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[TEST CODE FORM TP MAY/JUNE 2017 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE (Single Award) Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency T hour 15 minutes 07 JUNE 2017 (a READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer thers, 2. Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are abcut to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer shest, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample tem Which of the following animals has the highest dressing percentage? Sample Answer (A) Chicken @©OO ®) Pig ©) Goat ©) Cow ‘The best answer to this item is “Chicken”, so (A) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. Copyright © 2015 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. Marketing can BEST be described as (A) value-added farm products (B) promoting and selling goods and servics (©) selling goods produced on the farm at a marketplace (D) buying goods from the market to be sold to exporters Gross domestic product is the total value of (A) goods consumed by a country (B) __ servicesprovidedto other countries (C) goods and services produced in a country (P) goods and servi countries 's sold to other tems 3-5 refer to the following current issues that affectagriculture ona worldwide basis. (A) Soil erosion (B) Bioterrorism (©) Global warming (D) Problems with food security In answering Items 3-5, match each item below with one of the options above. Each option may be used once, more thar: once or not at all, Which of the above issues is MOST likely to result from improper herbicide usage? the burning ofbushes and emission of gases from industrial operations? the incidence of pests and diseases, and poor postharvest practices? 2017 Which ofthe following is the MOST likely reason for the proliferation of praedial larceny in the Caribbean? (A) The fines are too small (B) There are no laws against it (©) Itis difficult to catch the person committing the act. (D) _Vendorsdo nothaveta show origin of farm produce, The correct sequence of stepsto be followed in growing a crop is (A) selection of planting material, land preparation, planting, aftercare and harvesting, (B) land preparation, selection of planting material, planting, afiercare and harvesting selection of planting material, land Freparation, planting, harvesting, and aftercare (D) selection of planting material, planting, land preparation, aftercare and harvesting Lic 8 refers to the following table which shows the demand, supply and price of tomato in a country. [Quantity | Quantity [Price Demanded | Supplied | (8) (kg) (kg) 400 1.000) 1.00) 500 800 150) 700 700 2.00 1.000 400 2.50 Based on the information in the table, the equilibrium price of tomato is (A) $1.00 (®) SLs0 (©) $2.00 (D) $2.50 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. u 12. 23a Which of the following is NOT a source of 13. farm credit for a farmer? (A) Credit union (8) Commercial bank (C) Trade organization (D) Savings and thrift society Whichofthe followingisNOTa fixed cost? (A) Fuel (B) Tax (©) Machinery (D) Depreciation 4 Whichofthe followingisaMAJOR problem associated with Caribbean farming as it relates to land? (A) Land is usually cheap and readily available. (8) ttis usually difficult to obtain land for rental. a) (©) Farmers who own land are usually better farmers. (D) Farmers are usually hesitant to develop rented land, Item 12 refers to the following graph of a, demand and supply curve. Price ie © Quantity ie) During Lent, people demand more fish than any other meat. This is represented by a shift from (A) D,toD (B) Dio, © s,s (©) Ewe 2017 Which of the following factors does a lender consider when processinga loanapplication fora farmer? {. Character of the farmer I Management abi IIL Repayment eapacity (A) Land Il only (8) — Land Itt only (C) Hand tit only (D) —t Mand ttt In economic terms, a shortage exists when (A) demand is equal to supply (B) demand is less than supply (C) demand is greater than supply (D) supply is greater than demand Which of the following records is designed to give information on the yield of yams? (A) Production (B) Inventory (©) Financial (D) Labour Some farming programmes are often INEFFECTIVE because the subsidy zgranted is 1 notmade available atthe right time Il not enough to cover the intended purpose IIL. to be repaid immediately (A) Lonly (B) Land [1 only (C) Mand Ill only (D) Mand tl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ae ‘A farmer intends to expand his poultry 22. Abagofmixed fertilizeris labelled 7:14:21 farm. Which of the following budgets will What is the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus he prepare? in this fertilizer? (A) Partial @) (B) Complete (8) (©) Whole far © (D) Gross :nargin (©) Items 18-19refertothe followingeconomic 23. Whichofthe following can bedoneto speed, terms. up the breaking down of organic matter in ‘a compost heap? (A) Net profit (B) Gross margin (A) Allow a tong time to pass before (©) Gross farm income applying another layer. (D) Fixed expenses (B) Add water to the compost when it ~ is dry. (©) Light a fire on top of the compost Match each item below with one of the to create more heat, options above. An option may be used (D) Gather dead plants and animals once, more than once or not at all. faster. 18. Total income 24 refers to the following diagram of a soil profile. 19. Total income minus total expenses uns iy | Horizon A 20. If a farmer needs to devermine the appropriate treatment for pests which affect his erops, he should consult | Horizon B (A) anagronomist (B) — anentomologist (©) anagricultural engineer go a (D) a postharvest technologist Ge > 21. soil sample was collected from a schoo! = Hosteas'D. farm and found to be very high in H” ions. This indicates that this soil MOST likely (A) has. high calcium content 24. Which horizon determines the chemical (B) — isalkaline composition of the soil? (©) isneutcal (D) _ isacidie (A) Horizon A (B) Horizon B (©) Horizon € (D) Horizon D GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 7017 2s, 26. a7, 28, Which of the following does NOT cause soil erosion? (A) Overgrazing (B) Land clearing (C) Excessive rainfall (D) rection of windbrake {tem 26 refers to the following diagram of a piece of equipment. Dem a Funnel Metal container 30 em Ground Jar ‘The equipment is used to measure (A) rainfall (B) air pressure (©) wind speed (D} relative humidity Which ofthe following will NOT take place if the air temperature rises above 37°C? (A) Increased evaporation (B) Increased rate of transpiration in plants (C) Increased drying out of the surface soil (D) Increased risk of fungal diseases in plants Which of the following practices is MOST important to observe during the operation of'a knapsack sprayer? (A) Spray when there is no wind movement (8) Avoideating, drinkingand smoking (©) Avoid spraying cultivated crops (D) Wear some protective clothing 2017 29, 30. 34. 32. 33. The type of germination where the cotyledons appear above the ground is known as (A) hypogeal (8) multiple (©) osmotic (D) — epigeal Which of the following conditions will increase transpiration rate? (A) — Cool, moist and windy (B) Cool, dry and windy (©) Hot, wet and windy (D) Hot, dry and windy Which of the following strategies may be used by a plant breeder to improve erop quality? (A) Selection and hybridization (B) Mutation and cover eropping (€) Tissue culture and bench terracing (PD) Hybridizationandcontour cropping Seeds are formed from (A) the rupturing of fruit walls (B) _fentilized ovules (C) fertilized ovary (D) mature ovules When a cross is made between parents having a single difference in traits, this is referred to as (A) linkage (B) — dihybrid (©) monohybrid (D) homozygous GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 34, 36 37. -6.- Farmer Derek has a farm on 20 hectares of land, He cultivates vegetables and irrigates his erops with water from a pond in which he rears tilapia and ducks. Which of the following BEST describes this practice? (A) Mixed farming (B) Mixed cropping (©) Plantation system (D) — Monoculture system Which of the following pest control methods are combined in the integrated pest management (IPM) approach? (A) Cultural, biological, medicinal, chemical (B) Cultural, biological, mechanical, chemical (©) Conventional, biological, medicinal, chemical (B) Conventional, biological, mechanical, chemical ‘The use of living organisms to control weeds is a practice known as (A) cultural control (B) chemical control (©) - biological control (D) mechanical control Intheagricultural sector, quarantine usually results in (A) an increase in the quantity of produce due to useful pests (8) areductionin the quality of produce due to pests and diseases (C) the production and spread of disease-causing organisms from one place to another (D) the prevention and control of the spread of disease-causing organisms from one place to another 2017 38. 39, 40. at. Which of the following is encouraged by the use of proper postharvest handling of cut flowers? (A) __ Delay of senescence (B) Physiological disorder (©) Maintenance of quality (D) Prevention of weight loss Spoilage of stored fruits is NOT caused by (A) mechanical damage (B) proper ventilation (©) __ high temperature (D) high humidity Aby-productof the fermentation of sucrose is (A) fructose (B) alcohol (©) lectose (D) water Which of the following: sections of the digestive tract of the rabbit is responsible (A) Duodenum (B) Stomach (©) Caecum (2) Colon GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 42, 43. 44. jem 42 refers to the following diagram showing part ofthe digestive tractof poultry. 46. Which of the parts labelled i, 1 III, IV is the proventriculus? @ 1 ®t © Ww oO Ww In @ non-ruminant animal, gastric juice is 47 produced in the (A) liver (8) ileum (C) stomach (0) duodenum ‘The MAIN mineral found in a bird’s egg shell is 48. (A) iron (B) calcium (C) potassium (D) phosphorus 2017 45. Item 45 refers to the following diagram of an egg, Which two parts of the egg are rich in protein? (A) Land 1ff only (B) Land IV only (©) Mand ttt only (D) and IV only Rations designed primarily forenergy would MOST likely contain (A) urea, broken rice, fish meal (B) coconut meat, urea, citrus meal (C) molasses, rice bran, wheat middling (D) coconut meal, fish meal, wheat middling Which of the following stages of growth in broiler birds would require the highest percentage of protein? (A) 1-3 weeks (B) 3-4 weeks © (D) Food supplied in excess ofthe maintenance need of animals is referred to as (A) development ration (B) reproduction ration (©) maintenance ration (D) production ration GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Eee 49. Concrete floorsin pigpensare gently sloping Item 54 refers to the following diagram to which represents a cross made between two heterozygous animals for coat colour, (A) prevent feed spillage (B) facilitate easy cleaning (C) prevent animals from slipping Te x Tt (D) encourage animals to move around (male) (Female) 50, Whichofthe following would givea farmer precise information on the effectiveness of feed given to brotlers? T represents black coat colour t represents red coat colour 54. What is the ratio of black to red offspring (A) Stage of maturity of birds ae (B) Commercial ration latel (©) The health of the birds jae (A) 22 (D) Feed conversion ratio ie © 40 SI. Which of the following types of roofs is Dyiet MOST suitable for poultry pens? whi robe 55. Debeaking is done in layers mainly to (B) Gable roof (© Flat roof (D) Hip roof 1 reduce the occurrences of cannibalism IL. improve the dressing percentage Nii. improve carcass quality $2. During the actual process of artificial insemination, which of the following is (A) Tonly (8) Land I only hase ae (©) Land tit only (A) Bull (D)t.tand ut (B) Gloves a ae 56. Which of the following is a sign of heat in rabbits? (A) Loss of appetite (B) Swelling of the vulva (C)__ Excessive noise making (D) _Restlessness and nervousness 53. increasingly popular in the Caribbean in recent years because (A) regional goverments have been expanding the service (B) _itensuresthatconception doestake place (©) moretrainedtechniciansare willing to assist (D)__itisa less costly way of upgrading local animals GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2017 38, 29 = Droopiness, blood in faeces and swollen 59. vent in poultry are common symptoms of (A) snufites (B) fowl pox (©) coccidiosis (D) Newcastle disease Which of the following substances is used by honey bees to cement the comb to the 90. frame during honey production? (A) Pollen (B) Propolis (©) Bee bread (P) Royal jelly END OF TEST Which of the following types of bees has a big, broad body, with large compound eyes and no stings? (A) Worker (B) Drone (©) Queen (D) Soldier Which of the following types of feed is given ONLY to layer birds? (A) Starter (8) Grower (C) Finisher (D) Developer IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. - 22017

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