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Pronouns – We and Us – Worksheet 2

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1.  If (we, us) are going to the store, we need to be sure that we have enough money.
2.  (We, Us) will have a party for Mrs. Mason.
3.  Jan can't go with (we, us) because she is sick.
4.  Sally said her brother would tell (we, us) about his pet snake.
5.  (We, Us) got sand in our shoes at the beach.
6.  (We, Us) don't have any red apples.
7.  Miss Underwood told (we, us) the story about the fox and the grapes.
8.  Our teacher spoke to (we, us) about doing our best work.
9.  I like it when (we, us) go outside.
10.  They won't give (we, us) the ball.
11.  Would you like to play cards with (we, us)?
12.  (We, Us) could hear the click of the horse's hooves.
13.  Our teacher told (we, us) to stop writing.
14.  (We, Us) don't have enough desks for all the children.
15.  (We, Us) will wait for the bus at the end of our street.
16.  They said they'd play with (we, us).
17.  It is very dry here because (we, us) have had no rain.
18.  Our football coach told (we, us) to get plenty of sleep.
19.  (We, Us) sat in the grass and watched butterflies land on the flowers.
20.  Thank your mother for going with (we, us).

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