Collision, Subduction and Accretion Events in The Philippines: A Synthesis

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UK

IARThe Island Arc1038-48712003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

122June 2003
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines
G. P. Yumul Jr
et al.
Thematic Article7791BEES SGML

The Island Arc (2003) 12, 77–91

Thematic Article
Collision, subduction and accretion events in the Philippines: A synthesis
Rushurgent Working Group, National Institute of Geological Sciences, College of Science University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (email:, 2Philippine Council for Industry &
Energy Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila,
Philippines and 3UMR 6538 Domaines Oceaniques, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, 6 Avenue le Gorgeu,
BP 809 F-29285 Brest Cedex, France

Abstract The Philippines preserves evidence of the superimposition of tectonic processes

in ancient and present-day collision and subduction zone complexes. The Baguio District
in northern Luzon, the Palawan–Central Philippine region and the Mati–Pujada area
in southeastern Mindanao resulted from events related to subduction polarity reversal
leading to trench initiation, continent-arc collision and autochthonous oceanic lithosphere
emplacement, respectively. Geological data on the Baguio District in Northern Luzon reveal
an Early Miocene trench initiation for the east-dipping Manila Trench. This followed the
Late Oligocene cessation of subduction along the west-dipping proto-East Luzon Trough.
The Manila Trench initiation, which is modeled as a consequence of the counter-clockwise
rotation of Luzon, is attributed to the collision of the Palawan microcontinental block with
the Philippine Mobile Belt. In the course of rotation, Luzon onramped the South China Sea
crust, effectively converting the shear zone that bounded them into a subduction zone.
Several collision-related accretionary complexes (e.g. Romblon, Mindoro) are present in
the Palawan–Central Philippine region. The easternmost collision zone boundary is
located east of the Romblon group of islands. The Early Miocene southwestward shift of
the collision boundary from Romblon to Mindoro started to end by the Pliocene. Continuous
interaction between the Palawan microcontinental block and the Philippine Mobile Belt is
presently taken up again along the collisional boundary east of the Romblon group of
islands. The Mati–Pujada Peninsula area, on the other hand, is underlain by the Upper
Cretaceous Pujada Ophiolite. This supra-subduction zone ophiolite is capped by chert and
pelagic limestones which suggests its derivation from a relatively deep marginal basin. The
Pujada Ophiolite could be a part of a proto-Molucca Sea plate. The re-interpretation of the
geology and tectonic settings of the three areas reaffirm the complex geodynamic evolution
of the Philippine archipelago and addresses some of its perceived geological enigmas.

Key words: accretion, collision, island arc, Luzon, Mindanao, ophiolite, Palawan, Philippines,

INTRODUCTION varying stages of tectonic processes and their cor-

responding results can be observed. The Philip-
The Western Pacific region is a good target to pine island arc system displays tectonic features
study the causes and effects of present-day tec- which, if recognized and understood fully, contrib-
tonic processes. From Japan in the north through ute to our knowledge of how an arc system evolves.
Taiwan all the way to New Zealand in the south, The Philippines is sandwiched between two oppo-
sitely dipping subduction zones which has impor-
*Correspondence. tant effects on magmatic and amagmatic processes
Received 17 May 2002; accepted for publication 9 January 2003. operating in this island arc system. There is no
© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd. active spreading center in the vicinity of the Phil-
78 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.



Fig. 1 Generalized tectonic map of the Philip-

pines and the location of areas (boxed) that exhibit
geological features which represent trench initia-
tion (Baguio), continent-arc collision (Palawan–
Mindoro–Romblon–Masbate) and in situ oceanic
lithosphere emplacement (Mati–Pujada). Map
modified from Rangin et al. (1990). Inset A shows
Northern Luzon and Mindoro that rotated counter-
clockwise and several islands of Central Philip-
pines bounded by dashed lines that rotated clock-
wise due to the collision of the Palawan block with
the Philippine Mobile Belt. Inset B is a schematic
drawing showing the subduction of the South
China Sea lithosphere along the Manila Trench
resulting into the formation of the Central Cordil-
lera volcanic arc observed in Baguio. Inset C
shows the possible migration of collision zones
from east to west. The thrust fault contact between
Mindoro-Romblon and Masbate, based on this
representation, is inferred to be located offshore.
The relationship of the Mati–Pujada area with the
Philippine Fault Zone and the Philippine Trench is
shown in Inset D.

ippines thus, the ongoing subduction processes events that occurred throughout the geological
are responses to regional interplays of geological history of the Philippines have left their imprints,
events (e.g. Rangin et al. 1999a; Simons et al. together with their attendant geological dilemmas.
1999). The unique geological setting of the Philip- With the vigorous interaction of magmatic and
pines and the attendant tectonic processes amagmatic processes and the transitional geologi-
resulted in vigorous magmatism that spans the full cal nature of the Philippines before its accretion to
spectrum of geochemical compositions from adak- a continental mass, it is imperative that the atten-
itic through tholeiitic and calc-alkaline to shosho- dant geological puzzles are unraveled.
nitic rocks (e.g. Maury et al. 1998; Yumul et al. To do this, the results of work on the geology of
2000a). Oceanic bathymetric high (e.g. seamount, three areas, which exemplify arc formation pro-
submerged continental fragments), collision, arc cesses observed in the Philippines, are presented.
flipping, subduction-related rifting and emplace- The geology of the Baguio District is used to doc-
ment of ophiolite and associated mélanges also ument the timing of arc flipping and initiation of
characterize this arc system (e.g. De Jesus et al. subduction in Northern Luzon (Fig. 1b). The
2000; Tamayo et al. 2001; Yumul et al. 2001a,b). different continent-arc collision fronts in the
The various collision, subduction and accretion Palawan–Central Philippine region are evaluated
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 79
(Fig. 1c). It is argued that the Palawan–Central trending, left-lateral strike–slip fault, the Philip-
Philippine collision event was related to the sub- pine Fault Zone, which traverses the whole length
duction polarity reversal in Northern Luzon. of the archipelago (e.g. Allen 1962; Quebral et al.
Lastly, the Pujada Ophiolite in the Mati–Pujada 1996; Aurelio 2000; and references therein; Beavan
Peninsula, Davao Oriental in southeastern Mind- et al. 2001) (Fig. 1). The present-day East Luzon
anao, is discussed in the context of it representing Trough is a rejuvenation of a proto-East Luzon
a single terrane that originated from a proto- Trough. The Pliocene Philippine Trench and the
Molucca Sea (Fig. 1d). The synthesis forwarded Philippine Fault Zone are coupled and considered
here and the corresponding implications hopefully to decrease in age southward (e.g. Fitch 1972;
contribute to our understanding of how the Philip- Roeder 1977). The Philippine island arc system is a
pines evolved. composite terrane that is made up of two major
blocks: the Palawan microcontinental block and
the seismically active Philippine Mobile Belt (e.g.
GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Gervasio 1971; McCabe et al. 1985).
Three areas exemplify the complexities involved
The Philippines is characterized on both sides by in the geological evolution of the Philippines. Evi-
trench systems and a major strike–slip fault zone, dence of arc polarity reversal and trench initiation
which are responsible for accommodating the is found in the Baguio District, Northern Luzon.
stresses generated by the subduction of the sur- The presence of several collision sites and the sub-
rounding marginal basins (e.g. Rangin 1991) sequent results from such events are recognized in
(Fig. 1). The island arc system is bounded on the the Palawan–Central Philippines area. Questions
west by the east-dipping Early Miocene Manila of how many terranes make up an ophiolite and
Trench, Middle Miocene Negros Trench, Early which oceanic basin it came from are encompass-
Miocene to Pliocene Sulu and Cotabato trenches ing issues for the different oceanic lithospheres in
(e.g. Yumul 1994; Rangin et al. 1999b). The Early the Philippines. The Pujada Ophiolite in southeast-
Oligocene to Early Miocene South China Sea sub- ern Mindanao is used here as an example in dis-
ducts along the Manila Trench, the Early to Mid- cussing this. A brief geological background for
dle Miocene Sulu Sea basin dives beneath the each area, based on the geological surveys we con-
Negros and Sulu Trenches, while the Eocene ducted, is presented. From these, new interpreta-
Celebes basin goes down along the Cotabato tions are forwarded which are more consistent
Trench (Fig. 2). The eastern boundary of the archi- with the most recent available information.
pelago is defined by the west-dipping East Luzon
Trough-Philippine Trench along which the Eocene
West Philippine Basin is subducting (e.g. Cardwell BAGUIO DISTRICT, NORTHERN LUZON
et al. 1980). Any stress not accommodated by the
trench systems surrounding the archipelago is The subduction of the South China Sea oceanic
accommodated by the major northwest–southeast lithosphere along the Manila Trench resulted into

Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Holocene

South China Sea
Southeast Sulu Sea
Celebes Sea
West Philippine Basin
East Luzon
Philippine Fault
Fig. 2 Summary of the ages of ocean basins, East Luzon Trough
trenches and faults. See text for discussion. E, Philippine Trench
Transform Fault
early; M, middle; L, late.
80 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.

Fig. 3 (Continued)
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 81

Fig. 3 (a) Geological map of Baguio City and its immediate vicinity. The change during the Miocene from the Zigzag Formation to the Klondyke Formation
represents the transition from a marginal basin to an island arc setting for the area. Mapping was done by the University of the Philippines—National Insti-
tute of Geological Sciences 1991 Geology 170 and 215 classes. See text for details. (b) Geological cross sections showing the presence of Zigzag Formation
clasts in the Atake Creek Basalt. This magmatism is attributed to subduction along the Manila Trench (Section A-A¢). (c) Section B-B¢ shows the relationship
of the Zigzag Formation, Kennon Limestone and Klondyke Formation. This highlights the change from a marginal basin to an island arc setting for the
Baguio District. (d) The basement Pugo Metavolcanics and Dalupirip Schist are intruded by gabbroic to dioritic intrusive bodies (Section C-C¢) generated
by subduction along the Manila Trench. (e) Stratigraphy of Baguio City and vicinity. See text for details.

the intrusion of silicic batholiths and extrusion of Yumul 1995; Bellon & Yumul 2000). The silicic
basaltic lavas in Northern Luzon. This is well rocks, which host the Middle Miocene to Plio-
exposed in the Baguio District, which is floored Pleistocene gold–copper mineralization in the
by an ophiolitic complex, the Pugo Metavolca- district, display island arc geochemical composi-
nics (Yumul & Manjoorsa 1994) (Fig. 3a–c). The tion. The Pugo Metavolcanics is unconformably
geochemistry of the Eocene Pugo Metavolcanics overlain by the Lower Oligocene Zigzag Forma-
volcanic-hypabyssal rocks suggests generation in tion. The Zigzag Formation was deposited in a
a subduction-related marginal basin other than deep marine environment. It includes a monomic-
the Oligo-Miocene South China Sea basin (e.g. tic conglomerate member whose clasts were
82 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.
derived from the Pugo Metavolcanics. The Early geochemical and isotopic age data, made avail-
to Middle Miocene saw the deposition of the ree- able by recent studies in the area, allow the
fal Kennon Limestone. Voluminous intrusions of reconstruction of the geological evolution of the
calc-alkaline batholitic rocks due to subduction Baguio District with more confidence.
along the Manila Trench were emplaced by the
Middle to Late Miocene (e.g. Yumul et al. 1995;
Bellon & Yumul 2000). This was accompanied by
the deposition of the Klondyke Formation, which The Philippines is made up of two major
has a polymictic conglomerate member whose blocks: the aseismic Palawan microcontinental
clasts are dioritic in composition. These clasts block and the seismically active Philippine
represent the eroded materials from the island Mobile Belt. The Palawan microcontinental block,
arc. The change of clast composition from the which was rifted from Mainland Asia (e.g. Hollo-
Zigzag Formation to the Klondyke Formation way 1982), started to collide with the Philippine
coincided with the change in the tectonic setting Mobile Belt during the Early to Middle Miocene
from a subduction-related marginal basin to an (e.g. Karig 1983; Marchadier & Rangin 1990).
island arc system (Fig. 4). 40K–40Ar isotopic dat- This collision resulted in the closure of a part of
ings of extrusive and intrusive rocks, together the South China Sea leading to the emplacement
with paleontological datings of the different sedi- of an ophiolite suite in Mindoro and the rotation
mentary rock formations in the Baguio District, of islands within the vicinity of the indentation
constrain the initiation of subduction of the South (e.g. McCabe et al. 1985; Rangin et al. 1985;
China Sea along the Manila Trench during the Jumawan et al. 1994) (Fig. 1a). With the exist-
Early Miocene (ca 22 Ma) (Bellon & Yumul 2000). ence of several ancient collision sites in the Cen-
In essence, the combined sedimentological, tral Philippines, their relationships with each

Age (Ma) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Pugo Metavolcanics
Formations Kennon
Mirador Klondyke
& Pico


Intrusive Manila Trench-related Proto-East Luzon Trough-related


Waning stage – Proto East Luzon Trough

Early Cessation of spreading – south China Sea
Miocene Age of metamorphism – Dalupirip
Significance Change from strike–slip to trench feature
arc polarity reversal

Setting Island arc Transition Marginal Basin

Fig. 4 Summary of events in the Baguio District. The Early Miocene is an important period in the evolution of Northern Luzon.
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 83
other are still not fully understood. Numerous Geosciences 1982; Faure et al. 1989; Rangin et al.
studies consider Mindoro as the site of collision 1991) (Fig. 5b). The ophiolitic and metamorphic
between the Palawan microcontinental block and rocks in the Romblon group of islands, which are
the Philippine Mobile Belt. Southwest Mindoro is overlain by a pre-Eocene mélange complex, were
mapped to be of continental affinity, whereas interpreted to have formed in a subduction-
northeast Mindoro is of island arc affinity related accretionary complex (Faure et al. 1989).
(Fig. 5a). The boundary between the two blocks For that matter, another ancient collision zone is
is taken to be either a subduction-related fore- exposed in the Busuanga group of islands where
land thrust belt or a region of large-scale strike– Permian–Triassic rocks are exposed (e.g. Zamo-
slip fault zone (Karig 1983; Sarewitz & Karig ras & Matsuoka 2001). The leading edge of the
1986). The metamorphic rocks exposed in the collision zone could actually be located east of the
Romblon group of islands define a metamor- Romblon group of islands and not in Mindoro
phic belt, along with that of Mindoro and Buru- Island. All of the above information, especially
anga Peninsula in Panay (e.g. Bureau of Mines & the existence of different accretionary com-

Early Middle

Late Eocene–
Early Oligocene
Early–late Foreland
Eocene thrust belt

Fig. 5 (a) Geological map of western Mind-

oro as modified from Jumawan et al. (1994).
The reported foreland thrust belt (BMG 1982)
and Mindoro Suture Zone as mapped by Sare-
witz & Karig (1986) are also shown. See text for
details. AOC = Middle Oligocene Amnay Ophi-
olitic Complex. (b) The suture zone between
Sundaland, as exemplified by Palawan and the
Zamboanga Peninsula, and the Philippine
Mobile Belt passes through Mindoro, the Rom-
blon group of islands, Panay and continues all
the way to Zamboanga Peninsula. The metamor-
phic rocks of Mindoro, Romblon group of
islands and Buruanga, Panay define a metamor-
phic belt almost coincident with the suture zone
in those areas.
84 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.
plexes, reveals the complexities involved in the sively exposed in the Pujada Peninsula (Fig. 6a,b).
collision between a microcontinental block and an Cherts, limestones and red pelagic mudstones,
island arc in Central Philippines. belonging to the Iba Formation, cap the pillow
lavas exposed in Mati. Paleontological dating on a
limestone sample (MA-25-2-6) (M. de Leon, ana-
PUJADA OPHIOLITE COMPLEX, DAVAO ORIENTAL, lyst) gave a Late Cretaceous age based on the
MINDANAO presence of Globotruncana sp. The sample also
contains a deep marine faunal assemblage. This is
The Pujada Ophiolite Complex is a complete oce- consistent with the Late Cretaceous (Cenoma-
anic crust–mantle sequence made up of pillow nian–Campanian) age determined as by Quebral
lavas, dyke complex, isotropic to layered gabbros, et al. (1996) based on radiolarians found in the cap-
troctolites and norites, sparse clinopyroxenites, ping chert.
dunites and harzburgites. Pillow lavas are exposed Most of the mafic cumulate rocks from the
together with sheet flows in Mati, whereas the Pujada Ophiolite are fresh. The crystallization
whole sequence of the oceanic lithosphere is exten- order for the gabbros is olivine–plagioclase–


Strike–slip fault

Late Cretaceous–

Late MioCene– Early Cretaceous

Fig. 6 (a) Geological map of Mati–Pujada,

Early Eocene–
Davao Oriental, Mindanao. Inset shows the loca-
Middle Miocene tion of the Pacific Cordillera, Agusan-Davao
Trough, Central Cordillera and the Sindangan–
Cotabato–Daguma Lineament. Mapping was
0 100 Mapped done by the University of the Philippines—
National Institute of Geological Sciences 1998
Geology 170 and 215 classes.
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 85



Pliocene Conglomerate

Late La Union

Late Limestone
Middle Sanghay
Eocene Early Sudlon

Paleocene Clastic Rocks

Iba Bitanagon

Bitaogan Metamorphics
Formation Limestone
Mesozoic Cretaceous Pillow
Pujada Gabbro
Fig. 6 (Continued) (b) Stratigraphic column for the Mati–Pujada area, Early Ophiolite
Davao Oriental, Mindanao. The Pujada Ophiolite is dated at least Upper Cre-
taceous based on paleontological analyses of the overlying Iba Formation. Peridotite
See text for details. Quat., Quaternary.

clinopyroxene and the norites exhibit olivine– exposed in Mati. Lallemand et al. (1998), using
orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–plagioclase order. available focal mechanism solutions in southeast-
Some of the gabbros are altered to amphibolites. ern Mindanao, also concluded that the Halmahera
The dunites and harzburgites exhibit varying terrane does not continue to eastern Mindanao.
stages of serpentinization. Hob-nail texture is very Evidence will be presented later showing that the
apparent among the serpentinized harzburgites. ophiolite actually defines a single terrane which
Anorthosite dykes interacting with dunite resulted could have originated from a proto-Molucca Sea.
in the formation of troctolites. The petrography
and our whole rock and mineral chemistry data are
consistent with the conclusion of Hawkins et al. DISCUSSION
(1985) that the Pujada Ophiolite is a supra-
subduction zone ophiolite.
The volcanic sequence of the ophiolite displays
either island arc or back-arc basin geochemical The Palawan microcontinental block rifted from
affinity (Hawkins et al. 1985). Hawkins et al. (1985) the Asian Mainland during the opening of the
concluded that the Pujada Ophiolite is the north- Early Oligocene to Early Miocene South China
ern extension of Halmahera and that the Agusan– Sea basin. The rifting was immediately followed by
Davao Trough is the site of suturing between the the collision between the Palawan microcontinen-
Pacific (Eastern Mindanao) and the Central Cor- tal block and the Philippine Mobile Belt. This col-
dilleras (Central Mindanao). In contrast, other lision resulted in the rotation of islands north
studies showed that there is no collision zone in the (counter-clockwise) and south (clockwise) of the
Agusan-Davao Trough since areas on both sides of Palawan indenter (e.g. McCabe et al. 1982) (Fig. 1
the basin show similar stratigraphies (Pubellier a). The difference in the morphological trends of
et al. 1996; Quebral et al. 1996). They further noted the Central Philippine islands (northeast-trending
that the collision zone in Mindanao is defined by Panay, Cebu, Bohol, Negros vis-à-vis northwest-
the northwest–southeast trending Saranggani– trending Leyte and Samar) is attributed to this
Cotabato–Daguma Lineament (Fig. 6a) and that collision event (Yumul et al. 2000b). Paleomagnetic
the ophiolitic rocks exposed in the Pujada Penin- study of Marinduque Island, north of the collision
sula is not correlatable with the volcanic rocks zone, registered a counter-clockwise rotation (e.g.
86 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.
McCabe et al. 1987). The whole of Luzon Island is ANATOMY OF AN ‘ACCORDION-TYPE’ COLLISION ZONE
also reported to have rotated at least 20∞ counter-
clockwise during the Miocene consistent with the The Palawan–Central Philippines collision zone
collision event. The Philippines was translated has been the subject of several studies and specu-
north-northwestward from the south along large- lations since there is no general agreement on
scale, bounding shear zones (e.g. Rangin et al. where and how the collision occurred (e.g. Pineda
1990; Hall 1996, 2002; Sibuet et al. 2002). In the & Aurelio 1992). The reported foreland thrust belt
course of the translation, the Central Philippine in southwest Mindoro is believed to correspond to
portion collided with the Palawan microcontinental the suture zone between the Palawan microconti-
block during the Early Miocene. The collision nental block and the Philippine Mobile Belt (e.g.
resulted in a dramatic and far-reaching effect in Karig 1983; Rangin et al. 1985) (Fig. 5a). This fore-
Northern Luzon in terms of arc flipping, trench land thrust belt is also taken as the onshore exten-
initiation and magmatism. sion of the Manila Trench (e.g. Marchadier &
The Paleogene magmatism in Northern Luzon Rangin 1990). Karig’s (1983) model also calls for
is exemplified by the Sierra Madre magmatic arc, the oceanic leading edge of the Palawan microcon-
which is exposed along the eastern side of the tinental block to have subducted beneath north-
island (Fig. 1). This Paleogene magmatic arc is east Mindoro until the actual continent-arc
believed to have formed due to the subduction of collision. However, a detailed structural and strati-
the Philippine Sea Plate along the proto-East graphic study of the island found no foreland
Luzon Trough. This is consistent with the exist- thrust belt in southwest Mindoro (Sarewitz &
ence of a well-developed ancient accretionary Karig 1986). Instead, the juxtapositioning of the
prism which cannot be attributed to the rejuve- continental and island arc blocks in Mindoro was
nated, present-day East Luzon Trough. The Late interpreted to be related to large-scale transpres-
Oligocene saw the waning stage of magmatism sional faults. Sarewitz & Karig (1986) concluded
related to the proto-East Luzon Trough (Bellon & that the whole of southern Mindoro is part of the
Yumul 2000). Several models, mostly involving col- Palawan microcontinental block. On the other
lision of Luzon with an oceanic bathymetric high hand, other workers opined that the site of colli-
coming from the east (Benham Rise) or southeast sion might actually be located offshore east of Min-
(Bicol Arc), were proposed to explain the change in doro island (e.g. Bird et al. 1993). Interpretation of
subduction polarity from east to west. However, gravity and magnetic data suggests that the colli-
these models cannot explain all the temporal and sion boundary is located east of the Romblon
spatial constraints provided by the available geo- group of islands (Pineda & Aurelio 1992).
logical data. Our work in Mindoro dealt with the mapping
On the other hand, arc flipping can be of the different ophiolite complexes and their
explained by the collision of Palawan with Cen- associated metamorphic rocks and mélange
tral Philippines during the Early Miocene. As a units. Three suites of ultramafic-mafic com-
result of this indentation, Luzon underwent an plexes, possibly representing different suture
Early to Middle Miocene 20∞ counter-clockwise zones, were recognized (Yumul et al. 1997)
rotation (McCabe et al. 1987). This counter- (Fig. 7a). In Puerto Galera, northeast Mindoro,
clockwise rotation led to the onramping of Luzon harzburgites on top of amphibolites were
atop the South China Sea Plate, as well as the mapped as part of a collision zone (Fig. 7a,
conversion of the bounding shear zone west of Suture 1). These rocks are also associated with a
Luzon into a subduction zone, the Manila Trench. broken formation made up of harzburgite clasts
The Early Miocene Manila Trench initiation is in enclosed in serpentinized matrix. The amphibo-
agreement with the Late Oligocene cessation of lites are interpreted as part of the metamorphic
magmatism attributed to the waning of the sole formed due to the emplacement of the
proto-East Luzon Trough. The implication of this harzburgites in a subduction-related setting. In
model is that the Palawan–Central Philippines Bongabong, Central Mindoro, harzburgites
collision event is actually the cause of the initia- onramped on top of an amphibolite, which grades
tion and formation of the Manila Trench. This is into greenschist and phyllites and ultimately into
in contrast to previous models, which suggest the sedimentary and volcanic rock protoliths,
that the collision event was an accompanying have been encountered. This sequence is consid-
result due to the subduction of the South China ered part of the Lower Cretaceous Mangyan
Sea along the Manila Trench. Ophiolite (Hashimoto 1981) and is believed to
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 87
The geology of the Palawan–Central Philippines
a collision zone shows the presence of several accre-
tionary complexes. Aside from what is observed in
Mindoro, the collision zone in the Busuanga group
of islands exposes Permian to Triassic sediments
and has been extensively studied (e.g. Tumanda
1994; Zamoras & Matsuoka 2001). The rock for-
mations in the Romblon group of islands are also
associated with collision-related accretionary pro-
cesses. The disposition of the ultramafic and meta-
morphic rocks in the Romblon group of islands
resulted from a southward thrusting event related
to subduction along the Southeast China margin
during the pre-Eocene times (Faure et al. 1989).
These metamorphic rocks (e.g. marbles, metased-
iments), together with the metamorphic rocks of
Mindoro and Buruanga Peninsula in Panay, define
the easternmost zone of the Palawan–Central
Philippine collision zone (Fig. 5b). The geological
setting suggests a collisional boundary farther
east of Mindoro which, based on geophysical
results, must be between the Romblon group of
islands and the Philippine Mobile Belt. Such a set-
ting highlights two things. First, there are several
Middle Miocene–Pliocene
collision zones involving various fragments of oce-
anic lithospheres and metamorphic rocks within
the Palawan–Central Philippines. Second,
although the temporal and spatial relationships of
the various collision zones are not yet fully known
and understood, there appears to be an initial
southwestward migration of collision from Rom-
Fig. 7 (a) Map showing the different suture zones involved in the col-
lision of the Palawan-Philippine Mobile Belt. Ancient accretionary com-
blon towards southwest Mindoro. The collision in
plexes (Romblon, Bongabong, Busuanga) are also shown. (b) Inset shows Mindoro (Fig. 7a, Suture 2) was completed during
the migration of the collision fronts. At T1 (Early Miocene), the Puerto Gal- the Pliocene due to the consumption of the leading
era ultramafic rocks—broken formation together with the Romblon oceanic plate and arrival of the Palawan microcon-
ancient accretionary complex were emplaced during the suturing with
Central Philippines (i.e. Masbate). Southwestward migration (T2) resulted
tinental block (Karig 1983). Limited southwest-
into the emplacement of the Amnay Ophiolitic Complex during the Middle ward migration of the collision front followed the
Miocene. This suturing event was completed by the Pliocene. Continuous suturing event that emplaced the Amnay Ophi-
interaction (T3) between Palawan and the Philippine Mobile Belt resulted olitic Complex (Fig. 7a, Present suture). Nonethe-
in a limited southwestward migration of the collision front. Ultimately, the
excess stress will be accommodated east of Romblon marking the shift in
less, with the continuous compressional regime
the locus of collision front. All sections are drawn on a northeast–south- due to the northwestward motion of the Philippine
west reference line based on present geographic setting. Sea Plate, the excess stress in the Palawan–
Philippine Mobile Belt collision front is now actu-
ally being accommodated along the structural
represent an ancient collision zone not related to boundary (Fig. 7a,b, Suture 1) east of the Rom-
the collision event in Central Philippines. In blon group of islands. The Early Miocene
southwest Mindoro, the Middle Oligocene Amnay southwest migration of the Palawan—Central
Ophiolitic Complex was interpreted to be part of Philippine collision zone, through the Pliocene ter-
an emplaced South China Sea oceanic crust (e.g. mination in Mindoro, all the way to the proposed
Rangin et al. 1985; Jumawan et al. 1994) (Fig. 7a, present-day northeastward shift and accommoda-
Suture 2). Continuous interaction between Pala- tion of stress east of Romblon mimics the long-
wan and Central Philippines led to the south- term retreat and forward motion (‘accordion-
westward migration of the collision front (Fig. 7a, type’) of a subduction-related collision zone
Present suture). complex (Fig. 7b).
88 G. P. Yumul Jr et al.
PUJADA OPHIOLITE COMPLEX: AN AUTOCHTHONOUS, Sigaboy Formation in the Peninsula consists of
SINGLE TERRANE OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE clasts that were derived from the ultramafic rock
section of the Pujada Ophiolite. Thus, the conten-
Previous works concluded that the exposed Pujada tion that the two formations indicate the presence
Ophiolite in the Pujada Peninsula is not related to of two terranes is not necessarily correct. The
the volcanic–sedimentary rock sequence exposed Sanghay and Sigaboy Formations could represent
in Mati (Fig. 6a,b). Hawkins et al. (1985) reported the results of the continuous uplift and unroofing
the presence of juxtaposed volcanic rocks of island of the ophiolite. The difference in clast composi-
arc tholeiite compositions, exposed in the Mati tions was a function of the provenance of the
area, and back-arc basin basalts in the Pujada clasts rather than on the presence of two distinct
Peninsula. Structural data also revealed that the terranes.
Peninsula is characterized by east-verging thrust If the Pujada Ophiolite represents a single ter-
faults, whereas deposits in the Mati area record rane, where did it originate? Previous works have
west-verging thrust faults (Quebral et al. 1996). correlated eastern Mindanao (Pacific Cordillera)
Unpublished works by the regional office of the with Halmahera to the south. This suggests that
Philippine Bureau of Mines and Geosciences con- the Pujada Ophiolite is related to Halmahera. The
sidered the Pujada Ophiolite as Eocene. The Upper Cretaceous Pujada Ophiolite could not be a
Upper Cretaceous Iba Formation, which is exten- fragment of the present-day Philippine Sea Plate
sively exposed in the Mati area, was not consid- on the basis of its geological setting (Pubellier
ered as the corresponding carapace of the ophiolite et al. 1996). It is possible that the Pujada Ophiolite
sequence (Fig. 6b). Lastly, the perceived difference may represent part of a proto-Molucca Sea (Bader
in the overlying sediment formations (i.e. Sigaboy et al. 1999; Pubellier et al. 1999). This makes
Formation) of the Pujada Ophiolite exposed in the the Pujada Ophiolite an autochthonous oceanic
Peninsula and those sediments (i.e. Sanghay For- lithosphere.
mation) capping the volcanic rocks exposed in the
Mati area can give the impression that the two
areas (Pujada Peninsula and Mati) are not geolog- CONCLUSIONS
ically related to each other and that they might
define two distinct terranes. Regional mapping of three areas in the Philippines
By contrast, our field mapping shows that the allowed reinterpretation of their geology. The
Pujada Ophiolite is a single terrane that encom- Early Miocene saw the collision of the Palawan
passes both the rocks exposed in Mati and the microcontinental block with the Central Philip-
Pujada Peninsula. The presence of norite within pines. This event resulted in the clockwise and
the mafic cumulate sequence exposed in the Pen- counter-clockwise rotation of islands south and
insula, which shows pyroxene crystallizing ahead north, respectively, of the collision zone. The
of plagioclase, is indicative of an arc environment. resulting counter-clockwise rotation of Luzon con-
This arc-related mafic cumulate sequence occurs verted the shear zone bounding the western side of
together with back-arc basin basalts. On the other this island into the Manila Trench. The Manila
hand, the volcanic rocks in Mati show both island Trench initiation occurred during the waning stage
arc and ocean-floor basalt whole rock geochemical of subduction along the proto-East Luzon Trough.
characteristics. The whole Pujada Ophiolite, as With regards to the site of collision between the
mentioned before, is classifiable as a supra- Palawan microcontinental block and the Philippine
subduction zone ophiolite. It originated from a rel- Mobile Belt, the geology of the region suggests
atively deep subduction-related marginal basin that the leading edge of the collision zone is pres-
based on the capping chert and pelagic limestones. ently located east of the Romblon group of islands.
The observed difference in the thrusting direc- This is consistent with the tectonic setting and dis-
tions of the northern and southern portions of the tribution of metamorphic rocks in Mindoro, Rom-
ophiolite could be related to postemplacement blon and Buruanga Peninsula, Panay. The geology
movements. Our work shows the preponderance of of the region preserves evidence of an Early
west-verging thrust faults from Mati to the Pujada Miocene southwestward shift followed by a
Peninsula compared to east-verging structures. In rebound characterized by the present-day north-
terms of the sedimentary cover, the Sanghay For- eastward migration of the collision front. For the
mation as exposed in Mati contains chert, lime- Pujada Ophiolite, it is a single terrane consisting of
stone, clastic rock, basalt, and gabbro clasts. The volcanic rocks and sedimentary carapace in Mati
Collision, subduction, accretion in the Philippines 89
and the mafic-ultramafic rock suite in the Pujada ics and Philippine Sea plate motion. Geochemistry,
Peninsula. This exposed autochthonous oceanic Geophysics, Geosystems 2, 2000GC000100.
lithosphere, of supra-subduction zone geochemical BELLON H. & YUMUL G. P. Jr. 2000. Mio-Pliocene mag-
affinity, was likely derived from a proto-Molucca matism in the Baguio Mining District (Philippines):
Sea. Clearly, the three areas succinctly manifest clues to its mineralization and geodynamic setting.
Comptes Rendus de l’Academie Des Sciences de
the complex interplay of geological factors
Paris, Science de la Terre et Des Planetes 331, 1–8.
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accretion in an island arc setting. C. 1993. Mindoro: a rifted microcontinent in collision
with the Philippine island arc; basin evolution and
hydrocarbon potential. Journal of Southeast Asian
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Earth Sciences 8, 449–68.
The results presented here are products of several ogy and Mineral Resources of the Philippines,
summer field camps with the undergraduate and vol. 1. Philippine Ministry of Natural Resources,
graduate students of the University of the Philip- Manila.
pines—National Institute of Geological Sciences CARDWELL R. K., ISACKS B. L. & KARIG D. E. 1980.
(UP-NIGS). Partial financial support came from a The spatial distribution of earthquakes, focal mech-
UP-NIGS Research Grant (Petrology of Philippine anism solutions and subducted lithosphere in the
Ophiolites) and a Lepanto Consolidated Professo- Philippines and northern Indonesian regions. In
Hayes D. E. (ed.). The Tectonic and Geologic Evolu-
rial Chair in Geology grant to GPY. Additional
tion of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands Part 1,
funding support from the UP-Office of Research
pp. 1–35. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical
Coordination (Baguio Project) and the Depart- Monograph 23, American Geophysical Union, Wash-
ment of Science and Technology (Mindoro, Mati– ington, DC.
Pujada Projects) are acknowledged. GPY would DE JESUS J. V., YUMUL G. P. Jr & FAUSTINO D. V. 2000.
like to thank Professor Shoji Arai for the invitation The Cansiwang Mélange of Southeast Bohol (Central
to attend and to present a paper in the interna- Philippines): origin and tectonic implications. The
tional meeting on the Tectonics of the Circum Island Arc 9, 565–83.
Japan Sea and vicinity held at the Kanazawa Uni- FAURE M., MARCHADIER Y. & RANGIN C. 1989. Pre-
versity. Field traverses, laboratory works and dis- Eocene synmetamorphic structure in the Mindoro-
cussions were made easy and fruitful by H. Bellon, Romblon-Palawan area, West Philippines and impli-
F. T. Jumawan, E. J. Marquez, K. L. Queaño, D. V. cations for the history of Southeast Asia. Tectonics 8,
Faustino, J. V. De Jesus, N. T. Ramos and other
FITCH T. J. 1972. Plate convergence, transcurrent faults
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Group. Constructive comments made by Professor and the western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical
Eiichi Honza and Dr Manuel Pubellier on an ear- Research 77, 4432–60.
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