf pure sine ‘on the theough-low at the iiniawin pressure bead but: during ompter data petiod the Ovo fluid jots oocur ab a mean outilow pressure of ‘Computer results showed the discharge vorying betwean 0 about 235 ft sai therefore provide ample excitation. On she and 22 cfs ith a ean value uf about 8 efs other extvetne, i a cage esistod whore flaid emule only bo dise Tho preseute oscillations along the length of peustock No, L charset st high preseure it ean he seem that 19 om appear as the Tourdamontal, as shown in Fig. 10. Agi, theroi&ayaitle in the system to proface a rawnating ean no appreciable pressure movement tnoughout most of the sys teat cop i pananck No.2 whore the oscillations are almost as we nat the excited valve. In thin oss0 pensiock No. 2 is Gontlusions cain stn ate lsat Ty menos ete bn ah Bee eg aan eed Ne a ae ee a noni ‘his portion of the " ‘0 Cate (c) in Penstock No. 3 See rae to sn ent of this nature 40 fonlal aodition, just the convient thas the period ina wos about tho F are iT ears Mua ei cel ere NO eto oe t, or naar, sen) in & penstok similar 40 No. 1, tho eseillations °° tation at this point, If a matched condition $2 possible, ‘would be quite similar to thosy a0(b ‘Onwe the d: points are recognized, alterations ean be de~ ir to change ila phase relationship with ro= ‘ty ny oF corrective devi Gonoral Di gua This Tory of this Owss wem weeal teats men omsitanation i sven tothe variables in the n. Probably hs on varble that ean most affeet the re- Sit ui the ealeulatong v8 the Wave spa, ar Aldvush the saan she dl istonrnableeeuld vary anime a7 poreoatand ASKHOWedg eR Cont stay sary tricot he system. A-wave speed of 1550 investigation was a part of «thesis [6] presenta to the gout lag vaty neh Mma period co OAs? ap, Valves of Michigan partial ent of the rnironenth the velue insu i the fick, "The values used for tho goo- fo" the PI ws octived rom the Te ee ta tave ave probly not por: Yor! Founda at from researc grant from the Nasional is the trieional timate in th he particular Seieaer Fondation (GSA really fect the Gaal stoady 08 systems to achive te desized rnismateh ‘gute well with the expori- fee ppropertics of the soal equsti Sin aes, “The unuin arabs Se ol Aloenas The developinent and perpetuation of this oscillatory condie Pgnstock ‘or Basio exonerate ihe en Paes volopmuent and eventaal steady oscillatory condition, Hones Occur seal Ow Discussion af Incidents and forthe action energy output from the eter x ttn Youovan oF Baste Havcistrmngee, Pass. ASMP, Series Z Of thy seal nd hate b slow, the sean TE ae ito ft which the hid aves is hebbw the stati presnre TW skecz and’ W. 2. Gibwon, “Some Moosurements of So a ane ing added at the reryoit Tue amount of Anto-Oslation Shitiated ty Valve.Choyacieistics,” Internationa! aaeesatactt the net prative inflow for period and the static Ssoeotoa for Horranlc Reeeargh, Ton) seers, Asenbiyy aper proses Ty skaify the igousion wo ean assuone all valvos "404" gueetor ond Gs Lat," Water Hanmer Abbi: tntadieg Ion, is verutting at the leakage. Klaid Histon,” Journal of the Hydrante Dict, ASCH, vol. 3, 1082, pp. 29-14 sed so the only th When suoady oscillatory motion ie roschod, dhe inp Tan ‘equal the divcharge Teaving in wach eyele, With the fisod statio eg yep fund at the reservoir and a fixed net positive Raw input to the Shp. Wytn,Tucsman sind Piping Systems” PAD aaa ae tutte sem of energy is heing addled to the system thevis, Univesity of Mienizan, December, 98 Pressurial Piping. Systen Journal of Basie Engineering pecemser 196s / O3

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