Intellectual Property Rights-Ii

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1. What is Copyright? Explain the salient features of Copyright Act.

2. Copyright is a bundle of rights. State the rights enjoyed by an owner of the copyright.
3. ‘Copyright exists in expression of idea and not in idea’ explain the statement in the light of
subject matter of copyright.
4. What are the qualifying elements to be in existence in a work for its copyrightability?
5. Explain the nature and subject matter of Copyright. Briefly explain the works in which
copyright does subsist, and the works in which Copyright does not subsists.
6. Describe the various rights of owner of Copyright.
7. State the acts which do not constitute the infringement of copyright.
8. What do you mean by infringement of copyright? What are the remedies available against the
infringement of copyright?
9. What are the ways in which the copyrighted work is assignable?
10. When can compulsory license be issued in copyright? Who will grant the compulsory license
and when it can be revoked?
11. Write short notes on Copyright board, Doctrine of fair use, Computer Software and copyright,
Copyright societies.


1. Define Biodiversity, and explain objectives of Biodiversity Act, 2002.

2. Why do we need legislation on ‘Biodiversity’? Explain Salient features of Biodiversity Act,
3. Discuss the scope and nature of biological diversity. What are the main concerns and issues in
Biological diversity ?
4. What is Traditional Knowledge, trace the difference between Biodiversity and Traditional
5. What is Equitable benefit sharing. Who is a benefit claimer? How can benefit sharing be given
effect to under Biodiversity Act, 2002?
6. Discuss the Constitution, Powers, and Functions of National Biodiversity Authority and State
Biodiversity Board.
7. Write short notes on State Biodiversity Board, Biodiversity Management Committee.


1. Explain the procedure for registration of plant varieties under the Protection of Plant Varieties
and Farmer’s Right act, 2001. What is the duration and effect of registration?
2. Discuss the policy and objectives of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001.
3. What are the powers and functions of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights
4. Elucidate the sui-generis system adopted in India for the protection of plant and plant
5. Discuss the requisites for registration and non-registration of varieties under Protection of
Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, 2001.


6. Write short notes on Farmer’s Rights, Benefit Sharing, National Gene Fund.


1. Define the term ‘design’. What are the prohibitions imposable on registration of design?
2. Explain the Significance of Design. Discuss the salient features of Design Act 2000.
3. Explain the procedure for registering a design under the Design Act, 2000.
4. What do you mean by piracy in copyright design? What remedies are available against the
piracy of copyright design?
5. What rights are available to the proprietor of design? How can he protect his rights?
6. Examine the powers and functions of the controller under the Design Act, 2000.
7. What are the essentials and characteristics of an Industrial Design?
8. Write short notes on Infringement of Design, Functional Design.


1. Explain the objectives and Salient features of Convention on Biodiversity (CBD).

2. Explain the objectives, background, and salient features of TRIPS agreement.
3. Explain the object and salient features of Berne convention.
4. Explain how Paris Convention has contributed for the International Protection of IPRs.
5. Write short notes on Doha round of trade negotiation.



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