StandalonePhotovoltaicWaterPumpingSystemUsing Induction Motor Drive With Reduced Sensors

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4, JULY/AUGUST 2018 3645

Standalone Photovoltaic Water Pumping System Using

Induction Motor Drive With Reduced Sensors
Bhim Singh , Fellow, IEEE, Utkarsh Sharma , Member, IEEE, and Shailendra Kumar , Member, IEEE

Abstract—A simple and efficient solar photovoltaic (PV) wa- utilization, which started from converting the energy of running
ter pumping system utilizing an induction motor drive (IMD) is water, has traveled across to convert solar energy to electrical
presented in this paper. This solar PV water pumping system com- energy directly today.
prises two stages of power conversion. The first stage extracts the
maximum power from a solar PV array by controlling the duty Earlier solar photovoltaic (PV) energy converters have been
ratio of a dc–dc boost converter. The dc bus voltage is maintained inefficient, with efficiency as low as 5–6%, and highly expensive
by the controlling the motor speed. This regulation helps in the [1]. However, with the advancement in technological research,
reduction of motor losses by reducing motor currents at higher the efficiency of a PV array, at present, has reached 15–16%.
voltage for the same power injection. To control the duty ratio, an In addition, the prices have been reducing gradually. Today, PV
incremental conductance based maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) control technique is utilized. A scalar-controlled voltage energy conversion is viewed as one of the promising alternatives
source inverter serves the purpose of operating an IMD. The stator to fossil fuel based electricity generating systems, since there
frequency reference of IMD is generated by the proposed control are no toxic emissions, no greenhouse gases emission, no fuel
scheme. The proposed system is modeled, and its performance is cost involvement, least maintenance cost, no water usage, and so
simulated in detail. The scalar control eliminates the requirement on. However, the technology is in developing phase and many
of a speed sensor/encoder. Consequently, the need of motor current
sensor is also eliminated. Moreover, the dynamics are improved by challenges need to be addressed, such as intermittency, high
an additional speed feedforward term in the control scheme. The initial cost, and low efficiency.
proposed control scheme makes the system inherently immune to The solar water pumps [2]–[4] are gaining popularity in rural
the variation in the pump constant. The prototype of PV-powered areas, where the electricity is not available. Moreover, solar PV-
IMD emulating the pump characteristics is developed in the labo- fed water pumps are favored in remote areas for irrigation, water
ratory to examine the performance under different operating con-
ditions. treatment plant, and agricultural purposes. For a country like
India, where 70% of the population depends upon agriculture,
Index Terms—Induction motor drives, maximum power point irrigation is necessary for good yield. There are a large number
tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic (PV) cells, scalar control, water
of water pumps in the world running with electricity or with
nonrenewable energy sources. The acquisitions of solar PV-
I. INTRODUCTION based water pumping systems [5] are more convenient compared
to diesel-based water pumping systems considering the cost and
HE RISING energy crises throughout the world and pol-
T lution of natural habitats have attracted considerable at-
tention from engineering and science fraternity since a couple
The design of a motor drive system powered directly from a
PV source demands creative solutions to face the challenge of
of decades. The knowledge for manifestation of renewable en-
operation under variable power restrictions while maximizing
ergy sources into a useful form has been developing rapidly.
the energy produced and the amount of water pumped [6].
The advent of fast switching power electronic devices and
In PV pumping (PVP) systems, an induction motor drive
the development in semiconductor technology have contributed
(IMD) shows good performance compared to other commer-
majorly to energy conversion methods. The renewable energy
cial motors because of its rugged construction. The evolution
is intended to develop a productive, reliable, maintenance-free,
Manuscript received July 6, 2017; revised September 19, 2017 and January 4, and cheap PV water pumping system [7]. However, new perma-
2018; accepted March 12, 2018. Date of publication April 9, 2018; date of cur-
rent version July 17, 2018. Paper 2017-SECSC-0580.R2, presented at the 2016 nent magnet motors such as brushless dc motors and permanent
IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control magnet sine fed motors are used for pumping, but these are
and Energy Systems, Delhi, India, Jul. 4–6, and approved for publication in the still overshadowed by an induction motor because of cost and
Conversion Systems Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This availability constraints [8]. Moreover, the manufacturing of the
work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Govern- induction motor is in a mature stage giving an edge to its use in
ment of India under Grant RP03128G, Grant RP02926, and Grant RP03222G. developing countries for solar water pumping application. With
(Corresponding author: Utkarsh Sharma.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian the emergence of outperforming solid state switches, high-speed
Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail:, bsingh@ processors, and efficient motor control algorithms, IMD-based;; water pumping systems have taken a step ahead to conventional
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at water pumping systems. Moreover, PV array fed IMD has per-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2018.2825285 formed ruggedly in the field of pumping system by utilizing a

0093-9994 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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voltage source inverter (VSI). The proposed work deals with

a three-phase IMD for solar water pumping, which meets the
requirement of life without electricity in remote locations.
The initial cost of a solar power plant is high. Therefore,
once the plant is installed, the objective is to obtain the peak
power from the solar panels of the installed capacity. The de-
veloped water pumping system powered directly from the PV
array requires maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algo-
rithms to operate under different irradiation levels and to extract
the peak power from the solar PV array. Some of these MPPT
algorithms are recommended in [9]. A comparative study on
different MPPT techniques is provided in [10]–[12]. From the
operational point of view, MPPT is a mandatory segment of a
PV system. Substantial research is reported in past few years Fig. 1. System architecture for the standalone solar water pumping system.
in the area of MPPT. In this paper, an incremental conductance
(INC) based technique is used to obtain the peak power from the fed dc motor based water pump. By utilizing V/f control, the
solar PV array. Therefore, the proposed PV fed water pumping starting performance of the IMD is improved even if IMD is
system produces peak torque even at low radiation. The INC started with lower solar insolation. Therefore, water is perma-
technique is based on the comparison of output conductance of nently pumped from morning till evening. The starting current
the solar PV array to the INC. As compared to solar PV grid of the induction motor connected to the fixed voltage ac mains
interfaced systems [13], the major challenge in PV water pump- is around 5–6 times of full load current. Therefore, to start the
ing is timely control of active power. This is due to the fact that motor without any control, a higher number of solar modules
the mechanical time constant of the motor pump system is much are required, whereas smooth start of the induction motor is
higher than that of the aforementioned system. Under sudden possible by using V/f control without drawing high starting cur-
fall in solar insolation, the PV array voltage tends to reduce rent. This also improves the life of the motor. Moreover, the
drastically, and consequently the level of flux in the motor falls areas that are favored by the electrical connectivity may utilize
rapidly. Once the flux has decreased, the motor starts drawing the grid-interfaced PVPs [21]. In Indian context, still many in-
higher current, which is limited by the short-circuit current of door villages and agricultural lands do not possess a privilege
the PV array in order to rebuild the flux. The operating point of having electrical network.
in the I–V curves of the PV array shifts to the current source
region as demonstrated by short-circuit current and very low
voltage. Due to insufficient power, the motor starts operating in
an unstable zone of torque–speed characteristics near to a point The system configuration of the PV water pumping system
where slip = 1. This particular condition is hazardous for the is depicted in Fig. 1. It consists of a PV array followed by a
motor’s health, and once the motor enters this zone, there has to boost converter. A VSI is used to provide pulsewidth modulated
be a provision in the control, which can identify this condition voltage input to the motor and pump assembly. The power from
and restart the motor from the standstill condition. The motor the PV array is regulated using the INC method to attain its
entering into such situations frequently would reduce the over- maximum value with available radiation. The V/f control is used
all duty of the pump; hence, it is the responsibility of MPPT to give reference speed to IMD.
algorithm to take care of such events.
To control the IMD-tied VSI, a simple V/f (voltage/frequency) A. Design of the Solar PV Array
control approach is utilized in [14] and [15]. The pumping
An induction motor of 2.2 kW is selected for the proposed
system with a dc–dc converter and VSI is used for water
system. If losses of the motor and pump are neglected, the
pumping application in [16]–[18]. However, the presented ap-
capacity of the PV array should be equivalent to the motor
proach suffers from dc link voltage instability. The V/f approach
capacity. In this case, a 2.4-kW PV array is selected
is simple, easy to implement, and cost effective. Dual invert-
ers are used to supply power to a centrifugal pump with the Pmp = (Np × Imp ) × (Ns × Vmp ) = 2.4 kW (1)
sample-averaged zero-sequence elimination pulsewidth mod-
ulation technique [19]. Apart from V/f control, direct torque where Pmp is the maximum power that can be drawn from panels
control (DTC) and vector control techniques are complicated at a given radiation, Vmp is the PV panel voltage at MPP, and Imp
and they require extra current sensors for implementation [20]. is the current at MPP. Ns and Np are the number of modules
In V/f control, only PV array current, voltage, and dc bus volt- connected in series and parallel, respectively. Considering an
age are sensed. The proposed system tracks the MPP point by open-circuit voltage of the panel to be near to a dc link voltage
altering the modulation frequency so that the IMD is able to and the power drawn from the panel to be 2.4 kW, the number
extract the maximum power from the solar PV array at sus- of modules in series and parallel are selected to be 11 and 1,
tained torque for different solar insolation levels. The proposed respectively. The individual module and array specifications are
system is able to supply more water compared to a solar PV provided in Table I.

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TABLE I where TL is the load toque of water pump, which is equal to

the torque offered by an induction motor under steady-state
operation and ωr is the rotational speed of the rotor in rad/s.
Since the rated torque and rated speed of the induction motor
are 14.69 N · m and 1430 rpm, respectively, the proportionality
constant Kpump is estimated using (6) as
Kpump = = 6.55 × 10−4 N · m/(rad/s)2 .
So, the proportionality constant is selected to be
6.55 × 10−4 N · m/(rad/s)2 .

The dc bus voltage of VSI is estimated from the following The proposed topology is a two-stage power conversion sys-
relation: tem for a solar PV array fed water pumping. It embodies scalar
Vdc V L -L control for IMD operation and the INC method for maximum
m× √ = √ (2) power extraction from the PV array. The simplicity and ease of
2 2 3 implementation of scalar control overshadow precise but com-
where m is the modulation index and VL -L is the line voltage putation intensive control algorithms such as vector control and
across the √motor terminals. Hence, direct torque control. Moreover, in the later algorithms, the posi-
Vdc = 2√32 × 230 = 375 V, which is the voltage required tion sensorless operation is itself an exhaustive task. The voltage
when modulation index is 1. The dc link voltage is chosen and current of PV array are sensed and fed to the INC algorithm.
to be 400 V. Based on the change in voltage, current, and power, this algo-
rithm decides the duty ratio of the boost converter. The boost
C. Design of DC Link Capacitor converter output voltage is maintained at a constant value using
The dc link capacitor is supposed to provide sufficient energy a proportional-integral (PI) controller. Since the pump charac-
at the time of transients such as fall in radiation and an increase teristics are centrifugal in nature, the power absorbed and the
in the load. Its value is calculated as [22] speed of the pump have a direct relation, as mentioned in (6).
A speed feedforward term is calculated from the available PV
Cdc Vdc∗2 − Vdc1
= 3αV It power from which the PI controller output is subtracted. This
2 is helpful in reducing the burden on the PI controller and im-
1   proving the dynamic performance of the system. The V/f control
Cdc 4002 − 3752 = 3 × 1.2 × 133 × 8.2 × 0.005
2 algorithm generates the switching logic for VSI using sinusoidal
Cdc = 2026 μF. (3) pulsewidth modulation (PWM). If dc link voltage is higher than
the reference value, the PI controller increases the reference
In above expression, Vdc∗
refers to the set dc bus voltage, while speed given to V/f control and vice versa. The sum of two quan-
Vdc1 is the acceptable to the lower most voltage during tran- tities gives a resultant speed reference f ∗ for IMD, which is
sients. Morever, α is an overloading factor and t is the duration fed to the V/f control algorithm. The dc link voltage error is
of transient. estimated as

D. Selection of the DC–DC Boost Converter Vdcr = Vdc∗ − Vdc . (7)

The boost inductor duty cycle D is given as [23] The output of the dc link voltage PI controller is
Vdc − Vmp 400 − 373 ωdcr(n ) = ωdcr(n −1) + kp Vdcr (n ) − Vdcr(n −1) + ki Vdcr(n ) .
D= = = 0.0675 (4)
Vdc 400 (8)
Vmp D 372.9 × 0.0677 The speed term corresponding to PV power is
Lm = = = 1.875 mH. (5) 
ΔI1 fs (0.2 × 7.6 × 10 000)
ωP = K 3 PPV (9)
where fs is the switching frequency and ΔI1 is the amount of
ripple current. Thus, the inductance L value is selected to be where constant K is derived from the pump constant. The refer-
3 mH. ence frequency of the IMD is
E. Design of the Pump f∗ = (ωp − ωdcr ) . (10)

For the selected water pump, the proportionality constant Initially, the boost converter pulses are kept OFF such that the
Kpump is given as system works as a single stage system and the speed is ramped
TL up to a threshold speed. After threshold speed, the control of
Kpump = (6) the boost converter is activated and the duty ratio is calculated
ωr 2

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Fig. 2. P–V and I–V characteristics of the SPV array.

from the INC algorithm. This is realized to avoid high current

at starting since the MPPT algorithm gives maximum power
even at start. Using ramp frequency start, the starting current of
the motor is limited, which in the case of direct online starting
(DOL) at rated frequency is about 5–6 times that of the rated
current. Moreover, it prevents the solar PV array to go into Fig. 3. Flowchart for the INC algorithm for MPPT.
current source region at starting as the current drawn is very
high in DOL starting.
On the right side of MPP, slope is negative, which suggests
that dVdI PV
< − VI PV
, and on the left side, slope is positive, i.e.,
A. INC Method for MPPT dI PV
> − I PV
. At dI PV
MPP, slope is zero, i.e., dV = − VI PV . The
The solar PV array has nonlinear bell-shaped PPV versus VPV duty ratio of the boost converter is adjusted in accordance with
characteristics, as shown in Fig. 2. At any moment, the operating the algorithm, as shown in Fig. 3.
point depends on the impedance of the load connected to the
array terminals. A dc–dc converter is used to track the point of B. Scalar (V/f) Control of Induction Motor
operation on the PV curve. There have been many algorithms The scalar control of an induction motor is the most common
in the literature for tracking of maximum power point. Most and simplest control so far. Usually, induction motors are de-
basic of all is the perturb and observe algorithm, which involves signed for 50-Hz input voltage. For operation at a lower speed,
step change in the reference voltage or duty ratio to the dc–dc the voltage has to be reduced. The frequency control along with
converter and monitoring of the power output. It faces several voltage magnitude control is also desired for constant flux op-
issues when radiation changes. The INC method works much eration. The voltage should be proportional to the frequency
better in dynamic changes in solar insolation. This is due to a such that flux magnitude is maintained constant as ψs = V /ω.
fact mentioned in Section I that the mechanical time constant An IM is usually fed from a three-phase PWM VSI. Only an
of the motor is much higher than the electrical time constant of input parameter is the reference speed. Neglecting the small
the whole system. This work uses an INC algorithm, which is slip speed, the speed of the motor is approximately equal to the
based on the monitoring of slope of the PPV –VPV curve. reference speed. The speed reference is integrated to generate
On the right-hand side of the MPP, the slope is negative, while θ, which is used to obtain three sinusoidal voltage references,
on the left-hand side the slope is positive. At the point, where which are compared with high-frequency triangular wave to
maximum power is being transferred from the array, the slope generate the switching pulses for VSI. The speed reference is
of the curve is zero. With the change in radiation, at MPP, IPV estimated from the control scheme as mentioned in the previous
changes drastically, whereas VPV remains constant. Considering subsection.
a power equation and differentiating it with respect to voltage, 
relations between an INC and conductance are obtained for θ = ω ∗ dt. (14)
different sections of the curve as
Three phase reference voltages are
PPV = VPV × IPV (11)
Va∗ = m × sin (θ) (15)
= IPV + VPV =0 (12) Vb∗ = m × sin (θ − 120 )◦
dIPV IPV Vc∗ = m × sin (θ − 240◦ ) (17)
=− . (13) ∗
dVPV VPV where m = kf ω and m is the modulation index.

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400 V without any failure. The speed and torque of the motor
are reduced with the reduction in PV power. This continues to
happen till t = 4 s, from where the system experiences a slope
increase in the solar insolation. Similar to the previous behavior,
the PV current starts increasing proportional to the solar radia-
tion, while there is not much change in the PV voltage. Conse-
quently, the available power from a PV source ramps up along
with the motor speed and motor torque. At t = 6 s, the system
operates in a steady state at a solar radiation of 1000 W/m2 . The
system faces a step decrement in the solar insolation from 1000
to 500 W/m2 at t = 7 s, owing to which the PV current reduces
instantly. However, still the PV voltage does not face many tran-
sients. The dc bus voltage experiences a slight transient change;
however, it restores to a reference voltage quickly. It is notewor-
thy that the dc bus voltage is maintained even at 50% reduction
in rated power. Similarly, a step increase in a solar insolation is
observed at t = 9 s. As anticipated from the previous behavior
of the system, the dc bus voltage is maintained to a reference
value, while there is no significant change in the PV voltage.
The motor speed and torque increase proportionally to balance
Fig. 4. Starting performance of the proposed system.
a power from a source.


Performance of a two-stage PV-fed water pumping system is
For the verification of the proposed configuration and the
evaluated using the simulation package. The proposed system
control of proposed system, a prototype is developed in the
is designed, modeled, and simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink
laboratory, which consists of a solar PV simulator (AMETEK
environment. The step change in the solar radiation is also sim-
ETS 600 × 17DPVF), a boost converter, a VSI (Semikron),
ulated in order to determine the satisfactory performance of the
a DSP (dSPACE 1104 real-time controller), and a three-phase
system under dynamic conditions.
induction motor coupled to a dc generator.
A volumetric pump is realized by loading the three-phase
A. Starting Performance of the Proposed System
IMD using a dc generator. A resistive load is set to extract the
Fig. 4 shows various parameters of the proposed water pump- rated power from the PV source corresponding to the head of
ing system at 500 W/m2 radiation. The dc link of VSI is ener- pump. The solar PV array characteristics are designed in the
gized initially. Since the switching device of the boost converter simulator software to provide a maximum power of 2.4 kW
is OFF, the voltage across the dc link of VSI is the open circuit with an open circuit voltage of 420 V and a short circuit of 7 A.
voltage of the PV array. It starts falling once the motor speed Hall-effect voltage and current sensors (LV-25P and LA-55P,
increases. The PV array current starts from zero and rises up to respectively) are used to sense the PV voltage, PV current, and
Imp . The PV voltage reaches Vmp once a threshold frequency is dc link voltage. An optocoupler-based isolation is provided be-
passed, and the control of the boost converter is activated for tween the gate driver pulses from DSP to the VSI. Experimental
MPPT. At t = 8 s, the boost converter is activated and the sys- results are discussed as follows.
tem reaches corresponding MPP. The dc link voltage is settled
at reference value because of the action of PI controller. It is A. MPPT Performance of the PV Array
verified from the figure that the motor current never exceeds the
rated current, which is by the virtue of soft start. This practice Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows the execution of MPPT along with
improves the lifespan of the motor. PV current versus PV voltage and PV power versus PV voltage
characteristics, respectively. The small circle denotes the oper-
B. Steady-State and Dynamic Performances of the ating point as well as MPPT performance in percentage. It is
Proposed System noticed from the figure that MPPT percentage is close to 100%.
Therefore, under rated condition as well as under varying atmo-
The behavior of the proposed standalone PV water pumping spheric conditions, the pumping system extracts the maximum
system is shown in Fig. 5. This figure comprises simulation of energy from the PV array.
varied solar insolation changes. From t = 1 s to 2 s, the solar
insolation is constant at 800 W/m2 . The PV indices are at the
corresponding MPP. At t = 2 s, a slope decrement in the solar B. Starting Characteristics of the Proposed System
insolation is simulated to test the MPPT algorithm effectiveness. Fig. 7 shows the variation in the parameters at starting.
The PV voltage observes negligible change, while the PV cur- Recorded waveforms show dc bus voltage Vdc , PV current
rent varies proportional to the available insolation. Moreover, IPV , IM current ima , and IM speed Nr at 1000 W/m2 radia-
the dc bus voltage is also maintained at reference voltage of tion. Initially, the boost converter is switched OFF, due to MPPT

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Fig. 5. Steady-state and transient behaviors of the proposed system.

Fig. 7. Experimental characteristics of the system at starting.

algorithm being dysfunctional. After starting the IMD, the boost

converter is switched ON at 1200 rpm and the PV array starts
operating at MPP. The PV array is found to be in operation with
the efficiency of more than 99%.

C. Steady-State Characteristics of the Proposed System

Fig. 8 shows the recorded waveforms of the system the under
steady-state condition. The dc bus voltage Vdc , PV current IPV ,
motor current ima , and motor speed Nr are shown in the figure.
Fig. 6. (a) Performance of the system at 1000 W/m2 radiation. (b) Performance Fig. 9 shows Vdc , D, IPV , and Nr . Under the steady-
of the system at 500 W/m2 radiation. state condition, the duty ratio is found to be 0.12. At this

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Fig. 8. Steady-state response of the system V dc , IPV , ima , and N r .

Fig. 11. Steady-state characteristics of the system V SW , iL , and V D .

Fig. 9. Steady-state characteristics of the system V dc , D, IPV , and N r .

Fig. 12. Steady-state characteristics of the system T e , D, ima , and N r .

steady-state condition, the motor operates at 1330 rpm. The

purpose of Fig. 9 is to show the dynamic variation of the duty
ratio in steady state. There are slight variations in the duty
ratio due to the real-time estimation of the MPP. Vdc , ima , imb ,
and imc are shown in Fig. 10. Moreover, Fig. 11 shows voltage
across switch Vsw , current through the inductor iL , and the
voltage across diode VD . The time at which the IGBT is ON, the
voltage across the IGBT is zero and a small fraction of voltage
remains across the diode in this duration. Moreover, during this
period, the inductor stores the energy, and in the subsequent
period, it releases the energy to the dc bus.
In Fig. 12, the torque generated Te , duty ratio of the boost
converter D, motor current ima , and motor speed Nr are shown.
Fig. 12 shows the mechanical parameters (torque, speed, and
power) in single scope and the fine perturbation in the duty
Fig. 10. Steady-state characteristics of the system V dc , ima , imb , and imc .

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The bold text represents the data of the proposed topology (Two Stage System).

deduced from the recorded waveforms that the dc link voltage

is maintained constant and the PV current is reduced to half.
Fig. 14 shows the variation in the above-mentioned parameters
with an increase in the radiation from 500 to 1000 W/m2 .


The two-stage system with dc bus clamping is studied along
with the single-stage system with variable dc bus. The dc bus
in the single state system is variable, since it is tied to the PV
array; hence, with the variation in solar insolation, the PV array
voltage reduces. A comparison of losses for single-stage and
two-stage systems is given in Table II. It consists of developed
ac voltage calculation at the terminals of the motor, and the
line current is calculated by considering the power factor of the
induction motor to be 0.8. Copper losses of an induction motor
are calculated in both topologies with the calculated current.
Fig. 13. Response under decrease in radiation from 1000 to 500 W/m2 .
It is observed that the copper losses are always higher in the
single-stage system. It can be inferred from the calculation that
as the radiation decreases, the difference in the copper losses
decreases because of the reduction in the current. Topology I
refers to a single-stage system, while Topology II refers to a
two-stage system. Since the rated efficiency of the motor is 81%
at rated voltage, the constant losses are calculated. These are
considered to be constant throughout the operation
Pout Pout
η = 0.81 = =
Pin 2200
Pout = 1782 W
Pcore loss = Pin − Pout − Pcu
Pcore loss = 2200 − 1782 − 3 × 8.32 ×(0.603 + 0.7) = 148.7 W.

The motor current is calculated from the input power (peak

Fig. 14. Dynamic characteristics under decrease in radiation from 1000 to
power available from PV array under any condition) as
500 W/m2 . √
Pin = 3 × Vll × Is × pf.

D. Dynamic Performance of the Proposed System VII. MAIN CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROPOSED
The variation in the incident radiation is tested using the
PV simulator to show the satisfactory MPPT tracking. Initially, The proposed control system has a salient feature of being
the radiation was 1000 W/m2 , which is reduced to 500 W/m2 . immune to the variation in the estimation of the pump constant.
Fig. 13 shows a variation in Vdc , IPV , im , and Nr . It can be Moreover, the frictional loss across the pump column is well

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Fig. 15. Influence of the wrong estimation of the pump constant.

taken care off by the proposed control. A base speed/frequency Fig. 16. (a) Brief cost estimation of the proposed solar water pumping system.
reference is estimated from the MPPT algorithm, which depends (b) Cost bifurcation of the overall system.
on the pump constant Kpump . However, an additional term is sub-
tracted from this base speed/frequency, which is obtained from [25] in Indian rupees (INR). The analysis includes the bulk
the PI controller. The error in dc bus voltage corresponds to the cost of major components. The total cost considering the major
imbalance in the active power in the system and the losses of components is estimated to be INR 6087, as shown in Fig. 16(a).
the converter. In the absence of the feedforward term, the esti- Moreover, a pie chart illustrating the contribution of each com-
mated reference speed is generated by the PI controller. Hence, ponent is shown in Fig. 16(b).
the performance is sluggish and dynamic behavior of the sys-
tem is also not satisfactory. Moreover, even if a wrong value VIII. CONCLUSION
of the pump constant is chosen, the proposed control system
A standalone PV water pumping system with a reduced sen-
estimates the reference speed accurately. Fig. 15 shows the per-
sor has been proposed. It utilizes only three sensors eliminating
formance of the proposed system with two pump constants. One
position and line current sensors. The reference speed gener-
of these constants deviates from the actual value. In the figure,
ation for the V/f control scheme has been proposed based on
the blue line corresponds to the control with the actual value
the available power by regulating the active power at dc bus.
of the pump constant, i.e., 6.554 × 10−4 N · m/(rad/s)2 , while
The PWM frequency and pump affinity law have been used to
the red curve depicts the performance when the pump constant
control the speed of an induction motor drive. Its feasibility of
is 8.025 × 10−4 N · m/(rad/s)2 . It is interesting to note that the
operation has been verified through simulation and experimen-
output of the PI controller is about 4 rpm in the blue curve,
tal validation. Various performance conditions such as starting,
while that in the red curve is −88 rpm. The feedforward term or
variation in radiation, and steady state have been experimentally
the base speed is 1372 rpm in the blue curve, while it reduces
verified and found to be satisfactory. The main contribution of
to 1286 rpm in the red curve. This is because of an increase in
the proposed control scheme is that it is inherently immune to
the fed value of the pump constant. However, in both the cases,
the error in estimation of the pump constant. The system tracks
the subtraction of these quantities gives the accurate reference
the MPP with acceptable tolerance even at varying radiations.
speed for the extraction of the maximum power from the PV
array. The value of reference frequency is 45.8 Hz in both the
cases. Moreover, the dc bus voltage is settled to a reference value APPENDIX
of 400 V. The proposed control algorithm is inherently immune Parameters of the proposed system: 2.2 kW (3 HP), 230 V,
to the pump constant. 8.2 A, 50 Hz three phase, 1430 rpm, 4 pole, Rs = 0.603 Ω,
Fig. 16(a) and (b) shows the overall cost effectiveness of the Rr = 0.7 Ω, Xs = 1.007 Ω, Xr = 0.9212 Ω, and Xm =
proposed system. The cost estimation is made from [24] and 23.56 Ω.

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Utkarsh Sharma (M’17) was born in Kota, Shailendra Kumar (S’15–M’17) was born in
Rajasthan, India, in 1991. He received the B.Tech. Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, India, in 1988. He received
degree in electrical engineering from Sardar the B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics en-
Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, gineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University,
Gujarat, India and the M.Tech. degree in power Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India and the M.Tech. de-
electronics, electrical machines and drives from the gree in power electronics, electrical machine and
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), New drives from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Delhi, India, in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He is (IIT Delhi), New Delhi, India, in 2010 and 2015, re-
currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the De- spectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
partment of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Delhi. IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
His research interests include power electronics, control of electrical drives, His research interests include power electronics, power quality, custom power
renewable energy applications and design of special electrical machines. devices, and renewable energy.
Mr. Sharma was the recipient of the National Talent Search Scholarship Mr. Kumar was the recipient of the POSOCO Power System Award from the
awarded by the National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer by IIT Delhi in 2016 and
Delhi, India. He has received the Best Industry Relevant M.Tech. Thesis Award the IEEE UPCON Best Paper Award in 2016.
from the Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer by IIT Delhi in

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